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tv   Witness A Child of Gaza  Al Jazeera  April 9, 2024 2:30am-3:01am AST

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just tens of thousands of houses on the fusion amount of lines have been submerged in the region, including owenberg, as well as the neighboring regions, like the cool gone region in the east of orange bog. what b to bull re but also bust is find about 6 and a half salvage people, including hundreds of children, were evacuated from the salons, those manual play some temporary accommodation centers. people are literally losing movie, had many caps, council and poll, frame the young ones, and there was so much pay now struggle in all the worst hit city, so far, residence protested against the official were supposed on monday. meanwhile, authorities say they do well, they tend to evacuate health and for tax people. they say they wound the population about the disaster well in advance. so the peak of the flooding in or in book is expected. on april the 10th, you know, ship of, all of the, or in bog, russia. they ran a total solar eclipse as being witnessed in pulse of north america. millions of
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people across the us and mexico and canada. so the moon block, the sun, then some places this lasted for more than 4 minutes. scientists use the slips to conduct experiments to learn about the phenomena until the engine was with observe businesses you. indianapolis, at the moment the eclipse reached its peak. what we're seeing is the diamond ring effect, where there's a bright spark of light just before tow talary system disappear. and this thing seems like it happens on average in any one spot once every 3000 years. i'm just gonna let you enjoy this moment the. each while there was a silvery light, now it seems like suddenly, darkness has descended and it's so complete. the birds begin to nest. insects
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begin to perform their nightly rituals of fools, mother nature into thinking. it's night time for a very brief time, so you can imagine why thousands of years ago was terrifying to people to see this . now that we understand that it's simply an astronaut michel phenomenon that happens every once in a while. the fear isn't there with the off romaine. now the like somebody located in the galapagos islands has abrupt it with the law of a flying into the pacific ocean. the island is uninhabited by human bodies, home to a number of animal species is one of the most active ok there is in the galapagos simon chain. that's it for me. so robin munoz and how nice cooking holiday stories on our website at al jazeera dot com with this is next to stay with us. the the
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question why it happened like this led to area where the foundation the
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fast lane or 2 weeks. so the content for the
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motor uploaded, the, the phone, the, the head with the other one has a little said f o r. no, is it just settled the monthly head? no. is it a head coach? edmond, hannah john for the names on the bus. the how to look into the let me check the mitsubishi. mm convenience. the medicaid has to be met. emotional has is limited to is good. that's good. because 1st level we came, it was you had done an exam and the lives of pod sick going to the good
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when i came in i am. 6 the can mackenzie level. 6 has a when the bus has the, the, the whole thing get flooded. now i'm going to do one that has not know 10 this the 2nd one of the the give this i guess is the biggest read at the beginning. and then i'm gonna just ask me and if so from the end of
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the the certificate that you pay, whether or not me look at them account the corporate level. hey, this is nancy set up in the auto renewal officials for coming bob in the message when the minute nancy chavez, and the front of the,
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the, the, the kitchen or the next task is up on a technician
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function of the provision for them in the, in
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the center i bet to do to the hook the brotherhood assuming hand of the heck the clothes had the effect. that was your position and how does he not go cool about the position to have the the
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the, which one was the other than that if i'm to the left of the door via would that cool, you know, be able to obtain our, please can between of us to check on that and they only in us the tab. oh sure. go ahead. the top of my head. what have you like the house on the handle heading in my room and told me a lot of stuff. i didn't have the,
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as long as that, i want to have them as you know, how i kind of review of them. and again, this is kind of triple fish needs the same. you know, me on the button on cash of some kind of budget. give me one and you level for something else. on the side, the sensors was the, the
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[000:00:00;00] the the you should, this is this, this is, this is helen of the sort of the most of the month. and that's the end of it. this
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is yvonne let's to get
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a can you tell me the jenny they haven't been yet? well, my mother in law while you know a little while the room of gab the is
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a lot of it isn't the, is the company. the similar items that i knew this is the whole is uses the same the island of, of the bomb. and it was reading the the, the uh like a go ahead, the a the talk that has nice it said with the cleaning at home because of the house. mm hm. i
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sense this is mean and a lot of news from the cleaning office. oh no. let's see though, such as well. hold on to this committee, so click on that particular holland. difficult to see how quick it would, right. can i please? oh, like i'm in the exam. is this the same as your lab? yeah. look, i do have a lab and that's really nice. you to the hyphen ministry to huh. huh. so there's the look for half
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a day. couldn't help me. the the the, the the, the amount of, of, of, of, of, of the bottom of the book is on bottom normally 30. what else? shut up problem. nothing about the and above done the think the the bottom, but i said, well why don't, don't try the show. i don't know a gentleman. i got a letter about not on the bottom. i went to the house, the imagine that i didn't,
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i didn't know the law, nothing fee which i had that was the i'm so kind of thought of over, but i'd rather miss not the love with the i didn't get to the time to get it done. then it gets to the ditch in the top of the
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dish, all them in the the the
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house get a transmission as well as the ones that are on with it as a bad? no, i yeah, the shift i limit all of that is a lot of how they go for networking is lot in, in the the i think the
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how to set up the of every family carries its wounds. but those in 65 or just patients can take a nice time to hear a young the rocky dutch father encourages these families to finally discuss their cost. in the hope of sparing youth young
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son by breaking the cycle. intergenerational trauma my father new and died. a witness documentary on elegy sierra, the government challenge, as well as the officer, a 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from
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i'm into the how to rubik language, world wide shaped, come out of ward for translation and international understanding. announce is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st to may 30 fast nominations i made on the award official website w w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the israel's prime minister says the dates has been set for troops to attack. the city of russ sucks when more than 1000000 displaced palestinians of sheltering, the crowds overall avenue of watching all just every line from the hall coming up in the next 30 minutes. as the latest round of seaside tools and kind of, i reached a crucial stage. israel's assault on the strip continues on to refine,
3:01 am
has killed at least 8 people in con eunice, germany is taken to the international court of justice as nick rog,


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