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tv   People Power Myanmar Military on The Ropes  Al Jazeera  April 11, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm AST

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from the side on commercial banks, i've been spun of a decade. she denies the allegations and has all the blame subordinate. south careers and liberal position has secured a decisive win and parliamentary elections there. smoking a major blurred through the president given so fuel. the democratic party's gains are being seen as an expression of discontent. over the government's handling of a cost of living crisis and a space of political scandals. you can just give him a voice mail from phone. within 29000000 ballots have been counted from wednesday's elementary election in south korea, and they've handed a resounding defeat to the president's people. power party effectively making use um yes, a leading duck is parties. interim director about out. communities is normal if you will, of the people is always right. i solemnly accept the will of the people. oh, take full responsibility for the election results and step down and go tell you why it in you and 2nd in command prime minister honda to also among several top office
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officials who resigned a close adviser who's been with the 1st time politician since day one of his presidency, all pointing to a sense of urgency for a fresh start. the president's reform plans and labor education, patients and finance. all now face a giant wall starting on may 30th. the opposition block will have 192 seats at the national assembly compared to just 108 for use people power party. this will mark the 1st time in the south korea's democratic history that a sitting president does not have a legislative majority. at any point in his turn, democratic party leader, each of young caution, lawmakers against celebrating their wins with the election. now, behind south korea, he pledge to work with all parties to solve the livelihood crisis. i think people expressed anger from this size less of the. now the question is whether
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present use any party as well as the opposition party will address the people's anger and will change. and if so, how i think is to keep us in the south koreans judge the president and refused to accept his prosecutor style a leadership newspaper, commentaries read as now you'll have to learn to work with the opposition to get anything done. unit skim all to 0. so as well that set for me in associates, i remember you can always find a much more on out of there a dot com next up is people in power. stay with the why have american evangelicals become? is real strong. as backer is us president, you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line. as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept,
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from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the most space of the biggest industry challenge since it sees power in a coup in 2021. opposition is process now control model of the country. for the 1st time, a loose alliance of ethnic groups, a newly formed anti cumulation, is moving into areas what's considered ministry. strong people empower returns to me and would you need access to what could be pivotal moments in the fight against the
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and the the civil war is raging in me and more between the loose coalition of opposition groups. they have the degree on popular, increasing the police some of the nickel and the opposition groups have been fighting the central government to decades. the good sense of cube in 2021. they've been joined by thousands of pro democracy activists. reformed what they called people's defense forces to try and de throwed the right shape. the we've
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been filming these young volunteers since 2021. we saw them arrive in the jungle. now, to know the, i added you to the see on us and that they moved them to the capital one, all was in the mail and the best, most of the time, the mobile home the we felt like the mistake became hard to get rid of fi to the in december 2023, we return to find out what has happened to them since we
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were invited by the current national union, which has been fighting for career and self determination project age to travel to a remote and inaccessible part of the voice of our team to cologne, secret and dangerous journey into east and then headed west through a mountainous region control. quite okay. i knew we were able to smoke a lamp recordings to tell a dramatic story of how for the 1st time since i came to me. and my me is on the back folks of to 2 days travel. we arrived at the headquarters of the correct national liberation army, the gates, the, the 1st independent journalist,
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a film here since the could the attendant kind of so lucky. hey, come on, is a battalion of $300.00 men. he was just 16 when he joined the careno and struggled a dc, massive changes like that. and you know, the, she knew about question that it will for you to get the let me know if they are not running it. and then they had told her the thing, okay, nobody by knew that by cut off on me like any, we're going to see what were in my question to i think that what that contact if that if that we're not doing it, i will. i think that they will not be seen by know of to full decades of jungle will say it was skeptical when young volunteers started to arrive from the cities had for
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t it the t c. and yet i spoke with any one. if i did not load you from, i knew what these by any is correct, sandoval know, cause people go mind to call it on the monkey or what d o n a p a. hey tony, you seem to get in your head for bill or any kind of talk on monday morning on. maybe at the, at the comfortable little by to guys go to the menu by here. no. lie. i to have a good the lie. careno authorities gave us read access to one of these pdf attempts, yet both to is the leader on to the i will come on to the correct me national liberation on did you select to does a member of parliament to the national league,
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the democracy. but when the military june to of the, through the democratic government, he found himself under the rest of the rest, the rather than seeking asylum abroad as some of his colleagues states to came here to the jungle to take up arms against the intended. don't let me go look cuz you know, lot, all, i cannot easy. you know, little what am i going to be the only never took a collateral total museum bought a go deal. can i go to find the blog? i don't know if you all you don't got. i wasn't the type where a good only jago. he's got out the model. the 2 big there you go. i told her and i mother like where solve a new model. so easy. did she get like nope, i don't need to know the whole model chip all by now. the cool got say tma general
