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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 9, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm AST

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to us don't see anything imminent, but there is a lot of work to be done and it remains our conviction that um, major military operations and uh, in rough uh would be extremely dangerous for um, civilians who would be caught in uh in harm's way. that as we share the commitment to dealing with a problem posed by a moss, we believe there are other effective ways to do it. that's going to be the subject to these ongoing conversations. i don't want to prejudge what the outcome thank you . so i'm going to be going to the hill. i go to a range of meetings with us and this isn't the oldest one, both sides of the aisle. i always do this with great trepidation. it's not for foreign politicians to tell legislators in another country what to do. it's just that i'm so passionate about the importance of defending ukraine grants, this regression that i think it is up to the interest. so us security,
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the pollution 1000, his legal invasion. i think it's good for us, the jobs that we continue to back ukraine with the weapons that they need. and i think in terms of how united states, the united kingdom, is allies the scene around the world that will be people in hair on and going yang and beijing, looking at how we stand by our allies, how we help them, how we stop this, a legal and unprovoked progression and working on whether we are committed, whether we're prep at to see it through. so i'm here to offer my opinion to meet with anyone who wants to talk to me, advisors to make those arguments. and i think the perspective i always encourage others in, in your particular, perhaps those right up against the fence with russia who can feel the russian aggression who feel the fear of it. and i thinks, as i said,
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of the nato summit last week it's, it's so important that the comfortable, this is a secure and strong nato with full us and atlantic support rather than a set back for the west and alliance, a victory for fusion and a sense that we'd like to stand by all allies and our friends at the time of need. so that's the spirit in which i'm here. i'm delighted to have a whole series of meetings this afternoon and some more tomorrow, and i'll make time for any people in congress who would welcome to conversations. tom bayman with the bbc. thank you very much. a sex we blanket festival, the bbc spike last week to the parents of jacob slick and joe, who was the us canadian citizen who was killed to me. wealth central kitchen is ready to strike. his purse describes the convoy is being chased down. they described it as a crime. what assurance can you give them that will be meaningful accountability
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given the last 2 and off he has 2 of the american citizens have been killed in the hands of his ready forces in cases which have not seen meaningful accountability. and what lessons do you think from those cases that so just on the ground, all taking and phone sex re, uh you said on most the likes, but you would get new advice on his rouse compliance with international lawyer. you said in the coming days on march, the 8th, it is now april the 9th. so when are you going to decide whether or not his role is preaching international humanitarian goals? and you talked about um, on your train, not wanting to let you and, and to come here. you've also said that you're dropping diplomatic niceties on this issue. you've compared to see what happens to the pieces of hitler in the 19 thirty's adults people to change the narrative on the train. what evidence do
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you have the coming here that approach is working? and in that context, you still think that donald trump is protectionist xenophobic. i'm the searching, mr. tom. thank you. i'll start the 1st. um i spoke uh over the weekend to jacob's father and to his partner. i heard directly from them. separately, jacob believes an 18 month old son leaving everything else aside. just thought of truly human level. my heart goes out to that family. and to that little boy who now has no father and i said the other day that the world, central kitchen team jacob
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or genuinely heroes. and i hope that collateral. what else we never lose sight of the extraordinary ways in which jacob and the others put their lives on the line to help people who are so desperately in need. why did it matter to most? it's an extraordinary inspiration, but it's also an extraordinary responsibility on our shoulders. and everyone else has to do everything we can to ensure that this never happens again. and that, and guys, in particular, you, manager and workers can go about their, their work with as much security as possible. so we are looking very carefully of the conclusions of the investigation that israel conducted were asking questions about or engage with the israelis or engage with humanitarian
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organizations. and we want to make sure that again, the investigation produces real change that can better ensure the security and safety of the amount of training workers. and to your point as well uh, accountability. israel has taken some initial steps in that direction, including a, by removing to senior commanders who are engaged in this, this horrible incident. but we're in the process. an ongoing process of looking at the look here, the persians and talking both to israel and the amount of tri organizations about it. one other piece of business before i turn it back over to david unfinished business, which is simply as a site you you heard fine. secretary makes
