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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 11, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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around the world to hear and told us the circumstances is even more important than usual to come together to share what they feel they have the the hello, i'm for the back to the this is the news our on. ouch is here at 9 from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. no calls in israel from department of guys i despite the 8 holiday, at least when i found as soon as i killed in the center of this trip and fix that as the last 5 in the saw, 8 workers are still not space units that says one of his vehicles was fired on why i'm trying to enter northern bass. the gunfire came from the direction of the check
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point toward civilians who then right away from the check point. and they've done 5 hit us. also this, our flooding in the russian city of orange or it is expected to reach to speak on thursday. more than a 100000 people have been forced to leave their homes in russia and complex on hand to reinstate. ty code is sentenced to death and get not as big as 7 financial fraud case. it's part of our nationwide on ty, corruption drive, in sort of the i thing round at the mazda as well to you all in an hour and 15 minutes off to the stop since the late due to bad weather. and it's advantage boss atlanta in the us like the champions league cool finals officer. they come from behind to be power. sponsor math 32 away from home. the thank you for joining us. just hours after israel assassinated, the children and grandchildren of i'm office, political leader is my idea. these are the military says it's launch
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a targeted operation in central guys. the overnight is happening on the outskirts of the, on the see a rise refugee camp where at least 5 policy needs have been killed. several others were injured in an, as tried that had a school and a residential building. mean, walk in the south and he's really strikers, scale that lease expires. simians, a drone hate a group of people in the college and nina, neighborhood, east of rossa, local sources say they were on their way to visit relatives for eat. what we trying to is the standing by for as you don't get bodies through his name. but 1st we go to guys i for an update on the situation on the ground. honey, my mode is life for us in a rafa, honey, no pause in these are the attacks despite ead. talk to us about what's been happening in these last few hours of this. well, there's more death and destruction going on across the central area. the northern
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part of the suburban here and over crowded robust city. but just within the past hour, there is an increase in, in the intensity on the scale of the bombing campaign across the central area, mainly the northern parts of and the side right refugee camp. all the way to the area where there's really military has been stationed for the past few days. and since the announcement of the a, almost the full withdrawal of other troops and in the northern parts and, and the close of the central area there were talking about is why the as that. and that's the particular area. these really military of the initial week's the were order palestinians sharply to evacuated, to because it is safe. and in order to avoid being bon, now we're looking at a large number of casualties. more people are transferred to a lot of the hospitals out there. and by the city i already over, well, i'm exhausted the hospitals here. they're more uh close to 6 people were golden as close to 10 people with different injuries. arrived to an a john hosted with us what we learned so far. and then just judging from the patterns of the bombing
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campaign or the jewelry show and gotten according to eye witnesses in the area, the northern part of new sites cabin close to whether it has that, that is really military is working and taking advantage of a clearing of the area from a, from residence as it expanding the, the area where it is a nation is facing it right now. what looks like more of a corner door for these really big 4 days, really military tanks and armored vehicles that looks like it's going to be stationed there for quite some, some time. just more of the residential buildings of who are very close to the roads where these really military has been a position for quite some time now are being cleared their reports. so a couple of the residential been that were targeted relentlessly where people were still inside the civil defense. the crew members in permitted find it very difficult to get to the area and remove people from under the levels. now these tops are largely viewed by palestinians as more pressure to dictate the
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talks. the seeds fire talks in cairo. other are seeing it as a way of expanding the military operates, particularly after the statement made by is really military, that this is part of a larger operation that will include the western part of the central area. there is but i city. and later on with the ongoing, the threats expanding it throughout by city honey, it's been over a week now since these release form is to open the rest crossing to let more weight in to move in gaza. but that still hasn't happened. we have however, seen more a trucks crossing the border in rough on the gibson side. what kind of effect has that had on the ground as well, so far it is really military. it continues to put more restriction on a block, the in 3 of a to from it's the crossings and it's been, i just said it's been 5 days since the announcement of the ensuring get more
