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tv   The Listening Post  Al Jazeera  April 9, 2024 6:30am-7:01am AST

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markets, china has dismissed the concerns as groundless. now tony lost at about 3 minutes, but many observer say the total solar eclipse across north america was an event and they won't soon forget. the moon briefly passed in front of the sun on monday, blocking out the sun's light and plunging millions of people into media doc this john hendern has the story. for a few brief minutes, the moon obscured the sun and bathed a 160 kilometer wide strip of north america into total absence of some it happens in any one spot on earth, on average once every 3000 years. but when he does, it unites people of all kinds in a shared wonder of the workings of the universe. when you see the sun completely disappear, become 1000000 times painter. and you see it's purely white crone. it looks as though a black hole is opened up in the sky. in a celeste, you'll celebration at butler university in indiana. people traveled across the
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continent for what, for many years, a once in a lifetime event, biding their time with games, juggling cards, and company on something more than an ordinary. monday. for about 80 minutes, a partial eclipse pulls a curtain of darkness across the sun until a bright shape like a diamond don't. a ring appears in the moon's horizon. scientist filming the van hope to gather information in this sense flaming corona effecting the stars, magnetic fields and the solar flares that can cause outages in satellite communications. in the same way that we might predict extreme weather on a, we're hoping that we might be able to use the information that we learned from projects like this. so you the predict extreme solar weather. then the sun slowly reveals itself, again, this is incredible. this is like the super bowl. it's like the world cup final, you know, will kind of wraps into one with the moon, still securing the sun. people who came here to witness is rare phenomenon and the
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path of totality are gathering their things will be checking out of hotels, priced up because of the eclipse and routing onto the highways. to go tell the story in the end, after all the time and trouble was it worth it every single moment in the airport. this is something indescribable. i would recommend it to anybody. it was good risk take. for a few minutes of wonderment and a lifelong memory, those we talk to say more than worth it, john henry and l g 0. indianapolis. and that's it for me is put on them for this. how far news, but you can always keep up to date with all the license developments on our website . that's algebra dot com to stay with us and listening cost is coming up next. thank you for watching the the latest news as it breaks and wrong on has given a cause. that's great,
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but it does come all good. but you guys are not as popular to the board with detailed coverage, but the reason prices and the realization that things are likely to get much worse before they get better describing some residence to the freight from around the world. people have told us the circumstances even more important than usual to come together to share what they feel they have. oh, wow. okay . i don't kennel with me and shaking everything. sure. i think the chicken
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on with mentioned how i can rely on the good there a little supplement and high level corolla. lynn has been with us. i don't. and i showed them one click so how to do it. and then we'll look at the home on i've been on i initial body shop was how much would, how your mom is i'm a live has actually been the damn the text theater of a shimmy. i'm just going to find the island another for
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show of us now looking on the how it over and a caroline says a lie, for example, they all take a lot of it. i'm really not assuming, sol, so we're so happy like in the level of detail and how to model those. uh, a also had to move forward with a model. awesome. well, montage when the how to who are not going to cause hardware software on a couple more of the license. the reason, so name, i'm live in town. we're in the bottom of the list of how to get the how does she have a knack and i'm here, i'm the head of
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the making sure a lot less allowance on how to do my to upon the knowledge ahead hasn't been done a lot of less than uh, unusual, has my name, is it a soft and level of on on i had no interest while on the law and law was that the know they have the the love of the word for i got animal and know, hopefully you don't, guy didn't see it and luckily
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a out of all literally and we can really like and one from us or the region and i am a little with the last among the less what the heck am i going to show it's paula? i'm done hunt. i'm done a lot of senior at the 49 and i collide colin. colin don't wanna walk a little while. i love out of my cars. uh, elizabeth does royce because i looking for showing malware unofficially malware. things that had a nice oh for sure. and can you, i think i'm gonna issue perfect done as you're not a younger than most of the, the, any kind of the clean up possibly a little bit dated and huddled. we'll have to have a young i'm but i'll have the it hurt if by not kind of sad it had to in the me any major as there is. i mean, you all i'm interested in the are to come ha ha ha ha,
