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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 9, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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as a careful analysis of the evidence, hemispheres scrutiny of legal claims and respect of the fundamental principles of international law. business especially so when it case was rushed to this court against the state. that is accused of being an excess in an accessory row. in the next nations, as jeremy's councils have set out, a rock worse request has no basis in law fact. there are no legal reasons to justify the request that provisional measures. germany is not a violate at the genocide prevention nor international humanitarian law. that directly not in directly our actions, but we support israel and what we assist palestine fulfilled all legal obligations and will continue to do so mindful of changing conditions on the ground. we have done our most to see to it,
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but then the gods are conflict to which we ourselves are not a party. the rights and obligations of all sides brought to bath, not being respected. it is the privilege and the burden of politics. to try to best posted the balance legitimate interest of both is really and the palestinian people within the framework of international law. we stand by israel's rights to security and to self defense, while insisting upon its limits being scrupulously respected. we've done our most to use our political leverage to ensure respect for international humanitarian law . we continue to do our most to respect our own responsibilities, deriving from international to many turn in law and the genocide convention. we've done our most and more than many to provide to return the systems to the palestine
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people in gaza. and we continue to work for a political solution to by the way of negotiated 2 state solution. the president, members of the court, this great hall of justice is not the place for slogans, but for a, for ministration of international justice. we've got most respect to the court, germany's confident that the quote guided by these considerations and applying the standards developed. and it's to his prudence will dismiss nicaragua, so request for provisional measures against this background and not proceed to re cameron these final submissions the federal republic of germany, us the court 1st to reject the requests for the indication of provisional measures submitted by the republic of nicaragua, and 2nd, to remove from the general list, the case introduced by the republic of nicaragua on 1st march 2025. this
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concludes durham news oral presentation. when people haul far delegation, i'm grateful for your kind attention. would also like to express my gratitude to the office of the registrar and to the interpreters for their work during these proceedings. thank you. so let me see that sound good. i think the agent of germany, the statement concludes the oral proceedings on the request for the indication of professional measures submitted by nicaragua in the case concerning electorate breaches of certain international obligations in respect of the occupied palestinian territory. and the correct cut versus germany, i think the applicants and respondents agents council and advocates for the oral argument. so in accordance with the usual practice, i would ask that the agents remain at the quote's disposal to provide any further
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information. it may require. the quote will run to its order on the request for the education of professional and measures as soon as possible. the data in which this order will be delivered to other public searching of the court will be duly communicated to the agents of the policies. since the quote has no other business before it today, this, the thing is closed. of the it's just going 10 that g m t i'm or a kyle and we've been watching the 2nd day of proceedings as the international court of justice in the hague. jeremy has just been presenting its defense in a case pro defined the correct way the german government is violating the you and the genocide convention by selling arms to israel and the funding abra and gone. so now button has rejected. there's that keys, ations as on, justifies,
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and has gone into great detail in court today to lay out its case that's close to our correspondence that bus. and she's been following the proceedings yesterday and today joins us from the hague. assumption only gave a highly details or even somewhat fearful response to nick, correct q a. they had a legal argument, but they were also very keen to set the record straight when it came to gemini, suppose of palestinians. and this export of weapons to israel took us through the key points the yeah, what i thought was interesting was immediately in the 1st line actually because uh, the head of the legal team, uh, immediately said that uh, germany has learned from its fast, has learned from to show out the whole of costs, and that's why it's fully standing by its trial. and it's defending israel's existence and security and not loading from the past linking to the face of the products thing and people that they also said to this,
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this legal advisor to the foreign minister who started the proceedings also said that it was a dye lemma. that germany and other countries were faced by now the supports of israel on one hand and a humanitarian situation and guys on a lot to difficult choices. what i thought was interesting that, that, uh, not a legal expert when at length explaining how certainly actually has diminished and decreased the export licenses to as well. i'm actually sad only for licenses of actually war weapons were issued since october 7. and these meant a $3004.00 to both and to tank weapons that were export to the end of october, straight off to be how much attacked. and then a lot of, i'm an issue, but it was only used for testing in directly admitting that there was a risk that more weapons if they would have been exported. food has been reaching
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international law. all right, so that was an interesting point. and then there was a long legal argument about if the court actually has jurisdiction because one important player in this whole conflict of israel, a for us is absent. and the lawyers argues, how can germany can be complicit in a case of the genocide when the actual genocide committed election be by it's well has not been established yet because of course, we know it is another case of africa file against it's relative. that case is still ongoing. there was no mention though about the provisional measures that the same for a 2 year has a ruled against israel, saying that as well should do all if can to prevent any genocidal act. so that's going to be an interesting question to us. so the german delegation later, and the other point that germany made was that there is simply no dispute. because when you get are only mentioned, it's problems with the issue with japanese in an email to the german mission in new
