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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 8, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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she is slowly elected very close by common. he sits on to play with a large tires basically. but look in my privacy, let me know. thanks royal. i can also offer somebody valley equal, resorted in, gone to the israel as prime minister says that dates has been set for ground operation and rest . that's just us. the latest round of ceasefire tools come to an end income the carry, johnson. this is, i'll just hear a lot from the whole set coming out of spinning hands were tied into the homes. in con eunice in garza find on the bodies and rubble. bestbuy is rarely for 6 click. a rock or a takes gemini, to quote,
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argue and get supplied weapons to israel announced to aging under fencing genocide . thus, with knives looking into space as a solar eclipse suites across north america dazzling astronomers and stone cases, the negotiations over potential sea spot and gauze. a rep shopping cart with some cautious optimism coming out in the often lock box. at the same time, israel's prime minister says, a date has been set these ministries, ground operation in rafter in southern gaza. this is the today i received a detailed report on the talks in kyra, we are working all the time to achieve our goals, which includes the release of all of our hostages and achieving complete victory over from us. this victor requires entry into rough uh, and the elimination of the terribly guides that it will happen. there is
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a date. meanwhile, washington has already weighed in, criticizing israel's plans full scale ground invasion. or rather, we have made clear to israel that we think a full scale military invasion of ross of would have an enormously harmful effect on those civilians. and that it would ultimately hurt israel security. so it's not just a question of israel presenting a plan to us. we have made clear then that we think that there is a better way to achieve what is a legitimate goal by spring and void settings now and occupied east jerusalem. so rory benjamin netanyahu a payment to be putting pressure on the talks with his comments about rest what he's trying to put pressure on the thoughts, but also he's on the significant pressure himself. he's under huge amounts of international pressure, much nice place in the united states. which has had a much closer hand in the steering of these negotiations. and it has done in
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previous rounds. he's also under massive domestic pressure to the domestic pressure from a protest movement that once him out of office and pressure from the far right flanks of his own governing coalition and members of his own party as well. who are very, very n c, a deal that they think might be against israel's best interest at the far right. the length of his coalition have said that they are a, she goes toll p though the government, if it signs up to something, they don't agree with. they have coals for a special meeting, all of a competent grouping tomorrow, where they're going to discuss that. and they are going to carry on pushing that pressure on benjamin netanyahu. a lot of the conversation about this deal is pete about the fine points of it's about who is going to be released from is where the prisons about how many civilians are going to be allowed, nor to the full homes in the north of casa. but essentially what it boils down to it, the positions of israel, i'm how much is still very,
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very far apart with israel, saying that it wants to carry on the wall and mount that incursion into the right foot. and i must say that any 2 would have to be the end of the war and an eviction all of these readings from casa. and it's difficult to see at the moment how any data is going to meet those 2 positions together, a white chance, thanks. so much indeed. so that's the pallet total solar eclipse is currently sweeping across north america. millions of people across the u. s. mexico and canada will be able to see the moon blocked the sun and some places the total eclipse last more than 4 minutes. so this will also be using the eclipse to conduct experiments to learn more about our closest stop. while john engine is in the indianapolis, which is just about to experience to kind of, to be understand,
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don't take us to what's happening the around you as well. there's just a crescent left of the sun. we heard an announcement that are to be about let me 2 minutes and it's a shadow. here's a nearby bloomington, indiana. that's what i was just drove over my shoulder. and so people are very excited, but no, this is going to happen very quickly. so let me just take a moment to ask one or 2 people, what it is that they're here for and what they're seeing. kirk, can i ask you, what are you looking at? what are you seeing? how excited are you? i'm very excited. never seen a complete total solar eclipse before. and this will probably be the only chance i'll ever get, so i'm looking forward the totality. scene nighttime in middle of the day. and you're an amateur astronomers, so there's a big deal for you. it's a huge deal. probably one of the biggest deals my life. very exciting. let me see if your daughter is willing to speak to us as well. can we ask you, what do you think? i mean, if you ever is i wouldn't look up like, what do you think of what you're saying?
