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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 10, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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do we exploit the the color, the styles, the attain? this is in use our line from the home coming up in the next 60 minutes. praying for peace, muslims and gaza, often impressed in the middle of destroyed homes and lost their will st. wanting the loss of family members killed and is really strikes on our refugee counts on central golf and well, water levels keep rising in southern russia and the west flooding in decades will have a live up days and south koreans word and upon an entry election with the rising cost of living and the health care crisis, the top of them, the
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how we begin in gaza web hosting and muslims today mocking the end of ramadan worship as have gathered for ease of fit to pres, in the southern city of rafa present. as you can see, it has been held in the streets because it is rarely strikes have destroyed thousands of last. about one and a half 1000000. the space palestinians are currently sheltering in the city. the united nations has many wouldn't be able to celebrate because of the war and shortage of food. despite the holiday treaty is rarely ami has not paused. it's as strikes of an ice and attack on a residential talent. and the only satirist refuge account killed 14 people and central garza, my son, the victims with women and children. couple of whom has worn out from a med, this on 1st and then the destruction of most residential houses. of course, the terra 3 palestinians, all gathering here today to celebrate the arrival of aids of puts up and also to
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perform the prayers of aids of books are in most few. i do need grief on sadness. they have used to welcome this event each year with ultimate happiness and rejoicing. but this year seems to be a complete extrude injury for the majority of constance who are right now, living an unprecedented deterioration of their humanitarian and find themselves conditions. we are completely right now here to share with you what the palestinians are rejoicing that trying to do the best to please the kids, the families by buying them. guests please them with does that, but right now the loan got to do so as the is very ongoing military offensive. when the golf district has changed, the majority of milestones, living, of course, the territory power cup as the algebra. russell, southern guns that hold on, occupies to loose and worship as that has gathered for in pres,
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at the locks and last. confound a correspondent and one cons that a present now of a and it has been a subdued atlas that hit the lot. so most comp time just like the thousands of people that have actually come to visit. and there's 2 reasons for that. firstly, the restrictions you can probably just say the police over the they're checking the id of young man, the restrictions. all of this man over the age of 60 are allowed to come. women over the age of 50 are allowed to come. no one, very few people are either from the occupied westbank being allowed to come here. but still thousands of people have arrived. they've given the price and they've offered that price for the people of garza. that's the real reason that things also subdued here that the atlas van isn't like it would be normally people who are hoping for a c spy. that was supposed to be a drama on c spy. that sees why it didn't come to
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a policy. those negotiations are still ongoing and the people that are hoping that that might be, that could be that hosting for a breakthrough in the coming days. everyone called out 0. yeah. like so most compound occupied east jerusalem. meanwhile, us president drove by that has leveled a new criticism that these really prime ministers policies on casa, in an interview, was an american spanish language for costa 5 and said that benjamin us and you know, who should call a safe spot. immediately. patrick, how has more for us from washington dc. i know this could be a very interesting comment from us president joe biden. he was doing an interview with univision, trying to show up with some of his support was latino voters where he has been lagging in his re election campaign. so there was mostly domestic questions, but there was one question on the. busy or in gaza, the reporter asked if the president believe that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu was more concerned with political survival. then the interest of israel
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now important perspective. this happened shortly after there was that attack that we know biden was outraged by on the world's federal kitchen staff. but so put that in context. and the question was asked for, as we know, was very angry in that moment. but here's what he had to say. so i think what he's doing is a mistake. i don't agree with his problem. i think it's how regis that goes for, for 3 vehicles were hit by and drones and taken out on the highway where it wasn't like it was along. the sure wasn't like, it was a con. we move here center. so i would i call it for is for the israel is to just call for a ceasefire. allow for the next $68.00 weeks total access to all food and medicine going into the country. i have spoken with said removed from the saw these 2 dates are damian's to injections. they're prepared to move in,
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are prepared to load this food in, and i think present vendor and there's no excuse to not provide for the medical and the, and the, and the food needs of those people they should be done. now, what could be important here is that you as president biden has always said that there should be a ceasefire in exchange for trading of the captives. now if you just misspeak, as he sometimes does, and then his doctor comes out and says, well, you didn't mean that it's not a change of policy. we'll know more on wednesday cuz we expect to hear from president binding himself of the press conference at. so we'll see if this is a change of policy, but he's definitely sending the message that he is angry with the way is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been conducting this for on gas particle, high algebra, washington. as well. it says more humanitarian a is entering gauze to move quickly, but the amount itself is being disputed. the united nations says it's still fall
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below the minimum needed to meet people's basic needs. is there any with, are she say they've now allowed in more than $1200.00 trucks since sunday? if you look at the last 2 days, there's been a substantial increase in the amount of day going, because if that's good, it is not good enough. we would like to see more action following through on what the prime minister has announced publicly. and we'd like to see that over the course of the next few days. meanwhile, the spokes pass for the un secretary general confound that, no, it is entering cause of it says that distribution remains a challenge. there's been an uptick uh in the last uh, in the last 2 days. uh, but you know, the, the challenges, the challenges remain once they get through the crossing and i think we've been very clear on that there's, there's one thing which is counting trucks that are going through the crossing.
