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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 9, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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suffering traps in 3 to complex, devastating disasters and abject poverty. to make use a cat to human appeal. now to help save lives on transform communities the, [000:00:00;00] the time carries on. so this is a news license coming up for the next 60 minutes, as well as prime minister says the dates has been set for troops to attack the city of rafa. when more than 1000000 displaced protest teams, i shouted as the latest round of cease 5 talks in colorado beach, a crucial stage. israel's assault on the strip continues to refine, has killed at least 8 people, con eunice,
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germany. it takes into the international court of justice in colorado, a few states of some fine weapons to israel, an aging, and a veteran genocide. in guns time, the total solar eclipse sweeps across north america in the day time, darkness to millions across the continent. news it's 22 gmc, that's midnight and gaza or a date for as well as ground operation in rafa has been set according to the prime minister of israel corporation that has been widely contained in the last few hours . the leaders of france, egypt and jordan, have one to israel against. they've sold benjamin netanyahu says he's received a detailed update on the see spot talks, which of finished and kyra, whoever he's doing or it's a rated threat. so the attack on rap with $1500000.00 palestinians, a sheltering israel continues, it's
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a so it's on this trick. last has down saved reports of progress and says find the confusions are seen yet. spokesman is told, i'll just say are that the is very prime ministers, the latest threat to attack the city or rather raises questions about resuming initiations. my thought of the comments as the thought of the palestinian, the movements demand are clear, an end to aggression against our people. an agreement locking comprehensive hall to aggression holds no follow you. i'd like to comment on the, to the yahoo to day statement about an imminent attack on the life of displeases questions about the purpose of resuming could negotiations. especially with the confirmation of aggression and crime. so against our policy to me and people, the success of any negotiations depends on ending the oppression from the cell who enjoyed this life not from occupies east jerusalem. so and what did we heard so far about the ceasefire tools? well,
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mediators like the united states and the egyptians are remaining optimistic about the prospects of a ceasefire being reached. but remember that there are still major sticking points between both sides. hema says it wants to see a comprehensive ceasefire, meaning a complete and to the war. while these really is have said repeatedly, even if there is a pause in the fighting, the war will resume after that. and in fact, until all of the objectives of the war are achieved, there has been no official comment from these really government on these negotiations. other than the fact that they is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu is being raised on them. and that, and is really delegation was present for this round of talks with the mandate. they were given a buying that's in yahoo is not really known as he has not made any of those details about the negotiations public. now, while mediators are remaining optimistic, there is still no sign that we're anywhere near. we're deal. so benjamin that's in yahoo has been putting pressure on the talks and it's
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a time when he's also under pressure domestically these really prime minister is not just under pressure domestically, but also internationally on the domestic front. you have a population of people who has been protesting against him and his government, calling for his removal from office and for elections to be held immediately. and that's because they are dissatisfied with his governance and the inability to secure a deal to bring back the remaining is really captives on the international front. you have been men's pressure, especially from israel, the biggest ally, the united states, about this in pending around invasion into it off off, but nothing yahoo says has a set date. this comes despite widespread condom nation and criticism. the americans have previously said it would be a mistake and there are other ways of going about this. but there's also internal pressure from nathaniel, whose own coalition,
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who said that if this ground invasion does not happen, that the government will cease to exist, meaning the coalition members will leave if this round invasion does not happen. so there's a lot of pressure mounting on these really prime minister as he now says this ground operation instead off of his plan and is going to take place in ok, body serious. and for us, the have the so who thank when the us says it has received no word from isabel has plans to launch a major miniature offensive and wrapping practical hey and has more on this now from the state department to washington dc. the news that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu and set a date for ross. i came just before state department spokesman, matthew miller, brief reporters, and he said the us has not been told what this date could be. but he reiterated that the united states has been asking for and is yet to see a credible plan to deal with 1400000 people that are in rafa, previous and ministration. officer officials of stress didn't know where to go. so
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again, the united states is saying that when it comes to a full scale operation in to rafa, they are completely against it. we have made clear to israel that we think a full scale military invasion of rasa would have an enormously harmful effect on those civilians. and that it would ultimately hurt israel's security. so it's not just a question of israel presenting a plan to us. we make clear then that we think that there is a better way to achieve what is a legitimate goal which is to degrade and dismantle and to feed the mos battalions that still remain in rough as no us officials have met with there is really connor parts to talk about how the us sees this mission going forward, because you're says they agree that israel needs to target him, austin rougher, but they need to be able to do that well, protecting civilians and we expect they're going to have other another meeting, possibly as early as this week puts potentially very early next week,