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york, which is not a form of a way to put an application in. so they say there's no dispute officially and the court should completely dismiss this baseless case. that's what they say. and this is also what you can hear in, in the remarks of that part of the legal applies into the phone with minutes. we are committed to translating it today to, to practice what it means to respect international law and circumstances as challenging as these the garage guar appears not to properly appreciate this. it protects the image of a germany that will fully enables or even aids and effects. the elected permissions of the gravest breaches of international law. once as nicaragua, salt information, or even an exchange of you with a german government. indeed does rush to bring this case to the court on the basis of the flimsiest of evidence. well i could hear from the tone
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of the german legal team that jeremy felt that it was actually insulted by because the last case and felt like a democratic peaceful country. electro many, she thought to be facing this kind of case and run the lens to also explain that germany is the largest. this was due to all human to terry and 8 and money. but of course, we don't know if these 8 is actually read checking the people in gaza. we will now have to wait for a couple of weeks until this for us. we'll decide if it's well, a room on professional specials against germany, which they can walk away with press 6, and that are, you know, that's for that job. it has to stop sending weapons to as well, immediately. okay, set many things and the full brands will be events, but at the hague this morning, let's go over to bell. and now what we can do and no correspondence, dominic cane a step, said that she very much felt that germany felt insulted by having to answer to this
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case brought by nicaragua. how placed the adjustments that watching it, the ones that men who's watching it particularly closely was on the belt box. that's the foreign minister who, who's just being giving and use conference personally separately, went to the multiplan, came to pass. the question was posed to her about to view of what is taking place in the hate. and she said she didn't want to prejudge the issue and didn't want to speak. i had all of the german team that has been presenting its case, but i've taken a few notes and one of the things she said is the german to use one of the biggest humanitarian. don't us since day one in garza, that is or it has the right to defend itself. well, that's something that she's been saying since the starts of this crisis. but also she said that israel has the duty to make the distinction between how much and the palestinian people. now what 2 other germans make is really of the situation are all the whole. the opinion polls suggests that the majority of germans now feel that pressure should be both on israel and so far as some of the attacks that it
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has been leading against garza certainly the view in some opinion. positive us. i suggest that the majority of people are critical of what israel has been doing and want the german government to bring more pressure on israel to as it was a dire and some of the things that it's been doing. suddenly that has been the case in the course of the last few weeks. okay, tell me that came france to be that from valentine, from our stomach spring and now so fail hoffman. she's a professor of international politics and conflict research at the university of effect. she joins this little say, from pilot and it's not to get stuck into with jeremy's response festival. what did you probably make of it? but i think the trial reflects the general deception and foreign policy circles in germany about this trial. and the general dominant perception is that this trial has been brought by the correct yeah. as a political tool to in fact,
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distract from reporting about new, correct use, own negative human rights record. so the perception is there room as old as the perception that russia is in fact also helping new correctly of finance this trial . so there is an understanding or belief that this trial is a sort of smear campaign or a tool to, you know, negatively. see a germany and the western allies on that. this is not actually about guys about much more about, you know, post thinking and that regular is instrumental. i think the quote do think through looking at germany's response today, which was extremely far and wide ranging very meticulously for pad. was it robust enough to convince the course, but firstly, it should not fulls provisional measures on germany to hold weapons sales to as well. and secondly, not find it guilty of being of aging and assessing a plausible genocide. i think the question goes beyond that, because what is what the, the, the,
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the response from germany really also reflects the misunderstanding in german foreign policy circles about how much german use international reputation has suffered through. it's, you know, saving the unconditional support to the tanya government. and it surrenders violence committed and gather, but also about the domestic repression in germany against civil society pro palestinian activism and civil society. the criticism of israel from academia, cultural figures and so on. and because of this domestic repression and this counseling and silencing of criticism of as well has also hit international fig goes this news about this has spread and this has really negatively affected german use. reputation as a place of liberal exchange of opinions, democracy and so forth. and this has really not filtered through to german for any foreign policy sockets. and i think we saw this reflected in this very technical
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response and also, you know, talking about flimsy out of the evidence. basically this believe that the correct view is not seriously here talking about guys about that. this is basically a, you know, an instrumental i think the court. so what do you think spies this push to silence pro policy, the invoices in germany? is it, or if we put aside the guilt from the whole course, what is it that pushes gemini as well to be such a staunch the pull for of israel? so i think it's complex, of course, but what is very important is to separate the foreign policy response and the foreign policy support for the natania and government and is ready politics from the sort of social, the response and social relationship in germany towards do to as many as well, the foreign policy, it's especially security response in germany will follow the us line germany, and particularly in security masses in foreign policy will follow the us. and we saw this very clearly because a few days ago,
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after the horrible attack and death of the wealth, central kitchens, humanitarian aid workers. and the biden administration began to voice more criticism of as well, and started talking about, you know, withdrawing support. and lo and behold, what happened in germany is that some of the most ega um, you know, follow as, of you know, those mo, data to repress any form of criticism. gemini, all of a sudden began to echo, binds line. so in foreign policy we, we can really explain the support for as well with germany folder in the us line. but on the so science level, this is much more complex and it's not so much about guilt towards do days as well . but i would call this feeding much more shame. it's a feeling of shame, and that is, you know, a very negative feeling wide spread in many parts of german society. and that means that whenever there is talk about israel judaism and you know, difficult political questions,
