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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 9, 2024 12:00am-1:00am AST

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the business leg just is free to you, i guess as an ice fly on one of your just makes model leads the the problem carriage, austin, this is denise i'll from the coming up in the next 60 minutes as well as prime minister says a date has been set for ground operation. rafa test has the latest round of gauze that cease fire officer here to get a crucial stage. incorrect palestinians returning to their homes in communist in gauze and find on the bodies and russell left by. is there any forces germany taken to international court of justice says nicaragua,
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who's that we're supplying weapons to israel, a thing in the bathroom. kennesaw i think does that. i spoke of gaudy. all assessed is manchester city. think face a close to impossible task in the european champions league is so i and so not count full teen song when is round madrid for the 2nd straight season. the negotiations over potential ceasefire and garza wrapped up in colorado. with some, a cautious optimism coming out to the off them off. but at the same time, as well as prime minister says that date has been set, his ministries don't threaten to ground operation in augusta and southern goss. i got the quote because today i received a detailed report on the totes and kyra we are working all the time to achieve our goals, which includes the release of all of our hostages and achieving complete victory over from us. this victor requires entry into rough uh,
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and the elimination of the terabyte guides that it will happen. there is a date. what am i meant to look at the dates us from washington, d. c. where a correspondent bicycle heinous standing by the state department. the 1st let's go to honda. so who in occupied east jerusalem now? so benjamin netanyahu putting pressure on the talks at a time when he's also under pressure domestically will be, is really prime minister is under immense pressure both internationally. and domestically here in his role, there are protest movements that are calling for his removal from office for his inability to bring forth a deal to bring back. the remaining is really captive. this has been a protest movement that has started up more than 2 months ago. against his roles, government, we saw it primarily in the year 2023, but they stopped once the war began. but then they started up again because of the frustration that these really prime minister was not prosecuting the war in
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a way they saw fit. now mediators say that they are optimistic about these negotiations. these really negotiating team had met with the prime minister to discuss the mandate. but there's still no official word from his really government officials. what do we heard? so father and about the spot talks what we do know is that mediators remain optimistic. there is a lot of pressure on us in yahoo as we've been discussing internationally the americans do want to see a deal on the table as much as these really public wants to see one. but all of it comes amid this. and y'all, who's saying that the ground invasion into it up off will happen, and there has been a date that is set. so while all of these negotiations are ongoing, these relatives are saying that they have a date set for when they want to invade dropbox. but the united states says they haven't been briefed on this date. the us remember has been saying that they are
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against this. it would be a mistake. it's been quite a point of contention between the 2 allies for months, not just the last several weeks. so as the ceasefire, negotiations are ongoing, remember that there are still major sticking points between both sides. have mass wants to see an end to the war where these really, as have said that, even if there was a long pause in the fighting, the war is going to continue from the sounds good. thank you. but still it's a plastic ok now. who's at the state department in washington dc. potty washington . the still saying it's opposed to an is really ground operation in rock. but what have you heard from the state department tonight? that absolutely nothing has changed from the us perspective. it was just about an hour before matthew miller, the state department spokesman, it was going to brief reporters that we heard this news from is really prime minister netanyahu. he again said the us has not been told about a date,
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but they said once again, there are completely opposed to a large scale invasion and wrongful. and they point out that there, according to that $1400000.00 palestinians who fled there because they were told it was going to be safe. now, from the us perspective, they said they have not seen a credible plan from israel about how to care or safely move all of those people out of harm's way. for that reason they've been having meetings, they've had at least one meeting with us specials and their counterparts because the us things that israel can still target him off without a large operation on the ground. here's what matthew miller had to say. we have made clear to israel that we think a full scale military invasion of rough um would have an enormously harmful effect on those civilians and that it would ultimately hurt israel's security. so it's not just a question of israel presenting a plan to us. we make clear that we think that there is a better way to achieve what is
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a legitimate goal. there's definitely no question that we're seeing just incredible amounts of frustration not only within the by the ministration, but elected leaders. mostly on the democratic side. there have been calls to cut the cut off offensive weapons to israel, and the president is talking much tougher than he has in the 6 months or so. since this began, he is saying that israel needs to change its policies and if they don't the us. well, so what exactly would that look like? the us obviously has quite a bit of leverage over israel in what they've given me as far as weapons and also protection of the world stage. they haven't spelled out any of those threats, but that is the most explicit language yet. but if in that and yeah, who goes forward with this, that they expect us will make sure that they have consequences for practical in washington dc for us to thank you. space arouse one goes as now into its 7th month and is killed more than $33000.00 palestinians,
