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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 9, 2024 9:00am-9:30am AST

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to the when, when you close sense to the pots at the store, the israel's prime minister says, the date has been set for troops to invade rafa and southern gaza were one and a half 1000000 displays palestinians, a sheltering how boss says that nothing else has to rush of a full scale round defense and of the city, raises questions about what the sees find negotiations should because you don't have elizabeth put ottoman this is algebra live from georgia. so coming up on we us for is to take a ride for the place among the community of nations. palestine moves a step closer to full un membership. the security council agrees to reconsider its
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application, plus several regions and bush didn't declare a state of emergency to some of the worst flooding and decades. the beginning garza with a is really military has carried out stolen strikes across the strip, including the southern city of alpha, with $1500000.00 palestinians. a sheltering several people have been killed, and con eunice around 18 bodies have been recovered from under the russell is rarely forces withdrew from the city 2 days ago, a week, 710 specials with palestinian sizes have left the area unrecognizable. many families have been trying to salvage belongings from the ruins of a home. this is what was the problem and as a benjamin that's in yahoo says a dates has been set for ground operation and rough or the announcement coincided
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with the latest round to cease fi tools. so you know how most folks been told i'll just say or nothing. yeah. who's like a threat to attack the alpha raises questions about resuming negotiations. my part of the comments was the thought of the policy and the movements demand are clear and, and to aggression, against our people. an agreement locking comprehensive hall to aggression holds no follow you. i'd like to comment on the, to the yahoo today statement about an imminent attack on the life of this raises questions about the purpose of resuming could negotiations and especially with the confirmation of aggression and crime. so just out of me and people, the success of any negotiations depends on endings. the aggression on the side who does the loankey parties, there was a little more on the latest round of negotiations. there's been no special comments from the is really government about the potential of a cease fire being secured,
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but these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that he is being briefed on these negotiations in cairo. and his really delegation was present for the talks and they were given a mandate buying that's in yahoo. but what exactly that mandate entailed? they did not speak to the public about this comes as nothing yahoo is under immense pressure, both internationally and domestic. we have to secure a deal to release the remaining is really captive who are still held in dogs. though on the domestic front, you have a population of is really is who was protesting against netanyahu. and his governance saying that he has failed to secure a deal to bring back the remaining captive, and that he should be removed from office immediately on the international front. you have many countries around the world, specifically israel's biggest ally, the united states, who says that there are a lot of issues with israel pending round invasion instead of law for which nathan, yahoo says there is a set date for now. all of this comes of the americans, and these really is have had many disagreements over this over the last several
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months. but nothing young who maintains that it is critical to invade dropbox. we're more than one and a half 1000000 palestinians are seeking refuge in order to achieve an absolute victory in the war and the central jersey at all occupied east jerusalem. the us says it's received no word from his relevance plans to launch a major military offensive. and rafa to call haines report from washington dc. the news that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu had set a date for ross. i came just before state department spokesman, matthew miller, brief reporters, and he said the us has not been told but this date could be. but he reiterated that the united states has been asking for and is yet to see a credible plan to deal with 1400000 people that are in rafa, previous and ministration. officer officials of stress didn't know what to go. so again, the united states is saying that when it comes to a full scale operation in to rafa,
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they are completely against it. we have made clear to israel that we think a full scale military invasion of rough um would have an enormously harmful effect on those civilians and that it would ultimately hurt israel security. so it's not just a question of israel presenting a plan to us. we have made clear then that we think that there is a better way to achieve what is a legitimate goal, which is to degrade and dismantle and to feed them off battalions. it's still remaining. and rough as no us officials have met with there's really connor parts to talk about how the us sees this mission going forward. because you're says they agree that israel needs to target him off and rasa. but they need to be able to do that. well protecting civilians and we expect they're going to have other another meeting possibly as early as this week puts potentially very early next week. but the us is usually a much stronger language. now they have said again from the podium that israel's policies need to change. and if they don't,
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then the uses will probably go home. elda 0 at the state department. the us is pushing israel to allow more a truck center godsa israels has more than 400 into the strip on monday. that is the largest number in a single day since the will began 6 months ago. the before to the 500 trucks used to arrive daily. 8 organizations which use is right of slogan, the delivery of humanitarian supplies and using starvation as a weapon of will. product avoids who are missing with offer and has more on the distribution of 8 these 8 folks that till now did not into to the guns a strip as the has been. why do you respected by the is very a military and right now the are stationed on the palestinian side of the buddha. where generally the sides will be a will be completely distributed here for people in the south. and it's mentioning also that these aid also include the some a trucks for the private sector that will be directly deliver it to the trade as
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would be later. assuming these a human is a commercial goods for the majority of guns and seem to sell for a tool. now there is no any kind of humanitarian comb voice have been allowed to be delivered to the another at part of the gaza strip on that. as we have been observing in the course of the past 2 days, there is a slight increase in terms of the number over here, military and cool voice, which yet has been seen by the u. n. 8 agencies as not sufficient, as they are saying that the guns is tripping, a very desperate need for at least between 500 up to 600, the humanitarian chromeboys in order to be consumed on a daily basis. i don't want it to match the admins on president that needs for the majority of displace palestinians who are right now here are facing a from are also struggling in order to get meals. it's also people very the know that part of the goal is, is check who did not receive much needed like saving supplies on the move signs of a farm and looming on the horizon for people there who did not also manage to get
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much of it's also medical supplies, despite the inability of resolution and decision to open areas of crossing to now this decision had been not yet practically translated. oh, to 0. i have spoken to a mother of premature triplets, who fed hospital and con eunice and sort shelter in a camp in java. the buzzing you hear throughout his story. it's from his really drones flying overhead on the each side or is it a job?
