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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 10, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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one smell circle from a generation that has 0 is being theme, the groups, the size of the system has no for most painters of working class people. there is a difference between being able to participate in the system and actually being represented in a 5th generation change on al jazeera, the israeli strikes target pulse demand homes and central gaza. as the muslim holy month of ramadan comes to an end, 14 people have been killed including women and children. the bottom of this is 0 line from doe ha. and so coming up us president joe biden levels new criticism at his ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying his approach to the one. gaza is a mistake as well. face as mountain global pressure to increase the amount of age
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flowing into gaza, more trucks on entering the distress. but the un says many of them are on the top and election day and south korea. closing is on the way the parliamentary election that seen as a test of presidents use appeals. couple hours the we're beginning central garza with palestinians have been the target of yet another deputy is ready to attack this time. indeed, the site is refugee camp. at least 14 people were killed. this really missiles at a residential tower on tuesday night. the victims of mostly women and children. the attack happened as the most and holy month of ramadan comes to an end and he does fit that begins. it's been 6 months since the wolf started. well, the 33000 palestinians have been killed, as well as the center of the system. it is different this year because of the war.
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normally. during this time of the year, we would bikes fluids for our children. but now we have somebody searching for food just to feed them for a day, or we search for a place for them to live and still no homes, no food, no water eat has no meaning this. yeah, well, as i had a couple was that one has more on the is there any attack than say that refugee camps from casa? here's where the military has been expanding its military operations and the tax, of course, many areas in the gaza strip. and one of the latest had been targeting on the right refugee camp, where a residential house being completely destroyed, a number of palestinians that have to report that killed and some of the injuries have been transferred to the hospital for medical treatments. and that is the reality on the ground that in the middle areas where these really forces are, have been attacking and using onto the read unit to show um, to attack the eastern areas of america and also, and, and,
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and my guys the refuge account in the middle areas of the territory alongside with on top of the development in the southern part of the territory as palestinians are completely welcoming the age of fits or within the coming hours. they have been welcoming that under and linking bombardment with please mix just feelings of grief, sadness, an ugly regarding the fleet change of their non rocks of living in the territory as the usability military is also wanting for expanding the military operations to include the roof. i right now, which is the last remaining area that is designated save for more than one point. 5000000 palestinians will have been following the east, very orders to seek safety and right now they are no longer safe. direct deposited . just a rough, rough or southern gauze and worship as a gathering of the locks the most compound for $8.00 for the pres, that's bringing i corresponded and wrong con, who's joining us live from occupied east jerusalem. it is such
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a sacred place for muslims, and rom being the food holy as size, and as long as tell us what's happening there. well, as doing is breaking over the alex the most compound. thousands of people have been arriving here where i am all, it goes all the scratched is one of the entrances into the alex and most compound, just through that. people have been arriving actually for about the last hour and a half. they paid for your rent. now you can have the pres, starting up that uh, severe restrictions on palestinians coming into the i likes the most compelling man over the age of 6, a 60 on the allowed in. and women over the age of 50. the palestinian is right. these are allowed in people who live in occupied east jerusalem young man. uh we have actually seen being harassed by the is really police, but this is a much more subdued. uh, e. then in previous years,
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many people are looking at the situation and goes on and it's affecting the way they want to celebrate. they don't celebrate to get in that joyous way that they normally would. oh, so there is no spot yet. there was supposed to be a ramadan seized by a ceasefire for the holy bump that hasn't happened. the holy man has now come to an end and eat the pres, beginning. you can see people coming in in the thousands, we're expecting probably around the 100000 mark. um we won't know until the tray is actually over. but like i say, there might be a huge number of people arriving here today for the atmosphere. very much subdued and wrong. thank you very much for that. that's and one. com live from outside the i like some of the compound and occupied is joyce. and i'm, so i'll just say what has gained access to the devastation city of con, due to this following, as well as with the tool. more than 80 bodies have been recovered. many of them