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go need either d, you know times and now is that correct? you do the best way to say got to know it. does it feel pretty savvy about life in the jungle for these new volunteers from the city? because i'm familiar taught but the prospect of helping out to try the gym to hang out is attracting more and more recruits later o d u we okay. a lot. oh then okay, and what did they tell them? you need to tell them, you know how he knew well, but it does you what is what was underneath a lot of money and money tired or so for now. so that will give you people and then a mind move on out, don't want it. as of july, it was open it and i was waiting to hear mid january and the at which i didn't do my job is to hold me to my job right through the assignments. and diana,
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right. does that or does our own without it? but have all those rules on them as well for the sign and label g i they need 3. i news and i wrote which i didn't he hands on january the housing and jang, and it and image with the how long would i be here? oh, really? the yeah, dr. glass you know, type of 2023 the to an entire king. it's nicole and duke. nice ations. that the combined defensive against the military to into known as opperation 1027 the the grand several key towns are captured,
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huge amounts of volumes. and that munition it was a game changer in a civil war because of the insane to beatrice style made for the 1st time in decades. the me, i'm on the phone the now new volunteers a constant to be arriving to join the struggle against the jews. 6 to news pdf units is almost 300 strong and their training and equipment is better than ever. did you ever decide to sit in any c ds on the? do you got you know, key anybody else? no. can any. i need to go to 0 or within any speed in general, but monday, the cdm. no, not it. so that you actually to, to order the song,
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it'll be by the amount of ok. so the default on any of our difficult to know on our single send it to close the comma. we're appointed to no load on the on the bottom, you know, as well in a little time team. i don't know you did she tell me? do you gotta so you don't need to know to know to see the new machine good. unless you have to associate that i want you to j model to know di trying. i'm equally going on cuz they don't want to let you take a nice name . all the, all i see because as you get the little doubt they know john and one of the show as well to get through it and then hello. know to know that the i to you, jenna. how she got into us. okay. i one,
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so i 100, i have islands the advisor and it was kind of cool. it kind of will say right on the yellow bar on the general go up the show and i then when i see it in today for your daughter isn't coming. i didn't come on, does it want to sit down to a line? it's john, i'll run it 1st and let the student go to when the jones to fight, the regime was exhilarating. they well, tell me what i was and i told me why isn't it? and can i know that i'm at the dining room 10? yeah. i don't know that i wasn't aware of somebody told me like oh they don't
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mess you say those are or cl. com. i don't think the paramount unless you kind of identify the i know shadow, accomplish it with it, which i'm going to do that when i'm feeling i'm feeling well. oh, i think all new paid on as well for what it was in italy hoover and i know the fuel and fuel, we're kind of active and the already w. w. w. the dollar to not only there, you know, the social there she at the we met the social move genie, which of all to know do i need to know the total baby be care about as we filmed, usually most of the major jo incorporation by the korean forces and the pdf against
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the me a more on me the for the 1st time they were moving out of the jungle stronghold and into the low lying areas to the west. the we traveled with them across the sits on the river to see for ourselves what was happening in the new deliberated territory. the jew to the ongoing fighting movements were controlled. we've afraid to talk to who if we wanted the, the west, we went, the more evidence we found the recent heavy fighting now the thing was that was simply all along the southern. i'll indiana.
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oh, there was a lot of the places for them. i mean, i live on a lot of places who were at the long as you get a hold on 12. sorry, i the, the, the so was a good think with god i song the or says i think we've got the females further on. we came to a village with them. yeah, i'm all me taking up a position in a book. this ministry typical one of the,
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after a week of fighting the k, a and pdf troops defeated the me. i'm a homie unit and forced the survivors to retreat. the us rebel forces advanced them. yeah, my army is increasingly resulting to strikes long range of tillery and driving the tax, the,
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the consequences for the villages a debit as this vague footage taken by. so by the shy one, i had money on the the on. so when was sleeping, when naomi began randomly selling his village and the guy on the 1011 at the same idea, a lot of the media. so want to know the need to level of a hell of the whole. yeah, not so dr. blaze. one of the elders of this group of villages are you more comfortable? he now works with the correct national union attempting to create a civilian administration for the pothole. not a quarter of a medical coordinate center that our total c gotten it. the border boom. all with
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that level luxury level by little, if you got there, i'm in on it. but the now looking up, the most soto and on the day to do it, that's what i'm a live total on a little while they to part what i what i live. i live now and on monday, my one of the most little he needs to you. that's what i'm gonna relocate on a little over there to find them not be that pulled up. i do not know to tell you why they are getting a kind of hung up on me. i'm not, i'm not going anywhere you want me to run the thing on a i'm up i do here for them up on the floor. i'm not, not that i'm move, who's on this? i'm of warranty where i don't see where they're under the data binding, henry the wrong it is on order to move on. i'm not to walk on the muscle you are. that's what i'm gonna look. you don't like local, i have hung up on yeah. yeah. how about when that with that and also the, the new to new or he new one move on to me. that'd be about for not giving you the 10. do you hold on?
