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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 9, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm AST

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to help save lives and trumps phone communities. the, [000:00:00;00] the you're watching the news are a lie for my headquarters in delphi and tell you navigate, here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. palestinians across the gaza strip are marking the end the phenomenon as the war continues. german who's doing its utmost to live up to its responsibility. he said he both these really and the palestinian people. germany rejects accusations, it's facilitating genocide and gaza during the hearing of a u. n. stop port altogether about 6 and a half thousands people, including many children,
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have been about 2 h as we report from the flooded russian region of orangeburg, where authorities have declared a state of emergency plus this is just towards climate justice 0 stop. human rights court says the government has violated its citizens rights by not doing enough to fight climate change. uninstalled as the champions league quarter finals, defending champions at manchester city. they faced round madrid, also back in the last state for the 1st time in more than a decade, the taking on fine meeting the hello, it's 18 gmc, that's 8 pm in gaza, where the muslim holy month, the phenomenon is coming to an end on the celebration of sorry, the, the filter should be getting underway wednesday morning. but for palestinians across garza,
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there is little to celebrate. israel's were on the strip has now entered its 7th month more than $33000.00 palestinians have been killed. and human rights organizations accuse as real of using starvation as a weapon or for sending the famine is setting and even as a trucks are lined up at the border, as well as what i just sent out. if the heat is different this year, because of the war normally during this time of the year, we would buy clothes for our children. but now we have somebody searching for food just to feed them for a day. or we search for a place for them to live and still no home, no food, and no water and i eat has no meaning this you get with dish and i didn't know how we mocking a this year with understand this destruction and without a ceasefire. we want to celebrate, as we used to as palestinian people living a peaceful life, a simple life with humanitarian aid,
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reaching everyone's houses. we won't eat without discrimination and racism. and with results is for old sick people. elderly children indeed, while fighting has continued in spite of for you and security council resolution, which demanded an immediate cease fire for the month of ramadan security council resolutions are supposed to be legally binding. and now palestinians have little to look forward to the is really military has pulled some troops out of southern gaza, but they say it's simply to rest soldiers ahead of ground. defensive enough, more than one and a half 1000000 people are sheltering their utah seems to be the most liberal of us . we will complete the liquidation of the homeless brigades, including those in rough on there is no force in the world that will stop us. they will many trying to do this, but this will be of no use because often what they have done this enemy will not be there to repeat the action again. we are obligated to do so, and this is our goal. we will get
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a live update from gaza and speak to our correspondence, auto abrazzo who is under a hud sale. so taught it. first of all, it is the are the eve of the items for 3rd, what's usually supposed to be a joyous occasion. tell us how people are coping and what, sorry, just like across the strip of the will. the reading to edition lead, palestinians aware preparing for this occasion in every single year. by decreasing the house is getting prepared by pining you close work children, guests and giving them money. families used to within the day is of value to visit each other. also, palestinians visiting the relatives as they are touring from house to house to congratulate each other. but right now this, these complete customs and traditions are no longer existed. specifically the palestinians have to have been away from the houses for how for you right now. being completely destroyed,
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i'm financially broken right now. they have been moving from living in concrete houses to make shift times as they are finding even difficulty to buy their children clothes and even giving them money off to being towed to the finance and it broke. and that is these talk reality here because the strip pads we can could barely see scenes of happiness, the owners of palestinians, especially among do so young children of women who usually were welcoming this event with key and unprecedented rights of happiness. just to welcome this, a very, very permanent most location. but right now, all of these things have disappeared. as palestinians have been on the wide mil it cheap abutment for at least 6 months right now. and thought it, we are hearing reports that the number of a trucks that have entered gaza have reportedly increased. but i mean, i wonder, 1st of all you could confirm that. and if they have, it still sounds like though it's
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a drop in the ocean compared to what the strip actually needs. yes, that's at least the majority of the humanitarian folks that's gets into the goal is a strip throughout the roof on carmel. beside him, coursing, bowed, as are still and dropping the ocean in terms of the admin, sneed, the desperate palestinians across the territory. specifically that the majority of 8 agencies have been saying that because of stripping the very desperate need to between 500 to 600. the humanitarian troops to be entering the gaza strip on daily basis on the, on conditional restrictions that had been imposed since day one. of the fight to on the majority of humanitarian comb points and right now collapses. security is one of the main challenges for the few minutes here in organizations to be operational . insight calls us specifically that the is when the military had been imposing and placing these restrictions in order to not allow for the flow of the humanitarian chromeboys for people there. and then other parts of causal are right now are suffering from high rates of mon, you attrition on with most signs of found the looming of the horizon. so you have
