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tv   The Listening Post  Al Jazeera  April 10, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm AST

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on sleggs or too many so denise reclaiming what they lost any time soon. he but morgan knowledge is 0. the body of eastern sedan exit polls in south korea suggest opposition. parties are set for big victory parliamentary elections that are expected to gain $197.00 seats south of a total of $300.00 and the national assembly. the votes, as seen as a referendum on the president unit associate who's administration soaring food process on the health care process are among the biggest issues that i just noticed came, has this update from so the people have spoken. and the 22nd problem entry elections and it's shaping up to be a disappointing night for the conservative people power party and president humans on yet. exit polls point to a landslide victory for the may not position democratic party together with the new minor. so it will be building korea party, they could hold 2 thirds of a national assembly and wide powers that come with it when election results are
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certified, come thursday. so how did we get here despite gains president you and has made diplomatically including radically improving relations with tokyo, has been praised by washington to allow for a close try lateral alliance. he's not exactly but known for being conciliatory in domestic affairs. while he's held several town halls to talk about shared economic growth across south korea. he has generally shunned media and side step traditional new your press conferences. critics have accused him of being less than forthright on a number of scandals involving his wife and mother in law. add to that the pressure as of rising for the prizes and a resident doctors walk out. that's now it's 8 week. the voters have spoken and it appears that they are calling for a change to business as usual. eunice kim alda sierra sol and on his staar move, athletics has become the 1st for the patient as
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a to off the prize money deal to pick games. and well that's, that's it. so the ration is announced that the $48.00 gold med list and iris will and $50000.00 each total price of $2400000.00. this will be extended to silver and bronze medal. this southern los angeles gains in 2028. a french woman has set to wells records for rope climbing and she did attend the eiffel tower and iris of total cost race. and you're going to 8 climb to a 110 meters. that's 20 meters high. a previous records set by mail, south african or you can find more of these features on our website. i'll just say we don't. companies continue selling offices are often police think by the families in gaza, facing unimaginable hardships during times of crisis. solidarity is the strongest
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defense against injustice. and we've been in garza since 1991 doing life saving look. your generosity can provide value to support to those west effected because he met doggy style a you'll see showing this brightest game. see now tonight today of hello sorry the
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little kennel with me and shaking it with me. i'm sure you can count on little chicken on with me and see how i can rely on the good. there's a little high level corolla noon. hasn't been with the say i don't, i'm, i showed a whole month like so. how does that do it? i mean, well, it depends on the home on i've been on i initial body shop. well, basically how your mouth is. i'm a live has actually been the damn the text theater of a shimmy. i mean, we've got a live audience, william the island on another for show of us now living on the how one of the
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caroline say the life is out of the classic a minute. i'm really not a certain solve well. so we're so happy like in the level of detail and how to model those. uh, a of my head, tim saw well, uh, a model. awesome. well montage on how to learn on center because hired as a product of the license. so name, i'm live in town, we're in the fall with the list of how to get the how does she have a knack and i'm here i think is the head of the
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issue a lot less salons on how to do my to upon the knowledge ahead hasn't been done a lot of less than uh, unusual, has my name, is it a soft and level upon me when i had no interest while on the ma ma was that the the the the, the live the one for i got animal and know, hopefully you don't guy didn't see it. and luckily
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a out of all literally and we can really like and one from us or the region and i am a little with the last among the less what the heck am i going to show it's paula? i'm done hunt. i'm done a lot of senior at the 49 and i collide colin clement i'm gonna talk a little while i am up online because uh elizabeth does royce because i looking for showing malware unofficially malware. things that had a nice oh for sure. and can you, i think i'm gonna issue perfect done as you're not a younger than most of the, the, any kind of the clean up possibly a little bit dated and huddled. we'll have to have a young i'm but i'll have the it hurt if by not kind of sad it had to in the new me any major as there is. i mean, you all i'm interested in the are to come ha, ha, ha, ha,
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mean fish and the fall as the the the, you know, because the, again, i was always it either. now cuz you know. 6 0, well i'm on the most extra shift. yeah. i've had to share it and gotten the how to do it on it. i found a couple of fun and it was like, do you know the little i'm on with them and besides 4 and a little uh, mckenzie. and besides, when i'm unclear on with them, probably go where i live with them. it's honestly because of it them near but you know me and one for the shuttle. i help me. i mean,
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can we this almost shut all you for that info. mm. especially on, along with the appointment on the sofa. and you can see, oh me, i'm not a persona. and just next to the saw, you know me, i'm using it, the front of modeled lot of the young stuff in the near most the looks of but of the model of this highly home. now you will see them in loveland. how about us to 0? falsely enron, us a shot if or took a closely shuttle. let's go with one gen a general way. i know you said to me, i noticed the, the fox had
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colors in height. the height which had come. this was the drone a given year that goes $24.00 on 7 buzzing in our ears as if it's like the national anthem or something. you sleep on a drone, you wake up on a drone, you live your life on a drone. can you imagine living 6 months with this bus? it's insane. for 151 days i have been daily reported. if i wasn't like producing packages or doing live reports, i have been treating and posting on my instagram. we were driving in the car, finishing up. i'll be wrecked for today. and suddenly a huge explosion happens. if target allowed