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but the us is using much stronger language. now. they have said again from the podium that israel's policies need to change. and if they don't, then the us is will patio hain, elda 0 at the state. department. is really totally fine, was killed at least 8 how to students and con eunice who would target to this. they would turn to what's left to the homes, to search for any belongings. most is rarely troops have withdrawn from the area as well as defense minister says that same that preparing them for ground defensive and rafa. so i'm part of students had hopes they might have homes to attend to. but it's almost nothing left standing across the days of mounting international pressure and warnings of famine from humanitarian organizations is ro says it's allowed $419.00 amount of time in age trucks to enter gauze on monday. it's an all just a number of a trucks that have been sent to guthrie one day since the war began at 6 months to
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get on sunday is ready. authorities allowed 322 trucks to enter the strip. most of them occurring food will be foldable $500.00 trucks used to arrive daily. 8 organizations accuse is relative slow in the delivery of humanitarian relief supplies. but earlier i spoke to our correspondents attacked us in reference. these 8 folks the till now did not into to the a garza strip as it has been widely respected by these very a military and right now they are stationed on the palestinian side of the boat were generally the sides will be a will be completely distributed here for people in the south, and it's mentioning also that these a also include the some a trucks for the private sector that would be directly delivered to the trade as would be later assuming these a human a, this a commercial goods for the majority of guns that seem to softball the tool, now there is no any kind of humanitarian comb voice have been allowed to be
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delivered to another part of the gaza strip on that. as we have been observing in the course of the past 2 days, there was a slight increase in terms of the number over here, military and cool voice, which yet has been seen by the u. n. a. agencies as not sufficient, as they are saying that the guns are stripping a very desperate need for at least between 500 up to 600, the humanitarian convoys in order to be consumed on a daily basis. i don't want it to match the man's i'm president, that needs for the majority of displace palestinians who are right now here are facing a from are also struggling in order to get meals. it's also people there in the northern part of the goals is checked, who did not receive much needed like saving supplies on the move signs of a farm and low mingled the horizon for people there who did not also manage to get much of it's also medical supplies, despite that usability resolution and decision to open airs. crossing to now, this decision had been not yet practically translated. i'm sorry, you're in rough,
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and now i mean how strong are the fears about the possible full is really offensive? there's generally a great deal of frustration looming between palestinians here and rough. i have been told multiple times by these very minute 3 to go south to seek safety. right now they have left everything behind, often losing the houses, ending up living and make shift filters in the southern parts of the gaza strip. and as we have been told by people here who are completely and a full week old, the latest regarding the negotiations on the supply tubes that are healed in cairo between from us and israel, broken by his 100 new mediators. the believe that the is very prime minister, a serious with that, with his threats regarding rough or as the choice to link between the success of indigo sions. with the practicality of this tossing of the military invasion to the city. as people here wondering what next to go specifically that the majority of areas in the gaza strip,
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where the military had rated and turned into russell. as our initial media is really media report saying that b is really mandatory, is preparing to probably more than 100000 make shift to attend. so in order to be distributed later for palestinians as the process of evacuating palestinians are from rough, i will start so clearly we're heading towards difficult days as palestinians here are completely exhausted as they have new. any other options remain just looking for us. these plans that might bring an end for their suffering and hardships that they have been facing since they one of the fighting officer is ready to was pulled out. so southern gaza, some palestinians who they might be hopes to go back to. but there's almost nothing left standing honey more fluid in rafa has more on those. returning to the devastated homes for some of the 1st palestinians to go back to han, eunice, there isn't much recognizable left once home to around half
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a 1000000 people. the city in the south of gaza has been flattened by israel's military. the city looks heartbreaking. it's unbelievable. what didn't expect this kind of destruction. there isn't a house without a martyr, wounded or destroyed. words can describe it. man of the people who have been living in tents or in the open for months on end, we're hoping there might be some way to start rebuilding their life. you know? so given that we came to see what happened to the house, but there wasn't any houses here. it's just rubble. that's how we kinda leave here . animals kindly too. so how's that person supposed to? the destruction is unreal. israel's military announce on sunday has withdrawn troops from han, eunice. it wraps up the key phase and it's battle with him. us drilled levels now are some of the lowest levels in gaza since the war began 6 months ago. but there
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are still reminders that this is still a war zone. rebuilding con eunice will take many, many years to visit row allows and for the 1000000 and a half people sell during here and drop off the breadth of and is really ground invasion remain mode. that'll just be a rough off in southern dog, and some a deliveries have reached hospitals in north casa, over the weekend, bringing desperately needed medical supplies. but doctors, the come out ad one hospitals say the shipments, so just a drop in the ocean compared to what's actually needed the elusive mission. the ends, the arrival of a shipment of medicines yesterday is not enough compared to the urgent needs of citizens due to the high rates of mount nutrition among them, along with the shortage of some food and medicines for these children whom you can see in the background behind me, in the children's mastery, most of the children come in to the hospital with malnutrition, especially punctual babies due to the amount nutrition on the mother. and that