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so i will will the inside and i'm i can see the submit the job to the
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palace times application for full you and membership has been referred to the security council committee in charge of emissions the front of a us a veto. 4th pal assigned to put us a bit on hold. 15 years ago, earlier this month with us, did you want to reconsider, gabriel? and he's on the reports from the united nations and new. so on. the state of palestine is one step closer to full un membership. this, after the security council agreed to reconsider its application. for many years, palestine has been trying to gain the same full membership status currently be stowed on a 193 other countries. all we ask for is to take all right for the place among the community of nations to be treated as equals
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equals to all our nations and states. the security council standing committee on new member applications made up of all 15 council members. monday afternoon, held their 1st closed door meeting to discuss the palestinian application. but if they cannot reach an agreement to the security council, or if the us vito's it, the membership id fails. and that's exactly what happened in 2011. the last time palace stein's bid for full un membership got this far along in the process. it failed, primarily because the united states threatened to veto in the us as long standing position is a power steins, full un membership should only be considered at the end of a peace process with israel. late on monday, after the closed door meeting, the us ambassador said their position has not changed. our position is the position that's known. it hasn't changed, but we're going to continue to find
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a path to bring a 2 state solution to the palestinians that provides peace for israel and the state for balance. palestine is long felt disenfranchised from the un, because it has no voting powers in the general assembly, due to its observer status, to become a full member and un article 4 of the charter is the guidance which says a country must be a peace loving state. that accepts the obligations of the charter is able to carry out those obligations and is willing to do so. most member states believe palestine meets that threshold. but if the us fails to budge on its long standing opposition, the bit is likely do once again. gabriel's on do, i would use either at united nations in new york. germany is due to defend itself. when did you install the course against accusations that's facilitating genocide and gaza?
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the case brought by an to cut out was quoting for the court to order germany to stop supplying weapons, to as ro, step lawson's opponents from the hague of the for 2 hours. nicaragua laid out its gaze against germany, basically see, feel the same things open, accusing it of facilitating genocide a to use on from the hollow cost. germany emphasizes that who assistant to his right. oh, you said i saw him the time because of that he started with treating other jewish people, doing that nazi to regina. that is an understandable and wrote of a policy if it were addressed to the jewish people. these really states, in particularly expressing government, should not be confused. think equate that with a jewish people. and a sort of 1st time to have countries appeared at the international court of justice, which are directly involved in the atrocities at stake. but nicaragua argues germany is in directly involved by sending arms and i'm a nation used against civilians and gaza. german weapons exports to israel have
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increased tenfold to $323000000.00 in 2023 from $32000000.00. the year before, research institute forensic architecture has document that recent sales of torpedoes tank, ammunition and engines for military equipment and the lease of so called error on drones. german companies involved in the military industry, directly profiting from the situation as they have seen their share prizes rice since 7 october in this book, white washing and state building. danielle murph, yes, key writes that germany's posts for military and financial support for israel has mainly been about germany's own. we have lead station, the beginning. the relationship has nothing to do with morality and a lot to do with pragmatism. also on the strategies side, we still have a has change. so today i would say that there is stuff like
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a model that i mentioned to the german supports, but it's not only more than nothing has ever only more of this case is seen as a test for international justice kind of country that is not directly committing atrocities the house was sponsible for facilitating the adults course. recently, roles at country selling weapons of bonds by international treaties, meaning that these weapons calling to be sold if there's a risk of human at terry and international law. the finally to me get, abo argues that this is the case in gaza. germany has dismissed me to have glass allegations. so many does not. and never did violate the genocide convention nor international humanitarian law that directly not in directly. she said she would give more details during germany's defense on tuesday when it has it stood before the court stepped fast, and i'll just say around the hey, the still ahead on knowledge 0 me on mazda 7 was intensifying as the rebels target
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. the capital would have a report from our defense headed to the critical debate, postage farmers are angry, people are starving, and we actually have to exports all goods because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments for addition to the highest level they've been using games for the policy for the economy service doing. and course the arrivals inside story on al jazeera, examining the headline, unflinching journalism, sharing personal stories with a global audience explorer and abundance of world class programming on which is 0. the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you're watching, i'll just say are out of me, elizabeth put on and don't have a mind to about top storage, the salad emergency workers and the devastation, the city of con eunice and gaza, have coverage around a tooth bodies from bravo. is there any troops pulled out of the area 2 days ago? lots of weeks of sea is fighting with some us as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the dates has been set for a ground operation in the southern city of dasa. with 1500000 palestinians, a sheltering the announcements, one of the latest round of the seas far tulips,