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it's remarkable. i mean, you know, you see lunar eclipse is a lot more commonly, but something like this. again, it's once in a lifetime, i hope to see it again in my lifetime, but it's remarkable. it's a very important day and wherever we're headed to and let me ask you, you work here, butler, what do you do? other detect, talk you learn any time. there's a spectacle to be seen that it's incredible. so getting the theme and the moment, here's some beads around the main street. thank you for talking to us and right now as we speak, what we're seeing is a diamond ring effect, where there's a bright spark of life just before 10 channels of the sun has disappeared. and this thing is on average, in anyone's fat, once every 3000 years, i'm just going to let you enjoy this moment the
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that star and the lower right is the the and so we can hear the crowd. he's damaged so many people with disabilities are going to the last time experience it is, i mean, i, i have been with this is myself and most of the people here i haven't talked to, haven't witnessed it. you've been near them and roofing, and hollering, i talked to a couple of the women from california, and they said they would probably not live to witness another one. so there's an enormous amount of excitement around what we're told is about 3 minutes and 30 seconds of a complete solar eclipse here. now we can see it on the screens here, but it's an easy experience that you see in the open, i think. where was it just or inspiring to each
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while there was a silvery light. now it seems like suddenly darkness has descended and it's so complete. the birds begin to nest. insects begin to perform their nightly rituals of fools, mother nature, and just thinking it's night time for a very brief time. so you can imagine why thousands of years ago was terrifying to people to see this. now that we understand that it's simply an astronaut michel phenomenon that happens every once in a while. the fear is sitting there with the hall or we can hear what sounds pretty much like a policy. and you can see it is um i don't actually need these glasses anymore during totality, but everybody's got them just to be safe. but yeah it's, it's an incredible party atmosphere. people are celebrating, they're out here,
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their food. they've brought their families and people to come from thousands of kilometers away in order to enjoy this festive celebratory moment. and it's been going on all day. and when it's over, they're going to be checking out of their overpriced hotels that are priced for this very event. because, you know, due to talent is only about a 160 kilometers wide. and then they're going to be climbing in their cars and getting back on the crowded highways and it will take them hours to drive. but normally don't take much less time in order to get back home. jake's places close to here like chicago, minneapolis, milwaukee, other cities not terribly far away from the people that you've been speaking to. that. why does that seem to capture the imagination? who much tickets with? is you something freaky about seeing the sun simply disappear in the middle of
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a day and it's, you know, it's, it's because of this odd phenomena where the sun is about 400 times farther away than the moon to the moons of it. i'm sure this is this under the 400 times the size of the moon, but the moon is about 400 times closer. and so that makes it just so that the moon can sort of tap out the light of the site. and what we're hearing here is that that diamond effect is come back. this is the reverse of what we saw earlier, where you see a glimmer of light around that circle. so when this does, it impacts the lease, then presumably and that will take about an hour away a minute for forgive me, john. yet do people start to move away? oh, i can see you getting right to already go said that it is a to putting in a matter of seconds. my camera man is going crazy trying to keep up with a lighting here. i think we didn't turn on a light because we didn't want to destroy the experience for people here,