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to wait. the majority of the humanitarian chromeboys getting in, consider it to be a slight increase in terms of the numbers of a humanitarian, some voice. but yet the palestinians are expecting for the flow of these supplies. in light of these many make this decision to open fire was of course, in quite yet, nothing of that has been practically translated on the ground as it only right now had been floating to the gauze. this trip from boat is a rough ha. okay, thought it, thank you so much thought up as i'm reporting for us from f off as well. let's take a closer look at the situation ends off. that's where israel pots to launch a ground invasion. the most southern city of the strip has been constant, has seen constant bombardment by israel, despite being a so called designated se stone, for palestinians. at least one woman was killed in an as really strike on choose day. the population there has swelled from 300000 before the war to more than one and a half 1000000. now as people seek shelter there,
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many of them are living in makeshift camps and those who can't find shelter had been forced to sleep on the streets. we are with us on that i showed he's a professor of security and military studies at the door hot institute for graduate studies to discuss the in particular the situation in delphi and sort of the days ahead. if we can say about, so nothing yahoo earlier today all much said that he is going to enter it off off on in fact he has a dates. do you think that this is just a negotiated tactic or a, or does he really have funds to enter it? if i'm considering the ongoing ceasefire negotiations, i think it's real. i think he is going to enter off at some point, but i think it won't be too false. so they, if you look at the deployment situation now, they went from a peak of 23 brigades in gaza. so in a 20 c big age, we're talking about more than 6 divisions, just to have
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a competitive perspectives. there's radio army have defeated the addiction on mean june 1967 in about 35 hours with the divisions on. so they, they had the 12 pointing gaza, more than 6 divisions as who owed the force of more than 6 divisions. so the quote collective force. so now the big one from 23 to a pen and the one big right just the, the 19 and the 933rd. and how big which is in the notes that employee door south of tense street. and that's a pet entity, is going to be the buffer zone between the north of gaza and the central and the south of guys. so what is throwing effectively is it's cutting the gaza strip down . okay, not, not just that it's cutting the gaza strip to prevent any movement from the center and the south towards the north. so the to govern the rates in the north, north of guys and gals that govern. right. but also they're pushing a bit, the borders of guys. a one could almost at least to create the buffer zone. and so
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basically reducing the 365 square kilometers by over 60 kilometers because they're pushing this buffer zone. and now they're demanding it by some forces as well. so there's still more than one be getting gaza media at the battalion level. but they, the tip of the spear, the most entrenched and expedient. most expedients, a big aids are most div withdrawn probably to the fit, the, the constitute the rest. so the carpet 8 the $7.00 as we called them in the mid of the studies and the to be able to strike again in this 65 square kilometers overall . when they believe that there are still thousands of, of, from us. and because some of the gate fighters plus the other fight is, so it's, is it that they're putting back the fist just to be able to hit hard, they're not ready to, to end this war on guys. so is that how then you explain. they're pulling out of areas like con eunice in particular. yes, that is
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a base. so can you and this was a, a to one point. again, they had mine the gates in just this kind of, this is one of 5 govern the dates in the gaza strip. they had an input, probably the highest concentration of forces and not just the reserve as forces that people dispute forces. so you had the 98 division uh they did the, the needle they need in the as a, the army. it's just basically a division of a collection of the special forces by the troopers and they had also, but at one point the good anybody, gates fighting data from point of july to begins about fighting them, know how as well. so they had like, basically the active big's fighting and fun, eunice, and many of those special forces, many of the armor divisions like the sevens, beginning, the $401.00 big 8 were fighting fun units. and then the, uh, after a few weeks they decided to withdraw these forces from can use apparently there are some battalions to working that allegedly what we would. so it's all confirmed. but
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we heard of some of the, of the news that was the day that there was somebody that is still working and things at the battalion or a smaller level. um, but uh that's, that is the reason is more or less to allow these troops students to new companies and come back called the in a much smaller area. but if i had again 65 square kilometers, that's all it is with the population density that does that have seen no match before? right. so we're talking about $18500.00 per square feet. allow me to write a match before does that before the what was $6500.00 per square if you want me to do a 3 times in rock and roll 5. now, meaning that if you shoot anywhere, you're going to kill the women, children, elderly people. okay? on that as well. thank you so much for that analysis. now palestinians have begun to return to the city of san eunice after the withdrawal of most is really troops and most are coming back to houses that have been raised to the ground and neighborhoods that are unrecognizable intern for that he has more from hon. eunice,