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the nature of many germans will be to just avoid the topic and the default, se spence will always be to just say, you know, i'm supportive of israel. you know, that's the safe span that's going to be non controversial and this, you know, explain some of it. i would say ok, so fail hoffman. thanks very much for joining us. the from the violin talking about the 2nd day of the case of the international court of justice. we will attempt this later in the news. our us now take care says and we'll impose restrictions on exports to israel until it reaches a peaceful it with him. us as well as quoted, you know, the actual violation of trade agreements and just promised to respond. new measures come a day off to as well, declined on quiz requests to add drop age and gone. so these are how up with him sized cargo. chuck, letting you know we had submitted a request to participate in the humanitarian aid operations with congo plains of our air force. we've learned that this request which was welcomed by the jordanian
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authorities, was rejected by israel. that can be no excuse for israel to prevent us from providing aerial aid, to stop and guardians, in response to the situation, we have decided to take a series of new measures against israel. is it all? correspondents and stumbles, set them costly, i believe, joins us now live from that. so give us a bit more detail on taxis and latest move and this are ongoing dispute. what exactly, what it exports is it planning to restrict well, this is the 1st significant measure. the truth is imposing against israel, following the war installs of that sort of 6 months ago. as of yesterday, as turkish foreign minister, how calm down and nouns that some measures will be in place effective immediately. the 1st announcement came from turkish trades, minnesota, as israel is one of the important it's for you that lives of a 2 key system. more begin and god. so 6 months ago the by lead through phrase
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bullying, decrees around a 34 percent mainly in the imports of is early pro. that's israel. and also exports have decreased due, but especially if all of them 2 kids request. so a job aids, it's through door day and you know, so it is permission was rejected by israel took you actually did it before. but as the minister stated, it is not understandable why is why i was rejected to kill, wants to take this measure. and these measures will be in place onto a ceasefire is in place of a between israel and palestine. and the war and gaza actually took yeah. has been very vocal about its critics against israel's approach. a israel award that has been waged for the last 6 months. let's look for it has continued. it's happened the same back in 2000 and early 2010 when the gaza flow to the cries. this happened,
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the bilingual trades continued, but this time to get wanted to target is riley. it trades as, as i said, they are important for youth partners. and also there is a huge backlist or uh, from the holding golf parties. uh, bolts are based mainly so that as long as societies they, they had some protests and they have been calling for bar code. so i guess it's wireless products on, on the individual basis. we say that many people are very careful because from right to left when it comes to the calls of color sign or the issue of color sign and the ring does. the circus society is sol, as they are against israel's ward and it presents are gone. have called israel as tara states in order to underline the enormity of the situation in the region. and as the minister said, these measures will be in place until i cease fires. okay, there, set them go. so let me bring those lines that from stumble. thanks very much. send
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them. well that's bringing him wrong call. now he's unoccupied. is joyce, i'm sorry i'm on how much is wrong, respond to tuck. he's moved to restrict textbooks as well as well. has responded with a very strong statement. the foreign minister is well cast, the said, or the loan is once again sacrificing the economic interests of the people of techie for his support. and how about us. and we will respond accordingly and prepared extended list of additional products as well. will prevent turkey from exposing so doesn't again, the economic cost of all of this that they go to state. but beyond that, they're also looking into reaching out to american allies. they're looking to speak to american allies in congress to try and bring about some sanctions on that as well. but like my colleagues send them cuz the only was just reposing, that actually there has been a reduction of tucker's products coming into as well. sometimes people tend, since the world began, so what they can really do will be key. it depends on how stringent and forceful
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they are to apply these races. but certainly it's very strong was okay and want to stay with us because we want to also bring all view is what the prime minister is just being saying is wells prime minister benjamin netanyahu has set a date, has been set for ground invasion of my final thoughts or announcements coincided with the latest round of sci fi tools, and seeing how my spokesman told out to 0 the next meal his lace has tried to attack. rafa raises questions about resuming negotiations. my part of the comments as the part of the palestinian, the movements demand are clear, an end to aggression against our people. in the agreement, lockheed comprehensive hall to aggression holds no follow you. i'd like to comment on the, to the yahoo just today statement about an imminent attack on the left off. this raises questions about the purpose of resuming critical. she ation, especially with the confirmation of aggression and crime. so just out of me and people, the success of any negotiations depends on the end things,
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the aggression and raw materials, a pulse of talk about these tools. what are you hearing from inside israel today? as well as i say as well and how mass downplaying a lot of the repulses suggest that there is a framework sent me in place for a ceasefire. both sides is saying that we're going to discuss this further. there is another meeting that takes place in the next 24 hours back in cairo. so the tools haven't broken down, but probably start benjamin that you know, whose comments about rafa being seen as something that has a 2 fold domestic agenda. firstly, it appeals that he's basically still being very strong. he still wants to fight as well in the way that israel sees fit. the americans are against a large scale ground defensive into or alpha. and they also use radius to come up with different options. indeed they've been helping them with those different options. how about us?