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sufficient and, and is smooth in 3 of the human. it's very and it's trucks that approve it area the crossing that so far we haven't seen that happening. there isn't any significant impact on the ground. what we're seeing is coming from brought the heck crossing, and that's only a dripping the ocean of the number of, of the trucks on the other side of the boat, of the talk about it's 300 from 172220 trucks being allowed to insert the gauze of there, but so far that hasn't changed, you need any thing on the ground. people are still hungry, they're still spending more time in line, waiting for a for one, for a drinking water for food supplies and for medical supplies. while at the same time they're struggling with the spread of famine in the northern part. now there's really a military set in a statement that it will allow 5 hundreds of trucks per day. now none of this is actually taken quite seriously because until people see this on the ground, then we will start seeing some how it's changed. being habit being caused on the
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ground just to save the largely spar and traumatized population in the northern part and ga, the city. the honey. thank you very much for the updates that sondra 0 is honey. my most reporting a life from a rafa in southern garza. let's cross over to occupied east jerusalem novel, which hollins is the for, is really very 1st of all, what details are you hearing from these readings about this new operations in the in central golf 12. he's ready mandatory has reduced the statements on these are even i operations around the you said right side come in central gaza and what they said is that a 100 and 62nd division, big enough for precise intelligence based operations to eliminate terrorist operatives and strike terrorist infrastructure in central gaza, now he's ready to add force. d h was made a treat technician,
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sometimes cool softening up, which is bombing an area for us before the ground troops. and then we understand that the is ready navy station to off the coast. i also hate targets along the coastline of central gaza supports a mission. now this the 1st time that we understand that these ready ground troops actually be in a new site, right? since the beginning of the so the more the operation comes off to these, right. he made a tree, pulled out, spell a large chunk of halls. it's ground troops, a mass central garza area, leaving behind the how the tale and start the game to help guide all the 100 and 62nd division. it is that the hollow brigade that was involved in this operation when these ready ministry did that put out, they said that the new model for the forward operations that future operations
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would be exactly what we're seeing at the moment. that would be this baton in basically doing rates this predicting rates north and rates south supported by the the for supported by the navy and until the roster operation we that is, this is the kind of thing that we're going to see significant amounts of i think right now in the question of age, while we, as we've heard from honey some aid has gone through the roof of crossing, but not through the arrest crossing. we've heard these really defense ministers say that israel will, will streamline security checks and, and flogged in his own words. guys, i would a to a new crossings. what does this mean exactly? what, what's the plan here? as well as being the week, isn't it? since that flurry of news reports that you can publish it to you about these varieties, opening the hair as crossing in the noise calls gaza with page being shipped into ash, door to 40 kilometers north of address and then trucks to the earth. crossing and
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into gauze are itself now in that week we have heard virtually nothing about how that operation is ready. going going whether it's going to plan long, is that right? so i put in is i spelled items for that kind of aids comments. we haven't had anything more now. we're hearing that these ready, mid a tree is changing. the plan is not going. so i've been harass crossing. what it's gonna do is create a new crossing a little bit further towards the coast. so if you call them, it says west side of address, and that is going to be replacing that arrows plant. why is it doing this? well, the explanation that we're hearing on his right imagery radio is that the minute 3 is the water rates, the the arrows crossing the closet. so the end of a main highway highway full is just to accessible for the protest as the demonstration is,
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which i mean disrupting the flow of age into all the crossings and into gaza. and so these are ready minutes. he wants to put the crossing a little bit in it's a little more of a remote area so that they can control it better, but at the same speed a week, then it comes back in a week that's essentially just being wasted for you. thank you for the updates. that's where we talents live there in occupied east jerusalem. now unit says says one of its vehicles has been hit with live munitions in a statement on x. it said the vehicle was hate while waiting to enter. no, then gaza. there are no reports of any injuries today, agency staff. the agency also added that it has raised the incident where these really authorities, the statement went on to say that unless aid workers are protected in accordance with international humanitarian law, aid cannot reach people in need. while we spoke to testing drum unit staff who was in that convoy that came under 5 i was in one of the 3 cars that was part of
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a convoy was unit 7 and row. we were on a coordinated mission to try and deliver fuel to water wells and the noise and loss saving nutrition and medical supplies to come all at one hospital. we left a rough uh, after some delays we got to the holding void before the check point. uh, what do you guys uh, this is a designated holding point. where are you in vehicles? i made 2 ways and 2, the check point is, is ready to receive us. we will wasting there. when gunfire broke out in the vicinity, the gunfire came from the direction of the check point towards the civilians who then right away from the check point and the gun 5 hit us. we were really lucky. we had some colleagues outside of the cars, checking a mechanical problem with the nutrition truck when the fire broke out and they had to run back to our ahmed vehicle. fortunately they was safe, but 3 bullets hit the car,