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in southern gaza. so we're currently in a bus, an in the city of con eunice. the destruction is mazda, if we have been talking to people and we have been going to them with them to their houses, they say that there is nothing left in the only reason why people are not going back to their houses is for 2 main reasons. the 1st reason is there is no infrastructure, there's no electricity, as there is no water, like even if they want to put and sets up. there's tons, here, everywhere is rubble and rocks and it needs very big and huge equipments to clean up the area for them to put their tense. and the 2nd thing is that they do not trust that is ready forces to in phase one units. once again, just like they did in the north of the gods, a city in garza where they storm of just the hospital after they withdrawn
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from the area. as you see, people are coming back trying to take what ever is left from their houses, some clothes, some lemons, some blankets. as you see, the streets are completely demolished, the ins for its structure has been severely damaged and everyone is telling us they do not recognize their houses. they do not recognize their areas where these neighborhoods have been to these, to the bombs and, and, and, and like, flocked into the ground of the people. and the residents of her newness, are all very frustrated. they're all very depressed from the a month of destruction in their city. they're saying that they can't go back to their houses because there's simply no houses. if the house was not bombed, it's burned. if it's not burned,
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it's partially damaged. and despite that is where these withdrawals from this area, they're still homeless and this paste. this isn't the obvious either of us on newness. but us x or say down sort of blanket has called for greater quantities of a to get into northern garza. and these sentiments were echoed by the british foreign secretary, david cameron, as the pair held a joint press conference in washington dc. we're looking at a number of critical things that need to happen in the coming days, including opening a new northern point of entry for assistance and to gaza using ash dot on a regular basis. maximizing the flow of assistance from jordan as well as putting in place much more effective thinking function. i can just what the amount of train groups that are providing assistance. just yesterday, more than 400 trucks. we're clear to go into gaza and that is the most since
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october 7th in any given day. but what matters is results and sustained results. and this is what we will be looking at very carefully. again, the days ahead we want to see 500 trucks a day. we want to see the water switch back on. we want to see as stalled and the northern crossing point open. and crucially, want to see this deacon friction, because getting a to goes up on its own isn't enough. you go to be able to get a around casa, and as we saw with the tragic feeling of the wealth, central kitchen buses in unless you have that deacon fiction, other things like that could happen by canada as more from washington d. c. the view is secretary of state, that is, but his counterpart made clear they should similar positions on israel and on the ongoing wall in garza, they insisted that humanitarian relief remained. an absolute priority saying that is. busy had made commitments to ensure that more humanitarian aid gets into gaza
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and hoping that israel demonstrates its willingness to apply these commitments. but there was also agreement on the fact that both need is insisted that how much was the stumbling block in negotiations saying that it was because of a mindset. no negotiated ceasefire could be reached to allow for more humanitarian aid to get it to gaza. no mention whatsoever of is really intransigence on the matter. also complete agreement on the issue of width and state as well that but he's part and secretary, he's saying that that button was going to continue to issue export licenses. the us secretary of state, maintaining his position that israel has a right to, as he says, defend itself. and as such, us will continue to supply alms to israel despite mounting public concern within united states and an irony here. the lead is also discuss the issue of ukraine, both saying that they were concerned about the flow of arms into russia. full,
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it's a campaign in ukraine. the position should hear that arms to rush out of bed almost as well. oh, good. mike kinda, i'll just say era washington. meanwhile, think united nations headquarters in new york they spokesperson for the un secretary general confirmed that more a trucks have been allowed into the gaza strip. but stuff on to, doris told the zeros gabriel is on. so that distribution of the age within gaza itself is a significant challenge. israel says that they've got more than 400 a trucks and the guys in the last 24 to 36 hours as the u. n. seen any negligible increase in 8 in the dish. i mean there, there is been there's been an uptick. uh, in the last uh, in the last 2 days. uh but you know, the, the challenges, the challenges remain once they get through the crossing. and i think we've been
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very clear on that there's, there's one thing which is counting trucks that are going through the crossing, then there is the access to the, for us to the point where all the goods in the trucks and not all the trucks that come through the crossing are full, right? uh for security reasons, they can't all be full. so as, as i understand, it's because they then have to be transferred to smaller trucks. and then we have to have the ability to distribute them. the challenges on the other side have not changed. germany has dismissed the accusations, but it's complicit in genocide against palestinians in gaza. it's lawyers rejected a case brought by nicaragua at the us top court as baseless rushed on without jurisdiction. like rockwell argues, is the 2nd largest arm supplier to israel. germany is in fact facilitating genocide and has asked the court to order it to stop its arms exports. the faucet reports
