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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 9, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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to keep pushing because no one else can see the vision as clear as you do. the happy you and the top co, germany defend itself against accusations of aiding and abetting genocide and gauze . gemini is not a violate at the genocide convention nor international law by that directly into the color that i missed of the attain. this is alger 0 life from the also coming up to key announces restrictions on exports to israel until it agrees to a c spot. and gaza is real pledges to respond with some of the measures. meanwhile, more strikes across causes us, as israel's prime minister says, days has been set for
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a ground invasion of rough fields of most loving in russia. 0 region with thousands have already been forced to leave the germany. it has rejected accusations that it's been facilitating genocide and jaws . i'm in a case before the un stop. course noise for gemini presented its defense on the 2nd day of proceedings this at the international court of justice. and the hank, this case was bored by nicaragua before the emergency provisional measures, to stop germany from selling weapons to israel. as germany's councils have set out a rock worse request has no basis in law effect. there are no legal reasons to justify the requested provisional measures. to germany is not the village at the genocide conventions, nor internationally through military and law. now that directly not indirectly,
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most of boston has been following proceedings for us from the hague. step gemini, said that they would determined today to set the record straight. they gave very detailed accounting of their weapons exports to the court. but i say that also arguing that the court doesn't even have the jurisdiction to we were on this regardless. yes, exactly, that's what they said, and they sounded actually quite insulted by the whole case in this house brought by new good august being this piece of the democratic country. they say we of course are not violating international law. and because our was completely disputes that, that germany started by saying that it has learned from the past that has to learn from the holocaust. and as a result of that, the security and existence of israel is this main priority. so not blinking learning from the past to the face of the palestinian people that screwed out for me. and then it explains, i've learned that it has actually decreased war weapons exports as well. we have to
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remind you that germany is the 2nd largest largest exporter of weapons off the united states to as well. but it shows graphics us showing that after october 7, uh, these sales have actually gone down. and it said that only 4 licenses of westland exports. of war weapons have actually been issued and that those were at the tank weapons and also i'm edition that was used for testing. it's an interesting point because that shows that germany has indeed been very worried about how these weapons, if they would have been exported. would be used by israel, so that's an interesting point for the court to look at. and then further that was a long legal arguments about denture with addiction because the main act or in this conflict, israel is not present and it's not taking part in this case. these are 2 countries . while i'm not directly involved, nick nick are go out in germany. so the lawyer said that how can germany be
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complicit in genocide if the genocide in itself committed allegedly by as well. it's not being discussed here and it's also not being established. so that was a point that the, the lawyers made and also the fact that there was no dispute, they said there's no legal dispute that is necessary to be brought to the highest court here 1st before you 1st have to have this disputed before you bring the case that is court and they mentioned that the guy will send this application off of this file, this case that they want to bring to the hague by email to german mission in new york. so it didn't follow the rates, the right procedures. but the nicaraguan ambassador responded to that saying the case and, and what's happening in gaza is so dramatic and so urgent that any procedural mistakes or any formalities should not be discussed here. oh, certainly be looking out for rolling on that case when it is handed down step boss
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in the following proceedings in the hague for us today. thank you sir. ok now says it will impose restrictions on exports to as well until it reaches us. he's fine with some us israel cool that a unilateral violation of trade agreements and has promised to respond these new measures come a day off to israel declined anchor as request edge of 8 into garza visa, how up with him sized cargo, chuck, letting you know we had submitted a request to participate in the humanitarian aid operations with congress plains of our air force. we've learned that this request which was welcomed by the jordanian authorities, was rejected by israel. that can be no excuse for israel to prevent us from providing aerial aid, to stop and guardians, in response to the situation, we have decided to take a series of new measures against israel. also more that's being talked correspondence to them across the obviously joins us now live from this bundle. so this is obviously