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a commitment on the heart of united kingdom to supporting the efforts that were undertaking in haiti, and particularly supporting the multinational uh security support for us to go in to both for the haitian national police to help regain control of the photo process from the from the games to enable a democratic process to move forward towards elections and to create an environment in which magistrate assistance, development aid can get in and get to where it's needed. so i just want to say how grateful we are to the united kingdom as well. as 2 other partners who been stepping up to support this effort means a great deal. think dikes all as well and international humanitarian law as required by the u. k. 's robust arms export control regime. i have not reviewed the most recent advice about the situation in gaza at israel from not to the tree campaign of the latest assessment. these opposition on export licenses unchanged. this is consistent with the advice that i know the ministers have received. and as
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of a we will keep the position under review. then it'd be clear though we continue have to have grave concerns around the humanitarian access issue in gaza, base for the period that was assessed. and subsequently we've seen a welcome increase in trucks with this tony said, perhaps as many as 400 going in yesterday the highest since october. the 7th. and of course, public commitments from is relative flood, goes with a these 90 to be turned into reality. opposition is in line with our international partners so far. no like minded countries have taken the decision to suspend existing. ready licenses, israel, i might add that as well, remains the vital defense, the security problem, which is the u. k. a cooperation makes the u. k. and is a little secure for external trends. we will continue to use this robust legal process to assess these issues. and i just that we do, how british legal advice,
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we like comment on legal advice, but we back to the way that is consistent with where a government under the law and that says it should be on the issue of dropping it recognizes in many ways what i meant by that was instead of sort of speaking and did play speak when i address this issue of how we helped me crane. i'm the i can get very emotional about it up to me. this is so fundamental to how britain in america, of what together, over the years, over the decades, to keep all world safe and 2 and a half social security. i think of my grandfather landing on the normally beach is under the cover of an american worship. i think of how i work together with president obama to deal with the i still threat in syria and iraq. how we hunted down those terrible killers of british and american hostages. and the syrian does it to how to john and his like. and to me, this is the same thing. we face
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a huge threat from an aggressive putin taking other countries territory by force. and it is so important that we stick together. this is the right less than from nature set of radiate 75th anniversary. this. yeah, is that if we stick together, if we work together we can create a more secure your little. so a more secure us. and i say this is someone who doesn't just and i liked and respect america. i say to someone who loves this country, i'm going to co sign the country more of this, but i do love united states. i feel passionate about this country. it's right in the world and defending freedom and spend the up to aggression and trying to take the saw either countries that are being produced in this way. and so when i go in and speak with colleagues in, in congress, i try and keep the different, that's the language that sometimes it spills over and divide emotional language because this is the right thing for us to do and, and future generations. going to the back of the say, did we do enough when this country was invaded by dictates that trying to redraw
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binders by force to be loved the lessons from history to be doing now? and i'm actually why don't really find one thing. so that's why sometimes dropped the diplomatic nicest. and i've, i've said we had a good meeting. we discussed the range of international issues, but effectively it was a private leasing and one the very much in the precedent to meeting with the opposition leaders obviously in britain, we respect to the, the electro process, the democratic process through the 9 states. and what with whoever is elected for the benefit to both countries. and for the final question, robert moore with i tv yeah. hi. hi robin law. we'd like to be news. thanks for both to be taking my question. i'm far and check and re festival you had dinner is we know that if i want to cancel warm and friendly generate donald trump last night you course a private dinner. but you know, your foreign secretary, he's a presidential candidate. can you at a minimum to say at least he listened sympathetically to your argument,
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but the house should unlock your credit in the funding. and did he give you any assurance at all? but if you want in the event, but he would remain the united states would remain a key member of nato. and just to follow up on my uh, bbc colleagues. fine question about international humanitarian though and the supply of weapons. i mean, given the passions costing through societies about the guys or issue, what is the argument against the transparency against and letting people know what the legal advice being received by you is a transparency, everything, and secretary of state. i mean, you've expressed outrage today in the recent days about the death of those 7 international aid workers eloquent outrage. but it makes the question um there have been hundreds of humanitarian code in garza over the last 6 months. dozens of genders, many people who are being waving white flags and they're still being shut down by
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idea of forces. i mean, why was the outrage then? and why then didn't you offer to, to reshape american policy if necessary. why only now is it just be possible? so the 7 health okay. um the 1st of all, um on my dental, i'm not going to relent from the fact that it was a private dentist, but we discussed joe political issues like is running gaza like crazy. like the future of nato. um, the who ever i'm talking to i tend to make the same points, which is that we're going to do everything we can this. yeah. to get. they towed as strong as possible shape for it. 75th anniversary and getting everyone up to 2 percent. having the new members joining sweetness and having the strongest possible lives, the best thing we can do on the train, the best thing we can do this year is to help keep the ukrainians in this fight.
