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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 11, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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of the carriage on some is the news a lot from them. coming up the next 60 minutes in northern garza israel assess nice 3 sons and full grandchildren. and that's just that's cool. either a smell from the european pilot boats to types and procedures for asylum seekers. trying to enter the block as number of migrant steps and the mediterranean continues to drive south korea's opposition. policies are expected to win the big
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elementary elections with final official results. these in the coming out the record floods offset to west and investors, and cosmic stock, over 100000 people in the beginning in northern garza, israel has assassinated 3 sons and full grandchildren of the masters. political liter, smell hon. yeah, israel says his sons were a mass offer to instant targeted the vehicle they were traveling in. the incident happened that the outside of the comp, speaking to alex, is here and they said the killings were the only halden masses resolve. he also said it would not affect the groups, the mountains and ceased find the go she ations of the product. they believe that if the killer assessing aidid is older or next of kin said,
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we will abandon all people that we will abandon all resistance. they all mistaken this noble blood that is spelled, including my own children will hard now results make us more defiant, more adamant to continue to march on this road, throat of struggle and resistance until we will not freedom. and the lawful rights of the palestinian peoples are restored event way up or by some name is a senior member who messes political pura. he says the assassination of the smell and the is how many members in the tenants, by israel to the rail, a cease found the go sions, and the can you hold from the beginning, he was doing the maximum to block or to undermine an insurance, to reach as he toyota agreement and also he hesitated along the last few weeks to uh, to uh, to spidey negotiations. and he is under pressure from the americans. i'm from the
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international community and from the and tell them that it's really society. he's not using all the other did the tools, but he couldn't go out of children in our lives, by uh, sitting the leaders or some people in the must coast and live on on. he is insisting on undermining any strong storage if he's fail. agreements on a mac load has more now from rafa in the southern guns that in the past few hours have been very intense. as more confirmed reports of the intense uh, aerial attack than the central area of the gaza strip me on the, on the side. right? refugee camp. and why do you have the area, the very particular a, a few where people were told to be evacuated to at the beginning of, of the initial weeks of, of this war on a separate attacks at earlier hours of this evening. there's really mandatory struck a vehicle in the shot records. you can test the v treasure key out. com in the
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north room, western parts of gaza. city the targeted where the children of the political leader of how much to buy in any along with their children. those are the grandchildren of the political liter of how does this really military or should a statement stating that the killed the 3 operative of how much a political leader in gaza city. this attack on the, on the, it's the, the sons of the grand sons of how much leader viewed largely by people as the weight addicted. the course of the negotiations and the ceasefire talks entire, but also viewed largely by many people here as a way for these really military under prime minister benjamin netanyahu to use military power. and to further the ongoing, the threats of expanding the ground invasion in drop off city and israel, there's been a mixed reaction to news of the assassinations. the only challenge,
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houses update from occupied is true, so a consummation. so the strike has come in full, the joint statements by israel's military and sion backs, which is the internal security agency. they say that they took this strikes because of intelligence gathered by the ministry and by sion bats. and the strike was carried out by his ready ministry at crawl space confirmed that said the 3 men were killed. they were all sons of his mouth, honey. at the, how much political bureau chief and the names were, i mean in, in my home, in india and a has them. and they, they say that all 3, what, how much military operatives, they also say that they cannot confirm whether anybody else, including a minor, was hurt in the strike. now, was this dry, military and intelligence language doesn't reveal his whether this was a purely made it through decision or whether they said being or 5 pop the political
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food chain to the government data. benjamin netanyahu make the cold. that's the lowest strike. now someone who thinks that was politics at play because a man called jaeger line. now he used to be a high ranking military man and he was the full, the deputy chief of stuff in the military. now he's very critical of the government and he thinks whether or not this strikes militarily was the right idea politically . it was the wrong idea. he says, carrying out such dramatic actions on the eve of a possible deal for the release of the adults. these constitutes another serious laugh in their lowest. that's now a very different view coming from the other side of the political device. a member of the kinetic or our home of cohen who's part of the far right nationalist and national security minister gets them up and gives policy. he says he's celebrates
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the assassination of honey ascends and says he's male, hon. yeah. steve, nevada, you on next in line? are we challenged? i'll just say era, you know he fight eastern or when the time comes just a day off to us, president joe barton labeled benjamin netanyahu has gone as a policy mistake. kimberly hopkins has more from the white house. us president joe biden made no mention of the strikes that claimed the lives of ishmael hernia. they have mos political leaders, 3 sons, and 3 grandchildren. however, he was asked about whether or not he was considering withholding military aid israel, and whether or not there could be a shifting us policy. the us president instead saying that he had spoken to the is really prime minister. and he was still withholding that decision, given the fact that he believes there is still time to see whether or not is real
