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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 9, 2024 5:00am-5:28am AST

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the knowledge is here with the israelis problem, and it says, says the dates has been set for troops to attack the city of rough, but more than 1000000 displaced palestinians of sheltering the clubs of romany are watching, obviously realizing to also coming up as the latest round a seaside tolts and kind of i reached a crucial stage, is where it was a solid homeless trip continues. artillery fire has killed at least 8 people in con eunice. germany is taken to the international court of justice as nichol rag. you
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are accused of supplying weapons to israel, an aging, and a betting genocide in guns. and a rad total solar eclipse is seen across north america, bringing daytime doctors to millions across the continent. the welcome to the israel's prime minister. benjamin netanyahu says that a date has been set for a ground operation in rafa causes southern may say, now the plan defensive has been widely condemned. in the last few hours, the leaders of fronds egypt and jordan have warned as well against the sold doesn't yahoo! it says that he's received the details updates on the si, fi told switch finished in cairo. however, he still reiterated the threats of the attack on rough 1500000 palestinians sheltering as israel continues as assaults on the strip, how boss has down played reports of progress and see sign negotiations. the
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palestinian group says he is riley's being stubborn. i've seen the spokesman told i'll just say that these are the prime ministers, latest tried to attack the city of rougher raises questions about resuming negotiations. my thought of the comments as the thought of the palestinian, the movements demand are clear and to aggression against our people. and the agreement lockheed comprehensive hall to aggression holds no follow you. i'd like to comment on the, to the yahoo today statement about an imminent attack on the roof. this raises questions about the purpose of resuming critical. she ation, especially with the confirmation of aggression and crime. so just out of some young people, the success of any negotiations depends on the end things that aggression, to some desolate is it occupied, the story slammed with more on the latest round of negotiations. there's been no special comments from the is really government about the potential of a cease fire being secured, but these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that he is being briefed on
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these negotiations in cairo. and his really delegation was present for the talks and they were given a mandate buying that's in yahoo. but what exactly that mandate entailed? they did not speak to the public about this comes as nothing yahoo is under immense pressure, both internationally and domestic. we have to secure a deal to release the remaining is really captive who are still held in gaza on the domestic front. you have a population of these really is who was protesting against netanyahu. and his governance saying that he has failed to secure a deal to bring back the remaining captive, and that he should be removed from office immediately on the international front. you have many countries around the world, specifically israel's biggest ally, the united states, who says that there are a lot of issues with israel pending round invasion instead of law for which nathan, yahoo says there is a set date for now. all of this comes of the americans, and these really is have had many disagreements over this over the last several
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months. but nothing yahoo maintains that. it is critical to invade drop off. we're more than one and a half 1000000 palestinians are seeking refuge in order to achieve an absolute victory in the war and the central jersey at all occupied east jerusalem. hey, well robin is a fellow at the middle east coast along global affairs in washington, dc. he says there was still a number of sticking points and then the gas stations between as well. um 10 miles . i think it boils down to a couple of things. in one sense, it's the duration of the cease fire itself. the obviously, if a mouse is looking for a permanent ceasefire and these release or not interested in that whatsoever. it's also about placing how mouse has been pushing for these really army to pull back completely, or at least into certain areas. and it may be that the word aggression is, is about that, whether it's the use of force or just the presence of these really military or inside the gaza strip in the long term. so i think we're getting down to the issue
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of, of, of semantics and, you know, what, those, what those words mean in the, in the context of the grant agreement, when it comes to, you know, the, the statements of the company mediators, and the different mediators expressing some optimism, i mean they're doing so in relative terms, relative to, you know, the past few days and weeks in which it looked like no deal was going to get done. so i think there's some cautious optimism there. but how mass also said, you know, that there's been no progress. and the statements that we take the statements of the is really prime minister. it doesn't look like there's been much progress. but yes, when you're getting into these negotiations, it's very important. obviously the, the, the numbers and, and, and you know where a policy and civilians, if they can return home is real, seems intent on not prevent, on preventing a pulsing is from returning to the northern gaza strip. is it sets up, you know, this very wide buffer. there's also, obviously the issue of the prisoners and how many hostages. so i think those are, are less important, you know, working out those exact figures then. then some of these big picture issues around
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duration of the ceasefire. usaa is that sort of things may what form is relevant plans to launch a major military offensive in rasa. pals equal height and has little homeless on the state department at washington, dc. the news that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu would set a date for ross. i came just before state department spokesman, matthew miller, brief reporters, and he said to us has not been told with this date could be, but he reiterated that the united states has been asking for and is yet to see a credible plan to deal with 1400000 people that are in rafa, previous administration, official officials of stress didn't know where to go. so again, the united states is saying that when it comes to a full scale operation, in to rafa, they are completely against it is using much stronger language. now. they have said again from the podium that israel's policies need to change, and if they don't, then the us is will patio have elda 0 at the state department of today's,