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then there is the access to the for us to the point where all the goods in the trucks and not all the trucks that come through the crossing are full, right? uh, for security reasons, they can't all be full. so as, as i understand that they then have to be transferred to a smaller trucks and then we have to have the ability to distribute them. the challenges on the other side have not changed. i am the secretary of state and the bush as far as the secretary met in washington and to discuss the war both. and so me blinking and david cameron refuse to change their countries policies towards the shipping of owns to as well. despite we're in criticism, montana has moved from washington d. c. b u. s. secretary of state and is but there's counterparts made clear they share a common position on israel as war in gaza. they welcomed what they say are signs that israel is allowing more humanitarian aid to get into gaza. israel has made important commitments to significantly increase the supply the amount of trans
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assistance throughout guys and is taking some initial actions as well. and both insist that there will be no change in the policy of shipping. alms to israel. opposition is in line with our international partners so far. know like minded countries have taken the decision to suspend existing tom's export licenses, israel, and i'd add that as well, remains the vital defense and security partner to the u. k. a cooperation makes the u. k. and israel more secure from external threats. a common belief to that how much this a stumbling block in achieving a ceasefire with no mention of any is really intransigence. the issue of gaza was also a point of type focus in the senate, where the secretary of defense appeared before the um services committee. to discuss his 2025 budget the session was interrupted by protesters,
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some accusing israel of genocide. and the question was put directly by us, send it to israel, committing genocide and gaza center account. and i, we don't have any evidence of genocide being created. so that's a, that's a no, israel's not committing genocide and gaza, we don't have evidence of that. but others continue to mind israel's accountability . the department of defense and state department are currently assessing whether is real is in compliance with international humanitarian law. i consider myself friend of israel and by not separating the palestinian civilians from a moss. they are playing into a mouse is hands when you kill a civilian child. their parents are not going to be very sympathetic to the people that left that bomb booms. despite these concerns, the message on capital hill and in the state department are consistent. us support for israel were a main unconditional mike kinda, i'll just say,
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or washington. well, let's bring in the last 3 years, the professor of the doha institute for graduate studies. it drains me here and uh huh. and how much is we've been hearing aids for goes up. weapons is route. it's felt like the rest of it has been shifting over the last few weeks perhaps. but has anything actually changed in practice when it comes to american old bridge foreign policy on garza? yeah, it looked like we took a step forward. i was here just a few days ago and i and i said that i was feeling less pessimistic. i'm back to feeling more pessimistic because it, it feels as though it's just more of the same, but nothing is really changing on the ground. and there's still a firm commitment on the part of the united states to support israel. it doesn't look like there's any sign of that support for lending. there are increased a trucks getting here and as you all have has been reported. but it's still wilfully insufficient. and the us is kind of using this as an opportunity to sort
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of pad itself on the back and say look we've, we've done something. well there was also is out correspondent and ron was unfortunately there was hope that they wouldn't be a cease fire from a down from it on is now if nothing, yahoo says they will be around for offensive, but a date has been set. what, where does this go from here? it, while it goes where the united states wants it to go there, the question has been and still as to what extent is the us willing to use its leverage? to what extent is the us willing to put his foot down and pull the plug on all of this? and a couple of days ago, it looked like maybe the us was finally starting to feel the pressure and that the bindings administration was starting to feel the pressure in the aftermath of that attack on the, the aid workers. and also in light of some of the media reports from is really media showing how israel's conducting the war, the extent of the war crimes and so on and so forth. but as, as you all have been reporting there, there doesn't seem to be
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a change on the ground. so at this point, i think it looks like, off invasion might be inevitable. you speak there about pressure on, on foreign actors the, the us that on multiple cases related to this conflict in front of the international court of justice. they was that security council resolution that the united nations. so we, we did see we have seen pressure building, what's your assessment of how the international system and the cycle rules based order that we've all come to know how that's holding up in the face of a contract right now. it's not holding up very well. it's looking like, uh, the rules. the rules based order is more or less a mess that are international law, only accounts for the powerful people for, for the powerful nations. the united states doesn't look like it's interested in following the rule of law or in ensuring that it's one of its closest allies. israel follows the rule of law and that's just the reality we can talk about the
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details of that resolution. um, uh at the united nations and the security council. i actually think that that was, it was very watered down. i think it was just symbolic. it was p r i, but it didn't lead to anything tangible on the ground. and it was just used as a by the united states as, as like public relations. not stay with me because that does seem to be potential movement at the united nations on, on some other issues astray as foreign minister, penny wong is now saying our country is considering recognizing a palestinian state during a speech based training national university. she said that a 2 state solution is the only hope to break the cycle of violence. we enough so to use on from the oslo accords. so to use on from the quotes, the quotes have a student in stifles at the end of a process. and the family of this approach bio policies are the decades as well as the knitting yahoo governments, few refusal to even engage on the question of a palestinian state have caused widespread frustration. so the international