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will meet us benchmarks. i have been very blunt, straightforward with the prime minister, as well as his work cabinets, as well as the can. and the fact of the matter is that the i p b and i have a long discussions. he agreed to do several things that related to number one, getting more agencies, both food and medicine, and the glasses and reducing significantly the attempts, the civilian casualties in any action. thank you. and the reach is now on thursday . us president biden, in addition to japanese, prime minister casita will also be joined by philippines president ferdinand marco's junior, for a tri lateral summit. the focus will be on china is aggression in the south china sea. but the issue of israel's war on gaza is also expected to
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dominate. kimberly, how could l g 0? the white house, meanwhile, in central gaza is rarely strikes on tuesday night targeted a residential home in our as a way to turn at least 14 palestinians, children among them. that's great. so those are all that's left of a house where i'm they was preparing for each celebrations. several people including displaced, families had been staying inside the building. recovered bodies were taken to access the hospital in the full burial. kind of the jazz, does it? well, he was preparing for ead, he and his young children, off to sunset, he entered the house at 9 o'clock and without warning, they hit them with muscles. he was killed along with his sons and daughters, and 2 other displaced families of palestinians have been gathering to observe the eat out for the holiday, mocking the end of the fasting month of ramadan. normally a ton of celebration. this is, it is vastly different. well, i suppose have been praying among the ruins of what used to be
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a musk. just one example of the devastation left by more than 6 months of his ready bombardment across the street park. as the poets from rough and southern gossip, i was with russell class to make a space to pray. was lin palestinians for a rough hold, it probably is next to the ruins of in fargo. most men are. it is the only part that said vines, and he's very plumbing. eat of what they're supposed to be time of set at face and off to a month of down to doesn't cost. think last need i had a home and my children were joyful playing around me. this eat is filled with grief, agony at sadness. my home was destroyed and i lost many loved ones. in addition, i'm injured and they cannot move. i'm no longer able to bring joy to those around me. these boys as families have managed to find these clips to month to day. but for most palestinians in costs,
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you will get to eat like any other day in recent months, just trying to find enough food and more to suffice as well says it's moving more agent off to international pressure for the united nations says it's a still less than the bare minimum required to meet the humanitarian needs. this he does come with deep pains. instead of gathering with loved ones, we will sit and move and then i lost my father, my brother, and my own. that it is also a time to remember. i do still have drawings. in garza, everyone knew someone killed in the past 6 months. they did use the skin. when i think about it was the best one of my life because my son was beside me in my arms . i did everything he wanted. i wish you was here with me. he would go to the mosque in the morning and said to me, the bid my present for when id turn. now he's gone. everything good about my life
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is gone. time the was not over is very prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that he has said that useful a major ground offensive. he had a rough off. it's the last lot refute. we're one on the health 1000000 displace palestinians auction string here. patrick, up as a i would just say rough, rough southern causal and occupied westbank palestinians have mountain the 1st day of the bite, visiting the graves of their loved ones. it's a tradition that many families observe on special occasions. well, during the 6 months of its one garza is ready, forces have killed $460.00 protestants in the occupied westbank. either abraham reports from jeanine viewing. the people celebrate twist problem, new to unions, spots in the occupied westbank. there's little to celebrate. and the unions take place in semitic at the break of dawn on the 1st day of the foot,
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the families make the journey to breeze to remember those one no longer here. you have been judged rod would have been at the g need refugee camp cemetery to visit the grapes of his friends. but the 16 year old was killed by his weighty forces in november. now his mother and friends are spending a tombstone to put all the food. our children grow up too fast and too soon when a 16 year old groves up seen these really occupation is particularly in humanity against palestinians. where do you expect this path to take him to the same park? of course the cemetery, this is a life that wasn't close on us during the world goes out is really forces. and some of those have killed at least 460 palestinians of the occupied westbank nearly a quarter of them with you here in geneva and its refugee camp. this new cemetery was opened in july last year and it's already so the now you said that we is the
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mother of 9. 4 of her children were killed in an is really don't strike in january . so the communion mother i eat without them is very difficult. i had so many traditions with them before and they would take me to the outside who would buy the streets and clothes, a meat cookies together. if to sam says she comes here every day. know just doing a cooling and how to me i was deprived of helping them achieve the teams of getting married and establishing families are now. the only thing i could do for them is clump flowers know that grace. they will never see their loved ones grow up. or girl families place photographs on the grave. at times, flowers, please tell us it's a way of bringing life to a place of death. you the email address you to do, you need the occupied westman around supreme need the,
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the how many has led to each present? tyrone used his speech to cool for retaliation against israel for it. so attack on the iranian consulate building in syria earlier this month. though such a body has more from tyrone, the occupations sweats and mourning, spite around supreme leader, ayatollah ali common a during a speech of delivered following prayers that was done in the most solemn oscar in capital. to run on this eat at the supreme leader said israel is guilty of 2 crimes . first, the blood shed that has been carried out during the holy month of ramadan and gaza has left a bitter taste for muslims during this aid and also the western powers. and are responsible because they haven't done anything to stop the bloodshed. and also they've been ating, the occupying power. the 2nd crime he highlighted by israel was that strikes that was carried out on around the consulate in damascus on april. first, this is what you'd have to say on that. they had these the wicked sinus version. he
