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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  April 10, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm AST

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simple architecture and he also set this when it comes to space dropping is oscar and also will join future to american space. mission is for this, so we will keep an eye out on that press conference and bring you any of the latest lines as and when they develop something we will tell you about me and more now because there's fighting that's escalating between the middle of the region as well as rebel groups in the east, the violence has been focusing there. the board autonomy l y d. so it's an important trade hub, as well as a source of revenue for the cash strapped in military rebels, say hundreds of soldiers have surrendered thailand has increased security along its border as people and me and more try to flee the fighting revel. groups have made significant gains in recent weeks weakening the military is grip on power. tony trying is on the time in our border with more on the growing tensions all the time military are on high alert here on the boat out with me. i'm
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a can see how these move again, all along the boat area with grenade launchers and heavy machine guns and all along this path way. today we've been seeing soldiers patrolling alone. this is a friendship bridge that goes across and to me a while that we understand that was fighting since early this morning, probably seeing that could be heard on this side of the boulder. this seems to have been a seesaw since about 4 hours ago. but the bridge remains open. people have still been going across. hundreds have come across from me a while the trying to escape the fighting. they fix could get worse and it is just a ceasefire. we think for the moment, the battalion battalion 275, that still remains inside me and what is clearly not given up. as i think the korean army that's fighting the military hopes that it might, we understand they may have been reinforced today from the provincials capitals.
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this is a vice, sole trader. its a $1000000000.00 pos is across this bridge every year. and that is vital revenue for a military government in napa dose is facing very difficult times. tony cheng elders 0 on the time you on board. the exit polls in south korea suggests the opposition parties are set for a big victory and parliamentary elections. they're expected to gain a $197.00 seats out of a total of $300.00 in the national assembly. the vote is seen as a referendum on president to you in circles administration. soaring food prices on the health care crisis are among the biggest issues for voters. unit kim, how's this updates from sol to the people have spoken and the 22nd problem entry elections and it's shaping up to be a disappointing night for the conservative people power party and president humans on yacht exit polls. point to a landslide victory for the main opposition democratic party. together with the new
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miners over rebuilding korea party, they could hold 2 thirds of a national assembly and why powers that come with it when election results are certified? come thursday. so how did we get here? despite gains president you and has made diplomatically including radically improving relations with tokyo, has been praised by washington to allow for a close try lateral alliance. he's not exactly been known for being conciliatory in domestic affairs. while he's held several town halls to talk about shared economic growth across south korea, he has generally shunned media and side step traditional new year press conferences . critics have accused him of being less than forthright on a number of scandals involving his wife and mother in law. add to that the pressure as of rising through the prizes and a resident doctor is walk out. that's now and it's 8 week. the voters have spoken
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and it appears that they are calling for a change to business as usual. unit skim. alda sarah. so the chinese president change you're paying has told a former tie when he's leader, that outside interference cannot stop the self governing island from reuniting with the mainland. she made the comments during a visit by my young jo last year. it became the 1st former tie when he's president to visit china. the chinese government has been hosting several high profile numbers of mazda opposition. nationalist party, which favors closer ties with beijing, or the readings agency fits has downgraded china's credit rating to negative. the economy is facing growing uncertainty, foreign direct investment plummeted to a 30 year low last month. government says it's disappointed by the decision is katrina, you reports from beijing. what happens when you think it last month that chinese president student paying rolled out the red carpet for american executives visiting
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paycheck? and in germany and denmark? chinese officials has been hard look coaxing companies to invest more. the campaign to attract overseas business comes as far as direct investment o f. d. i shrank by almost 20 percent in the 1st 2 months of the year. according to government figures. many overseas companies are concerned by the struggle to revive spending of to district locked out of the core of the 19 pandemic tensions but the west and national security credit doubts and forward due diligence fence that obviously is going to contribute to a, a wider uncertainty amongst foreign businesses and investors about how secure they are in upper ations. within china, the government has down played the dropped, saying the country remains a good prospect for international business. start from china is big market is increasingly becoming a bit of a tentative for the rest of the world. we believe that for you, from the prizes that choose to invest in china and develop extensively in china
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will definitely win in china. exactly. earlier this year. it expanded visa, free entry for several european and asian nations and announced the measures to make it easier for overseas funds to do business here. but some industry players say badging needs to do more to even the playing field. i hope that it has become clear now to our thoughts is that this as we approach now in the way that at china is a perceived not oh, have lost faith in china is prospects. so multinational companies including apple, continue to rely on chinese sales and wall investments from japan and south korea has plummeted. those from france and the united kingdom have increased. staging is working hard to increase confidence and it's slowing economy both approved and the government says it's transitioning to a higher policy to rely less exports and more on hi tech development. many