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it's not against the actual pressure and moldings of simon, from humanitarian organizations. israel says it's allowed 419 humanitarian aid trucks to end to gauze on monday as the largest number of a trucks that have been sent into garza in one day since the will began of it to another part of the kansas trip on that. as we have been observing in the course of the past 2 days, there was a slight increase in terms of the number over here military, a cool voice, which has been seen by the u. n. 8 agencies as not sufficient, as they are saying that the guns are stripping a very desperate need for at least between 500 up to 600. the humanitarian convoys in order to be consumed on a daily basis. i don't want it to match the i'm and i'm president that needs for the majority of displace palestinians who are right now here are facing a from are also struggling in order to get meals. it's also people very the know that part of the goal is just check who did not receive much needed like saving
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supplies on the move signs of a farm and looming on the horizon for people there who did not also manage to get much of it's also medical supplies, despite that usability resolution and decision to open airs. crossing to now this decision had been not yet practically translated. is ready until the re fire is killed, at least a palestinians in con eunice, people talk did as they returned to us left of the homes to search for any belongings. let me see, is there any troops withdrawal from the area as well as defense minister says about same of preparing them for a ground defensive in rasa. some palestinians of hope they might have homes to return to, but there's almost nothing left standing honey. my food is in rafa and i was more on those pertaining to that devastates of homes for some of the 1st palestinians to go back to han. you and if there isn't much recognizable left one's home to around
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half a 1000000 people, the city in the south of gaza has been flattened by israel's military. the city looks heartbreaking. it's unbelievable. we didn't expect this kind of destruction. there isn't a house without a martyr, wounded or destroyed. words can describe it. many of the people who have been living in tents or in the open for months on end. we're hoping there might be some way to start rebuilding their life. you know, so given that we came to see what happened to the house, but there wasn't any houses here. it's just rubble of it. kind of leave you animals kind of leave here. so how's that person supposed to? the destruction is unreal. israel's military announce on sunday has withdrawn troops from han, eunice. it wraps up a key phase and it's about over time us drilled levels now are some of the lowest levels in gaza since the war began 6 months ago. but there are still reminders
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that this is a still a war zone. rebuilding con eunice will take many, many years to visit row allows and for the 1000000 and a half people filtering here in rough off the regimen is really grand invasion, remain mode. that is just the rock bottom and southern dog. thinking about goods as, as the international court of justice in hanging too old of germany to stop supplying as well, with weapons. immediately, gemini is the 2nd largest islands exposed to the israel after the united states. and they can lock you. all keys at gemini is complicit in what the i c, j has already ruled as a plausible case of genocide taking place and goes a step by some reports of from the hague for 2 hours. and they get hardware laid out. it's gays against germany. basically see if the, the savings of accusing it of facilitating genocide a to use on from the hollow cost. germany emphasizes that who assistant to his
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right. oh, you said i saw him the time because of that he started with treating other jewish people, doing the nazi to regina. that isn't understandable and wrote about policy. if it were addressed to the jewish people. these really states, in particularly expressing government should not be confused. think equate that with a jewish people. sort of 1st time 2 countries appeared at the international court of justice, which are directly involved in the atrocities at stake. but nicaragua argues germany is in directly involved by sending arms and i'm a nation used against civilians and gaza german weapons exports. the israel have increased 10 fold to $323000000.00 in 2023 from $32000000.00. the before research institute forensic architecture has document that recent sales of torpedoes tank, ammunition and engines for military equipment and the lease of so called error on
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drones. german companies involved in the military industry, directly profiting from the situation as they have seen their share prizes rice since 7 october in this book, white washing and state building. danielle murph, yes, key writes that germany's posts for military and financial support for israel has mainly been about germany's own. we have lead station, the beginning. the relationship has nothing to do with morality and a lot to do with pragmatism. also on the strategies side, which i have a has changed. so today i would say that there is stuff like immortal. i mention to the german supports, but it's not only more than nothing has ever only mario this case is seen as a test for international justice kind of country that is not directly committing atrocities. the house was sponsible for facilitating the adults course recently. rules that countries selling weapons of bonds by international treaties,
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meaning that these weapons calling to be sold if this a risk of human at terry and international law. the finally to let me get osler argues that this is the case in gaza. germany has dismissed need to have glass allegations. so many does not and never did violate the genocide convention nor international humanitarian law or that directly not in directing. she said she would give more details during germany's defense on tuesday when it has, it stood before the court stepped fast and i'll just say around, they take as well. so head on out as a result of the was flooding in russia and decades. vincent pharmacies to declare a state of emergency in some regions. and the amount of civil war is getting more intense as rebels begin to target the capital. we'll have a report, so won't defend such as the