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made another mistake and staged an attack on you runs constantly and fish, which means that attack on the country soil a violation of international norm. it made a mistake and the regime needs to be punished and will be punished. the question now is when and how around respond the hits that was taken by the radians on april 1st end, damascus is being seen as an attack on the country's own soil. and the supreme leader made it very clear that a response is imminent. when and how that will happen remains to be seen. what is clear is that iran will respond to israel door, such a bar. i'll just sarah to hon. evans, who's they say they've targeted full vessels in the red sea, including what the group describes as a us warship. what is the latest attack on the commercial shipping lane in the gulf of aden, by the rating back to the group. on tuesday,
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the us military confirmed it's a destroyed and n t shit, ballistic missile. the who's they say the attacks will continue until as well as warrant garza ends the turn into some other world news now, and at least the $38.00 microns have died off to that boat capsized off the coast of to booty. the whole of african nation is the main transit for most the if you, if you and then somebody naturals trying to reach gulf nations through human. jo evans has this report. cheese cosca recover the bodies of migrants research for a better life ended in tragedy. they drowned in the red sea when the boat capsized on the way to him. and while i o n b, international organization for migration can confirm that at least the t h. people perished in this latest tragedy. many of them women, children, and even babies unfortunately lost their lives. when this boat capsized,
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the number of migrants dying on journeys in the middle east and north africa is a 5 year high. according to the latest figures by the us, many of them are headed east rather than those across the mediterranean, the migrant route from the owner of africa through yemen is one of the busiest and most dangerous many pos for the northern jupiter's, about parisian to cross the red sea waters into southern u. m. and in order to reach both countries like saudi arabia, the drivers are a bit mixed. some are going in the search of employment because because of economic reasons, but many increasingly are fleeing untenable human rights situations, particularly in ethiopia, in eritrea. 22 people are rescues from the ship, right? that even if they made it to them and they would have still faced the most dangerous part of the journey in 2020 to 795, mostly ethiopians. with care with between yemen and saudi arabia, with violence against migrants has intensified. they've survived this part of the
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journey that the future looks up as uncertain is that the goal evans, how do 03 children have died off a migrant boat capsized off the coast of the greek on an appeals. their bodies were covered by the coast guard. also rested 14 people, including 8 other children. brig media say they were all from afghanistan, and thousands of migrant. severe rescued off. it's probably an audit and producer. 57 people were aboard a small boats when it came into trouble. they've been safe to transfer to the island for assessment. 0 european parliament says approved over hold of immigration policies that hold an entry procedures for asylum seekers. they decision for those years of tension subdivisions and the clause old member states, the shared responsibility faculties and g o. say the reforms will not help migrants and nephew cheese uh far right. parties across your website doesn't go far enough
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from that. came reports not from building a small boat is helped into adina again haul by the spanish coast scots on bold. people who have travelled from west africa, dazed and confused by the dangerous crossing to the canary islands. some of those rescued need immediate medical attention. all of them want to assign them in the u . spanish officials, same olden 6 times. as many people made this journey in the 1st quarter of the year compared to the same period last year. which helps explain why the european parliament is just devoted to change its assignment policy. it is crucial that starts to take back control from the smugglers. so big because we need to decide who will actually enter the repeal union. we need to strengthen our common border because only soul can be also ensure that we move towards
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a policy when we can gave protection to those the needs and not to regular migrants . countries not on the blocks external border will not have to choose between accepting a share of $30000.00 asylum applicants or paying more than $21000.00 per person into an e u fund. a new screening system will distinguish between those who need international protection and those who do not process that will last up to 12 weeks with rejected . applicants sent back to the home countries within another 12 weeks. but this still has faced strong criticism for the form of the coming during the field. asylum system will not save a single live, not in the mediterranean, and not at any of your p and x to in the borders. because what has been happening is that the, you now legalize this, the violations of international law that are committed by european states already. now the extra and the boldest european far right to parties say the changes don't
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go far enough, but anyhow, so there isn't even a mention of defending the borders against the invasion of immigrants. they are deliberately replacing european populations. our borders must be closed. our people don't want more migrations, they want less, it will be, steal, still needs formal approval from the european council of ministers. but that is seen as a formality, whether it can deliver all of what it supports is a promising is perhaps less so the european parliament selections in june may show us what the votes is. think of is going to k houses, era holy. what you get is a, you director of advocacy at amnesty international. she joins us from brussels, where she may have followed the voting, taking place at the repair department. thanks for joining us. what do you make of this of the whole of migration policies. so today the product passed among strong divisions and almost ease you. this product is going to worst and the situation and create much more suffering for people on more chaos at the border. and in our view,