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consumers and investors remain associate about china is katrina, you, i'll to 0. the student is army and parent military rapids support forces have been fighting for nearly a year. now. the conflicts has caused widespread devastation, food shortages and a regional refugee crisis. a report by save the children has called for more protection of young people. it says one and 2 children has been living in an active conflict zone for the past year. and it says more than 10000000 children have been exposed to bottle bombs more through in missile strikes and direct attacks. and this is a 60 percent increase from the 1st month and shows how the conflict has spread and intensified. 4000000 young people have been displaced within. so don's borders, that's the highest number in the world. charity says the international community
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needs to increase support. the one means another 2 and a half $1000000000.00. have a morgan report, so i'm good that if in eastern so done where humanitarian groups are running out of aids of what used to be a school classroom is now home to death for the and her family. they fled here to duka and go out of state 3 months to go after the parent, military rapids support forces or r s f took over what made any the states capital of to the, to the sound for the, for the, the word on the road. a lot of explosions and we were at a fruit this day. we got into i would car to leave, but turn out to fuel and have to stay out in the open for days. there was no food, no water insects, because it took us many days to get out of the state and to don't go. dozens of other families have also thoughts refuge in this school. one of many in the states turned into sensors for displaced people. out of that report to take your back to
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the white house to listen to the us president joe biden speaking at a press conference with the japanese prime minister. and do you stand by your prediction for rick? while i do stand by my prediction before the or is out to be re cut, this may delay is it month or so? i'm not sure that i don't, we don't know when to expect is going to do for certain. but look, we haven't dramatically reduced inflation from 9 percent out of cost a 3 percent. we're in a situation where for a better situation and we were, we took office where we're inflation with sky rocketing. we have a plan to deal with it. whereas the opposition, my opposition talks about 2 things, i just want to cut taxes for the wealthy and raise taxes on other people. and so i think there is they have no plan. our plan is one, i think of so sustainable. mr. prime minister, you said that and then the pon steel acquisition of us deal as a private matter. but i'm wondering, did you discuss the matter today with president biden?
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and do you believe that politics are influencing present it by this decision to oppose the deal? and i wouldn't mind mister present if you answer that one too high us on the issue that you have res. we understand the discussions are underway between the policies. we hope fees, discussions will all fall in directions that would be positive for both sides. japan believes that appropriate procedures based on law is being implemented by the u. s. government. japan is the largest investor to the united states. jeff and his businesses employed close to 1000000 workers into united states. and investment from japan to the us can only increase upwards in dimension years to come. and we wish to submit this when we relationship. thank you.
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or stand by my commitment to american workers. i can man, i'm, i will remember to keep it. and with regard to that, i stand by our commitment to our alliance. this is exactly what we're doing. and strong alliance as well. the prime ministers walk event, please your daughters, you know, not know cookie. i should have 42. i don't know because i still don't. my question is to both apartments traditionally the bike and it's kind of a yes when you read the sunday, which is your think what you confirmed your strong objections against union lack of attempts to address that as go by force or corrosion by china and agreed on reinforcing response capabilities, under current circumstances, issue japan and the united states bolster defense capabilities. china may become more preoccupied, imitrex pension and intensive itsco, or is
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a behavior that is the risk of by lambda in order to avoid the void and expect that's a void, a divide. how should it defend and us respond? let me then take that question 1st. at this summit, we confirmed that the united states and japan will resolutely defend and bolster a free and open international order based on the rule of law. and that japan at the united states as global partners shall work together and shoot for that purpose on challenges concerning china. let's say, you know, it's kinda not so a yes, including the point you raised the object into unilateral effects to change that of school by force or shall we concord at japan and united states as global partners show we're getting close or the nation is or
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do you need less, i guess. yeah. and also as i said previously for the kids, so we will continue our dialogue with i china. and we will cooperate with china intact in from and jo inches and at the president. and i don't for the importance of such dialogue as well, to me, based on this knowledge trust where people are allied in the united states to seem to but we will continue to call on china to fulfill its responsibilities as a major power to steal, to defense policy ok, thank you. which i have cuz it only embrace is to coffee has sent me some mutual strategic revisions like we have a china and establish