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community is now considering the question, the palestinian statehood as a way of building the mentioned tools to start solutions. and what do you make of palestine as john says this time around? or it seems interesting, right? that we're talking about the 2 state solution number one, while there's a genocide ongoing, it seems as though that should be the priority stopping, stopping the genocide. i also want to draw everyone's attention to the fact that design is i'm is predicated on ethnic cleansing of the palestinians. the whole idea is for there to be greater israel, the land is supposed to be purified of the air presents all of the land is supposed to be for the jewish design, isn't, isn't parentally expansionist. and that's why is really leaders have worked for decades to systematically block the establishment of a potential establishment of a palestinian state. so until those problems are addressed, we're not going to have a viable palestinian state, especially not with nearly
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a 150 illegal settlements. and about 700000 legal settlers and the last 3, it was great to speak to you on the news. our thank you for joining us next. as hostile times, the more i had to announce is there a fair vote for mister dawn on the despair of or is displaced in a contract for you and says, has creation the wild west refugee price and the potential japanese take care of. of us still faces growing on position from unions and apologize for the water levels are continuing to rise in southern russian euros and pots of siberia or seeing the west flooding the in decades. here there's a lot of our reports from the city of august. the boats and the streets instead of calls and pedestrians empty houses and shops. the city of ols along with many of
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the settlements and rushes or in the region facing severe flooding, imagines the services please. and the ami a working non stop to evacuate people. they have no problem. i have seen that both on us realized probably the most active work was carried out in the 1st days of ours, of the high waters. most people did not believe that it was a real transfer from the water began entering houses and reaching waste deep level . people began to where we want the worst of the flooding and all the lease to have boxed but the situation remains diet. this is what the streets of the city of oscar looks like right now. it's only taking a few hours to turn the citrus trees into canals, grim and isolated. so as the late stage of the q ation is not, of these imagines decruz are returning to the affected areas to deliver a to those still here and collect documents will enclose and medicines for those if
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actuated many residents in these apartment blocks tries to stay in the homes, despite having no electricity, gas or clean drinking goals. so just somebody bearing, if he wants to, people's person needs are water and batteries. we bring power banks so that people can charge their phones and are able to call the rescue service senior. we are the mom, we walk as a theme. one risk you are is not at a school. we are all was one of those houses has been destroyed by volta, i think taken to the temporary accommodation senses like this one. it's been such happiness cool. while students study remotely due to the flooding, i'm putting in the look what are they received as well here and gave us everything for how's day they feed as full times a day. and it's also so clean. here is a source, he's a promising to issue one time payments for those affected as well as a compensation for damages which are still to any to assess. but for many the future seems to be very unsettled. you there shall bob oliver ultra 0 for lasha
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where we can now speak to you really. she joins us live from the russian city of arden bag this morning. usually there was a loss of anger initially directed at the government response reasons or protests. have those issues now been addressed? well, yes, that's right. so as i mentioned in my report, all source have indeed sa says a showing one time payments for those effects. it end up for missing compensation is for damages, but the damages that's sold to be accessed. it will take time, of course, right now we're witnessing the p called the disaster here in the or in by region. but you are right. people express a lot of discontent. we even saw protests in the city of or especially in the west affected a city of or people that say it will be impossible to compensate the damage with the promised sums of money. and despite the woods by the head of the rushes,
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imagines has ministry. at the hands of the rushes imagines his ministry, that they had wound the population about the floods, people and all say they didn't receive any text messages and will absolutely unaware. at the same time, we spoke with people here in oregon bug and they say that they did receive text messages with the was a warning unit. there were also concerns. i understand that they might be moved, flooding to come, given me the amount of snow that's melting and that's about potentially costing gold is as well. yeah, right now, as i mentioned to we're working in the say to or in bug a is the regional center for the over in bug region and southern euros, which a boat is context on and the situation with the floods here it's here we are raising the suitcase preparing for high voices to arrive. we see some sort of, well, we see is true if a curation f as by emergency services right. now i'm also that trying to wrecked
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some sort of buns to protects summit, residential buildings which surround me and the waters arriving. you can see that in a very close proximity to the residential buildings. so the water level in the ural rebate here in oregon buck rose to the 9 meters as one to stand. but the day before we of course visited the 2nd largest and the worst hit safety of force in the region and the level of the euro. a river in aust. i'm the the, the level that has full and so as a klein and then the will to level was recorded actually enforcing supplements in the or in the region. but because of the situation remains quite critical. so basically the c 204 and 5 is waiting for move also to arrive and
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these were some floods in russia. and while they say that these are the largest floods in the last 70, yes. and also dislodging is threatening the neighboring regions as well, like the region of crew gun and the region of 2 men. and even even as the neighboring cossacks done. but so source you say that going to work together with cause ok. oh, source sees and a going to control the release of will. so in some parts of the euro revise. so we're going to wait to see how it's going to work here. there's a lot of other on the ground for us and some of the west hidden regions of those floods in arm back in russia today. thanks for your. yeah. as well as really was just saying and neighboring causes external. the 96000 people have now been moved to safety. 8 regions near the earl and total rivers already some matched with ours . you use say that water levels rose mitch's and a knife of allens, nearly 70 residential areas remain cut off from the rest of the country.