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europe, security needs a better standard. it was a really interesting day to day and brussels. a lot of speculation right up to the bows about whether or not it would pass inside the parliament. it was an exceptionally high presence of senior european commission officials debates going on right up to the bose and the care message they were given to to the parliament was it was better. this packed, the no packed. we saw protests and the parliament outside in the square in front of new york in parliament. many protesters were gathered with buyers calling on any piece, reject the proposal, and chance of shame on you could care to be heard. so the visions work here on the mood and brussels has really shifted from a celebration of disagreement from some months back to now a real concern about what exactly this package will mean for amnesty and many others. this is not a pact with which will serve the people of europe or serve people, arriving to europe. it will codify the status quote,
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we can the right to asylum normalize, immigration detention, and computing for children's families, increased racial profiling. we think 100 people that increased risk of violence and really ushering in some ferry firm for digital surveillance technologies up the border. so it's really confirmation that instead of an evidence based future proof policy, the us sampled on simply rubber something trials, a failed approaches with some communities on the front line of migration as well might say that they're not being given. the results is to deal with the influx of people, do they have a point or i think indeed in, in the on, in terms of the countries on 1st arrival. they have been in terms of new york in 2727 states together in the united, blocked with a common policy. there was a sentence, but usual migration hasn't been dealt with fairies across those you 27. and that has been a real push at to reach a compromise on
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a common agreement. but in our view, this has really been a lower and of standards to the lowest common, acceptable standard and compromise which has come at the cost of human rights for years. europe has been trying to reform its assign them policies and this pact. unfortunately, the grievance we have for our view, it's not going to solve the situation of those states who are receiving more microns because we're going to see more attention, they're more destitution, more people stranded, fewer legal protections, and also a lot more people being deported to countries maybe which they just trying to search or they don't have any links or or speak the language. i'm of the standards are low, the past even a lives member states to suspend them for what they see as a crisis. afraid to use the the find term and in the pact as obviously international we have seen had these types of policies and of crises were used by lot fia lithuania in 2001 states of emergency which blocked access to the border
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for n g o's. for media and we saw a lot of suffering and even depths of people at the border. and these exceptional measures are, are still in place. so in our view, it's not gonna solve that common approach, but fair sharing and also that addressing to monetary and needs well, even though that you say, you know, what is the solution in your b? and i really would really like to see your upset in a better standard. let's not forget, this is 27 countries. and in the, in the region which, you know, kind of come together kind of grand a system we believe, which is fair, which is effective, coherent 1st thing we'd want to see would be that when people 1st arrive in europe and that they get urgent support, they have a roof over their heads, they have a place to feel safe. they have a fair hearing that they're assign them claim. we see many countries across europe actually moving away from the use of the tension. and it for migration countries like art and for instance don't stay in my grandchildren and other problem are
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states are looking to community based non custodial alternatives to the attention. so many good practices happening across your which could be part of your keen approach. the 2nd thing you want to see is accountability. when your team, governments ignore you and international, we need a clear unaffected e response, for example, and on violence abuse is of the board or 3rd thing we really want to see would be a european search and rescue capacity. so few our lives are lost and see and also safe pathways. so the people have an alternative dignified in fairway to come to europe does a garbage unity, how to use it. so i forgive me for interrupting damage. how easy is it to forget then, you know, all of this that we're talking about human beings here, many of whom have already suffered terrible experiences on the attorneys or indeed, i mean, you're really needs to recognize the people move. some people move for safety and some people move to seek better opportunity jobs. joined family study,
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many reasons. and we know we should know as, as you are about our own history of migration to and that, you know, we want to treat others how we would want to be treated. i'm this really time for i think, an evidence based a migration policy in the long term. there's some other real concerns on those packed issues like on the digital surveillance technologies which are being used now. as part of your if migration response, we need normalizing digital surveillance within the borders. and we know, you know, from our experiences i'm just in many digits are right. scream folks, i've also expressed concerns. these types of policies won't just stop with the border and they will soon also be leveraged across, across europe. and the other point is on board or procedures that have been agreed and this packed is increasing of a legal fiction. that's cool. that all of non arrivals so that people can be on your p entire tree, but not given any of the rides or protections that they would have. so these types
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of measures we see it as a kind of downgrading for human rights across europe, and also europe sending a very worrying signal to other parts of the world. who are, you know, looking, taking far more refugees than you are if is your picks a fairly small percentage. and so i think it's phrased a dangerous side. okay, a worldwide. okay. okay. we're gonna have to leave it that we're gonna have to time that you've got a thank you very much indeed for joining us. what sort of head on the house will tell you why silence creasing security only exported with me in the very warm welcome. see, let's go with your weather uptake. focusing 1st on australia and we've got this disturbance still hanging around just stuff. what certain australia the coast there, but it is kicking back. rain and wind to australia as paper red region,
