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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 10, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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that are right, never seen before, and that's all been assigned to the biggest crow system in the world. we're seeing this back to back here upon year. the reef needs many years to recover from these heat waves and it's just not getting it. the train for peace, palestinian muslims and gaza ups of ead in the middle of destroyed homes for many this it has been a day of morning officer and it's rarely falling overnight. killed people in central uninstall the attain, this is out of their life. and also coming attorney chang on the time in boulder with fighting continues for this vital for the
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crossing. kind of votes of being counted exit polls and south korea's parliamentary elections suggests the government could face a devastating loss. the millions of lessons around the world, unlocking the ease of fitter holiday, which signifies the end of the fostering holy month of ramadan palestinians across calls of it hasn't been much to celebrate yet despite months of devastation, families all coming together to observe the special holiday worship is gathered for even such a pres in the southern city of rafa. as you can see that pres, have been held in the streets because is really strikes have destroyed thousands of laws about one and a half 1000000. the space palestinians are sheltering and not 50 alien and occupied the story. some worship is gathered there for pres, at the i like some of the compound, but is there any forces also in force,
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severe restrictions on palestinians trying to access that most tar couple of them has worn out from rough. this is this on the 1st and then the destruction of most residential houses, of course, the territory palestinians. all gathering here today to celebrate the arrival of aids of puts up and also to perform the prayers of angels puts her in with few. i do need grief on sadness. they have used to welcome this event each year with ultimate happiness and rejoicing. but this year seems to be a complete extrude injury for the majority of constance who are right now, living an unprecedented deterioration of their humanitarian and find themselves conditions. we are completely right now here to share with you what the palestinians are rejoicing that trying to do the best to please the kids, the families by buying them. guests please them with visits,
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but right now they're no longer to do so as the is very ongoing military defensive on the golf. this trip has changed. the majority of milestones, living, of course, the territory power cup as the out. just a rough, rough, southern guns that allows you mentioned the wash, if, as all the also gather, if eat, pres at. yeah, lots and lots compound and correspond to him on con, was that as a present now of a and it has been a subdued atlas that hit the lot. so most compound, just like the thousands of people that i've actually come to visit and there's 2 reasons for that. firstly, the restrictions. you can probably just say the police over the they're checking the id of young man, the restrictions, all of this man over the age of 60 are allowed to come. women over the age of 50 are allowed to come know on a very few people are all of that from the occupied. westbank being allowed to come here, but still thousands of people have arrived. they've given that price and they've
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offered that price for the people of garza. that's the real reason that things also subdued here that the atmosphere isn't like it would be normally people who are hoping for a c spy. that was supposed to be a drama on c spy. that says why it didn't come to a policy. those negotiations are still ongoing and the people are hoping that that might be, that could be there hoping for a break through in the coming days. everyone called out 0. yeah. like some most confound, occupied east jerusalem on despite the holiday this read it on the it has not paused. it's as strikes as an ice and attack on a residential talent and the younger sarah refuge account until the 14 people in central garza, most of the victims where women and children on us. presidents are 5 and has spoken out against d as really prime minister as policies on casa, in an interview with an american spanish language for costa and buys and said that
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benjamin netanyahu should, quote, a safe spot. immediately. patrick hall hand has worn out from washington, dc. i know this could be a very interesting comment from us president joe biden. he was doing his interview with univision, trying to show up with some of his support was latino voters where he has been lagging in his re election campaign. so there was mostly domestic questions, but there was one question on the. busy were in gaza, the reporter asked if the president believe that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu was more concerned with political survival. then the interest of israel now important perspective. this happened shortly after there was that attack that we know biden was outraged by on the world's federal kitchen staff. but so put that in context. and the question was, as far as we know, was very angry in that moment. but here's what he had to say. so i think what he's doing is a mistake. i don't agree with his problem. i think it's outrages that those for, for 3 vehicles were hit by new towns and taken out on the highway where it wasn't
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like it was along. the sure wasn't like, it was a con. we moved here center. so i would i call it for is for the israel is to just call for a ceasefire. allow for the next $68.00 weeks total access to all food and medicine going into the country. i've spoken with said removed from the studies to the jordanians today. and champions, they're prepared to move in, are prepared to move this food in. and i think present vendor there's no excuse to not provide for the medical and, and the, and the, and the food needs of those people they should be done. now, what could be important here is that you as president biden has always said that there should be a ceasefire in exchange for trading of the captives. now if you just misspeak, as he sometimes does, and then his doctor comes out and says, well,