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vs and south korea and choosing 300 national assembly representatives, empowerment for elections. this words is seen as a mid term referendum of thoughts on president is doing so, fuels administration, his approval ratings. while i'm going into the polls. soaring food prices and a health care crisis caused by a dr. strikes are among some of the biggest issues for versus well that speak to you and it's kim, she's out of paulding station for us in the capitol. so here's how things living. there was a version blitzer fall this morning of the site. it has a that's where it we're in the final hours of this problem. interior election. that's been ongoing since 6 this morning. we're already we're still seeing stragglers orders coming through. now. this is a race closely watched, not only by the political parties bought the presidential office, which really has been scrambling in the weeks leading up to today to address some of those issues. cost of living. rising food prices a case in point,
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the price of apples have spiked 590 percent on year on the back of bad harvest last year. and start watching this closely because we are a made a very polarizing political climate and capacitance. people power party needs to take back the national assembly in order to pass some of his policies in the remaining 3 years. but momentum is also on the opposition side, fueled by the frustrations of the people over the past 2 years. case in point is the support that's really galvanized behind this brand new minor party, which has one single platform. and that is to make the president a lame duck president. we should also note that this is the 1st problem entry election in which older voters, those between the ages of 60 and i have exceeded in number 2 younger of voters. so $1618.39 south pre obviously is one of the fastest aging
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countries in the world with its for to the rate really plummeting faster than even experts here have predicted. so the implications of that on the minds of many voters today as well. and it will be interesting to see how these voted when the ballots are couches later. indeed, and as units was just saying, posting close at 1800 local silence, just or even 19 minutes from now we'll be staying across the story for you here without a 0. for now eunice came that and soul. thank you. well, that's bringing your chip on. he's a research fellow and young se universities institute single career studies. he joins us now from the capital, sol adoptable, as we were saying, this is an election to the national assembly, not the president, but it is also very much a public statement on how he's doing. i see the president gives approval raising has been dropping for months right presently is on, you know, so popular writing has been hovering on the $0.44, which is very low compared to the popular writings of his predecessors. so
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this national assembly election, although it's a problem of attorney and representative, the election serves as a function of mid term election. uh, 4 of which share the voters has an opportunity to express their grievances and support of the 5 year term of the present. i'll, we'll be ending with face. so national assembly, a little speaking of grievances i, i know economic issues have been at the forefront versus mine's, and the president i understand, is viewed as being a little out of touch, especially with the corruption scandals to involving his family. yes, out of the, to the queue or that that's as far as the present as office because he has nothing really forthcoming with regards to a lot of the controversies that scanned us. uh, you know, some of which involved the 1st lady and her family member. so although she was elected writing on the election platform that has a life, some prosecutor, she was
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a refers on 10 champion fairness and so space in the presence of sight and follow the dates. she's practice for the past 2 years since he's out, you know, the ration as a prison has been rather disappointing to the majority. doctor motors, i say to the price of spring on ends to prominence. and this campaign is that reflective of a broad, a feeling there about inflation? yes. out of touch and disconnect. i have in, uh why the, regarding the as a defining terms for the president. uh, so the best tool for the moving party peoples file party use to secure the absolute majority sits in the holly amount, which is 151 out of 365. so it seems like it is. uh rather this. so our goal is to be met. so does this then mean that there is the space fence and much smaller parties to make gains the selection?
