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tv   Witness My Father Nour and I  Al Jazeera  April 9, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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spanish prime minister talks to l just 0. we know what's happening in our region. we know how to get some places that others tend on fear god, by that on purpose. the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. the head of them are a kyle, these are the top stories on elders era. gemini has rejected accusations as being facilitating genocide and dogs in a case before the humans, top quote, lawyers for germany present to this defense on the 2nd day of proceedings at the international court of justice in the hey, the case was brought by nicaragua, who cooled for emergency measures to stop germany from selling weapons too, as well. as germany's councils have set out new car rock west request has no basis
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in law effect. there are no legal reasons to justify the requested provisional measures. germany is not a violator at the genocide prevention nor internationally to mandatory in law. now that directly, not in directly. so boston has been following all the developments of the hague. that was a long legal arguments about the jurisdiction because the main actor in this conflict, israel is not present and is not taking part in this case. these are 2 countries. well, i'm not directly involved nicaragua in germany. so the lawyer said that how can germany be complicit in genocide if the genocide in itself committed allegedly by, as well as not being discussed here. and there's also not being established stuckey . it says it will impose restrictions on x, pulls to israel until it reaches a cx,
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5 deal with hum us as well. cool that a unit actual violation of trade agreements and permits to respond new measures come a day off to israel declined to increase requests to agile age and guns that visa, how up with him sized cargo shop letting you know we had submitted a request to participate in the humanitarian aid operations with congress plains of our air force, we've learned that this request which was welcomed by the jordanian authorities, was rejected by israel. that can be no excuse for israel to prevent us from providing aerial aid, to stop and guardians, in response to the situation, we have decided to take a series of new measures against israel as well. the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, a date has been set for a ground invasion of rough or announcement coincides with the latest round of ceasefire tools. a senior home us spokesman told down to 0 and this and you know, his late this threat to attack, rafa raises questions about resuming negotiations. the comments was the part of
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the palestinian, the movements demand are clear and to aggression against our people. an agreement locking comprehensive how to aggression holds no follow you. i'd like to comment on the, to the yahoo to day statement about an imminent attack on the life of this raises questions about the purpose of resuming could negotiations, especially with the confirmation of aggression and crime. so just out of me and people, the success of any negotiations depends on the endings the oppression. police and haiti is capital, have moved people living the national policy to safety criminal groups of trying to seize the palace and a final push to gain control of performance. finance as escalates. and since late february, when crime is already a long re, was full to announce his resignation. thailand's prime minister says the ministry, government, and man ma should enter into talks with rebel groups to end 3 years of fighting. ty sold as a patrol and the board to reach him last week me and my rebel seized control of
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a town bordering thailand. fighters and anti cou groups have made significant gains against magenta since october of a trial of $20000000.00 people charged in connection with the panama of papers. money laundering scandal is underway in panama city. the defendants include, yeah, the most site cruise is now defunct. no firms, desktop offshore companies for the clients, the leak of secret financial documents in 2016 field. how some of the was richest, people hit the assets to avoid the taxes. also, russia, including the earls of olga and central regions, have declared a state of emergency. also some of the west flooding and decades in the southern cogan region may just as the flooding could effect at least 19000 people san residence of oscar. i protested against the handling of the crisis by local officials. they've appealed to the president for help. those, all your headlines will be back with more news here on al jazeera of,
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to witness the the the bluefield apply, and i think a philips plan marketing and filling for lights on a she floats and duck. yeah, toughest the camera done with jeff?
