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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 11, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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it was a pivotal moment in the last 60 years of the country's trouble history. on the phones, the in my, on the, on the roads on al jazeera, the northern gaza is renaissance, the nights, 3 sons and full grandchildren have how much is politically to you. smile, any of the other ones are enjoying this. i'll just say around live nto helpful. so coming up your pin paulman folks to try some procedures for assign them. see, because trying to enter the blog as a number of migrant debts in the mediterranean continues to rise, wrinkled funds, a set to west and russia. i'm catholic style with over a 100000 people being evacuated. plus,
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i'm john henry in washington where the vital administration is set limits on so called forever chemicals and drinking water. the . we begin in northern gauze that way, as well as assassinated, 3 sons, and full grandchildren. how mass is politically that is melania. israel says his sons, well, how much operatives i'm going to talk is the vehicle they were traveling in. the incident happened up the al shante refugee camp. speaking to alta 0 honey, i said the cuttings with natalie houghton, i'm asked as a result. they also said it would not affect the groups demands and see spot negotiations that unplugged the product, they believe that if they killer assessing id, it is all their next of kin said we will abandon all people that we will abandon all resistance. they all mistaken this noble blood that is spelled, including my own children will hard now results make small defiance is more adamant
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to continue to march on this road, throat of struggle and resistance until we will not freedom. and the lawful rights of the palestinian peoples are restored event. well, by some name is a senior member of masters political bureau. he says the assassination of smell honey, as family members, is an attempt by israel to derail spot negotiations. and the can you hold from the beginning, he was doing the maximum to block or to undermine an insurance to reach as he toyota agreement. and also he hesitated along the last few weeks to uh, to uh, to spidey negotiations. and he is under pressure from the americans. i'm from the international community and from the and tell them that it's really society. he's not using all the other did the tools, but he couldn't go out to children our lives, by the us. anything the leaders or some people in the must coast and live on on
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he is insisting on undermining any strong storage. if he's fail agreements, i'll just say it was honey. my quote has more now from a rough and southern gaza in the past a few hours have been very intense as more confirmed reports of the intense aerial attacks and the central area of the gods as trim merely on the side rot refugee camp. and why do you has the area of the very particular a few where people were told to be evacuated to at the beginning of, of the initial weeks of, of this war uh, no, no separate talks at earlier hours of this evening. there's really mandatory struck a vehicle in the shot records you come to the beach, right. you can come in the north room, western parts of garza city, the targeted where the children of the political leader of how much to buy in any along with their children. those are the grandchildren of the political leader of
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how about this really monetary you should a statement stating that the killed the 3 operative of how much a political leader in gaza city. this attack on the, on the, it's the, this sons of. and the grandsons of how much leader viewed largely by people as the weight evicted the course of the negotiations and the ceasefire talks entire, but also viewed largely by many people here as a way for these really military under prime minister benjamin netanyahu to use military power and to further the ongoing, the threats of expanding the ground invasion in drop off city meanwhile, and israel has been a mixed reaction to the use of the assassinations. elders, heroes will reach helen's, sent off this update from outside east jerusalem a consummation. so the strike has come in full, the joint statements by israel's military and sion backs, which is the internal security agency. they say that they took this strikes because
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of intelligence gathered by the ministry in bison bats. and the strike was carried out by his ready ministry at crawl space confirmed that said the 3 men were killed . they were all sons of his mouth, honey. at the, how much political bureau chief and the names were, i mean in, in my home in india and a has them. and they, they say that old 3, what, how much military operatives, they also say that they cannot confirm whether anybody else, including a minor, was hurt in the strike. now, was this dry, military and intelligence language doesn't reveal his whether this was a purely ministry decision, or whether they said being or 5 pop the political food chain to the government data . benjamin netanyahu make the cold. that's the lowest strike. now someone who thinks that was politics at play because a man called jaeger line. now he used to be
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a high ranking military man and he was the full, the deputy chief of stuff in the military. now he's very critical of the government and he thinks whether or not this strikes militarily was the right idea politically . it was the wrong idea. he says, carrying out such dramatic actions on the eve of a possible deal for the release of the abductor. these constitutes another serious laugh and their lord, that's now a very different view coming from the other side of the political device. a member of the connect circle, our homo code, and who's part of the law, right? nationalist and national security minister gets them up and gives policy. he says he's celebrates the assassination of honey ascends and says he's male hon the people back you on next in line. are we challenged? i'll just say era, you know, he, for the stories for the attack comes off to us. president joe biden labeled