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but i was in right on my pass all the window and also the bonnet of the car. so this is just another example of how unsafe it is. so she met a terry and i work isn't how, you know, missions like these and made it impossible. we re sit with irrelevant. it's is rarely authorities, we're still waiting a response. but you know, this is the most serious incident. the unit of stuff have experience during this escalation in gaza. so we're really taking these to the highest levels. and it's important to remember it's almost serious incident, but it's not isolated. safety is not guaranteed even when we take all of the required steps, as we saw with the tragic world central kitchen incident. this is just another example of, of an incident like that. testing room of unit says that, as we mentioned earlier, israel assassinated 3 sons and full grandchildren of him, off his political leader is my media. on wednesday it happened at the aisle shot, a refugee camp in the north of the gaza strip. israel says his sons wareham,
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i software it is and that it targeted a vehicle they were traveling. and this attack comes at a time when sci fi talks are being held. speaking to alger 0, he said the kings would only strengthen him off his results. he also said he would have no effect on the groups demands in sci fi negotiations, or to discuss this and the latest developments, and these are as well on guys, i will not joined by our senior political analyst. my one bushera my want um, what do you make of these latest is really actions the operation in central guys, i don't know say a lot refugee camp which they say was a targeted operation. the targeted kidding of his man. i me assign the members as talks are happening in egypt. i think they're basically more of the same that we've seen over the past 6 months. it's sort of um, and there's really aggression that is continuous, persistent, and totally dismissive of the world public opinion or for that matter,
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international law in the international community. the fact that it's happening now, of course, adds to the dismissive and this of the is really a government that it's just not on the, not treating this with the seriousness effects. in fact, human, the, a things to, to the, all the parties are involved in the cease fire talks including the united states. so it continues to escalate on all sides, improving with iran and syria, with god in guys against him, us, and so on, so forth. and mix threats about, you know, cut off tomorrow hope you buy and guys are the next day we're prepared for. busy this is not including affecting you on, as we're trying to bring in the united states into original conflagration, regional war one at the same time, preparing these ratings for more general sidle attacks and, and,
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and policies and crimes and gaza. it's a safe and arrogance on the part of the is really the government that is really becoming so reckless at this point in time. that one doesn't know where this is going to need anymore. yeah, we are now entering the 7th month of this for and this year is that we're entering a new phase of this conflict. you know, is realize he said, still threatening to invade a roster. despite objections from from it to us. i lie. if it is a new face that when showing how do you see it shaping up with the threats of the radians? of course, these really is also in a war footing, the same to expect some sort of retaliation from yvonne where we had it in this office about 2 weeks ago, you know, with all the international uh process. and so many countries picking out specially after that, talk on the international aids workers when they should have also spoke about the
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destruction of i ship a hosted with all but be that as it may, we got the sense that the, with the, with the, with the ceasefire fox and all of that, but maybe the war would be winding down and we would be going towards perhaps 3 stages towards more, you know, a stain made of, of sort, leading to some serious diplomatic solution. we were under the impression that because the americans and europeans keep pushing for it, we were also under the impression that we're going to be ending simon and gaza. but then nothing you know, with his usual arrogance and recklessness, but ever more sold today. a see, i get to open brackets here and just say the following. why shouldn't t, right? this personal care here is at stake is a josh and his question is at stake. end of his political career, not just his personal interest, god at stake,
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and no one to stop and get the honor of the americans because the americans, after the aid workers were killed they were putting some sort of pressure because that was not real concrete action or just was it little service? do you think it was rhetorical pressure? me? some diplomatic juxtaposition was sending arms was committing hundreds roar of the 2000 found. won't work for me. thing for us to doesn't more of a 55 is the most sophisticated jet fighters in, in the american air force. one common thing one and more, more munitions to is. right? so the biggest the question, if the americans are serious and really want things out of the war and moving towards a diplomatic solution, why would they then be ottoman a reckless, arrogant, is really a government that is bends on jim's. i think guys that would want to attack the southern part of guys and want to push palestinians out of guys up to the side now
