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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 10, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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all the . ready train share piece, palestinians and gaza. all you've pressed in the middle of destroyed homes the the attain, this is under the right line from government also coming out of thing. and lots of family members killed in his rating strikes on a refugee camp. central bar, post clothes and south korea's parliamentary elections with the rising cost of living on the health care crisis, top of vs. and with the contract ensued on approaching here. a report from a classroom with children are now taking shelter rather than
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the beginning. and the goal is this trip for a palestinian muslims, unlocking and around the don flagship, as has gathered for each officer pres and the southern city of rasa. as you can see, president how that in the streets, because there's really strikes, have destroyed thousands of mosques, about one and a half 1000000. the space palestinians are sheltering in that city. the united nations that says many will not be able to celebrate because of the war and the shortage of food. well, despite the holiday, is really army has not to post. it's as strength overnight. an attack on a residential talent and the owners say about refuge account killed 14 people in central garza, most of the victims were women and children have a couple of there and has went out from rough. a med, this unfortunate then the destruction of most residential houses, of course, the territory palestinians. all gathering here today to celebrate the arrival of
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aids of puts up and also to perform the prayers of aids of books are in most few i do need recent sadness. they have used to welcome this event each year with ultimate happiness and rejoicing. but this year seems to be a complete extrude injury for the majority of constance who are right now, living an unprecedented deterioration of their humanitarian and find themselves conditions. we are completely right now here to share a for you what the palestinians are rejoicing that trying to do the best to please the kids, the families by buying them. guests please them with, does that, but right now the loan got to do so as the is very ongoing military offensive on the golf. this trip has changed. the majority of milestones, living, of course, the territory power cup. as do, i would just say rough, rough, southern guns, i don't keep heidi's tourist and wash of his gather to eat. pres, at the,
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i like some of the compound him on con, was the a present now of a and it has been a subdued atlas that hit the lot. so most comp time just like the thousands of people that have actually come to visit and there's 2 reasons for that. firstly, the restrictions. you can probably just say the police over that they're checking the id of young man, the restrictions, all of this man over the age of 60 are allowed to come. women over the age of 50 are allowed to come know on a very few people are either from the occupied westbank being allowed to come here . but still thousands of people have arrived. they've given the price and they've offered that price for the people of garza. that's the real reason that things also subdued here that the atlas van isn't like it would be normally people who are hoping for a c spy. that was supposed to be a drama on c spy. that sees why it didn't come to
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a policy. those negotiations are still ongoing and the people are hoping that that might be, that could be that hosting for a breakthrough in the coming days. everyone called out 0. yeah. like so most compound occupied east jerusalem was, is there a has gained access to the devastated city of con eunice off to the withdrawal of israeli troops on sunday. moving asia bodies have been recovered. many of them had been lying under the rumble for weeks. and delford already has this report from the ruined city, where the scale of the destruction is on me now and launching. so, we're currently in a bus, an in the city of con eunice. the destruction is mazda, if we have been talking to people and we have been going to them with them to their houses, they say that there is nothing left in the only reason why people are not going back to their houses is for 2 main reasons. the 1st reason is there is no
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infrastructure, there's no electricity, as there is no water, like even if they want to put and sets up. there's tons, here, everywhere is rubble and rocks and it needs very big and huge equipments to clean up the area for them to put their tense. and the 2nd thing is that they do not trust that is ready forces to in phase one units. once again, just like they did in the north of the gods, a city in garza where they storm of just the hospital after they withdrawn from the area. as you see, people are coming back trying to take what ever is left from their houses, some clothes, some lemons, some blankets. as you see, the streets are completely demolished. the is for its structure has been severely damaged and everyone is telling us they do not recognize their houses. they do not