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affects the mother and other patients. and this is the best thing to done. i'm not only suffering because of her, but also because of all the children, every child is suffering from malnutrition and every day we lose 5 or 10 children, but it's not just the young children, men, the elderly. all of them have become ill due to the lack of nutrition because it has been destroyed, life and gaza has been destroyed. no one can find enough food or water, which i think of them is with the you and children's agency unicef. she's in reference, southern gaza. she says a trucks go in is good news, but they need to be allowed access across the street. when i came into the guys the last way, i know that that would 1200 un and n g r a truck backed up waiting to enter. so the fact that we've seen more trucks coming in is really good news, but we need this to happen consistently. because of cost guides is on the precipice of assignment these food has to get in and across the gaza strip. we the agency,
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most of the children dying of bound nutrition are in the north and our access to that area with 3rd high that has been so limited. so it's really important that these i comes in at scale and is continued for the days to come. it's a really challenging part. it's one of the most challenging places in the world to be and i'm a cherry and i work, or at the moment, largely because of the safety concerns as we saw with colleagues that was sent to catch in on monday. even when we coordinated mission with these route that we had told is sites we still put at risk and that's part of the challenge and getting the i to the north with just not getting the safety assurance is way made. and then of course, is other challenges, damages to roads, restrictions on where we can travel, a serious lack of trucks now and fuel that we can use to transport the i. so the obstacles are many, but we're still doing our best. and these really difficult circumstances to bring food and water and medicine and nutrition, treatments to the vulnerable children that need. the colorado has austin, international court of justice in the hague,
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to order germany to stop supplying as well with weapons. immediately. germany is the 2nd largest arms exported to israel off to the united states. like a regular argues that germany is complicit to what the i c j has already ruled. is a plausible case of genocide taking facing godson. set about some reports from the hague of the for 2 hours and they get hardware late outage case against germany. please me. see if the, the so things open accusing it of facilitating genocide a to use on from the holocaust. germany emphasizes that who assistant to israel, who said that some of the time because of that he started with treating the jewish people, did not seem to regina. that is an understandable and loadable policy. if it were addressed to the jewish people. these really states in particularly expressing government should not be confused. think equate that with the jewish people. sort of 1st time 2 countries appeared at the international court of justice,
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which are directly involved in the atrocities at stake. but nicaragua argues germany is in directly involved by sending arms and i'm a nation used to get civilians and gaza german weapons exports to israel have increased tenfold to $323000000.00 in 2023 from 32000000. the before research institute forensic architecture has document recent sales of to p, those tank ammunition and engines for military equipment and the lease of so called error on drones. german companies involved in the military industry, directly profiting from the situation as they have seen their share prizes price since 7 october in his book, white washing and state building. danielle murph, yes, key writes that germany's posts for military and financial support for israel has mainly been about germany's own. we have lead station, the beginning. the relationship has nothing to do with morality and
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a lot to do with pragmatism. also on the strategies side, which side has changed. so today i would say that there is stuff like immortal. i mention to the german supports, but it's not only more than nothing has ever only more of this case is seen as a test for international justice kind of country that is not directly committing atrocities the house was possible for facilitating the adults course. recently, rules that country selling weapons of bond by international treaties, meaning that these weapons can be sold if there's a risk of human at terry and international law. the finally to get osler argues that this is the case in gaza. germany has dismissed need to have glass allegations . so many does not and never did violate the genocide convention nor international humanitarian law, or that directly or indirectly. she said she would give more details during germany's defense on tuesday when it has,
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it stood before the court stepped fast and i'll just say era. they take, it was all mccain has mo, now is how germany has been responding to the allegations. the german position going into choose days. deliberations in the hague is very clear. it rejects entirely the sessions from nicaragua in so far as genocide and germany's position in israel and gauze is concerned. the interesting thing is that while the government officially puts that view across in berlin, hundreds of civil servants, many of whom work in the foreign office, have anonymously put as a statement which deplores the policy of the german government and makes a list of dom moms which it says which this group of anonymous, civil servant says must be implemented. it calls for the german government to implement immediately
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a freeze on arms deliveries to israel to coal for israel to allow a unaffected into garza and to impose sanctions on israel. if it refuses to do so, it says the german government should advocate a return to a palestine recognized as an independent states on the terms of un, resolution to 4 to from 1967. it calls for all sorts of things which civil servants contract. you really here in this country are not allowed to do clearly demonstrating while ministers in this government have a strong policy. many of the people advising them how to implement them seem not to agree dominic cane algebra, 0 bullying. the power red total solar eclipse has been witnessed in parts of north america.