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like i say, of down play this as well, but the only people that seem to be playing a little low are, is education officials talking to a gibson media. i think we have to take with this with a pinch of salt. would simply just go to wait until the tolls with your resume in about 24 hours time. okay. we will be watching and wasting costly and wrong. com. thanks very much. i of all my trips, wherever he joins us now, and i'll see you day here. and though he's the director of the gulf study center at castle university could speak to again my to that's possible. look at these tit for tat moves between tacky and israel. how damaging could they be for bilateral relations? absolutely. it's important. it's a late step. i mean, did the step in 2 months ago, because that was the cause of them to a divine. and this has been actually the delay of having an action, i guess is right. one of the reasons behind the less than the election to the local elections. and so it's an important step. uh, let's not forget that, you know, the,
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it is, uh, we're relying on a lot of products from turkey and having this immediately implemented. that's a strong message to, to that is what it is. and interestingly, this comes in the day with, for us, talks about imposing sanctions on, on, as of right as well to allow more of him to, to those octo sort of messages. those life with thing, more humanitarian aid getting into goals that are quite a significant increase. but let's look at its timing has come directly off to us presenter by the put pressure on ness in yahoo to increase humanitarian a. so don't say then suggests that one of them is where these have full control of access to age. when in fact they were blaming the when for any obstacles. no. when does that raise have a full control on the 8 and they could allowed from the one they decided to do it and everyone knows about this? it's a, it was a decision and a political decision. and they know that all of those 7, the cost for the if the and out to be open, everything would be easy. but let me just highlights an important point here. even
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if all of those aids coming to has the logistic problems inside the roads, places to put the food on all of this. and um, so they are logistic issues. we have to consider, even if these right is what it is, need to help even to rebuild some of the old. so they, they've kind of get to the steepest. so it's, it's a nice that a community should not only talk about them, it's in an 8, they should follow up with preparing the infrastructure. it allows the 8 to come into a dozen and reach to the people everywhere and was in an organized absolutely, absolutely up to the talk. so we got him on the saying that that they all set to resume within the next 24 hours. so that is a positive sign, especially when you need from us coming out saying is there is no spending responding to any of the moms you've got ness and yahoo insisting on still talking about a rasa invasion. even assessing a date for it. yeah. is this just the 2 sides postering? when behind the scenes negotiations are actually making progress?
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so i, i believe that the proposal i mentioned proposals were taken from a by, by the 2 sides and everyone now discuss it within that on a sort. cuz we know that how much is discussing this. and we know that would be a meeting tonight to the whole cognitive as well as the talk about this. so all of this will lead to what the avalon was talking about is 2044 hours. i think it's obvious that it is should go back on my concession on time as also i doubt that many come proposal. but to things are crucial when allow the doesn't to go from south to the northern, openly without invitation. and also talking about the complete use 5 of those 2 issues sold. i think we could each to a ceasefire or, or 6 weeks is fine. okay. my trips where i always get, get your life is when severe. yeah, thanks very much. that's of this very minute tray is carried out strikes across garza, including the southern city of ruffled at $1500000.00 palestinians. a sheltering
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several people have been killed and injured. and if i knew this, people were tied into the city off to his writing forces withdrew on monday, have been recovering fontes from the russell and h. e. have been found is where they pull out solid weeks of intense baffles of palestinian fighters. many families have been trying to salvage belongings from the ruins of the homes. honey, my foot has more now from rough uh, in southern garza, more aggressive air raids across the golf for billy, concentrated in the central area, particularly the city of theater. but i base been part of the city where at least one person reported skilled in in areas, tries to targeted a residential homes that he was filtering. and along with his family members, the family members were transferred, fill up the hospital with different injuries, arriving to an already over whelmed exhausted health facilities. and the further the central part of the central air, the settlement of the refuge account, where in an air strike killed the mayor of other mount as the. and he is also the
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hit of the, the municipality of about as the area and the, the surrounding areas is really military. put a statement out that it was a target is killing for a lot of people in the area. you know this person as the head of do minutes to pull out the and more of a may or of, of the air with several other injuries. who are also reported to a lot hospital here in real fast city, quite captors at give target, shooting a targeted removing object of the eastern part of the city and causing the death of one person in his late fifties and several other injuries with who were shot by the quad captures, meanwhile, in the city of han unit, this tragedy is keep on holdings, as does really military hold from the city. within the past. 48 hours with more people are being removed from under the rebels fully deacon. suppose we're talking about some of the bodies have been under the rebels for deposit 3 or 4 months. and since the beginning of the ground invasions mainly the eastern part of the city,
