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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 10, 2024 2:00am-2:30am AST

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to close the when, when you close to the pots at the store, the, is there any strikes target palestinian homes in central cause of the holy month of ramadan comes to an end. 14 people have been killed including women and children, the problem. so when you're watching of civilized headquarters here in the hall, coming up in the next 30 minutes, israel faces mounting global pressure to increase the amount of ice letting into garza more trucks entering the strip. but the un says many of them are only cost full election day and soft, create a pulse of open today, parliamentary value that seen as a test of present units accused popularity. and we report from the flooded russian
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region. the autumn, the gwyle socrates, have declared a state of emergency the welcome towards the beginning, does the palestinians and in this way of the refugee camp of being rushed to hospital in the afternoon. so yet another deadly is rarely attacked. at least 14 people were killed. one is writing this science at a residential tower on tuesday nights of the victims, mostly women and children. the tech came as the muslim holy month of ramadan comes to an end and does eat those fit the begins. it's been 6 months since the roll started and mold in $33000.00 palestinians have been killed. well as the center of the 50, it is different this year because of the war normally. during this time of the year, we would bikes fluids for our children. but now we have somebody searching for food just to feed them for a day, or we search for
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a place for them to live and still no homes, no food, no water eat has no meaning the c o, as of it's the same as in rougher and has more all the is riley attack out than this red refugee camp is where the military has been expanding its military operations on the tax. of course, many areas in the gaza strip. and one of the latest had been targeting on the right refugee camp, where a residential house being completely destroyed, a number of palestinians that have to report that killed and some of the injuries have been transferred to the hospital for medical treatments. and that is the reality on the ground, the in the middle areas where the is where the forces are, have been attacking and using onto the read unit to show um, to attack the eastern areas of america and also, and, and, and my guys, the refuge account in the middle areas of the territory alongside with on top of the development in the southern part of the territory as palestinians are
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completely welcoming the age of fits or within the coming hours. they have been welcoming that under unrelenting bombardment with please mix just feelings of grief . sudden this, an ugly, regarding the fleet change of their non rocks of living in the territory as the usability military is also wanting for expanding the military operations to include the roof. i right now, which is the last remaining area that is designated save for more than one point. 5000000 palestinians will have been following the east, very orders to seek safety and right now they are no longer safe. direct deposited . just a rough, rough or southern gauze. oh, does it or has gain access to the devastated city of con eunice, following israel's withdrawal. moving a few bodies have not been recovered. many of them lying under the rubble for weeks encountered a sense of this report from the institute by the scale of the destruction is now managing. so we're currently in a bus and in the city of con eunice,
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the destruction is mazda of we have been talking to people and we have been going to them with them to their houses. they say that there is nothing left. and the only reason why people are not going back to their houses is for 2 main reasons. the 1st reason is there is no infrastructure. there's no electricity, as there's no water, like even if they want to put and sets up. there's tons, here. everywhere is rebel and rocks and it needs very big and huge equipments to clean up the area for them to put their tense. and the 2nd thing is that they do not trust that is really forces to in phase one units. once again, just like they did in the north of the gods of city in garza where they storm of just the hospital after they withdrawn from the area. as you see, people are coming back trying to take what ever is left from their houses,
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some clothes, some then in some blankets, as you see, the streets are completely demolished. the is for its structure has been severely damaged and everyone is telling us they do not recognize their houses. they do not recognize their areas where these neighborhoods have been these to the bombs and, and, and, and like, flocked into the ground or the people and the residents of her newness, are all very frustrated. they're all very depressed from the a month of destruction in their city. they're saying that they can't go back to their houses because there's simply no houses. if the house was not bombed, it's burned. if it's not burned, it's partially damaged. and despite that is where these withdrawals from this area,
