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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 10, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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floods in the face of idols advance, it is one of the most serious thoughts of violence in recent years. in some instances, we are the targets because we give voice to those demanding freedom the rule of law . and we always include the views from all sides. the and is really strike hills 3 children and 3 grandchildren up from us as a political leader. it's $900.00 a year in northern glass. all the you're watching, all the 0 life or my headquarters and downtime during obligate. also coming off, a family killed and a home destroyed. bodies are recovered from the scene of another is really a talk which killed 14 people in central 1000. the praying for peace is,
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is really or strikes, continue palestinians across scars on mark page and the shadow european union votes to overflow. it's migration policy costs are the deadliest here on record for people trying to cross the mediterranean news . we begin with breaking news out of northern gauze. all that's where it is really strike has killed 3 sons and 3 grandchildren of how masters political leader, several members of a snide honey. yes, family were traveling and being shot, the refugee come when their vehicle was hits and speaking to alger 0, i mean you said the killings would only harden how much does resolve. he also started be attack would not affect the groups demands and see as far as negotiations that we with the they believe that if the killer assessing id,
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it is all there next of kin said we will abandon all people that we will abandon all resistance. they all mistaken this noble blood that is spelled, including my own children will hard. now results make us more defiant and more adamant to continue to march on this road. throat of struggle and resistance until we will not freedom and the lawful rights of the palestinian peoples are restored. immense. oh, we have 3 correspondents covering the latest developments on this story. in a moment we'll speak to our white house correspondent, kimberly how could for what we're hearing out of the us, where we challenge the standing by an occupied east jerusalem with reaction from israel. but 1st we're bringing honey must move. who's joining us from southern gaza with the very latest on this developing story handy. so what more we, what more do we know about this or talk this will not only the tax on these funds on the grad sons of science, honey, that's the political bureau. it chief of how mazda in gauze that we're seeing also
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as storage within the past 45 minutes, we were the see of 6 reports of 6 more air strikes in the central area, mainly in the western part of the central area, including on the site right refugee com, that's a block to the west of the central area. where do you has the area? that's the area that has been designated as a safe zone on which all this waste, families and palestinians in the southern part of the state. we're literally told to take that part of this trip and i know to the, to, for the southern part of this trip as a safe zone for them. also in the northern part in gauze and city. but the fact that we're seeing an attack on, on the uh the sons, and the grandson's of a political leader here is, is largely viewed and believe by so many as the, as a way to dictate the cost or the course of the ceasefire. talks in cairo. it is
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also as a statement made a big by one of how much political leaders it's, it looks like we're more of a revenge kellen and gab. because israel miller is really monetary, did not make a progress on the ground, is resorted into a revenge. going by attacking the children of how mouse leaders in the, in the gaza strip. okay, honey, thank you so much for that. a place that i saw in gaza will crossover to occupy these jerusalem speak to will re trial. and so rory and a reaction from israel about this killing me is that not the official reaction? certainly nothing from the government. so from the military itself, the only thing we do have at the moment is a video that is being released by a member of that to message co alamo code. and now he is a member of spend because he is file right out to my suit. you who dates policy and in this video,
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he says that he was on the way to visit the family. of grieving family falls. a soldier when he received good news is the process. and then he finishes his video by saying is mail from the deed move are you on next in line? now we should no mistake. this for being the official government line as i've just said. but who knows what is ready? government members of science each other behind size towards the moment. yeah. and rory, i mean one will have to kind of wait and see, i suppose on if and whether this will impact the ongoing ceasefire negotiations. well, how much has already said that it will not change their minds, but the timing of this is extraordinary, isn't it? i mean, for one thing, this was in the beginning of each which is the time of muslim celebration and joy should be. uh also it comes when they cease fire negotiation,
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which would see that some sort of peace restores to cause that perhaps already temporarily. they would also see perhaps exchanges of, of prisoners and caps, etc. all of that is hanging in the balance at the moment. so yes, there are more questions than ponce's right now, but we have to say to us as well, who took this decision? did they know who they were going off to? this kind of strike is usually done on uh signals intelligence, which means that they monitor the phone numbers, cell phone numbers, and they can pluck those by the trying collection of a normal. so cell network, so they know who they getting off to where they are. that's how they do the, the, the strikes. but the big question is, if they have a lot information and they know who they going off the, who makes the colewell is this just a minute to decision the board?
