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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 10, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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the whole life to wear another story that may not be mainstream. the, the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. the is really strike assassinate 3 children and 3 grandchildren. a pharmacist political leader is 900 a year in northern gauze on the you're watching all your life from headquarters and downtime data. you navigate to also coming up a family chose and a home destroyed. bodies are recovered from the scene of another is really a talk which killed 14 people in central garza, the praying for
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fees as is really or strikes continue palestinians across cause on march. are you in the shadow of war? and the european union votes to overhaul it's migration policy officer, the deadliest here on record for people trying to cross the mediterranean. the . we begin with breaking news out of northern gauze. our israel has assassinated 3 sons and 3 grandchildren. of high masters, political leader, several members of a smelly and he is family were traveling, and the and shots at camp when their vehicle was hit and speaking to elsa 0, i know you said the killings would only harden her masters results. he also said the attack would not affect the groups demands and cease fire negotiations on
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the inside the a we with the they believe that if they kill recession id, it is all there. next of kin said we will abandon all people that we will abandon all resistance. they all mistaken this noble blood that is spelled, including my own children will hard. now results make us more defiant, more adamant to continue to march on this road. the road of struggle and resistance until we will not freedom and the law full rights of the palestinian peoples are restored event. okay, we have 3 correspondents covering all the latest developments on this story in a moment will speak to our white house correspondent can be how kit for what we're hearing out of the us for challenges down the bind, occupied east jerusalem with reaction from israel. but 1st ahead of my fluids was in southern garza with the very latest on this assassination. honey. what more you hearing about about the latest and how it happens of the very well the past couple hours have been very intense. we're talking about the surgeon,
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there's bikes across the central area, is for an hon, you and a city. why do you has that? and also the northern part of this trip, and particularly in the northern western part of gaza city. that's a shot record. you can wear 6 people and these are the sons and the grandson of the, of how much political liter it's night. and how many of the were in the vehicle on their vehicle, on their way to pay visits because of the 1st day of a very it a new or pay a visit for the relative, the remaining family members in a shot the refugee comes when a drawn fire that leads to missile that completely inside of rated the vehicle and they were pulled from the vehicle. uh, in the very bruce on pictures that we were looking at the footage, the emerging from gauze after the attacks are very graphic to look at. but that's viewed large the by many people as a way to dictate the talks of the, of the seeds fire dealing car. but it also,
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it goes very loud among palestinians nearly here and over crowded rough, i hope suppressed frustration over the fact that this is a consistent with these really military practices on the ground. merely targeting the children. because the look at out is free. children who are in the car as well, and on with the 3 adults for were targeted uh as well across the central area. more people have been transferred to a lot so hospitalized where critically injured by the attacks on the residential homes. the eastern part of pon you and it's almost non stop constant artillery showing in more destruction of the residential homes and the farm lands. also the eastern part of garza city, mainly densely populated areas as people to try to make their way backs after this really military announce if withdrawal from major parts of the golf is there. but what we see on the ground now, despite the talks in cairo and this 5 is really military, there is an exponential search of the talks across the gaza strip. okay, honey,
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thank you for that updates from what i found in the gaza strip will not bring and will re challenge for rejoining us from occupied east jerusalem brewery. this is not the 1st time that israel has targeted time asked his family members, what reaction or official reaction is there for me is really about this, or that's been the official reaction yet, but we have had a comment from a said the less a member of the political side, i mean, if you like, this comes from a member of the connectives cools alma cohen who is from it's, i'm up and give is a small issue. this policy now been given here is the national security minister piece is delayed at all a foreign policy, which makes basically supports benjamin that you know, he's coalition and government that this is a video release and a member of connects. it says that he was on his way to to see the grieving family