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benjamin netanyahu has gone to a policy, a mistake company, how kit has moved from the white house. us president joe biden made no mention of the strikes that claimed the lives of ishmael hernia. they have mos political leaders, 3 sons and grandchildren. however, he was asked about whether or not he was considering withholding military aid is real. and whether or not there could be a shifting us policy, the us president instead saying that he had spoken to the is really prime minister . and he was still withholding that decision. given the fact that he believes there is still time to see whether or not is real will meet us benchmarks. i have been very blunt, straightforward with the prime minister, as well as his work cabinet, as well as the can. and the fact of the matter is that the i b b and i have
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a long discussions. he agreed to do several things that related to number one, getting more agencies, both food and medicine in the causes and reduces significantly the attempts, the civilian casualties in any action taking in the regions. now on thursday. us president biden, in addition to japanese, prime minister casita will also be joined by philippines president ferdinand marco's junior, for a tri lateral summit. the focus will be on china is aggression in the south china sea. but the issue of israel's war on gaza is also expected to dominate. kimberly help it alger 0. the white house. meanwhile, in central gaza is really strikes on tuesday night. here's a residential home and as a way to getting at least 14 palestinians, including children launch craters, a role that's left of a house or
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a family was preparing for each celebrations. several people, including just based families, have been staying inside the building. recovered bodies were taken to alexa hospital and data by law, the for various, it's kind of it, you hesitate. well, he was preparing for ead. he and his young children, off to sunset, he entered the house at 9 o'clock and without warning, they hit them with muscles. and he was killed along with his sons and daughters and 2 other displaced families for you is agency for children and says that one of his vehicles has been hit with live admission. and a statement on x units have said the vehicle was hit while waiting to enter northern gauze. the agency says it's raise the incident with his radio pharmacies. the statement went on to say that unless a workers are protected in accordance with international humanitarian, no, a cannot reach people in need of some other world news now and the european parliament has approved in over hold of immigration policy is that hot and free procedures for asylum seekers. the decision follows years of tension and divisions
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and requires old member states to share responsibility charges and yet it will say the reforms will not help my guns and refugees will fall right. parties across your website. it doesn't go far enough. i'll just say it was done, and it came reports. now from that, if, as a small boat has helped into adina again haul by the spanish coast scots on bold. people who have travelled from west africa, dazed and confused by the dangerous crossing to the canary islands. some of those rescued need immediate medical attention. all of them want to assign them in the u . spanish officials, same olden 6 times. as many people made this journey in the 1st quarter of the year, compared to the same period last year, which helps explain why the european parliament is just devoted to change its assignment policy. it is crucial that starts to take back control from the smugglers. so big because we need to decide who will actually enter the repeal
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union. we need to strengthen our common border because only soul can be also ensure that we move towards a policy when we can gave protection to those the needs and not to regular migrants . countries not on the blocks external border will not have to choose between accepting a share of $30000.00 asylum applicants or paying more than $21000.00 per person into an e u fund. a new screening system will distinguish between those who need international protection and those who do not process that will last up to 12 weeks with rejected . applicants sent back to the home countries within another 12 weeks. but this still has faced strong criticism. reform of the common european asylum system will not save a single live, not in the mediterranean, and not at any of your p and x 2 and a borders. because what has been happening is that the, you now legalize this,
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the violations of international law that are committed by european states already. now the extra and the boldest european far right to parties say the changes don't go far enough, but a me here also, there isn't even a mention of defending the borders against the invasion of immigrants. they are deliberately replacing european populations. our borders must be closed. our people don't want more migrations, they want less, it will be, steal, still needs formal approval from the european council of ministers. but that is seen as a formality, whether it can deliver all of what it supports is a promising is perhaps less so the european parliament selections in june may show us what the votes is. think of it's going to k houses era, fairly severe spring. the floods are affecting cities in times across southern russia. i'm because x dom up to europe's the longest. for the best it's banks, more than a 100000 people have been forced to feed their homes. the water level of the you are the river in the russian city of iran book has reached record highs,