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bank due to concert risk. gemini started, it's 2 hour long defense at the international court of justice by saying it has learned from the past and learned from the hollow cost. gemini is doing, it's a close to live up to its responsibility. he said he both is riley and the palestinian people. this explains one of the principles upon which all form policies with regards to own middle east issues 1st. so history is the reason what israel security has been at the pull of german foreign policy, nicaragua, and you said germany support for as well as one sided, a neglect the fate of guys as people one now also facing genocide, gemini supplied alms worth more than $300000000.00 to israel last year and increased from $30000000.00 in 2022. but it's legal team argued that most of the
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export licenses were issued before the october 7 attacks or shortly after. if we look at what has actually been license for export to israel under this framework. since october 2023, we see no artillery shells, no munitions. nearly all experts, the exports involve what is known as of the military equipment. typically of the subordinate or defensive nature, as a matter of fact, only for weapons, war weapons have been licensed for exports since october 20, 233 of which concern test or practice equipment. according to international weapons, tweet is no arms should be exported to countries. if there's a risk, they will be used to violate human to tear we in law or loss of floor when i'll just see you. i wanted to clarify if this means germany now recognizes that israel is violating international law, we did not receive an answer. you're not answering any questions because i wanna
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ask you about your sab jeremy learn from the past. as most of germany's defense that we send to the round, the question of whether the international court of justice has jurisdiction in this case, lawyer, 3, presenting germany say it's calling be complicit in genocide if the country accused of committing genocide is absent from the case. that's not been convicted. the judges now have to decide if provisional measures against germany or need to stop it from sending weapons to israel steps. awesome al jazeera, the hey turkey. yeah, it says it will impose restrictions on exports to israel until it reaches the states far with time. us israel called it a unilateral violation of trade agreements and promise to respond if the 1st time any nation has impose major trade sanctions over the war. on garza visa, how up with him resides cargo shop, letting you know we had submitted a request to participate in the humanitarian aid operations with congo plains of
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our air force. we've learned that this request which was welcomed by the jordanian authorities, was rejected by israel. that can be no excuse for israel to prevent us from providing aerial aid, to stop and guardians, in response to the situation, we have decided to take a series of new measures against israel. that's break down. what turkey is, trade export restrictions actually mean for israel. so there are 54 different product categories affected by this announcements. some of the main items include iron and steel products, jet fuel, construction equipment, chemicals and brakes. for key is one of israel's top 5 import partners. china is the biggest accounting for $14400000000.00 in in ports. us follows at 11600000000 imports from switzerland and germany together make up just over 11000000000. and israel's imports from jerky a make up about $4700000000.00 sitting across about who has more from assemble
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this is actually the most significant step that turkey has taken as a measure against israel since the beginning of the war on uh, october, the 7th uh yes, there were boy called center care pulling out for uh, both causing these wireless products. a switch were full of people and because palestine and garza issues are very sense of mental issues for the truth, it doesn't matter where whether they are the left, the slightest or a slab is what people are always a very sensitive and, and from the street there has been a call for boy coughing, and the is where i live products uh on the government level as well. also the opposition had been pushing the government for this before the local elections that were held at 10 days ago. but of course, these restrictions, this is a pen of 54 major products, and 2 kids main exports to israel. mainly, we're talking about the construction material. simmons are in marble, jets field chemicals for chemical fertilizers. and these as of today,
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as of this morning, effective, immediately, the export of these products are risk risk that this was a political decision. why this work is government to restrict this exports. to is why the 3rd largest res partner officer keeps it onto a c spires is established. israel has called a circus move, a unilateral violation of trade agreements that has promised to respond where we challenge has more from occupied east jerusalem a israel's foreign minister. he's rel caps, he says that he has unit last early violates is trade agreements. he goes on the side of president type otherwise is again sacrificing the economic interests of the people the taxi in order to support how much we will respond in kind. israel will not submit to yvonne and sex torsion. so he says that there is going to be a list drawing off of reciprocal products that are going to be restricted from
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israel to tacky tech here. he also says that he is ordered to contact countries and organizations in the us for them to stop investments intact. and to prevent the import and prevent the import of products from the kids. now we don't yet have that list of products that israel is going to be restricting, but clearly israel is trying to expand this problem. and israel take us back into something that also would involve, is rails allies much nice would be the united states. now, given the patience of president biden is wearing very thin with israel at the moment and that's fine is under pressure from members of design policy to basically bringing that road and try to bako thoughts on is read itself in the form of restrictions on, on supplies, is not clear a tool that the united states would actually go along with what is red ones right now.