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they're still homeless and this paste. this isn't the who the odyssey to us on newness international pressure is growing all day as well to a lot more humanitarian aid into gaza. he's ready assault. he say they've left more than $400.00 trucks into the strip over the past 36 hours. but the you and says many of them are already whole full. i'm washington says much more rate is needed. if you look at the last 2 days there's, they've been a substantial increase in the amount of a going to cause. if that's good, it is not good enough. we would like to see more action following through on what the prime minister has announced publicly. and we'd like to see that over the course of the next few days the us secretary of state on the british foreign secretary of that code the sentiment as well in the joint press conference. david cameron baton to the blinking and discuss the will and goals early on choose day meant kind of how small from washington dc to the us secretary of state and his produce come to pods, made clear they share a common position on israel's war in gaza. they welcomed what they say are signs
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that israel is allowing more humanitarian aid to get into gaza. israel has made important commitments to significantly increase the supply the amount of transit systems throughout guys and is taking some initial actions as well. and both in says that there will be no change in the policy of shipping. alms to israel. opposition is in line with our international partners so far. no like minded countries have taken the decision to suspend existing tom's export licenses to israel. and i'd add that israel remains the vital defense and security problem, which is the u. k. a cooperation makes the u. k. and israel more secure from external threats. a common belief to that how much this a stumbling block in achieving a ceasefire with no mention of any is really intransigence. the issue of gaza was also a point of type focused in the senate,
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where the secretary of defense appeared before the on services committee to discuss his 2025 budget the session was interrupted by protesters, some accusing israel of genocide. and the question was put directly by us, senator, is israel committing genocide and gaza center account? and i, we don't have any evidence of genocide meaning to create it. so that's a, that's a no, israel's not committing genocide and gaza. we don't have evidence of that. but others continue to the mind. israel's accountability, the department of defense and the state department are currently assessing whether is real is in compliance with international humanitarian law. i consider myself a friend of israel and by not separating the palestinian civilians from a moss. they are playing demoss is hands when you kill a civilian child. their parents are not going to be very sympathetic to the people
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that left that bomb blues. despite these concerns, the message on capital hill and in the state department are consistent. us support for israel will remain unconditional. my kind of, i'll just say era washington. meanwhile, the village of nations headquarters in new york. the specs has been full of you. and zachary general concern that more a trucks hop in and out into the gauze and strip that stuff into generic, told out as it was gabriel, i was on the the distribution of age within gallons of itself is a significant challenge. israel says that they've got more than 400 a trucks into gaza in the last 24 to 36 hours as a u. n. seen any negligible increase in 8 in the dish. i mean, there, there is been there's been an uptick. uh, in the last, uh, in the last 2 days. uh but you know, the, the challenges, the challenges remain once they get through the crossing. and i think we've been
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very clear on that there's, there's one thing which is counting trucks that are going through the crossing, then there is the access to the, for us to the point where all the goods in the trucks and not all the trucks that come through the crossing are full, right? uh for security reasons, they can't all be full. so as, as i understand its, um they then have to be transferred to smaller trucks and then we have to have the ability to distribute them. the challenges on the other side have not changed. israel's prime minister has repeated his plans to launch a military invasion of rasa in southern garza and this despite going international pressure not to do so. these latest comments follow an announcement teammate on monday. that's a date for the offensive has already been set. it's actually seems to be the most liberal of us. we will complete the liquidation of the homeless brigades, including those in rough on there is no force in the world that will stop us. they
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will many trying to do this, but this will be of no use because often what they have done this enemy will not be there to repeat the action again. we are obligated to do so, and this is our goal. the jeremy has dismissed accusations that is complicit in genocide against palestinians and gaza as low as subject to the case brought by nicaragua. the un topcoat as baseless rushed, and without jurisdiction, big around you all use that as the 2nd largest on supply. it is ro, gemini, is in fact facilitating genocide on to as, as the cold to order it to stop. it's an ex pulse step boston has moved from hague, authorized germany started. it's 2 hour long defense at the international court of justice by saying it has learned from the past and learn from the hollow cost. germany is doing it's up to most to live up to its responsibility. he said he both is riley and the palestinian people. this explains one of the principles upon which