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the fighting so bravely that nothing to lose for one to me or all the dangers. we don't give them the support that they need. and i make that argument to anyone who will listen to me. i argue that it is extremely good value for money in the united states and for others, perhaps for like 5 or 10 percent of your defense budget. always hot off of rushes, pre will, military equipment has been destroyed for without the loss of a single american life. this is an investment in united states security so, so that's what i would say on the issue of legal advice. i think it is important principle that legal advice is not published. the ministers consider it and act in a way that is consistent with it. we also questions about it as i am now, is i will be in the house of lords, i'm sure, next week, and i've got a question time on tuesday of appropriate a statement as well. and it's right that we answer those questions. we have published summaries of legal advice,
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but that has been when we've been sending british troops into action as we did in little bit or as we did recently, when we sent the british force personnel into combat with the who sees i as a different situation, a summary of legal advice published in the circumstances, i don't think gets rice in these circumstances and i say we have consistent with it . we're happy to answer questions about it. but very clear about the deep concern we have about the humanitarian aid situation. but the overall judgement is that for licenses will remain open and continue up. rob to your question. the thousands of children of men been caught in the crossfire from us as making going back to october. their loss. their suffering is absolutely government. we've worked from day one to
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do everything we could to ensure that protection of civilians was the maximized provision of humanitarian assistance to those who needed. it was also being maximized. we seen results over the course of of, of these 90 months starting with the, the opening of the roof. a gate very early on track shalom flour from last of the provision of fuel on a sustained basis. but it has manifestly not been enough far from the results simply has not been there. and even if the intent was, it's the results of the account. and it was clear from everything that we continue to see that we have to have to have change, have to have change that results in people getting the assistance they need throughout garza. and that was the import of the presence conversation last week
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with prime minister netanyahu. but it was in many ways the combination of many conversations that as i said, produced results, but insufficient in terms of actually meeting the needs of people. so what we're focused on now is making sure that the commitments that israel has made to do more to do more effectively. and to put that in place is that actually happens. and as i said, it's sustained. and as i said, produces results. that's the measure. that's the test, that's what we're looking at in temporary. we want to do everything we can. but principally, we want to see israel do everything it can and must to reduce the impact on civilians to get assistance to those who need to do it on a sustained basis. but it would also
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be, i think important that so much of the understandable passion, outrage and anger directed at israel for applied as palestinian civilians and gaza. some of that might also be reserved and directed for from us. it remains astounding to me that the world is almost deafeningly silent. when it comes to a loss. we would not be where we are. had they not chosen to engage in one of the most terrific acts of brutality insurers and not october 7th. and have they then, having done that, not refused these many, many months to get out of the way of civilians to stop hiding behind them. to put down their arms to release the hostages,
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to surrender. where is the outrage? they're having said that, i'll repeat what i've said incessantly from day one. despite that is realized obligations. it has responsibilities that are more than a strategic and that are legal to do everything you can to protect civilians and to get assistance to the many who need it. that's what we're focused on. thank you. so we were just watching the u. k. 4 and secretary david cameron, as well as the rest of your state. and so any blinking speaking in washington dc, they were giving a press conference. david cameron is on a trip to washington. as you can see, to discuss the ukraine age package as well as israel's war on garza and cameron has been holding meetings not only with the secretary state on to the blinking but with other american officials. well, during his time there, let's uh,