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. and so. so what? so what are you moving into a new phase 6 months later where we could have started to wind down and in the war? now nothing you know, and his 2 are recreating the circumstances for not only another or in the continuation of the genocide in gaza with more of the same policies under westbank, but towards the original confrontation. this is, this is totally dangerous because now we know that this is going to continue as in gaza. and we also know is that there could be some serious regional problems, occasions. these are the no, no ones on the known unknown ones as well. but there's still the unintended consequences and the things that i just don't know about what is happening in georgia, what's happening another non, what's happening throughout the region who's preparing what we are. okay, so, so many times for to have a real fear in eyes, of course, that rachel escalation that we all fit. i the beginning of the conflict and guys,
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i thank you very much. my one, my number, shari is our senior political. i'm is joining us on the news out the best and throughout the world news now and city of flags are affecting towns and cities across southern washer and cossacks. then after europe's 3rd long as the river burst its banks, thousands of people have been forced to feed their homes often with little warning . the water level of the euro river in the southern russian city of orange break has reached record highs. officials say the worst is yet to come in some places. place for me to go to there is currently a very serious flood situation in the city. we see an increase in the level of the euro river almost every day. over the past 24 hours, it has grown by another 80 centimeters, and this has been happening for 3 days. now. our main task at the moment is to or event flooding of apartment buildings and to prevent a shutdown of,
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of the water intake and treatment facilities which are now operating. normally, we are currently building additional protective structures, embankments, fortifications, and are doing everything to ensure that residents of apartment buildings do not experience any difficulties of some of the most intense lighting has occurred in russia. southern neighbour of convex on the western part of the country relies on every great irrigation from the euro river authorities. i've been trying to divert water into the caspian sea and away from populated areas that's uh, bringing alger 0 is usually a shop, a vinyl guy who's in the village of new zinc, any of the hardest hitting russian city of r in bird. so fraud, water is really starting to rise up again. tell us more about where you are and what the situation is like that of the fall. absolutely fully. i'm quite a while and because live behind me, a rescue operation to rescue account and
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a copies i'm calling if i move my time or money is able to show you what's coming on here. so basically you are right, the level of the, your river in oregon bug where we are has exceeded the quizzical level by half a meter and it continues to rise. the volts continues to rise and we are in a sub of which was one of the funds to find itself in the flood zone. the water level here has reached on which to me is in some places only be ready so the houses is visible and because we are completely flooded. and if we talk about the old town and all this is the 2nd largest city here. um, where some residents refuse to evacuate and uh its still remaining and some houses here. the buildings are completely empty. no people that at so all of them have left the houses. you can see people salem bose to pick up the belongings uh in the
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wall. so you can stumble various things. uh, they are floating fridges, microwaves, and pieces of furniture. um, i can tell you that the new or 3 of us have bus the box not only here and or in the region, but also in the core gun. and 2 men regions and is something euros and severe as well as in the neighboring test docs son. so read his notes, the euro really about the table and job. it shouldn't worry about. they have also bus stop buying. so the situation continues to be quite crisco here. yeah. and what is that tab? the fonts had on, on agriculture and farming, which a lot of people in that region rely on the absolute may be, or in the region. of course it saves an aggregate cultural region. ok step away from the account. and of course, there are many farm is the runs that they all have here. they seem to call right now. it's a boy, i should tell you. okay. so it's a,
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it's an agricultural region and uh, the farm is as long as here of kind of struggling because they say they do not have enough food for the castle because many have the life stop. and of course that animals are suffering right now. of course, and of course the situation, obviously it's critical for that life as well. it's many sites if this weather, i mean today is a beautiful, lovely web dates on it and it's quite will. and it's this kind of web, it stays. it means that to the will to level will top and things will will of course, that things will improve. but we understand even though the water levels 12 and i mean it's throughout the region. so many rows have been washed away and it means that to the castle that lice stokes well, it won't be able to receive a bad feeds. okay, nearly thank you very much for your reporting. you and your shop a lot of life,
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or is that near the city of, or in burke, in russia not to the us in arizona. a supreme court has ruled a 106 year old law. banning abortion is enforceable with the state court dominated by republicans. it set off a political storm in the us that could have implications for november as presidential election. rob reynolds has more republicans in arizona and elsewhere were backpedaling, energetically following the state supreme court abortion ruling. as the republican candidate for senate in arizona carry lake, a favorite of donald trump was old for the 160 year old abortion lot. 2 years ago, we have a great law on the books right now that happens. now that it has happened late, says she opposes it. as sort as trump saying the situation in arizona would be quote, straightened out. but boasting about his role in over turning a constitutional right to abortion. people