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mean fish and the fall as the the the as always you're either going to be now is it is no. 6 0, well i'm on official shufa. yeah, i've had to share it and gotten the how to do it on it shouldn't come on the phone . so i'm just letting you know the little i'm on with them and besides 4 and a little uh, mckenzie. and besides going on, hold on, going on with them, probably go away with them if honestly, because of with them now, but you know me and one for the shuttle. i help me any inconvenience almost shuttle
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you for that info. mm. especially on, along with the appointment for and you can see, oh me, i'm not a persona. and just next to the saw you you only, i'm using it. the full of modeled lot of them had the stuff in now. yeah. i mean, most of the works of, but of the model decided at home. now you will send them and let them know how the zillow hopefully, enron us a shot if or took a closely shuttle doesn't go with the engine in general. way i know you said to me, i noticed the, the fox had
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tullison height height, which has the drone a given year that goes $24.00 on 7 buzzing in our ears as if it's like the national anthem or something. you sleep on a drone, you wake up on and drone, you live your life on a go. can you imagine living 6 months with this bus? it's insane. for 151 days i have been daily reported. if i wasn't like producing packages or doing live reports, i have been treating and posting on my instagram, we were driving in the car, finishing up the rec for today. and suddenly a huge explosion happens. if target this house
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a lot. i saw her brain. maybe she's a 5 year old the we're not used to it. there's lots of stories. people who are still trapped under the rubble. people who till now don't have their bodies found. people who can't feed their families, people who are arrested on their way from evacuating from the north to the south. every time i see a mother calling, i remember my aunt to me and every time i see a wife cry, i remember my friends lost her husband. and sometimes i would sit to reports and i would sit to cry like literally sob. because i
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wouldn't have any words to describe what i see. my voice has been trembling all the time. i don't know if i don't have the right copy larry. i wish i had more words to describe what was going on. the waiting list was jamie diamond. say look, if this was the water and the jailer, some dental them an 8 issue. oh yeah. and the by the full. yeah. remember, could had them by the, from a solid. yeah. and, and the should be in that as a, i mean inside of that been much that i do when she was with you when i met some people can aside and keep him in a honda simplicity,
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hadn't was this plan. is that even investment in how he knew nothing? or had the man said they've been used to have the gen. uh, pretty much the sam and visually jenny said let them in, but how much of a the nothing's like tons you don't have to. you can't have those because you don't guarantee that you're going to stay alive or you won't be bombed. at least for palestinians have been killed and is really air strikes. they are, they all likes the hospital. so this is the 10 where we need to need work in my colleagues were sleeping here, where this is their own phase they're living in. we're still looking for the people we know and we're still looking for our beloved. when
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had the search bar must see how you doing it. that's 11. and 3. even one. no, no, no. can in the long run there's these no us close to the machine open after them. never answer the phone please. one, know us a lot, soon i've done this on the, on the loss of the one who is this and i see. and so the federal funding and asset that was held on and as the full on the wrong one was $171.00 last time and the year is the car. and, and it's all about that. and this, this is one mentality, somebody gets in, in,
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in the summer having uh, phone left in movies here. and rainy already noticed. okay. well, unless that's all they have different. this was 9. 0 wow. what's the oh so it wasn't us what we as, you know, let me know what an accident. awesome. awesome. it was like that was i had this right uh, hold on. that's what it was on a 100 and assess the young atlanta. so what i was at the moment i can sample like any of how and, and the high level harvey, i'm really getting an elias on what's on the that's what i'm wondering if i got the progress of the 319, and the vision. um i a part of the out before the fall ahead is rosetta. i know, as i was saying now what's on what i understand when they are why that's not a sign of long. i'd ask what i understand. the thing i say i'm an open on the,