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does a strike of this significance? have to have a high level political sign off. now whoever took a decision must have known that this would perhaps jeopardize odyssey. find negotiations. i don't think there are many people, but it's within the ministry and in the government who wouldn't shed any tears over that. okay, thank you. we're all right. thanks for that update from occupied east jerusalem. now to our white house correspondent, kimberly how could joining us from washington dc. so have we heard anything from the white house yet on this? kimberly and, and how does this attack on him? he has family members look considering biden's comments, but nothing yahoo is making a mistake and does have very recent comments as well. this is only going to make the already tense relationship between the as rarely prime minister and the us president joe biden, which has been fraught with disagreements and differences, become that much more difficult, given the fact that the us president has. and the last 24 hours sharpened his
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criticism of the is really prime minister. this is not going to be welcome news to the us president, the us presidents in the last 24 hours as you point out, called the actions of the as rarely prime minister. and the way he's conducted his war on god a mistake he has called for an immediate cease fire given the fact that there are an excess of 33000 palestinians that have been killed. there is near famine and a humanitarian catastrophe that exists in gaza. and he is calling for of the fact that there needs to be an increase in the massive humanitarian aid. and that's what he is looking for a duration, but least 8 weeks. but he has also said that what he believes is but nothing yahoo is doing this for his political survival. and as a result, he says he does not agree with the approach. so we're watching very carefully here at the white house, given the fact that this is
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a state visit that is being conducted here at the white house today with the japanese prime minister casita. there is a joint press conference that is set to begin in about 20 minutes or so if it's on time, which is unlikely that usually isn't the case. but this is likely to be one of the top questions from reporters, given the fact that there will be likely a desire to see reaction on the death of the grandchildren and sons of the have most political leaders. so this is certainly going to complicate the relationship between the us president and the israeli prime minister. yeah, i'm, kimberly will be watching very closely to see whether this affects the negotiations process at all. which of course, the us has a major role to plan as yeah it's, it's taking the lead uh, width. of course the egypt is partner and this is probably going to
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complicate that as well. given the fact, we were told just on tuesday by the national security advisor jake sullivan. but the latest in that process was that they were awaiting they being the united states, a response from us. but given now the development of the deaths of the sons and grandchildren, 6 and total of the home off full of the complete or that response may not now be forthcoming. and that is certainly going to put a wrench in the wheel of the, or the gears of this process, given the fact that there was, it looked like progress in trying to get the release of captives in exchange for palestinian prisoners and in his really jails. and so the whole list that there might be some sort of breakthrough in this process may now come to a grinding halt. and that is going to be discouraging for the white house that was
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really hopeful that they finally had achieved some sort of breakthrough between from us and the israelis. okay, thank you. kimberly how can thank so much for that reporting from the white house. we can now speak to new the day, who is a political analyst, and the call industry is running us from an i'm a line they occupied westbank who would all day welcome to alger 0. so i was just discussing with, kimberly, that buys and was recently saying that nothing yahoo is making a mistake in gaza. but what this killing now in gaza, the is really prime minister seems to be doubling down on the us with the, with the highest political leaders family being killed. absolutely. it seems that netanyahu is, i'm just call us and our intent on further escalation. we have to also remember that assassinating or going after the families of prominent palestinian leaders from all factions is not a novelty. it's not an anomaly. this is consistent with is rarely actions over
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decades. and we see that we've seen that happen over and over again. but as you've been discussing in the bullets and the timing of this assassination, the fact that it was a precision attack that most likely, uh, you know, who was in the car, is pretty much known to whoever gave the okay to pull the trigger. one has to wonder if tel aviv really wants a positive risk response. it from car in cairo, about a possible ceasefire and an exchange of captives. because of course, you know, somebody, honey is reaction, is expect that this would not change the resolve of how much it would not change how negotiations are conducted. but even in terms of perception, people are going to see this as israel poking him, us and the i, and they will want to see how, how much is going to respond. what do you think the message is?