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you didn't mean that it's not a change of policy. we'll know more on wednesday cuz we expect to hear from president binding himself of the press conference at. so we'll see if this is a change of policy, but he's definitely sending the message that he is angry with the way is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been conducting this for on gossip particularly, algebra, washington. the turning now to me on law we're fighting is escalating between the military john to and rebel groups in the east. the violence has been focused near the board of town as me or why the unimportant trade, how the source of revenue for the cash strapped to military rebels say that hundreds of soldiers have now surrendered. thailand has also increased security alone that florida has people in me and i'll try to flee the fighting. the rebel groups have made significant gains and recently weakening the men at transcript on
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power. will not speak to tony chinese and following the story for us. and he joins us now from the time board, a city of may. so 20 me a lot seem to have suffered a series of defeats recently, including in a strategic town just over that border behind you. what is the stays of the fighting now as well? i think is known as the seats. yes, we understand there was fighting from early this morning. the continued throughout the day, the fighting. so 1st, in fact, that it could be heard on this side of the boulder in meso, until about 4 hours ago. then it seems to cease, we haven't heard anything since we've been here, but security is very type. the ties clearly taking no chances. we've got a lot of time military presence, a couple of homes, these just the 100 meters down the road. but the big machine guns a grenade launcher on the back. lots of soldiers on foot. on the other side of the boat, a things look a little bit more relaxed. we understand. security has been paused from the,
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the middle tray, a, to a transitional, pulled a job post. they say they all this simply to ensure the peaceful transition that does seem to be happening at the moment. we haven't heard of any of any fighting close to the bullet points. people are still coming across 100, sipping, fleeting, the fighting during the day. coming into thailand, people are still coming across the border of those troops say they will leave as soon as the trend ethnic armies who'd be leading this fight against the government troops enter this area. they will back away and hand over pounds. uh, but at this stage that one remaining battalion of government troops have not a surrendered as i think the criminal hoping they might do. we understand there are also reinforcements coming from the provincial capital hope on a couple of um, of vehicles and 20 trucks of troops. so they may be red being reinforced. i think
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that's an indication of just how important be a what is, it's a vital trade town, a $1000000000.00 worth of goods goes across this folder every year. and it's clearly something the military don't want to give out. so the baffle still. kelly, ongoings and attorney, but this or obviously also has regional implications, especially for thailand, through, as you've said, they've had to deal with people. hundreds of them flying across the board. how is band clock and gauging on all of this? it was a, we've seen a slight change of policy from bangkok, which off to the mid a trick, who had really been uh, mazda of main friend within a cn a much to the invitation of all the other caea nations who felt that it was blocking as you and pressure on me, i'm a to try and for some kind of piece or at least some kind of transitional government. and we've said from the type prime minister he now recognizes the military isn't a difficult situation. we've also heard from the foreign minister,
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the thailand is making preparations to receive as many as a 100000 refugees across its board is. but i think time will be a trying very hard to provide temporary accommodation to people who do seek refuge over the board. is but to get them back as soon as me, i'm are secure and i think the hope is here of this probably thing happens quickly is wrapped up and everyone can go back home. tony chang in the thick of things for us and they saw the type board, especially bordering me on law. the thank you very much time the student is army and the power outlet for your profit support forces has been fighting for nearly a year. not conflict has killed more than 12000 people in displaced about 8000000 more. it's also cost widespread devastation, food shortages and a regional refugee crisis. hipaa morgan reports not from get a ref in eastern to don, where humanitarian groups are running out of aid. a what's used to be
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a school classroom is now home to the death for the and her family. they fled here to duka and go out of state 3 months ago after the parent military rapids support forces or r s f took over, wouldn't make any the state capital of to the, to the sounds of the word on the road, a lot of explosions and you get a free to stay, we got into i would car to leave, but turn out to fuel and have to stay out in the open for days. there was no food, no water insects because it took us many days to get out of the state. and to don't go, dozens of other families have also thoughts refuge in this school. one of many in the states turned into sensors for displaced people. some came from the capital costume when the bathroom for control of to dance started a year ago between the city news army and the rest half. the united nations says at least 20 percent of the population has been displaced within the country borders.