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the parts of russia including the roles, the volta and central areas, have declared states of emergency after some of the worst flooding in decades. the disaster has forest, at least 6 and a half 1000 people to leave their homes. meanwhile, people in orest are protesting against the local authorities. they say they weren't orange, a nearby them could burst. your shop of oliver has more from the orn burg region in russia. right now we are on our way to the west to hit state hills or in the or in the region and behind me, it's not a river. it's not a lake is just an ordinary field which has been completely flooded. in some villages, the waters have risen to move the 9 meters and it's no doubt and the p has no, we have been reached. also a siren sound in the city of oregon, but local authorities are calling
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a residence to immediately evacuate areas of sledging is increasing throughout the region which has in the euro. and 6, small rivers are rising and flooding more and more territories. at least 6 and a half 1000 people have already been evacuated. many have been taken to the temporary accommodation senses in the city of schools as well as in a number of towns and villages in the or in the region. there was no electricity, no gas, a drinking water is prohibited. we know about at least 20 some cases when people have confronted an intestinal inspection of the drinking contamination water. so the supplier space. so it's not enough to monitor and aid is also actually being collected for the victims of the slides. apart from imagines and services, there are many volunteers working that on the ground who also bring people to safe and trying to rescue animals. we've seen protests and the look of discontent. his
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well people amazing the original governor recently and expressed that and for the handling of the situation. but i should say that on the one hand, people do praise emergency services work is pulling them heroes because they indeed would say a nice in the freezing goals without food or drink whiskey that lives on the other hands. people use local authorities of negligence and insufficient measures to prevent the floods. even the many scientists predicted that large amounts of snow with snow. and people are literally using everything now and saying the payments and compensations offered by the authorities a way to small and the down the rules and which was designed to protect this until almost has bus in 3 places. it was built relatively recently in 2015 and just 2 or 3 days before would actually bust the matter of oscar had been tracking its condition and to show that there was no threat of flooding in the city. you national problem, all of the old to 0, the, or in the region. russia still had on males. is there a news our,
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the moment the mexican embassy was stormed in ecuador to arrest? a former vice president sparking into promoted crisis plus south africa's former president, jacob's through most of the stays for a political come back ahead of next month's general election in support of familiar faces. warming up at augusta. ahead of this week's master's thoughts coming up a little later and so forth with the the colors looking rather dull and damp across parts of the middle age. look at this area class stretched across saudi arabia. it was thinking up to squeeze that few spots of right. we're looking at it driving it's way a little further east with some wet weather veterans q way to the west and passover around the rock. seeing a little bit of shabby rain as well. and that pushes right up into the cool can see
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for scheduling a share i was to, to the eastern side of the mediterranean, all the way down towards ga. so low will dry up as we go through wednesday into fast i northern parts of the live and seeing a few showers brightening up the into west side for a simple i to of course a good part of north east africa. but what was the northwest is a charles of the shared with the northern areas of algeria, northern past opportunities. yeah. dustin science got to be a problem across these the hallway, but the next couple of days could see some stand still was just pushing of the west, which was gathering a shout was meanwhile, across the west africa into the gulf of guinea. just easing a little further north was in the shower is of course i stretch that way right across central africa. does look a lot driving to southern africa. the fall south of southern type could see a shower ro to this. a lot of rain here just pushing its way up to woodson bobby, that's a kind of fun. it'll make its way farther northwards and cooling off in her robbery .
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the at the one, the average person to know what the truth was assigned to dismissed as profits of do. we knew where the temperature was going to go by lead is seeking the profits of industry. they were publishing reports saying this is not an urgent problem. could we have changed the course of the climate to emergency? air is outages here as new series died. last futures, families and gaza facing unimaginable hardships during times of crisis. solidarity is the strongest defense against injustice. and we've been in gaza since 1991 doing life saving look. your generosity can provide value to support to those west effected because he met dulcie stella. you'll see showing the brightest, gave mercy,
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now donate today. the. the fear of the top stories on the al jazeera news, our palestinians and gaza are preparing for, or you just the month of ramadan comes to a close. but fear strikes continue. a 153 bodies have been recovered in the past 24 hours. is really prime minister is insisting that a ground defensive indigo faster will go ahead. germany has rejected accusations that it's been facilitating genocide in gaza and a case before the united nations popcorn and the have that case was brought finally
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crosswalk and calls for emergency measures to stop germany from selling weapons to israel. turkey as limiting exports to israel until a ceasefire is reached with from us. this is the 1st time any nation has opposed trade restrictions on israel over the war. and also, the french foreign minister says his government should consider sanctions a court in south africa has ruled at the former president, jacob zoom. i can run in next month's parliamentary elections. he had challenged an earlier decision by the electoral commission, which bored him from standing due to a contempt of court conviction. zoom uh, as representing a new political party after the announcing the governing african national congress . but he once legs were earlier, i spoke to a 100. i omar, gee, she's a political editor with business day newspaper in south africa. she says that jacob zoom as decision to participate in elections came as
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a big surprise to the nation. it was certainly not expected. it's much when she is your service. as a journalist in south africa and change lives, you must continues to leave us in the shop and or as any did you really has 9 years as president of south africa. so that we get is really has actual crossroads it is . they want to should moments and so that because democracy which reaches w as in a few days time. okay, we'll get into the water side moment in a moment, but just 1st, i mean how, how is this decision being explains, particularly after zoom out was banned from running and these elections, so basically the same, the ports of how this appeal of the i, e. c, that's the initial commission's decision to bother him because the highest court in the land sentenced him to 15 years in 15 months, in jail for being an attempt to quote, we now understand that this isn't
