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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 8, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST

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all the is there as prime minister says dates has been set for ground operation reference just as the latest round of does a c spot here to reach a crucial stage and correct the carry johnston. this is all just here a lot from the also coming up. how this thing is returning to the homes in con unit in gauze and find only bodies and rubble left buys rarely forces incorrectly. that takes germany to quote, arguments, supplies weapons to israel, amounts to aging and fetching genocide. this is a historic moment. again. the un security council sends upon us tons of data for
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full membership to its admissions committee. plus a solar eclipse suites across north america. dazzling astronomers and stone cases. the as well as prime minister says, the dates has been set to his ministries, ground operation, rafa and southern goes up. well, that's what formation is. what us present turbine is previously called a red light bench minutes and yard size. he's received a detailed updates on the cx 5 talks, which is wrapped up in colorado, about reiterating threats or the dooming offensive. meanwhile, in southern gauze, that is really all henry 5 is killed at least 8 palestinians, and con eunice civilians returning to the city and found little to come back to the homes destroyed. and that international court of justice in the hague, nicaragua was accused germany of aging. under betting genocide being perpetrated in
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garza by supplying weapons to israel. a lot of the southern joins us live nice from occupied east jerusalem. so the colorado talks have wrapped. so what do we hearing from these really side? well, there's been no official comment from these really is as to where these negotiations are headed. but these really prime minister did give an announcement in a video statement this evening saying that he has been briefed on what is going on in cairo. these really did in fact send a delegation this time around after meeting with israel's prime minister to receive a mandate on what exactly they couldn't negotiate and give on these really prime minister also talked about a few other things in his address specifically about israel's plans to enter it off off. let's take a listen 11. that's a good because today i received a detailed report on the talks and kyra,
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we are working all the time to achieve our goals, which includes the release of all of our hostages and achieving complete victory over from us. this victor requires entry into rough uh, and the elimination of the terabyte guides that it will happen. there is a date benjamin netanyahu says that there is a date set for this ground invasion instead of off, but it is worth mentioning that he's under immense pressure, specifically from the united states about these plans. the us has previously said it would be a mistake. there are other ways of going about the war that do not include a ground invasion instead of law. and this evening. the west has said that is really counter parts, have not yet brief them on that date. exactly, so nathaniel, who was under pressure from the americans about this ground invasion into the flash . that is, according to nets and yahoo set in stone on the calendar and under immense pressure from his own population who wants to essentially oust him from office because he has not yet secure deals for the remaining is really captive. so the pressure
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continuing to mount on all fronts for the premier and the thank you or salt to the practical, hey. now, who's at the state department's in washington dc. patsy washington says it's still opposed to and is really ground operation in rafa. but what are you hearing from the state department tonight? that is not changed at all. and as she mentioned, we were able to speak to the state department spokesman, matthew miller. he said they haven't been told anything about a date and said we still haven't seen a credible parent plan from news release of how they're going to hand. busy moving 1400000 palestinians out of harm's way. and in the past we've heard from administration, officials say they've simply know where to go. and they once again repeated know to a ground on large ground operation like we've seen in other cities and the gaza strip. 5 but they're really not mixing, mincing words here. let's listen to matthew. now we have made clear to israel that
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we think a full scale military invasion of ross, of would have an enormously harmful effect on those civilians. and that it would ultimately hurt israel's security. so it's not just a question of israel presenting a plan to us. we make clear that we think that there is a better way to achieve what is a legitimate goal 5. now you, as soon as really officials have actually had a meeting to talk about what they think the us things how they can go after hamas and rafa without that full scale invasion. apparently, according to reports is a very contentious meeting. they're supposed to meet again, possibly as early as this week or next week. so that's what we're hearing from the national security council. so they are in those discussions. there's an expectation here that nothing is going to happen until they really agreed on a plan. and the language is getting much tougher, not just from the president, but we heard it again here at the state department. they said israel's policies need to change. if not ours will so well,