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lying under the rubble for weeks and then hold the visits. she sent us this report from the ruins associated with the scale of the destruction is now imagining. we're currently in a bus and in the city of con eunice, the destruction is mazda. if we have been talking to people and we have been going to them with them to their houses, they say that there is nothing left in the only reason why the people are not going back to their houses is for 2 main reasons. the 1st reason is there is no infrastructure, there's no electricity, as there is no water, like even if they want to put and setup, there's tons here, everywhere is rubble and rocks and it needs very big and huge equipments to clean up the area for them to put their tense and the 2nd thing is that they do not trust that is really forces to in phase one units. once again, just like they did in the north of the gods,
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a city in garza where they storm of just the hospital after they withdrawn from the area. as you see, people are coming back trying to take what ever is left from their houses, some clothes, some lemons, some blankets. as you see, the streets are completely demolished, the ins for its structure has been severely damaged and everyone is telling us they do not recognize their houses. they do not recognize their areas where these neighborhoods have been cooked, these to be bombs and, and, and, and like, flocked into the ground of the people. and the residents of her newness, are all very frustrated. they're all very depressed from a month of destruction in their city. they're saying that they can't go back to their houses because there's simply no houses. if the house was not
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bombed, it's burned. if it's not burned, it's partially damaged. and despite that is where these withdrawals from this area, they're still homeless and this paste. this is in the who the odyssey to us on newness us. president joe biden has level new criticism that is riley problem minister benjamin netanyahu. those policies on gaza and an interview with the american spanish language board cost a univision bite and said israel should call for a seas fund immediately. that's bringing patrick. i'll haines just joining us live from washington dc. he made some very strong statements pass. he did the president change us policy in the 70 as well. it's really gonna depend on what he says tomorrow because sometimes joe biden, as the president joe biden says something and then his staff comes up. and so i was really didn't really mean to say that, but as you mentioned, this was with the univision,
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that's most of the focused on the latino audience. it was a long interview on our he's trying to sharp support. he's been losing among that demographic. so was really focused on domestic questions. there was one and only one question, the war in gaza and the president. when he talks about a ceasefire, he always says in conjunction with a release of the captives, that's the deals that they've been working on for weeks. and months, he didn't say that this time, but he was asked and for just for a perspective, this interview was done last week, shortly after those a world central kitchen employees were killed by israel. so he was, that's the context of when this question took place. but he was asked if he thought that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu was putting his political survival over the interest of israel. and here's what he said. listen to the part about the ceasefire closely. i don't think what he's doing is a mistake. i don't agree with his problem. i think it's outrages that those for the
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1st 3 vehicles were hit by new drones and taken out on the highway where it wasn't like it was along. the sure wasn't like it was a con. we move here center. so i would i call it for is for the israel is to just call for a ceasefire. allow for the next $68.00 weeks total access to all food and medicine going into the country. i have spoken with every room from the saudis to the jar, damian's today and champions. they're prepared to move in, are prepared to move this food in. and i think there's a vendor, there's no excuse to not provide for the medical and the food needs of those people they should be done now. so we know when it comes to president joe biden, sometimes he does say things that his staff comes out and says, well actually he meant this. so we'll see. so we are gonna get
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a chance not to hear from his staff, but from the president stuff we believe tomorrow. he's having a state dinner with his japanese conner part and is whatever they do that there are 2 questions to each side. so we can only hope that one of the questions is about this, but we shall see in just a matter of hours as a thank you very much for that. patrick, i'll hang live in washington dc. international pressure is growing on israel to allow more humanitarian aid into gaza. is rarely authorities say they have less more than $400.00 trucks central districts. so over the past 36 hours. but the one says many of them are only half full, and washington says, much more a designated if you look at the last 2 days, there's been a substantial increase in the amount of a going to cause if that's good, it is not good enough. we would like to see more action following through on what the prime minister has announced publicly. and we'd like to see that over the course of the next few days. meanwhile, that the un headquarters in new york, the spokesperson for the secretary general, confirm that more
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a trucks have been allowed into the gaza strip. bought stuff on the job, told i correspondents, gabriel. and he's on the that the distribution of aid within gaza as a significant challenge. israel says that they've got more than 400 a trucks and the guys in the last 24 to 36 hours as the u. n. seen any negligible increase in 8 in the dish? i mean there, there is been there's been an uptick. uh in the last uh, in the last 2 days. uh, but you know, the, the challenges, the challenges remain once they get through the crossing and i think we've been very clear on that there's, there's one thing which is counting trucks that are going through the crossing. then there is the access to the for us to the point where all the goods in the trucks and not all the trucks that come through the crossing are full, right?
