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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 9, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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team 91, doing life saving, let your generosity come, preside slowly to support to those worst effected because the mad dog is stella, your mercy, showing his brightest, gave mercy, now donate. today. the heroes probably minister says the dates has been set for troops to attack the city of rock somewhat more than 1000000 displaced palestinians sheltering the island. so rahman knew what challenges it or life. what headquarters here in the hall coming up as the latest round to see? so i told some time i reach a crucial stage. israel's assault on the strip continues until the refine has killed, at least 8 people. in con eunice gemini,
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is taken to the international court of justice as nickel rock. you're accused of supplying weapons to israel, an aging, and the best thing genocide in garza and a rat total solar eclipse is seen across north america bringing daytime dock. this 2 millions across the continents. the welcome to the news is rails. a prime minister benjamin netanyahu says a date has been set for ground operation in rough gauze, southern my city. the plan defensive has been widely content in the last few hours . the leaders of friends, egypt, and jordan of one district against the sold. that's in yahoo says that he's received a detailed updates on the c side told switch of finishing tie right. however, he still reiterated threat solve the attack on rafa by 1500000 palestinians. a sheltering says welcome to use this assault on the strip. how most has done played
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reports of progress and see find negotiations seen as spokesman has told down to 0 that the is ready probably ministers, late his right to attack the city of rough or raises questions about resuming negotiations. my part of the comments was the part of the palestinian. the movements demand are clear, an end to aggression against our people. an agreement lockheed comprehensive hall to aggression holds no follow you. i'd like to comment on the, to the yahoo to day statement about an imminent attack on the life of this raises questions about the purpose of resuming congratulations, especially with the confirmation of aggression and crime. so just out of the, to me and people, the success of any negotiations depends on the end things the aggression and that's what it is it occupied, east jerusalem. she says he's very prime minister has been briefed on the most recent negotiations. mediators like the united states and the egyptians are remaining optimistic about the prospects of
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a ceasefire being reached. but remember that there are still major sticking points between both sides. hema says it wants to see a comprehensive ceasefire, meaning a complete and to the war. while these really is have said repeatedly, even if there is a pause in the fighting, the war will resume after that. and in fact, until all of the objectives of the war are achieved, there has been no official comment from these really government on these negotiations. other than the fact that the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu is being raised on them. and that, and is really delegation was present for this round of talks with the mandate. they were given a buying that's in yahoo is not really known as he has not made any of those details about the negotiations public. now, while mediators are remaining optimistic, there is still no sign that we're anywhere near. we're deal these really prime minister is not just under pressure domestically, but also internationally on the domestic front. you have
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a population of people who has been protesting against him and his government calling for his removal from office and for elections to be held immediately. and that's because they are dissatisfied with his governance and the inability to secure a deal to bring back the remaining is really captives on the international front. you have been men's pressure, especially from israel, biggest ally, the united states, about this in pending round invasion into it. off off, but nothing yahoo says has a set date as the says, it's receiving a word from his relatives plans to launch a major military offensive and rough uh, bicycle hanging as well on this from the state department in washington dc. the news that is really the prime minister benjamin netanyahu had set a date for ross. i came just before state department spokesman, matthew miller, brief reporters, and he said the us has not been told what this date could be. but he reiterated that the united states has been asking for and is yet to see a credible plan to deal with 1400000 people that are in rafa. previous
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administration, official officials of stress didn't know where to go. so again, the united states is saying that when it comes to a full scale operation in to rafa, they are completely against it. we have made clear to israel that we think a full scale military invasion of rough um would have a and enormously harmful effect on those civilians. and that it would ultimately hurt israel's security. so it's not just a question of israel presenting a plan to us. we make clear that we think that there is a better way to achieve what is a legitimate goal, which is to degrade and dismantle and to feed the mos battalions that still remain in rough as no us officials have met with there is really connor parts to talk about how the us sees this mission going forward because you're says they agree that israel needs to target. hum austin rafa. but they need to be able to do that well, protecting civilians and we expect they're going to have other another meeting,