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including 4 in the office 1000 children. garza's, health ministry has released updated figures to mock 6 months. so there's really a tax on that. people have gone to them, it says there are close to $76000.00 palestinians with injuries of various kinds throughout this trip. at least $11000.00 of the injured have suffered wounds so severe that they need to be evacuated from gaza. about one minute and people have contracts of infectious diseases assigned to patient health care systems of chromebooks. and at least 2000000 pet of students have been displaced many multiple times. plus medical stuff haven't been sped by is ready for assist with net a 500 to since the war began. also somebody catches professor public policy. it had been released, the university joins us to in the catalog. welcome to the program. so benjamin to to know who says he set a date for rest, the offensive even as the casualties mountains, as we seen a while,
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it seems very reckless and it's very dangerous in the sense that, uh, the u. s. was very clear in, in this message to as well that you need to have a kind of a plan to minimize the, the casualties. and i suspect may be part of the reason why they would draw from handiness is to open the way for the palestinians to move further. notice this is probably be one of his cynical steps. he's also offered to offer the policy as for 2000 tents. that is, i will bring them in to help them move further. know so that you can invade that off. but i don't think uh is so for present to the credible argument to a lot of people this and nationally. and this idea that you know, knows this in what is in rough uh where they 1st started by say, seeing what is in the north. and he devastated that north and then he moved further down into had units devastated as timeliness. and i was definitely convinced that the heart of the resistance isn't rough or so it's, it's all really
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a game. it seems that is still determined to make sure that the whole of the guys a strip is uninhabitable and maybe goes back to the original idea of pushing the police to use the time to answer. given what you say then, where does this leave the relationship between israel and the united states? where are we with that? are all i can get a more delicate than it is at the moment. but as you know, the united states is committed for the security to the security phase row. and what i fear is that he's going to draw them into confrontation with their on the woman. she starts framing this as an iran is right of war, which she did last thursday on the same day. he talked to by that and he also talked to a number of congressman or women from the public inside and who frame the conflict as a conflict between iran and his job. on the tomas is merely a tool like has the law and the united states has got to stand by him until the
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very end. do you feel that these negotiations do have some solid meant at least going forward now? well, the only slight momentum is the dissatisfaction domestically within israel. now the people are coming out on the street again, the calling for the release of their captives. this is really the main pressure that nothing else has got to do anyway. this is a domestic one. and he's between 2, hired the choices. one is to accept the public opinion and maybe give way a little bit and reach a deal that leads to the release of the captive. and the other is the extreme right to uh, now threatening him to with touch of collapse of government. and of course then him being at the other end of the head, you know, is going to be finishing his career. if he doesn't go for rough or so it's, it's a hard choice, i think, goes out as far as is concerned. now you describe benjamin netanyahu was playing
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a game here. where does a little this leave the population of guys up on the ground in practical terms. right. it's, it's already a psychiatrist with desperate situation. and the, the, the seems, the 3 we're seeing now, even for those people who have had the opportunity to return to not being able to a list of noises where their homes one stood is absolutely terrible in is just made sure that for the coming 10 years at least the people of guys, if they stay in gaza, they're going to be busy rebuilding what you've never stated in the last 6 months. okay, but even the rest of the america, thank you very much for joining us. thank. it. was ready, all it said to be a fly has killed at least 8 palestinians in con eunice who had targeted us. they returned to what's left of the homes to search for any belongings. most is where the troops have withdrawn from the area as well as defense. minister says that's aimed at preparing them for ground offensive and rough. uh,
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some palestinians had hoops they might have homes to attend to, but there's almost nothing left standing for days of mounting, international pressure and warnings of famine from humanitarian organizations. israel says it's an out 490 amount of time in 8 trucks to enter gaza today is the largest number of a trucks that have been sent to gauze one day since they will be gone 6 months ago . on sunday is, what are your thoughts is transferred 322 trucks to the strip, most of them carrying food and commercial goods before the war, the u. n. says 500 trucks. when needed every day. let's go live now to power. assume in rafa and southern gauze or so, where are these a truck's heading and when they actually be able to reach the new world, carry these uh trucks the till now did not into to the guns
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a strip as the has been. why do you respected by these very a military and right now they are stationed on the palestinian side of the boat, where generally the sides will be a will be completely distributed for people in the south. and it's mentioning also that these a also include the some a trucks for the private sector that would be directly delivered to the trade as would be later assuming these a human, this commercial goods for the majority of kansas, him to south for a to now there is no any kind of a human to charge your convoys have been allowed to be delivered to another part of the gaza strip on that. as we have been observing in the course of the past 2 days, there was a slight increase in terms of the number over here military, a cool voice, which yet has been seen by the u. n. a agencies as not sufficient, as they are saying that the goal is to strip in a very desperate need for at least between 500 up to 600, the humanitarian chromeboys in order to be consumed on a daily basis. i don't want it to match the admins. i'm president that needs for