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recognize their areas where these neighborhoods have been to these, to the bombs and, and, and, and like, flocked into the ground of the people. and the residents of her newness, are all very frustrated. they're all very depressed from a month of destruction in their city. they're saying that they can't go back to their houses because there's simply no houses. if the house was not bombed, it's burned. if it's not burned, it's partially damaged. and despite that is where these withdrawals from this area . they're still homeless and this paste. this isn't the who, the odyssey to us on, eunice, who meanwhile us president, reviving, has spoken out against these really prime ministers policies on garza, in an interview with an american spanish language board constant by the said, the benjamin netanyahu should call a state fund immediately. patrick on hand has worn off from washington dc. i know
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this could be a very interesting comment from us president joe biden. he was doing an interview with univision, trying to show up that some some of his support was latino voters where he has been lagging in his re election campaign. so there was mostly domestic questions, but there was one question on the. busy were in gaza, the reporter asked if the president believe that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu was more concerned with political survival. then the interest of israel now important perspective. this happened shortly after there was that attack that we know by the was outraged by on the world central kitchen staff. but so put that in context. and the question was, as far as we know, was very angry in that moment. but here's what he had to say. so i think what he's doing is a mistake. i don't agree with his i think it's outrages that those for the 1st 3 vehicles were hit by new towns and taken out on the highway where it wasn't like it
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was along. the sure wasn't like it was a con. we moved here center. so i would i call it for is for the israel is to just call for a ceasefire. allow for the next $68.00 weeks total access to all food and medicine going into the country. i've spoken with every move from the studies to the jordanians today. and champions, they're prepared to move in, are prepared to move this food in. and i think present vendor there's no excuse to not provide for the medical and the, and the, and the food needs of those people they should be done. now, what could be important here is that you as president biden has always said that there should be a ceasefire in exchange for trading of the captives. now if you just misspeak, as he sometimes does, and then he stop comes out and says, well, you didn't mean that it's not a change of policy. we'll know more on wednesday cuz we expect to hear from
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president binding himself of the press conference at. so we'll see if this is a change of policy, but he's definitely sending the message that he is angry with the way is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been conducting this war on gossip particularly algebra. washington certainly is foreign minister penny wong says high country is considering recognizing a palestinian state. she says a 2 state solution is the only hope to break the cycle of violence. we enough so to use on from the oslo accords. so to use on from the quotes, the quotes have a student in stifles at the end of a process. and the family of this approach bio policies are the decades as well as the netanyahu governments, few refusal to even engage on the question of a palestinian state have caused watch, paid frustration. so the international community is now considering the question,
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the palestinian statehood as a way of building momentum tools to start solution. the certainly is only on the permanent true rapid support forces has now been fighting for nearly again. the contract has kills more than 12000 people and displaced about 8000000 more. it's cost wide spread devastation, food shortages, and regional refugee crisis. have been moving reports from get r s and eastern. so don't way humanitarian groups are running out of age a. what's used to be a school classroom is now home to death for the and her family. they fled here to duka and go out of state 3 months to go after the parent, military rapids support forces or r s f took over what made any the states capital of to the, to the, the sound for the, for the data, the word on there with a lot of explosions and we were at a fruit this day. we got into
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a wood car to leave, but turn out to fuel and have to stay out in the open for days. there was no food, no water insects, because it took us many days to get out of the state and to don't go. dozens of other families have also thoughts refuge in this school. one of many in the states turned into sensors for displaced people. some came from the capital hard to win. the battle for control of sudan started a year ago between the city news army and the rest half to the united nations says at least 20 percent of the population has been displaced within the country borders . another 1500000 people are refugees in neighboring countries, making this, the largest displacement crisis in the world. for a 1000000 of those displace our children the most in any country among them or what did. but they could a song that they were forced to leave her to during the 1st days of the conflict. her eldest son had to drop out of school. as a result,
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he keeps talking about his friends who live in the same neighborhood. we used to live in and why they got the chance to finish their school year before the war started. but he didn't. they wrote out a cartoon, was tough, and we didn't have food. the children kept crying, and he kept asking when he's going to finish the school year. the us refugee agency says the needs of the displaced are huge, but there's little the response to the international appeal for help. but the thing with a very limited and not young uh, resources, we continue to provide the protection and basic assistance to the id piece for this population, but also the to the house uh community. uh, we also hope that the, with the doing our support will be able to do more. we are a with that's what we are providing really those a month to months with the actual needs. they just says what you really need is to
