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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 11, 2024 2:00am-2:30am AST

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when we covered the fullness quakes of 2016, at the terrible match, all the stuff stuff, and the story that needed to be told from the hall of the affected area to be then to tell the people story. it was very important at the time the in northern gaza is well assassinated, 3 sons, and the full grandchildren the premises. but let's click the smell. any of the other ones are in jordan, this is out. is there a line from dough also coming up here at the impala and folks of typing procedures for asylum seekers, trying to enter the block as the number of migrant deaths. the mediterranean continues to run south korea's opposition. policies are expected to win vague in parliamentary elections. the final results due to be released in the coming on
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record funds set to west in russia and catholic style. there were a 100000 people being about 2 weeks. we begin in northern garza israel as assassinated, 3 sons, and full grandchildren. of how much is politically the is melania israel says his sons what, how much the operatives i'm going to target the vehicle they were traveling and the incident happened. they all shot the refugee camp speaking to all just hera honey. so the kings of them, the houghton masses resolve, it also said it would not affect the groups the moms and ceased on the go see ations. we with the they believe that if they kill recession, a lead is all there. next of kin said we will abandon all people that we will abandon all resistance. they all mistaken this noble blood that is spelled, including my own children will hard now results make us more defiant, more adamant to continue to march on this road. the road of struggle and resistance
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until we will not freedom and the lawful rights to the palestinian peoples are restored events. way up by 7 i am is i see that member of how much is political bureau. he says the assassination of the smell. he has family members is an attempt by israel to the royal c 5 tops. i need to know from the beginning he was doing the maximum to block or to undermine any shots to reach if he toyota agreement. and also he has failed along the last few weeks to uh, to uh, to spidey negotiations. and he is under pressure from the americans. i'm from the international community on sunday and tell them that it's really is to say a t, v. now using phones, the other did the tools, but he couldn't go out of children our lives by us. it's anything the leaders or some people in the must close and live on on. he is insisting on undermining any
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strong storage. if he failed agreements, i'll just say it was how he must move. that's more now from a rough and southern gaza. in the past, the few hours have been very intense. as more confirmed reports of that, i intend to aerial attack than the central area of the gaza strip merely on the side refugee camp. and whether it was the area of the very particular a, a few where people were told to be evacuated to at the beginning of, of the initial weeks of, of this war on a separate attacks of earlier hours of this evening. there's really military struck a vehicle in the shot that refuge account of the beach, frederick. you got. com in the north during western parts of gauze city. the targeted where the children of the political leader of how much to buy in any along with their children. those are the grandchildren of the political liter of how does this really military or should
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a statement stating that the killed the 3 operative of how much a political leader in gaza city. this attack on the, on the it's the, the sons of and the grandsons of how most liter viewed largely by people as the weight addicted. the course of the negotiations and the ceasefire talks entire, but also viewed largely by many people here as a way for these really military under prime minister benjamin netanyahu to use military power. and to further the ongoing, the threats of expanding the ground invasion in drop off city. when an israel has been a mixed reaction to news of the assassinations really challenges houses update from friday through some a consummation. so the strike has come in the form of the joint statements by israel's military and sion backs, which is the internal security agency. they say that they took this strikes because
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of intelligence gathered by the ministry advice him back. and the strike was carried out by his ready ministry at crawl space confirmed that said the 3 men were killed. they were all sons of his mouth. how many of the, how much political bureau chief and the names were, i mean in the, in my home, in india and a has them. and they, they say that all 3, well, how much military operatives, they also say that they cannot confirm whether anybody else, including a minor was hurt in the strike. now, what this dry military unintelligence language doesn't reveal is whether this was a purely minutes or decision whether they said being or 5 pop the political food chain to the government data. benjamin netanyahu make the cold. that's the lowest strike. now someone who thinks that was politics applied because a man called jaeger line. now he used to be a high ranking military man and he was the full,
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the deputy chief of stuff in the military. now he's very critical of the government and he thinks or whether or not this strikes militarily was the right idea. politically. it was the wrong idea. he says, carrying out such dramatic actions on the eve of a possible deal for the release of the of duck. these constitutes another serious laugh in their lowest. that's now a very different view coming from the other side of the political device. a member of the kinetic or our home of co, in who's part of the fall, right? nationalist and national security minister gets them up and gives policy. he says incentive rate's the assassination of honey ascends and says he's male hon the people back you on next in line for which happens. i'll just say era, you know he, for the stories. well, the time comes just a day off to us, president joe biden labeled benjamin netanyahu has gone to a policy,