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but it is just freakishly fast. how soon this i'm stage away and then comes right back. and this whole process, and what have been an eclipse in the samsung reappearing will take another half hour and 20 minutes and yes is usually by then. probably a lot of these people will be well on their way home. okay, and so we're going to leave it there. tremendous stuff. thanks very much indeed for that. thank you. we're gonna stay with this. so chris is distinguished professor of astronomy at the university of arizona who joins us from austin. welcome to the program. so what does this been like for you? i mean, you're an expert in the strongly be but, but do you still feel that excitement yourself? oh absolutely, it's my, there's my 7th class, which is not a huge number for astronomers,
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but it's more than the average person and it doesn't get all, it's a visceral experience cuz you know, it's a very spectacular change in the mid day situations for this sort of bird to be so dark that you would need a flashlight to walk around and to be so quiet and stunned silence by all the observer. so yeah, it's spectacular. even for a professional strong, i'm what can scientists then actually then from this, then i understand there are experiments that i've been taking place as we speak. well yes, because of the perfect all taishan, the lot of mount design, you can see the parts of the sun that normally really long winded by the radiation from the desk. so the corona and the chrome sphere, the outer products and even to the i just 10 minutes ago, but not just the diamond ring, but there was a prominent and so like a ruby ring, a very red patch at 5 o'clock on the eclipse. and that's a prominence of asylum. the atmospheric experiments with rockets and plains are,
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are studying that prominence. that's high. i have to be able to solve a sounds whether i got, was this a self to remind us of, somebody's just how small we all when it, when it comes to the so tenants in workings of the universe it is. we're very small in a huge amount of space, but we're also very lucky because this coincidence this, that the 2 objects that are 400 times different inside. it just has to be $400.00 times different. the distance is wouldn't happen this way because the moon is very slowly moving away from the are just as the earth is very slowly, slowing down on the day line today. there won't be eclipse is, you know, we should enjoy it while we can, because in half a 1000000000 years of the years there won't be anymore courses. i understand that even the animals behave differently during, during this mean not the tunnel creatures like that. so now sort of way tough and start looking for praise. that is that the case like we saw that as 2030 minutes ago, the bird started looking to be roosting and we have bass here in texas. and so they
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were bass flying around that would normally not come out until dusk, so they were confused their, their trigger was set by the darkness. so yes, animals definitely get very confused. what is the fascination of this thing that grips the soul so much? well, throughout history it has, it had an enormous effect. there were times in an ancient greek times when the quote, when the observation of eclipse, not yet understood by humans, cause battles to be changed in the course of history to be changed. so through history it's an enormous impact, and of course it's always been mysterious until we knew the layout of the solar system at all times, copernicus and galileo. i'm looking ahead, i mean, if you've missed it this time, it will, you have quite a long time to wait until the next one. well, it depends how well healed you are. i mean, in north america, you'd have to 2044. that's quite a ways. but there's a solar eclipse somewhere on the, on the or surface pretty much every year. so you can see these maps and gutter
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space like center. so that clips side. and so you have the means, you can reposition yourselves around the or, and find the location. and you can see one next year of the year after if you want . okay, we'll leave it the same service a lot. so that's it, chris, mt. thank you. the pleasure of these say this eclipse has been sweeping across the north american. we're gonna have a look at some more pictures of this now and does. we've just been seeing millions of people across the canada and mexico. the us had been seeing the moon block the sun, and when some places eclipses last and more than full minutes, scientists have been conducting experiments as well that we can see houses of people in each area have been waiting for a long time to see this. and experience what has been many a once in a lifetime, experience and something that's been quite for expiring for them as well.