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actually 59 percent of americans believe abortion should be legal. according to the most recent poll democrats pounced on the ruling. republicans here in arizona are consistent, they are complicit in this band. and in a nation wide attempt to ban access to the range of reproductive health care from contraception to a portion to i v up. they don't plan to stop until our rights are gone to why arizona is democratic governor called it a dark day. i am calling on the legislature to do the right thing right now and repeal this 18. 64 ban and protect access to reproductive health care. president jo button also denounce the ruling which does not make any exceptions for cases of race and incest on the issue of
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a horse and service back. what do you say to the people of arizona right now? we're witnessing a law going place. the dates back to the civil war here, elect me. i'm in a 20 so 20th century 21st century. back then arizona is one of the most crucial swing states and this year's election and abortion rights referendum will likely be on the states ballot in november, energizing democrats in a boon for but meanwhile, women's health providers are dismayed and disconcerted. the 19th century law calls for jail terms of up to 5 years for anyone performing an abortion, today's band criminalizes me from providing a central health care to these patients until their life is at risk. the court says the law will be stayed for 14 days before it goes into effect. rob reynolds, l, g 0. or for decades,
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the rights of women to have an abortion in the us was protected at the highest level. alexandra buys explained. it started in 1973 with a ro v wave supreme court ruling. that said, the u. s. constitution's guarantee of liberty also creates a right to privacy. and with that, a women's rights when abortion and that decision stood for nearly 50 years. but in 2022, the conservative dominated supreme court struck down roe v wade, loading 6 to 3 in favor of overturning the nationwide protection of abortion rights . that ruling put the issue in the hands of state governments. since then, 16 us states marked here in red pass laws making abortion illegal in nearly all circumstances. and that number could grow with cases before the courts in nebraska, iowa and the utah. the arizona is supreme court has just rules. a 160 year old law banning abortions is enforceable making abortion punishable by up to 5 years in
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prison. except when the mother's life is at risk. this near total, beyond dating back to the civil war, past decades before women even had the right to vote, should never have been resurrected. this ripple effect that we are all experiencing from us to pre him courts detrimental decision to overturn roe vs wade. and i'm to fundamental protections for reproductive care is terrifying and infuriating because of cases like these, the issue of abortion rights is once again at the top of the presidential campaign, ahead of november's vote. just really outrage disappointment here for the women in our state as well as this ruling kind of sprinkling over the rest of the nation. if we can do it here, other states, so think they can do it there as well. so i recently heard about it and i am and
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catholics. so i feel that it's a got settings role. 56 percent of american women say they're less likely to vote for an anti abortion rights candidate. and this issue is likely to dominate the political agenda and the weeks and months ahead. while to discuss the political implications of this ruling in arizona, when i joined by naomi can, who's a professor of law at the university of virginia joining aside from washington. very good to have you with us on alger 0. interestingly, as we heard in roberts report, the several g o. p officials including carry nichols running to represent data zone in the senate have denounced this late is really one. in fact, many of them she had a window v wade was overturned in 2022. why has the political calculus changed? a political calculus has changed because it turns out that abortion is quite important to a number of voters. so for decades it was americans who were against
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abortion, who were more likely to describe themselves as voting solely based on abortion that flipped. and it turns out that abortion is incredibly, in protecting abortion access is important to american voters. even donald trump has said that our zone is near total band had gone too far. how much of a political nightmare do you think this is going to be for the republicans in this election? yeah. i think all of this attention to the issue, the immediate responses from republicans running for federal office running for national office shows that this is an incredibly important issue. it's important. donald donald trump is of course, the president who appointed the supreme court justices who voted in favor of over turning a national access to abortion. and he and other republicans have been sharing that
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states should be responsible for deciding what happens to abortion in their states . and now we see in arizona and in the number of states, just what happens when states are responsible for making this decision. what impacts you think this is going to have on the presidential race, or in 2020 president biden, one arizona by under 11000 boat. so it was an extremely narrow margin of victory for the democrats, if voters, if more voters turn out. and if they decide to vote for democrats, that could make that, that would be very important to a margin of victory for president biden. yeah, you say this is an important issue still for many american voters, naomi and a number of states, as your alluded to, have tried to roll back abortion rights since 2022,