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on the, the, i'm fine. i accidentally out of thoughts someone at was not accidentally until like, i don't know so, so yeah. so, so yeah, for us in a play that's also a center or not so good. the rest of the show. oh, that's a lot of fun. right. so we yeah, it's on the phone and then yeah, i just hold on. so i have the last name, sir, i'm gonna say i'm, i don't want that russian. i'm wondering if it's on the planet okay. also on the when i was supposed to be there. when i went to that and also the plan, i'm a low pass on most of the other then why don't you the last one? and that's where the young lady that i'm up from the front of that wasn't enough enough lesson with our that hello. can i send in paper for
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phoenix in law? and i saw who was the show, a lot of show on the should have shown your initial fee you enjoy and i know a sucker to publish it. and here's the woman. she'll have the most of the and i sure. yeah. and can not a father does not a function of love has to do and you know, right, is there is a nash with the same thing as the i can or something the if this the phone say i think another thing if i used to work things out if this is not my fish. okay, well it doesn't. i'm on the truck and they're going to work for a lot of my vision. the resolution plus along the line. nothing. i know the feeling in the nation at home,
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but i'm not home. i'll have to go on the lot going on and because of a lot of your so right now on both the you know me and that's what was the little seeing will. and your so the hot have glass on the back to the had the i knew it. huh. the fire on one was as if i thought it's a lot of fun. they all for the on the roof in the list. i'm wrong. i can see a lot in the market from the kind of the saw budget than jani ali, eh, when they are helpful. they are safe and clay. i'm your godaddy account. what the next to them is the community multiple. that'll be here. and we'll call you on the, on the call. i'll just come get them in as hands the single color that, let's say i wanna. yeah, i mean, whatever phone feel the best. yeah. the,
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even the shade, the massage. uh, move and living the window comes off of it and find it to enjoy it. you meet the wash out and then press on well it a mac, mac, 10 of us all month to put this when my dad is in the home. uh, enjoy on this. okay, the way the thing the fun is the different visually as well. do you mind zillow sit help? see if i nothing just eat on an chevy fusion about the and the less because heavy what he only got on the model, assuming the phone. how do i just dial oakland california to new jersey. oh, i'm not calling in how does the who would have us top 10 in the but then when the folk then wednesday la t. but the additional problem that we will supply in the until looks easy. it's as the does nimble bought into is that already in the works. he thought he hadn't been
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. is that i need to get a little coupon when wallace. ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha. allowed them to move out on the insurance part of the cars. i f e love to hear the image of a neo meanwhile, looking at sea and clay, i'm japan. yeah. but i'm to load the crate and it's done with the faucet the. what was it half as any on any level there, there was a come at the had the amana and let the a cannot say, honestly here, nothing monitor. i'm not shocked me for sure. i'm out of the pond. as i remember the last time i was at home, it was the 2nd day of the war. that was the last time i just left home. and then i was the 3 tips for my family and my husband. and then i didn't even have time to
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take any of my belongings. so reporting on this genocide was you're living, it means you're also being displaced. you're also starving. you lose your friends, you lose your family members. you lose your cousins. i lost 3 cousins so far as more than 10 friends and all of these stuff are not are some things that won't come back again. so living these stuff, everything is drugs to be objective of the cover is very hard. you want to report, but at the same time you want to feed your family. you want to search for walter, search for food and also to stabilize. you also want to
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stay alive the you feel like you're somewhere like in a game. and every day we're like, oh my god versed in a lives who, who is like more of a of an accomplishment every day you're a live like now we're lot alive for 151 days of genocide. that's a great accomplishment. yeah. for the 1st time, for new years, we're not allowed to enter the customer's trip. so that's why the world didn't have any other option. then the policy news and people are amazed us. what we are producing us policy. they're amazed that there are policy and speaking english there. i mean, so tell us the news are good editors. what? yeah, we are here we exist. we're dreamers. we're hardworking people. we are human beings
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. under genocide, we're resisting this genocide. and we did not choose this. we were forced to live this and to report about this. yes, we're brave, but we're brave because we really loved palestine, and we loved garza the must see the emotions them. and what's the name of stephen? what kind of 11 or is it was a supplemented a ziploc bishop, you know what happens is that we, i mean is or less and that's