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a mistake company. how could, as more from the white house us president joe biden made no mention of the strike that claimed the lives of ishmael hernia. they have mos political leaders, 3 sons, and 3 grandchildren. however, he was asked about whether or not he was considering withholding military aid israel, and whether or not there could be a shifting us policy. the us president instead saying that he had spoken to the is really prime minister. and he was still withholding that decision, given the fact that he believes there is still time to see whether or not is real will meet us benchmarks. i have been very blunt, straightforward with the prime minister, as well as his work cabinet, as well as the can. and the fact of the matter is that the i p b and i have a long discussions. he agreed to do several things that related to number one,
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getting more agencies, both food and medicine, and the glasses, and reducing significantly the attempts, the civilian casualties in any action taking the regions now on thursday. us president biden, in addition to japanese, prime minister casita will also be joined by philippines president ferdinand marco's junior, for a tri lateral summit. the focus will be on china is aggression in the south china sea. but the issue of israel's war on gaza is also expected to dominate. kimberly, how hit algae 0. the white house. meanwhile in central gaza is randy strikes on tuesday night to residential, haven't been out as a way to getting at least 14 palestinians, including children launch crate as a rule that's left of the house or a family was preparing to eat celebrations. several people including displaced
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families have been staying inside the building. the recumbent bodies were taken to alexa hoffman and data by law for various a palace demands had been gathering to observe the dogs such a holiday mocking the end of the heavy month of ramadan. normally at time of celebration, this is, eat is vastly different. worship, as have been praying amongst the ruins of what used to be a most, just one example of the devastation left by more than 6 months of is really bumming right across the strip. i'll just say it was talked about zoom reports. i'm a rough and southern golf with brooklyn to make a space to appraise woodland palestinians for rough a whole it probably is. next to the ruins of fargo, commotion, it's mentor, which is the only part that survives and it's very plumbing. ease of what they're supposed to be time of celebration often months down to doesn't costing. less need . i had a home and my children were joyful playing around me. this eat is filled with grief,
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agony at sadness. my home was destroyed and i lost many loved ones. in addition, i'm injured and it cannot move. i'm no longer able to bring joy to those around me . these boys as families have managed to find these clips to market a lot. for most palestinians in cost, you will get to eat like any other day in recent months. just trying to find enough food and more to suffice as well says it's moving more agent off to international pressure a part of united nations and says it's a still less than the bare minimum required to meet humanitarian needs. this he does come with deep pain. instead of gathering with loved ones, we will sit and move and then i lost my father, my brother, and my own sense that it is also a time to remember. i do still have drawings in garza, everyone knew someone killed in the past 6 months. they did the 2nd when,
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when i think about it was the best one of my life because my son was beside me in my arms. i did everything he wanted. i wish he was here with me. he would go to the mosque in the morning and said to me, the bid my present for when id turn. now he's gone. everything good about my life is gone and the war was not over. is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who says that he has said that useful a major ground defensive. he had a rough ha. it's the last lot refuge were one on the health 1000000 displace palestinians auction drink here. power kept as a oh, just a rough, rough southern gaza. the tire shop right here, and i'll just say about when we come back, we'll tell you why. timeline is increasing security along it's pulled up. wouldn't be in my thoughts. i'm john henry and in washington, where the vitamin administration has set limits on so called forever chemicals in
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drinking water. the glad to have you. let's go with your weather report across the americas for a pump in invoice, starting humidity off the soft by and take care of so line of showers and storms from assaults the on supports at lake right. but this line of storms also expands west squared, pushing from bolivia is capital the pass rate down to that southeast corner of brazil. it's been hot and dry for a huge watts at mexico, particularly just to the east of actor poco number of wildfires there. but with the disturbance out of the us, we've got a copious amounts of rain in the forecasts from mexico. so you could tell me peninsula, again, all of this coming from the us. so from arkansas, missouri, kentucky, tennessee right down to georgia and florida at the very real risk of seeing some funding here is that activity chugs east word. i mean look a little rock, maybe
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a month's worth of rain wednesday to thursday. this is pushy northward and expanding, injecting a lot of moisture into the atmosphere, the midwest, the great lake submitted by and take in the us. ne, you to have the risk of seeing some flooding to the west. much quieter. cool for awhile for bc, south coast, vancouver at 9 degrees and enjoy it while you can in california. sunny and hot l a . a 29. both watch what happens on saturday. white's windy conditions move in and cooler air as well. so l a. just 19 for you on saturday, see you soon. a of the lines of ethnic groups is posing the biggest challenge to me in most countries, since the 2021 with exclusive access to remote camps and funk bind baffles shots. the progress of an idealistic young generation of rebels as