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a since robi wade was overturned. what have been the real world consequences of these on ty abortion policies to the real or the real well as the consequences have been that in many states where thousands of abortions were performed prior to the over turning around, the actual number of abortions is trending down. towards 0. so although nationally the number of abortions has remained about the same or perhaps increased in the states with abortion bands. real world impacts has been an incredible decrease in the number of abortions. a lot of the interstate travel and cases brought by women and denied abortions who describe the incredible trauma of having to carry pregnancies with fetuses that were deal. so there been incredible real world world consequences and not just in terms of the access to abortion in those
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states. but also for women in those states who have been denied access to abortion . even when they themselves have had their health endangered to a continuation of the pregnancies, there's also been political implications when abortion has been on the ballot in virtually all states of abortion, access has one. and so it, it has been a abortion access has been a winning political issue as well. thank you so much for talking to us about this. very interesting to hear your thoughts. uh now we can professor of law at the university of virginia. thank you for your time. thank you. now the thread of flooding is expanding across the us. he is jeff with a check on the world wide for a while. the months worth of rain in the span of 6 hours. so flood waters, swamp the streets and new orleans here. copious amounts of rain. so yet that much rain that fast. this is the results and we do have the risk of seeing some further flooding across the us. so let me show you where this is. the risk is pretty much
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northern florida rate up to the mid atlantic. this rain is now expanding outward, so also seeing the rain filling across the midwest, the great lakes and the us northeast. in this zone to we have the potential to see some flooding much calmer picture though. out west, it does turn cool for a time in vancouver, just 9 degrees in california. in short, while you can sign and feeling pretty warm, your weekend will be off to a cool what and wendy start. let's go to central america right now where we've got the disturbance dropping out of the us. it's kicking back rain into mexico, so tempting into life where we could use this rain is southwest mexico, where a number of wildfires are burning and speaking of wildfires. we've seen them abrupt in venezuela is capital caracas, venezuela dealing with record wildfires. right now it's been parched, also windy, so there's winds in caracas. will gust through about 40 to 50 kilometers today on thursday, and a line of storms from us on sale and to porto lake. right. which could drop some hail. so be on the look out for that. thank you,
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jeff. still ahead on the news. our hundreds of people are fleeing from young mazda thailand, back to revel fighters said this is an important trading town near the border. and the traditional pre masters events had no shortage of entertainments, dental have the round up of the by the why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back? or is us president joe finding right to stand with this really with no red line as long as us support continues? is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on indefinitely, occlusal, to look at us. the bottom line of the month to find with thousands of people killed and millions from the house. what does the future hold for?
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sit down and its people to sit down conflict one year on out to 0. a week to look at the world's top business stories, how much is the rebuilding going to cost and who pays from global markets and economies of small businesses have just started seeing and station come down and how it affects the lives. how big a problem is going on? food insecurity. counting the cost? oh, no, jersey or the the buy from back. a recap of my top stories on this vouchers here and use our there's been no pausing is rascal involvement of guys that despite the eat holiday, at least 5 thought as he needs have been killed. and then is there any stripe on
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the, on the say raj refugee camp in central gaza? the attack targeted as cool and the residential building? these are the military release, a statement saying it's launch overnight operations in the central area house district. the united nations agency for children says one of his vehicles has been hit with live munition units that said the vehicle was hate while waiting to enter northern guys. agency also added that it has raise the incident with is really a felony and severe slides are affecting towns and cities across southern russia and catholic sign up to your 3rd long history of a breast expands. thousands of people have been forced to feed at homes, often with little one. the avenue is in vietnam, a billionaire real estate tyco and has been sentenced to death for her role in masterminding. the countries biggest case of financial fraud. strong milan was
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found guilty of bribery, violating banking regulations and embezzlement, positioning off more than $12000000000.00 from one of yet non commercial banks. jessica washington reports thousands of people, fell victim to the scan in the streets of her team in the city this week. protest, dozens of people gathered outside of branch of this thing on commercials and give us back a money they choose. they just hold off in vietnam's biggest financial scandals at the people's go to po team in city building a real estate tycoon. tro milan was found guilty as embezzlement, bribery, and violations bank regulations and sentenced to death. earlier stage media had announced the court intended to give land the harshest possible sentence, and to make an example of the quote said she paid bribes to government officials and controlled the cycle and commercial bank illegally through hundreds of show