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they haven't detailed what that would actually do, how they would hold israel accountable if they've just continued to ignore the united states. they are putting it out there that they will be held to account in washington dc for us with that update policy. thank you. that's course now to tara assume in reference, southern garza more than $400.00 a truck subbing reported as waiting to go in. do we know where they will be getting in and who they get to move so well carried essentially this a humanitarian chromeboys that have premium, respected by these very minute tree as they are right now, till now, did not get into the goal is a strict are they are stationed in the palestinian slides or of proof of income. i will send them across things. but generally, the amounts of aids that had been allowed to get into the garza stripe considered to be a slight increase there for the needs of the majority of palestinian people yesterday
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. for example, $300.00 to $22.00 human attorney and chromeboys have been to the goal of this trip, but none of it has have been completely delivered to the number of parts of the gaza strip. and also, it's predictable that the new humanitarian chromeboys will only be distributed to the people here in the south, which cannot completely months. the edmonds need of the densely populated areas here across the southern parts of the gaza strip. specifically that the u. n. 8 agencies have been saying that the gaza strip generally, and the very desperate need between for between 500 up to 600 humanitarian trucks on a daily basis just to feed more than 1000000 palestinians have been displaced from the houses. and it's worth mentioning that not the majority of these humanitarian homeboys are loaded with humanitarian supplies, but also a very significant part of that considered to be goods that have been transferred to the private sector. for the majority of promising you trade is in the southern
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part of the territory bus, there was no any clue change in terms of the capacity for humanitarian supplies. despite the international court of justice, urging for taking more provisional measures in order to increase the humanitarian supplies until now the east, very many trees and the east, where the government did not open areas of crossing response. the decision that they have, they wanted to open in order to increase the number of the humanitarian compose button must have that practically happened on the ground to now i'm a new growing science of common for people in the know that part of the goal is this trip will have been re savings today. each new aids have been dropped from the u. s. military plains of the in the hours of today's morning. so clearly what is required among public spending is that a clear increase overland co reduced a move flow, but humanitarian supplies to people who are in a very desperate need for post in the northern and venerable parts of the gaza strip. i'm also here for people in the south direct assume in rough with that for us on the ground in gaza is very on saturday, 5 is killed at least 8 palestinians,
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and con eunice people had targeted as a return to what's left of the homes, to search for any belongings, both is ready. troops have withdrawn from the area, some part of students that hopes they might have homes to attend to. but there's almost nothing left standing. honey mark mood in rafa has more on those. returning to the devastated times. for some of the 1st palestinians to go back to han, eunice, there isn't much recognizable left one's home to around half a 1000000 people. the city in the south of gaza has been flattened by israel's military. the city looks heartbreaking. it's unbelievable. what do you expect this kate of destruction? there isn't a house without a martyr, wounded or destroyed. words can describe it. man of the people who have
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been living in tents or in the open for months on end were hoping there might be some way to start rebuilding their life. you know, in fact, given that we came to see what happened to the house, but there wasn't any houses here. it's just rubble of how we kinda leave here. animals kind of leave you. so how's that person supposed to? the destruction is unreal. israel's military announce on sunday it has withdrawn troops from han, eunice cit, wraps up the key phase. and it's about all the time us drilled levels now are some of the lowest levels in gaza since the war began 6 months ago. but there are still reminders that this is a stella war zone. rebuilding con eunice will take many, many years to visit row allows and for the 1000000 and a half people filtering here and drop off the rest of it is really ground invasion remain mode. that'll just be a rough off in southern dog. hot us times bid for full membership at the 19 nations
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has been referred to a security council committee. the 15 member committee on new members is set to meet to discuss the application. but it's head to the united nations and speak to gabriel. and as on gabriel, tell us more about this membership it as well or palestine 1st tried to become up full un member, 2011, but it failed in committee. and so now this is really the 2nd time in its history that it is now got to this stage of the process who was last week that to the posting and i'm passenger to the un submitted there letter to the secretary general asking to become a full member of this organization right now, it just has observer status, which means that it cannot vote in the general assembly, which is certainly something that is disenfranchised to palestine for decades now here at the un. so now it rests with the security council,