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the majority of displace palestinians who are right now here are facing a from are also struggling in order to get meals. it's also people there and then other parts of the gauze is check who did not receive much needed like saving supplies on the move signs of a farm and low mingled the horizon for people there who did not also manage to get much of it's also medical supplies, despite the inability resolution and decision to open areas of crossing to now this decision had been not yet practically translated. i'm sorry, you're in rough, and now i mean how strong are the fears about a possible full? it's very offensive and there's generally a great deal of frustration looming between palestinians here and roughly they have been told multiple times by these very minute treat to go south to seek safety. right now they have left everything behind, often losing the houses,
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ending up living and make shift shelters in the southern parts of the gaza strip. and as we have been told by people here who are completely and fully wink, uh, old, the latest at the garden video, sions and the spy, it tubes that are huge in cairo between homeless and he's been broken by cassandra . you know me to believe that the is very prime minister, i, serious with that, with his threats regarding gruff, off as the choice to link between the success of the negotiations with the practicality of these tossing of the military invasion to the city. as people here wondering what next to go, specifically that the majority of areas in the kansas trip where the military had a freight and turned into russell as the our initial media is ready. the media report saying that the is very minute trees preparing to probably more than 100000, makes shift to tense in order to be distributed later for palestinians as the process of evacuating palestinians are from rough. i will start so clearly we are
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heading towards difficult days as palestinians here are completely exhausted as they have new any other options remain just looking for a ceasefire that might bring an end for their suffering and hardships that they have been facing since they one of the fighting in route for that for us, tired of as in. thank you. well, some, a deliveries have reached the hospitals in the north gauze over the weekend, bringing desperately needed medical supplies. the doctors that come out on the hospital side of the shipment. so just to jump in the ocean compared to what's actually needed a and the ends, the arrival of a shipment of medicines yesterday is not enough compared to the urgent needs of citizens due to the high rates of mount nutrition among them. along with the shortage of some food and medicines for these children, whom you can see in the background behind me in the children's mastery. most of the children come into the hospital with mel nutrition, especially punctual babies due to the amount nutrition of the mother and that affects the mother and of the patients. this is the best thing to done. i'm not
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only suffering because of her, but also because of all the children, every child is suffering from malnutrition and every day we lose 5 or 10 children, but it's not just the young children, men, the elderly. all of them have become ill due to the lack of nutrition because it has been destroyed, life and gaza has been destroyed. no one can find enough food or water, which i think remains with the u. n. 's children's agency unicef. she's in rafa in southern garza, she says, a chart scaling in these good news, but they need to be allowed across the strip. or when i came into guys the last way, i know that that would 1200 un and n g r a truck backed up waiting to enter. so the fact that we've seen more trucks coming in is really good news, but we need this to happen consistently. because of cost guides is on the precipice of assignment these food has to get in and across the gaza strip. we the agency, most of the children dying of bound nutrition are in the north and our access to that area with 3rd high that has been so limited. so it's really important that the
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side comes in at scale and is continued for the days to come. it's a really challenging part. it's one of the most challenging places in the world to be and i'm a cherry and i baker at the moment. largely because of the safety concerns as we saw with colleagues that was sent to catch in on monday, even when we coordinated mission with israel that we had told is sites we still put at risk. and that's part of the challenge and getting the i to the north with just not getting the safety assurance is way made. and then of course, is other challenges damages to roads, restrictions on where we can travel, a serious lack of trucks now and fuel that we can use to transport the i. so the obstacles are many, but we're still doing our best in these really difficult circumstances to bring food and water, and medicine and nutrition treatments to the vulnerable children that need to, to make a regular has us international court of justice in the hague, to order germany to stop supplying is row with weapons immediately. germany is the
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2nd largest arms exports to israel off the united states. the correct okay, is that germany is complicity and more of the i, c. j has already, which is a plausible case of genocide taking place in garza, but not some of the thoughts from the hague. for 2 hours to get hardware laid out. it's gays against germany. please me. see if the, the savings of accusing it of facilitating genocide a to use on from the hollow cost. germany emphasizes that he was assistant to his. right. oh, you said i saw him the time because of that he started with treating other jewish people. doing that, not just regina. that is an understandable and wrote about policy if it were addressed to the jewish people. piece, lately, states in particularly expressing government should not be confused to think equate that with a jewish people. sort of 1st time 2 countries appeared at the international court of justice, which are in directly involved in the atrocities at stake. but nicaragua argues
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germany is in directly involved by sending an emanation, used against civilians and gaza german weapons exports. the israel have increased 10 fold to $323000000.00 in 2023 from $32000000.00. the year before, research institute forensic architecture has document that recent sales of torpedoes tank, ammunition and engines for military equipment and the lease of so called error on drones. german companies involved in the military industry, directly profiting from the situation as they have seen their share prizes price since 7 october in this book, white washing and state building. danielle murph, yes, key writes that germany's posts for military and financial support for israel has mainly been about germany's own. we have lead station, the beginning. the relationship has nothing to do with morality and a lot to do with pragmatism. also on the strategies side, which i have