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han units were literally, according to people who went in specs on their homes at the destruction just caused the city to be unrecognizable at all. palace lines, application full, full un membership has been referred to the security council committee in charge of admissions at the rest of the us visa, forced upon this time to put its bid on hold 15 years ago. but any of this month at all, see you and to reconsider, give it to us on the reports from united nations in new york. on the state of palestine is one step closer to full un membership. this, after the security council agreed to reconsider its application for many years, palestine has been trying to gain the same full membership status currently be stowed on a 193 other countries. all we ask for is to take a ride for the place among the community of nations to be treated as equals
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equals to all our nations and states. the security council standing committee on new member applications made up of all 15 council members. monday afternoon, held their 1st closed door meeting to discuss the palestinian application. but if they cannot reach an agreement in the security council or if the us vito's it, the membership bid fails. and that's exactly what happened in 2011 the last time. palestine is bid for full un membership. got this far along in the process. it failed primarily because the united states threatened to veto in the us as long standing position. is it palestine full un membership should only be considered at the end of a peace process with israel? late on monday, after the closed door meeting, the us ambassador said their position has not changed. our position is the position
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that's known. it hasn't changed, but we're going to continue to find a plan to bring a 2 state solution to the palestinians that provides peace for israel and the state for balance. palestine is long felt disenfranchised from the un, because it has no voting powers in the general assembly, due to its observer status, to become a full member and the un article 4 of the charter is the guidance which says a country must be a peace loving state that accepts the obligations of the charter is able to carry out those obligations and is willing to do so. most member states believe palestine meets that threshold. but if the us fails to budge on its long standing opposition, the bid is likely do once again. gabriel's on do, i would use either at united nations in new york. so it has had on this island. is there a news our read total solar eclipse springs day time job for us to 1000000?
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is that the voltage across north america, the polar, we've got another day of something like weather coming in across the central and eastern pallets. so if you have logically, this guy was a room sunshine coming through here, where it's a windy a and live be weather coming in across that west. inside of here, it's quite brush i was coming across a good possible have the purchase as long as spells afraid they're using at a based in front some of the out. so avalanche risk increased as a result of that. some show is that to just a minute western side of the mediterranean, most of the patients are on the east side of the mediterranean as well, pushing up into a central and eastern positive. take a look at the temperature, having also 28 sales just a 27, the full pallet and it will change as we go into web stay. we're into the teams at
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that stage. you'll notice some still somewhat while the just around the world. i'm positively pushing up into switzerland and still some went by the take me straight to the hague, where we're hearing from the german legal took team speaking to the media, the lights of catastrophic to many to situation and all the ongoing terrorist attacks, by how much of israel, germany in the international community is faced with huge moral political and legal challenges. germany has demonstrations before the i c, j 2 days that were committed within the framework of international law to work in to find the right balance and this challenging situation. i'm like rockwell, we're striving to do justice to both parties to the conflict. we have got
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audits by respect for international law responsibility for the security of israel, respect for the suffering of the palestinian population in gaza. efforts to see this rarely hostages. as well as by the legitimate dr. dependent stimuli, people to self determination from the complex solution which stated that were rejected to make a rock was unfounded accusations. and there is no reason for the icy j to adopt provisional measures. we are fully aware of our responsibilities under the genocide convention of international humanitarian law. and we respect my george bartch line that we, when this thing to germany's representative, the legal team rejecting nicaragua with accusations that's gemini as a to
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a best in genocide in gaza. a speaking of to 2 days of hearings view and talk, pull international court of justice in the hey, can go to the farm. and this is of russia and china say they will strengthen the security corporation to counting us influence in the region. so here now for off med wong, e during his today visit to badging china and russia declared a no limits partnership in february 2022 on the sides of ministers also discussed the was in ukraine. i'm gone so katrina, you has more from badging dislike, rolling us disapproval, russia and china, and moving more closely together. and with good reason, the us has labeled china is biggest rival, ambrosia, its biggest threats. both countries also oppose increasing us influence over europe . the growing power of nature and what they've called uni latrell sanctions by the us on moscow and aging. now these are both natural partners and that partnership
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was on display one second levels and one game that engaging on tuesday following a press conference, both sides declared they would strengthen security cooperation in europe and asia with like i love roles saying that they would involve other like minded partners, although he didn't give any details as who they might be or what country same might come from. both sides also said that they would double down on counterterrorism, especially following does a text and rest of last month. and more than a 140 people the kills the war and you've trained was also major talking flight. no, china has said it's unusual policy in this will split on tuesday one. he said at china which continued to ethan. it's frayed economic relationship with russia at a time when other western allies are trying very hard to isolate, must go and isolate side of it. and that tons dislike us treasury, janet yelling just returning from the aging, with a warning that there would be consequences for any chinese fans,
