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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 11, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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has been done before, can be done even better, as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see the visions keywords you to the the hello. this is in use our own out jersey or um for the back people live in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. no pause in this rouse from bob ment of guys i despise the eat holiday at least 5 time it seems to have been killed in the center of this strange aid workers are still not safe unit says says one of his vehicles was fired on while trying to enter in northern gosh, the gunfire came from the direction of the check point toward civilians who then
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ran away from the check point. and the gunfire hit us. also this our hundreds of people as being from yan monta thailand. after a rebel fighter said, they sees that important trading town near the border and the struggle to keep the lights on ukraine scrambles to protect his facilities in the khaki region. after a relentless washing in sports, the opening round of the monsters has been delayed due to bad weather and its advantage. barcelona in the 1st light of the champions, the quarter finals. often they come from behind the beach power saucer. last 3 to away from heights trucks, the it's 10 g m t mid day in guys i just hours after israel assassinated, the children and grandchildren. all the masses leader is might need these really military says it launched a targeted operation in central god. the overnight is happening on the outskirts of
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the all new say around the refugee camp, where at least 5 palestinians have been killed. several others were injured in an asteroid that targeted a school. and a residential building in mount con is standing by for as an occupied is chosen. but 1st we go to honey. my mode was in rafa southern, gaza for an update on the situation on the ground. honey strikes have continued across the gaza strip, and now this is really operation, reportedly in federal guys that talk to us about what's been happening a yes, well within the past hour with cnn intensified at tara, across the gaza strip here and rough actually just within the past 45 minutes and a pop up by drones attack and drones in eastern part of a city. that's how i spell. i'm neighborhood works. a group of people were gathering industry. it's under way as we've heard of from eye witness. there were under way to pay visits for relatives and family members,
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because this is what people are doing here during a time to socialize the get together to spend some family time do were targeted. 6 people reported killed, right at the spot is transferred to another doctor hospital with at least doubled the number of injuries. those who were passing by, according to an i wouldn't describe the explosion was very loud and cause not only the death of these 6 people, but also a great deal of damage to a nearby residential homes. and meanwhile, is really military. it's still at operating in the northern part of the site, i reckon cameron, this is an extension of what it did that overnight. when is a nonsense, a limited and targeted operation in on the say, rock directors, you gave me the northern part of it near the vicinity of why do you have a particular area of marks the safe zone, the designated safe zone. there was announced that the initial weeks of the war by this really military were literally a ordered everyone to move your web. you know the area because it is
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a friend right now people find themselves are part and a tribe under he'd be able bard, vince in the central area. this has caused a great deal of panic and concern and fear and people are started to moving out of from a new site out refugee camp and other parts of the, of the central area. it's important to point out that there's really a military in a state and then said it's going to expand its military ground invasion, not only in the northern part of the account, but also to data bucks to be a later on to a rough city where 1500000 displaced policy meals are sold during here since the beginning of door. the situation is getting really difficult by the hours right now . so a difficult worrying situation because there's no light up in the air strikes and the attacks, despite the don't holiday, as you said, the honey. and it's also been over a week now since these really comments to open the arrows crossing to let more aid into northern gaza. that still hasn't happened honey, but we have seen some
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a trucks across the border in rough on the gyptian side. what kind of impact has that hot as well, perhaps the most accurate description right now for allowing somebody to track students or dots surveys to keep people here in overcrowded rob during the know the part on the live support system but not entirely supporting them to face the rolling difficult is it created by the intense funding campaign and by the deliberate blockade on humanitarian. it's fox and food supplies and medical supplies. entering the gaza strip. we're talking about a number close to a 17230. within the past the 3 days been entering the doctor, not nearly enough to respond to the rolling of challenges and the limit. the difficulty of living conditions are created by the restrictions and ongoing intense funding campaign in terms in terms of the any significance impact on the ground.