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a symbolic gesture on the part of dekalb. it took us to the details. what did these restrictions relate to in terms of exports, the size, if this is the 1st significant measure, the ticket has been close against israel since the beginning of the war in october of last year. uh, the products uh that includes it, hire and seal fertilizers, chemicals, l, a medium and many other mainly construction products. then i have to remind that is where it was through kids. 3rd, because for a partner. so according to the trade ministry, the exports and enforce have over the decline within the last 6 months, around the 3rd 2 or 3 percent base, it made the turkish exports to is while decline 4 to 3 percent. all righty. but let's remember that these are all, most the private sector experts to israel, and they have a decline without the employer with,
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without the government's imposing on those companies so far. but one of them may major uh, incidence besides uh, as well as injection officer, case air drop. uh, so air drop, a delivery to a pallet side is the backlash from the truck is society mainly the is pro is um, is a young people who have been demonstrating and who have been calling out for mark called, i guess is why the products that has actually found a ground among the target societies as from right to left when it comes to palestine, it's a common issue. people are very sensitive and they have been the, they have been eh, individual, they more coughing, some is violent, pulled us up, have also left to decline. and the comment is a pro that's sort of course of, as i said, is what are the suitcase largest traits, parkman, this is a big step since the circus for the minister of speed them announced that the
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measures will be effective immediately in place. as of this morning, at least for the mention products of 50 for the materials products in construction uh, industry will not be exported to is variable. the of course is why it has another chance. of course to store money is another supplier. but this will be close to for israel, we will see how much we end up as to care says these restrictions will be lifted as, as soon as a ceasefire is in place, spend 2 to them, wholesaler the, with the latest for us from east on both well, let's now get the view from occupied east jerusalem and speak. and ron con him on, are you hearing anything from these raise by way of response here to anchor. it was a very strong response from the foreign minister of israel. israel cats who actually said are the one is once again sacrificing the economic interest of the people of
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tech. he, for his support of thomas, we will respond accordingly prepared an extended list of additional products that as well will prevent a techie from exposing. he's actually also going on to say that as well as going to appeal to pro israel countries and organizations in the us itself, investments into that i can prevent the import of products from tech. he is also going to reach out to friends in congress to try and figure out if is a techie is actually in violations of boycotts against israel and try and apply some sanctions on it. so very tough response that from is all right to be seen at how quickly all of that can take place, see spot negotiates and like i say, all taking place of being down played by him, us and uh by israel. but that's certainly taking place in any kind of trade point. boy culture do take a long time to be able to put it in place. so at the moment, this is very much a war. what, what practical element it has on the ground. whether it's an immediate stoppage of
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trade between the 2 countries, let's see what happens in the coming days and wrong calling that following about spot for us from occupied history. some. thank you, emma. well, these really minute tree, meanwhile, has carried out more strikes across calls that including on the southern city of rasa, one and a half 1000000 palestinians are sheltering. several people have been killed or injured. and then con unice, people returning to that city of those really forces withdrawal on monday, happen recovering bodies from the rubble that around a she has her father and found these ready pull out followed week 7 tents baffles of palestinian fighters. and many families have been trying to salvage their belongings from the ruins of their homes. honey, my fort has more for us from rough and southern gauze. the more aggressive a raise across the gods verbally, concentrated in the central area, particularly the city of detroit. but they, it's been part of the city where at least one person reported killed in an errors,
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tries to target at a residential home that he was filtering. and along with his family members, the family members were transferred, fill up the hospital with different injuries, arriving to an already over whelmed exhausted health facilities. and the further the central part of the central air this, the refugee camp, where in an air strike of the mayor of other mount as the. and he is also the hit of the, the municipality of the month as the area. and the, the surrounding areas is really military. you put a statement out that it was a target, it's killing for a lot of people in the area. you know this person as the head of the minister policy and more of the mayor of, of the air with several other injuries who are also reported to a lot hospital here. and rough estimate equal copters at gift card shooting a targeted removing object of the eastern part of the city and causing the death of one person in his late fifties and several other injuries which were shot by the quad captures. meanwhile, in the city of han unit,