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pod came in to be used. as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not suffered to say, tyler sees thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who they to say, no double stand to all of us any, any one in particular. i said to listening past the challenges here with the, [000:00:00;00] the
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book about the you watching officer lisa who rahman and hold reminder of all the top stories, the latest round of gauze, the see sign talks of ended in egypt with i'm not saying that israel did not meet any of the groups depends senior spokesman, told dogs that ever the is ready prime and it says latest threat to attack, the city of ruffled raises questions about resuming negotiations. h. palestinians have been killed as they tried to attend to the hands and con units in southern gaza, emergency work as separate cheese, the bodies of at least 77 people live in the last 24 hours. that comes up to mesa is really cheats withdrawn from the area a nick around us, pull germany before the humans, top code for what it says is the aging of the best thing of genocide and causa. it's accusing to have any serious breaches of international law and say laguna is to see to prevent genocide. hello son's application for full human membership has been referred to the security council committee in charge of admitting new members
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. the threat to all the us visa falls. paula signed to put its initial attempt on hold 13 years ago, but only this one that asked the you and to reconsider his application. gabriel ellis, on the report from you in h q in new york, out on the state of palestine is one step closer to full un membership. this, after the security council agreed to reconsider its application for many years, palestine has been trying to gain the same full membership status currently be stowed on a 193 other countries. all we ask for is to take a ride for the place among the community of nations to be treated as equals, as equals to all our nations and states. the security council standing committee on new member applications made up of all 15 council members. monday afternoon,
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held their 1st closed door meeting to discuss the palestinian application. but if they cannot reach an agreement to the security council or if the us vito's it, the membership bid fails. and that's exactly what happened in 2011 the last time. palestine is bid for full un membership. got this far along in the process. it failed primarily because the united states threatened to veto in the us as long standing position. is it palestine full un membership should only be considered at the end of a peace process with israel? late on monday, after the closed door meeting, the us ambassador said their position has not changed. our position is the position that's known. it hasn't changed, but we're going to continue to find a plan to bring a 2 state solution to the palestinians that provides peace for israel and the state
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for balance. palestine is long felt disenfranchised from the un, because it has no voting powers in the general assembly, due to its observer status, to become a full member. and the un article for the charter is the guidance which says a country must be a peace loving state. that accepts the obligations of the charter is able to carry out those obligations and is willing to do so. most member states believe palestine meets that threshold. but if the us fails to budge on its long standing opposition, the bid is likely do once again. gabriel's on do, i would use either at united nations in new york, the in the spring you some of the days of these, the several regions and russians have declared a state of emergency after some of the was flooding in decades. but disaster has soul studies full size and able to evacuate the homes. i mean,
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while residents of old scope protesting against the away local authorities of him, but situation in the region. and us being the presidents, the help they say they went and told in advance of the nearby dumb could best well, all of them. but again, the southern russian has also experienced major flooding due to the melting of snow on correspondence due to a shop of all of our attend of content on travel to the city here. and so this report, the wheel industries who are involved in the southern zeros were natural disasters and folding right now look, i'm standing far away from the fitness center, number of residential building surround to me and it was a rising so thoughtfully, truly as only speak. so all these buildings are in danger to or in by august the capsule or the, or in by region which fold as context on this region has been hon. bye, the heaviest flaws in decades. they were closed by numerous amounts of sooner this year, which was obviously melting right now. and also
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a lack of network of reservoirs on the euro river and as well as the neighboring rivers played its negative role here. and the brands seemed to been built with violations just recently last friday to be personalized. don, broken, or the 2nd largest, 16 bit over in black reach of tens of thousands of houses. and the huge amount of lines have been submerged in the region, including owenberg, as well as the neighboring regions, like the cool and gone region in the east of, or in bog, what the tow bull re, but also bust is find about 6 and a half styles of people, including hundreds of children, were evacuated from the salons, those manual play some temporary accommodation centers. people are literally losing movie had many cups, cattle and poll, frame the young ones, and there was so much pain. now struggle in all the worst type cities, so far residents protested against the official were supposed on monday. meanwhile, a source, he said they do will be kind to evacuate health and for tax people. they say they