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are seeing those winds with up to about 75 kilometers power. it has also been windy up and down the coast of new south wales. sidney saw got succeeding a 100 kilometers prior. as a result that produced waves 9 meters high off the coast here, wins not as strong on thursday, and we got to talk about this mess coming to new zealand. south island was the entire island blanket and weather alerts for both rain. and when we're talking hundreds of millimeters of rain within a short period of time, so that much rain, that size will be to some flooding. there has been flooding east. you have a providence on indonesia as main island of java or rain. and the forecast here on thursday, winds are turning around a bit pumping in that humidity to china is on an island in northern vietnam. there's winds of the south china sea here. and once again, more storms for a northern gwen g, one down provinces pushing into food. yeah. and some big burst of rain here, but it is a hutch calmer pitcher up and down japan looking good. so here at 18 degrees and also looking good for china's capital beijing at 23, but
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a bit breezy on thursday. see you soon. the system a little boat is a mechanical or even that self driving train. the vehicle with envoy today can be deal with a human only robot like me will be everywhere, which is 0 documentary. this as the lead on the weird and wonderful world of global learned things for you and even trust. i feel like i'm alive. but i know i and the machine are genes of this, which is growing up in greece means taking action. welcome to generation change a playful series. it seems to understand, since holland is mobilizing, use around the world, we need to a political party that will talk about our problems. know how come from a generation? because 0 is being seem the groups the size of the system as know for most painters
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of working class people, there is a difference between being able to participate in the system and actually being represented in the system generation change on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the watching out the say a reminder about top stores, the sound is ready. strikes, has assassinated, 3 sons and full grandchildren of a master's political legion garza. several members of the smell honey is familiar with traveling in the north of the strickland. the vehicle was not strike came on the 1st day of deed of fit to mocking the end of the fasting month of ramadan.
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worship is in gaza having trade ruins of the most european apartments, as it proved in over the whole of integration policies. that housing entry procedures for sodom seekers and apply all member states to share responsibility decisions. for those news of the tensions and divisions they said in these army and permanent to rapid support, forces have been fighting for nearly a year. the conflicts has killed more than 12000 people on displaced about 8000000 . it's close wide spread devastation, food shortages and the regional refugee crisis in the move and reports not from good r f in easton sit down where he might have tammy in groups are running out to the heat a what's used to be a school classroom is now home to death for the and her family. they fled here to duka and go out of state 3 months to go after the para military rapids support forces, or r s f. took over what made any the states capital of to the, to the,
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the sounds a lot of to the, the word and then with a lot of explosions. and you get a free to stay. we got into i would car to leave, but turn out a few and i'd have to stay out in the open for days. there was no food, no water insects, because it took us many days to get out of the state and to don't go. dozens of other families have also thoughts refuge in this school. one of many in the states turned into sensors for displaced people. some came from the capital to win. the battle for control of sudan started a year ago between the city news army and the rest half to the united nations says at least 20 percent of the population has been displaced within the countries borders. another 1500000 people are refugees in neighboring countries, making this the largest displacement crisis in the world. for 1000000 of those displace our children the most in any country among them are my what about big
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concern was either because they were forced to leave her to during the 1st days of the conflict, her eldest son had to drop out of school as a result he keeps talking about his friends who lived in the same neighborhood we used to live in and why they got the chance to finish their school year before the war started. but he didn't. the road, as a cartoon was tough and we didn't have food. the children kept crying and he kept asking when he's going to finish the school year. the u. s. refugee agency says the needs of the displaced are huge, but there's within response to the international appeal for help. but it thing with a very limited to for not young uh, the sources were continuing to provide for fiction and basic assistance to the id piece for this population, but also the to the house community. we also hope that the, with the doing our support will be able to,
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to more we are aware of what we are providing that really doesn't want to match with the actual needs. they just says what you really need is to be able to return to her home. but the 2nd year of fighting has begun and there's no ends inside to the conflict or too many. so denise, reclaiming what they lost any time soon. he bum oregon alta 0 the body of eastern so down. see us sons upon have announced plans for new joints area defense networking partnership with australia, us present, joe biden, and japanese clement is different, you know, because she doesn't match at the white house. by that said. wednesdays announcements represented the closest collaboration between washington and tokyo in decades. it's a, it is also discussed north korea intentions with china. age, very angel tie here. we have underscore, the importance of peace and stability in the taiwan strait. unconfirmed opposition to encourage peaceful resolution of cross traits issues in our alliance,
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we have what you're paying is a purely defensive in nature. it's a defensive alliance. and the things we discussed today improve our cooperation can our and our surely about defense and readiness is not aimed at any one nation or threats of the region. and it doesn't have any to do conflict. and so this is about restoring stability in the regions, and i think we have a chance to join the us government says finalized strict limits on the so called forever chemicals in drinking water known as p of phase. they used to manufacture a wide range of goods, including popular nonstick, following pens. an estimated to 30000 industrial police is helping releasing them into the environment in the us. for the chemicals long life mean they usually contaminate water and food sources, causing a range of health problems including they've adapt mentioned increased cancer risk for too long. our communities, black, brown,