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another 1500000 people are refugees in neighboring countries, making this, the largest displacement crisis in the world. for a 1000000 of those displace our children the most in any country among them or what did. but they could a song that they were forced to leave her to during the 1st days of the conflict. her eldest son had to drop out of school. as a result, he keeps talking about his friends who live in the same neighborhood. we used to live in n y the got the chance to finish their school year before the war started, but he didn't. the road out. a cartoon was tough and we didn't have food. the children kept crying, and he kept asking when he's going to finish the school year. the u. s. refugee agency says the needs of the displays are huge, but there's within response to the international appeal for help. clear up other thing with a very limited the non she on the resources we continue to provide for fiction and basic assistance to the id. the effect is for population,
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but also the to the whole community. we also hope that the, with the doing our support will be able to, to more, we are aware that what we are providing really doesn't lock them off with the actual needs. they just says what you really need is to be able to return to her home. but the 2nd year of fighting has begun and there's no end in sight to the conflict, or too many. so denise, reclaiming what they lost any time soon. he bum, oregon, which is 0, the body of eastern sedan. no exit polls in south korea suggests an opposition party is could win a big victory and parliamentary elections. they are expected to gain $197.00 states out of the total of $300.00 and the national assembly. this verse is also being seen as a referendum on president units of kills administration. his approval ratings had been low going into these polls. soaring food prices and the health care crisis
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caused by dr. strike had been amongst the biggest issues for versus the units kim has moved from the capital that we saw television snapshots of a very as party headquarters. and certainly we saw jubilation from the democratic party and of disappointment from the people power party, the it's leader. handle who and said the exit poll results are disappointing, but we will be watching for the official results. disappointing would be an understatement if indeed come morning. it is verified that the opposition block has secured $200.00 or more of those problem entry seats. it would mark the 1st time in recent south korean democratic history and potentially give them the power to override presidential vetoes and even begin an impeachment process. there are ranges, we should note in these exit polls by the top 3 terrestrial tv stations. and the
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most optimistic of those ranges does put the democratic party very close to 2 thirds of the national assembly. and certainly potentially over $200.00 seats together with those claimed by the ally tube, rebuilding korea party, which has run on a single platform of making president antonio a lame duck. now we must emphasize that these are exit pull results. vote counting has just begun and will run through the night. the election watchdog saying each ballot will be counted twice to ensure and nothing is missed. but certainly one thing is clear, this is not a good night for the president. i'm one from in is a professor emeritus suddenly on the se university. and also from the presidential advisor. he explains why the routing policy has stuff. it's such a huge loss. the loading party was relying on the negative campaign, not a take
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a taking on to the latest of all position parties. but on the other hand, i will put you in parties walk capitalizing on the policy failure. so, but using a government, i seem to get kind of, you know, criticism you know, wrote about the positive result for the opposition parties from the position of all partition needed gigi to create site. the government knows it does or not the fact that there is what the style of governance by president use on, you know, you know, he promised to be, you know, mr. communication prices and but he failed to be dead and where so he promised to be the president of the national unity of and national consensus. but he failed to to deliberate his august. and he style of governors, which is not really familiar with the democratic system. was one of the big factors in a leading to the defeat of the ruling party. it was still a head hail and altos air, of course,
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the levels are rising across southern russia in the west flooding and decades will have an update for the tragic and to dreams of a vessel life. thousands of migrants died as a bird capsized. as of the 1st of july, the the biggest deal with the election yet in history, the world's biggest democracy, both its own epic showdown in this final episode of feeding the port finally off the prime minister in the movie elevated in the global b. this. i look forward to moving decade long room under the microscope with them and how much is facts and how much is fiction to be in the port box for all know deleda critical debate, postage farmers are angry. people are starving and we actually have to exports the whole while good because we money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the