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right. um, well the most of the 2 parties, so the pvp and i'll place you on potty potty is likely to continue. but it's the. busy of the sits between the 2 of them and them parties. we're not print then the absolute advantage to either side. then the small, my, you know, a minor parties will be playing a significant role in the years to come because they will serve as us mean, both young shape on that research feller at your own, say, university's institute for north korean studies. thank you for sharing your thoughts and expertise with us. allows us there are some as hostile a heavier here on the 0. the different logic for log continues. mexico says it will file a case with the international court of justice after police rated it's embassy in ecuador. aging is working hard to increase confidence and it's slowing economy plus a port add port. beautiful is on the measures that china is taking to attract
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foreign investments. the address in time for your weather update across the america is good to see you. so here's what's going on. cool air. out of the south flooding into the river, play terrace. that bumps into a warmer air, it's producing a line of showers and storms, especially in paraguay, including its capital assault. see on. but this cool southerly wind is here to stay in montevideo, 1716, then the wind shifts easterly so your temperature will come up a bit. but this is well below where you should be for this some your big downforce through brazil's amazon estate that will impact him and that was 33 degrees for you on wednesday in central america. not much to report. most of the action is in the gulf of mexico. so let's go there. hot, humid air is coming in off the gulf of mexico into the southern us. so flood alerts
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issue from texas, louisiana, mississippi, arkansas dark, the blue and the yellow. the more intensive spring is that we could see a few tornadoes mixed in there as well. beautiful conditions, though, for the west coast. los angeles, 29, maybe 30 degrees for you on wednesday, looking good across a be see south coast, the canadian prairies and around the great lakes. we've got sun poking out here. so toronto is at 18. but with adult day in new york, maybe a few showers. it's going to put a cap on your temperature, just 13 degrees and 12 degrees in boston. see you soon. the as pain and just closer to recognizing it palestinian state prime minister pedro sanchez, is that the forefront calling for israel 2 respects international humanitarian law . what i can tell you is that the situation on the ground is thought acceptable as an immediate cease firing. garza, there's an urgency to stop this terrible war and to open
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a new phase of stability. peace precipitating the region. the spanish prime minister talks to l. g 01, the average person to know what the truth was. scientists dismissed as profits of do. we knew where the temperature was going to go by lead is seeking the profits of industry. they were publishing reports saying this is not an urgent problem. could we have changed the course of the climate to much in this area, which is here as new series died. last futures in the the
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full command you're watching out of here on that's reminded on top stories. the sound, thousands of thousands of celebration is all fits or with pres at the out some of the compound and occupied extortion and gaza press all the house on the streets a rough time because this really strikes have destroyed itself. and despite the holiday, and these really only has not forced, it's as strides on calls on an attack on a residential talent. and we all understand what questions you attempt to kill 13 people. first of the victims for women and children who as president, try 5. meanwhile, his levels, new criticism as rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu, in an interview with the us pulled costa, he said that israel's actions and gaza are in the states and nationally on here's the coolest thing spot. the whole, the certainly is only on the permanent 3 rapids support forces have now been fighting for almost a year. the contract has kills more than $12000.00 sudanese,
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causing widespread devastation food shortages under refugee crisis. moving 10000000 children in the country have been living even in an active was, i know dangerously close to the fighting. have a moving reports not from got a risk in eastern, so don't a what's used to be a school classroom is now home to death for the and her family. they fled here to duka and go out of state 3 months to go after the parent, military rapids support forces or r s f took over, wouldn't make any states capital of to the, to the sounds of the word on the road, a lot of explosions and we were at a fruit this day. we got into a wood car to leave baton out of fuel and have to stay out in the open for days. there was no food, no water insects, because it took us many days to get out of the state and to don't go. dozens of other families have also thoughts refuge in this school. one of many in the states turned into sensors for displaced people. some came from the capital hard to win.
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the battle for control of sudan started a year ago between the city news army and the rest half to the united nations says at least 20 percent of the population has been displaced within the complete borders. another 1500000 people are refugees in neighboring countries, making this the largest displacement crisis in the world. for a 1000000 of those displace our children the most in any country. among them are what about they could a song and they were forced to leave her to during the 1st days of the conflict. her eldest son had to drop out of school. as a result. he keeps talking about his friends who live in the same neighborhood. we used to live in and why they got the chance to finish their school year before the war started. but he didn't. they wrote out a cartoon, was tough, and we didn't have food. the children kept crying, and he kept asking when he's going to finish the school year. the us refugee agency
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says the needs of the displaced are huge, but there's little the response to the international appeal for help. but it's in with a very limited for and not young. uh huh. resources we continue to provide the protection and basic assistance to the id piece affected by a population, but also the to the house. uh, community. uh, we also hope that the, with the doing our support will be able to do more. we are aware of what we are providing that really doesn't want to match with the actual needs. they just says what you really need is to be able to return to her home. but the 2nd year of fighting has begun and there's no ends inside to the conflict or too many. so denise, reclaiming what they lost any time soon. he but morgan, alta 0, the body of eastern, so down around, supremely, the company has led aid presenter on hughes to speech, to quote,