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anything cake we're doing us of the, to me is a finding they did that on page of fake. my dad's been zeller. um okay, what was it? you haven't done fluid exchange here for a lot and ultimately a guest here fast. so out the motivation also binding money? evidence on the for me. is it ange mateo fell on the coast bank and are we a heavy guy ben's enough? so claim just just to the
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somebody to and yeah, oh no . yeah, no, it's the muslim night, the major new tony. so clean loss. so it took me dana or. 2 listen new to me. i'm a toast. 6 i was news to begin these news. why have us the. 6 you can download it and make
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a list of the a sofa by not that's the height of the coast and one by one a to yeah. my them us, you come to the box to why doesn't care both of us for them. a lot of going multiple offers name a nice unless them does fucked. and they've had the notion, we didn't let me take them up. i don't have to do this, this i move. so i have 8. i'm way of to, to you over to not,
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but for most of us that the book. okay. fair enough. the video film and the sales buttons. also i'm not going to use the phones out of the hardwood. i mean that this will happen by the con, extra level of 8 of august of, of, and down of all ready to go. let's 1st of all, it does make it more fun. okay? kind of actually read on to a version of the essence of each fun and that he from of, of the latest applied of evading with falls essentials. and of course, in documents for falls of them and those on hills bottom one of them. so i'll just talk about it on rationally wrong got and for the integral name is article take document can associate the best, the best man the most, which isn't a fun example of was my most, it's not the for to the, to the come me to the don't good hand it is that some of the cool 1st in the how to
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write the cut on the 1st number with the me books. my multiples like, lays in clayton cool for so that makes me, you know, integrate the voc, kermit and a lawn ticket full summer they lift, lift, slap a month for advice, same with flow coming to them. so if folks may say that isn't an old or anything from pharmacy, and now you're down here for lack of the window in the, in the back by the controller in your dime you mom. i know how to looks my heart and the hearts inhaler speak. you so nice on her hind. okay. how the ottoman the absent of days. i look for the cover, the cut off of looks a lot. so the, let's was nice and the data by so the deepest is maybe, maybe is all my thought i'd be my motor hopefully limits for jo on that on, on the model. so maybe in the not come with the flows to yeah. yeah,
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they did the leaving, named joe, may the feet. leave a name, tell me. yeah. it for so long. the low eats may so i will cover it owns mid to all 5. there are mid to that book, dean. gov to fill out the they too often has and we didn't know and little was fun in to me. he meant to clone near the building. he'll cut off and hit a dose full. met may nice book. he's may name the glad to find the detectives to take to face the a the dealer. yeah, the disagreement that i'm a book is in the dose of the company that booked my my b. b as a monthly meeting. so i'm going to admit the other thing in the listing. so filled and so you can watch dollars off a lot. yeah. i think coke.
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gary. yeah, i think my daughter who is going to be for sure. yeah, i'm ready to a long way to long latest ethics. we have most of us to indenting and a venue often data facing to say even a 10th i'll post this needs to pay for you to nice this so in document hollis. yeah . for the rest of it, it didn't cause of saving it to in the house. just as you visited this bill from before, the noise made this article for me. but this 50, assessed as to this next day for my staff multiple days i'm, i'm with the young man behind the father. had a 5 to and it goes live on to take and before stake. and i feel like i am the
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father of the scene and the counselor to call them between the full vill oh, the to the ins and it's least of zillow. oh, so my mood, uh it was to me today to run a, to communicating a file of the contract about having a to for how long a to is a delicate. he needs an end to auto say for in the least though find your 90 as high as a honda who could at any rate look, see the ocean and the cleaning and x of this of the gods who cannot. oh hey, i was on got it just was like got to in flux on the same day cuz yeah this, this felt when i made lansing, but they need they know it could be picked up on the phone completely. you're done . yeah. if he told me stokes. mm. yeah, but you don't need those filled it a hey joy. this is elizabeth levels echo fall like a video h u tons i have tools i spot to. so i stuck a lot, the pie,
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isaac, me, me into romantic and have to sign passports, and slaves would buy them by side to my life stuff while i push it because did a lot the bond fund, a hand funded here, the size of one extra lot yeah, there is a quick moment. am i to accept or do do i do do is of crude and then thought of net by the buffer and also accept the converse time slack sam. i need the main do, do send by those more. i only need 5 people who the airbus done. hang on. i talked to for a 2nd. i'm wasting hill boyfriend hello for the both them on the feeder knows that we're asking laser guy hot and the phone kind of an important to us getting them in the back of so that you're going to assume in
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a calm loan dash little jacob model 5 if into this isn't the assignment, if you, if i open a fake, i have court on they should cut them, contain it. i defy this sunday to build it at the housing came minute. i salute dean whitaker. thing for to do stuff needs you would you force taylor east that to you? this is a dana for ad safe. thank you again and took she onto the monthly amount of order to go into the home that if the funds to deal in not reflect like how much did the dot off my kid that is in there all my sign. find it. yeah, so david, just to email the photo it even when i have the same father say made a mock me. yeah. what to book long. she can reach for sale on who was who who? 80 ton discharge you must be beautiful. yeah. these net so x ray,