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i mean, i get an estimated 3000000 civilians and now displaced from that home to me. i'm a so she monetary and disaster on a massive country wide scale. the government institutions have collapsed in many places and very little aid is able to reach these villages. the can you with limited resources, provides what food and medical agent can to the displace villages. the casualties open and have a long call journey ahead of them to reach any kind of treatment the. this makes shift clinic was settled by the pdf with donations from inside me. m a and around the world. dr. 10 when a full i'm a member of the medic who defected to join the rebels. c. r need talk to was he's
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having a problem doing. oh, good, the really know who that what you get out. let me see. do imagine in your yeah. you know how much you get really. he could hang a uh well, it's all right. yeah. well some of you as well. yeah. as well, by the beginning of we'll see how it has. i'll get a call on monday evening at the. okay. and seeing you on there, the wizard it nice and you gotta be building the house and got it. okay, got it. i got to go to the the what up i, i think i will good. i got hit got out or do i want to die? yeah. you gotta go into the it either on how 90 percent or so its headline or even gonna go by their home or you can go over your, you know, you want me to go take it. i wanna go a many my head i was a menu, make a real. how does a nit dean, my dad so that came a great many uh, hold on hold while when i what about the in the of the when i get i will now adult
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to 10. we know for rates as best he can in the jungle. here he's removing strap know from the wounded. so just like i think i didn't know where you're here. hold on for the so the 90 would reach out to anybody. call name old. what which is not a to me. i will do it. oh, but they didn't know it was really good of a party bottles or you know, a movie. yeah. movie, i don't, but i'll give you the quality or betty i led by him by them to be my life a lot on when they got as he knew only that i didn't say model was we met? no, no. yeah, i'm whole what the, the end of our journey we were shown to prison, the roof will, can housing 20 to me on more on me. so just along with them with the 27 women and children who were living it to me. i'm on the face when the korean and pdf i rented, the tenant kind of so low g hey, is now responsible for them. are on
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a white glove is part of how your name can blow kindly from google got. now did you ever go to the decades or tried to like the like the like a coat. only rotor or to go to our new my or do my to buyer was upon, you know, go to our, you know, that kind of the, going to look at the, at the find out exactly who i am about to buy a pony go before me. i'll go to the mexico by we filled them out to be a shelter of the korean forces. they were apparently well fed and happy to talk one of the cap to integrate to tell a story of how they would catch it. and that, and that's where i am, and they're in the house, the, the zillow. oh,
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yeah. and the, i'm the, they have a pdf come on to, to new quote out to them to surrender. so it's how do you model through teaching cheap? i can already gone through the whole or talk to me, i took over the 12000000 holidays or the out to the loud. so you can adjust to when you come into the, into visible. and you know, when the and, and see why that account and that, and then you know, and then we have, we have really nice have your values. i know that that's a, them a, the right that is, that he was on the left as i say, when that when i was able to have, am i going to have, you know, that the read, the full say should make huge gains against me and more of me, the future for the civilian population remains deeply unset with no way of
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defensive, so they're extremely vulnerable to attacks every time they get to drive and i've had the fulls to take cover the the, despite the ongoing attacks that can use, attempting to set up a civilian government in these newly liberated areas including a network of korean schools. oh, good thought for the pdf volunteers, there's no going back home on the, on the, on,
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at that piece of your point, you know, 5 email or no, no. or no, be 9 pcp result to mistake about the task ahead. generic, empty by the college. you know, i don't actually get it done on any next tuesday. maybe i can imagine getting us to know by there was a but i don't. susie the money to do enough to the kind of deal. yeah, yeah. i'll see all those out of new seats. download the don't i. yeah. tell me to tell you the, the uh the
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a lot of the stories that we cover a highly complex. so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can. as long as you say we're correspondence, that's what we strive to do. every family carries it's within those. in 65, the industry can take a nice time to hear a young the rocky dutch father encourages families to finally discuss their cost in the hope of sparing youth young son by breaking the cycle. intergenerational trauma,
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my father new and died. a witness documentary on elegy, sierra. va, now more the us army use the highly toxic her with catastrophic consequences. agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare a decade later. the same happened in the us state of oregon. these helicopters flying over the ridge spring something and they didn't even see the case for 2 women fought for just to get some of the most powerful forces in the world. the people versus agents orange analogies. 0 over 30 years of to the same you. also 0 was tell us the behind the scenes, the story of nor wasteful, and the oslo accords. they wanted to have what they present, deny ability, and reveals how the secret negotiations skewed their strong decided, quote to folks love to talk the terms of the negotiations and why they're still far
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from delivering. and 4th was the price of what was on knowledge is here the at least 5 palestinians are killed in the all new sarah, the refugee accounts these really minute teresa is it still wants to overnight operations targeting central calls on the hello on this, on the attain this is i'll just hear out lie from don't will. so coming. unicef says one of his vehicles was fired upon while trying to enter northern gauze. the gunfire came from the direction of the check went toward civilians.


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