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beth israel was trying to respond to the, to convey, excuse me, with this attack. i think israel has been very consistent. i'm the ones who don't really want to hear what these really message is. are it's closest allies from the beginning of this genocide of war is these rarely cabinet members have been very clear and they want, they said they promised they will decimate. does that they will kill everybody. they will want to expel as many palestinians as possible. and they're going to go all the way and that includes that apple. and i believe this escalation, coupled with the fact that just less than 24 hours ago, we've heard from nothing yeah. phone. so saying that a date has been picked up for the invasion of it off, or it just means that is real is, you know, making good on its promise, given the fact that we hear a lot about, you know, washington being upset and angry and in disagreement but we don't really see any
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action towards all of these incorrect is really policy decisions except statements . and meanwhile, weapons continue to flow and political protection continues a, you know, and, and is unshakable. and, and countries like germany is willing to go to, to the international court of justice to defend its complicity in this war rather than, you know, change course and change policy. so we'll have to see how this plays out. yeah, and you said a moment ago that the how much as response was expected when he said that he said this, the killing of my sons will not affect time us the cease fire demands. i mean, do you think low that this kind of throws a wrench into the works when it comes to this negotiating program, negotiation process? that's a that's currently underway. it will look, you know, more than 33000 palestinians have been killed by israel since the beginning of this
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war up to 20000 are buried under the rubble of the children and grandchildren of the leader of hamis cannot and would not be placed at a higher value than those souls who were lost, including more than $14000.00 children, but the optics of it and the political messaging of this fascination is significant. and, and that's why i don't think that we can count it down or, or discard it in terms of how, how most will read these messages. and, and, and i think it speaks a lot because what we've been hearing, even while these negotiations are happening, even one, you know, washington sent in its big guns to play a heavy role in the negotiations. is israel and the us for that matter, saying okay, we'll negotiate a deal. there will be a $6.00 to $8.00 weeks east fire. there will be an exchange of captives,
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but then it will go back right to the killing. so the destruction to the displacements until finishing off have mass, which i think everybody all saying experts agree is not enough evil goal. so the dynamics and the expectations that something positive can come up of somebody telling you, let's talk now. but then once we're done, once, once the deal is done, i'm going to come back out to and i'm, i'm coming back to kill you off without a change of break and that dynamic it on top of this assassination. i think it makes it less and less likely that we're going to say see a breakthrough in the coming hours. all right, know what are the thank you so much for us speaking to us from around the that. meanwhile in central garza is really strikes overnight, targeted a residential home and ends away killing at least 14 palestinians with children among them, large craters or, or what's left of a house where a family was preparing for 8 celebrations. several people including displaced
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families has been staying inside that building. the recovered bodies were taken to an actual hospital and didn't by law before for you kind of just as it was preparing for ead, he and his young children off to sunset. he entered the house at 9 o'clock and without warning, they hit them with muscles, and he was killed along with his sons and daughters, and 2 other displaced families. palestinians have been gathering to observe their ages such a holiday that marks the end of the fasting month for almost on normally a time of celebration this year. as our youth is vastly different. worshippers hoping, praying among the ruins of what used to be a mosque. just one example of the devastation less by more than 6 months of is really bombardment across the strip. thought i was doing reports from an f off in southern gaza with russell class to make a space to pray. was lin palestinians for a rough hold? it probably is next to the ruins of fargo. most men are. it is the only part that
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said vines, and he's very plumbing. eat of what they're supposed to be time of set at face and off to a month of down to doesn't cost. think last need i had a home and my children were joyful playing around me. this eat is filled with grief, agony at sadness. my home was destroyed and i lost many loved ones. in addition, i'm injured and they cannot move. i'm no longer able to bring joy to those around me. these boys as families have managed to find these clips to market a lot. for most palestinians in costs, you will get to eat like any other day in recent months. just trying to find enough food and more to suffice as well says it's moving more agent off to international pressure a part of united nations and says it's a still less than the bare minimum required to meet humanitarian needs. this he
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does come with deep pain. instead of gathering with loved ones, we will sit and move and then i lost my father, my brother, and my own to that. it is also a time to remember. i do still have drawings in garza, everyone knew someone killed in the past 6 months. they did, you said can when you, when i think about it was the best one of my life because my son was beside me in my arms. i did everything he wanted. i wish he was here with me. he would go to the mosque in the morning and said to me, the bid my present for when id turn. now he's gone. everything good about my life is gone. time the was not over is very prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that he has said that useful a major ground offensive. he had a rough ha, it's the last lot refute. we're one on the health 1000000 displace palestinians.
