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tv   101 East  Al Jazeera  April 11, 2024 2:30am-3:01am AST

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because it was even moving, are both some good r s in the eastern sedan. humanitarian groups are running out of aid. what used to be a school classroom is now home to get for the and her family. they fled here to duka and go out of state 3 months to go after the parent, military rapids support forces or r s f took over, wouldn't make any the state capital of to the, to the sounds of the data, the word on the road a lot of explosions and you get a free to stay. we got into i would car to leave baton out of fuel on how to stay out in the open for days. there was no food, no water insects, because it took us many days to get out of the state and to don't go. dozens of other families have also thoughts refuge in this school. one of many in the states turned into sensors for displaced people. some came from the capital hop to win the bathroom for control of to dance started a year ago between the city news army and the rest half. the united nations says at
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least 20 percent of the population has been displaced within the country borders. another 1500000 people are refugees in neighboring countries, making this, the largest displacement crisis in the world. for a 1000000 of those displaced our children, the most in any country among them are. but what about the concern was they were forced to leave her to during the 1st days of the conflict. her eldest son had to drop out of school as a result. he keeps talking about his friends who live in the same neighborhood. we used to live in n y the got the chance to finish their school year before the war started. but he didn't. they wrote out a cartoon was tough and we didn't have food. the children kept crying and he kept asking when he's going to finish the school year. the usda refugee agency says the needs of the displaced are huge, but this within response to the international appeal for help, clear up the thing with a very limited girlfriend on she, on the sources. we continue to provide for fiction and basic assistance to the
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id. so for this population, but also the to the house, uh community. uh, we also hope that the, with the doing our support will be able to do more. we are aware of what we are providing that really doesn't want to match with the actual needs. they just says what you really need is to be able to return to her home. but the 2nd year of fighting has begun and there's no ends inside to the conflict or too many. so denise, reclaiming what they lost any time soon. he bum, oregon alta 0 the body of eastern so down. well that's it for me, diamond jordan, for now the news continues here and i'll just say are off to people in the statute . thanks so much and bye for the
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you will so caught a duty and a growth using for the p use a code to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the cost on red crescent. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth and increases systems. costs on red chris the, the most junior is facing the biggest military challenge since it sees power in a coup in 2021. positions process now control more than half of the country. for the 1st time, a loose alliance of ethnic groups. a newly formed anti cumulation is moving into areas what's considered ministry. strong people empower returns to me and would you
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need access to what could be pivotal moments in the fight against the the civil war is raging in me and ma, between the loose coalition of opposition groups. they have the, the unpopular increasing the police some of the nickel and deposition groups have been fighting the central government the
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decades would since a cube in 2021. they've been joined by thousands of pro democracy activists. reformed what they called people's defense forces to try and either throw the right shade the waiting. filming these young volunteers since 2021. we sold them, arrive in the jungle. now, to know the, the id which i don't see on us and that they moved them because one, all of them that the best, most of the time, the mobile home, that's what we fall at them as they became hawkins could really apply to the
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in december 2023. we return to find out what has happened to them since we were invited by the current national union, which has been fighting for career and self determination since a case to travel to a remote and inaccessible parts of the boys. the . our team took a long secret and dangerous journey into easton and then headed west through a mountainous region controlled by the k. i knew we were able to smoke
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a lamp recordings to tell a dramatic story of how for the 1st time since the case to me and my ami is on the back foot of to 2 days travel. we arrived at the headquarters at the correct national liberation army, the gates, the, the 1st independent generalist, a film here since the could the attendant gun. and so luxury, hey, commands, a battalion, a $300.00 foot man. he was just 16 when he joined the curriculum and struggled. the dc massive changes like that and you know, the, she knew about pricing that it will for you to get them to know if they are not running it. and today i told her that nobody by knew that by
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cut our funding profile about any we're going to see what we're in by the question that i think that what i've contacted 1000, that when i do it, i will, i think that they will not be seen by know of to full decades of jungle will say he was skeptical when young volunteers started to arrive from the cities have for t it the t c d. and yet i spoke with any one is i did not load them. i knew what the defining it's kind of a list of people go mind to call it on the monkey or what d o n p. the head tony the cdn. again, you have heard of the learning. hey, let's talk on monday morning on, maybe at the, at the comfortable and i'll go back to you guys, go to the menu by here de la,
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i to have a good the la careno authorities gave us access to one of these pdf attempts. yet both to is the leader under the i will come onto the correct national liberation on he was elected as a member of parliament for the national league, the democracy. but when the military june to the, through the democratic government, he found himself under the rest of the rest, the rather than seeking asylum abroad. some of his colleagues states who came here to the jungle to take up arms against the intended. don't land move out of the book. you know lot, all. i cannot easy to know little. what am i going to be? the deal never took
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a lot. all you know to law using what equal to thought deal. can i go to find the blog? i don't know if y'all you don't go to the type were good. don't jagow, can you call out the model that i'm going to be there? you go. i told her and i mother like where solve i need model so easy don't. she didn't like nobody. i don't need to know the yeah. oh my little kids all by now. the cool the say to him, a general go need either the you know times and now is that good either the best way to say got in order with joseph pace, happy by his life in the jungle for these new volunteers from the city. because i'm familiar, i taught but the prospect of helping i've tried the june to is attracting more and more recruits later or do we okay to live? oh, they're not going to become a new me. they're telling you,