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and kyra and germany is due to defend itself in the us top course against the accusations that facilitating genocide and gaza. the case support by the conduct was quoting on the court order germany to stop supplying weapons to israel. several russian regions have declared a state of emergency off to some of the worst flooding and decades. the disaster has forced at least 4000 people to leave their homes in the southern cook and region local media say the flooding could effect at least 19000 people. meanwhile, the residence of oil score, protesting against how local authorities have handled the situation and asking the president for health. they say they weren't told, but a nearby them could best. you'll need to shop a lot of a traveler to the city of orange, vague and southern russia and sent us this report. the wheel industries who are involved in the southern zeros or natural disasters, and folding right now. look, i'm standing far away from the fitness center,
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number of residential building surround to me and it was a rising so thoughtfully, truly as only speak. so all these buildings are in danger to are involved as the capital o, b o in by region, which port has context on this region has been hon. bye, the heaviest flaws in the case that were caused by numerous amounts of sooner this year, which was obviously melting right now. and also a lack of network of reservoirs on the euro river and as well as neighboring rivers played its negative role here. and the brands seem to been built with violations just recently last friday to be precise and don broken or the 2nd largest sustain brick over in black reach of tens of thousands of houses. and the huge amount of lines have been submerged in the region, including owenberg, as well as the neighboring regions, like the coon guns region in the east of orange bog. what the tow boom re but also bust is find about 6 and a half salvage people, including hundreds of children,
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were evacuated from the salons. those 90 will play some temporary accommodation senses. people are literally losing movie had many caps, council and poll frame. the yawns, and there was so much pay now struggle in all the worst hit city, so far, residence protested against the official were supposed on monday. meanwhile, a source he said they do. will they come to evacuate health and for tex people? they say they wound the population about the disaster well in advance. so the peak of the flooding in or in book is expected on april, the 10th you their ship of all of the, or in bog, russia, to me on my now with a home to is coming on the increasing pressure of rebels, an antique crew groups, a few days ago, the fine to seize control of a strategically important town bordering thailand. defense editor alex could talk with us reports. this is the latest set by a couple of flights, is from the korean ethnic group sees a base in the meal wanting
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a town bordering neighboring thailand and a major overland trading home. the surrender of some 600 government troops adding to the juices of virus. the civil war is known as the yeah, and the has that a serious impact to me? a mazda economy on his population as to june, to struggles to provide basic goods and services. food and security is now affecting some 12900000 people nearly 25 percent of the population. there is an increasing risk of malnutrition, particularly among children and pregnant women. meanwhile, basic medicines are running out and the health system is in turmoil. the fighting has intensified all across the country as it varies, fighting groups votes their own campaigns, often with crude homemade weapons against over straight government forces in american states. fighting between the military and out of an army has reached its and then president, that level of violence confounding pre existing. but, and that will be, that is in modest,
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poorest region. as the addict an army has their both and begin to territorial control. over most of the center of the kind and seeks to expense and not the right kind where menu will, he can go to me. even the couple nate people has been attacked as drones. damage was like, but the tank is on the building military june to improve the conflict closer to home the june to is using its air force to help its only units around the growing pressure. the civilian population is paying an increasing price as it comes with $24.00 unexcused helpless oh, to 0. the indonesian government estimates more than a $194000000.00 people are traveling to their home towns during the ease i was just at holiday, which marks the end of ramadan, but more than 70 percent of the population on the move left. so expecting a $930.00 and all a boost of the economy. jessica washington reports from chicago. it's in and
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station in central to cause and tens of thousands of people are preparing to travel to their home, towns ahead if they don't fit that holiday for me, homecoming means gathering with families, especially seeing parents. we are so happy to go home to gather with relatives, we don't get to me dawson, the on would you, any of the end of ramadan is a tradition in indonesia. millions leave major cities to spend the holidays with their families. many of making the most a free buses provided by the government and just reducing congestion on the roads that 8000 with our own for the last few years, the number of people using motor bikes has decreased and accidents of decline to so this free homecoming is very effective millions of indonesians, a migrant workers, come from all over the country to work in the capital and the other big cities. authorities say this could be the biggest free a travel, susan,
