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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 10, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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great in the joy of breaking falls and the footprint we remember the blessings we all meant to share. for that do a sacred play is now your duty to fulfil all that can possibly be the . is there any spikes target tullison haines in central garza? as the head of the month of ramadan comes to an end, faulty and people have been killed, including women and children. the colors that are like headquarters here, instead of also coming up israel faces bouncing global pressure to increase the amount of a floating into concepts more trucks on entering the strip. but the wind says many of the full election day in south korea pulse of open today,
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parliamentary things that seem as a test on present units, excused from the laboratory. beautiful from the flooded russian region of all of them. but if i were to use up the class a states of emergency the welcome to the program, we'd be getting garza y palestinians of be the target have yes, another definitely is riley attack of this time. and then this with refugee come at least 14 people killed. one is randy massages hit a residential tower on tuesday night. the victims were mostly women and children. the attendant came as the muslim holy month of ramadan comes to an end. and as either the fit data begins, it's been 6 months since the start of the war mold and the 33000 palestinians are being count. well, that's what i understand how difficult it is different this year because of the role normally during this time of the year we would buy fluids for our children.
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but now we have somebody searching for food just to feed them for a day. or we search for a place for them to live and still no homes, no food, and know what to eat has no meaning. this. here was the tunnel cover as a, as in rough, and has more on the, is rarely a tech out. the refugee camp is where the military has been expanding its military operations and the tax of course, many areas in the gaza strip. and one of the latest had been targeting on the rock, refugee camp, where a residential house being completely destroyed, a number of palestinians that have to report that killed. and some of the injuries have been transferred to the hospital for medical treatment. and that is the reality on the ground, the in the middle areas where the is where the forces are, have been attacking and using artillery units to show um, to attack the eastern areas of america and also and, and, and my guys,
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the refuge account is admitted areas of the territory alongside with on top of development in the southern part of the territories as palestinians are completely welcoming. the outputs are within the coming hours. they have been welcoming that under unrelenting bombardment with fleet mix just feelings of grief, sadness and agony regarding the fleet change of their non rocks of living in the territory as the usability military is also wanting for expanding the military operations to include the roof. i right now, which is the last remaining area that is designated save for more than one point. 5000000 palestinians will have been following these very orders to seek safety and right now they are no longer safe. tarika buzzing out, just a rough, rough southern gauze. i told you that or has gained access to the devastated city of calling unit solving as well as withdrawal mold in 18 parties are being recovered. many of them lying on to the level for weeks in congress, sent this revolt from the ruins as
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a by the scale of the destruction is now imagine we're currently in a bus, an in the city of con eunice. the destruction is mazda. if we have been talking to people and we have been going to them with them to their houses, there, say that there is nothing left. and the only reason why people are not going back to their houses is for 2 main reasons. the 1st reason is there is no infrastructure, there's no electricity, as there is no water, like even if they want to put and setup, there's tons here, everywhere is rubble and rocks and it needs very big and huge equipments to clean up the area for them to put their tense and the 2nd thing is that they do not trust that is really forces to in face newness. once again, just like they did in the north of the gods. a city in garza where they storm of just the hospital after they withdrawn from the area. as you see,
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people are coming back trying to take what ever is left from their houses, some clothes, some lemons, some blankets. as you see, the streets are completely demolished, the ins for its structure has been severely damaged and everyone is telling us they do not recognize their houses. they do not recognize their areas where these neighborhoods have been complete to the bombs and, and, and, and like locked into the ground of the people. and the residents of her newness, are all very frustrated. they're all very depressed from the a month of destruction in their city. they're saying that they can't go back to their houses because there's simply no houses. if the house was not bombed, it's burned. if it's not burned, it's partially damaged. and despite that is where these withdrawals from this area,