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of and his ready soldier when his he put it, he had some good news and then he finishes a short video address with the message directly to his mail, honey, to this man. and how he says he'd move, are you on next in line? that's this is definitely not an official line. uh, as i say it is, comes from the member of the class. it is not part of the actual government's boss . who knows what members of the government are actually saying behind closed doors to each other. all right, thank you. where we chose thanks for that update from occupied east jerusalem. the spring analysis there was white house correspondent joining us. secondly, how kids running us from the white house. so any news from the white house on this, kimberly. and how does this attack on any of the family members look, considering? just about 24 hours ago, barton's comments, but nothing yahoo is making a mistake in dogs. so as well,
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what we know is that the relationship between the israeli prime minister and the us president was already tense. this is not going to help matters. we are awaiting a press conference between the u. s. president and the japanese prime minister because she that it was set to begin 30 minutes ago, it's running behind schedule. so we are expecting that reporters will ask a question about this and try to get some official reaction because we haven't had any yet. so we are hoping that we will get that momentarily. but in the interim, what we can tell you is that as you point out, the us president has been sharpening his criticism of the is really prime minister and his war on god, calling it not only a mistake, but saying that he is doing it for selfish purposes essentially for political survival and the us presidents say he doesn't agree with the approach. so one can only speculate, but he is going to double down on that criticism. essentially saying that this is
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only going to complicate matters further. okay, kimberly thank you so much for that update from the white house we have with us know that there is a political analyst under calling us just joining us from but i'm, i'm not in the occupied westbank nor are they. thanks for your time. once again. what is the, is really calculation in this assassination, particularly when you look at the timing, it's the 1st day of trying to fit to it is of course, as the, as far as negotiations are meant to be ongoing as well. that even as it is, there has been doing this for many, many years going after the families of a prominent palestinian leaders from all factions, whether by way of killing or, or, or detention or, or other restrictions. but the timing, as you said, is very important because everybody was waiting for a response from her mouth about ceasefire talks about a possible deal for exchange of captives. and the us put in a lot of weight,
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a lot of influence, a lot of capital in those stocks. so to kind of carry out this killing re, son's 3 grandchildren of the top leader of how i asked a doesn't indicate a willingness to see a positive outcome. and in fact, i think it indicates quite the opposite. i know that a lot of the spin in as well says that if you apply more pressure, if you feel more how much leaders of how us will surrender. 75 years of these really occupation and colonize ation should have been enough proof for these really security establishment that that does not work. it never worked. in fact that usually creates more escalation, not less. so i mean, speaking of the us on tuesday, the national security advisor jake sullivan said that the us was a waiting a response from, from us when it comes to this, these far negotiations were given. now these developments that have happens in gaza and these assassinations do you think that response may not be forthcoming?
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i think this will complicate matters up even at a you know, as far as security considerations, getting the message to the how much leadership in gaza will probably now become more complex and getting that message out of gaza will may require time tensions will be high and the optics of what we have must accept after such a heavy blow to the family of the top leader of the organization. all of that, i think we'll play into the dynamics of, of, of what's going on. and kyra, even though we heard from the him, us leadership, we heard from smart and honey himself, promising that this would not affect the negotiations that the resolve of how of how much would not waiver. but that usually means that they might go more towards a hard life position rather than to soften their position. and given that the
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president biden has sharpened his criticism of nothing. yeah. who just in the last 24 hours saying that nothing yahoo is making a mistake and guys, um, do you think that there's some going to make the already tons of relationship between these really prime minister and the us presidents more difficult because that's an yahoo just seems to be doubling down with this assassination. he is indeed, but you know, this pens, relationship is, is quite rhetorical because the bite and administration hasn't stopped shipping weapons. it hasn't stopped sending military aid, it hasn't stopped calculating israel and protecting it politically international for. so, you know, we hear a lot about us officials being upset from biden himself being angry at the person of nothing. yeah, but this is really policy and the fact is the cabinet was quite intent on an escalation. nothing yahoo cabinet ministers, his allies in government want to see an invasion enough for him less than 24 hours