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i saw her brain. maybe she's a 5 year old. the we're not used to it. there's lots of stories. people who are still trapped under the rubble, people who till now don't have their bodies fund, the people who can't feed their families, people who are arrested on their way from evacuating from the north to the south. every time i see a mother calling, i remember my aunt, my uncle, every time i see a wife cry, i remember my friends who lost her husband. and sometimes i would sit to reports and i would sit to cry like literally sob. because i
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wouldn't have any words to describe what i see. my voice has been trembling all the time. i don't know if i don't have the rightful copy larry. i wish i had more words to describe what was going on. the waiting list was jamie diamond. say look in the jail and some of them an 8 issue. oh yeah. i remember couldn't have divided full yet. remember, could had them, but, so it'd be a and, and the should be in that message as a, i mean, i thought it had been much that i do when she was with you, when i met some people, goodness, i think you can get ahold of simply the height and with this plan is that even
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investment in how you knew nothing or had the man said they've been used to have the gen uh pretty much the individual as an exhibitor them and what, how much heather, bye, of the nothings like tons. you don't have to you can't have those because you don't guarantee that you're going to stay alive or you won't be bombed. at least for palestinians have been killed and is really air strikes. they are, they all are the hospital. so this is the 10 where we need to need work in my colleagues were sleeping here, where this is their own phase they're living in. we're still looking for the people we know, and we're still looking for our beloved with the,
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the search bar. let's see how you doing it. it's $11.00, and $3.00. even one. no, no, no. can. oh no, no, no, there's be no us close to the machine and ask them to answer the phone please. what was the last one of them? the on the, on the loss of the one who is this and i see. and so the federal funding and assets almost all the way around. what was what somebody wrote a lot of times in the past and, and it's all about that. and this, this is one mentality, somebody getting in, in,
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in the summer, having uh, phone left in movies here and, and rainy already noticed. okay. well, unless that's all they have different. this was 9. 0 wow. what's the oh so it wasn't us when we looked at it as an awesome awesome. it was like that was i had this right. uh and that's what it was. and i haven't assessed any of the young atlanta. so what i was at the moment i can sample like any of how and, and the high level harvey, i'm really getting an elias on what's on the that's what i'm wondering if i got the progress of the 319, and the vision. um i a part of accent me out before the fall ahead is rosetta? i know, as i was saying now what's on what i understand when they are why that's sort of sort of long. i'd ask what i understand. the thing i say i'm an open on the,
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on the the, i'm fine. i accidentally out of thoughts someone at the was not until like, i don't know so so yeah. so so yeah for us to play that's also a center or not so good. the rest of the show. oh, that's a lot of fun. right. so we yeah, it's on the corner and then yeah, i just hold on. so i have the last name, sir, i'm gonna say i'm, i don't want to rush, and i'm wondering if it's on the planet. okay. also on the, when i was supposed to be there, when i went to that and also when i'm a little past almost what it was, the other then why don't you the last one. and that's where the young lady that i'm up from the front of that wasn't enough lesson with our that hello. can i send in people phoenix?
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ha, ha, ha, ha ha, showing live show on. it should have shown your initial fee. how do you enjoy? and i know a socket scholarship, and here's the woman. she'll have the most of the and i should. yeah. okay. not a father does not a function of love has to do and not all right, is there is a nash with the same thing as like i can or something not at this the things that i think i find i used to work things out. if this is not my fish, i can win because i'm on the truck and they're going to work for the last 5. officially the ship left along the line. nothing. i know
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the feeling the national home, but i'm not home is one of the lot going on and it has a little longer. so right. whoever owns a lot of times, you know, most of you know me and that's what was the thing though, and your so the hot how to put a house on that to according to the had the i knew it. huh. it was as if i do apologize. if i thought a lot of thought they are for the on the roof in the list, i'm wrong, i can see the malta from the kind of the saw budget, then the on it on a contains upper left the safe and quite image of it on the account what the next and then is the optimal. that'll be. yeah. and then we'll call you on the, on the call on this curriculum and as a hand saying that the single color that, let's say i wanna yeah. ma'am it's ever for the best. yeah. the in
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the shade, the sob, live and living the with the cost off of it and find out to inject me a wash out and i'm just on, well the, i'm not my thing most all month to put this when my dad is in the home. uh, enjoy on this. okay, the way the thing, the fun, it's the different visually as well. do you mind? zillow said, i'll see you enough in jersey, you don't. and that's a chevy fusion about the in the us this heavy. what do you when we got on that model, assuming enough in how your style kinda of getting busy or not call it and how does the who would have to help us often? and it would then when the full, then wednesday loyalty. but the additional problem that we will supply in the until looks easy to do, does nimble bolton is that i begin the walks. he felt
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d as he hadn't been as little as he gets a little people when a wallace. ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha, allowed them to move out on the insurance part of the cars i f, e love to hear the image of a leo. meanwhile, looking at sea and clay, i'm japan. yeah. but i'm to load the crate and just i'm gonna feel past the other half as any on any level there, there was a come at the head, the amana, i let the a cannot see. i don't know if they hear nothing. why not? i've not shopped me for sure. i'm out of the pond. as i remember the last time i was at home, it was the 2nd day of the war. that was the last time i slept. and then i was the 3 did for my family and my husband. and then i didn't even have time to take any of