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so she has this thing nice to come home. most of find this out. they some now. yeah, no kitchen his whole heart to my name which you know. so let's do another clump. oh, is a baby open? uh yeah, that was fine. across on a critic bus to come back in just to do that. yes. to some to on of my diploma. don't, don't want to, if it's a matter of stuff and it is the host, the thought to kind of get the funding and the best i, i have all the way to find cases close enough from the department of legal on them. so i to and above anyhow, my dentist and then i can grab someone instead of hi, cuz i set out a secret that i put in cups on,
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on those st. equitable in the mountains. and so fries to money from them wants to stick up from back, that it's on the phone to book the atlanta, and most of the time he was on the dakota. yeah, it was 4 miles, gainesville sitars tickets, cuz they're less like the snakes. you say, ne fused and mazda, nice to come. my has my mood out. the hood low open to zack, a 5 of us often not to leave them from the ivy to go money. so you for reading. and then from the thing may, may actually meets the bottom of it. and i'm going to be taking a little colleen, the not a thing for them to fax it or not on been a defect. the amos, somebody liked it's 90 benita,
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in the died of hail for the last one, a that for the, the, the jag and he was a need to be to the bottom. be ashamed about to be signed, love to you. the name may marks anything going to break up of all of my life. the influence, it kept just a whole lot and a delta fund about you have to miss a month. i know is how does that leave of us needs? somebody is charges for going up and down and i'm gonna tell a lie, a little blame and i'm just on the side of things that i find a long, long and fun. yeah. it says well, so for me to meet here, really meet for the 1st my life at 1st and i moved to a to the and of the load out the
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slope and to zack, the side of us out the not to leave them from the ivy to top depend on the dynamite, how you be, is tucked up and down the road, the bus for the subdomain of saying, yeah, the medium, it's not, yeah, it doesn't contain the market for an estimate of the competing email dot com. the best way to do open and say it kept enable, not accessing and different atlas of do do the boss feel design for an all in a case that looms it in unless a dish really can cover all my alice question i have to she not about i took that of time this they have to some days after shopping today. and it's not, it's not one by them beside the phone. so what's the thoughts that a comfortable the doctor forwarded and push it to
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the annotated dates available. but did such took from the, from the chat, i'll think i'll certainly be as cold. same number of my ups code can say to you over the phone now. ok mon denique, mazda of, of, of direct, good at some dom has to wait in the slot signal, or it could go neglect to still some the finger but hold onto remaining. and me and me out to do is done behind tune and plug it into one meeting or say she has a nice the payment makes this $20.00 camecia out and it's out. she
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a new big thing need to do to main nation for yard holidays. and when you get off the village, i mean, you did, if he failed and it's supposed to be students in the men's place to meet with most of the stokes, much closer it gets to the vincent invest out of society here. the immunity echo mondo sensitive just the volt after i bought the film field, us will know this all when it came to that so, but on the leave me. okay. stop, stop, stop. mm hm.
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i guess last neighborhood i big what i'm do all the out and next feel different dental. what that is compared to this life that i'm sort of going mind kinda in my family describes had them in cost about the cost that is because the price is for my is nick and betsy as modeling. and yeah, so tell off meet, says the line usually that is on the floss. yeah. excited or can reach them when a company or to for almost a month from the same you know, young, if you really klein high and it will truly seen short. huh. what could i hold of? yeah, donald, the disconnect but have a nice nice day and we'll take great. don't full pains. instead
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of letting you know and exhaust the code, overall bombardment to pamela's or want to wait for it out of my find it on a bus and days have been there had dire something close in a great look. so hooked to the think that something not being bought as may fido. bottom community was kind of large. my 5 on come to many terms here. take it to hit this hill. we're kind of like home. yeah. and, and, and, and, and who are you on support to kind of zuka was a capital t as in colorado. right? hot hands pro, spite hot fix are you cuz i'm and i need to exult life and they couldn't beat i lot asked out a lot figures out for 10, some ice lots as need a lot more more click on that my. my price plus plus they have
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a new month gun gun. come bait down the sky. i could look electrically neat. i'm not both in the car. model a take a lot of the top and a lot of the tides and the perio and the product life can with may often my know if the bulk of it was bank and then the opposite was from most of the. yeah. but we haven't even event and a mom the have young son, this stop is hot. i feel like i comes out for the data phase. need more click. it's not a few of us fun. it's between handler stuff. and i defy he only those x i very out before hand would take or could i have that the you lost if the use box to
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print and if i'm really involved. but the, the, the, the, probably the hiding scattering the 2 words people and times don't mean side or down. it could. and then i'm to go to time i use an amazon, me to the task of safe, have to pay the binding band withdrawal stuff. and the time a long so careful and sales expert. i've had the new hopes to take notes marysville, but the time is so fast, so full day want to call them on me some legal to have had and i'm a product of the clinics. simple.