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possibly as early as this week puts potentially very early next week. but the us is usually much stronger language. now, they have said again from the podium that israel's policies need to change, and if they don't send to us as well, patty complain, elda 0 at the state department. hi, well robin is a fellow at the middle east coast along global affairs in washington, dc joins a slide from negates have you with us on the program. i mean, the messaging of whether a sci fi can be agree, it seems to be dependent on the words ending aggression. how do you read those statements coming out from negotiators? inquiry is now, 1st of all, thank you for having me. you know, i think it boils down to a couple of things, in one sense, it's the duration of the cease fire itself. the opposite have masses is looking for a permanent seas fire and these relays are not interested in that whatsoever. it's also about the place how mouse has been pushing for these really army to pull back
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completely, or at least into certain areas. and it may be that the word aggression is, is about that, whether it's the use of force or just the presence of these really military or inside the gaza strip and the long term. so i think we're getting down to the issue of, of, of semantics and, you know, what those, that's what those words mean in a, in the context of that and agreement when it got on says a see, saw a little bit more of that. but before that, i suppose i really want to get to the cats ha, seems to be using the phrase cautiously optimistic. but the sticky point seems to be the return of displace palestinians. according to all, sol says, and the number of palestinians to be released from is really detention for each is right, the captive that can be released. and so it was a delicate possible negotiation on the day as well. are certainly, and i think when it comes to, you know, the, the statements of the company mediators and the different mediators expressing some optimism. i mean, they're doing so in relative terms, relative to, you know,
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the past few days and weeks in which it looked like no deal was going to get done. so i think there's some cautious optimism there. but how mass also said, you know, that there's been no progress and the statements that we think the statements of the is really the prime minister. it doesn't look like there's been much progress. but yes, when you're getting into these negotiations, it's very important obviously than the, the numbers and, and you know, where a policy and civilians, if they can return home is real. seems intent on not prevent on preventing a pulsing is from returning to the northern gaza strip. is it sets up, you know, this very wide buffer. there's also obviously the issue with the prisoners and how many hostages. so i think those are, are less important. you know, working out those exact figures then, then some of these big picture issues around duration of the ceasefire. things like that kind of come back to this issue. i've seen saw what she mentioned at the beginning of this interview. i mean, the safe release of a ton of civilians be they displaced or captured. can any happen when there was a, some sort of a c style pools. and that seems to be the overarching elephant in the room that no
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one seems to have a very credible and so full beat, a mouse, be it israel, be the mediators, or even the us as well. i think come acid or stance that you know their population can not mean it's impossible to go to return to normalcy, but can return to their homes safely unless there's a total end to the fighting. if it just resumes in 6 weeks, then it's just a brief pause and then the hostilities, the death and destruction returns from it is really standpoint, you know, they are looking to, you know, obviously they need a break in order to, to remove their hostages from is really, from how much gift anybody that's going to require some cessation into violence, but they don't want to commit to something permanent because nothing seems adamant about entering and destroying the dis run rough us well and all that entails. and of course it is such negotiations come perhaps be comforted by those statements. so
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we all hearing from these why the prime minister, about a date set for rasa. it's something the americans don't agree with right now, but there is a lots of pressure uh, on top of these, both internationally and domestically about how the prime minister moves next. but is this just a bit of sabre rattling? do you think right now immediately or do you think that the he might go ahead with this without the agreement of the us as well. certainly there's a tremendous amount of pressure on building onto nothing. yahoo, both domestically as, as different forces within israel. you know, the, the, the, the families around the hostages and that movement as well as those the want to remove this government for about, from power co less as well as what you said in terms of international appropriation . especially in the wake of the killing of those 7 humanitarian aid workers. and now the us kind of, you know, maybe for the 1st time, not just changing tone, but applying a bit of pressure. i wouldn't say that us and the by the ministration has used