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this tragedy is keep on holdings, as is really military folded from the city. within the past. 48 hours with more people are being removed from under the levels fully decomposed. we're talking about some of the bodies have been under the levels for the past the 3 or 4 months . and since the beginning of the ground invasions mainly the eastern part of the city, han units were literally, according to the people who went to inspect on their homes at the destruction just caused the city to be unrecognizable at all. this is rouse prime minister benjamin netanyahu, meanwhile, says that a date has been set for a ground. invasion of rough or denouncement coincided with the lace has found deceased fine talks as senior. i'm a spokesman has told down to 0 the nothing yahoo is laces, threat to attack rasa raises questions about resuming those negotiations. the comments was the thought of the policy of the movements demand are clear and, and to aggression,
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against our people. an agreement locking comprehensive hall to aggression holds no follow you. i'd like to comment on the, to the yahoo just to day statement about an imminent attack on the life of this raises questions about the purpose of resuming could negotiations, especially with the confirmation of aggression and crime. so just out of me and people that the success of any negotiations depends on endings. the aggression figures, one palestine application for full who and membership has been referred to the security council committee that's in charge of admissions. the threats of the us fees have forced palestine to put its bit on hold some 17 years ago. but earlier this month, and i'll see you and to reconsider gabriel as on the reports from you and had courses that and you on the state of palestine is one step closer to full un membership. this, after the security council agreed to reconsider its application for many years, palestine has been trying to gain the same full membership status currently be
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stowed on a 193 other countries. all we ask for is to take a ride for the place among the community of nations to be treated as equals equals to all our nations and states. the security council standing committee on new member applications made up of all 15 council members. monday afternoon, held their 1st closed door meeting to discuss the palestinian application. but if they cannot reach an agreement in the security council or if the us vito's it, the membership bid fails. and that's exactly what happened in 2011. the last time palestine bid for full un membership got this far along in the process. it failed primarily because the united states threatened to veto in the us as long standing position. is it palestine full un membership should only be considered at the end
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of a peace process with israel? late on monday, after the closed door meeting, the us ambassador said their position has not changed. our position is the position that's known. it hasn't changed, but we're going to continue to fine. i've had to bring a 2 state solution to the palestinians that provides peace for israel and the state for balance. palestine is long felt disenfranchised from the un, because it has no voting powers in the general assembly, due to its observer status, to become a full member. and the un article for the charter is the guidance which says a country must be a peace loving state. that accepts the obligations of the charter is able to carry out those obligations and is willing to do so. most member states believe palestine meets that threshold. but if the us fails to budge on its long standing opposition,
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the bid is likely do once again. gabriel's on do, i would use either at united nations in new york is still a head here on i was, is there a, celebrating the end of ramadan and indonesia cause traffic jams up the government, designing an economic opportunity. the critical debate, pony farmers are angry. people are starving and we actually have to be experts all good because we've money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments for addition to the page, the often in the highest level they've been using games for the political economy service doing submitted even course the rivals inside story on out just sierra for some, a little boat is
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a mechanical or even that self driving train. the vehicle but android today can be deal with a human only robot like me will be everywhere else has 0 documentary next to the lead on the weird and wonderful world of global land. think and even trust. i feel like i'm a life, but i know i am a machine origin of this, which is the the challenges here with the