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ago. we heard from the man himself from nothing yet hosting a date has been fixed for the ground invasion of i. so unless there are real painful consequences for as well. i don't see why not cynthia, who would feel that he is obliged, or that there's really a big risk for him to continue down this path and to further escalate the situation and perhaps drag the whole region into a something even more serious than just verify. envision which will be at no doubt catastrophic, with a 1000000 and a half people crammed in that area. okay, and what are they? thank you for joining us from around a lot in the occupied westbank. meanwhile in central garza is really strikes over night targeted a residential home and ends away killing it. please 14 palestinians with children among them. large craters are all that's left of a house where a family was preparing for reed celebrations. several people including displays,
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families had been staying inside that building and the recovered bodies were taken so up to the hospital indeed and by law before very oh, it kind of did you hesitate when he was preparing for ead, he and his young children off to sunset he entered the house at 9 o'clock and without warning, they hit them with muscles, and he was killed along with his sons and daughters, and 2 other displaced families. palestinians have been gathering to observe their agent for the holiday marketing the end of the fasting month to put on hold on. normally a time of celebration this year. as are you. it is vastly different. worshippers have been praying among the ruins of what used to be a mosque. just one example if the devastation left by more than 6 months of is really bombardment across the strip thought about as soon as more from alpha in southern gaza. with russell class to make a space to pray. was lin palestinians for a rough hold? it probably is next to the ruins of fargo. most men are. it is the only part that
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said vines, in his very palming ease of what they're supposed to be time of celebration off to a month of down to doesn't cost. think last need i had a home and my children were joyful playing around me. this eat is filled with grief, agony at sadness. my home was destroyed and i lost many loved ones. in addition, i'm injured and they cannot move. i'm no longer able to bring joy to those around me. these boys is families have managed to find these clips to market a lot. for most palestinians in costs, you will get to eat like any other day in recent months. just trying to find enough food and more to suffice that as well says it's moving more agents off the international process for the united nations says it's a still less than the bare minimum required to meet the humanitarian needs. this he
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does come with deep pain. instead of gathering with loved ones, we will sit and move and then i lost my father. my brother and my own to eat is also a time to remember. i do still have drawings in garza, everyone knew someone killed in the past 6 months. they did use the skin when i think about it was the best one of my life because my son was beside me in my arms . i did everything he wanted. i wish you was here with me. he would go to the mosque in the morning and said to me, the bid my present for when id turn. now he's gone. everything good about my life is gone. comfortable was not over is why the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that he has said that useful a major ground defense. if he had a rough off, it's the last lot refute. we're one on the health 1000000 displace palestinians
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auction bring here patrick up as a oh, just a rough, rough southern gaza, at least for palestinians have been shot and injured by is really settlers and the occupied westbank. dustin's and i'm store the village of com, firing live ammunition and rubber coated bullets of people and cones. they also threw stones and assaulted the villagers. the palestinian red crescent task confirmed 3 of the injured had been shocked. the village near at i'm a law has seen frequent attacks by settlers to and they occupied westbank palestinians have marked the 1st day of for high use by visiting the graves of their loved ones. it's rich richardson, many families observed on special occasions. and during the 6 months of fits were on gaza is really forced as have killed 460 palestinians and occupied westbank knew that, but i am reports from janine and the occupied westbank viewing the people celebrate west palm new to unions. but in the occupied west bank,
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there's little to celebrate. and the unions take place and semitic. at the break of dawn on the 1st day of the foot, the families make the journey to breeze. to remember those one no longer here. you have enjoyed, rod would have been at the g, need refugee camp cemetery to visit the grieves of his friends. but the 16 year old was killed by his weighty forces in november. now his mother and friends are spending a tombstone to create a student. our children grow up too fast and too soon when a 16 year old groves up seeing these really occupation is brutality in humanity against palestinians. would you expect this path to take him to the same park? of course the cemetery. this is a life that was imposed on us during the world. garza is really forces in some of those a few, at least $460.00 palestinians of the occupied west bank. nearly a quarter of them with you here and you need and it's refugee camp. this new
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cemetery was opened in july last year and it's already filling out the 50. some that we use is the mother of 9. 4 of her children were killed in and is really don't strike in january. so the communion mother i eat without them is very difficult. i had so many traditions with them for e, and they would take me to the outside who would buy the streets and clothes, a meat cookies together. if to sam says she comes here every day, not just doing a goodly and had them if i was deprived of helping them achieve the themes of getting married and this w families are now. the only thing i could do for them is clump flowers. know that grace, they will never see their loved ones grow up. or girl families place photographs on the grave. upon flowers, they tell us it's a way of bringing life to a place of death. you the same as your 0. do you need the occupied westman,