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a constructive and stable japan china relationship through efforts by both sides. that has been, my customer didn't position that i have a power. we will continue to seek close communication with china at all levels as a disguise. that's it for me to know. first of all, we keep improving our lines of communication to one another. that's united states in china we. i met, i've pretty recently spoken at length with president she and we've agreed that we were number one, have personal contact with one another whenever we'd want to discuss anything. so the be no, nothing left is no, no, no nothings substitute as they say between the cup and the lips. so we know exactly what the other team is thinking. number one. and so we had a long discussion last uh, almost, i guess almost 2 weeks ago now. and uh,
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the best way to reduce the chances of miscalculation and misunderstanding is number one, number 2. in our alliance, we have what japan is. a purely defensive in nature. it's a defensive alliance, and the things we discussed today improve our cooperation and our, and our surely about defense and readiness is not aimed at any one nation or threats of the region. and it doesn't have any to do conflict. and so this is about restoring stability in the regions, and i think we have a chance for julia. ok, 3rd, the next question is who i call on next time. i'm sitting here on my list here. i apologize. really of a p. thank you. my 1st question would go to both of you mr. president and mr. prime minister is the pass for japan to become
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a form member of focus. and then we have a 2nd question for you, mister president. you know, saying that benjamin meant that you know, is making a mistake in gaza whether you're willing to do to make him change his type digit and would you consider conditioning me to 3, a 2 as well. thank you. hi, uh cool. mm. are saying to you, oh gosh, your question about this? i know this fund for the cheek you of the country the he is going to contribute to the piece instead of the t o. the ration and the full we have consistency supported focus has inc, you'll say that the participants are focus u. s. u k, australia, by using such countries by my, by the coalition ship or not, his actual locations. we have established,
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it does have us relationships. but for japan to have a direct quote question with locus, nothing has been decided to move this movement going forward with u. s. u k. 4 with australia, with such countries while you are in biological or multi rental frameworks, we will continue the corporation for the truck so that they will continue to be consider at the moment about the relationship potential pending locus. that's it. with regard to my discussions with a b, b then you know, promising to know as well as our relationship with this room. i have been very blunt, straightforward with the prime minister, as well as his work cabinet, as well as the can. and the fact of the matter is that the i b b and i have a long discussion and he agreed to do several things that related to number one,
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getting more agencies and both food and medicine and the guys and reducing significantly the time the civilian casualties in any action taken in the region, and thus far away that's tied to the hostages. there are a number of hostages that are being held by, by the, the last and as just yesterday, we're meeting with the vice president or a national security advisor before that. and then and there american hostages as well, and they know how committed we are and the whole team to getting their loved ones home. we're not gonna stop until we do a new proposal on the table. and bill burns, let the effort to, uh for us are great for us work. there's a now to a moss. they need to move on a proposal there's a made and as i said, we'll get these hostages home where they belong, but also bring back a 6 weeks cease fire that we need now. and the fact is that where they're getting
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in somewhere in the last 3 days over a 100 trucks is not enough, but needs even more. and there's one more open ended, it has to take place in the north. so we'll see what he does in terms of meeting the commitments he made for the last mr. she needs a police and it's kendall, she missed the most 10 kids she needs to of n h k. i the question to both of you as prime minister keisha the mentioned the abduction issues, north korea i believe, was discussed in prime minister. you have the express to wish to have everything judgment to with kim, to and on that. but the see that that duction is already resolved, which means that they are refusing to enter that meeting. what to do to push the button above to the,
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to the 8 summit. and that what the engagement till to ask present it by didn't present by didn't my question, what did you hear from 5 minutes to case you that and go to see what ups of ation and feeding your president and with a new can me so issues. what is your position? do you support the summit between japan and north korea? thank you. first of all, if i may, just regarding my somebody meeting with the president invited is about north korea including the, the, me. so the nuclear issues we have discussed in regarding the, the increasingly loading situation we have agreed to, to continue close according nation. and to on top of that, it would be that could that to the window or for a discussion with north korea is open and to we discussed at the to japan,
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u. s. a. japan, us and over k will continue to book closely to, to get a. so i also asked for the continued understanding corporation for the immediate resolution of the abduction issues and depressed. and that's by then once again, it gave myself a very strong assurance regarding the recent announcement by north korea. i will refrain from commenting on each interview announcement, but north korea, but as a has the mission and repeatedly, based on other perspectives that establishment of a meaningful relation between japan and north korea is in the interest of both to funding north korea. and to that it would be usually it beneficial to the piece and the stability of the region. my policy is to aim for a summit meeting with north korea to resolve various issues and would advise,