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company seems to be counting the court heard that land pay, deprived of more than $5000000.00 to senior central bank inspectors. millions for land can launch and appeal. vietnam has the most, as a global business hub, and quoted for an investment positioning itself as an alternative to china. the phone companies wanting to manufacture in asia, but experts say taste is like this can affect the willingness of corporations to do business here. so right now with the situation you are having both the economic risk market risk and government risk at the same time. right? because of the regulating bodies didn't regulate the banks which allow firms to me like to do what you did. as long as you say more than 40000 people, victims of the scan. you in time to stop at the bank, convince to, to buy corporate phones. she didn't know these phones willing to show companies owned by line. so right now, after working in a cigarette factory and is
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a street vendor for decades. she says she has lost her life savings nearly $30000.00. i'm getting thankful. knowledge sounds. i don't know. okay, yeah, yeah, a couple of my top why you'll come, you know, when come, when i found out i sat in the park and cried by myself. i'll die if i can't get my money back. i put each and every penny i had and then i just want my money back. i don't care about the vatike go home liking for me. they can't even now know. she says she now lives on just $2.00 a day and who lives on free food from temples for her meals. that will be a separate trial for the food case involving corporate phones. meaning for now, people like hun, don't know how they will get their money back. or if they ever will. jessica washington of rebel groups in myanmar say they've taken town, taking the time of the hour the on the border with thailand because of its location more than a $1000000000.00 worth of goods moves across through the town each year. tony
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trying reports from the time the on my board totally on the big codes, the parents side, the boat of crossing into me and my early on thursday morning reports from across the river to the town of me. what he told me. you may have seen the reality on the ground that like a deep through a couple of days. the fighting continuity stopped us do now as we, as we speak. now, the con, the fighting still continue. and if, even though the melody is not broken, 100 percent, but i can say now from as my minutes. yeah. more than 90 percent already broken. or on the other side of the bridge. soldiers from? yeah, mazda battalion, 275200 has requested safe passage into thailand, military fatigues swamped for civilian clothes, waiting on the banks of the molly river. totally soldiers watched and waited. plains in the air. the sound of air strikes in the distance. the tide miller
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tree are still on high or low. they believe me while he has already fallen, but the remaining man margins of soldiers are right here across the border. and if there is any more fighting, this is where it will happen. on the other bridge in the center of the ty, town of may, so hundreds of refugees pulled across the border from milwaukee. now the ground forces have left, they fib unbuttoned from the law. and since they were fighting they will fight digits, bombing the area. they might have dropped into civilian areas accidentally, people might die. that's what worried me and made me sleep. i don't dare to stay there was fighting, i bought 20 into so in 5 and fight the test bones as well. just today. i was sky with this kid and my sister told me to flee to this site. inside me a while the streets deserted and shop shouted pickup trucks with the men patrol the streets. no insignia are on the uniforms,
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but they say they will vacate the boulder. when the current army and their allies arrive with the me on my military pushed out from this region, it's not clear who's in control. tony checking out 0 on the timing on my board in mexico is calling for ecuador to be suspended from the united nations until it issue is a public apology for reading. the mexican embassy. police raided the embassy last friday to arrest 2nd dollars from a vice president jorge glass. he was granted political asylum by mexico after being twice convicted of corruption. ross has not gone on hunger strike in protest against his arrest. his lawyer says he attempted suicide while in prison. earlier this week and saturday says he was taken to hospital on monday after he refused to eat food and became else as guatemala, as president has issued a natural disaster, a declaration to mobilize more close to tackle launch for his 5 more than $45.00 as
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a burning one of them tells to the capital prison bernardo out a follow says they are investigating the source of a fires. still ahead on the news out. i'm john henry in washington, where the biden administration has set limits on so called forever chemicals and drinking water. and sipping success and majoring phase for how the native brothers made it a day to remember for that family that's coming up in school. states of, of the
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all the
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novices jemma calling we thought with the jump usually called find those out. it's advantage buffalo now going into the 2nd like all so they came from behind it to be power. sasha minus 3 to chevy starting lineup. had a record breakthrough in it. 16 year old. let me in your mouth becoming the youngest class to feature in a time seems to be core to final. it was the more experienced pyre of senior. he did most of the damage. he opened the scoring in the fast hoff p. s t. c and took over the last 4. my boss amount has been done by the equalized with an accident finish, that they would see went up off to 15 minutes. that's possible way to cope with the pressure and the french capsule receives the 2nd, uses a special one and roughly it makes down on price of christmas and then added into when that's 30 minutes from time to give off and not really going into their time. like getting them back a hoping today's the se, with that elusive champions league metal but not a single cellphone target. so the frenchman, you're, that man shall you must have at least on us, on the bus alone to find as well, and proud and satisfied with this hasn't finished yet. if somebody can be adjusted