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a little bit better because the portal is jacob's image boy is. * is before the court that he only subbed 3 months of that 15. my extension's, i'm that the 15 my extension is rendered it irrelevant. we always knew this was going to be a very litigious connection in south africa, which with every decision by the i use the and every result contested. and it's just such and the proving to be that way us court has sentence, the parents of a teenager involved in a 2021 school shooting to 10 years in prison. each prosecutor successfully or agree with the jennifer and james crumbly, were criminally negligent for buying their 15 year old son. a gun. he's serving a life sentence in prison, and the parents are also found to have ignore their son. ethan's diminishing mental health. a mexican president's address money lopez over door has released the video,
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showing ecuadorian armed forces entering the embassy of mexico and quito. so police storm that embassy on friday arresting the former vice president jorge gloss on corruption charges. he was seeking asylum there since december. the incident led to mexico, pulling out its diplomats and breaking off ties with ecuador, we have done home, and now who's running us from mexico city? so i was just watching the videos. we played it out on our screen, john. i mean, talk us exactly what the video shows and what sort of reaction has there been to it the yeah, the video is pretty dramatic, isn't even before the mexican government added music to it, and that it's a bit down. and we have to say that we're not seeing the pure roll footage of bass that hasn't been released by the mexican government and the mexican president under his manual. look this over the door, put it out as part of his. let's go to menu and edit his morning press conference,
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which he tries to hold every day successfully. it shows the ecuadorian police heading over the will with the embassy. then they bust into the building itself. and it shows roberto consecutive who's the mexican, the head of mission. and the embassy trying to stop them is trying to prop himself against the door to keep it closed. and eventually that to be shop, it will mass onto the ground. so it is quite strong. seems it wasn't a very polite way that they entered the mexican embassy once they decided to do it . and as you mentioned, they were cutting off the whole head glasses and exports. probably a president of ecuador. he's got 2 charges and convictions of corruption against him. but i think that hasn't become the main issue who they were after was the main issue has been storming an embassy, has been a complete seem is a complete violation of international law for so long. but it's actually hard to find an example of it happening. even in latin america, this to be the region. so it really has a set of
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a lot of condemnation. right. so what is it that happens next, john? i mean, we know that ties mexico has broken off ties with ecuador, and then what if that's a big question, isn't it? does this mean everything? it's been to vary for so long. and the mexican president himself said even a, the, the is a bit chalet and dictates a ship and pinnell site. this wasn't done to other people's embassies, all there ought to be any consequences. what mexico he says is building its case now, and it's going to present that to the international court of justice. there's also a meeting, a special meeting happening today. the organization of american states to try and deal with the issue the united states has just come out of a national security advisor to the white house and said that the united states condemns what's happened. governments from the right to the left in latin america present when the last odd infiniti are on the right just to and so one of the 2
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major players also come out against that. so is yet to be decided if that will be any consequences, frankly, do. will it be isolated? will that be sanctions against it? or will just things carry on as normal off to what's happened? okay, john, you'll keep us across the story. thanks for the time being john home and reporting from mexico city to columbia. now that's where the prosecutors have announced that they will take x president on the bottle rebate to trial on witness tampering and fraud charges. and these allegations are linked to what the prosecution says were revisit attempts to discredit accusations. she had ties to right wing parent militaries. we have our correspondent ascent as on pepsi, who's joining us from the tasso to take us through the charges here in more detail . other sondra as well, we know is that the prosecutor now is the essentially saying in
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a written statement that there is indeed enough evidence to move forward and that the uh, firmer price you then to the bit would be responsible. he and his lawyers as being width, and they say, sir, uh to change his position on uh the size beds that large size that it would events as with the right wing power military space present to the prosecutors presented this evidence to the supreme court to request things to bring with events and files . now remember that this is a case that has been ongoing for years. that has become extremely political, very polarizing here in a country where would event remains a very divisive for that figure. what do you bet that has my maintain, this is in this sense throughout the case as i had so far avoid that to go to trial, but that has changed to now. so why is this that it took so long for this case to move forward? well, if you ask critics,
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they'll tell you that the previous set, certainly general in colombia francisco, bought a bosa. it was a very close ally every bit. and that he did everything in his power to avoid having him brought at to trial just to give you an example to prosecutors, and that we're following the case that we're investigating. what do you, but i'm there about a boys that actually had asked the courts to show the case, saying that there was no evidence against them. and it was the, the court that had to rule against the prosecution, saying that indeed that evidence was there, which is obviously quite peculiar. what has changed is that there is now a new attorney general in the country that was appointed in march. and she has appointed new prosecutors to the case that every day in place have seen the evidence in a different life. and i've now presented it to the courts asking to bring with you back to trial,
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which means that now what do you but will be the 1st president of columbia, a former president of columbia to face criminal charges in the history of the country. okay, thank you. alexander and patsy, thanks for the reporting from both all europe's top human rights court has ruled the failure of this was government adequately taco climate change is a violation of human rights. the case was brought by more than 2000 women age 64 and above. and they argued there at risk of dying during sheet waves because the government has failed to meet targets for greenhouse gas reduction. and the court rejected to other climate related cases linked to france, as well as portugal. we can speak about this with lucy maxwell, who is the co director of climate litigation network joining us from london. lucy maxwell, thanks for your time with us. when i was a 0, so you must be pleased with this ruling. what's your sort of initial reaction? absolutely, this is
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a ground breaking rolling for communities around the world who are very concerned that the governments and not acting in line with science and on standing up to protect the human rights. so it has huge implications for this global movement that already exist of communities turning to the court as a last resort, the whole day government is accountable, not just in europe, but around the world. there are many cases that are happening right now, where people will be looking at this judgement from the european court of human rights and finding huge solace in what the court has established. what the issue is, the legal duty, what are the implication of your behavior? yeah, go ahead. yeah, the implications of the ruling, fundamentally what the highest human rights court in europe has a band is it the climate crisis is the human rights crisis. and that governments have legal duties to act in line with the science to significantly increase the efforts to combat climate change. what this means is that all of the governments