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there isn't really much to talk about in terms of the nature of the impact on people here because we're still seeing people are tar venus top to death. in the northern part, there's no no medical supplies, no food supplies, and already people because of the threat of famine close to 30 people, mostly children died of the in for the hydration and as far vision there's 5, the star vision started to appear here and it will very crowded drop by city because the depletion of resources and basic necessity. honey, thank you very much for the update that challenges here is honey, my most live that in a rafa southern gaza that's crossover too occupied easter. was them not him on con, is bad for him on 1st of all, what details are you hearing from these various about this new operation in central gas a well, 4 days ago the is riley's withdrew a significant chunk of that forces from the gaza strip of the time they told us
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that this was a new strategy that they were against trial. they left behind a 100 and 62nd division. to me now is a much more targeted operations. now, this is what they've done. i'm issued a statement saying i even i the 100 and 62nd division to get a precise intelligence based operations with eliminates harvest or protests and started terrorist infrastructure in the central garza. the operation was actually backed up by these ready apples and by the is right navy as well. so it's a pretty major operation. and still pretty large scale considering this is a land and seat. so it's not just about kind of withdrawing troops and then just having those troops go in and mount precise operations as use, right? the army. cool. and they still cooling on everything that they can do is that's a dress rehearsal for any potential operations into roughly if you listen to is really military on the list, then they are suggesting that this kind of operation could well be the blueprint, but any potential ground operation into the right into the russell. now on the
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question of age. iran, we heard from anybody who said some, a trucks had gone in. we've also heard the defense minister of these around the, off the line said that israel will quote, streamline security checks and slides guys with a new crossings. they say, what does that mean exactly? what, what's the plan here with, with the aid a? well, there's a little bit of confusion here with respect to actual agencies, the people on the ground to go to distribute all of this. they wondering why these riley's are trying to build more crossings when there are several crossings already open that you can get trucks certain. remember, before october, the 7th, it was trade that was going through no aid. those crossing still exist. maybe one of the reasons, and this is what we're hearing from somebody's ready souls, is the actually, there's a lot of prototypes going on from the fall rights from holland, right? fanatics who are basically stopping a from going in to the goal is
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a strip i'm at might be a reason why they want to build crossings that they can actually control a little bit more. but there's also something else going on here. it's the aide that's going in to rough up those trucks. so these riley is allowing in hoff empty . the reason for that is because these ladies want to be able to inspect them and inspect them easier. once they cross that boat at the 8 agencies, then have to repack those trucks and then send them along. so they've got to have full trucks in order to be able to be efficient and get a in. now, dining hall guard these ready, all these flights one has been 22nd in the last few minutes. he said we're looking to get $500.00 trucks in a day while the se, hoffen. so you're effective looking at $250.00 trucks and dates. thank you. very much and ron for bringing us a nightstand from occupied east jerusalem and aid workers in guys as still not safe unit stuff is one of these vehicles has been hit with live ammunition in a statement on x it said the vehicle was hit while waiting to enter northern guys,
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so far they are no reports of any injuries to the agency. stuff agency also added that it has raised the incident with these really authorities. the statement went on to say that unless aid workers are protected in accordance with international humanitarian law, age cannot reach people in need. or we spoke to test ingram from unicef was in the convoy that came under 5. as i was in one of the 3 cars that was part of a con voice was unison unrra. we were on a coordinated mission to try and deliver fuel to water wells and the noise and loss saving nutrition and medical supplies to come a loved one hospital. we left rasa after some delays. we got to the holding void before the check point. uh, what do you guys uh, this is a designated holding point where you and vehicles are made to wait until the check point is, is ready to receive us. we will wasting there. when gunfire broke out in the
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vicinity, the gunfire came from the direction of the check point toward civilians who then right away from the check point and the gun 5 hit us. we were really lucky. we had some colleagues outside of the cars, checking a mechanical problem with the nutrition truck when the fire broke out and they had to run back to our ahmed vehicle. fortunately they was safe, but 3 bullets hit the car, but i was in right on my pass all the window and also the bonnet of the car. so this is just another example of how unsafe it is to humanitarian aid workers and how, you know, missions like these are made it possible. re, re sit with irrelevant. it's is rarely, authorities, we're still waiting a response. but you know, this is the most serious incident, the units of stuff have experience during this escalation in gaza. so we're really taking these to the highest levels. and it's important to remember it's almost series incident, but it's not isolated. safety is not guaranteed even when we type all of the
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required steps, as we saw with the tragic world central kitchen incident. this is just another example of, of an incident like that to, as we mentioned earlier, israel assassinated 3 sons and full grandchildren of a mouse is political leader is my idea. on wednesday, it happened that the al shante refugee camp in the north of the gaza strip. israel says his sons were a mazda operatives and that it targeted a vehicle they were traveling in. this, it comes at a time when sci fi talks are being held. speaking to alger 0, honey, a said the kennings would only strengthen him off as result. he also said that it would not affect the groups demands in seats, find negotiations. that is, but we look at the they believe that if they kill or assessing id, it is all their next of kin said we will abandon all people that we will abandon all resistance. they all mistaken this noble blood that is spelled, including my own children will hard now results make us more defiant, more adamant to continue to march on this road,
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throat of struggle and resistance until we will not freedom. and the lawful rights of the palestinian peoples are restored. he met by some name is a senior member of hamas, his political bureau. he says, the assassination of any assign the members is an attempt by israel to the rail. see sign negotiations and the can you hold from the beginning. he was doing the maximum to block or to undermine any shots to reach if he failed agreement. and so he hesitated along the last few weeks to uh, to uh, to spidey negotiations. and he is under pressure from the americans. i'm from the international community and from the and tell them that it's really society. he's not using all the other did the tools. but you can go on to children in our lives, by sitting the leaders or some people in damascus and live on on.