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and dizziness and low income have disproportionately suffered from bad air quality, high levels of water, pollution, and the worsening impacts of climate change. the simple fact is, all people, no matter the color of the scan, or how much money they have in their pocket does their a clean air to bring clean water to drink and a safe place to live for the office and environmental autonomy and also have exposure poisoned what a corporate reason one though is 20 in the battle against discounts. he joins us live from just outside of raleigh, north carolina. welcome to the program. let me ask you 1st name. to what extent is this a victory for environmental health advocates? and that's, it's a huge victory. i mean, this is a really historic day for public health in the united states. you know, we're, we're finally having the top environmental protection agency here in this country,
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announcing enforceable drinking water limits for and some chemicals that are incredibly toxic. persistent, bio and cumulative summer carcinogenic, and it's taking decades to get here. but we finally have these rules going into effect. um, you know, unfortunately this information was covered up in withheld from scientists, from regulators from the public for decades. and over many, many years, there were a lot of folks that spent a lot of time trying to get this story out and get it to the scientific community, the regulators in law makers. and we're seeing the result of that today. it took us way too long to get here. i think i 1st notified us cpa in 2001 about this problem. um, yet here we are, but never the bus. this is a great day for public health in the united states. and we really over to the, to folks in communities like parkersburg, west virginia, you know,
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that was featured in the film, dark waters, more the documentary, the double we know are in the book exposure, as you mentioned, you know, that really stood up and said that this isn't the way was which should this should work in the united states? okay. well, let me just ask you, this won't forgive me for interrupting, but in reality, yeah. will these measures actually be respected? you thinks yeah, these are federally enforceable drinking water standards. now that needs to be actually complied with across all 50 states, you know, up to now the states, some states have tried to move forward and enforce drinking water standards for these chemicals. the companies were fighting back even suing some of the states. but now we have an enforceable federal standard that will apply across the country that a huge. but multi utilities might say that these treatments systems are expensive, which will lead to customers having to pay more than they have a point. absolutely,
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and in fact, that's why right now, you know, our firm and working with other lawyers, we're representing hundreds of water systems, all across the country were representing states as well that it brought litigation against the makers of these chemicals. and some of these products, particularly firefighting, found that these chemicals written and sprayed all over the ground for years to actually try and make sure that the companies who caused this problem are the ones who pay the cost. not the innocent victims, not the cities, the towns, the tax payers. and we actually were able to just announce settlements with 2 of these 2 of the biggest defendants here, 3 m, and the do part companies that are agreeing to pay up to over $13000000000.00 to says to, to put toward cleaning up the drinking water in the administration today announced more funding to be available as well to folks across the country, including those with private well, so we're making progress, but this is going to be a very expensive problem. but of course,
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many americans has been, i've been drinking this was a decades now. so how much damage do you think has already been done? as you know, unfortunately we're looking at a really serious public health right here. the science that's, that's been, that's come out over the years and a lot of it was withheld for a long time, but the scientific community that's finally seeing this data has got pretty uniform consensus now that these chemicals present pretty significant threat. particularly, you're looking at the risk of kidney cancer, testicular cancer, firewood disease, pre clamps, the cetera. then immune system impacts fertility issues. that's why you're seeing this, the proposed drinking water standards be so low be so can it's restrictive because of the concern about the potential health impacts. and we're looking at impacts that researchers have estimated to be tens of billions of dollars and health care
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costs alone. so that's, that's why it's so important that we are able to stop this, these materials from being in our drinking water and to get the funding necessary to get it out. okay, we'll leave it there robin at thank you very much indeed. we appreciate your time. thank you so much pleasure. but almost all of the votes counted in south korea's election opposition parties are set to retain control of parliament. while they are expected to win more than $180.00 seats and the $300.00 men, the national assembly, full official results are expected to be with the east and the coming out. soaring food prices are crippling. tried by junior adults is where the biggest issues during the campaign. what do you this came isn't so for us now you this where the things done that this 1000 yeah. carry out. those very last ballots are being counted as we speak. but generally speaking, the picture remains the same. the opposition block,
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including the democratic party and the rebuilding career party set to take 3 fifths of the seats at the national assembly with the president's conservative party side to take. now $108.00 seats at this hour. that number may shift, give or take until the numbers are final. now this means the people power a party evades the worst case scenario, as was pointed to as a possibility by the exit polls. and that is giving 2 thirds of the states to the opposition block, which would have given it some significant powers, including presidential veto overriding power, as it made a very tense, political climate here in south korea, but no way around it. this is a significant loss for the people power a party that was looking to take back the national assembly with at least 151 seats to push forward the president's agenda. so you this, where does this leave the government?