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millions of people across the us, mexico, on canada, sol. the moon broke the sun. in some places, in the hostage for more than 4 minutes, scientists use the eclipse to conduct experiments to then more about phenomena, stonehenge when he was with observers in the city of indianapolis. at the moment, the eclipse reached this peak. what we're seeing is the diamond ring effect, where there is a bright spark of light just before to challenge this done has disappeared in the spring. it seems like it happens on average in any one spot, once every 3000 years. i'm just gonna let you enjoy this moment the each while there was a silvery light, now it seems like suddenly, darkness has descended and it's so complete. the birds begin to nest. insects
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begin to perform their nightly rituals. it was mother nature and just thinking it's night time for a very brief time. so you can imagine why thousands of years ago was terrifying. so people to see this now that we understand that it's simply an astronaut michel, phenomenon that happens every once in a while. the fear is in there with the remaining joint knob. i don't san francisco. diego, he's in the store number at university college, london. he's always is from mexico city, walk into the program. so even as a season, a story about how exciting an event was this for you as well. it takes a lot of was excited guys, i've seen the solar eclipse, exciting, so fairly decade sold over the phone every time. you know, i have to say every time it's like the 1st, but it's a lovely experience. this is betty too much space on fest, on the way to the side, the science. i believe they forget about the book. when you see the shadow of the
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moon approach, it goes to the west. and right, so you got to some people say. busy more or less and company being 5 landscape, you know about the secretary you'll be installed on sole spend show. so yes, i, yeah, i got in the actually people that were there a few hours ago that experience you've described will be starting from 5 digits assigned to this topic, conducting various experiments, haven't they are doing this to kids? what are they looking for? then? what lazy we need to know looks bad, but the external law must be over. so we know about the cup to ship, which is the right. but so that we shouldn't. adobe bought the special, the picture in truck based off to you. i mean my, my glasses and the people the. busy each kind of picture, all the guys. so we watched the, the keeps like basic we can't even take interest with that. they are the format of the issue for the front of it. and yeah, so that's what talk to, you know,
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on top of so have to be able to try to figure supply the right seen guys. right, to babies barely seen that appears betty's big. that's what i've got to be sort of just that the diamond ring, or think about that point. you've probably seen that yet. we trust our beautiful quarter always. it must be the corner. we can see the sky, which isn't the way what the lady i spoke with could almost be it because she tries, we've got a drama. see a, this theater photo, which is kind of the photo electrical mexican thing to get like do something sort of, oh, $5.00 random blue lights 5, which is also because uh uh, uh, so if you mean the middle east type of spectrum, maybe some lights with gussie separately use these kind of paper and the mixture of these photos gives me the purple color. that's a criminal shift. i mean, on top of that, the shop various things are very expensive. one video, some video. so it offers these a product or the sort of and now the child in chase, how these dramas fit, and especially the sort of product get these, these very,
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very tight vintage for booking. a couple 1000000 will be grease of the page. the product was the fault to satisfy the 6000 degrees. what is the bakeries that increases the temperature? that's all caustic, these, but they'll be able to some station may yourself forgot that we stated bump bump started, but it was well solar eclipse of thought be the ideal experiment to really work out more about these mysteries, the seeing that they bought the solar pieces for for my case, right. so the final product gets the stipend. sure. okay. well, if we especially lock you up, last is that you started early. i mean, why does this capture the imagination of people so much? do you think we're a solar eclipse? i think i've just gotten this discussion before a friendly binding will say that some time ago in those several 3. and you say, what is your most basic document stating that you understand why this of the solar eclipse event was the kind of go through the word?
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yes, as far as we saw somebody spectacular. but he said, well, i got both at the same time. and the same 3 back out what kind of the yeah, the most spectacular page 6. i started being uh, as i said in the beginning, we always got the sphere besides this talk feel better than that dishonest for police a fit. and we don't know if he's supposed to be subbing for us to stay close for a few days or whatever. a dispute is in beverly, not a few months. and then we still really need 5 o'clock. so piece to get to the point you seems to kind of medical supplies, which is, which is some basic so people that, uh what experience these, for the best time i pulled up trees, this is something that we never forget. why do you see one that place you want to see the next one? the next one or the next? well, as i say, i'm every time just be that the best buy magic i cannot explain to you is just just wanting to be basically like a special place. and with the magic, i mean, does it reminds of classifies how small we are compared to the workings of the universe as well. so need to get the control before
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nature and this is why don't they will be events. because when the realize that this on the most important thing, you know, right, just the, i mean, really, the only thing, i mean, the basic route would be they, they aspects of the good seek out all the basic bunch of washington, washington post on, on the wall there, so we've got the sort of the welfare which are the main for the box to stay in the fog light, but likely to be in the, in the, in the environment. and you'll see this on disappeared in the middle of the day. that's a major, major process there. so it's very poor, but remember, be saved. i know in the future, we know that the sauce has these explosive, we've got sort of players because, and they're very possible vision that comes inside. but so if you let me do is we try the box. ready the hold on to us, we're ready to ready a very lucky that we didn't call it, they just won't sort of start without formations. what are going to do we've, i've tried one of those. it would be