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a pivotal moment in the last 60 years of the countries, the trouble of history on the phones. me in my, on the, on the ropes on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the program back you watching out. just a real quick reminder about top story, say, at this hour, and he's really sci cuz assassinated 3 sons and full grandchildren. and how much is politically to him? does several of them somebody smell out of his family were traveling in the north district and the vehicle was here for that strike came on the 1st day of the doctor to lock in the end of the heavy month of ramadan worshippers. and does that have
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been praying among the ruins of most w, a pin parliament was approved and over the whole of immigration policies. that houghton entry procedures for asylum seekers. the decision to follow as years of tensions and divisions and requires old member states to share responsibility cavities and g o. say the reforms will not help my grandson refugees, while far right parties across europe say, it doesn't go far enough. i'll just say it was done when it came. reports from dallas. a small boat is helped into adina again haul by the spanish coast scots on bold up. people who have travelled from west africa, dazed and confused by the dangerous crossing to the canary islands. some of those rescued need immediate medical attention. all of them want to assign them in the u . spanish officials say more than 6 times as many people made this journey in the 1st quarter of the year compared to the same period last year. which helps explain
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why the european parliament has just a voted to change its asylum policy. it is crucial that starts to take back control from the smugglers. so big because we need to decide who will actually enter the european union. we need to strengthen our common border because only so can we also ensure that we move towards a policy when we can gave protection to those the needs and not to regular migrants . countries not on the blocks external border will not have to choose between accepting a share of $30000.00 asylum applicants or paying more than $21000.00 per person into an e u fund. a new screening system will distinguish between those who need international protection and those who do not process that will last up to 12 weeks with rejected . applicants sent back to the home countries within another 12 weeks. but this
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still has faced strong criticism with almost a common european asylum system will not save a single life, not into the mediterranean, and not at any european extra and borders. because what has been happening is that the, you now legalize as the violations of international law that are committed by european states already. now the external voters, european far right to parties say the changes don't go far enough, but anyhow, so there isn't even a mention of defending the borders against the invasion of immigrants. they are deliberately replacing european populations. our borders must be closed. our people don't want more migrations, they want less. this deal still needs formal approval from the european council of ministers, but that is seen as a formality, whether it can deliver all of what it supports is a promising is perhaps less so the european parliament to elections in june may show us what the votes is think of it,
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i don't want it k houses era bullet the at least 3 people had been killed in the russian era. tax on the ukranian region of hockey's. risk is on continuing to search the rubble of the victims. russia has intensified its attacks in the east in the ukraine, in recent weeks. after the electronic draft reports and the side of the attack occurred in the emergency services are telling us what you can see behind me is the destruction left by a so called glide bomb. these is these new repub post soviet bill weaponry that certainly the kinds of saying that seeing the russians use a lot more in this area. big pay now is the so called double tap. the russians increasingly dropping ordinance like this on a given area waiting around an hour or so waiting for the emergency services that are busy trying to we believe get more bodies from under the rubble quite julia
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arrive and then hitting them again. we understand that at least 2 people were killed in this attack. and as i say, there is a search on going full bodies on the level. well, that is, my government has reached out to their own fire. behind the shop, the house is on fire. my wife olga, a friend, the 14 year old child died there, but we don't know. maybe someone else is still under the rubble. suddenly the police tell us there's a rush and drove and above. we have to get in the bomb shelter. inside. a mother grieves her daughter on the floor of the person killed in the attack, where around 10 kilometers from the russian border. deal storage is here. tell us that this village self has come under attack at least 10 times in the last 7 days. it is an indication of this escalation in russia, russian attacks across the border in the khaki region. tell us, drive it out
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a 0 lips. gig. savannah spring and flooded floods are affecting cities and towns across southern russia. i'm cause x dot and off to europe's the longest. for the best, it's banks. more than a 100000 people have been forced to feed their homes, the water level of the your river in the russian city of odin, but has reached record highs. as you national level of our thoughts and ties fits his and the villages are in the volta people here, hope they'll be able to salvage, at least part of that prophecy. but as little hope left for the residents of the flooded sabbaths of orient back on the 5th of april. people evacuated as best as they could. but there was no warning. we monitor the water level of the euro river, but it's impossible to assess the damage. now houses are flooded. we also give you a far as he's not to forget about us. how can we now prove that we live to many of our documents have been lost? how can we simplify the issuance of benefits?