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what actually happens next as well, what happens next will be the uh, formalization of those numbers, and we are expecting speeches to be made by relevant to major parties. and that will be kind of the 1st indications of where people stand in terms are pastoring as we had into the 2nd half of president hughes on yours 5 year term president. you and certainly had a set of things he wanted to get done. and these last 3 years, and in terms of foreign policy, analysts are saying they're not expecting any major shift as south and south korea . presidents do have some wide power as in the foreign policy space. but in terms of legislative and by extension, the overall government, the sentiment is that it will continue to be quite pessimistic. the gridlock continuing as the winters of this race, the opposition in their campaigning had campaigned on
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a platform of judging the you and government and accountability for it as well. now i have to say that the voters did their part. they showed up 29000000 of them to cast their ballots. and those that we spoke to on wednesday said that they wanted their politicians to come back to dialogue and they want to see more consensus and unity and not let ideological lines block them from getting things done in this country. here's came. thanks so much indeed. well that's turned out to me in the way of fighting is escalating between the military gentlemen. rebel groups in the east. the buttons has been focused near the border time, the why the important trade hobbins source of revenue for the cash strapped ministry rebels say, hundreds of soldiers have surrendered by that and has increased security along its board. and as people in many tried to flee the fighting,
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the rebel groups have made significant gains in recent weeks weakening. the military's grip on power. attorney training is on the time being not bored with more on the brother intentions. as the time military are on high alert here on the boat it with me, i'm a can see how these move again, all along the boat area with grenade launchers and heavy machine guns and all along this pathway. today we've been seeing soldiers patrolling alone. this is a friendship bridge that goes across and to me a while that we understand that was fighting since early this morning. policy that could be heard on this side of the boulder. the seems to have been a see saw since about 4 hours ago. but the bridge remains open. people have still been going across. hundreds have come across from me a while the trying to escape the fighting that they fit could get worse. and it is
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just a ceasefire. we think for the moment, the battalion battalion 275, that still remains inside me and what is clearly not given up. as i think the korean army that's fighting the military hopes that it might. and we understand they may have been reinforced today from the provincials capitals. this is a vice sole trader. it a $1000000000.00 passes across this bridge every year. and that is vital revenue for a military government, enough adults. it's facing very difficult times. tony checking out to 0 on the time you on my board. so the head on the program, russia intensifies its attacks and eastern ukraine's. at least 3 people have been killed and car keys
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the .
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the police 3 people have been killed in the russian air attacks on the ukrainian region of hockey. if rescue is, i'll continue to search to the level for victims. russia has intensified its attacks in east and you kindly recent weeks. charles profit reports from this type of the attack ukrainian emergency service is telling us that what you can see behind me is the destruction left by a so called glide bomb. these is this new repub post. soviet bill weaponry that certainly the client is a saying that seeing the russians use a lot more in this area. big pay now is the so called double tap or the russians increasingly dropping the ordinance like this on
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a given area. waiting around an hour or so waiting for the emergency services that are busy trying to. we believe get more bodies from under the rubble white zaliah arrive and then hitting them again. we understand that at least 2 people were killed in this attack. and as i say, there is a search on going full bodies on the the rubble. the government has reached out to their own fire. behind the shop. the house is on fire. my wife olga. a friend, the 14 year old child died there, but we don't know. maybe someone else is still under the rubble. suddenly the police tell us there's a russian drone above we have to get in the bomb shelter. inside of the grieves her daughter on the floor of the person killed in the attack were around 10 kilometers from the russian border deal storage. he's here tell us that this village self has come under attack at least 10 times in the last 7 days. it is an
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indication of his escalation in russia. russian attacks across the border in the khaki region, charles drive, i'll just 0 lipsy severe spring flowed. so impacting cities and towns across the southern restaurant cause of stone. well, 100000 people have been forced to flee that homes, the water level of the euro river and the russian city of orange because of east record highs. there's been a shopping product that reports, it's in times this is and the villages are on the volta people here hope they'll be able to salvage, at least part of that prophecy. but as little hope left for the residents of the flooded sab zip, oregon. back on the 5th of april, people evacuated as best as they could, but there was no warning. we monitor the water level of the euro river, but it's impossible to assess the damage. now houses are flooded. we also give you a far as he's not to forget about us. how can we now prove that we live to many of our documents have been lost?