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but the guy dot in that in a low my say for me, alex, i have on next. next, next one next the moment the trip bucks for the song guy that makes me freeman. why that i'd so who to bury them, vice the, the focus my of the home by the hour congress should by the but i took confronts components high school and those to busta. anyway, another thing that them to basket inside of the team on the health phased and those of us that yeah, the late it not going to die, the bad cycle over and it was died and most of the did i take you to close as yeah. who at lake was kind enough to move us hail it, a shot yada, yada, out of is done with a competitive on we can bring that to the grow tonight, the fishing. imagine the cms side of the 600. okay. it is. i'm a 5 if you can't develop my bill as for mortgage,
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and that's about out of a folder that's for major or israel. how's the delta divider that's us collect mike, perfect for the 5 us. come for just the dear. oh, okay. it is. it is, you find that the best of all the way that the best of all ends vot, uh, uh, uh, finding of the stuff is there a little saved via phone to florida? my, to me is that the joshua to accept it weighs. all right, so i think for the actual um, the 1st one is the, each month was the batteries or all side of the house. and then on may my and my home for the, for the health of oklahoma. lets go my narrative, all the rest of them, lifetime lifetime. i see a real not the nothing father me,
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if i'm not age, then elaine's. and as i look, who does committed those connect americans deal so many of us can sit there and where's it adds that? uh the amazing item is hills of our right now. okay. i was just relation handles and all i had was an installation items. the collection collin bell had ended with the news. kate guys that you duck hill, long hospital got a full text to have the whole yeah yeah. been total payments for this one. open much as to a toss it some don't. curtain high. my pulse can sign the fleet of unique perspective. everything is political. you cannot stay out of tullocks and everything is a feminist issue. to on hud voices. we see our leadership destroying the ability to
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have a normal life in god. and that the stories of us having a normal life, elizabeth connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there. and it told us it's right here. and right now, the stream on out to the around so how is your vacation in this, the shelves? the chest. wow. the examining the head dying is an is hopefully today for the close of life and got unflinching journalism. awesome. just like the war sharing
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personal stories with a labor audience, only $38.00 it welts, women come and feel naturally released to trauma and creates explore and abundance of world class programming on eligibility around the again, i'm north carolina and these are the top stories. on alex's era, gemini has rejected accusations as being facilitating genocide and garza, and a case before the u. n's top course was full gemini, present to this defense on the 2nd day of proceedings. that means national court of justice in the hague. the case was broiled by nic correct? q a, who's cooled for emergency measures to stop from the, from selling weapons to as well. as germany's councils have set out new car rock
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west request has no basis in law effect. there are no legal reasons to justify the requested provisional measures. to germany is not a violate at the genocide convention, nor internationally to mandatory in law. now that directly not in directly talk to assess it will impose restrictions on exports to israel until it reaches a ceasefire. with from us, it's recorded cool that a unilateral violation of trade agreements and promise to respond new measures come a day off. the israel declined anchor as request to add drop age and gaza visa. how up with him sized cargo, chuck, letting you know, we had submitted a request to participate in the humanitarian aid operations with congress plains of air force. we've learned that this request which was welcomed by the jordanian authorities, was rejected by israel. that can be no excuse for israel to prevent us from providing aerial aid, to stop and guardians. in response to the situation,
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we have decided to take a series of new measures against israel, as well as the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, a date has been set for a ground invasion of rough or announcement coincides with the latest rounds of ceasefire tools and see me how my spokesman told challenges there in this meal whose threat raises questions about resuming negotiations. lots of rush are included in the girls. the vote vulgar and central regions have declared a state of emergency off to some of the west funding in decades. and the southern coggan region, media, se the flooding could affect at least 19000 people, some residence of old protested against the handling of the crisis by local officials. they will fail to president vladimir putin for help. and the draught of 29 people. charles, in connection with the 2016 panama papers, money loan during scandal is on the way in panama. city is headlines will be back with more news here on alex's era of to witness. i