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they're still homeless and this paste. this is into who the odyssey to us on newness international pressure is going on as well to a lot more humanitarian aid into gaza. is there any of our to say they'd like to move in full 100 trucks into the strip over the past 36 hours. but the un says many of them already hall full and washington says much more aid is needed. if you look at the last 2 days, there is a been a substantial increase in the amount of a going to cause. if that's good, it is not good enough. we would like to see more action following through on what the prime minister has announced publicly. and we'd like to see that over the course of the next few days through a secretary stays on the british foreign secretary, hvac heard the same sentiments and a joint press conference. david cameron mess anthony blanket and discuss the world calls earlier on tuesday. my kind of how small this from washington dc in
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the us, secretary of state and his produce come to pods, made clear they share a common position on his rails war and gaza. they welcomed what they say are signs that israel is allowing more humanitarian aid to get into gaza. israel has made important commitments to significantly increase the supply the amount of transit systems throughout guys and is taking some initial actions as well. and both insist that there will be no change in the policy of shipping. alms to israel. opposition is in line with our international partners so far know like minded countries have taken the decision to suspend existing tom's export licenses to israel. and i'd add that israel remains the vital defense and security problem, which is the u. k. a cooperation makes the u. k. and israel more secure from external threats. a common belief to that come us as a stumbling block in achieving a ceasefire. with no mention of any is really intransigence. the issue of gaza was
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also a point of type focus in the senate, where the secretary of defense appeared before the um services committee. to discuss his 2025 budget the session was interrupted by protesters, some accusing israel of genocide. and the question was put directly by us, senator, is israel committing genocide and gaza center cotton i. we don't have any evidence of genocide being created. so that's a, that's a no, israel's not committing genocide and gaza, we don't have evidence of that. but others continue to mind. israel's accountability, the department of defense and the state department are currently assessing whether is real is in compliance with international humanitarian law. i consider myself friend of is real and by not separating the palestinian civilians from a moss. they are playing demoss is hands when you kill
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a civilian child. their parents are not going to be very sympathetic to the people that left that bond lose. despite these concerns of message on capital hill and in the state department are consistent, us support for israel will remain unconditional. my kind of, i'll just say era, washington, israel's prime minister has repeated his plans to launch a military invasion of rafa in southern garza. and this despite growing international pressure not to do so. these latest comments following the announcements he made on monday, that's a date for the offensive has already been sent. to the most of us, we will complete the liquidation of the homeless brigades, including those in rough on there is no force in the world that'll stop us. they will many trying to do this, but this will be of no use because often what they have done this enemy will not be there to repeat the action again. we are obligated to do so,
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and this is our goal. tedney is dismissed our keys ations, that its completed in genocide against palestinians, and garza, its lawyers rejected the case pool, find the correct, giving up the you in the top colt as baseless, rushed and without jurisdiction. nicaragua argues that as the 2nd largest supply to israel gemini, is in fact facilitating genocide and as, as the court order it to stop its owns ex bolts. so it boston has moved from the hague, through to concert, read germany started. it's 2 hour long defense at the international court of justice by saying it has learned from the pastor and learn from the hollow cost in germany is doing. it's a close to live up to its responsibility. he said he both is riley and the palestinian people. this explains one of the principles upon which all form policies with regards to own middle east issues for us. the o history is the reason what israel security has been at the pole of german foreign
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policy. nicaragua argue, said germany, support for its route is one sided, a neglect the fate of gas as people. why now also facing genocide, gemini supplied alms worth more than $300000000.00 to israel last year, and increased from $30000000.00 in 2022. but its legal team argued that most of the export licenses were issued before the october 7 attacks, or shortly after. if we look at what has actually been license for export to israel under this framework. since october 2023. we see no artillery shells, no munitions. nearly all experts. the exports involves what is known as of the military equipment, typically of a subordinate or defensive nature. as a matter of fact, only for weapons, war weapons have been licensed for exports since october 20, 233 of which concern test or practice equipment. according to international weapons,