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all foreign policy with regards to own middle east issues 1st. oh history is the reason what israel security has been at the pull of german foreign policy, a new job. what do you said? germany support for its route is one sided, a neglect the fate of gas as people. one now also facing genocide, gemini supplied alms worth more than $300000000.00 to israel last year and increased from $30000000.00 in 2022. but it's legal team argued that most of the export licenses were issued before the october 7 attacks, or shortly after. if we look at what has actually been license for export to israel under this framework. since october 2023. we see no artillery shells, no munitions, nearly all experts, the exports involved,
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what is known as of the military equipment. typically all the subordinate or defensive in nature. as a matter of fact, only for weapons, war weapons have been licensed for exports since october 20, 233 of which concern test they'll practice equipment. according to international weapons, tweet is no arms should be exported to countries. if there's a risk, they will be used to violate human to terry and law or loss of floor when i'll just see what i wanted to clarify. if this means germany now recognizes that it's rel, is violating international law. we did not receive an answer. you're not answering any questions because i want to ask you about your sad term. the learn from the past. as most of germany's defense that we send to the round, the question of whether the international court of justice has jurisdiction in this case, lawyer free presenting germany say it's calling be complicit in genocide if the country accused of committing genocide is absent from the case. that's not been
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convicted. the judges now have to decide if provisional measures against germany are needed to stop it from sending weapons to israel steps. awesome al jazeera, the hey, to kia, says it'll impose restrictions on x, bolts too, as well until it reaches. i see fine with him, us israel, cool. with a uni latrell violation of trade agreements, improvements to respond to new measures come a day after israel declined to increase request an adult aide into garza visa, how up with him sized cargo. chuck, letting you know we had submitted a request to participate in the humanitarian aid operations with congo plains of our air force. we've learned that this request which was welcomed by the jordanian authorities, was rejected by israel. that can be no excuse for israel to prevent us from providing aerial aid, to stop and guardians, in response to the situation, we have decided to take a series of new measures against israel. and in particular as mo,
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from stumble. this is actually the most significant step that turkey has taken as a measure against israel since the beginning of the war on uh, october, the 7th. uh yes, there were boy called center care pulling out for uh, both causing these wireless products. a swiss were full of people and because palestine and garza issues are very sense of mental issues for the troops, it doesn't matter where whether they are the left, the slightest or a slab is what people are always a very sensitive and, and from the street there has been a call for boy coughing, and the is where i live products uh on the government level as well. also the opposition had been pushing the government for this before the local elections that were held at 10 days ago. but of course, these restrictions, this is a pen of 54 major products, and 2 kids main exports to israel. mainly, we're talking about the construction material. simmons are in marble, a jet field,
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chemicals for chemical fertilizers. and these as of today, as of this morning, effective immediately, the export of these products are restrict that this was a political decision. why this work is government to restrict this exports. to is why the 3rd largest res, partner of through kia and onto a c expires is established. well here's what we're challenge on israel's reaction from occupied these stories live of israel's foreign minister, east row caps. he says that he has unit last early violates is trade agreements. he goes on the side of president type otherwise is again sacrificing the economic interests of the people attacking in order to support how much we will respond in kind. israel will not submit to yvonne and sex torsion. so he says that there is going to be a list drawing off of reciprocal products that are going to be restricted from israel to tacky tech here. he also says that he is ordered to contact countries and
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organizations in the us for them to stop investments intact and to prevent the import and prevent the impact of products from the kids. now we don't yet have that list of products that israel is going to be restricting, but clearly israel is trying to expand this problem. and israel take us back into something that also would involve is rails allies, mice, nice to be the united states. now, given the patience of president biden is wearing very thin with israel at the moment and that's fine is under pressure from members of design policy to basically bringing that road and try to bako thoughts on is read itself in the form of restrictions on, on supplies, is not clear a tool that the united states would actually go along with what is red ones right now as well. still had hey, on al jazeera, so the 1st time in us history,