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be able to return to her home. but the 2nd year of fighting has begun and there's no end in sight to the conflict or too many. so denise, reclaiming what they lost any time soon. he but morgan, alta 0, the body of eastern, so down at least capacity a paper has died off the boat, capsized off the coast of beauty. it was on its way to you and then 22 people that have been rescued. how's your machine is the main transit kind of free from like rents from ethiopia, and somalia, who are trying to reach gulf nations of many of them, women, children, and even babies unfortunately lost their lives. when this boat capsized, at least 22 people have survived an iowa in, in coordination. and partnership with local authorities is helping to respond to the needs of those who survive. and of course help them to deal with the form of that they are facing. the most and levels of still rising in southern russia to euro's and thoughts of siberia all seeing the west flooding and decades. users
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couples oliver has this update for us from the city of oscar boats and the streets instead of calls and pedestrians empty houses and shops. the city of ols along with many of the settlements and rushes or in the region facing severe flooding, imagines the services police and the ami a working non stop to evacuate people. they have no problem. i have seen that i bought on us realized probably the most active work was carried out in the 1st isn't ours, of the high waters. most people did not believe there was a real transfer from the bought to begin entering houses and reaching waste deep level. people be gone to where we want the west of the flooding and also the lease to have boxed but the situation remains diet. this as well, the streets of the city of oscar looks like right now. it's only taking a few hours to turn the city streets into canals, grim and isolated. so as the late stage of the q
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a is not of these imagines the crews are returning to the affected areas to deliver a to those still here and collect documents won't close and medicines for those. if actuated many residents in these apartment blocks tries to stay in the homes despite having no electricity, gas, or clean drinking goals. so just somebody bureau and you could, you went through people's 1st needs are water and batteries. we bring power bank so that people can charge their phones and are able to call the rescue service, send you what they have, come on, we walk as a theme. one risk you are is not at a school. we are all was one of those whose houses had been destroyed by volta, i think taken to the temporary accommodation senses like this one. it's been set top in a school while students study remotely, due to the flooding. i'm putting the look what are they received as well here and gave us everything for i'll stay, they feed us full times a day and it's also so clean. here is a source. he's
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a promising to issue one time payments for those affected, as well as a compensation for damages which are still to any to assess. but for many, the future seems to be very unsettling. you there shall bob oliver ultra 0 force lasha or a neighboring catholic style moving 96000 people have also been moved to safety. they've regions me of the role and trouble ridge rivers are already some nonsense with our to say that water levels, whereas me to is and just a matter of hours, nearly 70 residential areas and i'll cut off from the rest of the country and i'll still head here, few on houses here. aging is working hard to increase confidence and it's slowing economy plus a broad ad pool is on the measures that china is taking to attract foreign investments. and the potential japanese takeover of us face to face has growing on positions from unions and politicians. the
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color, i think, will say a little more on the web shabby ranges coming to know the positive tar landfill allows indo china lousy troy. having said that, you can see that sunshine stretching right down is a good pots of vietnam, but the shell was never really too far away, one or 2 shelves to enter the fil a piece. but a lot of fine, dry and sunny weather biggest down polls will continue across malaysia and particularly into a good part of indonesia, more the same as we go one through friday in front of the shelves, a little further south into the northwest of australia. the remnants of trouble satisfied all the bringing some heavy showers. gale force winds for a time just around the pill. bra, other side of the country. we've got quite a nasty area, fly pressure that brought some really big ways. 9 me to waste just around the new
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south wales coast. have a lots of lots of a very, a windy weather as well. winds gusting in excess of a 100 kilometers per hour. that area of low pressure will drive this way towards these either because that's a full nazena, particularly across the south side and what we will see some very heavy right? orange one is in 4th across the south kind of in that west to weather sweeping across a little past when the weather too, as we go on through friday. meanwhile, it is cheering. got frustrated. yeah. dry, bright and sunny to the southeast. unique for spencer. that's the place in subs. does. they told the palestinians to go to on heard voices, to humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, even upon proceed with the landscape. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable horror as to really a lot about what's happening because of the tasks and media attention the stream on