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a has changed. so today i would say that there is stuff like a model that i mentioned to the german supports, but it's not only more than nothing has ever only mario this case is seen as a test for international justice kind of country that is not directly committing atrocities the house was sponsible for facilitating the adults course. recently, roles that countries selling weapons of bonds by international treaties, meaning that these weapons calling to be sold if there's a risk of human at terry and international law. the finally to make it either argues that this is the case in gaza. germany has dismissed need to have glass allegations. so many does not and never did violate the genocide convention nor international humanitarian law that directly not in directly. she said she would give more details during germany's defense on tuesday when it has it stood before the court stepped fast and i'll just say around. they take a lot of times,
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bid for full members say probably not to nations has been referred to as security council committee. the 15 member committee on you members is set to meet behind closed doors and coming out to discuss the application. after 12 years since we change our status to an observer state, that the security concept will elevate itself to implementing that global consensus on the 2 state solution by admitting the state of palestine for a month for membership. okay, but it is on the reports now from the way the how stated 1st tried to become a full un member, 2011, but it failed in committee. and so now this is really the 2nd time in its history that it is now uh got to this stage of the process who was last week that to the posting in a basset or to the un submitted there letter to the secretary general asking to
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become a full member of this organization right now, it just has observer status, which means that it cannot vote in the general assembly, which is certainly something that is disenfranchised to palestine for decades now here at the un. so now it rests with the security council, and the security council process is a little convoluted, but in centrally what happens is, is the council members meet behind closed doors in a committee. it is not open to the public, it's not televised, it's very much a private meetings are having and they discussed the the, the options are they discussion, discuss the palestinian, the case that's being made to be a permanent, a full time member of this organization. the un and then they decide if the security council decides that palestine should be a full member, then it would go to the general assembly where it would need 2 thirds of the body there to vote for it. and it appears that palestine has that the issue is the veto
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power and the security council. and if the security council can reach any sort of consensus, but of course any of the p 5 permanent 5 members from this case, the united states has the power to veto it. and the us is showing no indications that that they plan to uh to accept the power stein's bid to become a full member of the united nations. but clearly, this process will go on probably for another few weeks before we get any sort of clarity on where the security council stands on it. the, the several regions in russia have declared a state of emergency of to some of the west flooding in decades. the disasters forced at least 4000 people to evacuate the homes. meanwhile, the residence of what's called protesting against the way local authorities that handle a situation in the region and asking the president the health,
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let's say they weren't told in advance. and then my dad could boast with siberia and the rules are among the worst hits, more than 10000 times have been flooded there to meet treatments and cut reports. this is what the coming of spring can look like in russia. the around river, europe's the longest busting, it's banks and rising flood waters caused by winter snow melting in the i didn't board regions have swept through thousands of homes. the mass says people should leave if they can before it's too late, because you didn't want to leave. i feel time too old and wouldn't go. but they persuaded me which to proof that are, but i want to well, no, just cry. i feel terrible. it's usually the river 1st bus to through this stem in oscar flooding, the city, the regions governance says flooding has been recorded along the entire 2 and a half 1000 kilometer long river that flows through conflicts down into the caspian
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sea of russian officials say $39.00 regents have or will be affected, controlled explosions of being carried out in the ice and snow in some regions to prevent further flooding and farmers pulling out. capitol stuck in the mud. rescue and relief efforts underway. the russian emergencies, minnesota says the flooding is the worst, the region that's seen in decades. we even bought a boat yesterday so that we can reach our relatives if something happens to bring them for state or medicine. water levels are expected to continue rising for at least another 2 days to meet. remember that go out to 0. at least 90 people. many of them children have died off and make shift very sign coffee. northern mos on page 130 people who are on board are converted fishing boats. when it went down to the province on sunday,
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i thought to say the vessel was not suitable for carrying passengers. 5 survivors had been rescued, but dozens of missing any of the victims were trying to escape a quarter of an outbreak and mozambique. understood the silva from the where the newspaper says the number of people fleeing is partly driven by misinformation. most the most tightly, i've been rumors that the there is a porch in quiet and they put me in the so beats nicky, baby to my to find the key in the community and the way people, most of them are i run away from the media. they have even that house, even they need base things and run away from anyway. they some that you say there was a car that sort of give you i, i think sort fix i saw in the field a need to, to meet local coatings and i'll be stopping to fantasy or they can meet this
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i do. and then that the, they import, import the, it's the expanding call into the communities. so it is making for my final is a we, we had a case on it about nonsense that abuse. and so i think people see that even with these beside of them that mean, yeah, i think one of the is being disputed we just by the bottom. so those are coming out of their dangerous genies we'll have from one to syrian refugee hoping to of course, the mediterranean, as a you tries to stop language entering its temperature. last to columbia as a water supply runs, dr. which is introduced rationing as best of all states, emergency levels uninstalled the tennis plus celebrations. and they just, vic, to the biggest fan that's coming up in school. the