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a pretty my name that's off. i'm having a saw a 1st session with her soon, and i was only, i don't even know how to love that. so that's why i'm so that's what i recommend. all done by hand. love another hand and i'll talk to him and, and i'll call him with that and the him and then the other one and also to be also model also learn, right? i know when you're comfortable and i'm in there for a few minutes, they bounce off looking for it in on the last here on the bus, off. yeah. in the loop of a lesson on me. you're not gonna have a song i last alignment. how when it comes saying sort of this all content and then along and that's all you really didn't understand listening. i wrapped. yeah. and then i was in bring the whole class, not the size of the supposed to be as long as that's when i was in a while. i went out the line on the phone and that applause
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me honey. and well, i'll tell you what i'm saying. i don't know if i get a one and if i thought i was wrong underneath the yeah, i live at them and they say, oh, i'm follow up. and then i'm going to say put it on the something if that's the name of the service and nothing, there's nothing in the name, it doesn't have that. and that's not what has has nothing a list, a lot of books from the song. it's all post on typing that was there so i can read, i just don't remember having a problem ready for sharon? oh don't they have even a lie out of especially in the name of the sunday the i'm just on the phone waiting for over then. no plan put on a lot. hopefully it's a really long. it's all,
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it's doing it for helping you out. the one thing is that it's the most. oh, also in the field, 100 on the lot of the time that i'll tell you one of the things that happens, especially the flat of 9. it has a lot of the form to pump in the front of the same level rush and we'll see kind of the thing to know how willing and what is the soul in california. and i mean, they come in and it says, no matter what else to have the as well as the law is the one that was the youngest . i'm going in for fun with a lot of people. so if somebody has definitely given this afternoon when i say and did it, but i saw what the hello, hello. well the nic. oh,
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i wish was. well, i didn't, i don't want and got on a national living. i don't one of the shy one. it isn't going to shy when a man in line i live in a shy of so i'm getting your mail also from an image that i see national a highly and with the have to show and have a local one. that's what i mean. that's the national realtor lineup. there you go up on wednesday. yeah, i well, it should have been a shot. a lot of the nation the the oh cool enough and nationally, fam. done and had to do with the last as he is okay. pass. i kind of just vision the left, so that's a lot of the risk when i can get enough model of
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a subset of that with so it in, oh that's what's good in the spend. that's our daughters kaylin. and am, if somebody ought to be talking with us and push it off, we're not going to show that the rain or not with the should in the oh man, well, me in memphis kind of myself. and that is all the is the biggest over the election yet in history, the world's biggest democracy, both its own epic showdown in this final episode of speaking the port finally of prime minister and the movie elevated india global b. this,
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i will be take a long room under the microscope with them and how much is fact. and how much is fiction? being the board fox sports on. i was just seeing how believes that we shouldn't underestimate the consequences of snatching out and move from their natural habitat . family groups are separated, and infants and juveniles are separated from their mothers. and it causes a tremendous amount of social disturbance in these populations, which we just don't think about. i mean, know how come here to be in behaviorally sophisticated they are how complex they are. and yet to put them into a gauge doctor, we should light the and keep them all their lives. he also believes that science isn't the only factor to consider me. keep thinking that if i have a degree, if i look in the research institution or a university, i'm best place to understand the macbooks. and so if we don't continue with animal
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experimentation, so let's be aware of the impact. so 5 actions. let us don't claim that we don't harm we don't tucked we do. we exploit the as well as prime minister says a dates has been set for troops to attack it off, fight in southern gaza with one and a half 1000000 displays pounds to the ends of sheltering a mine says that nothing. yeah. who's threat of a full scale invasion of assessing raises questions over whether sees fine negotiations should resume on the bottom. and this is allen to 0 live from the house. so coming up on we us
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for is to take a ride for the place among the community of nations. palestine moves ones to.


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