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around the world must act in line with the science, especially with for 2030. a lot of the court's ruling focuses on the witnesses of the switch to governments. if it's a full 2030, which is really important because we know that now is the critical decade. if were to have any chance of preventing the worst aspects of climate change. what do you make of some of the governments arguments that the case should not be admitted and that climate policy should be the subject of national governments rather than international courts. right, so the european court decision is very clear that this is a legal question because the consequences started significant for the enjoyment of little about human rights. and so it's not a matter of just the politics. the european court has a fair and what are the quotes in many countries around the world have bound, but it's appropriate at a certain point, the communities to take the cases, to court and to the courts,
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to scrutinize what the government to doing in their name. and what are those actions stuck up against the climate science governments themselves have a fund and adopted year of to year at the international level. so this is a legal question because the consequences of the climate crisis, it's very significant and they're human rights and state as we, as we already well known as just the final fault from you on. you think that this is really going to pressure and governments going forward. the absolutely government is already facing litigation around the world. no 7 or 8 of the governments in europe have pending tases against them. this will be a huge bass to those places. but communities are made in terms of the court. this rolling should go directly to the government themselves, to ramp up their climate action so that no one has to go back to court to stop new cases. they're acting in line with the finance. that's what we want to say. all right, lucy maxwell, thanks so much for speaking to us from london. thank he. here's what's coming up on the i'll just say we're in is our
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the song of chair, musician in gaza is listing the spirits of children traumatized by ward as far as the worlds and number one tennis player is up and running as a 1st to win his 1st title of the year, the a business like this, this real to you believe i guess is a line flowing on one of your makes modern plates.
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the business like just is free to you believe, i guess is that a light supply on one of your makes modern plates. the time for all the sports is yours and he thank you so much. during will bon unix, last realistic of, of winning
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a trophy. the season comes in the european at champions league for once, bonds fighting to dominate the german league, but they still have a chance of winning the confidence top club competition, taking on also in the quarter finals with champions league. the 1st like about signing a bounce to get on the way in london. we've been talking to form a chelsea has failed. unfortunately, we're not make out you on our way the knowledge here and says also a well placed to reach the last full on paper on full looks like they have the easiest issues drawer, i guess maybe see what was going on with buying. i mean the place the con become litigate it's it's it's, it's unbelievable was going over by munich and coming into this game, icons, seat of grand boss arsenal. i can see that happening, arsenalt. i bet the form they play, they have the form to go with it. they, they, they, they, they look solid, then look like
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a team that is willing to go to the next step. whereas buy and it's, you know, they're all over the place. i mean, they need to sort out the only person who's feel, you know, doing what is being paid to do is have it. can it keeps courting goals, but they keep going. see that a lot of goals. so for me, i think i small mustang me because i think right now they have the easiest will accept it. buying tons of, you know, tons up today. and you know, of course is the attempt is luke knight just look nice. you can call it, you know, you come into the game is a different, most fair when the songs goes on, it gives you that, that, that, that i'm be, that's motivation. you know, that the, the feeling goes out of the roof. you know, you one up you want to play hot out and i hope by and can come out tonight and play like that and, and make the game a bit more interesting. well here is so much as the city funds i've been gathering in madrid for big game against right now. not football's european does anybody wife a says it is aware of online threats, cooling for tax on stadiums,
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hosting this week's champions league games, those threats coming from a major outlet that supports the islamic states group games coming up in paris and london as well. so those fixtures, they will proceed as planned. i have called ellis same city, same or i need to knock out the full teen song. when is rounded for the 2nd straight season, he described it as being close to an impossible task. melancholy will of course, be fine, but sac audio la choosing to leave kevin to point on the bench for this game on the way to lifting the trophy last to city beat rail 5 on on aggregate in the semi finals. we cannot confuse that with, says we need to bring the best of all associated. we want to compete against this team because they always fabricate them. and in this competition on more here to a home, and then we know them quite well how we have to fight them or how we have to pay against them. and the end it's something that aside, certainly we,
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we've been learning from the past. chris john ronaldo was sense office his own side last bounce that out allowing the saudi super cups the semi finals 2nd health goals for my son elder. sorry. and malcolm put out sooner left now by then given a straight red color so that i will bind skin opponents face will be taking on out it's we have in it. so it's nice final now the world's best on his plaza building up to the 2nd grand, but some of the that's next month's friend sharpen it means clay coats, ornaments, funds incentive. next few weeks, nobody brokovich is up and running at the monthly call unless he's let these can facing. and his 1st matches the world's own list. number one, the 36 ro dropping just 3 games. and this, when of a roman feeling of russia, stroke of which, yes, when a tonsils this season now a few days ago to tell you better,
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it's any ended his 2 year old. you're out of america. sharpen for the, it's holly is going out sing round to a multi color pizza headphones. so piece may make x amount of its in strength. wimbledon champion, color, sound corrupt, has been forced to pull out of the toilet due to injury the world. but 3 has a muscle injury and is really tom. he won the recent indian wells times will basing dynamite for the event that final. now, tiger woods says the spill capable of winning another mess. this title goals felt plaza building up to the 1st major best season in augusta. the must is getting underway on thursday. 5 time shopping woods is playing in only his 2nd tournaments of the year. the 48 year old has barely completed since having ankle surgery last night. if everything comes together, i think i can get one more. grab that any more letter.