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and the security council process is a little convoluted, but in centrally what happens is, is the council members meet behind closed doors in a committee. it is not open to the public, it's not televised, it's very much a private meetings are having and they discussed the uh the, the options are they discussion discuss the palestinian case that's being made to be a permanent, a full time member of this organization. the un and then they decide if the security council decides that palestine should be a full member, then it would go to the general assembly where it would need 2 thirds of the body there to vote for it. and it appears that palestine has that the issue is the veto power and the security council. and if the security council can reach any sort of consensus, but of course any of the p 5 permanent 5 members, in this case, the united states has the power to veto it. and the us is showing no indications that that they plan to uh to accept the power stein's bid to become
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a full member of the united nations. but clearly, this process will go on probably for another few weeks before we get any sort of clarity on where the security council stands on it. and what about calls to reform you and in terms of the workings of the security council? yeah, you know, as i just said, any new or any country that wants to be a new member of the of the un goes through the same process that the palestinians are going through right now. but of course, the shorter calls on the security council to make the 1st recommendation and any of the permanent 5 can be towards. so that's what happened in 2011. the us didn't veto it, but they threatened to veto it. and that was enough to to sink to the palestinian bid. so there is a current we more calls for reform of the security council. in fact, there's a,
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a symposium taking place at this very moment actually in the, in the un or there's diplomats a think tank officials, scholars all discussing different ways or ideas on how to reform the security council. this has been a discussion has been underway for many years now. talk about expanding the permanent 5 membership beyond the current 5 that it is now expanding the overall size of the security council, maybe from $15.00 to $20.00 or even 30. so these are just some of the ideas that are being certainly discussed, but they've been discussed for many years now. and it ultimately, it's up to the security council. it that has to agree to any reforms or changes to the charter or to the security council make up as it is now. but the bottom line has many countries around the world, brazil, india, indonesia, south africa, just to name a few, few, at the current make up of the security council, particularly the permanent 5 that at the old part,
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veto power does not accurately represent the world as it is today in 2024. they say that it represents the world as it was in 1945 was sort of these hedge a monic imperial powers. deborah, arizona do thanks very much. indeed. us. bank of america has us international culture just to send the hague to order gemini, to stop supplying israel with weapons immediately. what's happening is the 2nd largest exports to israel off to the united states. nicaragua argues that germany is complicit in what the i c j has already with who is a plausible case of genocide taking place in gauze. set of awesome reports from the for 2 hours to get hardware laid out. it's gays against germany. basically see if the, the thing is open accusing it of facilitating genocide a to use on from the hollow cost. germany emphasizes that who assistant to his
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right. oh, you said i saw him the time because of that he started with treating other jewish people, doing the nazi to regina. that is an understandable and wrote about policy if it were addressed to the jewish people. these really states, in particularly expressing government, should not be confused to think, equate that with a jewish people. and so the 1st time 2 countries appeared at the international court of justice, which are directly involved in the atrocities at stake. but nicaragua argues germany is in directly involved by sending arms and i'm a nation used against civilians and gaza german weapons exports. the israel have increased 10 fold to $323000000.00 in 2023 from $32000000.00. the year before, research institute forensic architecture has document that recent sales of torpedoes tank, ammunition and engines for military equipment and the lease of so called error on
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drones. german companies involved in the military industry, directly profiting from the situation as they have seen their share prizes rice since 7 october in this book, white washing and state building. danielle murph, yes, key writes that germany's post for military and financial support for israel has mainly been about germany's own. we have lead station, the beginning. the relationship has nothing to do with morality and a lot to do with pragmatism. also on the strategies side, which i have a has changed. so today i would say that there is stuff like a model that i mentioned to the german supports, but it's not only more than nothing has ever only more of this case is seen as a test for international justice kind of country that is not directly committing atrocities the house was possible for facilitating the adults course. recently, roles at country selling weapons of bonds by international treaties, meaning that these weapons calling to be sold if this