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uh, for security reasons, they can't all be full. so as, as i understand it, they then have to be transferred to smaller trucks and then we have to have the ability to distribute them. the challenges on the other side have not changed to germany, has dismissed accusations that as a complicit and get a side against palestinians and gaza. if lawyers rejected the case both 5, they could all go at the us top cost as baseless, rushed and without jurisdiction. nicaragua argues that as the 2nd largest supplier is ro, germany is facilitated in genocide and has off the quote to order it to stop its arms exports step loss and reports from the hague. through to concert with germany started it's 2 hour long defense at the international court of justice by saying it has learned from the past and learned from the hollow cost. germany is doing its most to live up to its responsibility. you said we both use riley and the palestinian people. this explains one of the principles upon which all form
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policies, with regards to all middle east issues for us. oh, history is the reason what israel security has been at the pull of german foreign policy. nicaragua argues that germany support for its route is one sided neglect the fate of gas as people. why now, also facing genocide, gemini supplied alms worth more than $300000000.00 to israel last year, and increased from $30000000.00 in 2022. but its legal team argued that most of the export licenses were issued before the october 7 attacks, or shortly after. if we look at what has actually been license for export to israel under this framework. since october 2023. we see no artillery shells, no munitions, of nearly all experts. the exports involved what is known as of the military
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equipment, typically of a subordinate or defensive nature. as a matter of fact, only for weapons, war weapons have been license for exports since october 20, 233 of which concern test or practice equipment. according to international weapons, tweet is no arms should be exported to countries. if there is a risk, they will be used to violate human to terry in law or loss of floor when i'll just see what i wanted to clarify. if this means germany now recognizes that israel is violating international law, we did not receive an answer. you're not answering any questions because i want to ask you about your sab jeremy learn from the past, as most of germany's defense. so we centered around the question of whether the international court of justice has jurisdiction in this case, lawyer, 3 percent in germany, say it's calling be complicit in genocide if the country accused of committing genocide is absent from the case that's not been convicted. the judges now have to
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decide if provisional measures against germany needed to stop it from sending weapons to it's route. step 5, some i'll just say around the hey to the head on. obviously i live a point from the flooded russian region of on the west. always have declared a state of emergency the here's how this story goes across the middle east and africa. good to see right off the bat, we've got to rental down ports in the forecast for gas on wednesday. and we have seen that weather shift out of the rock that's now pushing into the western side of iran, but still some more what whether to go on wednesday. other big stories is southerly wind popping up. those temperatures great rate through to iraq's capital. so bucked heads up to $36.00 degrees on wednesday to catch
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a few drops for the eastern providence of saudi arabia. once again there is that southerly when so it looks like a hazy and dusty picture for quit your temperature at $37.00 degrees. again, we see that weather now start to slide into the western side of iran through the huge as mountains. we'll see that typically sort of around the caspian sea over the next 24 hours. is that disturbs weather around guys a really for the band here in northern iraq. so most so it's looking what for you on wednesday to africa? we go the weather around, west africa here, really picking up for southern nigeria, there is a potential to see some flooding here. i think that's really where the biggest down ports will be around the coast of camera room and cap on as well. and, and then powerful wins for the eastern cape providence. so including fort derby and you could see those wins get up to about 75 kilometers per hour. the delightful, the 9 year old under is really bombardment,
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trauma center is displaced in scarcity. and the moments where childhood still shines through the child. because on a jersey to the you're watching me, elizabeth put on them and don't have a line to of on top stories. the song is what it is trying is continue to target palestinians in the gaza strip. as the most in holding onto phenomenon comes to an
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end. 14 people including women and children, were killed. and in this way, the attack and the new site is kept in central gaza on tuesday. they are going calls from move humanity or in a to flow into gaza. most whitehouse in the state department say they expect grace action from as route to facilitate more than that for the on us president. job item has level new criticism. is there any comments to benjamin netanyahu? in an interview with us for cost a univision, he said as well as options in gaza or mistake, and that's it should cool for a says fund immediately. took a, a says that would impose there's restrictions on x poles to is read until it reaches a seas file with homeless as well. quoted, a uni latch for violation of trade agreements and promised to respond. the new meshes come a day off to israel declined encore, us request a drop aid and the gaza visa home with him resides cargo. chuck,