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aging and rushes for now. aging has continuously denied to plan west in the support to russia. and on tuesday, one me and said cold for an international peace conference between kids and moscow have a sofa. it seems that neither of those slides have taken this chinese teachers seriously . katrina, you all the 0 lots of russia, including the girls, the vulgar and central regions have declared a state of emergency of to some of the west flooding and decades. this is also has full, it's at least 4000 people to leave the homes in the southern cotton region, media. se the flooding could affect at least 19000 people. my residence of oscar, protesting against how local authorities have handle. the situation. also being present vladimir putin for help. they say they one who owns a nearby don could fast, you know, shop of all of that has more for us from the earned by region in russia. are right
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now we are on our way to the west, a hit state hills or in the or in the region and behind me it's not a river. it's not a leg, is just the origin refilled, which has been completely flooded. in some villages the waters have risen to move the 9 meters i'm it's no doubt and the p has no, we have been reached. also as sirens founded in the city of orange. 5 local authorities, a calling a residence to immediately evacuate areas of sledging is increasing throughout the region was in the euro, and 6 small rivers are rising and flooding. more and more territories. at least 6 and a half 1000 people have already been evacuated. many have been taken to the temporary accommodation senses in the state, just breaking quickly back to the hague, the correct do, and on both of those speaking shouldn't be cut out. was that the words to me? but they might be expressing concern, but at the same time, via continuing to assist in the amount of assistance that they've mentioned here.
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seems minimal because that's the way they are preparing at this moment we, i will need you to be proficient. and this is certainly a very short hearing. we have not gotten into the notes, we have to prove all the elements. it will, we have to also try to find out things hidden by everybody to see a secret thing. but the fact is that the military activities is for at least one of the most powerful countries in the world. i think it's your many, it's the 2nd flyer weapons. we're not talking about a few 1000000 users because that just seems i live in this type of situations. as i mentioned yesterday, just one video that was meeting november of last year, 2 months of pay, everything began. question 3600000000 shows like this through germany, a military equipment. so let me without talking about just small amounts. but the fact is that here is that the moment to really does that. now the other main point,
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which of course is at the heart of this a foot board. this issue is obviously the trail is responsive of what's happening. but what is the responsibility? so it states the responsibility of because we're the flexibility of germany a whole stage. so just to begin by the genocide convention, which in the 2nd thing is that an obligation to prevent genocide and punishing as i usually like to get us to wait on somebody. because i can use that as it will be relevant, ridiculous. we have to wait for that to put you into a many you said, no, we can't take any decision because it's rather simple here. what is happening above the public knowledge. they didn't go into one of these statements. i've made it yesterday. besides the, i mention that the 1st case with this course was that case involving the mining of
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the water thing that they need. after the 2nd reward, they wouldn't mind by either side of you know, but like they have, they knew before even sent the investigators they determined that they didn't mind . ready who was a 2 or 4. so i basically wasn't responsible for the mindset, but mainly it was independently responsible because they had the obligations to warn everybody that the waters would mind. in this case, the actions that being committed by israel. but they have public, we'd know about it. it is absolutely impossible to say that we are not aware of what is happening if we have the obligation to prevent it. is that application assist? then here we are. now on the other questions, i think that's it. can you hear me? yes. i mean it's much less made. most of the dispute has not been started to possibly even got
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a better. you're going to go into the narrative that i think we mentioned yesterday that get to wait. in that case of genocide in this type of case, if you waiting for me to change, i mean definitely to change the status of the dispute. it says, then, what's the reason, i mean, the urgency of what's happening? we set the notes, whatever the reaction is driven so many as we make public statements. what is obviously a business. because technicality, i say we hope you have confidence that the record will come to all these soon. you get that sense. they feel directly to the heart of the matter and i think it's very important international obligations. i don't see it states, obviously for germany, just seeing here in the forward. but for everybody in the world, we are acting on an obligation that exists for whole thank you for that. so we have full confidence. but before we proceed on that basis, those few heavy,
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the we are not all right, that'd be, that'd be the end if anybody can say anything. but the fact that if he wants to induce in this case, i mean if you're arming israel, if you are backing me so, i mean, how much more back in can they possibly be that self advocate pacific a 2nd israel at the end of last year, i think the 6th december and the 1st days of january eh, and committee was saying, we're going to be the case in favor of this without even knowing everything to 9. so the political level of this could in fact i mentioned that we'd like to meet
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with one of the reasons, right? because i will immediately intervene in the, in the south africa is okay because we thought it was necessary to do that. but as i say, i mean you can say anything you want, but be we have, we have talking, you not a problem statement, but it's about the facts. and the facts are that pretty many continues to be having military interchange with israel apart from all of the other situations of the so the nice thing to the nicaraguan, i'm boss of the 2 methods called gomez speaking to media of, to the 2nd day of a 2 day case mcgregor pulls against germany, accusing germany of aging and assessing genocide. now this was after a day and with jeremy strongly rejected. those accusations again foster the saying that there will be more to this case then a correct vents, need to prove the arguments. and that there was