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my practice sessions certainly are what they used to be. i used to live on the range or live on a short term facility and just gather all day. that's no longer the case. and so i'd have to be more focus on when i do get a chance to gather in practice and really crime down and make every shot count the imagining bicycle looks to have all ready for chase. the it's come back of the season. be san diego. apologize. coming from 8 runs down, so we knowing nights against the chicago cubs. fernando, such as junior hitting a go ahead to run home runs to complete the turn around, was his full run of the seats. all right, that is, i suppose looking for that. sorry, thank you. so much for that update. well, the trial of 29 people charging connection with the panama papers money laundry scandal is underway in panama city. the defendants include jerk, and most sock, who is now defunct law firm setup offshore companies for clients, most socks and other former employees of the firm deny the charges. if convicted
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they face up to 12 years in prison. we hope the justice will be served and decided that wasn't a money laundering. the alleged money laundering that happened in argentina is not relevant here because the events happened in origin. tina, my clients were not below is for these people. the nobel prize winning physicist peter higgs has died age 94. the british scientists suggest that there was a sub atomic particle binding the universe together. and it's now known as the higgs, boston particle. and it was confirmed by experiments at the large hadron collider in 2012 returning to the war on gaza. and this israel's bloody war continues. palestinians are preparing to celebrate, sorry, the 3rd and for one group of musicians and gaza. keeping children happy during our youth despite the suffering is
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a must for sole source or has more as good as little less for children, because that's a set of 8 is a the 5th which marks to enter from but they refer garza so than most of the groups, musicians is creating a faster speed to the end of the the, you know, if i, the, we are organizing activities for the children and collaboration for them to you of you once we enjoy to these children and celebration of the, despite the bombing suffering, fear losses eat as a day we comp, most of all, we do our best to offer smiled and songs and activities to remind children that they've always hope the musicians organize games for the youngsters. giving them something other than the war to focus on the is
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really a tax. how killed more than 14 and a half 1000 children says october, the 7th poses more, are missing, injured or, or friends? schools have been destroyed, education disrupted, and families shut there. many of these children have lost loved ones. hundreds of thousands of families forced from their homes. now cause pep camps like this one. name this, i guess this is a, this is really tough because of the war. we didn't get new clothes and couldn't have a cookies. we hope to return to our home safely. the whole share of the old pedestal. but the attacks of relentless and get these right . prime ministers announcement that a date has been set for the account, evasion of rough, or even this temporary century is at risk. this is that there was even of okay, that's it for me. thanks for watching the news. our on houses are, i'm like,
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holy carries with you and just a moments who have much more of the day's news and all the latest headlines after the break by competent beyond well taken without hesitation for them died for power. they finds out, well, we live here, we make the rule, not them, they find an enemy, and then they try and scrub the people with that. and the people in power, investigate, expose this and questions. they use them to be the power around now to sierra. these are some of the 1st images from the aerial assessment of co bleaching in the great barrier reef. bleaching occurs when moment ocean temperatures and pollution 1st call to expel the algae to get the color range of color at extreme repeat wave over an extended period of time. maybe some structures have been severely damaged. scientists have declared 2020 full,
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a mass bleaching events. what's happening here on the gray federal reef? it's also happening on rapes around the world. or the last 12 months, warming sea surface temperatures have cause bleaching events in the northern hemisphere and the l in your conditions in the pacific have amplified the situation . for rainbows, just jody rama says ocean temperatures are increasing at a rate never seen before. and that's an oven assigned to the biggest crow system in the world. we're seeing this back to back here upon year. the reef means many years to recover from these heat waves, and it's just not getting it. you will see the caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches it's deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember the copy revise wells and
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increases systems cost on request the the amid, as well as devastating war on gaza, palestinians across the street from mocking the end of remedy the i'm carry johnson. this is i'll just hear a lot from also coming. germany defends itself against accusations of it, facilitating genocide in concepts during the hearing of humans. top quote also


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