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for retaliation against israel for its attack on the rain inconsiderate building in syria. see me a minute to come on his account and not attack on april fast enough and will not speak to a correspondent also jabari. she's in your brand new capitol tower on for us. there was a assuming a declaration of vengeance on this religious holiday that certainly anastasio the supreme leader a use that the occasion to deliver accusations, threats, and warnings to israel. ali harmony as spoke with solemn aust, care in her on the following each prayers. and she use the opportunity to highlights 2 crimes. he said that has been committed by israeli forces and officials. he said that the blood shed, the continued over the holy month of ramadan, has left a bitter need for muslims around the world. he also said that the western countries not only have not done anything to stop the massacre of thousands, but they both so aided the occupying power. and the 2nd crime he accused israel of
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was the strike that was carried out in damascus on april 1st, which killed 7 revolutionary guard officials. he had the following to say on that. the bees a still book at the wicked zion, this regime made another mistake. and staged in an attack on the wrong consulate, which means that attack on the country's soil, a violation of international normal, it made a mistake and the regime needs to be punished and will be punished very. so the question now is a clearly iran has to respond when and how remains to be seen. but the commander in chief of the countries on force has made it very clear that israel has attacked error on, on its own soil by that strike in damascus on april. first, we're waiting to see how and when iran will respond, that is no longer a question of if, but rather when joseph jabari, there was a racist for us from tyrone the thank you to answer least 5 people have been killed
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off to a fire and tore through a high rise apartment, building in hong kong, thousands of others were also injured. the 5 broke house on wednesday morning in the jordan neighborhood. it has since been extinguished. the way things agency fits has downgraded china solver and credit raising to negative. the chinese economy is facing growing uncertainty and it's shift to new course levels. aging says it's disappointed with a decision. continue has gone down from beijing. what happens you see just last month, chinese president student paying rolled out the red carpet for american executives visiting paycheck. and in germany and denmark, chinese officials has been hotter, look, coaxing companies to invest more. the campaign to attract overseas business comes as foreign direct investment o f. d. i shrank by almost 20 percent. and the 1st 2 months of the year, according to government tickets. many overseas companies are concerned by the
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struggle to revive spending of to district locked out of the corporate 19 pandemic tensions. but the west and national security credit doubts on for and due diligence funds that obviously is going to contribute to a, a why to on set and see a month from businesses and investors about how secure their an operations are within china. the government has downplayed the dropped, saying the country remains a good prospect. the international business start from china is big market is increasingly becoming a beek of a tentative for the rest of the world. we believe that for you, from the prizes that choose to invest in china and develop extensively in china, will definitely win in china. exactly. earlier this year it expanded visa, free entry for several european and asian nations and announce to measures to make it easier for overseas funds to do business here. but some industry players say badging needs to do more to even the playing field. i hope that it has become,
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came out to us. so it is that that is that we are approaching now in the way that at china is a perceived oh, have lost faith in china is prospects. so multinational companies including apple, continue to rely on chinese sales and wall investments from japan and south korea has plummeted. those from france and the united kingdom have increased. staging is working hard to increase confidence and it's slowing. economy was approved and the government says it's transitioning to a higher policy to rely less exports and more on high tech development. but many consumers and investors remain on such it's about china's future. katrina, you, i'll to 0. well, the leaders of the us and japan. amazing and washington laser on wednesday to discussing mutual security concerns, namely china. but even as they work together as allies,
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a japanese steel companies bid to buy an american 5 is facing fish resistance. kristin, swing the reports from the top of one hole in pennsylvania. the united states steel company has been part of the landscape of western pennsylvania for over 100 years. its presence remains larger than life, even as many of its mills have closed or relocated and its workforce dwindled. at the local union hall, those steel workers who remain c, a japanese companies, plans to acquire us still as a be trail by management. us still should stay us so plain and simple. it's in the name nothing, i guess, no japanese company or whatever it is. but i can always take your house, you know what i mean? last december nippon steel agreed to pay nearly $15000000000.00 for the company and also promised to maintain the workforce and the company name. but like the union, local politicians aren't on board. take john feder, man, us senator,
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who lives across the street from a mil. it's absolutely outrages that they have sold themselves to a for nation. other lawmakers have written to the white house encouraging the administration to examine new pods, financial ties to china as a national security threat. china now surpasses the united states as the world's largest steel producer. to fully appreciate local opposition to the plan, you have to understand the history of us steel. this 12000 tons press once made the armor plates for american battleships during world war 2. and it was on one of those ships that the japanese signed the articles of surrender ending the war. that press now sits as a memorial in the shopping center parking lot. it was here that the largest steel mill in the world operated until 1986 in the last decade. however, us still has backtracked on plans to modernize local facilities. the question is which of these potential buyers may or may not re,
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invest in the plants here in the region? because without a lot of re investment, they really won't be around much longer. natasha has promised to invest an additional $1400000000.00 to grow the company. but union leaders are skeptical and they have political power and an election year. any responsible politician should go against this deal if it's going to have put our country at risk infrastructure wise or defense wise, president joe biden and former president donald trump have both spoken out against the purchase, which company shareholders will vote on later this month. kristin salumi al jazeera western pennsylvania. the light scanner is coming in and has released your video showing ecuadorian police storming. it's embassy and key to the right has strong international condemnation. many countries say violates the vienna convention on to prologic relations of correspondence on homeland has went off from mexico city