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a responsibility of the states to prevent genocide. very similar. now thailand, some boxes as prime minister says the military government and been law should enter into tools with rebel groups to end 3 years of slicing ties. soldiers patrolling the border region last week, man, while russell seize control of the town bordering thailand. fighters and nancy crew groups have made significant gains against the dentist since october. 20 chang has moved from bangkok. a thailand's prime minister has a, just me, a mazda military jones at the stars engaging in peace talks with the ethnic groups around the country, particularly of to the full and the last couple of days of milwaukee, a strategic board to town. very close to thailand. it's vitally important for trade between the 2 countries. a $1000000000.00 worth of goods passed through it last year. but with find seeing very close minded as
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a real concern here in bangkok. but it could send tens of thousands if not more refugees pouring across the board in the town itself. it hasn't completely full. and yet we understand that one battalion of man, my ami trips is still holding out. we understood from the korean ethnic sources the piece towards a currently on going to try to persuade them to surrender instead of having to push them out. and that is something the ties will also be very keen to see residents in the city or preparing to flee. however, they're very concerned. mazda, military, as it has done in previous campaigns, once they've left in the area, will follow with strikes. tony checking out to 0. thank a set of has hair on alex's era. so this falls as tempo slash for cassandra, rinaldo and al nasir in the southeast, stupid. com find out what happened next. with sign on the
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business. latest a sponsored by intellect, global your real estate destination, and due by the
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business lasers to sponsored by him to lot global, your real estate destination and due by the escape, it was bolt now. it's not a thank you very much, laura. well, we start with the champions equal by munich. it take their only realistic hope of a silver with the season to london when they faced arsenal late on tuesday for the 1st lack of the quote, the final match. so besides into reports as well, is it up to my mind you have to have you forgotten already about me buying munich, reuben, out of the abundance of a good time for rice and thomas to cool will be shown in the door at the end of
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a season, but this still of a small matter of attempting as we talked, let stake. the manager reminded the major of us as a side prepared to face arsenal in the 1st leg of the quote. a final question later on choose day leave for lunch is almost done. so i don't even know the seasons, not long so. so obviously the criticism is the according to our performance in the comp and in the league. so that's a fact. we haven't had passion and hunger independence league like we normally would expect from ourselves in the champions league. we've played, it's a very high level so far. but we have reached our minimum goal this session and key to the success will be formed, taught in the man hurricane. despite binds difficulties, he's had a record breaking 1st season for the german joins. and also those players are well aware of its every nose here on the nose. the quiet of hurricane from me personally is the best finishing the world. so uh is, uh, is uh, great to, to actually play against these kind of players. so,
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and obviously we want to keep him quiet in the game buying around the type of race thanks to a shabby alonzo late by late because and, and they come up against another splendid here and make a lot to he was oscar whether alonzo has given him any tips as to how to beat the great question. it's on show us a territory for upset to is the 1st quote of the final appearance for all summons 14 years. and the previous 3 meetings against buying has ended in 51 to feats. this is why we want to be, we're not really a good position in the family, us and say we're not really good position the chapter like we have a big task ahead of us. i guess one of the, the most successful teams in europe, floats in europe and as they had on that we have to overcome and how we ever looking forward to another when supine was suddenly use the paint if the league struggles as they look so in europe's biggest competition for the 1st time in 4 years from size and i'll just say we're glad the says that his matches the city
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team face a close to impossible task into european chan busy his side are aiming to knockout 14 time. when is around the grid for the 2nd straight season? suspect was the quote, final high is coming up. but in spain on tuesday, on the way to lifting the trophy last year to be 3, i'll $51.00 on aggregate in the seventy's beats the realm of the 2 times in the same way. it's almost impossible. so whole big ones into exist competition is difficult to imagine 2 in a row so that the target is not easy and performing the well because they learned the half price for a $100.00 coach call ancillo to says his side will need to show more mental stress and then they did a guess a 2 year ago, the season, their 8 points clear as the top of the spanish these lots of these things to, to telling them whose score 20 goals and all competitions is only 20 years old. but there's more and more toward the material, then he's
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a hage really professional to really see if you are really onboard. right? an officer prize as a play at about the was it that sort of a rush, surprising the sense for the age that he has is really a really matter. of course, you all know and all those sent all 5 of his unless of side that love to i'd highlighted and the solve the supercop semi finals, 2nd half goes from setting do so a and i'm also puts out a lot to know often. and so situations both over from there and also had a goal. this allows, as rinaldo was all side in the build up before he was given a straight red card for elbowing the old position. he then showed his anger to us the rest re late said you mind go, wasn't enough and a lot are now on the run of 33 straight wins and will face. so it had in the final office, they was top gulf is assigned to new. their preparations for the mazda is including