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tweet these no arms should be exported to countries. if there is a risk, they will be used to violate human to tear we in law or loss of floor when i'll just say what i wanted to clarify. if this means germany now recognizes that israel is violating international law, we did not receive an answer. you're not answering any questions because i want to ask you about your sab drum, the learn from the past. as most of germany's defense, so we centered around the question of whether the international court of justice has jurisdiction in this case, lawyer, 3 percent thing germany say it's calling be complicit in genocide if the country accused of committing genocide is absent from the case. that's not been convicted. the judges now have to decide if provisional measures against germany needed to stop it from sending weapons to it's route. step 5, some al jazeera, they took, it says it will impose restrictions on x, bolts to israel until it reaches
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a seaside with, i'm us. israel cold is a unit. actual violation of trade agreements. i'm promise to respond. now the new measures come a day after israel declined incurs requests to aggravate into gulzar visa, how up with them resides cargo shop, letting you know, we had submitted a request to participate in the humanitarian aid operations with congress, plains of air force. we blunt that this request which was welcomed by the jordanian authorities, was rejected by israel. that can be no excuse for israel to prevent us from providing aerial aid to stop and guardians. in response to the situation, we have decided to take a series of new measures against israel with all my sa then because earlier reports now from simple this is actually the most significant step that turkey has taken as a measure against israel since the beginning of the war and uh, october, the 7th. uh yes, there were boy called center king calling out for more causing days where i live
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products a swiss were full of people. and because palestine and garza issues are very sense and mental issues for the truth, it doesn't matter where whether they are the less the slightest or a slab is what people are always a very sensitive in april mysteries, there has been a pull for boy coughing and the is where i live products uh on the government level as well. also the opposition had been pushing the government for this before the local elections that were held at 10 days ago. but of course, these restrictions are, this is a pen of 54 major products, and 2 kids main exports to israel. mainly, we're talking about the construction material. simmons are in marble, jets field chemicals for chemical fertilizers. and these as of today, as of this morning, effective immediately, the export of these products are risk of except this was a political decision. why this work is government to restrict this exports. the is
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why the 3rd largest res partner officer keeps it onto a c. expires is established a still head here all out. is there a potential japanese take over of us steel faces. great. well, positions from unions, politicians, the critical debate pony farmers are angry. people of starving and we actually have to experts a whole lot because we've money to buy informed athenians. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments for the addition to the state, the often in the highest level they've been using games for the policy. let me come out to him today, then course the rivals inside story. on al jazeera, every family carries it's within those and 65, the industry can take
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a nice time to hear a young the rocky dutch crowd the ink cartridge. these families to finally discussed their cost in the hope of sparing youth young son by breaking the cycle into generational trauma. my father knew and died a witness documentary on which is era. the government challenges here with the the
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fields there with me. so hill robin in the hall remind to of all top new stories is where the strides continue to target palestinians in the gaza strip. as the muslim holy month of ramadan comes to an end, full team, people are killed, including women and children. and it is really a to get them this webcam and central gaza on choose day. now that real grand coles football humanitarian a to flow into. because that's like the white house and the state department say that they expect right to actually dismiss route to facilitate more 8 supply deliveries. it's strict, gemini has rejected accusations that has been facilitating genocide and garza, and the case before the united nations top cool to the hey, it was qualified to correct q a. it goes to the emergency matches to stop chub, and he's selling weapons to israel pots, the southern russia of declared a state of emergency. after some of the was flooding and decades. now the disaster forced at least 6 and a half 1000 people out of the homes,
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unit and shop of all of the polls the from the city of post, the boats in the streets instead of calls and pedestrians empty houses and shops. the city of oles, along with many other settlements and rushes or in the region facing severe flooding, imagines the services please, and the ami a working non stop to evacuate people. they have no problem. i have seen that both on us realized probably the most active work was carried out in the 1st isn't ours, of the high waters. most people did not believe there was a real transfer from the bought to begin entering houses and reaching ways deep level people down to where we want the worst of the flooding and also believes to have boxed but the situation remains diet. this is what this treats of the city of oscar looks like right now. it's only taking a few hours to turn the city streets into canals, grim and isolated. so as the late stage of the occupation is not, of these imagines the crews are returning to the affected areas to deliver