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he is insisting on undermining any strong storage if he's fail agreements. joining us now to discuss this and the latest developments and these are as well on guys i is our senior political analyst, my one question. all right, my one, thank you for being with us on the news. our they've been some reports of progress in the ceasefire. toxeme cairo in the last few days. do you, do you see the negotiations? now jeff is jeopardized by the killing of is my honey is family members? what impact do you think this is going to? well, if we take a honey, is word for it. they're not going to be impacted me. it demands, at least he says that the magic stays the same. rice. if we take that, then you always ward for that there wouldn't be infected. but of course, the interpretation could be different both in terms of what is actually happening and what are the implications for these sorts of actions. now,
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i'm not one of those who prescribe to the theory that this is done deliberately in order to undermine the negotiations, even if it does on the mind, then you question. i think this is part and parcel of a 6 months of continuous explanation of continuous war crimes. i mean, just the past few weeks, we've had the destruction of a ship, a hospital. we have a number of massacres and, and, and killing of civilians. and in the, in plain sight, age workers, a dork or sale being, talking about have this. so in each time we try to give it time to petition. but in fact, what it is is just the chain of explanation on the part to visit the government as they have nothing to do. we don't, there's no, there's no secret, no surprise there. no, it doesn't. it. then you all government hope to achieve something for that. yes, of course, there's nothing that set up any on government does that doesn't have a purpose. and usually it's either eccentric and cynical, or sadistic,
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or political and strategic. no. the theory or the working fairly on the part of these really what cabinet is the more pressure put on him us, the more killings, the more destruction, the more the we can bring about an agreement that is favorable is right. mm hm. so it basically is part of that thinking that says, we need to maintain that pressure, and that's what the explains. also, the sudden attack on set out today is just this part of that continuous and exhaustive sadistic attacks on guy. so as he said, it's been 6 months now, the war has entered it's 7 months. and the few now is that we could be entering a new phase of this war because these relays and even the americans appear to be on a war footing, expecting some sort of retaliation from a ron over the killing of, uh, uh, commanders of the origin revolution regards in,
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in syria last week. what if, if this is a new phase of the conflict? what might it look like? you know, the funny thing is the funny, funny, tragic thing is that we are kind of at the cross road now where we could see the war winding down because it's kind of lost its logic. and we could see a deal on the captives and the prisoners that could be sort of extended on, you know, 2 or 3 times. and then perhaps they think there's some kind of a state it may lead think eventually to something else or so or and i think that's what's not then, you know, and his bunch of fascist and fanatic coordination partners think that this could actually escalate for the concert to the wishes of abided administration con, through to the wishes of the palestinians, and the international committee that wants to cease fire. this very particular, nathaniel government is intent on escalating the situation of one of the other side,
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but also originally. that's why it, for the 1st time in 6 months, i can tell you now i am no longer sure. this will not have regional repercussions and escalations because you should remember we've had this conversation a good number of times and i was kind of convinced from the 3rd week on the americas and do it any is don't not want original war. it's not in the interest of either the lawn or the united states, but when you look at something new on what he's trying to accomplish from the bombings of that of the uranium concert, it's in syria to the escalation against hezbollah 11, i'm from going to do the offensive in their words, to the ongoing this condition and guys to that objection of on costs for the ceasefire defending their bachelor, the international community on to the laws of war. this government is not just very dangerous. missing quite a bit of reckless right? so, so this pressure that we saw 10 days ago when the aid workers were killed,
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the for an aide where it is a global condemnation. the pressure from the american select more 8 in some is gone . and as we heard from honey on the ground, but not enough, that pressure doesn't seem to have had an impact on, on the mitsy. i'll government. remember that pressure was mostly a rhetorical on the part of some countries like the text moved on $54.00 products like the spanish meant some noise about recognizing a policy instead of some sort. but there is no real international effort except talking. yeah. now, you know, with is really say i is the start as the oldest wisdom in israel's history for 75 years wisdom, the world can say what it wants, we will do what we must. it doesn't matter what the, what size it matters, what the world does, and so far it has, the world hasn't done much. thank you very much. my one mind the shower is our senior. political. i'm is joining us on this is out now is humanitarian aids slowly
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makes its way into guys. a trickle of parties, along with a surprise, has been allowed to enter the northern areas of the strip. to tell us more about this, would you run by wise? i'll have no tools in jabante a in the northern guys i. so some a tried supplies have arrived and some goods i understand starting to return to the market said talk to us about what's, what's available now and what the situation is like. i'll just show a small, a small amount of that so that supplies just arrived to the north of the gaza fluids like a tomato and tell you to a known you and also eggs. all of this has just arrived to the north of gauze and it came back to the market. if thoughts a, these food on these supplies are not affordable for everyone to buy because it's still very expensive and allow me to give you an example about the eggs it before
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the invasion if you want to buy a. so t a g 's, you would buy it for the to it's $3.00, but now the, the, the, the, the, if you want to buy the authority x, you would buy it for a $35.00. the same thing to the uh, uh, to the book tell you to and tomato it's very expensive and people's cannot supply it. so these trucks are coming good supplies and food coming through the the can wait around about it's coming from the egyptian addiction or the addiction . the crossing from egypt has nothing a just and so the, from a it is costing, despite all of the promising nothing you have said about the re opening old as it is the crossing. thank you very much. was for bringing us the latest they have