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however, consultation directly to my instruction. and that remains on change. that is my response. we did discuss this issue. we both agreed that t p r k must, must also address a serious human rights for the amount of time and concerns of the are nice community, including immediate resolution is induction issue. and you know, the prime minister has just spoken to the potential what his plans may mean and welcome. i welcome the opportunity. we welcome the opportunity for allies to initiate dialogue with a democratic republic of korea. so i've said many times we're open to dialogue ourselves at any time, but, but without pre conditions, dpr k, 5 face in the, in the japan are facing the prime minister and i think is, we're seeking a dialogue with them is a good thing. positive. thank you. the
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why didn't everybody holler once on the issue of abortion? so the people in arizona right now, we're witnessing a law going to place the dates back. elect me. hi. i'm in the 20 the 20th century 21st century. the fact that you weren't able to state, i find the thank you all very much. thank you. okay, so as you can see, the reporter is trying to get present biden, to answer a few more questions, but that wraps up the press conference. he was just giving with the japanese prime minister who is in the us on a state visit and we can now bringing alger zeros. whitehouse correspondence kimberly how could um, kimberly, before we get onto uh, sort of us dropping these relations in what the japanese prime minister is doing in the us. i mean 1st, let's just pause and take stock of what bite and said on israel and,
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and that's anyhow, he didn't really make any comments about the assassination that happened just a short while ago. office 9, honey is sons and a grandkids. and he wasn't even asked about that, but he tell us what he said on, on, nothing yahoo and how he sees the gauze of war and the cease fire told well, what's notable is 1st of all the press conference between the prime minister and the president was an hour late and one could potentially speculate, but that might have had something to do with the developments. and the fact that there was the breaking news regarding the killing of the sons and grandchildren of the home us political leader. that certainly would be something that we know was of concern to the us presidents. they acknowledge that the beginning of the press conference that they did discuss the war and israel's war on gaza. the japanese
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prime minister saying, but they themselves, the japan had been instrumental as well and trying to bring about a ceasefire and bring about humanitarian aid in addition to the united states. so there may have been added discussions as a result of those developments further. we also know that the us president, there was dr. new, the question that was quite direct by one of the reporters about the comments that he had made just one day earlier by when he was asked by spanish language network here in the united states. and he responded by, it was sharply criticizing v as really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, about his handling of israel's foreign gauze. a colleague of the mistake and suggesting that is as the prime minister has essentially killed $33000.00 plus palestinians for his political survival. and that she doesn't agree with the
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approach when asked about these comments, july and kind of dialed it back a bit. and when he was asked just now in the rose garden, whether or not he was considering withholding military aid that more than 3000000000 annually. that's given by the united states is re. 2 if you wouldn't answer the question, and we know that what has been suggested by the united states is israel does not. um, sort of meet benchmarks, the in terms of humanitarian a that there could be a policy shift. 5, the united states front of all that view as president said, just now is that they're following through on steps, but he wouldn't answer whether or not he was going to hold back that aid as has been suggested, a kimberly we just have about 45 seconds left or so, but just tell us what was the take away messages from, from the state, visit of the japanese prime minister. this very quickly. what we know is the big
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focus is that it's looming. it's really about looking ahead to tomorrow. and that is that they are discussing about the cooperation with regard to defense. these 2 leaders in japan and the united states are really trying to settle some differences amongst themselves so that they could work together collectively when the philippine liter joins them on thursday. right, we'll be discussing when they have their try lateral summit, the issues in the south china sea. okay, kimberly thank you so much for wrapping that up for us from the white house. well, that brings us to the end of the news hour on al jazeera. we will take a short break, and we'll be back with another hour of news. and in the meantime, you can always add online. our website is, i'll just you or dot com there. you'll find all the latest news and all the latest headlines out of gaza and right around the world. we'll take a short break and we'll see you in a minute. the
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these are the mythologies, old dramas. they used to march through the old city before dawn box with an increased. it's really ministry presidents. it's too dangerous. as daylight arrives at austin begins instead of traditional decorations, the street as part of the clinic codes, images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces. it's not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies and tourists will for is the city often defies the fictional suite use of the law on the street. right now look, it's easy to move around the law because the difference in this warren goal is to change the situation. and now we have 70 percent more business people here say the heart of the month is even more significant this year. a foster emphasize with
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those hungry and suffering in casa, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news, our life from a headquarters in delphi. i'm getting you navigate, here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel assassinated 3 children on 3 grandchildren off from us as a political leader. it's $900.00 a year in northern gauze. all family kills and a home destroyed. bodies are recovered from the scene of another is really attack which kills 14 people in central cause of the praying for


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