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a to those still here and collect documents will enclose and medicines for those if actuated many residents in these apartment blocks chose to stay in the homes, despite having no electricity, gas or clean drinking volta. just some idea when you, when you went to the people's 1st needs are water and batteries. we bring power bank so that people can charge their phones and are able to call the rescue service . we have what they have, come on, we walk as a theme, one risk you a is not at the school. we are all was one of those whose houses has been destroyed by volta, i think taken to the temporary accommodation centers like this one. it's been such happiness cool, while students study remotely due to the flooding. i'm pretty new. look what are they received as well here and gave us everything for i'll stay, they feed us full times a day and it's also so clean. here is a source, he's a promising to issue one time payments for those affected as well as
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a compensation for the damages which are still to the test says. but for many the future seems to be very unsettled. you lash above all of the ultra 0 falls. lasha basic is underway in south korea where people are choosing a new poem and the ballots is seen as a referendum on present. use the keels, 10 years so far. he has low approval ratings. as people face the cost of living crisis, so in price of green onions and apples and start, but you need talk just amongst the key issues. full votes as well again, is kim joins us now from so in south korea. well, the vote has begun and we just need to few of the issues, but there's a whole raft of issues that people want addressing at the time of us use as we say, the cost of living is so high and soft career. that's right. so hell, we're outside of a pulling station here. and so you may think that north korea or it's advancing
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missile arsenal, and it's a closely progressing relations with russia. it may be on the minds of many voters here, but in that top of mind, from any of the 44000000 south koreans going to vote today will be not much different than many citizens of the world so far this year. and that is their pocket book situation. now, inflation has cooled from pandemic highs, but many regular citizens will tell you that their paycheck simply don't go as far as they used to hear stories from housewives who's either grocery bills or some 60 percent higher than they used to be. and you mentioned the price of apples, that's a people's favor, and that has risen by some 90 percent on your inviting comparisons to gold. and this is because of a poor harvest last year exacerbated by an irregular climate. now that you and government has been trying to temp down the prices of agricultural goods and recent weeks, such as bringing in alternatives from imports. but if he's doing this because he
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knows that many voters will be making their choices based on whether they support his government or not. you sonya is not on the ballot in this problem entry election. but as you say, it is being viewed as a confident sort of source. his approval rating has been rather low and the 30 percent range. and that's really translated into pressure for conservative candidates who want to get to 151 seats of the 300 seats up for grabs the results of which we should know by early tomorrow. and of course, we'll come back to you when we do get those result units can force the in. so thank you us. now the leaders all of the us depends on the philippines. we'll meet in washington on wednesday to discuss mutual security concerns, namely china. but even as these countries work together as allies, a japanese steel companies, but to buy an american one is meeting face resistance christmas leave me the full stuff, the town of month hole in pennsylvania. the united states steel company has been
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part of the landscape of western pennsylvania for over 100 years. its presence remains larger than life, even as many of its mills have closed or relocated and its work force dwindled at the local union hall, those steel workers who remain c, a japanese companies, plans to acquire us steel as a bi trail by management, us still should stay us so plain and simple. it's in the name. nothing, i guess. no japanese company or whatever it is. but i can always take your how if you know what, i mean last december nip on steel. agreed to pay nearly $15000000000.00 for the company and also promised to maintain the workforce and the company name. but like the union, local politicians aren't on board. take, johns betterment us senator, who lives across the street from a mil. it's absolutely outrages that they have sold themselves too of were a nation. other law makers have written to the white house encouraging the administration to examine new pods, financial ties to china as
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a national security threat. china now surpasses the united states as the world's largest steel producer. to fully appreciate local opposition to the plan you have to understand the history of us. still. this 12000 ton press once may be armor plates for american battleships during world war 2. and it was on one of those ships that the japanese signed the articles of surrender ending the war. that press now sits as a memorial in a shopping center parking lot. it was here that the largest steel mill and the world operated until 1986. in the last decade, however, us steel has back tracked on plans to modernize local facilities. the question is, which of these potential buyers may or may not re, invest in the plants here in the region? because without a lot of re investment, they really won't be around much longer nippon has promised to invest an additional $1400000000.00 to grow the company. but union leaders are skeptical and they have