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ladiva, it has been unsuccessfully tracing a visiting official from most a task. him what is next for him? and he's finally very hard to push through was to what i wanted to find out from the authorities, whether they would be any help from restoration or compensation. they say they will give us $100000.00 roubles, but only off the conducting examination. but what kind of examination of the going to do? everything's on the role. so now, if you could, serena, the mother of soul was hoping to vote. so i would bypass the village together with her husband. they took a mortgage last year. now she says have family is homeless. her go through. oh yeah, put them around for you in the afternoon last friday and my husband called me crying cause to just drop avarice and then gets in the car, get out because there always will be flow that in 15 minutes and you'll get trapped . so we left everything behind all the equipment, all of the closes, my whole life started from scratch with different projects. obviously we, for whatever we could, household appliances and televisions into the asset because the water was rising.
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we saw the neighbors costs floating before now eyes, the road got covered with water and we immediately began evacuating. most people was folks who blamed bill sowards. he's for negligence, but they are reluctance to express the criticisms on conrad at present. many residents. he is say that dealing with the situation launch the on the without enough help from the source. he's, as the crisis is unprecedented. i know such a large scale, but the chain you'll see here is the people's anger and outrage about the way the all sorts he's handling the situation will wind zone as soon as the water levels killed and few lessons will villa. and meanwhile, the flooding is spreading to new areas. several rivers have buzz that buying, send the southern bureaus and side vera, bringing more human stories of despair and hopelessness. you leadership of all of us, ultra 0, orient bug. russia not with more than 90. percent of the votes counted in south korea's election opposition parties are set to control
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a commanding majority in parliament. they're expected to win more than a $180.00 seats out of a total of $300.00 in the national assembly for results are expected to be released in the coming hours. so in food prices on the healthcare crisis, among the biggest issues for photos, out of there was units came as more now from the south korean capital sol. those very last ballots are being counted as we speak, but generally speaking, the picture remains the same. the opposition block, including the democratic party and the rebuilding career parties set to take 3 5th of the seats at the national assembly with the president's conservative party said to take now $108.00 seats at this hour. that number may shift, give or take until the numbers are final. now this means the people power a party evades the worst case scenario, as was pointed to as a possibility by the exit polls. and that is giving 2 thirds of the seats to the
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opposition block, which would have given it some significant powers, including presidential veto overriding power, as it made a very tense, political climate here in south korea, but no way around it. this is a significant loss for the people power a party that was looking to take back the national assembly with at least 151 seats to push forward the president's agenda. what happens next will be the formalization of those numbers, and we are expecting speeches to be made by relevant to major parties. and that will be kind of a for us indications of where people stand in terms are pastoring as we had into the 2nd half of president hughes on yours 5 year term. the diplomatic crisis following equity was rate of the mexican embassy and tito has spilled over into a legislative session. at least 3 echo administers, where someone before the commission for questioning which quickly became he to police raided the embassy on friday to arrest equity was former vice president or
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a gloss who was prompt and political assign them by mexico after being twice convicted of corruption. meanwhile higg loss has gone on the hunger striking protested as the rest of the mexican embassy his lawyer says he attempted suicide while in prison earlier this week still not to me in my way of fighting is escalating between the military john to unravel groups in the east, the violence has been focused near the pool. the town of my i want to an important trade hub and source of revenue for the cash strapped to military rebels, say, hundreds of soldiers of surrender thailand doesn't increase security allowance. buddha, as people in being mob tried to free the fighting, rebel groups have made significant gains in recent weeks weakening the ministry's grip on power. obviously, it was totally changed on the time in my buddha, but more on the growing tensions. the time in the tray are on high alert here on the boat with me, i'm a can see how these move again, all along the boat area with grenade launchers and heavy machine guns and all along