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just spent the business think least. yeah, yeah, yeah. i see. sadly yeah, somebody from the can with filling out i'm all they don't know how to do this. you can pull one
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and bist feed in my are you familiar with football? just like oh yeah. b b 5050 south this wired to be my father phone to be fully. i knew by many that it
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a can you give me a call on eastern from i feel for you having needing some canadians from the next and that the dual credit needs all think the how full and dar a deep and full pacific view. one of the
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books of should be included inc. doing more. there was there was inc, catch it up. take a king. pick up a new bo today, sir. and if you can, might holler at me, god bless metabolic events page to so they have not left the front of the box in front of the sweat to meet the needs. he's going just more faithful. and so hopefully they will be in that when you go to an actor for the football
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team. so i think you're ain hard on that. hold on 5. 0 yeah. who taxes for a little bit? yeah. the thing that to and the trees you'll is the south with the to the higher up the whole can be saw how many bow and excel file can i get any doctor the clinic for adults funding from dr. bridget club costs are fillmore 100, gordon and marcia. nice. okay. and before that to load with them, chrome is addicted by def debates and mistake audits and includes the cut in into effect. so i'm either yeah, 2 bucks for the ball and make any goes major bung today. the next is just to calling murphy story to. yeah. something about stan nicholas pills. date. yeah. hell for the date, this any that if they need sick,
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been on that item to how nice printing they choose to have a city to say ok then how crawford? okay. nice nice. yeah. wow. i think the study sonia high, even k for asking mom relocating and okay. yeah. we had as far for how to explain what the state to. okay. if it's talking to you. okay, the for the, for how the sister and my daddy always has to come over and my mom life, dropbox. oh, nice call me it was to visit the home they did is meet julie bo, to do this with my friends until next week. the sparks and things like full balance sheet class. yeah. the
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company made me to elaina this spot of the the gig it kept need me from month with may find i may have to buy may find some. this'll have to tell you, okay, for example, from it, it kept me from my but if me, what, and the full
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a good fee. i haven't been the and you'll need the, the full of of how you need me from my pay. a field of s. and so snell mostly the best. so the kid all the goals christ on which relates to later those a yeah. the martin i yeah, sees it gives you insight just the latest. felt that they knew by and to hold on. mm hm. um, cynthia loza, i took all my looms of post traumatic stress was born. is that what is from foot? mm hm. but it is. mm. hm, and at this stage, it is a good thing. they said the may from lack tapped need hate them, all sort of act, you know, can best of to today from the video this life come from a, a list to pretty or that the elaine,
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that is why that and my foot and by he was in the tied up for this website to find me in photos, believing me today to bottle. okay, and what do you, what am i filed of hunting for sonic? i quoted all the one on the age of fame, but it's either he needs to made a cd. looks okay, that's people to the very simple to yeah. it does, but the, the mama is we cannot mastered the quite, quite me. oh yeah, the boss from either the leasing market look good stopping to here. and i have to do this one with the 5th method. you direct them to somebody. i'm not doing that either. you based on for the claudio dollars, man in the missing? no, no, no, no, got done. type of taking the need to enjoy the rest of the needs and it fell down. what you do, the elf either to when they have all they need to depend on my main line. i feel it
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. may i ask the problem with that? okay, think i'm with my height, they didn't retain pulse my eyes out to a whole to find that you'd like my belief as 100 most to not uh, not have to denise. yeah. 2 years family he went to that's an easy it. i need to think of a, you've still put a guy with the bonded the mind to seem to call you for the suit. indeed those fold down and have that you month to do the data for the deal and will listen to the whole time that you, connie, through which you to turn it off. katie, how does that cover you for 0 to somebody that and you've done yet is what come by date? economy to be any buffering mach into the ice a name? we don't have to call on them design to connect with daniel? yeah, yeah. no, for the me to turn to as far as do beautiful thought.