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political power and an election year. any responsible politician should go against this deal if it's going to put our country at risk. infrastructure wise or defense wise, president joe biden and former president donald trump have both spoken out against the purchase which company shareholders will vote on later this month. kristin salumi al jazeera western pennsylvania, the coast and south africa has rolled up the phone with the present jacobs he met can run in next month's parliamentary elections. he had challenged an earlier decision by the actual commission with bond to him from standing due to the contempt of quote conviction. zooming is representing a new political policy after denouncing the governing african national congress that he once led it in my colleague during applegate and spoke to hudson margie, she's a political, i just have with business day newspaper in south africa, she says the jacob's name is decision to participate in elections came as
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a big surprise to the country. i will certainly not expected as much when she is your service as a journalist in south africa and jacob's you must be, continues to leave us in the shop and or as he did to do it. he has 9 years as president of south africa, so that we get is really has actual crossroads it is. they want to should moments and so that because democracy, which reaches videos and a few days time. okay, we'll get into the water said moments in a moment, but just 1st i mean how, how is this decision being explains, particularly after zoom out was banned from running and these elections, so basically the same, the ports of house as soon as appeal of the i e c, that's the actual dimensions decision to box him because the highest quote in the land sentenced him to 15 years in 15 months in jail for being an attempt to quote,
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we now understand that position a little bit better because the quote is jacob's image boy is argued with the court that he only said 3 months of that 15. my extension's, i'm that the 50 my extension's is rendered it irrelevant. we always knew this was going to be a very litigious connection in south africa, which with every decision by the i use the and every result contested. and it's just such and the proving to be that way. for the us, cold a sentence, the parents of a teenager were involved in a 2021 school shooting to 10 years in prison, prosecute as all good. the telephone james company was criminally negligence of buying the 15 year old son, a gun. he's having a life sentence. now the man who in 1964 proposed existence of the circle gold particle has died level prize winning partition physicist piece of higgs was 90
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full. the existence of the sub atomic particle. coal takes base and was confirmed by experiments of the large hall had drawn collide in 2012, takes very help solve the mystery of half of the particles of typed mess up to the big bang to those where the headlines will use and hoffman out the hello it looks like you're going to be is up by center stones and east and west smelter protests and india. good to see. we start to see them flare up on wednesday dark in the blue and some of the yellow popping up there. that is more intense stuff, otherwise across the country, it is really the story of pre monsoon heat. so you deli, at $38.00 degrees, we also see that heat for southern focused on in sim province. let's go 40 to a new object. 42 in jacob a bad so these temperatures are running on the high side for this some of the year
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. try and go of heat from bank all coach them in city and pool kits anywhere from about $36.00 to $38.00 degrees. and quite a bit of cloud floating around china that could squeeze out a shower through the yangtze river valley down through the pearl river valley. but these showers and storms will really get go in on thursday, once again impacting when she profits where we have seen some fairly turbulent. whether it's come down in japan for the fresher field though, for tokyo, at 17 degrees. and we'll end this weather report in into it easier right now where i think the biggest burst of rain on wednesday will be sol, sumatra island, with strep of profit. and so think central java as well. any of these places in the zone, we could see upwards of about a 100 millimeters of rain. so that much rain, that fast could produce some flooding. that's it. we'll see you soon. the here's from my elders here on the go and eat tonight. out is there is only
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mobile app, is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it. and that domain the new out from out to 0 new that you think is it, the germany is complicit in israel's genocide in garza. and that must and that's in the correct goes argument before the u. n's talk, court germany says nicaragua, as a one sided deal with the war and gone. so what does this case mean for countries supplying israel with lessons? this is inside the store, the hello that all.


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