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anywhere near the amount of leverage it holds at his disposal. but it's been enough to at least, you know, get these relays to, to start making some minor changes. but i think, i think that nothing yahoo is adamant about going forward in the dropbox and that's what he's saying. it's not just sabre rattling in that sense. and i think he's prepared to stare down the american president and see if the american president really use as the leverage at his disposal. i think, yeah, nothing knows that biden is very hesitant to make those kind of moves. he has been over the past 6 months. he's done next to nothing. and he's facilitated what israel's doing and whether he's now going to change gears completely. i doubt it. there are also moving parts to the story. the various stakeholders are looking at very carefully. i'm one is a, because time is of the essence. as timing seems to be encroaching on the strip and still latino said is getting in need as many as maybe just have a full 100 trucks entered today. uh, but distribution of it is still an issue because there is a stretch of military
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a sold it. all of these issues are connected. you comp distribute aid without some sort of poles in military action by these re lease and an american people. so much pressure or the international community can any put so much pressure on the israelis, even they say all assaulting the age groups as we saw within the last week, you know, and which drew in special condemnation or yeah, exactly. i mean, i think in the wake of the killing of those 78 workers, a number of agencies that were distributing humanitarian aid into the gaza strip said, well, we can't do this any longer. we can't put our employees at for the risk if these really are going to continue to harm the aid workers. and these really had, you know, prior to those 7 had killed over a 100 already. so it was a very dangerous enterprise. on top of that, israel has, you know, leveled much of the kinds of strep, especially in the north and central gossip. and so that prevents the, you know,
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the easy distribution of humanitarian aid to people. so there are number of issues that are preventing aid from going in and being distributed to people that are desperately in need. and you know, i think is frivolous behind all of that. we'll see what happens certainly in, in the coming out. so them over time, all rom, and thanks so much for joining us from washington. dc. thanks for having me. he's already able to refine, has killed at least 8 to palestinians. and connie, this people will talk, there is a return to what's left of the home to search for any belongings that mesa is ready . troops have withdrawn from the area as well as defense minister says that's aimed at preparing them for ground defensive in rasa. as we just mentioned, that some palestinians have hoped they might have homes to return to, but there's almost nothing left standing left to days of mounting international pressure and warnings assignment from humanitarian organizations. israel science it's allowed $419.00 humanitarian aid trucks to and to gauze. on monday is the
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largest number of a trucks that have been sent to gauze a one day since the will began in 6 months. okay. the on sunday is radio forward. he's allowed 322 trucks to enter the strip. most of them carrying food before the war, 500 trucks cease to arrive every day. aid organizations accuse israel of slowing the delivery of humanitarian relief supplies and using starvation as a weapon of full recovery was impossible. from rough in southern gauze. these 8 folks the till now did not into to the a garza strip as the has been widely respected by these very a military and right now the are stationed on the palestinian side of the boat were generally the sides will be a will be completely distributed here for people in the south, and it's mentioning also that these a also include the some a trucks for the private sector that would be directly delivered to the trade as
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would be later assuming these a human a, this a commercial goods for the majority of guns and see in the south for a 2 now there is no any kind of humanitarian comb voice have been allowed to be delivered to another part of the gaza strip on that. as we have been observing in the course of the past 2 days, there was a slight increase in terms of the number over here, military and cool voice, which yet has been seen by the u. n. a. agencies as not sufficient, as they are saying that the guns are stripping a very desperate need for at least between 500 up to 600. the humanitarian convoys in order to be consumed on a daily basis. i don't want it to match the and i'm president that needs for the majority of displace palestinians who are right now here are facing a from are also struggling in order to get meals. it's also people there in the northern part of the goals is checked, who did not receive much needed like saving supplies on the move signs of a farm and low mingled the horizon for people there who did not also manage to get
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much of it's also medical supplies, despite that usability resolution and decision to open airs. crossing to now this decision had been not yet practically translated as well. still had, hey, on the, i'll just say, what are some of the was flooding in russia in decades leads to authorities to declare a state of emergency in some regions. we'll have that story straight after the break here. hold on just the, the, the, how are we looking at some rather likely by the developing across the southern pops up to us. so you can see is not too bad at the moment, but this area of life pressure will continue to drive its way for the race was in his training where the systems are in the process of ramping up, say some really wet weather coming in across the dates south texas, oklahoma, pushing across towards the tennessee valley somewhat by the 2 i went to most likely