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so thank you know and can photograph the end or done and to get the bus find, find you not, no cables. tune that a heading on mit let her lie. my today select different ones. if i'm a denise deals house. to me it's a move down to, to do most of the and now next to any outside that it was academic and that's probably not the whole thing. and this is i've told you the animals from your don in the house for baptist bought up and doing the same thing. yeah. to visit him on the setup. i knew it was a good so on your down and helped with my own with foot turlock, tampa. is it this this for bona on need to be living on night from craig? yep. to nice. i need management but really do make the day now
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a little hard for us, omar and i'm the tie. oak need to like fun for new for and connect to the eoc, natty it denisia, and nato don. yeah, and i'm with, i told her, i'm sorry for looking back. that's fine. but who knows if they've done an exam and most had eviction? hold on. what's the best for the climate by now ask mando. asked munda, i've us this a but at least any drive us next. they a guy to excel with the not they use it opening to me. my duties of this in a lot. ok. ok well hi sullivan. this really? yeah. yeah. those are, these are the as of yeah,
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that would be her daughter be what you we have is a cool lot. my goodness. on the i knew hyphen oh oh i see as the in on you have very cool to ship it. have a few 5. you know sama oh this this lesson pushing history option. what's the hey agenda and the gentleman would use. john, it's me. i'm guessing had been the pay of colors. i think he said it is okay. we, we are, we're heading to drop the vehicle. do you have a lena? but just in the general be any on the opposite. how good? yeah, we did. did i left couple of we're,
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she's that much. so any of these, if they commit mid mid june, that sounds perfect. i mean i know for the next few months, so i never know if she has an indemnity come when suddenly i've been over, i'm central god and all that was the end of it. i'm going to meet with a minute for the tech. i don't mind. yeah. i oh and the whole way that the end of the line even though they never see the anonymous. oh yeah. i mean and shifted a bunch of them. yeah, i mean, the yeah, i mean alice, us and more about how to solve a move to who is the lucky well, we're because i'm going to be i left the other a lot of the left side the i left the thought i don't. well, i want to have the engine mode you to come stash out of to be
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a new stick of it. i meant if you had a fabulous oh, well my dad many a boat bodies. i filled out with a new photo. medina to know who went up. i got another story so far i was telling me to have a coffee you i, i mean, can you have to put that i can might be on that to be a condition tasks with the dolphin. so good. why? the next you've been was stuck by the beginning of sci fi fi. how we feel, focusing on buys female female, which were somewhat remote fee. i'm doing all the testing because we're getting approx overlay of it. and you know, by 1000000000 dollar company has been and to another call for, she wanted me on somebody to come pick it up with it because of it, and it wasn't a hispanic ideas. johnny,
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i would like to be in thing a semester with up see how to get in for the hold on me, but as soon as i think it might be the general. i mean, yeah. the, i don't mind the, the full bill came out of, i mean, i'm exactly, it's, it's and b b s and piece nice. nice and, and johnny and that's the book this very estimate. i'm oh yeah. oh, well i was unable to put enough of others gotten this was the 7th of ship i've been i've sent over the sort of the car, sean shown for bill quasi that he, i mean by the name of. ready let's see what we can find the can i have the box hold on the shop by the holy the in
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your life to be less than dollars. honeywell, hey, gallons of zillow was the one you had thought of. sorry, the boy, but to him in order to get a honest look up. now, don't he? i mean the, i mean the honda just to be sure if that's the problem. okay, stop, stop, stop. it cannot do anything or not tomorrow. no 2 big guy can today's builder conflict asked who to go? do do accept. okay, i'm back at the bottom of the hello. so who went on the do? so i'm telling you national, not to jot all we need for the overnight, the subset of how the, the mind, the bulk of what a 10 minute annoying and you need when you put them on over and take us out of me.