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i know how he knew well, but it doesn't what she was and i need a lot of money. and the money to couple though, so that will give you people and then a mine a while. now i don't want to tell you, i was open with it and i was waiting to hear mid january and in the at which i didn't do my job. so hopefully my job for the live assignments and as i am and it does uh, does our own without it, but how those rules within them as well for the sign in label g i they need 3. i news and i wrote one which i did he hands on jiving housing and jang. and it and image with the how long will i be here? oh, really. the yeah. that's why you
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know type of 2023. the to and type thing and they come and do tonight's ations. that to combine defensive against the military to into new separation. 1027. the the grand several key towns and captured huge amounts of volumes and now munitions . it was a game changer in a civil war that has often seemed to be a to style made for the 1st time in decades the the now new volunteers are constantly arriving to join the armed struggle against the jews. 2 news, pdf units is almost 300 strong and their training and equipment is better than ever
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. no indian. so they told me to sit in any serious on the go off, you know, can area, no, can any, i need to go to 0. so they need to be there, i to know, by monday the cdm got it so that you actually to, to water the sort of the, by the amount of ok. so the default, the difficult to know on a single some of the cost on your comma. we're support a loan on the on the bottom, you know, as well in a little time team. i don't know you did she tell me? do you gotta so you don't need to know to know to see the new machine. good. i'm actually at the associate. i don't want you to j model to know di trying not equally aqona because they don't want to let it take you to
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a nice room. the name on the of the she gave all the little though they now done and went on the go as well to get through it and then hello. know to know that the i to a general how she's adding to us. okay. i 195 and then 100 i buy them cuz they won't let me go yet because they buy on the edit your below. as i've moved to the general go up the show and i then when i see it in today for your daughter, isn't that income? why does it want to sit down to let me write, john? oh, let me run it 1st and let the student
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go to win the jones to find the regime was exhilarating. they well tell me what point and what are the mileage on the light in it. and then i know that i meant the dining room in your area. i don't know to tell what when it was and they told me like, oh they don't mess you say those are or cl. com. i don't think the paramount unless you kind of identify the i know shadow, accomplish it with it, which i want to just i when i feel that feeling well, oh, i think all new data on it as well for what it was in, in hoover and other people in your contact info and he already did what am i doing over here at w as
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a delay to not only there as the social that she, i believe that the social move genie, which of all to know do i need to know the total be be care about as we field using most of the major jo into peroration by the korean forces and the pdf against the me. a more on me the, to the 1st time they were moving out of the jungle stronghold and into the low lying areas to the west. the . we traveled with them across the 6 on the river to see for ourselves what was happening in the new the liberated territory. the jew to the ongoing
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fighting movements were controlled. we've afraid to talk to who if we wanted to further west, we went to more evidence. we found the recent heavy fighting the the thing was that was simply a long i do model selling. i love standing in the law, the law, the place is for me, i'm not going to. i live on a lot of was it for as long as you get a hold on one to tell me i got the the so was a good to go with god. i saw on the that's the way i think we've got the
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females further on. we came to a village with them. yeah, i'm all me taking up the position in a book this mono street. it's only the after a week of fighting the k, a and pdf troops defeated the me. i'm a homie unit and forced the survivors to retreat. the,
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as rebel forces involves them. yeah, my army is increasingly resorting to strikes long range off tillery, i'm driving to tax the the consequences for the villages of debbie stapleton as this vague footage taken by survive the shy one. i had money on the the on. so when was sleeping, when naomi began randomly selling his village and the guy on the 1011 at the dallas a p d on the media. so want to know
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the need to level of all the cool. yeah. you know, so dr. blaze, one of the elders of this group of villages are you more comfortable? he now works with the correct national union attempting to create a civilian administration. the pothole, not a quarter of a mental medical coordinate center that our total c dot net the, the football with that level like to we've got level by later. i'll let you down there. i'm in on it, but the now i live up the photo and on the day to do it, that's what i'm allowed to don't on a little while. the to part, what are the, what are the amount on the low down by the amount was it through numerous little he needs to you. that's what i'm gonna relocate on a little over the to find them. not be that coming up. i do not know they've got it . well, they are kind of hung up on me. i'm not, i'm not going anywhere. you want me to run the thing on a i'm up. i do it here for them up on the floor. i'm not,
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not that i move booth at this time of audrey with no fever. so under the date of on the road wrong, it is on or to and move on. i'm not to walk on the phone with you or that's what i'm gonna look. you don't like local, i have hung up on yeah. yeah. how about when that was a no sooner? okay. well you to new or he new one. move on to me. that'd be about 4. not giving you the 10. do you hold on? i mean, i get an estimated 3000000 civilians and now displaced from that home to me. i'm a so she monetary and disaster on a massive country wide scale. the government institutions have collapsed in many places and very little aid is able to reach these villages. the can you with limited resources, provides what food and medical agent can to the displace villages the casualties open and have
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a long call journey ahead of them to reach any kind of treatment. the. this make shift clinic was settled by the pdf with donations from inside me. m a and around the world. dr. 10 with a full my me. i'm on the medic who defected to join. the rebels. is the on the don't to was he's having to do. oh good. the really know who that what you're get out. let me see. do you mind getting your, your enemies, he go really any putting a uh it's all right. yeah. well some of use what? oh yeah, it's a little body beginning of all the how it has a way to go along while they're being at and i have the ability. okay, that and see me while they're the ones it, it nice. you gotta do building the how, so not in the tooth with the, the, what up i, i think i, with a good i got yet. got out or do i want to die?