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welcome back. you're watching out a 0. let's remind you about top stories. the ssl in germany has rejected accusations that it's been facilitating genocide and garza in a case before the united nations pop course in the hate. it was bought by nicaragua and calls for emergency measures to stop germany from setting lessons to israel to key it has imposed restrictions on exports to his route until it reaches a cease fire with us to move well effect exports of on steel, congregations jet fuel. israel says it violates trade in well, israel's time minister benjamin netanyahu says that a date has been set for ground operation in the southern city of rough us by one and a half 1000000 palestinians, or sheltering. the announcement followed, the nations found deceased by talks and pirates. europe's top human rights court has ruled the failure of the switch government to adequately tackle climate change
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is a violation of human rights. this case was full by more than 2000 women age 64 and above. they've all gave that the risk of dying during heat waves because the government has failed to meet targets for greenhouse gas reduction. the quote rejected to other climate related cases linked to fonts in portugal, to the trial of $29.00 people and charged in connection with the panama papers. money laundering scandal is currently underway in panama city. the defendants include union, most actors, and now to phone to the law firm, setup of tool companies for clients. the leak of secret financial documents and 2016 revealed how some of the wealth which has people hinge their assets to avoid tax. more fact and other former employees of the fund deny the challenges if convicted they face up to 12 years in prison. we hope that justice will be served and decided that was a money laundering. the alleged money laundering that happened in argentina is not
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relevant here because the events happened in origin. tina and my clients were not below is for these people parts of russia including the urals, the vulgar and central regions have decided states of emergency of to some of the west flooding and decades. there's also already forced at least 4000 people to leave their homes in the southern coggan region. medias say the flooding could effect at least 19000 people. and meanwhile, residents of or skipping protesting against local authorities have been handling the situation. asking president, gotten to prison for health care, a couple of out of a has more for us from the ground the in the are invited region in russia. right now we are on our way to the west to hit state hills or in the or in the region and behind me it's not a river. it's not a lake is just an ordinary field which has been completely flooded. in some villages the waters have risen to move the 9 meters and it's no doubt and the p has no, we have been reached. also a siren sound in the city of oregon,
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but local authorities are calling a residence to immediately evacuate areas of sledging is increasing. throughout the region, wolf is in the euro, and 6 small rivers are rising and flooding more and more territories. at least 6 and a half 1000 people have already been evacuated. many have been taken to temporary accommodation centers in the city of schools as well as in a number of towns and villages in the or in the region. there was no electricity, no gas, a drinking water is prohibited. we know about a police 27 cases when people have confronted an intestinal inspection of the infringing contamination holder. so this is why they say it's not enough to monitor. and aid is also actually being collected for the victims of the slots apart from imagines and services. there are many volunteers working that on the ground who also bring people to safe and trying to rescue animals. we've seen
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protests and the look of discontent. his well, people with me saying the original governor recently and expressed that anger for the handling of the situation. but i should say that on the one hand, people do praise and not just the services work is pulling them here is because they indeed would say a nice in the freezing water without food or drink whiskey that lives. on the other hand, people use local authorities of negligence and insufficient measures to prevent the floods. even the many scientists predicted that large amounts of slight width now and people are literally using everything now and saying the payments and compensations offered by the authorities. a way to small and the down the rules and which was designed to protect this until almost has bus since replaces. it was built relatively recently in 2015 and just 2 or 3 days before would actually bust the math or had been tracking. it's conditional and to show that there was no threat of flooding in the say to you national pop, all of the old to 0, the or in the region. russia, thailand's prime minister,
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says the ministry government to me and not should enter into tulips with rebel grids. and 3 is a fighting tie. soldiers have been patrolling the border region that last week me on my rebel seized control of a strategic town bordering thailand fighters, an antique crew groups, and made significant gains against the drug test. since october 20 train has worn out from bangkok, thailand's prime minister has a just me and most military regents at the stalls engaging in peace talks with the ethnic groups around the country, particularly of to the full and the last couple of days of milwaukee. a strategic board to town, very close to thailand. it's vitally important and for trade between the 2 countries. a 1000000000 dollars worth of goods passed through it last year, but with fine seeing, very close minded as a real concern here in bangkok. but it could send tens of thousands if not more refugees pouring across the board in the town itself. it hasn't completely full.