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my belongings. so reporting on this genocide was you're living, it means you're also being displaced. you're also starving. you lose your friends, you lose your family, members, you lose your cousins. i lost 3 cousins so far as more than 10 friends. and all of these stuff are not are some things that won't come back again. so living these stuff, everything just drugs to be objective of the cover, it's very hard. you want to report, but at the same time you want to feed your family. you want to search for watchers, search for food, and also to stabilize. you also want to stay alive
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the you feel like you're somewhere like in a game and every day we're like, oh my god. versed in a lives who, who is like more of a of an accomplishment every day you're a live like now we're lot alive for 151 days of genocide. that's a great accomplishment. yeah. for the 1st time, for new years, we're not allowed to enter the customer's trip. so that's why the world didn't have any other option. then the policy news and people are amazed us, what we are producing those policies. they're amazed that there are policy and speaking english there. i mean, this policy needs are good editors, which yeah, we are. here we exist. we're dreamers. we're hardworking people. we are human
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beings. under genocide, we're resisting this genocide. and we did not choose this. we were forced to live this and to report about this. yes, we're brave, but we're brave because we really loved palestine, and we loved garza the let's see, the washington them in the same room. so right. i was in the process of moving so much kind of 11 and as it was a supplemented a ziploc bishop, you know what happens if that means i left and that's
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a pretty my level that's off. i'm driving. i saw a flash sale going on with her, so i know it was only i don't is not in the center for on the the love another hand and also even i'll call them when i am as a human the one and also she also model also signed by the one, right? i know when you're comfortable and i mean, if i few minutes, they bounce off lesson for you and last year. and that's all. yeah. and the soviet in alaska on many yeah, in the samsung i last alignment. how when it comes saying sort of this all constantly moving along and that's not a noun. getting all the stuff isn't on the i wrapped. yeah. and then i was the whole class, not the size of the supposed to be as long as that's when i was in a well, i went out the line on the phone and that applause me
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honey. and well, i'll tell you what i'm saying. i don't know if i get a one and if i thought i was wrong underneath the yeah, i live at them and they say, oh, i'm follow up. and then i'm going to say put it on the spot, the password, and the name of the service, and nothing. if there's a button in my name, it doesn't have that. and that's now what has, has nothing, a list, a lot of books and the photos all. it's all post on typing that was there so i can wait. i just don't remember having a problem. ready for sharon? i don't know. i don't, i don't they have even a lie out of especially in the name and the sunday the i'm just on the phone, the phone number, then no plans put on a lot. hopefully it's a really long. it's all,
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it's doing it for helping you out. the one thing is that it's the most. oh, also in the field, 100 on the lot of the time that i'll tell you one of the things that happen, especially the flat 9. it has a lot of the form to pump in front of the same level. rush level 3 and the thing to notice how willing and what is the soul and kind of sort of the, i mean they come in and reset the what else to have the as well as the law is the one that was the youngest. i'm going in for fun with a lot of people. so if somebody has definitely given this afternoon and say and did it, but i saw what the hello hello. well,
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i really need to hear from mr. west in iowa and got on national living. i don't one of the shy one, it isn't going to shy when a man in line i live in a shy of so i'm in your mail also from an image that i see national a highly in the not to show and the action and the national realtor, one of those, you know, when you go up on wednesday and i welcome it. should've been a shot, a lot of the nation, the, the oh cool enough and the i shall be cam done and heavy with a feed hang the size he is. okay. i have to kind of the engine the left, so that's a lot of the risk when i can get enough model of the
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with so in, in order to get in the spend that's our dollars. pay them and am if somebody ought to be talking with us and push it off, we're not going to show that the money a lot of rain or not with the should in the oh man, well, me in memphis kind of myself. and that is all the a sort of 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from . i'm into the outer a big language world wide shaped, come out a word for translation. and international understanding. announce is the opening of
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the nomination period. for the year 2024 starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website w w w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. now let me tell you almost suffice valley you called result. the 1st of its kind in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the now be used. only look, just very close here, like come in here, sits on to play with a large stairs place with a look in my private for me now. thanks. royal, i can also offer a lot of if somebody value equal, restored to being gone, they didn't want the average person to know what the truth was assigned to dismissed as profits of do. we knew where the temperature was going to go by. lead is seeking the profits of the industry. they were publishing reports saying this is
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not an urgent problem. could we have changed the course of the climate to emergency? air is outages here as new series died. last futures. the is rather assess nights, 3 children, and 3 grandchildren. a master physical leader is smell funny. in northern garza, the i'm carry johnston. this is all just here a life from go said coming assignment, a killed and the home destroyed. while these are recovered from the scene of another is rarely a truck which killed 14 people in central gone. so the .


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