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from giovanni a in northern guys. i'm more comfortable the best author into either world news and rebels fighting young mars june to say government forces a few to flight, a border region after they took it over the violence as being escalating near the board. a ton of the hour. the tie soldiers has been patrolling the area where civilians are myanmar, have been trying to flee, and alliance of anti dunes arrivals has made advances against the military. in recent months, tony chang has this report from timelines for the with me on more. on a city in the city of mesa, we understand the me a while the on the other side of the me on my board, it has now full and we heard that from a current statement this morning saying that they had defeated patel in 275 which was the last holdout. overnight they said they go there at 10 p and in there at 10
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pm last night. that does appear to be a force of about $200.00 soldiers from $44.00 flight infantry who being holding out . and we think they are the bridge just over here. now let me give you a sense of what's going on over here. behind me, you can see the type of the crossing. there are a couple of tie home these here with tie soldiers, most of whom have now retreated into the shade they arrived here about 2 hours ago . when report started arriving, the, the most soldiers that go to the other side of the bridge. now if we go a little further, you can see the bridge in the distance very faintly, and probably too hard for the camera to see is a plume of smoke going up in the background. we would down the about 40 minutes ago and code here. some put costs if booms across overhead, so it sounds like the may will be strikes, go again at the moment. the time is that true,
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we spoke to said they had also heard tillery so it, here's the concerns of the civilians. we've spoken to this morning who are flying across into thailand that strikes would follow the possession of these military post is coming true. but if i can pound the camera to the other side, we can give you a really good sense of why this place is so important. this is the container pulled the call, get pulled through which all the goods pause. and you can see, contain a trucks lined up waiting to go across. they are actually still going across the border. in fact, we saw 2 liquid gas containers going across. and so what is effectively a live battle zone? so, you know, people are still prepared to take the risk, but this is a bold crossing that sees a $1000000000.00 worth of goods pos over every year. the ties will be really concerned that if there has been a transition from the military genta to the rebels, the this remains open the top,
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the business still goes across. but similarly the military ginger and that the door will be deeply concerned that this is now full and out of the hands. it's a vital source of revenue for a military that now look to be in really serious trouble. it is getting to me is property tyco and has been sentenced to death. 5 to being found guilty of embezzlement. strong milan, the chair of major property develop, yvonne teen fat, was found guilty, swindling of guilty of swindling $12500000000.00 from seigel on commercial bank. she denies wrong doing and has blamed subordinates. let's take a closer look at the campaign that led to this high profile trial vietnam's comedy's party, long as she unpacked corruption, driving 2060 known as blazing furnace, led by the party secretary general nguyen for strong. the ongoing campaign aims to tackle widespread corruption. all sectors have come under scrutiny. the communist
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party itself, as well as a private sector, including real estate banking and the health care sector, across down has led to a high turnover of political lead is 2 presidents and 2 prime ministers have resigned since 2016. hundreds of officials have been disciplined. don't jail. wanted to talk to us about this is hi hong nguyen who is a senior electra of politics, social change, and international relations at vin university in vietnam. thank you very much for your time. talk to us about your reaction 1st to the sentencing the death sentence in this high profile case. uh, were you expecting this decision? was sent in so the verdict has been expected for years. and as you know, that the trial has been conducted for one deals with the dean from 2022 at and this is a gap in the context of bodies of pod for 5000 and tide. corruption campaigns launched by the communist party. vietnam were just really name to clean the potty
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and on. so to build a cleans uh, governments and states, uh, mechanisms and machinery. and uh, i think the body is a know something these old. so the expect to buy the sell those and also by the public because of the nature shows up the scope of the scandal. um the amount is so huge. powell point $5000000000.00 or 2 percent of the ttp of the country. so i think this is a drug typical um, you know, the brand is going up some cases. yeah. i did copy the. yeah, i was going to ask you what message you thought the party was trying to send through this verdict and they would, there was a scope of course, as he said, a great deal of, of public anger about corruption. do you think people will be satisfied with this verdict and what message audio 40 sunday here? absolutely the public. these valley such as 5 with the buddy because of the the pot,
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the style sending your key clear install messages that the corrupt officers will go off. people wouldn't be punished severely. and this is a typical case of a city of police lens, but on a very huge grownups in cases that i said before is it cuts the top because to 12.5, you don't store to a treatment set of g d p. and so here it is the 1st time it's not a corrupt about post on these sent them to that. so these of sentencing is very strong message to the public and also to these people in bold indeed a scandal. where does this leave the campaign? the corruption campaign. now where does it go from here? do you think they'll be deeper reform now quote, the campaign will be continue of. uh oh. so it's not regardless of whoever wouldn't