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it's the parents of a teenage school shooter, a sentence to prison. the address in time for your weather update across the americas. good to see you. so here's what's going on. cool air. out of the south flooding into the river, play terrace that bumps into a warmer air. it's producing a line of showers and storms, especially in paraguay, including its capital assault, see on, but this cool southerly wind is here to stay in montevideo, 1716, then the wind shifts easterly so your temperature will come up a bit. but this is well below where you should be for this some your big down ports through brazil's amazon estate that will impact him and that was 33 degrees for you on wednesday in central america. not much to report. most of the action is in the
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gulf of mexico. so let's go there. hot, humid air is coming in off the gulf of mexico into the southern us. so flood alerts issue from texas, louisiana, mississippi, arkansas dark, the blue and the yellow. the more intensive spring is that we could see a few tornadoes mixed in there as well. beautiful conditions, though, for the west coast. los angeles, 29, maybe 30 degrees for you on wednesday, looking good across ebc, south coast, the canadian prairies and around the great lakes. we've got sun poking out here. so toronto is at 18. but with adult day in new york, maybe a few showers. it's going to put a cap on your temperature, just 13 degrees and 12 degrees in boston season. the
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the, the enough question why happened? like when in the area and when the foundation the the book about you want to, you'll just bear with me. so robin and reminder of all the top new stories is very strong. it's continue to target palestinians of the goals and strip hands. the muslim holy month of ramadan comes to an end full team. people were killed including women and children. and this really attack at the misread comes in central garza on choose day. now they're all going cools for more humanitarian
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nights. it's low into concepts, both the whitehouse and the state to palm and say they expect great to action from israel to facilitate more aid supply. deliveries into district gemini, has rejected occupations, and it's been facilitating genocide and garza and the case before the united nations. the top coach in the hague. it was brought by mr. rock, you and calls for emergency measures to stop japanese and selling weapons to israel . polls have just opened this out in south crew where people are choosing a new parliament. these are pictures for many facing station in sol. the ballots is seen as a referendum on the president's tenure in security has seen low approval ratings on to the public faces. a cost of living crisis unit has more from the capital of the green. onion has become a symbol of a major gripe among south korean voters. the rising cost of fruit and vegetables
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and whiter concerns about the average consumer shrinking buying power. this staple has been popping up that opposition rallies and online as means used to monk president use on good critics say he's out of touch last month, he commented on the quote reasonable price. so green onions during a market visit to highlight government efforts to stabilize food prices only for it to merge. the skeletons were discounted. the election commission has banned the greens from pulling sites, raising eyebrows and it campaign rife with anger. in a polarized political climate, i've never seen a parliamentary campaign. what policies and pleasures are not debated? no become election issues. to this extent. a common theme at these campaign rallies on both sides of the political aisle is the judgment. democrats want voters to judge you and government and hold that accountable for the burden of higher prices, while the president's party, once voters,
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to punish the opposition for selling policy at the national assembly. use conservative party is aiming for a simple majority in the 300 member legislature. analysts say is it fails. it could have ramifications for the president's policy plans for the rest of his 5 year term . can do oil and how long you get there. may the president will become a lean del quickly and has power over state affairs will be greatly reduced in comparable to the early and mid term, which could be what some political rivals are hoping for. rebuilding korea is a party led by former justice, administer a tool group who's a waiting a supreme court trial on fraud charges. his new party has campaign on a platform of disabling the government opinion. polls suggest the race is tight. loader engagement is high more than 30 percent of eligible voters cast or ballots early voting at the weekend,
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already marking and all time high for south korea's parliamentary elections unit skim. i'll just sarah. so the positive russia, including the urals, the boldest and central areas of declared states of emergency. after some of the worst flooding and decades, the disaster has fullest, at least 6 and a half 1000 people to leave the homes. meanwhile, people in duke of protesting against local authorities, they say they weren't warned, but today by time could bus you. the shop of oliver has moved from the city. as you can see, i'm now on a boat and this is will be c t o or the central parts of the city of oaks forest looks like. so basically we're working right now with the some emergency services work is they all true heroes. i can tell you because what they do, they, they move from one residential building to another. and they directly talk to people here who turn up in the windows because these 5 story buildings that's still