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out to 0. news the welcome back to watching alger 0. that's remind you about top story is the sound. thousands of palestinians celebration is i was fits or was pres, be i lots and lots of compounds and will keep my distribution in garza presence in house on the streets of rough because there's really strikes have destroyed doesn't despite the whole the same, these really ami has not paused, it's as strikes on concept, an attack on a residential talent and we understand what refugee camps kill 13 people. most of the victims were women and children,
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us present and turbine has spoken out against as really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. in an interview with the us pulled costa, he said that israel's actions and gaza are in state of submission. yeah. here's a court, a c spot immediately opposed to have just closed in south korea is parliamentary elections with votes is have chosen 300 national assembly representative the sort as long as the same as a mid term referendum on president units of fuels administration. his approval ratings were low going into these polls. soaring, faint prices and the health care crisis course by adopt a strikeout among some of the biggest issues for versus well, let's bring in eunice kenji has been keeping an eye on the version for us out of paulding station. and so, you know, sort polls just closed in the last 20 minutes or so, but i understand we are already getting some exit phone number to yeah, that's right. those polls have closed, we're back in the office. now those ballot boxes are on their way to be counted
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according to the election washed on each file. it will be counted at least twice once by a machine another by had to ensure that not a single ballot goes and accounted for. even if it takes a little bit of time now, as you say, it is very early on, but according to exit polls commission by the top 3 terrestrial tv stations here in south korea, what we do know is that the president's party, the people a power party has failed to secure a majority of the seats at the national assembly as it has aimed to do. now that means the main opposition democratic party, which is led by using some years previous, fierce presidential rival ease him young of 2 years ago. is positioned to keep its majority of seeds at the national assembly though it remains to be seen by how much but holding a simple majority of the seeds is ever more important at
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a time where cross party dialogue or negotiation is quickly becoming a thing of the past unit, as you say, it's still early days, but has there been any reaction to what you've been seeing there in terms of exit polls? it does feel like it's it's a broadly a reaction to the disillusionment around president young's government. yeah, you're right. we got some snapshots of, of various party headquarters just minutes ago, and we saw a sea of jubilant blue. that is the color of the democratic party and red jacketed people, power party, people who are, who did not have happy faces on. certainly this is not the way that the president's party and present use on your wanted to kick off the 2nd half of his single 5 year term. the question now then is how much of the national assemblies 300 seats, the opposition block will have secured the magic number being 200 seats,
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as 2 thirds of parliament is able to override presidential vetoes and also motion for an impeachment, something that has come up during this very vitriol like election campaign, very interesting and a huge amount at stake in south korea today. eunice, can that for us with all the lice has thank you. and at least 5 people have been killed off to a fire tour through a high rise apartment building and hong kong. dozens of others are also injured. that fire broke out on wednesday morning in the jordan neighborhood. it has since been extinguished is raising the agency fits, has downgraded at china, is credit raising to negative the economy is facing growing uncertainty. foreign direct investment promises to a t l. o. last month. the government says it's disappointed by the decision as katrina, who reports now from beijing. what happened last month that chinese president
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student paying rolled out the red carpet for american executives visiting paycheck . and in germany and denmark, chinese officials has been hotter, look, coaxing companies to invest more. the campaign to attract overseas business comes as foreign direct investment o f. d. i shrank by almost 20 percent. and the 1st 2 months of the year, according to government figures. many overseas companies are concerned by the struggle to revive spending of to district locked out of the corporate 19 pandemic tensions. but the west and national security credit doubts on for and due diligence fence that obviously is going to contribute to a, a why to on set and see a month from businesses and investors about how secure there are no peroration within china. the government has downplayed the dropped, saying the country remains a good prospect. the international business start from china is big market is increasingly becoming a beek of