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auction thing here, patrick, up as a. i'll just a rough, rough southern cars are still ahead on. i was a 0 fighting and me and mars escalating us the military gentle battles. rebel groups will have the latest after the break, the the fast lane or 2 weeks.
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so the total does not contain the however, the top stories on to 0 this hour and is really strike has killed 3 sons and 3 grandchildren from us as a political leader in gauze on several members of a small and honey is family were traveling in the north of district when their vehicle 1st fits this coming as palestinians have been working in ways in such
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a way to talk to the end of the fasting month of from us on worshippers hoping, praying among the ruins of mos iran supreme leader on a hominy has led to all your prayers into ron, and he used his speech to call for retaliation against israel for its attack on a rainy and consulate building in syria earlier this month or so. jabari has more from to her on accusations, threats, and mornings by iran supreme leader, i totally common a during a speech delivered following prayers that was done in most cellar mosque and capitol to iran on this eat at the supreme leader said israel is guilty of 2 crimes 1st, the blood shed that has been carried out during the holy month of ramadan and gaza has left a bitter taste for muslims during this aid and also the western powers and are responsible because they haven't done anything to stop the bloodshed. and also they've been ating, the occupying power. the 2nd crime he highlighted by israel was that strikes that
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was carried out on around the consulate in damascus on april. first, this is what you have to say on that. the guy bees, the wicked zine, this regime, made another mistake and staged in an attack on your runs console in fish, which means an attack on the country soil, a violation of international norm. it made a mistake and the regime needs to be punished and will be punished. and the question now is when and how around response the hits that was taken by the radians on april 1st in damascus, is being seen as an attack on the country's own soil. and a supreme leader made it very clear that a response is imminent when and how that will happen remains to be seen. what is clear is that iran will respond to israel door, such a bari algebra 0 to her on the european union. parliament has passed sweeping legislation to reform the blocks asylum and migration policy. it aims to implement
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stronger border controls, while also ensuring o e u. countries shared responsibility for handling asylum requests fairly under the new system. those who arrived without proper documents will face the tension on the accelerated deportation. if there was silence, application is rejected. children as young as 6 years old will be fingerprinted. rights groups have race concern saying this will create a cruel system. that amounts to having prison camps on a borders the european council in parliament will still need to approve the changes coming in the causes, an associate director with the think tank migration policy institute europe. she says the agreement will help solve the issue. you migration challenges. this is a culmination, you know, the peak of years of negotiation and on the topic that's, that's probably the most sensitive point to you levels, especially as you know, where we're not entering and electro, competing with the european parliament being renewed in june. and,
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and so these are the 3 man, like the votes that's playing out today. it's a particle signal for the european project that policy maker can come to an agreement on how to manage migration together. you know, we live in a way that is binding and you mentioned this, the sold, dirty principal. and this is also a major political win for this european commission of given that base negotiation. this reform has been into making 6 to 16 having set that up. it's also an agreement that stuff or on iceland seekers that's tougher on you know what, what, what's gonna happen at you borders. and he so, so in a way opposed to the agreement that fails to answer many of the tonnage many of the east. but he was facing when he comes to organizing the conference. if migration policy, i'm speaking on labor migration, for instance, you know, attracting student, attracting workers. and, but also creating safe pathways for richard cheese so that they don't have to go