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how can we simplify the issuance of benefits, a legitimate husband, unsuccessfully chasing a visiting official from most a task and motives next for him and his family very far too. first, what to what i wanted to find out from the authorities, whether they would be any help from restoration or compensation. they say they will give us $100000.00 roubles, but only off the conducting and examination. but what kind of examination of the going to do with everything's on the goals and now you can serena, the mother a full was hoping to vote. i would bypass the village together with her husband. they took a mortgage last year. now she says her family is homeless, he'll go through. oh yeah, put them around 3 in the afternoon last friday and my husband called me crying cause to just drop adverse and then gets in the car, get out because there always will be flow that in 15 minutes and you'll get trapped . so we left everything behind all the equipment, all of the clothes, as my whole life started from scratch,
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whichever we for what if we could household appliances and televisions into the asset because the water was rising. we so the neighbors caused floating before the eyes. the road got covered with water and we immediately began evacuating. most people was folks who blamed bill sowards. he's for negligence, but they are reluctance to express the criticisms on camera presents many residents . he is say that dealing with the situation launch the on the without enough help from the source. he's, as the crisis is unprecedented. i know such a large scale, but the chain you'll see here is that people's anger and outrage about the way the all sorts he's handling the situation will wind zone as soon as the water levels killed and few lessons will villa and meanwhile, the flood thing is spreading to new areas, several rivers have buzz that buying, send the southern bureaus and side vera, bringing more human stories of despair and hopelessness. you leadership of all of us, ultra 0 or in but russia. people have guns that have little to be festive,
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about doing this, eat holiday i'll to more than 6 months of war, u. n is waiting. that's time in this setting, in a much of the strip has been reduced to rubble. but people in rough doing the best to to keep traditions are nice. but how many judging has more despite the horrors of israel's war on gaza at this toy shop in the fine children and adults seek a bit of fun. customers are looking for gifts to give during what supposed to be a festive season. the shopkeeper committed, somebody says this normal bond and or you can fit the or nothing like years past the. there is no joy or appetite for celebrating the whole the occasions. even children, they have no interest in choice as it wasn't the best. this is the worst season we have of a lift. sentiment resoundingly echoed throughout this series market. at this clothing store,
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sales would typically be booming and the final days of rumbled on. but this year it's different than the last year we used to keep our shops open until the early hours of the next morning. throughout the month of ramadan. these days will put 10 am to close at 5 pm. there are about 1500000 displaced, palestinian sheltering in the southern gaza city over they are among those most in need. we are suffering on all fronts. people can hardly survive, can hardly feed that families. we no longer think of age or celebration or any other form of joy. and while joy may be in short supply, it doesn't stop others from doing all they can to uphold some holiday traditions. well, i thought it was annoying. honestly, it's very tough, especially staying in attempts instead of our house in this warm weather. however, we're trying our best to up list ourselves. we're attempting to create aid on the
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sphere by making a heed cakes, which has been very challenging. imagine preparing a cakes, when there was no water or food available with some and gauze, and now facing famine and wood worries only increasing that israel's promise ground invasion. and prof. i may start at any time finding the right ingredients to make the spiced holiday suite has been extremely difficult to us. yeah, we are using very basic ingredients. we used to buy the ingredients at an affordable price. however, everything is now expensive. so medina and dates are now way more expensive. so we are trying, for instance, to use less data based to stuff the cookies, as well as reducing vicki, the flour and other ingredients that are now scarce. but in this makeshift shelter, scarcity is no match for resilience. where these palestinian women and girls find little solace, but do everything in their power to find and give
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a bit of comfort. how much i'm just here for this is don jose and we'll be heading a few moments with more of the days developing states statements. the the latest news as it breaks around, han has given a cause that people come out. but your guys are not as popular to the board with detailed coverage. but the reason prices and the realization that things are likely to get much worse before they get better describing some residents to the brain from around the world. people have told us the circumstances, it even more important than usual to come together to share what they feel they have families in gaza facing unimaginable hardships during times of crisis. solidarity is
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a strong this defense against injustice. and we've been in gaza since 1991 doing life saving look. your generosity can provide value to support to those west effected because he met doggy style at your mercy showing his brightest, gave mercy. now donate today. growing up in greece means taking action. welcome to generation change, a playful series that seem to understand the challenge is mobilizing use around the world. we need to a political party that will talk about our problems. know how come from a generation because 0 is being seen the groups, the size of the system says no for most painters of working class people, there is a difference between being able to participate in the system and actually being represented in the system generation change on al jazeera worked out of their existence, it's load ship as a principal present, and as a correspondence with any breaking the story, we want to hear from those people who with normally not get that forces on the
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international news channels. one moment i'll be very proud all was when we covered the fullness quake of 2015 at the terrible natural disaster. and a story that needed to be told from the hall of the affected area to be then to tell the people story. it was very important at the time of the in northern gaza is well assassinated, 3 suns and the full grandchildren the premises politically the smell. any of the other ones are in jordan, this is out. is there a line from dell also coming up here at the impala and folks of typing procedures for asylum seekers, trying to enter the block as a number of migrant deaths. the mediterranean continues to rock south korea's


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