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be in power for waiting, be in the, from a position of secretary general out of the potty or the probably still the president because this is steve. um the intention of the potty or the government is that they need to clean the potty water. why? because to pop the court to see the corruption as one of the full threats to the is the vitals. and he liked it was the of the party sold. it's really to the level that type of thing, the so by the body. so i have a note as i've been deals to come to the anti cups and can been continue. thank you so much for talking to us about this hi home. new in a senior lecturer of politics, social change, and international relations at the university. thank you for your time. my. my, my pleasure. are still ahead on this vouchers here and use our record slides are set to worst and in washington cause that's done with more than
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a 100000 people being affected. and as for the traditional pre masters events, had no shortage of entertainments, dental have about the a there while this incredible stretch of warrants continues across the eastern europe. let me show the good stuff from any i look at this book or it's full on sunshine temperature at 28. that's what it should feel like in the middle of june. so we've got some summer heat going on here. a few showers we can find toward the eastern side of the turkey a eventually through the south as well. so on tale may catch a few jobs with a height of 20 degrees today on thursday. also hop for the other side of the mediterranean list. been 28, that's about 10 above where you should be for this point in april. and we do have
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somewhat weather diving out of europe. so rain chance is anywhere from elders rate through to tripoli. let's go to the northwest right now. it's pretty easy, but this is a warm or wind dragging in warmer air here. so london, 18 paris. 18. but it will be mostly cloudy. sky, okay, back to africa. we go, wins are also dragging sand in dusts across. that's the heart rate through to the canary. islands, so hazy conditions to be expected here and another windy day up and down the eastern cape province in south africa. durban looking at wind gusts, about 60 kilometers per hour. remember, it was just a few days ago. we had that wind storm in cape town, so we could see something similar. and buckets of rain falling in some bob boy's capital, right. so just now there is the threat of some flooding here. the, the latest news as it breaks around, han has given a cause that people have just come out in large numbers,
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galvanized public to the board with detailed coverage. but the reason prices and the reality, things are likely to get much worse before they get better describing some residents to the brain from around the world. people have told us the circumstances, even more important than usual, to come together to share what they have over 30 years of, to the signing onto 0. 1 tells the behind the scenes, the story of norway se will in the oslo accords. they wanted to have what the prize ability and reveals how the secret negotiations were skewed. this room decided to folks went to talk to terms of the negotiations and why they're still far from delivering and forth was. the price of all is all just the
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and watching the news. our on algae is 0. a reminder about top stories this our, this we know policy, these rascal involvement of the gaza strip. despite that, he's holiday at least 5 thomas needs have been killed and then these really strike on the, on the see a lot refugee come in. central guys are the attack targeted at school and a residential building? these are the military release, a statement saying is launch over 9 operations in the central area off the street. the united nations agency for about 4 children says that one of these vehicles has been hit with live ammunition units that said the vehicle was hit while waiting to enter. northern guys on the 8 agency also added that it has raised the incident with these really a phone and not in use of getting them these poverty tyco and has been sentenced to
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death not to be found guilty of embezzlement. strongly non the child major property developing countries, but i found guilty spending $12500000000.00 from psych on commercial back. she denies farm to south korea's liberal opposition and security, decisive when in parliamentary elections, marking a major set back to president hughes. saki, all the democratic party's games are being seen as an expression of discontent, against the government's handling of the cost of living classes. and a speech of political scandals. eunice came re forced himself or more than 29000000 ballots have been counted from wednesday's elementary election in south korea. and they've handed a resounding defeat to the president's people. power party, effectively making use um yes, a leading duck is parties, interim director about out. communities is normal. okay. the will of the people is always right. i solemnly accept the will of the people. i'll take full responsibility for the election results and step down and go quiet in june,
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2nd in command prime minister hon book suit also amongst several top office officials who resigned a close adviser who has been with the 1st time politician since day one of his presidency all pointing to a sense of urgency for a fresh start. the president's reform plans and labor education, patients and finance. all now face a giant wall starting on may 30th. the opposition block will have 192 seats at the national assembly compared to just 108 for use people power party. this will mark the 1st time in south korea's democratic history that a sitting president does not have a legislative majority. at any point in his turn, democratic party leader, each of young caution, lawmakers against celebrating their wins with the election. now, behind south korea, he pledged to work with all parties to solve the livelihood crisis. i think people
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expressed anger from this side left of so now the question is whether present use and his party as well as the opposition party would address the people's anger and will change. and if so, how i think is to keep what's the south koreans judge the president and refused to accept his prosecutor style a leadership newspaper, commentaries read as now you'll have to learn to work with the opposition to get anything done, unit skim all to 0. so the ukranian region of khaki has been under relentless russian bombardment in the past 2 days. air raid sirens and explosions could be heard from khaki city early on thursday morning. the
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message that was struck by russian miss size. on wednesday, 3 people were killed in another. miss silas talking. the town of lipsy in northern khaki jobs side for it has this report from ukraine's khaki reaching as another massive attack by russians, policies targeting various locations across the ukraine this morning. those areas include levine in the fall. west cave is operation. odessa, i'm here to talk if you find the 2nd largest city under wide a region, i suppose. it wouldn't be in around 4 35 o'clock in the morning where city was woken up by the sound of sirens. and it would have been about a minute later, i suppose, when the 1st explosions, we managed to capture a couple of the impacts on camera. we understand what you're looking at. that could well be some form of energy infrastructure that was being solved. and of course, russia has been targeting energy infrastructure right, the way across ukraine in recent weeks, in an escalation of those targeted attacks. certainly the local authorities here in