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security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments politicians and made the ultimate of the highest level have been using games for the policy. let me cut out to him today. then, course the arrival inside story on al jazeera. the knowledge is here with the the welcome back to watching else is here. let's remind you about top
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stories, the sound. thousands of palestinians have knocked the ease on such a holiday with present the oxen most compounded occupied the stories and gauze of the pres warehouse on the streets around it. because this really strikes have destroyed to thousands of wrong despite the holiday. and these really ami has attacked a residential tower and the all new servers refuge account overnight, which kills 14 people. most of the victims were women and children, the wrong supreme data on the common a has that you pres, in the, in reading and capital to wrong. he used to speech to call for retaliation against israel, for the attack on the rain and come to the building in syria earlier this month. those to do already has moved from tyrone accusations, threats, and warnings by iran supreme leader. i totally common a during a speech delivered following prayers that was done in most cellar mosque and
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capital to run on this eat at the supreme leader said, israel is guilty of 2 crimes. first, the blood shed that has been carried out during the holy month of ramadan and gaza has left a bitter taste for muslims during this aid and also the western powers and are responsible because they haven't done anything to stop the bloodshed. and also they've been ating, the occupying power. the 2nd crime he highlighted by israel was that strikes that was carried out on around the consulate in damascus on april. first, this is what you'd have to say on that. there's even these, the wicked sinus regime made another mistake and staged an attack on your runs console in fish, which means an attack on the country soil, a violation of international norm. it made a mistake and the regime needs to be punished and will be punished. and the question now is when and how around response the hits that was taken by the radians on april 1st end,
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damascus is being seen as an attack on the country's own soil. and a supreme leader made it very clear that a response is imminent when and how that will happen remains to be seen. what is clear is that iran will respond to israel door, such a bar. i'll just sarah to her on turning to southern russian. our water levels have been rising dramatically over the past few days. the earls and some areas of siberia are seeing their west funding and decades. i'll do there is usually a couple of out of a has this update for us from the city of oscar. the boats in the streets instead of calls and pedestrians empty houses and shops. the city of oles, along with many other settlements and rushes or in the region facing severe flooding, imagines the services please. and the ami a working non stop to evacuate people. they have no problem. i have seen that both on us realized probably the most active work was carried out in the 1st isn't ours, of the high waters. most people did not believe there was
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a real transfer from the boat to begin entering houses and reaching ways deep level people down to where we want the worst of the flooding and also believes to have boxed but the situation remains diet. this is what the streets of the city of oscar looks like right now. it's only taking a few hours to turn the city streets into canals grew and isolated. so as the late stage of the occupation is not, of these imagines the crews are returning to the affected areas to deliver a to those still here and collect documents will enclose and medicines for those if actuated many residents. and these apartment blocks chose to stay in the homes, despite having no electricity, gas or clean drinking volta. just some idea when you, when you went to the people's 1st needs, are water and batteries. we bring power bank so that people can charge their phones and are able to call the rescue service. we have what they have. come on,
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we walk as a theme. one risk you a is not at the school. we are all was one of those whose houses had been destroyed by volta, i think taken to the temporary accommodation senses like this one. it's been such happiness cool, while students study remotely, due to the flooding. i'm pretty new they received as well here and gave us everything for i'll stay, they feed us full times a day and it's also so clean. here is a source. he's a promising to issue one time payments for those affected, as well as a compensation for damages which are still to the test says. but for many, the future seems to be very unsettled. you there, shall bob oliver ultra 0 falls. russia faced 38 migraines. have died off the boat capsized off the coast, touching boozy. it was on its way to the gallon 22 of us. so when i rescued tribute, he is the main transit country for migrants from ethiopia in somalia, who are trying to reach gulf nations. many of them women, children,