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a major problem. so we need to learn more about park so because they did all the sites, the explosive, why the stages of displacing the cost of that type. you know, that were protected by the wife and wait, compare and the protective. i would really need funds before we thought about this after us about that. i'm going away in the coyote. okay, we'll leave it and i don't san francisco, diego, thank you so much for joining us here. we're notes here. it's a pleasure talking to rate your experience. thank you very much. i or so the heads all now this era, columbia is water supply runs, drawing thoughts has introduced rationing as far as the emergency levels. the how are we still have a few set within the full costco se impossible,
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straight to where to, where the little drive its way to what was the same? and i over the next day or so, we do have a severe trouble, so i can all go up to what was the northwest, that sky to run parallel to the case and not making it direct to impact, but a few shelves into that west. the side of the w way over the next dial to choose, i say, so showers around that se include these scenarios of new south. well, some heavy shows the, to sidney flooding consensus, the remaining place here and down to was the se, generally drawing. now this area of life prices at west to whether that will stick across the attachment, it's making its way towards new z. let's say you can say how about these to sort of australia does dry up. it does brighten up costs. are the same for an easy to particular cause. the south side is some really nasty, was a flood race last a pot, sofa, southern new zealand. i'm not west of weather, grassy pushing it over the past as we go on through fast ice, improper, or terminal weather coming in here. quite a keen wind blowing away here then raw the windy rod once settled to across such
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a time of the next day or so. tuesday does say some wet and windy and when she weather pushing in broad disguise, come back in full weather, stay temperatures in tokyo, but 19 so how is your vacation in this a shelves? the, [000:00:00;00] the chest. wow. the, the,
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the average person to know what the truth was assigned to dismissed as profits of do. we knew where the temperature was going to go by leaders seeking the profits of industry. they were publishing reports saying this is not an urgent problem. could we have changed the course of the climate to emergency? air is which is here as new series died. last futures. the market back are mazda of our main storage, the latest round of gauze as the spot torps, and ended in egypt with him. ass down, saying, reports of progress for seeing a spokesman told altos air that is very prime ministers,
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mates us threats to attack the city. reference raises questions about resuming negotiations. 8 palestinians have been killed as they tried to attend to the con eunice in southern guns. emergency workers have retrieve the parties of the 77 people, that in the last 24 hours, he comes off the most is ready troops where, withdrawing from the area, we come back to it has full, gemini before you and talk quotes. what it says is the aging and effecting of genocide and does it is a choosing germany of a serious breach of international painting and its duty to prevent the genocide of science bid for the full membership of united nations has been referred to a committee of the security council, the 15 member group is meeting behind closed doors to discuss the application. we sincerely hope, after 12 years since we change our status to an observer state,
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that the security concept. when i love it, it's sense to implementing that global consensus on the 2 state solution by admitting the state of palestine for a month for membership. gabriel, his own day was that the not to nations in new york explains what's being discussed . postings 1st tried to become a full un member, 2011, but it failed in committee. and so now this is really the 2nd time in its history that it is now uh got to this stage of the process who was last week that to the posting in a basset or to the un submitted their letter to the secretary general, asking to become a full member of this organization right now, it just has observer status, which means that it cannot vote in the general assembly, which is certainly something that is disenfranchised to palestine for decades now here at the un. so now it rests with the security council, and the security council process is a little convoluted, but in centrally what happens is,
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is the council members meet behind closed doors in a committee. it is not open to the public, it's not televised, it's very much a private meetings are having and they discussed the uh the, the options are they discussion, discuss the palestinian a case that's being made to be a permanent, a full time member of this organization to us and then they decide if the security council decides that palestine should be a full member, then it would go to the general assembly where it would need 2 thirds of the body there to vote for it. and it appears that palestine has that the issue is the veto power and the security council. and if the security council can reach any sort of consensus, but of course any of the p 5 permanent 5 members from this case, the united states has the power to veto it. and the us is showing no indications that that they plan to uh to accept the power stein's bid to become
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a full member of the united nations. but clearly, this process will go on probably for another few weeks before we get any sort of clarity on where the security council stands on it. the, the several regions and russel have declared a state of emergency and off to some of the west flooding and decades. the disastrous forest at least 4000 people to evacuate the homes. meanwhile, the residence of was tested against a local authority to handle the situation individually and asking the president to help. they say they went told in advance of the nearby down could boast. besides, they are in the rules, are among the worst hit within 10000 times have been flooded them to meet them. if they didn't cover poles, this is what the coming of spring can look like in russia. the around river, europe's the longest, best thing,
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it's banks and rising flood waters caused by winter snow melting in the woods regions have swept through thousands of homes. the mass, as people should leave if they can, before it's too late. you thought you didn't want to leave, i feel a time too old and wouldn't go. but they persuaded me which to push through, but i want to well, no, just cry. i feel terrible. it's usually the river 1st best to through the stem and oscar flooding. the city regions governance says flooding has been recorded along the entire 2 and a half 1000 kilometer long river that flows through conflicts down into the caspian sea. the russian officials say $39.00 regents have or will be affected, controlled explosions of being carried out in the ice and snow in some regions to prevent further flooding and farmers pulling out the capital. stuck in the mud. rescue and relief efforts underway. the russian emergencies,