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the car keep of saying so far that no casualties have been reported. but they also saying that at least 200000 people, all without electricity this morning. and the metro system is also being put out of action. now, we were given red access to one of you cranes largest electricity plants. now the authorities were very reluctance to give us full access in order to be able to show you the full extent of the damage to the spot. because of the security concerns, this is rippled this is the off them off the russian ballistic missile. i'll attack on the ukrainians, thermal electric pond. the power of these missiles, evidence in the sheer scale of destruction. millions of dollars worth of damage to ukraine, energy input structure across the country that will need huge international help to build. russia says, the surgeon is attacks,
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is revenge for ukraine's cross border. sabotage and targeting oil and solutions. sometimes say it's more tactical before a potential russian ponce de with the, with one of them because the restoration, we have to directives, restore the building itself, and then restore the equipment sort of together with the ministry of energy. if you try and weigh turning specifically performance target sides with the west and pod nicer. and our specialists are now in the baltic states where the transfer of the preserved equipment is being considered. rather than you could look this mobile phone footage we showed moments of to the attack on the plant. a defense is what you create in many of its island saves needs. patriot missiles and more which a delay in the us congress to approve 60 plus $1000000000.00 of a and a slow response by all the friendly states means the weaponry isn't getting to ukraine fast and that's what you're gonna hear. there is another. and
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a lot of these are happening pretty much every day and throughout the night. oh, so this was once one of the largest, so plants and all of ukraine supplying both electricity and hot water. so millions of people across the country is being hit repeatedly by kind of caused the driving since the beginning of the war. on march, the 22nd, it was hit by a massive russian ballistic missile attack. we hit to the underground shelter, tired men and women sitting virtual silence. they spend an increasing amounts of the day hung good on the ground. alexa is worth to 21 use and incredibly he and all his co workers who were here at the time survived the attack, a full parcel commercial button, and then blow it up with the 1st. and then you're done to band and work and
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equipment out of which and 2nd will need to know for sure what the missiles will have to train them. so we stay by your machines before hiding at the last moment we . it's hard to describe the size of explosions so that when he was incredibly loud, it was still there was flash enough for because we were so very close. i'm a sure i shake when i think of a barcode with my list i'm. i'm with the 1st time you saw the workers get the old play back to the doc on developing a diploma. 10 minutes off to they begin work again. is another song and they have to head back to the shelter. hundreds of thousands of ukrainians have painted during blackouts in recent weeks street. so some areas and called keith, almost pitch black to me like these men and women are risking their lives just trying to begin the massive clean up operation. no. with another attack good happens. any time chelsea drop it down to 0 is me, it's got caught,
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keep reaching ukraine. so the slides are affecting towns and cities across 7, russia, and cosmic sign off to europe's 3rd longest river breast. it's banks. more than a 100000 people have been forced to feed their homes and water level of the euro river in the southern russian city of corin burke has reached record highs. officials say the voice whose yet to come in some places, usually a shop, a lot of a has the latest from the village of news, inca near the hottest pit russian city of owenberg. we're not far away from the city of oregon bug and the behind it is the flood zone. the euro river normally flows through killing me says from here. so thousands of houses are flooded now in the or in the region alone. the scale, but disaster is in nor with the will to level in the you are we but has risen to 10 meters. everybody was expecting the peak of the designs to the day before, but seems like it has still to comes for the snow. it continues to mouth. also in the 2nd largest city of boston, after a down by the resident say to be a source,
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he's the know wound them about the danger and the what was the case so quickly that they have to run away with that children. and that was leaving that belongings, documents, and even animals behind. so bows have become domains, means of transportation in the region. we see f is by imagine some services, but then know enough and people say that they mostly code by themselves many of to age and go to the relatives or assess when temporary accommodation senses at the same time deal source. his blame the melting of snow for the incident on the direct . so the company that builds the time in was blaine's rodents. but people are out for each by this particular version saying how kind of time on which they spend $1000000000.00 roubles, a $10000000.00 was destroyed by rodents. meanwhile, the geography of the flies is growing numerous rivers bus that binds in the southern euros under the siberia, as well as in the neighboring complex done. so i'm us above all the way into or,
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and bug region. a student i had on knowledge is 0 siblings. success in major league baseball, how the native brothers made it a day to remember for the family that's coming up in sports, which i'm gonna stay with. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in dubai. the
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business latest to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the the one that's lucy is gemma. thank you fully. we thought with the champions the quarter finals and it's advantage boss, hello know, going into the 2nd black off. they came from behind the power sasha, math, 32 cavities starting lineup. had a wrinkled breakthrough in it,