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and even babies unfortunately lost their lives. when this boat capsized, at least 22 people have survived an iowa in, in coordination. and partnership with the local authorities is helping to respond to the needs of those who survive. and of course help them to deal with the former that they are facing all the people have cons that don't have much to be festive about during the seed holiday. often more than 6 months of, well, most of the strip has been reduced to rubble. 5 people and roughly doing their best to keep traditions alive. mama, challenging and hassle, despite the horrors of israel's war on gaza at this toy shopping girlfriend, children and adults seek a bit of fun. the customers are looking for gifts to give during what's supposed to be a festive season. the shopkeeper, i met as somebody says this and i'm up on an even fit the are nothing like years
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past the. there is no joy or appetite for celebrating the whole. the occasions even children, they have no interest in choice as it wasn't the best. this is the worst season we have ever left. a sentiment resoundingly echoed throughout the series market. at this clothing store, sales would typically be booming in the final days of normal dawn. but this year, it's different. as the last year we used to keep our shop to open until the early hours of the next morning. throughout the month of ramadan. these days be open 10 am to close at 5 pm. there are about 1500000 displaced, palestinian sheltering in the southern gaza city over they are among those most in need. we have suffering on all fronts. people can hardly survive, can hardly feed that families. we no longer think of aid or celebration or any other form of joy. and while joy may be in short supply,
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it doesn't stop others from doing all they can to uphold some holiday traditions were less or less annoying. honestly, it's very tough, especially staying in attempts instead of our house and this warm weather. however, we're trying our best to uplift ourselves. we're attempting to create the aid on the sphere by making heat cakes, which has been very challenging. imagine preparing a cakes when there is no water or food available with some and gaza, now facing famine. and wood worries only increasing that israel's promise ground invasion and profile may start at any time. finding the right ingredients to make the spice holiday suite has been extremely difficult to to most of us. yeah. we are using very basic ingredients. we used to buy the ingredients at an affordable price . however, everything is now expensive. so medina and dates are now way more expensive. so we are trying, for instance, to use less the best to stuff the cookies,
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as well as reducing vicki, the flour and other ingredients that are now scarce. but in this makeshift shelter, scarcity is no match for resilience. where these palestinian women and girls find little solace, but do everything in their power to find them give a bit of comfort how much i'm just here, a whole lot set for me and installs your time. next inside story takes a look at what the germany is complicit in, genocide and costs. the hello, the weather's cheering up. nice thing now across japan we got lost the class guys, lots of pleasant spring, sunshine busting through nice area of high pressure, suppressing the cloud and it will be really rock pleasant as we go on through the
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next couple of days. i'm a little more in the way of shabby right just around that eastern side of china, maybe into north korea. terms of the old showerhead, but for many things it's dry and warm. 18 sales is in tokyo may model on the other side of that. so we are afraid we have go to temperatures on the rise of northern parts of china, different story down to will to south lots of weather, still in place here. hopefully less which as we go through the next a dial site. but you can say policies the heavier right, just coming in across southern positive china as we go on through the next day also . so you some heavy pulses of right and recently into multiple dash, orange warnings remain in force just around the central india. but some really big down pulls around the fall south. i'm also into shoreline, cause a go on through friday, really heavy rain coming in here that to call some localized study and just see how it makes his way towards tumble. not the area of what the weather ro side pushing out of afghanistan into pakistan could cause some flooding as we go through the next couple of days. things tending a little unsettled, left for a couple, cool,
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with snow moving in and brightening up the west. the system a little boat is a mechanical or even that self driving train. the vehicle with envoy today can be deal for the human. only robots like me, will be everywhere, which is 0 documentary. this the weird and wonderful world of global learned things for you and even trust. i feel like i'm alive, but i know i am a machine origin of this, which is germany is complicit in israel's genocide in garza and that must and that's nicaragua, as all human before the u. n's talk court. germany says, and it's a regular, it's a one sided deal with the war in casa. what does this case mean for countries supplying as well with lessons? this is inside stored.


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