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letting you know we had submitted a request to participate in the humanitarian aid operations with congress, plains of air force. we blunt that this request which was welcomed by the jordanian authorities, was rejected by israel. that can be no excuse for israel to prevent us from providing aerial aid to stop and guardians. in response to the situation, we have decided to take a series of new measures against israel said i'm a wholesale and have a pull. it's from a stumble. this is actually the most significant step that turkey has taken as a measure against israel since the beginning of the war. and uh, october, the 7th. uh yes, there were boy called center care pulling out for uh, both causing these violent products. us rates were full of people and because palestine and golf issues are very sense of mental issues for the truth, it doesn't matter where whether they are the left, the slightest or a slab is what people are always of very sensitive and it's on the street. there
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has been a pull for boy coughing, and these rarely products up on the government level as well. also, the opposition had been pushing the government for this before the local elections that were held 10 days ago. but of course, these restrictions, this is a pen of 54 major products, and 2 kids main exports to israel. mainly, we're talking about the construction materials segments, are in marble, jets, field chemicals for chemical fertilizers. and these as of today, as of this morning, effective immediately, the export of these products are risk ricks, that this was a political decision. why this work is government to restrict this exports. the is why the 3rd largest suite partner of through kia it onto a c spiers is established. the closing is on the way in south korea where people are choosing
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a new parliament. the balance is seen as a referendum on the president's 10. yeah. you and so if you have seen lo, approval of raising uses the public faces a cost of living crisis unit kim has moved from sol. as the green onion has become a symbol of a major gripe among south korean voters, the rising cost of fruit and vegetables and whiter concerns about the average consumer shrinking buying power. this staple has been popping up that opposition rallies and online as means used to monk president use on good critics say he's out of touch last month, he commented on the quote reasonable price. so green onions during a market visit to highlight government efforts to stabilize food prices only for it to merge. the skeletons were discounted. the election commission has banned the greens from pulling sites, raising eyebrows and it campaign rife with anger. in a polarized political climate, i've never seen
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a parliamentary campaign. what policies and pleasures are not debated? no become election issues. to this extent. a common theme at these campaign rallies on both sides of the political aisle is the judgment. democrats want voters to judge said you and government and hold that accountable for the burden of higher prices, while the president's party, once voters, to punish the opposition for selling policy at the national assembly. use conservative party is aiming for a simple majority in the 300 member legislature. analysts say is it fails. it could have ramifications for the president's policy plans for the rest of his 5 year term . can do oil and how long you get there. may the president will become a lean del quickly and has power over state affairs will be greatly reduced in comparable to the early and mid term, which could be what some political rivals are hoping for. rebuilding korea is a party led by former justice administered tool group who's a waiting
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a supreme court trial on fraud charges. his new party has campaign on a platform of disabling the you government opinion poll suggests the race is tight, but voter engagement is high. more than 30 percent of eligible voters cast are ballots in early voting at the weekend, already marking and all time high for south korea's parliamentary elections unit skim. i'll just sarah. so pauses, southern russian have declared the state of emergency office. some of the was flooding and decades, the dissolved falls to at least 6 and a half 1000 people alter they homes. usually a shop, a lot of a reports from the city of roles. the boats and the streets instead of calls and pedestrians empty houses and shops. the city of oles, along with many of the settlements and rushes or in the region facing severe flooding, imagines the services please. and the ami a working non stop to evacuate people. they have no problem. i have seen that both