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show can video of the rate of the mexican embassy and keep the bike with during security full. this is last friday release permits cruise president. the video is edited and set to music. it shows and ecuador in place, climbing over the bowls, then forcing the way into the building. they were looking for one to mind from ecuador and vice president quarter. hey, glass, twice convicted of corruption. mexico just grunted imbecile. and they seized, encouraged him out, the embassy, shoving and knocking the mexican head of mission, rebecca to concert, go to the ground as he tried stilton sending the president under his manual lopez over the door says that the seizure and the storming of the embassy is against international law, so that the seal, this is about a violation, you know, not just against the sovereignty of our country, but the right of a silence, the right of all countries to protect their embassy, to show that seat who did it most of the latin american region agrees with the nice young this countries on the left,
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on the right from brazil to watch and tina condemned deck with those actions and the organization of american states. the o a s began on choose day 2 days of meetings to address the incident and the rules for diplomatic relations unassigned them. very much speaking of the way as meeting a quinoa is representative, remain defiant, saying that screwed violates the principle of non intervention by protecting glasses. it is not legal to grant asylum through those people who has been convicted or under indictment for crimes or by regular competent courts. we hope that mexico would comply with these rules when it came to mister glass, and we can see that they did not respect us and he can not in any way be considered as a political prisoner at the white house. on tuesday, the national security advisor condemned dec windows accessories. we've reviewed the security camera footage from the mexican embassy and believe these actions were
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wrong. the ecuadorian government disregarded its obligations under international law as a host state to respect the invite lability of diplomatic missions and jeopardize the foundation of basic diplomatic dorms and relationships. noble they most scandals tell. yeah, most cases it's now reading its case to go to the international court. just this is for you, john, home, and i'll just say the mexico citizens and columbia. hundreds of people have rallied in the capital to support the form this proposed by left as president gustavo petra, the purchased as they're angry because the senate rejected some of those proposals last week. now one of the most controversial bills is changes to the health care sector. in terms of giving the state more control over the health care budget and staying in columbia prosecutions have announced that a former president of our rebate will stand trial on charges of witness. tampering
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for the prosecution say that a rebate attempt to discredit accusations that he had. ties to right wing power miller trees believe it has the line to be accusations a sound around because he reports now from longer time. as a colombian prosecutor presented a written statement of accusation to the supreme court requesting to bring former president oliver with us to trial in any investigation that's been ongoing for many years now. and he says the prosecutor that he found enough evidence that the allegedly shows that it would event and his lawyers tried to pay witnesses at to change their testimony. accusing 40 about having ties to right wing paramilitaries . since the start of this investigation in case that he has maintained is in a sense and that until now he has managed at to avoid going at the trial. that is changed now for a number of reasons. but essentially, this is
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a case that has deeply divided the columbia, and it has been very polarizing politically, because colombians are very divided on at the legacy of a former presidents. that would even critics say that a lot a lot has to do with the fact that the previous attorney general of the country francisco bought a both a with theme as of a close ally of out of i don't. what do you wish him, dad? he did everything in his power to try and avoid the sending him to trial so much so that to prosecutors that investigated the case earlier ask or actually i asked the court to shelve the case completely. and the court has to rule against the prosecution. but that has changed now because there's a new attorney general sense to me as much in the country. and i knew prosecutor that as looked at the evidence what this all means is that now oliver would you, but will be the 1st former president in the history of the country to face criminal
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charges. i listened that i'm get the i just and you know, but with that i phone and then as well an oil minister has been arrested on charges of corruption. thomas l. i saw me resigned last year just days before senior government officials and business leaders were arrested and an investigation into international oil sales. the us designation assigned me as a drug king pen back in 2017. during his time has been as well as interior minister . of course in south africa has ruled that former president jacobs during that time run in next month's parliament tree elections. he had challenged an earlier decision by the electoral commission which followed him from standing because of a contempt of court conviction. zoom is representing a new political passing after denouncing the governing african national congress that he wants to lead. am i calling 3 and obligate at spoke to hydro lodging. she is a political editor with business day newspaper in south africa. she says that zoom is decision to participate in these elections has come as
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a big surprise to many. it was certainly not expected as much when she is your service, as a journalist in south africa and change them too much continues to leave us in the shop and or as a judge during his 9 years as president of south africa. so that we get is really has actual crossroads. it's just a want to should moments. and so that because democracy which reaches videos and a few days time. okay, we'll get into the water said moments in a moment, but just 1st i mean how, how is this decision being explains, particularly after zoom out was banned from running and these elections, so basically the same, the ports of house as soon as appeal of the i d. c, that's the initial divisions. decision to bother him because the highest court in the land sentenced him to 15 years in 15 months,