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a 5 time when a tiger woods, you 48 year old is getting set up for just the 2nd tournament of the season here. time to action in december here will challenge and finished the 18th, but was forced to withdrawal from the genesis invitational in february, due to illness. while the former was number one has not finished inside the top 20 since winning the boxes. back in 2019. we all makes and it was a night to forget. so pittsburgh penguins thought sidney crosby, so might say, had a rough few minutes against the toronto maple leaf. it all happened in the 2nd period where he was sent into the votes by jake on the case. then he took his stick out a pocket to the mouth, 5, bobby mccann, less than 30 seconds later was also matthew slammed into the bureaus. it could be remarkably cross be void of injury all 3 times and remain in the game players kind
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of what will go down as one of the complex of the season. inmate unique base full as the san diego positive it came from h. one's down to when mine 8 and sunday chicago cubs and what a way to do it for 9 to attach is a junior hit, a go ahead to run home run to complete the turnaround. it was his full home run of the season and it takes the record, the season to 6 with and 7 defeats the goals we have to show you some pictures. for monday's solar eclipse, the, the cleveland canadian guardians match against the chicago white folks was the only m l. b game that coons coincided with it. so the game was pushed back 2 hours to allow fence to enjoy it. and that's always felt $300.00. what's that? oh sorry, i didn't really. it is just be an amazing size and window. we're going to leave it that we're going to enjoy a little bit more on this solar eclipse from yesterday,
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because even though a locked in for 3 minutes, many observers say that the total eclipse that passed across north america was a spectacle. they won't forget. i mean, briefly popped in front of us on, on monday, looking at slides on plunging millions, and we just saw internet dot best don't engine as the story. for a few brief minutes, the moon obscured the sun and bathed a 160 kilometer wide strip of north america. in a total absence of summer. it happens in any one spot on earth, on average once every 3000 years. but when it does, it unites people of all kinds and a shared wonder of the workings of the universe. when you see the sun completely disappear, become 1000000 times painter. and you see its purely white crone. it looks as though a black hole is opened up in the sky. in a celeste jo celebration at butler university in indiana. people traveled across
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the continent for what, for many years, a once in a lifetime event, biting their time with games, struggling cards, and company on something more than an ordinary. monday. for about 80 minutes, a partial eclipse pulls a curtain of darkness across the sun until a bright shape like a diamond don't. a ring appears in the moon's horizon sciences filming the van hope to gather information in this sense flaming corona affecting the stars. magnetic fields in the solar flares that can cause outages in satellite communications. in the same way that we might predict extreme weather on a way, hoping that we might be able to use the information that we learned from projects like this. so you add predict extreme solar weather. then the sun slowly reveals itself, again, this is incredible. this is like the super bowl. it's like the world cup final, you know, was kind of wrapped into one with a moon student securing the sun. people who came here to witness is rare phenomenon and the passive totes ality are gathering. there seems to be checking out of hotels,
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priced up because of the eclipse and routing onto the highways to go tell the story . in the end, after all the time and trouble, was it worth it? it was, it was worth every single moment and therefore this is something indescribable. i would recommend it to anybody. it was the risk take for a few minutes of wonderment and a lifelong memory. those we talk to say more than worth it, john henry and l g 0. indianapolis. so finding, let's go to indiana minutes of kashmir, that taurus of being slow, okay, to say long rows of blossoming toilets. the flowers are in season, the injured down the memorial, tulip going to get his book of world records says is the law just should have gotten an agent covering an area of around the heck does? that's it for me, laura kyle and installs? yes. hey, we're back in just a moment. the more of the bases for you, the
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unique perspective. everything is political. you cannot stay out of politics and everything is a feminist issue. to on hud voices, we see our leadership destroying the ability to have a normal life. in god and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life. elizabeth connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's all about it right here. and right now, the stream on out to the around for some, a little boat isn't mechanical or even that self driving train to the airport. but android today can be the, are the human only robots like me, will be everywhere else, your 0 documentary, which to the lead on the weird and wonderful world of little box learn think and even trust. i feel like i'm alive, but i know i am a machine origin of this which is to
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leave off cheers solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions. not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person, person yourself, and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those stages we want. we want the education reward because the women in my country and that's suite one. we are not denies all of who we are human beings and this has to be treated equally. we are working in their footsteps, our ancestors whatever has been done before, can be done as long as the human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords
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you to the at the you and the top quarter, how many defend itself against accusations of aiding and abetting, genocide, and goals. germany is not a violation of the genocide convention nor international humanitarian law that directly not into the color that i missed of the attain. this is elda 0 life, and go home. also coming up to key announces restrictions on exports to israel, until it agrees to.


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