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hello the will of a sudden starting continues across the good parts of central and eastern europe. and so many more cloud that's enrolling in from the west, outbreaks of cloud and rain, already flashing that heat out. so the way is when we do weather coming in this area of light pressure just pushes in from the atlantic. that will break some of the weather across things and wells pushing up into scotland process because coming back in behind, across the island, and moving on and where by the coming in, of course, a good positive products easing over towards belcher, notice some weights and some when she was a little bit of snow that coming back in across the house. avalon risk will be in house as a result of that fusion i was down to what was the se fine with the full many warm sunshine 25. the more so still unsettled across the good possible scandinavia, and that's going to be the case as we go one through wednesday. more outbreaks of right up to was the north west still on several just around northern positive italy
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up to what was the outs. stormy? not 5, it was the spring, so you have the heat is floating away that a good 10 degrees that full body in it, around 15 degrees celsius. trying find my model cost a good pos of north africa. lot of areas of allergies. out here you could see some wet weather plains you to show us the air across the west africa, really ramping up. i was the next few days of the must be the emotion in their own words. 3, i'll just leave a general to describe working and survived through his rails or so of course a lot of my bad well, i was calling and especially his english. i think the sort of journalism on the genocide on a jersey or you want to report, but at the same time you want to feed your company. you also want to stay alive in
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the line to palestine. hope is then we reach out to and let the giving begin with. okay. foundation you donated with kindness. you showed you. ok. now let's also show you, we'll deliver it so dominates, with confidence donates without kat foundation. with every packet of 19, with every press will bring it to light. a little love in palestine. we share as the, [000:00:00;00] the you watching out this here in mind about top stores this latest round of gauze,
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us these 5 totes of ended in egypt. a mass down thing of the force of progress. a senior spokesman toes out, or that is really prime ministers latest to threats with taxes. the city of rafa raises questions about assuming negotiations. a palestinians had been killed us. they tried to return to their homes and con eunice and southern does that emergency workers have retrieve the bodies of at least 7 to 7 people last 24 hours. it comes off to most. is there any truth swear? withdrawing from the area in colorado as cool, gemini before the humans top court forward, it says the 18 under the section of genocide garza is accusing germany of serious breaches of international rule failing in its duty to prevent genocide. let's stay with that story. the correct was legal action against germany, which is the 2nd largest provider of arms as well. but then accounts for 30 percent
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of his ready obviously what's so who else supplies? that is what he mentioned or? well the us is, it's not just supplied by flock given you get 3800000000 dollars of mitre 8. yeah. of that 500000000 went towards joint me solved. defense systems not on the u. k. is also licensed to more than $600000000.00 and literally expos, to as well since 2015, including components for the f, $55.00 fonts, a jet. also since 2015 canada, which suspended alms exports to as well in february exported $84000000.00 us dollars worth of miniature goods. okay, that's the rough is visiting professor, the princeton school for public and international have as you joins us from you. now welcome to the program. so how difficult to position is germany in here, and indeed other countries as well. we have to remember that this is an application for culture and mattress,
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and it's an early stage and number cd. so as in the case by south africa, the internet has sort of justice does not have to find israel is committing genocide, it is define only that. there is a plausible case there. and then it would look at is germany contributing to that. now, there is a goal precedent for treating the provisional earns as aiding and abetting in that case world. so if we think back to the former president back liberia, charles taylor, she was convicted by any josh in court that is currently serving the 50 year. present term in a british prison for providing us to her as well is 0. yeah. she was going to get 80 to body work. so vast theory is not so great is and you know, given that i'm at the very least, israel is committed war crimes, a guy, you know, there can, you know the question about the genocide. i think the germany is potentially going
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to face in order that as a matter of functioning matters to prevent genocide, it should be totally back these arms until the starvation and the bombing a civilian stops and give them what you say then does this really set to preston for international in reality. so i need yeah. some sense that if there's one fire case, i mean another one like this is a precedent on this is also would be the 1st case of a veggie, janice opt on the travel channel. the case was about 100 easy crimes against you know, mcgraw, his. busy brawl war fines indicates before the justice is not for your that the court has jurisdiction, all the violations good enough about current law of averages. the dimensions of the probably does have jurisdiction over violations of the genocide dimension. as or this chase is really about aiding and abetting genocide through the provision of all. and even if this is not successful,
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then does it still add some things the overall picture of changing a public perception. for example, i think it gave spotlight what in my view is the german government having drawn the wrong lesson from all costs. basically it is decided that they don't get paid skills for the cost given the nazis and committing all costs. that sherman street support these raven governments, regardless of what it does, you know, regardless of what kinds of committee in casa, and a more appropriate lesson from the whole awesome ideas of germany should oppose atrocities. regardless of who permits, even if they're committed by these are, here we go. so i think that this portal case spotlights this misconception of what the appropriate boss that needs to be drawn from. of course, the alms industry across the world is a multi $1000000000.00 business. i mean,