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this pathway. today we've been seeing soldiers patrolling alone. this is a friendship bridge that goes across and to me, what do we understand that was fighting since early this morning. policy that could be heard on this side of the boulder. the seems to have been a seesaw since about 4 hours ago. but the bridge remains open. people have still been going across. hundreds have come across from me a while the trying to escape the fighting that they fit could get worse. and it is just a ceasefire. we think for the moment, the battalion battalion 275, that still remains inside me and what is clearly not given up. as i think the korean army that's fighting the military hopes that it might. and we understand they may have been reinforced today from the provincials capitals. this is a volume, sole trader, it a $1000000000.00 passes across this bridge every year. and that is vital revenue
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for a military government, enough adults is facing very difficult times. tony checking out to 0 on the timing on my board are now us so far as these are limiting the amount of the dangerous p fast chemical allowed in drinking water. it's a type of chemical use and the production of non stick pens and other products, but is also linked to illnesses including cancer. i'll just say with john henry report. for the 1st time, the us who said limits on the so called forever chemicals pouring from drinking water tasks. these chemicals, entering our environment in an uncontrolled manner, are harmful to our families, harmful to our communities and harmful to our economy. the us environmental protection agency says the new standards for p fast or poly floral elk. a little substances are expected to protect a 100000000 people from exposure and prevent tens of thousands of serious illnesses in depths. i raised my children on this water,
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a $130000.00 parts per trillion of total p fast is the current estimate that we likely drank every day during the peak of our contamination crisis. i know we can't change the past, but we can fight for a more just a future, and that is exactly what we are doing today. the new limits for to 10 parts per trillion are dramatically lower than the levels found in north carolina and elsewhere. p 1st found in such products as non stick pins, firefighting foam and water proof clothing had been linked to cancer and other serious illness. water utilities will now have to filter out handful of common forever chemicals. but there are $12000.00 individual types and they're found in half of americans drinking water supply. and according to the us centers for disease control and prevention in the blood of 97 percent of americans divided administration has focused on clean water following the discovery of water heavily
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polluted with lead over the past decade. especially in poor communities in flint, michigan, jackson, mississippi and elsewhere environmental watchdogs and prosecute it or say, manufacturers knew that compounds were dangerous. and here's a go for years, companies have dumped p. fos, and other chemicals that last forever into our lakes and rivers, even when they knew that these chemicals damaged people's health and our natural resources wellbeing. the epa is providing $9000000000.00 for p, 1st contamination from an existing $20000000000.00 fund to rebuild drinking water infrastructure. john henry and l g 0. washington. the southern these ami, i'm kind of military rapids support forces have been fighting for nearly a year. conflict has killed more than 12000 people and displaced around 8000000 is cause widespread devastation, food shortages and a regional refugee crisis. entre 0 is even moving, they're both some good r f and eastern. so that way humanitarian groups are running out of
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a what's used to be a school classroom is now home to get for the and her family. they fled here to duka and go out of state 3 months to go after the parent, military rapids support forces or r s f took over, wouldn't make any the states capital of to the, to the sounds of the day. the word on did with a lot of explosions and you get a free to stay. we got into i would car to leave, but turn out to fuel and have to stay out in the open for days. there was no food, no water insects, because it took us many days to get out of the state and to don't go. dozens of other families have also thoughts refuge in this school. one of many in the states turned into sensors for displaced people. some came from the capital costume when the bathroom for control of to dance started a year ago between the city news army and the rest half. the united nations says at


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