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on us realized probably the most active work was carried out in the 1st days of ours off the high waters. most people did not believe that it was a real transfer from the board to begin entering houses and reaching waste deep level. people began to where we want the west of the flooding and also the lease to have boxed but the situation remains diet. this is what the streets of the city of oscar looks like right now. it's only taking a few hours to turn the city streets into canals, grim and isolated. so as the late stage of the queue ation is not, of these emergency crews are returning to the affected areas to deliver a to those still here and collect documents won't close and medicines for those. if actuated many residents in these apartment blocks tries to stay in the homes, despite having no electricity, gas, or clean drinking goals. so just somebody bear with me. if you want to naples 1st
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needs a water and batteries. we bring power bank so that people can charge their phones and are able to call the rescue service, send you what they have, come on, we walk as a theme. one risk you are is not at a school. we are all was one of those houses has been destroyed by volta, i think taken to the temporary accommodation senses like this one. it's been set top in a school while students study remotely, due to the flooding. i'm pretty new they received as well here and gave us everything for i'll stay, they feed us full times a day and it's also so clean. here is a source. he's a promising to issue one time payments for those affected, as well as a compensation for damages which is still to any to assess. but for many, the future seems to be very unsettled. you there, shall bob oliver ultra 0 falls. russia goals in south africa has ruled former president, jacob's villa can run and next month's parliamentary elections. he had challenged
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an earlier decision by the electoral commission, which followed him from standing due to a contempt of quote conviction. as soon as representing a new political party after denouncing the governing african national congress that he won sledge early in. my colleague during obligate a spoke to hi trot or mastery. she is a political editor with business day newspaper in south africa, and she says that soon as the decision to participate and dimensions came, is a big surprise. it was certainly not expected as much when she is your service as a journalist in south africa and jacob's you must, continues to leave us in the shop and or as he did to do it. he has 9 years as president of south africa, so that we get is really has actual crossroads it is. they want to should moments and so that because democracy, which reaches videos and a few days time. okay, we'll get into the water said moment in a moment, but just 1st i mean how,
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how is this decision being explains, particularly after zoom out was banned from running in these elections. so basically the same, the porch house as soon as appeal of the i e. c, that's the actual dimensions decision to bother him because the highest quote in the land sentenced him to 15 years in 15 months, in jail for being an attempt to of course, we now understand that position a little bit better because the portal is jacob's image boy is argued with the court that he only said 3 months of that 15. my extension's, i'm that the 50 my extension's is rendered irrelevant. we always knew this was going to be a very litigious connection in south africa, which with every decision by the i use the and every of results contested. and it's just such and improving to be that way to us cause a sentence. the parents of
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a teenager involved and then 2021 school shooting to 10 years in prison. prosecute is all you that jennifer and james company with criminal negligence of buying the 15 year old son, a gun. the leaders of the us, depending on the philippines who amazing washington on wednesday to discuss mutual security can sense, namely china. but even as these countries worked together as allies, a japanese steel companies, but the bottom america, american one is nation fee is resistance. custom send them a report from the town of mon hold and pennsylvania. in the united states, steel company has been part of the landscape of western pennsylvania for over 100 years. its presence remains larger than life, even as many of its mills have closed or relocated and its work force dwindled at the local union hall, those steel workers who remain c, a japanese companies, plans to acquire us steel as a bi trail by management,
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us still should stay us so plain and simple. it's in the name. nothing, i guess. no japanese company or whatever it is. but i can always take your how if you know what, i mean last december nip on steel. agreed to pay nearly $15000000000.00 for the company and also promised to maintain the workforce and the company name. but like the union, local politicians aren't on board. take john fedor, man, us senator, who lives across the street from a mil. it's absolutely outrages that they have sold themselves too of were a nation. other law makers have written to the white house encouraging the administration to examine new pods, financial ties to china as a national security threat. china now surpasses the united states as the world's largest steel producer. to fully appreciate local opposition to the plan you have to understand the history of us. still. this 12000 ton press once may be armor plates for american battleships during war.


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