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bring in my kind of my kind of joining us from washington. so mike, uh, pretty wide ranging press conference. they were giving and answering questions. i mean let's, we just break it down. what are the main topics obviously, is the war on gaza? what do you think was the take away message from not as well. what is made very clear is that the 2 foreign ministers in close alignment in terms of the position on garza, and indeed on israel, on it's ongoing war. both ministers saying that you meant a terry and supplies had meant to in support is absolutely crucial. but at the same time, those leaders insisting on what they call is rails right? to self defense, this, it would appear in the view of both trumps everything. they made reference to israel as commitment to improve the humanitarian situation as
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a made reference to the fact. and both agreed with this fact that the root cause of the non resolution of this conflict to the lack of success and negotiations falls entirely at the feet of from us, uh, no reference whatsoever to is really intransigence in those negotiations. so what you've seen is, is very clearly a completely aligned position. the other issue on which both me this shit and opinion is that they will continue to supply on the israel regardless of its activities in that will and gaza. the british foreign secretary is saying that britain will continue to issue foreign on slice export arms licenses. the secretary of state having said repeatedly, that is israel will still continue to receive alms from the united states. so just one point of confusion here. one might say is that they also discussed ukraine, and in regard to crane, boast, leaders said they would deeply concerned about the flow of arms into russia to
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assisted in its campaign against ukraine. so they ought to, to a totally different positions here at arms to russia. bad alms to israel. that's okay. yeah. sounds like it, mike and just one more thing on, on gaza. it was interesting that the secretary of state, anthony blinking said that the us doesn't have a date that's been communicated to them by the is really is on any potential or enough invasion even though nothing. yahoo himself has said earlier that he does have a date yes. this is very interesting and it seems that the secretary of state is now shifting to a position that the us will not insist on a date. now. at one stage the us had been saying, and the secretary of state himself had been saying that they would ask israel to share its plan for any invasion or operation in russell with the us. in order that
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the us can actually establish the fact that it makes provision for the safety of civilians. they appear to have walked away from this because what one walks away from this news conference, what the secretary of state said this is that they are not going to get any notification from israel to any discussion with israel, about any potential operation. and rough. uh so that is there's some sort of slippage in the secretary of state's opinion that a and i'm is just emphasize as well the degree to which the whole level of is really action in gaza is on the plane to a degree you had the british foreign secretary, referring to the killing of the food aid workers and recent days, attributing this to a problem. and the need for the confliction seemed to not refer to the fact that they were in fact killed by is really forces. so here you do have this position with both leaders and so set you meant a terry. an age is absolutely essential that the protection of civilians in gaza
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should be an absolute priority. at the same time, the is still very restrained or probably no criticism whatsoever of israel for its activities in the will. and garza, my kind of thank you so much i as well, germany has dismissed occupations that it's completed in genocide against the palestinians in gauze them. it's lawyers rejected the case brought by nicaragua at the us top court as baseless, rushed, and without jurisdiction. nicaragua argues as the 2nd largest and supplier 2 is real. the germany is in fact facilitating genocide and has asked the court to order it to stop its arms exports. step boston has more from the take it to cost of risk . germany started it's 2 hour long defense at the international court of justice by saying it has learned from the past and learn from the hollow cost. gemini is doing its most to live up to its responsibility is heavy,
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both is riley and the palestinian people. this explains one of the principles upon which all foreign policy with regard to own middle east issues 1st. oh history is the reason what israel security has been at the pull of german foreign policy. nicaragua argues that germany support for its route is one sided, a neglect the fate of gas as people. one now also facing genocide, gemini supplied alms worth more than $300000000.00 to israel last year, and increased from $30000000.00 in 2022. but its legal team argued that most of the export licenses were issued before the october 7 attacks, or shortly after. if we look at what has actually been license for export to israel under this framework. since october 2023. we see no artillery shells, no munitions,