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in jail for being an attempt to quote, we now understand the position a little bit better because the court jacob semester, who is argued before the court, that he only subbed 3 months of that 15. my extension's i'm that's the 15 my extension's is rendered irrelevant. we always knew this was going to be a very litigious connection in south africa, which with every decision by the i use the and every result contested. and to just such and the proving to be that way. at least 38 people have dies off to avoid count sized off the coast stitching beauty and was on its way as a young man. and all the 22 people have been rescued. diversity is a main transit country for migrants from ethiopia and somalia, who are trying to reach gulf nations. the last of the head here on under the nobel prize winning physicist whose theories changed how we understand that of time
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the welcome back nobel prize winning physicist piece of higgs, who's a theory is explained how natural was formed has died at the age of 946 proposed the existence of a so called god particle back in 1964. he argued that one particle could explain how all the stars and planets in the universe applies not us off to the big bang and a 14000000000 years ago. the existence of the pasco was confirmed by experiments at
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the launch hadron collider in 2012. lawrence cross is a theoretical physicist and he says that he says, discovery was ground breaking, helping us understand how universe works. this allows us to understand to before forces in nature and unify them in a single theory. it helped us understand processes, ultimately in the early universe. it helps us understand where we came from and how we arose. it's really knowledge and, and not all knowledge has to bruce better toasters or faster cars is part of what is remarkable about being human is that which we hear on this lowly stack in the middle of nowhere, but somehow into it something about nature that seems so hidden, the origin of mass itself, that we're able to understand that is really remarkable. and i think we should celebrate the spirit and the human intellect. and of course, you know, i just thought your vision is part of it. all the people have gone is that it has lots to be fast as a voucher in this age, holiday often move in 6 months of all,
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there is additional food and most of the goals and strip has been reduced to rubble . but people and rough are still doing your best to keep traditions alive and challenging, has. c despite the horrors of israel's war on gaza at this toy shopping girlfriend, children and adults seek a bit of fun. us and customers are looking for gifts to give during what's supposed to be a festive season. the shopkeeper committed, somebody says this and i'm up on an even fit the are nothing like years past the. there is no joy or appetite for celebrating the whole the occasions, even children, they have no interest in choice as it wasn't the best. this is the worst season we have ever left. a sentiment resoundingly echoed throughout the series market. at this clothing store, sales would typically be booming in the final days of from a gone. but this year,
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it's different than the last year we used to keep our shop to open until the early hours of the next morning. throughout the month of ramadan. these days will put 10 am to close at 5 pm. there are about 1500000 displays, palestinian sheltering in the southern gaza city over they are among those most in need. we are suffering on all fronts. people can hardly survive, can hardly feed that families. we no longer think of aid or celebration or any other form of joy. and while joy may be in short supply, it doesn't stop others from doing all they can to uphold some holiday traditions, were less or less annoying. honestly, it's very tough, especially staying in a tent instead of our house in this warm weather. however, we're trying our best to uplift ourselves. we're attempting to create the aid in the sphere by making heat cakes, which has been very challenging. imagine preparing 8 cakes when there is no water
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or food available with some and gaza, now facing famine and wood worries only increasing with israel's promise. ground invasion and profile may start at any time. finding the right ingredients to make the spice holiday suite has been extremely difficult to most of us. yeah, we are using very basic ingredients. we used to buy the ingredients at an affordable price. however, everything is now expensive. so medina and dates are now way more expensive. so we are trying, for instance, to use less data based to stuff the cookies, as well as reducing vicki, the flour and other ingredients that are now scarce. but in this makeshift shelter, scarcity is no match for resilience. where these palestinian women and girls find little solace, but do everything in their power to find and give a bit of comfort. how much i'm doing. i just hear all that set for me and installs
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it today for this. here is alex, and i'll be back in just a couple of minutes with a lot to him for you to stay with us on the system. a little boat is a mechanic or even that self driving train. the vehicle that androids today can be deliberately human. only robot lightning will be everywhere, which is 0 documentary. which to the lead on the weird and wonderful world of robot . one thing for you and even trucks, i feel like i'm alive, but i know i am a machine origin of this, which is the latest news as it breaks during her remarks, the us ambassador made a curious and surprising comment, saying that the resolution would be non binding with detailed coverage in the hospital in garza city to have very good dates on the grounds. the graves board,
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overt gauze, are not from the house of the story. one and 3 it's children is suffering from a cue of mountain nutrition. and health officials are saying around 60000 of pregnant women are suffering to for the hydration over 30 years of to the signing onto 0. 1 tells the behind the scenes the story of nor wasteful in the oslo accords . they wanted to have what they present deniability and reveals how the secret negotiations skewed his phone decided to call back to talk the terms of the negotiations and why they're still far from delivering. and 4th was the price of those analogies. here, there is no channel that covers the world to use like we do. the scale of this house is like nothing ever. but we want to know how these things affect people. we revisit please state even when there are no international houses are really
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invested in that. and that's a privilege. as a journalist, the praying for peace muslims in gaza also he'd pres in the middle of destroyed homes. the hello i'm this donkey. attain this is out of the red line from dell homes, also coming palestinians and the loss of family members killed in this range, striking on a refugee camp in central guys. most of levels keep rising in southern russia in the west flooding and decades will have a live update.


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