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okay, well still a heads all out. is there any 100 people out there in northern mozambique cause escape a kind of a break. we'll have to do the, these are the most on the drum is they used to march 3 d o t before dawn box with an increase is right. the ministry presidency. it's too dangerous. as daylight arrives, costing begins instead of traditional decorations, the streets of cods, images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces. it's not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies and tourists will or is the city often defies the seasonal suite. use of the law on the street box right now. look,
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it's easy to move around the see the difference in the warren go to change the situation and not listen. we have 70 percent more business people here say the higher the month is even more significant. this year, a foster emphasize with those hungry and suffering in casa, on counting, the costs to india is economy is on the vines for the nations $12.00 gap as whitening us as spending millions of dollars to clean up its industrial facilities . costs millions of uses around the world will now have to buy microsoft office without counting the cost on out as the era the see without just there are mazda of i headlines now. people across north america
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right drawing a rest spectacle and total a partial solar eclipse, depending on whether your hops, the positive to tennessee, guys from mexico on the way to canada, giving scientists to study boxes, stuff like this round of gauze, se spots water has ended in egypt swift from us down saying any reports of progress he's rarely prime minister says he's received the details updates on the tools. he also confirm. dates sent me to enter the southern guns that is ready. all totally fine has killed at least 8 palestinians. and con eunice people were targeted size. they were turned to what's left of the items to search for any belongings. most is where the troops have withdrawn from the area. some palestinians have hoped they might have homes to a turn to, but there's almost nothing left standing hunting. mach moved in. rafa has more on those. returning to the devastated homes for some of the 1st palestinians to go
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back to han. eunice, there isn't much recognizable left one's home to around half a 1000000 people. the city in the south of garza has been flattened by israel's military. the city looks heartbreaking. it's unbelievable. what do you expect this kate of destruction? there isn't a house without a martyr, wounded or destroyed. words can describe it's made of the people who have been living in tents or in the open for months on end. we're hoping there might be some way to start rebuilding their life. you know, in fact, given that we came to see what happened to the house, but there wasn't any houses here. it's just rubble. that's how we kinda leave here . animals, cotton leave you. so how's that person supposed to? the destruction is unreal. israel's military announce on sunday, has withdrawn troops from han, eunice cit,
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wraps up the key phase and it's bad all the time. us drilled levels now are some of the lowest levels in gaza since the war began. 6 months ago, but there are still reminders that this is still a war zone. rebuilding con eunice will take many, many years to visit row allows and for the 1000000 and a half people sell during here and drop off the breadth of and is really grand invasion remains mode. that'll just be a rough box in southern dogs and some a deliveries have rates, hospitals in north going over the weekend, bringing desperately needed medical supplies. the doctors that come out as well and hospitals say the shipments so just a jump in the ocean compared to what's needed. and also initially the v arrival of a shipment of medicines yesterday is not enough compared to the urgent needs of citizens due to the high rates of mt nutrition among them along with the shortage of some food and medicines for these children whom you can see in the background
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behind me in the children's mastery, the most of the children come into the hospital with malnutrition, especially punctual babies due to the amount nutrition of the mother. and that affects the mother and of the patients. and this is the destiny done. i'm not only suffering because of her, but also because of all the children, every child is suffering from malnutrition and every day we lose 5 or 10 children, but it's not just the young children, men, the elderly. all of them have become ill due to the lack of nutrition because it has been destroyed, life and gaza has been destroyed. no one can find enough food or water. nicaragua has asp. international court of justice and the have to order germany to stop subsiding is route with weapons immediately. germany is the 2nd largest arms exported to israel off the united states because of these that germany is complicit . tinmore the i, c. j has already ruled is a plausible case of genocide taking place and got it set by some reports,
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not from the ag for 2 hours. nicaragua laid out its gaze against germany. you see fit. these are things open, accusing it of facilitating genocide, a to use on from the hollow cost. germany emphasizes that who assistant to israel, who said that some of the time because of that he started with treating the jewish people, did not seem to regina. that is an understandable in lauderhill policy if it were addressed to the jewish people. these really states in particularly expressing government should not be confused to think equate that with a jewish people. sort of 1st time 2 countries appeared at the international court of justice which are directly involved in the atrocities at stake. but nicaragua argues germany is in directly involved by sending arms and ammunition used against civilians and gaza. german weapons exports to israel have increased tenfold to $323000000.00 in 2023 from $32000000.00. the before