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16 year old. let me in your mile becoming the youngest player, the feature and the champions the quarter finals to it was the more experienced by a rough senior who did most of the damage in the spring into plastic crossroads. the asking students, okay, that they asked for my boss amount has been done by equalized with an excellent finish, goes out. it was to and i'm not just a few minutes but also learn to cope with the pressure front discrepancy signal seconds. we get, it was a special one roughly, it makes down to the address of the christian center, then headed into windows 10 minutes. sometimes your boss a not i may go down to the time like getting them back by having to leave the issue with that. and then this is the champions league metal, but not a single cell phone for all gets for the frenchman a little bit beyond as well. walter, you're the manager, you must have released on us on the bus alone to find as well and proud and satisfied with this hasn't finished yet assembly. we are just in the middle of that movie. it's a great away when you're a little boy, i don't remember how long ago that happened. i think it's a moment to be proud of,
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but this is an over. we have a very difficult match to try and boss loan. and next tuesday and about settling i might add another spanish sides outlets. okay. madrid also hope the advantage go into that 2nd. like against the rest of the woman, it's just for minutes. the diego sent me on the side to take the lease. well, come with that, what do we do to pull making the most of an arrow from the germans. i think another woman mistake, she was another especially go samuel lena, completing a swift threes to make it to mail box dillman. have a fighting jobs going back to that home ground next week. our retail stripes invest in our putting a go back in 9 minutes left. to comcast premier club competition. now i'm leaving messages into miami. happy knocks out of the competition with a 5 to aggregate defeat to monterey. while we were already, you can see one down from the flashlight and things didn't get any easier when goalkeeper drake, calendar, if it were, i'm to invest. christie opener office. got you on minutes. oh dear. how about the
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strike? having the trauma finding the top corner right, finish the not made it to now on the night before school together, 6 minutes later in the lab is difficult even compounded with a red cod jodi out. but notice happy here, off the guessing a 2nd, yet i say the mexican side, reaching the semi finals, now face move us to position in columbus creek. and the last for the 1st gulf later of the, at the mazda is, is due to, to a flight. so, but the stall, severe thing round, has been delayed due to bad weather when it does hopefully get on the way a lot of faces as usual, will be on tiger woods. he's still police. he can win another major despite his injury, problems as to him, sizes and reports. if everything comes together, i think i can get one more. grab that any more letter. the defined tiger woods speaking on the even the most is the 15 time major when it was forced to withdrawal from last year's tournament has compounding injuries from
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a cold crush in 2021 continued to effect in but now the 48 year old has basketball gusta and the 2019 window says he still has another major victory and and i don't know when that day is when that day comes but i still think that i can i haven't got to the point where i don't think i can't which also discussed where we mcelroy st. john's is saying, it's just a matter of time before he adds the most is title to his collection. mcelroy hasn't won a major for 10 years, and he's never want to know gusta, it's flattering, surely it's, it's nice to, to here, in my opinion, the best player ever to play it again, say something like that. so, i mean, does that mean that it's going to happen? um, obviously not, but you know, he's being around the game long enough to know that at least having the potential to do it. and i mean, i know i've got the potential to do it to macro it will be up against a number of favorites including well number one, skokie shiffler and defending champion john rom, rome shops, the gulf world with
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a split from the pga towards the joint live in december, the said putting on the green jacket last year was the most special moment of his career. he hopes to one day during the pga tour again. you know, i still love the pga tour and i still hope everything the best and they're still hope that at some point i can compete. i can compete there again and yeah, i mean you do me is competing, make a certain people, right countryman, sergio garcia has been on the live tool for 2 years. the spaniards says he's not bothered by the divide anymore, as he looks to when it will cost it for the 1st time and 7 years. you guys love to kind of dig in, just kinda try to make it sound like uh, you know, like we get in the locker room that were fighting like that is nothing like that. so i've, you know, the game is golf. we're all trying to play the best way we can and that's shifflett mcroy, i'm sound a shuffle a is the stand out pairing in the 1st round woods, diesel with jason tay and max homa some size ins. officer as is tradition on the
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ease of the master's wednesdays, sold a pos re contest as will gusto which allows the players families to get involved in the fun. it was won by ricky fowler. this isn't necessarily good news for the american as no class f one, the pos we contest, and the most is tournament in the same way till suddenly. the high thing to change that this was all 3 and go footstep struck a the 5th. while he got a hole in one that was the 2nd straight. yeah. he's managed to get so nice in this event. that was one of the 5 holding ones. fedex got jumped here. victor homeland also managed to achieve the feats. this was at the 6, all the boat landing a little way from the pin. like it stops, then it was on the move. and it rolled full the way into the hole. while it looks like a 5 time major, that brooks cap cuz it's guessing his baby son started in the game early. sorry. k to n c time lost, his champion of buffalo watson has clearly been giving his daughter to kind of
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a few tips. lovely popular, and apparently she saw another couple of long range spots as well. so she was certainly one of the stalls. possibly, kansas intent is the new method of what is 1st quite cool, much of the season to reach the 3rd round of the monte calling. mazda is the full seed, was up against the frenchman. that guy on face matters would have started. well, wrapping up with us at $62.00, that was much tougher for the russian who went full one behind but met if it f dunkin. and he managed to turn the session around, closing out the match 6 for he will face well number 17 at cameron 8. see to cast the root is also into around 3. the norwegian getting past the chillies out of 100 satellite in straight sets. root has one and 9, and the prices on place, the last 2 in about 2 between the and the best and the west, the dens and not getting since taking the outright lead in that conference off. so