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a risk of human at terry and international law. the finally to get osler argues that this is the case in gaza. germany has dismissed need to have glass allegations . so many does not and never did violate the genocide convention nor international humanitarian law that directly not in directly. she said she would give more details during germany's defense on tuesday when it has, it stood before the court stepped fast and i'll just say era. they take. so if someone else is there a dangerous journey. so we'll have from one to syrian refugee hoping to cross the mediterranean as an e. u tries to stop margaret's entrance territory fest columbia ass water supply runs. dr. authorities introduce rationing as reservoir skids, emergency levels the
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how are we still have a few showers in the full costs go southeast in pallets of australia where to weather low drive its way to what was the ceiling over the next day or so we do have a severe trouble, so i can all go up to what was the northwest that sky to from power level to the coast. i not making a direct impact, but a few south into the west side of the w way over the next dial to choose. i seized the showers around the southeast and cooled this and there was a new south. well, some heavy showers, the to sydney funding consensus to remain in place here. and then to was the se generally drawing now this area of life prices at west to whether that will stick across the attachment. it's making its way towards new z and say, you can say how that is to sort of australia does dry up. it does, the brighten up costs are the same for these even particular across the south side is some really nasty with a flood race that the pot, sofa, southern new zealand. i'm that west of whether grass you pushing it on
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a path as we go on through fast ice, improper, or terminal weather coming in here. quite a keen wind blowing away here then raw the windy rod once settled across such a panic over the next day or so tuesday does say some wet and windy and when she weather pushing in right, just guys come back, came full weather, stay temperatures in tokyo, but 19 unique perspective, everything just political. you cannot stay out of college and everything is a feminist issue to on hud voices. we see our literacy destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life. elizabeth connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's all about it right here. and right now, the stream on out to the around the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the watching out just here remind off of the top stores this latest round of guns that see spot toilets has ended in egypt with him. us down saying any reports of progress is ready, prime minister says he's received the details update on the to the also to confirm that is a date set for that. i'm going to enter in rapid. something's done. so how does premiums have been killed as they try to attend to that times and con eunice in southern johnson, emergency work because of retreat. the bodies of at least $77.00 people,
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24 hours. it comes off the most is ready. troops withdrawn from the air incorrectly that has poles germany before the humans. top quotes for texas is the aging and fetching of genocide and kansas is accusing try many of the serious breaches of international norm heading duty to preventive genocide a total solar eclipse. the slips across north america and ends of people across the us, mexico, on canada, soul. the moon built the sun. in some places the total eclipse lost. in more than 4 minutes. scientists use the eclipse to conduct experiments to learn more about the eclipse. the stock hold on henderson is in indianapolis switch. so the moon completely block out the sun about an hour ago. so don't tell us about the experience. and that's right. well, if you listen to this crowd, you can hear the clamping and then means that the total eclipse went through
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partial eclipse. and now it's entirely over. you caught us in just the right minute . just a minute ago, there was a little bite remaining out of this center. that's what it looked like. and people are just about to gather their things. what you're looking at is a hard for people who stuck it out through the entire 3 hour event takes about an hour and 20 minutes for the moon to begin to obscure this done. then there is about 3 and a half minutes of totality where it completely blocked it out. and then as in there's another hour and 20 minutes, which has just ended. so you can expect these people to be gathering or things i suspect. you might be able to see some of that right now at checking out of hotels, where prices have been driven up because of demand because of the eclipse. and they'll be crowding back onto the highways on their way back home for what's likely to be a much longer ride than usual. but it, it was an eclipse that had not been seen in this particular spot in 819 years won't
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be seen here. again, until 2053. yes, there will be another eclipse in 2024, but not in this spot. and remember that that swath of territory where you see totality, that's just about a 11660 kilometers across. i'm for all those people around to the, this is very much been a once in a lifetime event doesn't that's right. we talked to people who traveled from all across north america. some people came from as far away as california about 3000 kilometers away. and afterwards we came back to a lot of those people and we said you went through a lot of time, trouble and expense to come here. was it worth it? and everybody we talked to said, yes, it was many people we talked, you said it was worth it because it was a once in a lifetime of and it was a, i have to tell you, for it being my 1st experience with a total eclipse. it was very fast, you know, when it, in that little period where it was completely including the sun,