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on record. more than 194000000 people expected to be that's an in freezes, more than 17000000 compared to last year. the innovation chamber of commerce and industry projects and economic boost of more than $9000000000.00. estimating the average family spends at least $200.00, usually on transport expenses, but it also includes food and beverages and at the time the other one which hosts the largest tech sales market in southeast asia, thousands of shopping for presents oh, for data expenditure. personally, i only buy things that i need, but i came here to buy swords for the, for my mother, my sister, and my sense economists say the travel booth is a good sign for the economy. an indication of growing consumer confidence. they pointed to several factors, such as an increase in the average wage and bits of transport, infrastructure as reasons more people are taking trips this year. on average,
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there was an increase on the people to move from informal sector of the economy to the formal sector economy. the fact that all that actually creates the, the right for them to, to get the religious holiday as a low ins out for a run about one month uh salary. so they have the purchasing power. it's a week is big spending for millions of innovations. price, they say they happy to pay for insurance to spend a week at home with a loved ones. jessica washington to 0 to come to saudi arabia is the 2nd largest producer of the dates and the world going around $300.00 varieties. one of them is becoming more prize than most i shouldn't have bought a explains from the dina as i love it. so even help the greece, his visitors in a special way tossing battles, is regarded as an ultimate act of generosity. he
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runs a form that produces the most popular variety of date, insanity, ravia, she thought, and his stuff waste no time explaining to customers that use of this. we through the all drawing is huge, made the snow qualities, it protects against many diseases and he's reach in new to the end date. a key part of people's died during when we're done, which in nachos sure goes their base blood sugar levels almost immediately after a long day of fasting. and help with that and the by the system. will the varieties of data produced here is sondra ravia. this particular one stands out, muslims believe it's the same type, the prophet mohammed used to break his fast and they want to follow to addition. it is widely considered to be the best gift for loved ones back home. and that's why
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it's rapidly becoming the most expensive date in the world. right now, more people show up upside spun, oscar painful. he's produced that comes in a wide range of kind of sweetness and texture dates, or a staple food in the middle east. we serve them all the time and not daily get together is also known as the one. yes, we still have dates with coffee. it's a cultural symbol of generosity. this is west size, spends most of his time looking after the health of his palm trees. you may take that case of to planting it to you not to produce dates, but it doesn't seem to be due to a tool. so i don't know if i am beyond happy my goodness, out of people visiting medina to us and watch, but as they appreciate what we do here in this part of your for many days seemed too sweet to be healthy. but said holmes, he's fine with chains. perception so that dates are no longer associated only with muslim celebrations, but may become
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a globally popular dish customer. how about i just see the medina stay with us and side stories coming up next. the highlight of the weather is looking a little i'm settled across balls. i've literally stay but the next couple of days to be able to count them into saudi arabia. pushing across towards the golf avenue . north is looking very unsettled. some really inclement weather, pushing his way through. central and west, and pa, for saudi arabia, could see your shots. he wasn't here in kata, it's just a lot of dry study. one degrees celsius on tuesday, picking up a touch as we go on into wedding stay. as i said further norfolk of plenty of shells west and pond solver on good part of a rock seeing some showers, a shower stretching all the way up towards the cool. because in that same system,
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it's an area of like pressure sweating way across the east side of the mediterranean. hey, be sure i was coming into west cypress right across the fact. let's say some showers the into gaza. i'm afraid i'm at wet weather becoming a little more widespread. nothing too heavy but it's there, it's miserable. it's the kind of link for a couple of days. we're going to see that weather, grassy pushing his way for the a little bit of weather to into the north west of africa. northern parts of algeria could see a shower to over the next dial. so let me go into wedding start and you can see the heavier showers stretching the way across. i'm not sure if west africa now the safe move range doing quite nicely though showers. i stretched away until the southeast of south africa, where the flood risk continues. the growing go from grease means taking action. welcome to generation change, a play will series that seems to understand the challenge. the idea is mobilizing, use around the world. we need to
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a political party that we'll talk about our problems, know how come from a generation because 0, this is being theme, the groups, the size of the system has no for most painters of working class people. there is a difference between being able to participate in the system and actually being represented in the 5th generation change on al jazeera is me and most military losing control a series of daring attacks by rebel groups to see there's a turning point. the country is being into a model since a q 3 years ago. so it's me, i'm on a pause to allow civil war. and what would that mean for the region? this is inside store the


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