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it is anything really like you to change that. i mean, is it gonna shut down the house? trained? no, but what the case is really about is, you know, are there limits on where you can send knox? and, you know, basic who would change is that you're not allowed to send funds to government is committing as of traffic. so in case of israel, at the very least, indiscriminately box billions disproportionate findings, civilians and delivery started off their war product seen even leaving aside the pressure just so that's an important rules for a whole. you know, it's a basic no, but it be relatively few point. she says on there kind of throw offset, we appreciate your time. thank you. thank you. now the presence of cyprus is method officials and 11 east capitol. they route to
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discuss the reco influx of syrian refugees to the audit. cypress says lebanon is the starting point of oil legal crossings. and once the, you to provide financial aid to stop it happening. so i know that it has more from 50 in northern that it takes 10 hours on a small boat to reach cypress, the closest european territory from lebanon's northern shores. it's a journey will lead, wants to make once he saves enough money. he's a refugee from syria, with no job in recent weeks, traffic increased on this migration route at a time of unprecedented poverty in lebanon, and in neighboring syria. that if somebody lives with us and i prefer to leave despite the dangers of such a journey, already 10 members of my family have died at sea. we are not able to survive here. the heading, a high level delegation, cypriot president nicholas chris, the dollar. this came to 11 on after more than 700,
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mainly syrian migrants arrived on his country shores last week. he didn't speak after talks with officials and bade route. but the president has said, reception centers have reached breaking point and is discussing with the european union how to condition 8 to 11 on to stop the flow of migrants. last year the you and refugee agency said nearly 4000 people made or tried to make the journey to europe from here. and the 1st 3 months of this year, separate officials documented more than 2000 arrivals on the islands compared to 78 in the same period last year, 11 on as being criticized for not doing enough to police. it's walters. but the authorities here say there is so much a country facing multiple crises can do well enough, but most of the us. but we don't want to exploit our refugee problem to any other country. but the world needs to understand that the syrians are entering our country illegally, and when we want to deport them back, we are accused of violating human rights
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a while the united nations believes conditions and syria prevented from promoting returns, lebanon, cypress, say, there are parts of syria that are now safe and refugees and migrants should be sent home. i keep low on these, all of a sudden i'm afraid to return to syria. everyone knows what to reach him does to those who do? we are all for free because the libby news government keeps talking about the porting syrians, lebanon has the highest population of refugees per capita in the world. while the number of asylum seekers inside, per se, has reached 4 percent of the population. both countries say they're facing a crisis. their relationship is about to be tested as milder weather likely lead to more attempts to reach europe center for their eligibility to north 11 on colombia is facing a severe droughts putting this to but it to bits, natural power agree that risk water levels in reservoirs which are used to generate electricity for some of the largest urban senses have dropped to the lowest. and
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over for decades. authorities say the el nino weather phenomena is to blame. sandra via 2 reports from book a top were walking inside the sounds of outside razor y, one of 2 rather was that supply almost at 70 percent of all the drinkable water to the city of love with that and surrounding areas these weather was or at the lowest level in the last 40 years. so you can see here one of the measuring poles that are used to measure the level of the water in this, in this reservoir, which is down to 0 here. overall, the reservoir is now down to less than 18 percent of its capacity, which has forced the mayor of both having posting a series of restrictions that will start next thursday. rationing water in different areas of book with uh, uh, almost
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a 1000000 people will go. busy without water for 24 hours, every 10 days, we are in critical conditions and our goal is to change the habits of citizens of boerger talk to guarantee the supply of potable water in the short and medium term . these measures on this is free and inevitable to guarantee the next months and also next the supply. this situation is due to a new weather phenomenon which normally brings dry weather to columbia, but it has become more severe in the last few years. and so these restrictions, the rationing of the water for now will remain in place indefinitely every 2 weeks, the mayor's office said they will look at the situation and the sides if it needs to remain in place. but the expectations is that the, the rationing will continue, at least for a few months. what worries a lot, the story these at the national level is that this could also soon affect the
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national electric a grid. given the fact that 95 percent of all electricity in the country is produced at a in reservoirs is generated by wrestler wise like this one. and we're now in the country just the 4 points away from a 27 percent threshold that could also call for the rationing of electricity in different parts of the country. i listened that i'm 50. i just see that bill with the fiscal policies in south africa or on the campaign trail head of next month's parliamentary elections, governing african national congress is expected to face a tough charge as part of mentoring majority could be threatened for the 1st time. since all he came to power in 1994. some politicians have tons of populous rhetoric to appeal to votes is on the the mid the reports from janice, but on how these tactics of being received. the amc has been in power for 3