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and yet we understand the one battalion of man, my army troops is still holding out. we understand from the korean ethnic sources, the piece towards a currently on going to try to persuade them to surrender instead of having to push them out. and that is something the ties will also be very keen to see residents in the city are preparing to flee. however, the very concerned mazda military, as it has done in previous campaigns, once they've left in the area, will follow with strikes. tony chung out to 0. thank the indigenous survivors. of course of all the civil war have been testifying as a genocide trial in the capital and 91 year old retired general has been charged with genocide, crimes against humanity and forced disappearance. lucas garcia is accused of planning, executing thousands of moscow securing the contract from 1960 to 1996, an estimation of 200000 people. account of the engineers and government estimates
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more than a $194000000.00 people are traveling to their home towns during the holiday, which marks the end of ramadan with more than 70 percent of the population on the move. unless they are expecting $9000000000.00 game for the economy. jessica washington reports from jakarta. it's it's an in station in central because of tens of thousands of people are preparing to travel to their hometown ahead if they don't fit that holiday. for me, homecoming means gathering with families, especially seeing parents. we're so happy to go home to gather with relatives. we don't get to me, dawson, the on would you any, at the end of the room, a done is a tradition in indonesia, millions leave major cities to spend the holidays with their families. many of making the most a free buses provided by the government and just reducing congestion on the roads
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that 8000 with our own for the last few years, the number of people using motor bikes has decreased and accidents of decline to so this free home coming is very effective. millions of engine agents, a migrant workers, come from all over the country to work in the capital and other big cities. authorities say this could be the biggest street in a travel, susan, on record. more than 194000000 people expected to be that's an increase of moving 17000000 compared to last year. the innovation chamber of commerce and industry projects and economic boost of more than $9000000000.00. estimating the average family spends at least $200.00. those are only on transport expenses, but it also includes food and beverages and at the time, the other one which host the largest tech sales market in southeast asia, thousands of shopping for presents. oh, for data expenditure, personally, i only buy things that i knew, but i came here to buy swords for the,
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for my mother, my sister, and my sense economists say the travel boom is a good sign for the economy. an indication of growing consumer confidence, they pointed to several factors, such as an increase in the average wage and bits of transport infrastructure as reasons more people are taking trips this year. on average, there was an increase on the people to move from informal sector of the economy to the formal sector economy. the effect of that of that actually creates the, the right for them to, to get the religious holiday as a loans out for a run about one month, a salary. so they have the purchasing power. it's a week is big spending for millions of innovations. price. they say they happy to pay for insurance to spend a week at home within loved ones. jessica washington, which is 0 to counter. well, that's it for me in the stalls of your time. next inside story asks just how
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significant other reasons losses inflicted on me on last minute trying to stay with the the hello, i'm pleased to say the weather squatting down nicely now with crusty pam is safe and rob alive. the showers longest spells a brand new this night to over the high ground this area of low pressure, this weather system, but will continue to drift its way a little further east was right. this guy's coming back in 17 sales, just at the tokyo and also for send some of the temperature, the into solos career catching, a shower to all the positive china little bits and pieces of frank coming in here as well. central air is now to some whatsoever, not, right, does ramp its way up as we go on through the state drifting a little further east west. most of that go by the toll for japan, some lovely spring live with it coming back in at lost lots of warm sunshine.
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meanwhile, across south asia, sunshine that for many in india 37 inch. and i noticed how does it have been recently halted enough testing for the t a 2 in new delhi. still some live the showers just around much of a dash in particular the cities as we go through the next couple of days. it's also a shadow to into for lanka. so as of a shadow to, to the fall north of buck is done, much of progress done will be dry and sunny logic dry and sunny to across the raven financial labs. so a little bit of weather that just in central air was able to accomplish on monday as dr. now shower, still continued, though by the north or the every family carries, it's within those and $65.00. or in this case, you can take a nice time to hear a young the rocky dutch crowd the ink cartridge.
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these families to finally discussed their costs. in the hope of sparing youth youngstown by breaking the cycle into generational trauma. my father knew and died, a witness documentary on which is era is me and most military losing control a series of daring attacks by revel groups. the scene is a turning point. the country is being into a model since a q 3 years ago. so it's me, i'm on a pause to allow civil war, and what would that mean for the region? this is inside store, the hello get on james bay's man mazda military government.


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