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and yadda, yadda going to the, the idea of how many people's interest. busy supplying or even going on a home or you can go over your, you know, you're going to go take it. i wanna go a money, make it out a money material. how does a to coordinate dean my day. so that's a lot going by the whole ball when i what about the in the video and i'll get i will now don't to 10, we know for rights as best he can in the jungle. here. he's removing strap know from the wounded soldiers leg. i think i didn't know if we guys were here. hold on for the so the nanny would reach out to anybody. call name old. what which isn't on a took me i will do it. oh, but they didn't know. it was really good of a party bottles or, you know, a movie, i'm going to, i don't, but i'll give you that. i'll call i. it's betty. i live. i am do the my life a lot on whether you i'd seen you only have a do you say model was we met? no, no. yeah,
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i'm whole what the, the end of our journey we was shown to prison. the roof will come. housing 20 to me on more on me. so just along with them with the 27 women and children who were living it to me. i'm on the face. when the korean and pdf i rented, the tenant con, sludgy hay is now responsible for them and are on a part of it is part of how you need to blow kind of, you gotta now do you ever go to the decade or i deal to like the like the like a coat when we wrote it, i will to go to our new myers who might come by earlier was upon, you know, go to our, like i did the, going to look at the as the fire. other guy actually who is guardian about the back upon me go on, you know,
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the micro by we filled them out to be a shelter of the korean forces. they were apparently, well fed and happy to talk one of the cap to integrate to tell the story of how they would catch it and that, and that's where i am going to let you know in the house the, the zillow. oh, yeah. and of, you know, i'm low dollar, they have a pdf, come on to, to cool down to them to surrender. so it's how do you model through teacher and she ride in regards to the whole document. i took over the 12000000 holidays a little and it out to the loud so you can adjust to when you look, i'm a little bit of a 1000000 times as well as one that and save a 100 calories and that, and then you know them, you know we have really nice to have your very lives. i know that they them
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a little that you that she was young, you in the left as i say when that when that they live, i am, i know have you know that the read, the full say should make huge gains against them. you have more of the future for the civilian population remains deeply on sets and with no way of defensive. they're extremely vulnerable to attacks every time they hear reject to drive know the had the fulls to take cover the the despite the ongoing attacks the can use, attempting to set up
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a civilian government in these new deliberate today areas including a network of korean schools. a oh, good spot for the pdf full and there's no going back home on the on the on at that he piece of the oh boy no driving. oh no, no or no. b $95900.00 and nobody's optimistic about the task ahead. generic, empty by the to call it, you know, i don't actually get it going anywhere. nothing's there clearly. i mean, i should get to jane got to know by there was a back out on susie,
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somebody might need to do now in order to come on, you know y'all and see all screwed out of new a cd. download the don't i. yeah. tell me to know your visa ending in the exploring type less cultural examining political disco
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exposing societies, doctor award winning intense investigations. the get compelling insights into humanity. holden unto stories from asia around the pacific. 101 east. on. i'll just see around the, at the one the average person to know what the truth was assigned to dismissed as profits of do. we knew where the temperature was going to go by lead is seeking the
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profits of the industry. they were publishing reports saying this is not an urgent problem. could we have changed the course of the climates emergency? air is outages here as new series died. last futures, the in northern garza, israel assassinated 3 sons and full grandchildren to come off as politically. that is the other ones are in jordan. this is obviously a red knight from tow said coming up of your pin, followed on the boats. the titan procedures for asylum seekers trying to enter the block as the number of migrant deaths and the mediterranean continues to rocks.
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south korea's opposition parties are expected to win be getting parliamentary elections for the final results due to be released in the coming hours. and ritual floods. us set to wear some in russia and contract style with over a 100000 people. bring it back to me.


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