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as you know, shall level of the ripples in time. cities and villages are in the volta people here hope they'll be able to salvage, at least part of that prophecy. but as little hope left for the residents of the flooded sab zip, oregon. back on the 5th of april, people evacuated as best as they could, but there was no warning. we monitor the water level of the euro river, but it's impossible to assess the damage. now houses are flooded. we also give you a far as he's not to forget about us. how can we now prove that we live to many of our documents have been lost? how can we simplify the issuance of benefits? let email has been unsuccessfully tracing, visiting us to show for most a task him what is next for him and his family very far to 1st what to what i wanted to find out from the authorities, whether they would be any help from restoration or compensation. they say they will give us $100000.00 roubles, but only off the conducting examination. the what kind of examination of the going
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to do everything's on the goals. and now the katrina, the mother of soul was hoping to vote with bypass the village together with her husband. they took a mortgage last year. now she says her family is homeless to go through. oh yeah, put them around for you in the afternoon last friday and my husband called me crying cause to just drop adverse and then getting the car get out because it always will be floated in 15 minutes and you'll get trapped. so we left everything behind all the equipment, all of the closes, my whole life started from scratch. i would say probably 2 weeks for what if we could household appliances and televisions into the asset because the water was rising. we so the neighbors caused floating before the eyes. the road got covered with water and we immediately began evacuating. most people was folks who blamed bill sowards. he's for negligence, but they are reluctance to express the criticisms on camera presents many residents . he is say that dealing with the situation launch the on the without enough help
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from the source. he's, as the crisis is unprecedented. i know such a large scale, but the change you'll see here is that people's anger and outrage about the way the all sorts who is handling the situation will wind zone as soon as the water levels killed and few lessons will villa. and meanwhile, the flooding is spreading to new areas. several rivers have buzz that buying, send the southern bureaus and side vera, bringing more human stories of despair and hopelessness. you lash above all of us, ultra 0 or in, but russia a personal break here. and i'll just say are right, when we come back, we'll tell you why thailand is increasing security along its buddha with me on the phone at 6. the
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hey, there are highest level alerts issue for thunderstorms in india is not to predict state for a time. and this is what it looked like and not to protest states, plenty of when plenty of rain to go round. also hill storms in this area must be no windows. no does turn much palmer and quieter on thursday. i think actually most of the action in this region will be across the long, dark, the blue and the yellow here is there. there was intense periods of brain default. see still a story of heat through pockets starting soon, province sun spots pushing past 40 degrees. what weather moves out of iran now pushing into afghanistan and eventually that will head towards northern focused on what we've got. humidity coming in off the south china sea, here for china is highland island and northern vietnam. so it's sticky day to be sure on thursday and more jolts and bolts for northern quinn. g one dung provinces . that energy pushing into food. yeah. but quite or for japan, up and down the country. really plenty of sun. bit of a fresher field though, for tokyo, at 18 degrees. and as we go back to this part of the southeast asia,
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focusing on indonesia, there's been more flooding in east java profits and look at these burst of rain still to go on thursday. so the situation will get worse before it gets better jakarta, looking at 31 degrees on thursday. the unique perspective, everything is political. you cannot stay out of politics and everything is a feminist issue to on heard voices, we see our literacy destroying the ability to have a normal life in with us. and that the stories that really feel us having a normalized elizabeth connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's all about it's right here. and right now the stream on out to the around the
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the welcome back. you're watching out. just a real quick reminder about top stories here. this is randy strike is assassinated, 3 sons and full grandchildren. of how much is politically the in gone for several members of the smell of honey. his family were traveling in the notes in the street and that vehicle was prominent as approve that over the whole of integration policies, the cotton and procedures for assign him c does require all member states to share responsibility decision funds. he has attentions on positions. that's a bit of flooding, as far as moving a 110000 people to evacuate the ends in russia. and because x don rational, sorry to say that unfavorable weather is likely to lessen the wrinkled floods in the coming days. a riddle is fighting me and mazda in to say the armies forces