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i heard of that was 21 celsius in new york, 70 and found height of 25 to 40 say now there's very wet weather becomes more widespread as we go on through what weather stay that will be the ultimate i wrapped in, hit gusty winds, lodge, highly usual, should bank. i'm not will continues to 5 as wife, but the east was somewhat driving bright to have the tools west. maybe some little bit of mountain snow that into colorado, maybe being too positive utah as well, but 5 towards the west coast is fine and dry coming down to too much of mexico as well. so then there is a central america will still see a few showers towards panama, correct? you could see a little bit of weight into that into customer, a customer channels with your shout to into his spam, y'all, a puerto rico unable to was the lea. what's the show us here become a little more widespread as we go one through wednesday, but bright to sky somewhat further west in the,
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the life of the 9 year old under was really bombardment. trauma center is displaced in scarcity. and the moments were childhood. student shyness through the child because on a jersey to the book about kill watching officer with me. so rahman in the how remind to of on top
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stories, the latest round of gaus si, fi tolts of ended in egypt with how boss downplaying the pulse of progress. a serious spokesman told i'll just say over the dns, ready prime. and it says latest threat to attack, the city of rafa raises questions about resuming negotiations. they palestinians have been killed as a trying to return to the hands and con eunice and southern gaza, emergency work and said retrieve the bodies, all but least some stuff people. but in the last 24 hours that comes of to makes his way, the troops were withdrawn from the area now to 0, spoke to a mother of premature newborn trip. let's see what falls to sleep by foot from nicer hospice. clayton county district compton. rafa the loud buzzing you had throughout her story is because of his really drones flying. i've had all the the, the
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federal should um, is it a job so i well well then i can see the submit the job
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on the i would like to walk. you says as the international court of justice in the hague, to old, in germany, to stop supplying his role with weapons immediately. germany is the 2nd largest islands explored to the as round off to the united states. we come back to august, the gemini is complicit to what the i c. j has already ruled as a plausible case for genocide taking place in gaza. so advice and ripple, so from the hague for 2 hours, nicaragua laid out its gaze against germany. please be sea food. these are things
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open accusing it of facilitating genocide a to use on from the hollow cost. germany emphasizes that his assistant to his right. oh you said i told him the time because of that he started with treating other jewish people. did not seem to regina that isn't understandable and wrote about policy if it were addressed to the jewish people. these really states in particularly expressing government should not be confused. think equate that with a jewish people. sort of 1st time 2 countries appeared at the international court of justice which are directly involved in the atrocities at stake. but nicaragua argues germany is in directly involved by sending arms and i'm a nation used to get civilians and gaza german weapons exports to israel have increased tenfold to $323000000.00 in 2023 from 32000000. the before research institute forensic architecture has document that the
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recent sales of torpedoes tank, ammunition and engines for military equipment and the lease of so called error on drones. german companies involved in the military industry, directly profiting from the situation as they have seen their share prizes price since 7 october in this book, white washing and state building. danielle murph, yes, key writes that germany's posts for military and financial support for israel has mainly been about germany's own. we have lead station, the beginning. the relationship has nothing to do with morality and a lot to do with pragmatism. also on the strategies side, which side has changed. so today i would say that there is stuff like immortal. i mention to the german supports, but it's not only more than nothing has ever only mario this case is seen as a test for international justice. kind of country that is not directly committing atrocities the house was possible for facilitating the adults course. recently
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rules that country selling weapons of bond by international treaties, meaning that these weapons can be sold if there's a risk of human at terry and international law. the final later and the get osler argues that this is the case in gaza. germany has dismissed need to have glass allegations. so many does not and never did violate the genocide convention nor international humanitarian law that directly not in directly. she said she would give more details during germany's defense on tuesday when it has it stood before the court stepped fast and i'll just say around. they take a hold on the kitchen has more how germany has been responding to those obligations . the german position going into choose days. deliberations in the hague is very clear. it rejects entirely the sessions from nicaragua in so far as genocide and germany's position in israel and gaza is concerned. the interesting thing is that