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iran, supreme leader all accommodate, has led to all your prayers into ron. he used his speech to call for retaliation against israel, for its attack on the iranian consulate building in syria earlier this month or so . jabari has more from to ron, the accusations, sweats and warnings by around supreme leader, i told the comedy during a speech of delivered following prayers that was done in the most l. a mosque and capital to run on this eat at the supreme leader said israel is guilty of 2 crimes . first, the blood shed that has been carried out during the whole, the month of ramadan and gaza has left a bitter taste for muslims during this aid and also the western powers and are responsible because they haven't done anything to stop the blood shed. and also they've been ating, the occupying power. the 2nd crime he highlighted by israel was that stripes that
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was carried out on around the consulate in damascus on april. first, this is what you'd have to say on that. the copies the wicked sinus version. you made another mistake and staged in an attack on your own consul infection, which means that attack on the countries soil, a violation of international norm. it made a mistake, and the regime needs to be punished and will be punished. the question now is when and how around response the hits that was taken by the radians on april 1st in damascus, is being seen as an attack on the countries on soil. and the supreme leader made it very clear that a response is imminent when and how that will happen remains to be seen. what is clear is that iran will respond to israel door, such a bar algebra 0 to han. 3 children have died after a migrant. both capsized off the coast of the greek island of choose. their bodies were recovered by the coast guard,
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which also rescued. 14 people including 8 other children. brief media say the migrants were from afghanistan on, as you are a pain, parliament has proved an overall of emigration. policies that harden entry procedures for asylum seekers and require a member of states to share responsibility. the decision follows years of political deadlock charities and, and g o. say the reforms will not help migrants and refugees, well, far right? parties across europe say it doesn't go far enough. dominic came reports from berlin. a small boat is helped into adina again haul by the spanish coast scots on bold. people who have travelled from west africa, dazed and confused by the dangerous crossing to the canary islands. some of those rescued need immediate medical attention. all of them want to assign them in the u . spanish officials. same olden 6 times. as many people made this journey in the
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1st quarter of the year compared to the same period last year. which helps explain why the european parliament is just the voted to change its assignment policy. it is crucial that this starts to take back control from the smugglers. so big because we need to decide who will actually enter the european union. we need to strengthen our common border because only so can be also ensure that we move towards a policy when we can gave protection to those the needs and not to regular migrants . countries not on the blocks external border will not have to choose between accepting a share of $30000.00 asylum applicants or paying more than $21000.00 per person into an e you fund. a new screening system will distinguish between those who need international protection and those who do not. a process that will last up to 12 weeks with
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rejected applicants sent back to the home countries within another 12 weeks. but this still has faced strong criticism for the form of the coming during the field. asylum system will not save a single live, not in the mediterranean, and not at any of your p and x 2 and a borders. because what has been happening is that the, you now legalize this, the violations of international law that are committed by european states already. now the extra and the boldest european far right to parties say the changes don't go far enough, but anyhow, so there isn't even a mention of defending the borders against the invasion of immigrants. they are deliberately replacing european population to our borders must be closed. our people don't want more migrations, they want less, it will. this still still needs formal approval from the european council of ministers, but that is seen as a formality, whether it can deliver all of what it supports is a promising is perhaps less so the european parliament selections in june may show us what the votes is. think of it's going okay,
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how does era boatley with the white house, but as the us president joe biden, standing alongside him, is the japanese prime minister and they are holding a press conference. let's listen and formed into a truly global partnership. and that's thanks. and no small part to the courageous leadership of prime minister casita. and i mean that sincerely, together, our countries are taking significant steps to strengthen defense security cooperation for modernize you command and control structures. and during the increasing interoperability and planning of our military so. so you can work together in a seamless and effective way. this is the most significant upgrading our alliance since the end of it says it was 1st established. i'm also pleased to announce that for the 1st time, japan in the united states and australia will create a network system of air, missile, and defense architecture. we're also looking forward to standing up to try lateral military exercise with japan and the united kingdom and our office defense