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decades. with the african national congress school days appear to be said in the parties govern since the end of apartheid. and so the country's 1st democratic vote in 1994 and so, but its popularity has dropped to less than 50 percent. and the poor governance corruption struggling economy and fost rising crime is the, this is the opposition action is the party i need by the form a may of to how does blow common michelle, this is fighting crime and corruption is a top of his agenda when mid to late be a protest against those who commit crimes like what robinson made out and drug trafficking and so forth. see those coincidences i think of right now, 12 of the guys is really very soft on, on, on criminals. we've go to the of the look at this issue of puddle and way of prison . i was actually to take our prison as, as some kind of law or the, or the date address or the popular street to be seems to be working. i've tried to
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go into the go in, we've explained as being, you know, because of it also stays in depth, like in, like on the x and we'll pick salt creek. i'm hoping they would fall down mostly like it's been so many years where they've had time to prove themselves. change that guns are in some ways, but it says getting was to pub prime. some parties are promising to reinstate the death penalty and other say they can turn the economy around. but it's unclear how such block is will live up to the promises they're making. it is all much more of a license. and it's very much propaganda pundits except by they do not have a tim and date of how they're actually going into the outcomes. nationalist belonged to the economic freedom fighters was established 11 years ago and is known for disrupting parliamentary proceedings. there is much, i don't know if we needed to just my name and making inflammatory and racist statements, but his popularity is also rising along with that of the outspoken politicians and their parties. so we don't wanna, i,
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which is the roger handbook as the entities in government estimates that's more than 194000000 people are traveling to the home towns didn't either one of them which marks the end of ramadan and with more than 70 percent of the population on the move on. let's start expecting a $9000000000.00 economic boost. jessica washington reports not from chicago. it's an in station in central chicago. tens of thousands of people are preparing to travel to their hometown ahead. if they don't fit that holiday for me, homecoming means gathering with families, especially seeing parents. we are so happy to go home to gather with relatives. we don't get to me, dawson, the on would you any, at the end of room a done is a tradition in indonesia, millions leave major cities to spend the holiday with their families. many of making the most a free bosses provided by the government and introducing congestion on the roads that a 1000 with our own for the last few years,
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the number of people using motor bikes has decreased, and accidents have decline to. so this free homecoming is very effective. millions of engine agents, migrant workers, come from all over the country to work in the capital and the other big cities. authorities say this could be the biggest free travel, susan, on record. more than 194000000 people expected to be that's an increase of moving 17000000 compared to last year. the innovation chamber of commerce and industry projects and economic boost of more than $9000000000.00. estimating the average family spends at least $200.00 know certainly on transport expenses, but also includes food and beverages. and at the time, the other one which host the largest tech sales market in southeast asia, thousands of shopping for presents. oh, for data expenditure. personally, i only buy things that i knew, but i came here to buy swords for the,
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for my mother, my sister, and my sense the economists say the travel booth is a good sign for the economy. an indication of growing consumer confidence, they pointed to several factors, such as an increase in the average wage and bits of transport infrastructure as reasons more people are taking trips this year. on average, there was an increase on the people to move from informal sector of the economy to the formal sector economy. that's actually the tools that actually creates the, the right for them to, to get the religious holiday as a lo and out for a run about one month uh salary. so they have the purchasing power. it's a week is big spending for millions of themes, nations, price, they say they happy to pay for chance to spend a week at home with a loved ones just to can washington to 0 to come to. so the come on, i'll just say,
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are the 1st total solar eclipse in north america for 20 years. millions of people watch the spectacular music uninstalled the shop, and disco, the face, the 1st major of the seats. and these here, the in this business uptake this voltage by the city bank growth partner of bangladesh, before he is
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the this business uptake these roads thought no bundle a dash before he is the the end of its time for this quote, no heads up. thank you so much, terry. we'll pat gaudy. i'll assess his mind just to city thing face a close to impossible task in the european champions league his side once again, i mean to knock out full teen song when is around with read the 2nd straight season
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. the 1st like of the quarter final it's coming up in spain on choose day on my way to lifting the trophy last year. city beat rail finally form on aggregate in the sense bits of remedy to change in the same way. it's almost impossible. so whole big ones into exist competition is difficult to imagine to in a row so that the target is not easy and performing the well because they learn and they have pride. we cannot confuse though it says we need to bring the best of our associate. we want to compete against this team because they always fabricate them . and in this competition and more here to a home. and then we know them quite well how we have to site them and how we would have to pay against them. and then it's something the aside, sadly we, we'd be learning from the bus, a rail car check, hold on shulty, signing, his team needs to shy mold, mental strength, and they did against city a year ago. the season, the right point is kind of the top of the spanish league banks and no school pots
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of june telling m a school twins. he goals, and it will compensations is only 20 years old. but there's more of my daughter and then not do it. then he's a, hey, just a really professional to really save you a really unvil robin also prize as a play at about the as it passed on, we rush, surprising, the sense for the age that he has is really, really a matter of premier legal aid is also that hosting bond munich and the last 8 site on choose date means also were once again be coming up against how retain the bond . ford previously placed us those faces local robots, tottenham, and kind schooled full teen goals and 16 games against him during his time. in north london, i don't know him, i think is the time folks in the interview goes that they have, i don't always the, we know the individual or quantities of all those players and, and he bought a table and the ability that he has. so the best thing to do is while we do