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while the government officially puts that view across in berlin, hundreds of civil servants, many of whom work in the foreign office, have anonymously put as a statement which deplores the policy of the german government and makes a list of dom moms which it says which this group of anonymous, civil servant says must be implemented. it calls for the german government to implement immediately a freeze on arms deliveries to israel to coal for israel to allow a unaffected into gaza. and to impose sanctions on israel. if it refuses to do so, it says the german government should advocate a return to a palestine recognized as an independent states on the terms of un resolution to fall 2 from 1967,
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it calls for all sorts of things which civil servants contractual a here in this country are not allowed to do clearly demonstrating while ministers in this government have a strong policy. many of the people advising them how to implement them seem not to agree. dominic cane al jazeera bullying will post on stage for the full membership of the united nations, have been referred to committee of the security council. the 15 men degree post held a closed door meeting to discuss the application the we sincerely hope. after 12 years since we change our status to an observer state, that the security concept will elevate itself to implementing the global consensus on the 2 state solution by admitting the state of palestine for a month for membership. the several regions in russia have decided they say to emergency of to some of the was funding in decades, the disaster has fullest,
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at least full 1000 people to evacuate the homes. meanwhile, residents of this good protesting against the way local authorities have handle the situation in the region. and that's good presidents to help. they say they went tools in advance, estimated by done could 1st well siberia and the urals amongst the was test more than 10000 times have been flooded. the to meet treatments. the tank has moved this is what the coming of spring can look like in russia. the around river, europe's the longest, best thing, it's banks and rising flood waters caused by winter snow melting, and the unemployed region have swept through thousands of homes. the mass says people should leave if they can before it's too late. you thought you didn't want to leave, i feel time too old and wouldn't go. but they persuaded me to pull through, but i want to well, no, just cry. i feel terrible. it's usually the river 1st best to through this them and
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oscar flooding the city. the regions governance says flooding has been recorded along the entire 2 and a half 1000 kilometer long river that flows through conflicts down into the caspian sea of russian officials say 39 regents have or will be affected, controlled explosions of being carried out in the ice and snow in some regions to prevent further flooding. and farmers are pulling out capitalism stuck in the mud. rescue and relief efforts underway. the russian emergencies, minnesota says the flooding is the worst, the region that's seen in decades. we bought a boat yesterday so that we can reach our relatives if something happens to bring them for state or medicine. water levels are expected to continue rising for at least another 2 days. to meet them at that and go out to 0. lauren bug and southern
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russia has also experienced major flooding due to melting, so they will corresponding you to the shop of oliver travels to the city and send this report. the wheel industries here are involved in the southern zeros, were natural disasters and folding right now. look, i'm standing far away from the fitness center number residential building surrounds with and this is a rising. so foss, literally as only speaks of movies and buildings are in danger to or in by august the capital o b, or in by region which pulled as context on this region has been paid on by the heaviest flaws in decades. they were closed by numerous amounts of sooner this year, which was obviously melting right now. and also a lack of network of reservoirs on the euro river and as well as the neighboring rivers played its negative role here. and the brands seem to been built with violations just recently last friday to be precise at don, broken, or the 2nd largest sustain, bit over in black region. tens of thousands of houses. and the huge amount of lines
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have been submerged in the region, including owenberg, as well as the neighboring regions, like the cool gone region in the east of orange bog. what b to bull re but also bust is find about 6 and a half salvage people, including hundreds of children, were evacuated from the salons, those manual play some temporary accommodation centers. people are literally losing movie, had many caps, council and poll, frame the young ones, and there was so much pain. now struggle in all the worst hit city, so far, residents protested against the official were supposed on monday. meanwhile, authorities say they do well. they tend to evacuate health and for tax people. they say they wound the population about the disaster well in advance. so the peak of the flooding in or in book is expected on april the 10th, you know, ship of all of the, or in bog, russia. they ran a total solar eclipse as being witnessed in pulse of bill.


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