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they beat fellow high flyers to minnesota to temples and vp favorites initially. okay, so let's with 41 point from the night as they took control of the western conference for the 161, a 7 victory, the reigning and the champions, cam security number ones the, the 2nd straight season. if they went to the next 2 games, the timber roots, and now looks like the 2nd guy missed, which is on the other end boutique template and loop it onto to combine for $54.00 car we have as the dallas mavericks feed the management system so the 16th, when it's 18 gains, if you're the last day, was cost me for the heat to have to settle for twice a new guy in 20 minutes. in order to notify the need of taking more step back threes than anybody else. this is the path, the direction he likes to go just route and it was national siblings day on wednesday, so yeah, that's fine. that's what brothers and josh may, i suppose, besides to his home runs, what i need to do, please, and guardians, graduates. and this is a priest watches a history as
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a big special policy. what so 762 regarding and 6 years ending their records to 9 and 372 dollars and 22 and this year. and that is all your support for me for now. more like to fully jam. i thank you very much for that. not the different medic full on from ecuador was rate on the mexican embassy in quito is rowing at least 3 ecuadorian ministers for someone before a commission for freshmen, which quickly became heated police rate at the end of last friday to arrest sick with doors from a vice president for his last, he was granted political, assign them by mexico after being twice convicted of corruption. class, meanwhile, has gone on hunger striking protest against his arrest at the mexican embassy. as lawyer says he's attempted suicide while in prison. earlier this week, the present status says he was taken to hospital on monday afternoon and the became got to mount as president has issued a natural disaster decoration to mobilize more close to tackle launch for his 5. well then, $45.00 as a burning one of them close to the capital president,
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bernardo out of valo says most of the frames were started by people and they're investigating the source of the fires. the rezoning supreme court has ruled as a 106 year old law. banning abortion is enforceable with the state for dominated by republicans. it set off a political storm in the us that could have implications for november, surprise, eventually election. rob rentals has more republicans in arizona and elsewhere were backpedaling, energetically following the state supreme court abortion ruling. as the republican candidate for senate in arizona carry lake, a favorite of donald trump was old for the 160 year old abortion lot. 2 years ago, we have a great law on the books right now that happens. now that it has happened, lake says she opposes it. as sort as trump saying the situation in arizona would be quote, straightened out. but boasting about his role in over turning
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a constitutional right to abortion. people actually 59 percent of americans believe abortion should be legal. according to the most recent poll democrats pounced on the ruling. republicans here in arizona are consistent, they are complicit in this band. and in a nation wide attempt to ban access to the range of reproductive health care from contraception to a portion to i v up. they don't plan to stop until our rights are gone. to my arizona's democratic governor called it a dark day. i am calling on the legislature to do the right thing right now and repeal this 18. 64 ban and protect access to reproductive health care. president jo button also denounce the ruling which does not make any exceptions for cases of
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race and incest on the issue of a horse and service back. what do you say to the people in arizona right now or where the thing a lot going place? the dates back to the civil war here. elect me. i'm in a 20 so 20th century 21st century. not back then. arizona is one of the most crucial swing states and this year's election and abortion rights referendum will likely be on the states ballot in november, energizing democrats in a boon for but meanwhile, women's health providers are dismayed and disconcerted. the 19th century law calls for jail terms of up to 5 years for anyone performing an abortion, today's band criminalizes me from providing a central health care to these patients until their life is at risk. the court says the law will be stayed for 14 days before it goes into effect. rob reynolds,
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l, g 0. that's all, that's it from me, from the back to bonus as that day we'll have more of the dates. i'm sorry, the exploring diverse culture. exciting political discourse, exposing societies to the doctor award winning intense investigation. the get compelling insights into human folds and untold stories from asia or in the pacific one. 0 $1.00 east on which is 0. these are the must. these on the drum is. they used to march 3 d o t before dawn box with an increase is really ministry presence. it's too dangerous. as daylight
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arrives at, austin begins instead of traditional decorations, the st cods images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces. it's not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies and towards will for is the city often defies the seasonal suite. use of the law on the street right now that it's easy to move around. the law could be different in this war and go to change the situation, and now we have 70 percent more business people here say the heart of the month is even more significant this year. a foster emphasize with those hungry and suffering in casa individual. now more the us army use the highly toxic herbicides with catastrophic consequences. agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare. a decade later, the same house in the us state of oregon. these helicopters flying over the ridge,
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sprang some things and they didn't even seem to care for 2 women fought for justice against some of the most powerful forces in the world. the people vs agents, orange analogies 0 the no pause in israel's bombardment and cause that despite the holiday at least 5 palestinians have been killed in the center of the stress, the rest of your time. this is down to 0 life from the also coming of age work is still not safe. unit stuff says one of its vehicles was find upon well trying to enter northern garza the gunfire came from the direction of the check point.


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