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appear to have fled to a strategic border region. the violence has been focused near the boat. a town of maya, what are you next to thailand? ty soldiers have been patrolled in the area where civilians from me and my i've been trying to flee from the fighting. an alliance of anti genta rebels has made advances against the ministry in the recent months. but obviously it was totally changed and the following. the story for us to just live now from the ty bought a city of may salt tony's the reports that the rebels have made significant gains, made his boat. a town of maya, why do you, what can you tell us, tony? well we started hearing since still on a couple of hours ago on social media set, the last remaining face with battalion to $75.00 of the mountains as light infantry was station had full. and then about an hour ago, a statement came from the k. a knew the korean national union, these being leading this sort of rebel alliance fighting against the jews as soldiers that they had in fight. defeated. battalion 275,
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and had taken the whole town. we've been speaking to people who've been streaming across the bridge here. they say is the town is now without any soldiers or police. they say the pool, the crossing is the man by a separate melissa, they say they will hand it to korean fights is when they come in takeover. so that the boat across the is still open, but people coming across in large numbers this morning that they say last night though it strikes that still very concerned that even though the jones, as far as it's on the ground, the pits are being defeated. that strikes will follow and that is the past and we've seen in previous put towns and villages where the jump to have been defeated . we've also heard in the last couple of minutes that a force of pro government soldiers sippy located at bridge to a couple of columbus up the river here. they're apparently negotiating with the time. well, so it has to come across. so this stage it seems pretty clear to me a,
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well, the, the strategic town on the type or the body. so, so trade with thailand and a very significant source of revenue for me. i'm us military john to as full and it's a rebel hans. all right to tony, turn life us the on the time me and my buddha in the city of may salt. tony. thank you. now was very old balance compet in south korea's parliamentary elections. voters have handed the majority of seats to the opposition democratic party. as a result, the remainder president units of deals time and office could be a difficult one president to you and says he humbly accepts the election result and will renew his administration. you just came reports from the software and capital sol, the shock and jubilation of the democratic party headquarters in sol as exit. polls indicate a land light when for the opposition led by president hughes on yours, former arrival you sent me on. despite appeals for another chance, use conservative people power party will remain the number 2 party at the national
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assembly, posing a challenge for the president and his legislative agenda, which is only like 2 windows. okay, well we did our best to campaign on politics that align with the people's will. but the exit poll results are disappointing. voter turnout was strong at 67 percent according to south korea's election watch dog. the highest for a problem mentor we election since 1992. some 44000000 south koreans are eligible to vote in this problem entry election. and with each pallet they'll be making 2 choices. one, their local representative and to a political party. how the latter is talley to determine how many proportional representation of seats each party will get a system implemented to give minor parties a chance? one small party set to take a chunk of the $46.00 proportional, representative seats is also the newest. the rebuilding career party has gained
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support behind its single platform of weakening president you whoever wins, voters say they want to see more teamwork to get things done. unlike the current highly polarized political landscape as or take a by some video in my, on his view, politicians have been around too long. so get into a consensus has locked. it's a little hard to get. our country remains divided because everybody is too small tool. this month, but they kind of get decided that a t i voted with the hope that the people who when can come together and make the unification with not claudia audiology within my lifetime, is whether these appeals will be heard and implemented remains to be seen south koreans are still left with high fluid prices, a resident doctor, a strike, and a rapid lea aging population unit skim all to 0. so united states and japan have announced plans for new joints at defense networking partnership with a strange yeah. yes, president jo button on the japanese prime minister for me because she met with the
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white house fight and said wednesdays announcement representing the closest collaboration between washington and tokyo. in decades. the 2 leaders also discuss north korea. tensions of china. age be a little tight. here we have underscore the importance of peace and stability in the taiwan strait. unconfirmed opposition to encourage peaceful resolution of cross traits, issues in our alliance. we have what you're paying is a purely defensive in nature. it's a defensive alliance. and the things we discussed today improve our cooperation can our and our surely about defense and readiness is not aimed at any one nation or threat to the region. and it doesn't have any conflict. and so this is about restoring stability in the regions. and i think we have a chance to hold on thursday by and then because she that will be joined in washington by the philippine president,