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then it took a sudden i saw by the desktop and oh, on the other gentleman, the other night might be leading to my house. anyhow, logic was housed in how he did that job and i'm very thought i did so with it. what are your thoughts on that stuff that if, as they would have been with us as most of the above, i'd love to that. hello. okay. okay. winfrey has been up until the, the neat inside was a place that yeah, the
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thing that to make you know, if the barbecue over delta, the, unmindful not to, apart from the both of us down to florida by hey, laughed bombardment faced all say, dash us on a tanner exhibit a cut off, so i'm going to talk to that the self have us full and often talk take me about
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lead time to made up the policy of a new super 8 and okay, so i'm going to call make on by dies from admire might stump any attached onto any se tamale's store pick so you know, frankly, we left dana hook up the appointment folder. my goodness if i don't know if anyone, meeks 6 of honda being in the bottle on their minor. nope. nope. and not enough t. a set of pay and
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mar headhouse hills to steam onto my i left to meet hannah han make. so can you hold on to spanish? tooth notes to buy it out loud to helpful. uh, money. have a ship, a man i've taught comes home and that has blue that's quite a little gun from bus for not to football should be the news headline for bass technique.
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but i'm not, you're not saying and i need oh, good. good. next on the face of them make up the the image of that. yeah. the the not who
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and the see now so and so how much are you looking to take a p d you see it? there are no meaning the reason for my to see lots of the machine off the leasing team then thing. yeah. days for them to be in a classical type is where they could do it before the estimate of the data at the moment you do it by kept them a know to cope the data for highlight that the for me around habits, results and the to you find a computing analysis and when the, when a know for alcove tell in an adult, she died on fast. the think of that you may want to be telling seat of the more like taking the all somebody want to yeah, you for me so much to ask you a call for the back from the to
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a new he's same a b o, b, b as in he'll new payment at the bottom. you said milan accident void the filing. nissan altima, the altima, the
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in the life of the 9 year old, under his ready bombardment, trauma interrupted displacements scarcely. and the moments were childhood still shines through the dealers. a child of cuz on a jersey the color was still look and get some rather live. he said i was into se impulse, so presumably this little area, nothing a little further northwards as it does so, we are seeing these freshening up for the so $25.00 sales just the in the service for a tuesday. i think around 19 degrees by wednesday afternoon, female showers just pushing the way up towards the power of y east and back up with
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the central part so. so what's the neighbors also sing loudly shows shows extending my way over to ward sky. i don't think either will be lousy dry unless you try to across the venezuela. but if you show us that was columbia, stretching up into panama, customer equals to things and rather live the shelves beside the north. it is generally dry across a good part of central america. i wanted to isolate to chavez chavez. the continue though, just around his found y'all, puerto rico, pushing across to was the wind, but not as little more extensive here was a go on 3, whether the stay cable that's allowed to drive one or 2 south and just make a follow right. winds up towards the gulf of mexico. do you see developing area, ferry, heavy rain pushing into the deep south of the us, lots of live the storms coming through here. big kyle, looking at the possibility of the alternator. and that becomes even more widespread by weight and stay the, the
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often months of fight with thousands of people killed and millions from the house. what does the future hold for? sit down and it's people to sit down context one year on out to 0. these are some of the 1st images from the aerial assessment of co bleaching in the great value range. bleaching occurs by moving the ocean temperatures and pollution 1st call to expel the algae to get the color range of color and extreme range wise for an extended period of time. maybe some structures have been severely damaged. scientists have declared 2020 full, a mass bleaching events. what's happening here on the great fire roof? it's also happening on rapes around the world. or the last 12 months warming sea surface temperatures have cause bleaching events in the northern hemisphere. and the linear conditions in the pacific have amplified the situation. for rainbows,
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just jody rama says ocean temperatures are increasing at a rate never seen before. and that's an organ assigned to the biggest crow system in the world. we're seeing this back to back here upon year. the reef needs many years to recover from these heat waves and it's just not getting it the color them or kyle distance and use our live from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes of united nations top quote, germany rejects accusations, it's facilitating genocide in gaza. gemini is not a violate at the genocide convention nor internationally to mandatory law. now that
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directly or indirectly take care announces restrictions on export is.


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