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minnesota says the flooding is the worst, the region that's seen in decades. we bought a boat yesterday so that we can reach our relatives if something happens to bring them for state or medicine. water levels are expected to continue rising for at least another 2 days to meet you. remember that go out to 0 or in the in southern russia is also experienced major flooding due to melting snow correspondent units from about the travel to the city and census this report. the wheel industries who are involved in the southern zeros were natural disasters and folding right now. look, i'm standing far away from the fitness center number residential building surround to me. and it was a rising side of foss, literally as only speaks of movies and buildings are in danger to or in by august the capital o b, or in by region which pulled as catholics on. this region has been hit hard by the
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heaviest flaws in decades. they were closed by numerous amounts of sooner this year, which was obviously melting right now. and also a lack of network of reservoirs on the euro river and as well as the neighboring rivers played its negative role here. and the brands seem to been built with violations just recently last friday to be precise at don, broken, or the 2nd largest sustain, bit over in black region. tens of thousands of houses. and the huge amount of lines have been submerged in the region, including owenberg, as well as the neighboring regions, like the cool gone region in the east of orange bog. what b to bull re, but also bust as binds about 6 and a half styles of people, including hundreds of children, were evacuated from the salons. those 90 will play some temporary accommodation centers. people are literally losing movie, had many caps, council and poll frame. the young ones, and there was so much pain now struggle in all the worst hit city, so far, residents protested against the official were supposed on monday. meanwhile,
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authorities say they do well, they tend to evacuate health and for tax people. they say they wound the population about the disaster well in advance. so the peak of the flooding in or in book is expected on april the 10th, you know, ship of all of the, or in bog, russia. the columbia is facing us, severe droughts putting this to bullets as a national power, good at risk water levels and the rest of us, which i use to generate electricity. but some of the not just of incentives have dropped to the lowest. and over for decades, i thought you say the own nino weather phenomenon is to blame my son to run the reports from boca to were walking inside the sounds of outside razor. why went up to rest or was that supply almost at 70 percent of all the drinkable water to the city of vogue with that and surrounding areas these weather wise or at the lowest level? in the last 40 years,
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you can see here one of the measuring poles that are used to measure the level of the water in this, in this reservoir, which is down to 0 here. overall, the reservoir is now down to less than 18 percent of its capacity, which has force the mayor of both having posting a series of restrictions that will start next thursday. rationing water in different areas of book with uh, uh, almost a 1000000 people will go. busy without water for 24 hours, every 10 days, you've been with them if we are in critical conditions and our goal is to change the habits of citizens of boerger talk to guarantee the supply of potable water in the short and medium term is these measures on this is free and inevitable to guarantee the next months and also next the supply. this situation is due to a new weather phenomenon which normally brings dry weather to columbia,
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but it has become more severe in the last few years. and so these restrictions, the rationing of the water for now will remain in place indefinitely every 2 weeks, the mayor's office said they will look at the situation and the sides if it needs to remain in place. but the expectations is that the, the rationing will continue, at least for a few months. what worries a lot, the story these at the national level is that this could also soon affect the national electric a grid. given the fact that 95 percent of all electricity in the country is produced at a in rest of why is this generated by wrestler wise like this when and we're now in the country just the 4 points away from a 27 percent threshold that could also call for the rationing of electricity in different parts of the country. i listened that i'm 50,
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i just need i but with that, the president, so cyprus has met, the officials, ended up in east capital. they route to discuss the reco influx of syrian refugees to the audit. cypress says lebanon is the starting point of all illegal crossings. wants to you to provide financial aid to stem the flip side of the as well from aaa north and it takes 10 hours on a small boat to reach cypress, the closest european territory from lebanon's northern shores. it's a journey will lead, wants to make, once he saves enough money. he is a refugee from syria, with no job in recent weeks, traffic increased on this migration route at a time of unprecedented poverty in lebanon, and in neighboring syria. that if somebody lives with us and i prefer to leave despite the dangers of such a journey, already 10 members of my family have died at sea. they are not able to survive here . the heading, a high level delegation,
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cypriot president nicholas krista dollar. this came to 11 on after more than 700, mainly syrian migrants arrived on his country shores last week. he didn't speak after talks with officials in bay boot, but the president has said, reception centers have reached breaking point and is discussing with the european union how to condition 8 to 11 on to stop the flow of migrants to last year. the un refugee agency said nearly 4000 people made or tried to make the journey to europe from here. and the 1st 3 months of this year, separate officials documented more than 2000 arrivals on the islands compared to $78.00 in the same period last year. 11 on has been criticized for not doing enough to police. it's walters. but the authorities here say there is so much a country facing multiple crises can do well enough, but most of the estimate we don't want to exploit a refugee problem to any of the country. but the world needs to understand that the