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a tentative for the rest of the world. we believe that for you, from the prizes that choose to invest in china and develop extensively in china, will definitely win in china. exactly. earlier this year it expanded visa, free entry for several european and asian nations and announce to measures to make it easier for overseas funds to do business here. but some industry players say badging needs to do more to even the playing field. i hope that it has become clear now to authority, is that that is that we are approaching now in the way that at china is a perceived oh, have most a is in china is prospects. so multinational companies including apples, continue to rely on chinese sales. and wall investments from japan and south korea has plummeted. those from france and the united kingdom have increased. staging is working hard to increase confidence and it's flowing economy both abroad. and the
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government says it's transitioning to a higher policy to rely less exports and more on high tech development. but many consumers and investors remain on such it's about china's future. katrina, you, i'll to 0. well, the leaders of the us in japan. amazing. and washington, later on wednesday to discuss mutual security concerns, namely china. but even as they work together as allies, a japanese steel companies bid to buy an american 5 is facing face resistance. christians bring the reports, not from the town of men who in pennsylvania, in the united states, steel company has been part of the landscape of western pennsylvania for over 100 years. its presence remains larger than life, even as many of its mills have closed or relocated and its work force dwindled at the local union hall, those steel workers who remain c, a japanese companies,
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plans to acquire us steel as a bi trail by management, us still should stay us so plain and simple. it's in the name. nothing, i guess. no japanese company or whatever it is. but i can always take your how if you know what, i mean last december nip on steel. agreed to pay nearly $15000000000.00 for the company. it also promised to maintain the workforce and the company name, but like the union, local politicians aren't on board take, johns betterment, us senator, who lives across the street from a mil. it's absolutely outrages that they have sold themselves to a 4 nation. other lawmakers have written to the white house encouraging the administration to examine new pods, financial ties to china as a national security threat. china now surpasses the united states as the world's largest steel producer. to fully appreciate local opposition to the plan, you have to understand the history of us. still this 12000 ton press once may be
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armor plates for american battleships during world war 2. and it was on one of those ships that the japanese signed the articles of surrender ending the war that press now states as a memorial in a shopping center parking lot. it was here that the largest steel mill in the world operated until 1986. in the last decade, however, us steel has back tracked on plans to modernize local facilities. the question is, which of these potential buyers may or may not re, invest in the plants here in the region? because without a lot of re investment, they really won't be around much longer natal as promised to invest an additional $1400000000.00 to grow the company. but union leaders are skeptical and they have political power in an election year. any responsible politician should go against this deal if it's going to have put our country at risk infrastructure wise or defense wise, president joe biden and former president donald trump have both spoken out against
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the purchase, which company shareholders will vote on later this month. kristin salumi al jazeera western pennsylvania. a former venezuelan oil minister has been arrested on charges of corruption tarik lifetime. he resigned last in just stays before senior government officials and business speed as what arrested and an investigation into international oil sales for us to as a designated assault me as a drug, a king ping in 2017. during his time as when his weight is interior minister all the people have cause i don't have much to be festive about during this. eat holiday. often move in 6 months of was there is level food and most of the strip has been reduced to rubble. but people in roughly doing their best to keep traditions a life lama challenging has been despite the horrors of israel's war on gaza at this toy shop and the fine children and adults seek a bit of fun. us and customers are looking for gifts to give during what's supposed
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to be a festive season. the shopkeeper committed, somebody says this and i'm upon and ready to fit the are nothing like years past the. there is no joy or appetite for celebrating the whole the occasions, even children, they have no interest in choice as it wasn't the best. this is the worst season we have ever left. a sentiment resoundingly echoed throughout the series market. at this clothing store sales would typically be booming in the final days of from a gone. but this year, it's different than the last year we used to keep our shop to open until the early hours of the next morning. throughout the month of ramadan. these days be open at 10 am to close at 5 pm. there are about 1500000 displaced, palestinian sheltering in the southern gaza city over they are among those most in need.


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