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collectively and to types of programs, so some things you think is record again, also could be a foster in this game resolve. you hopefully, hopefully not will go for actually about to you got a pair of cowboy dates and more importantly, a place that this week's masters, the winning the texas open areas beginning his final round with a full shot late, but he sold out a road if i denny mccarthy, the area is holding one of his 7 straight buddies, a full supply off a replay, the 18th. oh, my coffee, my seeing that big mistake finding the wall. it's up in 22 robots. it's a cash flow event and you the buddies killed a wind bomb the chance to play the 1st. the 1st major of the year are. so is your goal say, what else are they to augusta? but his wait for when on the lift soul goes on. you went into the font around in miami with a to shortly ended up losing an a playoff for the,
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the time since joining the tool in venice to the claiming the victory and $4000000.00 price. antonio collins, his headings, tools are time to install, the american has one has 2nd cycle in a row. this some of the charleston open, collins has already confirmed. this will be her last season on the w. c. i so, but as found a self in the form of a life she'd be to rushes direct because again, it in the final expanding a winning streak. the 13 matches the picture comes a week after she clinched the biggest weight of a career that was at the miami yard. and after which she got the chance to celebrate on coast with the biggest problem. so we have quincy, a part of the trophy presentation, and to be able to share it with him what a special day. and i think the fans loved at his loved it to so many dog lovers watching our sport. and yeah, our family friend, john and rachel says, has driven overnight and there are we to get here in time for the match and what
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a special special support we get to have with our inner circle. and so this means the world to me, or that is how useful is looking for me out. carrie and d, thanks very much. now, total solar eclipse has swept across north america. these are the scenes in texas as people gather to watch. so once in a lifetime side, the moving completely blocking out something in the middle of the day, the eclipse was visible for millions across the west, mexico and canada. in some places, the clips dotted more than i saw the right there is the 2nd largest producer of the dates in the world going around 300 varieties. one of them is increasingly attracting more attention. i shouldn't a whole lot of explains from of the i love it. so even how to be great. his visitors in a special way tossing battles is regarded as an ultimate act of generosity. he runs a form that produces the most popular variety of date, insanity,
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ravia. she felt some of his stuff or waste no time explaining to customers that use of the sweet through the all drawing is huge, made the snow quantities it protects against many diseases. and he's reach in you to the end date, a key part of people's died during when we're done. which in nachos sure goes their base blood sugar levels almost immediately after a long day of fasting. and help with that and the by the system will the varieties of data produced here is sound to review. this particular one stands out, muslims believe it's the same type. the prophet mohammed used to break his fast and they want to follow to addition. it is widely considered to be the best gift for loved ones back home, and that's why it's rapidly becoming the most expensive dates in the wells. just
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now more people show up at sight spun, oscar, gainful his produce. that comes in a wide range of kind of sweetness and texture dates, or a staple food in the middle east. we saw them all the time and our daily get together is also known as the one. yes, we. so the dates with coffee and it's a cultural symbol of generosity. this is west size, spends most of his time looking after the health of his palm trees. you may take that case of planting it to you, not to produce dates, but it doesn't seem to be due to a tool. so i don't know if i am beyond happy my goodness, out of people visiting medina to us and large, but as they appreciate what we do here and this part of your for many dates seemed too sweet to be healthy. but the 8 hopes his palm with chains perception so that dates are no longer associated only with muslim celebrations. like may become
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a globally popular dish customer, but i just need to make either way, back in a moment with more other days development. stay with us. the the latest news as it breaks around, han has given a cause directory, but it does come out in large numbers. the galvanized population a board with detailed coverage, but the reason prices and the realises things are likely to get much worse before they get better. is driving some residents to the brain from around the world. people have told us the circumstances even more important than usual to come together to share what little they have to life. so the 9 year old under was really bombardment, trauma displacement
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scarcity. and the moments were childhood still shines through a child of because on a jersey system, a little boat is a mechanic or even that self driving train. the vehicle that androids today can be deal with a human only robot like me, will be everywhere else has 0 documentary, which to lead on the weird and wonderful world of global learn. think and even trust. i feel like i'm a life, but i know i am a machine. origin of this, which is gramma done is a time of mercy transformation. worship reward for every good deed is multiplied by 70. it's also brings nicely to the millions of people around the world to us,
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suffering trucks, injury to complex, devastating disasters, and abject poverty. donate use a cat to human appeal. now, to help save lives and transform communities the, [000:00:00;00] the carriage on some this is in use, our license coming up for the next 16 minutes. as well as prime minister says the dates has been set for troops to attack the city of rafa. when more than 1000000 displaced protest teams, i shouted as the latest round of cease 5 talks in colorado beach,


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