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through these dentures root and can find, you know, safety in europe in any monitors that's, that's been organized, betterment upset that is today. let's turn to me and more we're fighting is escalating between the mother stringent and revel groups in the east. the violence has been focus near the board autonomy hiwassee unimportant trade hub and source of revenue for the cache throughout the military. revel say that hundreds of soldiers have surrendered thailand has increased security along its border as people and me in march riotously the fighting. the rebel groups have made significant gains in recent weeks weakening the military's grip on power. tony changes on the time in our border with more on the growing tensions all the time. military are on high alert here on the boat it with me. i'm a can see how these move again, all along the boat area with grenade launchers and heavy machine guns and all along this path way. today we've been seeing soldiers patrolling alone. this is
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a friendship bridge that goes across and to me, what do we understand that was fighting since early this morning. policy that could be heard on this side of the boulder. the seems to have been a seesaw since about 4 hours ago. but the bridge remains open and people have still been going across. hundreds have come across from me a while the trying to escape the fight thing that they fit could get worse and it is just a ceasefire. we think for the moment, the battalion battalion 275, that still remains inside me and what is clearly not given up. as i think the korean army that's fighting the military hopes that it might. and we understand they may have been reinforced today from the provincials capitals. this is a vice, sole trader. it's a $1000000000.00 passes across this bridge every year. and that is vital revenue for a military government, enough adults. it's facing very difficult times. tony checking out to 0 on the time
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. yeah. and month old. well, from our lot story as well as all the other top stories has online, our website is all just 0 talk. com. we'll have more news at the top of the hour and i'll just say we're coming up after accounting the calls. thanks for watching. bye bye for now, the color, there's plenty of all the spring sun side on the cops, full northern china of the korean peninsula. and also for good positive japan high pressure dominating the weather here. so settled in sunny pretty much something off i the next couple of days. not quite so settled on sunday, into pots of southern china. some weather weather coming through here is like a little is it makes his wife or the east was the support gets a very heavy rain to come full, many beam off at the ne, warming up basic 27 degrees celsius. i'll be getting into the mid twenties there
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across the korean peninsula. what's the weather across? southern china bills. i bring a few shots to north america is a vietnam in to northern allows into northern positive type of marketing that china will be dry and sunny. losey dry and sunny to cost a good part of the philippines on the 2 showers, but nothing too much to speak of. the heavier rain will be by the south, indonesia job a sing, some live you down. polls could cause some localized flooding, lobby down poles. could also cause localized flooding into ser lanka, big and heavy showers, coming in here. still what orange one is in force across central parts of india with some shop showers on the cards over the next couple of days where to where the rolls and making his way out of afghanistan in to buckets don over the next day or 2 as pushing his way further east was, meanwhile, middle east as long as you drive the spain it just closer to recognizing it, palestinian state prime minister pedro sanchez,
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is that the forefront calling for israel 2 respects international humanitarian law . what i can tell you is that the situation will be gladly slowed acceptable as an immediate cease firing god. so there's an urgency to stop this terrible war and to open a new phase of sleep. peace precipitating the region. the spanish prime minister talks to l. g. 0 of the other. the nora kyle, this is counting the cost on alex's era you'll, we can look at the wells of business and economics this week. india is economy is on the rise. and the walls bank says the nation is beating growth in south asia box on the vendor movies, economic policies,
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benefits in old indians standing off industrial facilities to us and spending billions of dollars to slash greenhouse gas emissions at steel mill.


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