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research institute forensic architecture has document that the recent sales of torpedoes tank, ammunition and engines for military equipment and the lease of so called error on drones. german companies involved in the military industry, directly profiting from the situation as they have seen their share prizes price since 7 october in his book, white washing and state building. danielle murph, yes, key writes that germany's post for military and financial support for israel has mainly been about germany's own. we have lead station, the beginning. the relationship has nothing to do with morality and a lot to do with pragmatism. also on the strategies side, which side of a has changed. so today i would say that there is stuff like immortal that i mention to the german supports, but it's not only more than nothing has ever only mario. this case is seen as
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a test for international justice kind of country that is not directly committing atrocities the house was possible for facilitating the adults course. recently, rules that country selling weapons of bond by international treaties, meaning that these weapons can be sold if there's a risk of human at terry and international law. the finally to let me get osler argues that this is the case in gaza. germany has dismissed need to have glass allegations. so many does not and never did violate the genocide convention nor international humanitarian law or that directly no in directly. she said she would give more details during germany's defense on tuesday when it has it stood before the court stepped fast and l. u sierra. they, a pot of steins bits for full membership by the not to nations has been with the to a security council committee. the 15 member committee on new members is set to meet to discuss the application. gabriel. as on the photo developments un,
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this is only the 2nd time that palestine has gotten this far in their long sought after requests to become a full member of the united nation. so just on that regard, it certainly significant there just one step away really from this going to the general assembly. and if the general assembly voted, yeah, with 2 thirds of the $193.00 members in favor, palestine would then become a full member of the un and its belief that palestine has those votes in the general assembly without question. the issue is, according to the un charter, it's 1st has to be recommended by the 15 members of the security council. and as we know, the 5 permanent members have veto power over this. so the big question is, is, will the us veto power stein's latest request to become a full un member?
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and if they do, then it wouldn't even go to the general assembly. and that's essentially what happened in 2011. the us didn't veto, but they threatened, did you do veto and that was enough to essentially just kill the application if you will, at that point to northern mozambique. now we're at least 98 people. many of them children have died off to make shift very sing for a 130 people are on board a converted fishing. but when it went down to the province on sunday, authorities say the vessel was not suitable for carrying passengers by survive as had been rescued. the dozens are missing. many of the victims were trying to escape a cholera outbreak in the present. b. alicio, the silver from the equate newspapers says the number of people fleeing is partly driven by misinformation the most the most certainly i've seen the most that the, there is a fortune call it and they put me in. it's so big, it's making,
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bring it to my to find them in the community and the way people, most of them are, i run away from the community. they are leaving that house even they need base things and run away from anyway they some that you say there was a car that sort of give you. i think it's i saw in the field a need to, to meet local colleagues. i be stopping in fantasy or from they can meet this, i do them that the they import, import the it's the expanding call in the communities. so it is making for my final is a the we advocate on it, but it's not that i use. so i think people see that even with these beside of them that mean, yeah, i think one of the is being disputed. we did it by the bar and i'll be bringing you more news about 30 minutes, including the ongoing coverage of the solar eclipse that his currently sweeping
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across north america. we just witness the moments total eclipse. hit indianapolis, indiana. it's not going to, it's kind of counting, the cost is up next step of the the hello, the wall and started. so i continued to close the gate pots of central and eastern europe. and so many more cloud that been rolling in from the west, outbreaks of cloud and rain, already flashing that heat. now to the way is when we do with the coming in this, this area of light pressure just pushes in from the atlantic. that will bring some knowledge about whether across things and wells pushing up into scotsman process because coming back in behind, across the island and moving on and where by the coming in the course, a good positive products easing over towards belgium. notice some websites and some
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winfrey weather, little bit of snow that coming back in across the owls avalanche risk will be enhanced as a result of that fusion i was down to what was the se fine weather for many warm sunshine, 25 to every morsel. still unsettled across the good possible scandinavia, and that's going to be the case as we go $13.00, wednesday more outbreaks of rain up towards the north west. still on several, just around northern positive italy up to what was the outs? the warming off i was the spring, so you have the heat is floating away that a good 10 degrees that full balance around 15 degrees celsius. john, find the model cost a good pos of north africa. lot of areas of out she is out. you area could see some wet weather plains you to show us the air across the west africa really ramping up over the next few days of the. so how is your vacation in this the shelves? the
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chest. wow. the the other the nora. kyle: this is counting the cost on out this era your we came to look at the wells of business and economics this week. india is economy is on the rise, and the walls bank says the nation is leading growth in south asia box on the vendor movies economic.


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