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partnership with australia. the united kingdom is explore and how japan can join our work in a 2nd tour, which focuses on advanced capabilities including a ton of my systems. all told that represents a new benchmark for our military cooperation across a rage capabilities on the economic front. our ties have never been more robust. japan is the top performed investor the united states say that again. japan is the top foreign invest in united states. and we, united states are the top for an investor in japan. nearly $1000000.00 americans worked in japanese companies here in united states and to name just one example a few months ago, toyota, to announce that $8000000000.00 invest in a massive battery production facility in north carolina, which will include an employee of thousands of people. prime minister is going to travel to north carolina tomorrow to visit that project. don't stay, don't stay,
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we need you back in japan. so probably try to keep you. you're also a firm. the science and education ties between japan and united states. those tries, ty, stretch up to the moon or to japanese astronaut will join future america emissions . and one will become the 1st non american ever to land on the moon. and they reach into the high schools and universities as well, where the men that i'm that invested them in as program exist name for our dear friend norman, that we're going to invest in new state exchanges, help train. the next generation of japanese and american leaders are also discussed developments in the middle east, including our shared support for a cease fire, and a hostage deal, and urgent efforts to do what do you monitor in crisis that exist in casa. we're also want to address the radiance, right, to largest together. they are threatening to launch a significant attack on israel,
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as i told prime minister netanyahu. our commitment to israel security gets the stretch moran and his proxies is our and class beset again our class. we're going to do all we can to protect is real, secure. and then finally, i want to commend the prime minister himself. he's a statesman. the command you know, the fact is that you condemn pollutants invasion of brutal of raising your crime when it happens. you place more than $12000000000.00 a day prior charge, the nuclear nonproliferation at the united nations security council. standing strong with united states as we stand up for freedom of navigation, including the south china sea. and as we maintain pieces, debility across the taiwan straits and taking the brave step amending ties with the republic of korea. so we can all stand shoulder to shoulder together. tomorrow. we will both be joined by another good friend,
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president marcos of the philippines for a tri lateral summit. the 1st of its kind in throughout all our commitment to the defense of japan on our article 5, including the so note cisco, we sent taco islands is on waivery. mister prime minister to our partnership. we have strengthened the alliance. we have expanded our work together. we raised our share of the emissions and now the rest, your panel lines is a beacon to the entire world. there's no limit what are countries can in our people can do together. so those, thank you for your partnership, your leadership, tenure, friendship and now over to you, mr. prime is height. here's your idea of what was this is what the off the do. you know versus ivy, i've done it that and control was there. yes. thank you joe. and like the others who i like, what are they
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a google dot com like i don't see it. what this is. yeah. you can do that. you don't need tons outside of the to call that the the use of it or a gig or you can you do you oh, there i don't my go. so what do i need? so it's a company or sit us or it goes to exactly why it's taking up my 2 guns and all right, so we're going to move away from this press conference because while we work on the translation for the japanese, the prime minister. but there he is. standing alongside the us president joe biden at the white house, both giving a press conference with japanese prime minister is in the us on a space visit. and so far, what we understand, the talks were focused on the global and in the pacific region of the security and political situation. there. economics, as well as strengthening ties between the 2 countries as well as evolving challenges. what biden did say when he was speaking is that uh the us,
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japan and australia will create and network systems of error mississauga and defense architecture. and he also said that when it comes to space dropping is oscar and also will join future to american space. mission is for this, so we will keep an eye out on that press conference and bring you any of the latest lines as and when they develop on this we will tell you about me and more now because there's fighting that's escalating between the middle of the region as well as revel groups in the east. the violence has been focus there. the board autonomy l y d. so it's an important trade hub, as well as a source of revenue for the cash strapped military rebels, say hundreds of soldiers have surrendered thailand has increased security along its border as people and me and more tried to flee the fighting. rattle groups have made significant gains in recent weeks weakening the military's griff.


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