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nearly all experts the exports involves what is known as of the military equipment, typically of the subordinate or defensive nature. as a matter of fact, only for weapons, war weapons has been licensed for exports since october 20, 233 of which concern test or practice equipment. according to international weapons, tweet is no arms should be exported to countries. if there's a risk, they will be used to violate human to tear we in law or loss of floor when i'll just see what i wanted to clarify. if this means germany now recognizes that israel is violating international law, we did not receive an answer. you're not answering any questions because i wanna ask you about your sab drum. the learn from the past. most of germany's defense centered around the question of whether the international court of justice has jurisdiction in this case, lawyer free presenting germany say it's calling be complicit in genocide if the
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country accused of committing genocide is absent from the case. and that's not been convicted. the judges now have to decide if provisional measures against germany. i need to stop it from sending weapons to israel steps. awesome. al jazeera, the hey, in hon. you know, so at least 80 bodies have been recovered from the rubble after israel's withdrawal on sunday. and the pull out followed intense battles with palestinian fighters. many families have since been trying to salvage belongings from the ruins of their homes. meanwhile, there have been strikes across gaza, including in the city of stuff, were more than one and a half 1000000 palestinians are sheltering. at least one woman was killed in several more injured after a residential building was attacked, thought of as soon as more from the off the families as they started to gradually return back to the house has been in the city of con. you just, these started to recognize the mood, the bodies in that city that had been killed off. so they use really with the drove
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well, that had been killed while the is what it wasn't. it military wasn't breaking in that area and their bodies have for recovered off to these. but what the trouble from many areas of the city will partner with the spot. oh oh. so despite the fact, these would have been bought. mentioned the city of con, you just did not stop where they have increased the oh, it's a rape abutment for the eastern areas. room side that provide district has been also hate within the past few hours for at least one palestinian a women has been killed off to an agriculture land being directly hit to within his valley price to ship a deck and missio deck destroyed the entire land. and also this land has been adjacent to the make shift. jim said she attends that have been established in empty areas in a rough district. now this area is very densely populated area where it contains and costs, hundreds of doctors in that very disparate parts of the gaza strip. but the little side, one kind of thing it also has been short buy is where the sniper is close to the re junction and the eastern areas of my guys, the i'm
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a brace refugee camp had been widely attacked by these various artillery units work a dozens of palestinians have to report to engender that in that district, positive because district, the main challenge. and the key one is the collapse of the security conditions in garza, these very bottom and tests for a long weeks and months of the fighting had come. but the ability of humanitarian organizations to operate on the ground and also to facilitate the process of delivering aids to the many areas in the territory. and recently we have been seeing a slight increase in terms of the numbers of the humanitarian trucks being allowed to get into the gauze as to for example, within the last couple of days, at least 700 to humanitarian had entered the gaza strip throughout russell had come of a solemn increasing, they had been distributed for people in the south where very limited number of these just has been delivered to the another in parts of the gaza strip. now, quite a agencies have been saying that at least the goal is to strip needs uh, between 500 up to 6 humanitarian trucks on a daily basis,
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just to help people to recover from the often not so because really deadly at military campaign of the treasury turkey or says it will impose restrictions on exports to israel until it reaches a cease fire with him. us israel called it a unilateral violation of trade agreements and promise to response. this is the 1st time any nation has impose major trade restrictions over the war on goza visa, how up with him sized cargo shop letting you know we had submitted a request to participate in the humanitarian aid operations with congo plains of our air force. we've learned that this request which was welcomed by the jordanian authorities, was rejected by israel. that can be no excuse for israel to prevent us from providing aerial aid to stop and guardians in response to the.


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