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photon. and marcus junior defense would also talk to gender at that meeting, both tokyo and many la are looking to buy more high tech weapons of defense editor alex patropolis, breaks down what the 2 countries i've been buying and why or an honest race is underway and asia depend and the philippines are strengthening the armed forces in the face of north korea's missile tests. and china is rise as a regional super pop in december. dependent is the $320000000000.00 high. can defend spending the biggest to move the need to use the shopping list as extensive, long range lines attack cruise missiles, able to destroy targets, move a 2000 kilometers away. more advanced submarines, a next generation flight to jets. it's also looking to turn its helicopter carriers into light aircraft carriers. this would allow f 35 still just to fly emissions fall from home. dependence also investing in more patrick defense batteries and placing them on the islands throughout the archipelago. the philippines is
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concerned by china, as intimidation tactics in the south. china sea is both 3 batteries of india's ramos, and to ship missiles, one of the fastest, most powerful christmas, all in the world. and place an order for american hop who's and to ship missiles, as well as high miles or high mobility artillery walking systems. both japan and the philippines on now hoping the new weapons training is strengthening of defense toys. but the united states will be enough to detect china from any form of military action in the near future. at least 3 people have been killed in the russian era tax on the ukrainian region of hockey. we've rescue is not continuing to search the rubble for victims. john stratford reports not from the science of the attack. a garden in emergency services attending us. what you can see behind me is the destruction left by a so called glide bomb easiest, this new repub post soviet bill weaponry that certainly the ukrainians is saying
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that seeing the russians use a lot more in this area. big pay now is the so called double tap. the russians increasingly dropping ordinance like this on a given area, waiting around an hour or so waiting for the emergency services that are busy trying to. we believe get more bodies from under the rubble. white july arrive and then hitting them again. we understand that at least 2 people were killed in this attack. and as i say, there is a search on going full bodies on the the rubble. the government has reached out to their own fire. behind the shop, the house is on fire, my wife olga. a friend, the 14 year old child died there, but we don't know. maybe someone else is still under the rubble. suddenly the police tell us there's a russian drone above. we have to get in the bomb shelter inside. a mother grieves her daughter on the floor of the person killed in the attack,
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where around 10 kilometers from the russian border. deal storage is here. tell us that this village self has come under attack at least 10 times in the last 7 days. it is an indication of this escalation in russia. russian attacks across the border in the khaki region charge stripe. i'll just hero lips gave us so far. these are limiting the amount of a dangerous p fast chemical allowed in drinking water. it's a type of chemical used in the production of non stick pans and other products, but is also linked to illnesses including cancer. obviously it was drawn ahead for the 1st time the us who said limits on the so called forever chemicals pouring from drinking water tasks. these chemicals, entering our environment in an uncontrolled manner, are harmful to our families, harmful to our communities and harmful to our economy. the us environmental protection agency says the new standards for p fast or poly florio elk. a little
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substances are expected to protect a 100000000 people from exposure and prevent tens of thousands in serious illnesses in depths. i raised my children on this water, a $130000.00 parts per trillion of total p fast is the current estimate that we likely drank every day during the peak of our contamination crisis. i know we can't change the past, but we can fight for a more just a future, and that is exactly what we are doing today. the new limits for to 10 parts per trillion are dramatically lower than the levels found in north carolina and elsewhere. p 1st found in such products as non stick pins, firefighting foam and water proof clothing had been linked to cancer and other serious illness. water utilities will now have to filter out handful of common forever chemicals. but there are $12000.00 individual types, and they're found in half of americas drinking water supplies. and according to the
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us centers for disease control and prevention in the blood of 97 percent of americans divide and administration has focused on clean water following the discovery of water heavily polluted with lead over the past decade, especially in poor communities in flint, michigan, jackson mississippi and elsewhere, environmental watchdogs and prosecutors, a manufacturer is new that compounds were dangerous and here's a go for years, companies have dumped p. fos and other chemicals that last forever into our lakes and rivers, even when they knew that these chemicals damaged people's health and our natural resources wellbeing. the epa is providing $9000000000.00 for p, 1st contamination from an existing $20000000000.00 fund to rebuild drinking water infrastructure. john henry and l g 0. washington. with right below it is on environmental attorney and is best known for leading lawsuits against the american chemical company.


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