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the moon was. and i think people were, were startled at just how stark very rapid darkness was. of course, it's so rapid that it was buds and birds and mother nature, and they begin to think it's night time and start doing all their nighttime rituals . well, the people here were shocked by what they saw. they were pleased by what they saw and they walked away happy, according to all of those, we got to talk to indeed on fox, very much indeed for that. the preston. so cyprus has met the officials and 11 east capital, best route to discuss the record influx of the syrian refugees to the audit. cypress, says lebanon as a starting point of all illegal crossings. and once the you to provide the financial aid to stop it happening. so you know how that has more from aaa north than that. it takes 10 hours on a small boat to reach cypress, the closest european territory from lebanon's northern shores. it's
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a journey will lead, wants to make, once he saves enough money. he is a refugee from syria, with no job in recent weeks, traffic increased on this migration route at a time of unprecedented poverty in lebanon, and in neighboring syria. that if somebody lives with us and i prefer to leave despite the dangers of such a journey, already 10 members of my family have died at sea. they're not able to survive here . all the heading, a high level delegation, cypriot presidents nicholas krista dollar. this came to 11 on after more than 700, mainly syrian migrants arrived on his country shores last week. he didn't speak after talks with officials and baby boot, but the president has said, reception centers have reached breaking point and is discussing with the european union how to condition 8 to 11 on the stop the flow of migrants. last year the you
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and refugee agency said nearly 4000 people made or tried to make the journey to europe from here. and the 1st 3 months of this year, separate officials documented more than 2000 arrivals on the islands compared to $78.00 in the same period last year. 11 on is being criticized for not doing enough to police. it's walters. but the authorities here say there is so much a country facing multiple crises can do well enough. but most of the estimate we don't want to exploit our refugee problem to any other country. but the world needs to understand that the syrians are entering our country illegally, and when we want to deport them back, we are accused of violating human rights a while the united nations believes conditions and syria prevented from promoting returns, lebanon, cypress, say, there are parts of syria that are now safe and refugees and migrants should be sent home. i keep low on these, all of a sudden i'm afraid to return to syria. everyone knows what to reach him does to those who do?
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we are all for free because the libby news government keeps talking about the porting syrians, lebanon has the highest population of refugees per capita in the world. while the number of asylum seekers inside, per se, has reached 4 percent of the population. both countries say they're facing a crisis. their relationship is about to be tested as milder whether likely lead to more attempts to reach europe center for their eligibility to north. 11 on colombia is facing a severe drought puts in disability if it's national power risk, water levels, and the rest of us, which they use to generate electricity for some of the largest open senses have dropped to the lowest and more than 4 decades. although it to say that a new, whether phenomenon is to blame or sounds around p se reports not from hotel, were walking inside the sounds of outside razor. why went us to rest, or was that supply almost at 70 percent of all the drinkable water to the city of
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but with that and surrounding areas these weather was or at the lowest level in the last 40 years. so you can see here one of the measuring poles that are used to measure the level of the water in this, in this reservoir, which is down to 0 here. overall, the reservoir is now down to less than 18 percent of its capacity, which has forced the mayor of vogue with having posing a series of restrictions that will start next thursday. rationing water in different areas of book with uh, uh, almost a 1000000 people will go. busy without water for 24 hours, every 10 days, we are in critical conditions and our goal is to change the habits of citizens of boerger talk to guarantee the supply of potable water in the short and medium term . these measures on this is free and inevitable to guarantee the next months and
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also next the supply. this situation is due to a new weather phenomenon which normally brings dry weather to columbia, but it has become more severe in the last few years. and so these restrictions, the rationing of the water for now will remain in place indefinitely every 2 weeks, the mayor's office said they will look at the situation and the sides if it needs to remain in place. but the expectations is that the, the rationing will continue, at least for a few months. what worries a lot, the story these at the national level is that this could also soon affect the national electric a grid. given the fact that 95 percent of all the electricity in the country is


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