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syrians are entering our country illegally, and when we want to deport them back, we are accused of violating human rights. while the united nations believes conditions in syria prevented from promoting returns, loving on in cyprus, say, there are parts of syria that are now safe and refugees, n migrants should be sent home. give low on these, all of a sudden, i'm afraid to return to syria. everyone knows what to reach him does to those who do. we are also afraid because the libby, news government keeps talking about deporting syrians 11 on has the highest population of refugees per capita in the world. while the number of asylum seekers inside, per se, has reached 4 percent of the population, both countries say they're facing a crisis. their relationship is about to be tested as milder whether likely lead to more attempts to reach europe center for their eligibility to north 11 on that is 98 people. many of them children have died off to make shift very sign of north and
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the most. i'm be 130 people are on board. are converted fishing, but when it went down to the province on sunday, i thought to say the vessel was not suitable for carrying passengers. 5 survivors had been rescued, but dozens of still missing. many of the victims were trying to escape a color outbreak and those on beaks or physical policies in south africa or on the campaign trail. the head of next month's parliamentary elections. the governing african national congress is expected to face a tough challenge is probably minutes. the majority could be threatened for the 1st time since the policy it came to power in 1994. some politicians have attentive populace to graduate to appeal, to vote as the reports from johannesburg on how these tactics aren't being received . to the amc has been in power for 3 decades with the african national congress school days. appear to be said in the bodies govern since the end of apartheid as to the country's 1st democratic vote in 1994 and so,
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but its popularity has dropped to less than 50 percent of the poor governance corruption struggling economy and fast rising crime is very this is the opposition action is the party made by the form and may of janice book, holland, michelle. but he says fighting crime and corruption is the top of his agenda when mid to late be a total, i guess those who commit crimes like what robinson made though, and drug trafficking and so forth. see those consequences. i think of right now, 12 of the guys is really very soft on, on, on criminals. we've go to the of the look at this issue of puddle and way of prison, of extra need to take our prison as, as some kind of law or the, or the dates as a result of the popular street to reach seems to be working. i've had to go into the building, we've exceeded everything, you know, because of it also saves indefinitely. again, like on the exit and we'll fix the creek. i'm hoping they would fall down mostly like it's been so many years where they've had time to prove themselves. change
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that guns are in some ways, but it says getting was to cub prime. some parties are promising to reinstate the death penalty and other say they can turn the economy around. but it's unclear how such block is will live up to the promises they're making. it is all much more of a license. and it's very much propaganda pundits except by they do not have a tim and date of how that would actually go through that into the outcomes. national respond to the economic freedom fighters was established 11 years ago and is known for disrupting parliamentary proceedings. the o, it's needed to use my name. i'm making inflammatory and racist statements. but his popularity is also rising along with started as an outspoken politicians and their parties, somebody domina ultra 0 to his. but kind of it's a leading mexico's that presidential race of squared off in the 1st of 3. 10 of us
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debates before national elections. the feisty exchange corruption and access to health care emerged as the big issues. but it says has the opposing june to choose a successor to preston to andras. and my lip is open a door on a rapid quote start from mexico so. so that's pretty much what i want that in segment, a lively 1st debate among presidential hopefuls of the mexican capital on sunday morning. and he said it, let us to maybe come in here. national access to health care took center stage. let's not forget to ask for a project is defensive from prevention to the most complex cash for any health condition and provide for you medication. we have the budget to do at some point time again is if it's less important today, 50000000 people like access to health care services. the vaccination system has been destroyed. now only one and every 3 children receives complete vaccination accounts for patients are no longer guaranteed their medication. nearly 40 percent
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of the population is considered vulnerable because they are unable to consult medical professionals to diagnose, treat and manage diseases, illnesses and disorders. and it's not just access challenges. we spoke to one physician who showed us a list of dozens of prescription drugs that are in short supply nationally. he asked us to hide his identity for fear of rubber cushions which says that some of these medicines could mean the difference between life and death for tens of thousands of patients. are interesting because there are many specific indicators to show the health care system as well as of today. then it was 6 years ago. low income citizens are worse affected by drug shortages. people like hold heavy as a psychiatric patient who tells us he struggles to fill his prescriptions for anti anxiety and depression medication. if can validate his grade, i see on the display ration the physical and mental symptoms. one experiences are extremely harsh to the point that if you see medicine anywhere, no guilty,
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you buy it because the suffering is enormous. mexico's health care budget has increased in recent years. but despite more spending, the government is failing to meet the needs of millions of patients. they've tackling corruption, was also hot topics and all 3 politicians that seem to agree that public funds loss to corruption is a significant reason for shortcomings in public services. and both moving apart from the proposed solutions to mexico's, were sitting health care crisis. presidential candidates also debated other topics like historic levels of violence, shortfalls of education and curbing migration. a 2nd presidential debate is scheduled for the 28th of april and a 3rd and final debate on may 19th. monday visit up a little alger 0 mexico city. so i had to announce, is there the rush hour to celebrate the end of ramadan, indignation,
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causing traffic not in school to an economic boost. the, the, the, the indonesian government estimates more than 194000000 people are traveling to the home towns. you know, for 2 holiday which marks the end of ramadan and with more than 70 percent of the population on the move on this sort expecting to $9000000000.00 economic boost. jessica washington reports from dakota. it's. it's an in station in central to cause a tens of thousands of people are preparing to travel to their hometown ahead. if