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wound the population about the disaster well in advance. so the peak of the flooding in or in book is expected on april the 10th. you nash above all of a, or in bog, russia. the in me, in low is coming in, the increasing pressure is very is rebel groups, bethel, government forces with great success of defense ups onto the top left says more on the latest developments. this is the latest that fights with a couple of flights, is from the korean ethnic group sees a base in the a, be a warranty, a town bordering neighboring thailand, and a major overland trading. help the surrender of some 600 government troops adding to the june to the virus. the civil war is known as the yeah, and the has had a serious impact to me and most economy on this population as to june, to struggles to provide basic goods and services. food and security is now affecting some 12900000 people nearly 25 percent of the population. there is an increasing risk of mel nutrition,
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particularly among children and pregnant women. meanwhile, basic medicines are running out and the health system is in turmoil. the fighting has intensified all across the country as it varies, fighting groups votes their own campaigns, often with crude homemade weapons against over straight government forces in american states. fighting between the military and out of con, army has reached its and then president, that level of violence confounding. pre existing. but, and that'll be, that is in my support as 3 g. as the addict. an army has reported the gain it territorial control over most of the center of the kind, and seeks to expense and not the right kind where menu will, he can go to me. even the couple nate people has been attacked as drones. damage was light, but the tank is on the building military june to improve the conflict closer to home the june to is using its air force to help its only units around the growing pressure. but the civilian population is paying an increasing price as
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a complex intensive unexcused helpless to 0 for the equitorial and vice president hold hey, gloss has been taken from prison to a minute trails, but will they became a lot of refusing the suit provided in jail flaws was arrested over the weekend of the ecuadorian play store makes it gives them the same key to but he has sort to sign him since december. now the is going to lead to mexico pulling assets, diplomats and breaking off times. would that quit? oh, floss isn't the investigation for corruption. a rat total solar eclipse has been witnessed in pumps of north america. millions of people across the us, mexico and canada, sold the main block, the sun in some places. this last is for up to 4 minutes. scientists use the eclipse to conduct experiments to learn about how things, what 1200 was with its businesses, even the annapolis. at the moment, the eclipse reached its peak of what we're seeing is the diamond ring effect, where there's
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a bright spark of light just before to challenge. the sun has disappeared in the spring, it seems like it happens on average in any one spot. once every 3000 years, i'm just gonna let you enjoy this moment. i haven't way. this is myself. and most of the people here i haven't talked to, haven't witnessed that. you can hear them roofing. and hollering, i talked to a couple of the women from california, and they said they would probably not live to witness another way. and so there's an enormous amount of excitement around what we're told is about 3 minutes and 30 seconds of a complete solar eclipse. here, each while there was a silvery light, now it seems like suddenly darkness has descended and it's so complete the birds begin to nest at insects begin to perform their nightly rituals of whose mother
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nature and just thinking it's night time for a very brief time. so you can imagine why thousands of years ago was terrifying to people to see this. now that we understand that it's simply an astronaut michel, phenomenon that happens every once in a while. the fear is in there with the remaining this is the reverse of what we saw earlier were you see a glimmer of light around that circle. so starting to see the reverse of that procedure that took about an hour and 20 minutes of that set for me. so romulus problem, we'll have more news in hoffman. it's time to stay with us here on ours. is there a trip to? i'll just say what is next? the
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the color we've got more cloud i'm writing in the full costs and snow for the time. we've got a fair. but if the weather just piling its way through this weather system is developing area of light pressure, ready and housing. the sample was like a southern areas of japan pushing across into a home sheer eastern side of the country. so these things are very wet weather here . we go 13, tuesday, and some snowed over the mountains for good measure, replaced the se, drives up it brightens up as we go on through what the state increased, avalanche risk of cold, 19 sales. you still have to take care in the sunshine a some of the temperature that 2 full sal, south careers looking laws, you drive these channels into north korea. if you have students in northern palms of china that teen celsius, the inviting place, just as a little drive down towards the south, hong kong at $25.00 celsius in the sunshine, sunshine and charles. meanwhile, across it and i'd chinaberry. so i was looking a little lively into west and the northern parts of todd and pushing the costs into
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laos for choose dice got to in your shelves across malaysia and indonesia as well. have you samples still a lot is to be towards us in the way. see still some live you down, pull us into central and eastern parts of india. but for the most part, the story is about the feet. we're touching 40 inch and i on tuesday, aust enough in the valley to talk to you now about this time the examining the headline is there is hopefully today for the close of life and got unflinching journalism. awesome. every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a deliver or do you want to create a world where women come and feel niche, it relates to trauma and create, explore, and abundance of world class programming. on alex's era,
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the space prime minister petro sanchez ends, he's late to smooth lease tour and cats a but a crucial time for the wider reach. and the gulf states has hosted several tops and ending israel's war on concept private as to sanchez calls for c spa and israel to respect. international law resonated world wide while he strongly condemned the


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