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full of people people. some of them have refused to, to leave the places they, they refuse to, to, to be evacuated. so that's still that. and then these guys, they talk to, to the residents and offer help. so basically if these people need help, the guys ask them to create a request and the help is being delivered straight away. so basically we've been the moving around talking to people just a while ago they were trying to rescue a cat sitting on a tree above is. so the thing is i can tell you that we've spoken to um, to emergency services workers. and they also say that the p called the disaster has already passed in this particular place in the city of forest. but the high bosses are still arriving in the states field for in bug, which is the campus, a little theme, or in the region and in the neighboring regions of
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a career gun and, and other places. and that's still expecting to move also to arrive up to 11. nice is also so in all these a residential buildings, there are no electricity, no gas and people now prohibited from drinking top poll says so basically they are advised to drink multiple goals and we'll send a look to both tools they've been brought here as well. so i can, i can tell you that. so that basically imagines his work is continued the operations and the people are generally being evacuated and from a, from the flooded areas and a humanitarian aid like medicine and warm clothing and things like that. they are being delivered in some remote areas old. but this place though, us cool to a sentence. the parents of a teenager involved in a 2021 school shooting to 10 years in prison,
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prosecutors on k. but jennifer and james. crumbly. what criminally negligent for buying the 15 year old son a gun, but he said he lives sentence in prison. the parents also found to ignore the sons mental health. malaria. my colleague kelly johnston, spoke to nick wilson. he's seen his right to full dunbar as prevention of the center for american progress. he says, this is a landmark case. we know that we need to have kind of ability for people to commit acura. tribute to violence. we've never seen a parent beach engaged for a school shooting that their child and, and what makes this case unique was that there was so many bad decisions made by the parents, as well as the school that led to this unspeakable and completely preventable tragedy. also the lack of remorse by the parents. it's truly astonishing and has been unprecedented. so these are very unsympathetic defendants which probably
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contributed to this landmark case. some might say that this on fairly puts the burden onto the parents of a time when their children are exposed to things online. for example, far beyond parents control, i don't think anyone's going to lose sleep over this individual case and these parents. but i think that's a very important point and why it's center for american progress. we say we can't arrest or wait with a gun balanced up a demick. we can't just hold individual families accountable when things go wrong. we need to hold that accountability upstream and hold people accountable and balance that accountability with prevention. so we can stop the balance before it starts. for example, the gun industry plays a big role in this public and done violence in schools in our communities and industry and their influence. there's usually scare tactics to encourage people to buy guns, and they gotta keep them loaded under their hello. so they can stop at home in a beta or, and protect their families. and so we see gun owners increasingly purchasing firearms for protection. and about half more than half of gun owners,
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even gunners with children, they don't keep their guns stored safely. and so we need to hold the gun industry accountable for these dangerous missed that only guns will make you safer when research by the center for american progress shows that i 9 times as many people report being victimized by a person with a gun, then being protected by a gun, new video released by mexico's government shows ecuadorian police storming assembly, saying key to the right has drawn international condemnation. many countries that violates the 1961, the convention of diplomatic relations. it's john home explains shocking video of the right of the mexican embassy and keep the bike with dorian security policies. last friday. release permits coast president. the video is edited and set to music. it shows and ecuador in place, climbing over the bowls, then forcing the way into the building. they were looking for one to mine, from ecuador and vice president caught
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a glass twice convicted of corruption. mexico just grunted him asylum. they seized, encouraged him out, the embassy, shoving and knocking the mexican head of mission, rebecca to consent, go to the ground. does he tried stilton sending the president under his manual lopez over the door says that the seizure and the storming of the embassy is against international law. except that the seal, this is about a violation, you know, not just against the sovereignty of our country, but the writer was silent, the right of all countries to protect their embassy, to show that seat, who did it. most of the latin american region agrees with the national and this countries on the left on the right from brazil to watch and tina condemned deck with those actions and the organization of american states. the o a s began on tuesday.


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