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they don't fit that holiday for me, homecoming means gathering with families, especially seeing parents. we are so happy to go home to gather with relatives, we don't get to me dawson, the on would you any at the end of room a done is a tradition in indonesia. millions leave major cities to spend the holidays with their families. many of making the most a free buses provided by the government aimed at reducing congestion on the roads. that 8000 with our own for the last few years, the number of people using motor bikes has decreased and accidents of decline to so this free homecoming is very effective. millions of engine agents, a migrant workers, come from all over the country to work in the capital and the other big cities. authorities say this could be the biggest street in a travel, susan, on record, with more than 194000000 people expected to be. that's an increase of moving 70000000 compared to last year. the innovation chamber of commerce and industry
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projects and economic boost of more than $9000000000.00. estimating the average family spends at least $200.00. those are only on transport expenses, but it also includes food and beverages. and at the time, the other one which host the largest tech sales market in southeast asia, thousands of shopping for presents. oh, for data expenditure. personally, i only buy things that i knew, but i came here to bikes. i worked for the, for my mother, my sister, and my sense economists say the travel boom is a good sign for the economy. an indication of growing consumer confidence, they pointed to several factors, such as an increase in the average wage and best of transport infrastructure as reasons more people are taking trips this year. on average, there was an increase on the people to move from informal sector of the economy to the formal sector economy. the effect of that of that actually creates the,
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the right for them to, to get the religious holiday as a loans out for around about one month, a salary. so they have the purchasing power. it's a week is big spending for millions of engine asians price. they say they happy to pay for a chance to spend a week at home within loved ones. jessica washington, which is 0 to come to the the comfort of volcano in there, cuz i focused on and says, interrupted with lava flowing into the pacific ocean holidays uninhabited by humans . but his home to a number of animals spaces is one of the most active. okay. news in the cut off because i didn't change so how do you re, there is the 2nd largest producer of the dates and the wells running around $300.00 varieties. one of them is increasing, attracting more attention, latasha whole that explains from the, as i love it, even healthy greece, his visitors in a special way tossing petals,
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is regarded as an ultimate act of generosity. he runs of forms that produces the most popular variety of date in saudi arabia. she found some in his stuff and waste no time explaining to the customers that use of the sweet through the all drawing is huge, made the snow quality is it protects against many diseases and he's reach in you to the end date, a key part of people's died during when we're done, which nachos sure goes their base blood sugar levels almost immediately after a long day of fasting. and help with that and the by the system. with the varieties of data produced, hideous sound you ravia. this particular one stands out, muslims believe it's the same type. the prophet mohammed used to break his fast, and they want to follow to addition. it is widely considered to be the best gift
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for loved ones back home. and that's why it's rapidly becoming the most expensive dates in the world. right now most people show up upside spun, oscar, gainful. he's produced that comes in a wide range of kind of sweetness and texture dates, or a staple food in the middle east. we serve them all the time. and i think the get together is also known as the one year, as we serve dates with coffee. it's a cultural symbol of generosity. this is west size, spends most of his time looking after the health of his palm trees. you may take that case of to planting it to you, not to produce dates, but it doesn't seem to be due to a tool. so i don't know if i am beyond happy my guess out of people visiting medina to watch. but as they appreciate what we do here in this part of your for many days seemed too sweet to be healthy, but said hopes his father with chains. perceptions about dates are no longer
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associated only with muslim celebrations, like may become a globally popular dish customer. how about i just see the medina say with us, we'll have more of the days. developments in just a few moments here. not the the latest news as it breaks the wall and the message. they say they're going to carry on the 2 coverage. these really prime ministers spoke this evening saying that the military is ready to invade drop off despite criticisms from allied from the heart of the story. everyone is terrified to shelter in the hospital for more than 6 months. right now. nowhere is case and kind of thing is, are targeted. the life of the 9 year old under is really bombardment. trauma
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center is displaced in scarcity. and the moments where childhood still shines through the child of cuz on a jersey it must be the emotion in their own words. 3, i'll just leave a general as described, working at surviving through israel's or so of course a lot of mind that was i was calling and especially as much as i know. so with journalism on the genocide on a just so you know, you want to report, but at the same time you want to feed your company. he also wants to allies families in gaza,
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facing unimaginable hardships during times of crisis. solidarity is a strong this defense against injustice. and we've been in gaza since 1991 doing life saving look. your generosity can provide value to support to those west effected because he met dulcie stella, your mercy, showing his brightest, gave mercy, now donate today. the . here's what was prime minister says, the dates has been set for troops to attack the city of rock somewhat more than 1000000 displaced palestinians sheltering the balance of rome and what challenges it relies more headquarters here in doha, coming up as the latest round to see so i told some time to reach
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a crucial stage. israel's assault on the strip continues to refine, has killed, at least age people. in con, eunice gemini,


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