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in the middle of that movie is a great away. when in europe, i don't remember how long ago that happened have taken. it's a moment to be proud of, but this is an over we have a very difficult match to find boss loan and next tuesday and bustle for my origin tina foot. but i, how that bull boss has been fired from his role as a tv pundits on movie style plus of the controversial comments aimed as what's the mean, your mouth, buffalo and a and p. s. p boy halted interviews with the spanish tv platform off the comments was made while the amount was warming up before the game saying, if things don't go well for him, he'll end up as a traffic light is being interpreted as a reference to begging for money by performing tricks will go see stuff as an assistant manager at the less, okay. madrid has since apologized for the remarks as well as less i have the, the hon, just going into that 2nd leg against the residual. then it's just 4 minutes to the, i guess signee any sites to take the least cut when that much we get to pool making the most of an era so much on this and it was
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a case of another don't mistake. so another after i actually go, samuel, the nick, i'm thinking a switch to me for somebody to know that to do them and have a fighting chance. going back to that home ground next week i've replaced geico sebastian out of putting a go back, was 9 minutes left to comcast to premier co competition. now and lena leslie's into miami, have been knocked out if the competition with a 5 to aggregate defeat to monterey miami. what we're ready to run down from the 1st like ab things, it didn't get to any easy. i wouldn't go to bed right. calendar gifted brandon vasquez, the ica after 31 minutes under pressure idea. and then how about this for a strike and that's around a finding the top corner. wow. lucky somebody, somebody that seen it on the night before they split again. it's 6 minutes later in some way, i mean, difficult evening comes pounded with a red content jordy out, but not happy off to getting a 2nd. yeah. like, do we have a mexican side then reach from the semi finals they're facing more us. so position
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in columbus street in alaska this last golf major of the, of the most as will t of and just as a half an hour off through the opening round was delayed due to bad weather. when it does get underway at las vegas, as usual would be on tiger woods. he still believes he can win another major despite his injury problems as tom size and reports. if everything comes together, i think i can get one more. grab that any more letter. a defined tiger woods speaking on the eve of the most is the 15 time major when it was forced to withdrawal from last year's tournament has compounding injuries from a cold crush in 2021 continued to affect him. but now the 48 year old has basketball, gusta and the 2019 window says he still has another major victory. and, and i don't know when that day is when that day comes. but i still think that i can i haven't got to that point where i don't think i can't,
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which also discussed where we mcelroy st. john's is saying, it's just a matter of time before he adds the most is title to his collection. mcelroy hasn't won a major for 10 years, and he's never want to know gusta, it's flattering true lights. it's nice to, to here, in my opinion, the best player ever to play it again, say something like that. so, i mean, does that mean that it's going to happen? um, obviously not, but i, you know, he's being around the game long enough to know that at least having the potential to do it. and i mean, i know i've got the potential to do it to macro it will be up against a number of favorites including well number one, skokie shiffler and defending champion john rom, rome shops, the gulf world with a split from the pga towards the joint live in december, the said putting on the green jacket last year was the most special moment of his career. he hopes to one day during the pga tour again. you know, i still love the pga tour and i still hope everything the best and they're still hold that at some point i can compete. i can compete there again and yeah,
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i mean you do me is compete and they get certain people right. consuming sergio garcia has been on the left tool for 2 years. the spanish says he's not bothered by the divide anymore, as he looks to when it will cost it for the 1st time and 7 years. you guys love to kind of dig and just kind of try to make it sound like uh, you know, like we get on the locker room that were fighting each other like that is nothing like that. so i've, you know, the game is golf. we're all trying to play the best way we can, and that's shifflett mcroy, i'm sound a shuffle a is the stand out pairing. and the 1st round woods, diesel with jason day and max homa some size. and i was, is there that as is traditional means that the mazda is wednesday, so it will be possibly context as well. gusto which allows the players families to get involved in the fun that was won by ricky fowler. but this isn't necessarily good news for the americans, as no player has ever won the past week on test, and the mazda is tournament in the same weight. so i feel sad to me be hard for me to change that this was all 3 and go 1st step struck out the 5th. why he got
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a hole in one. that was the 2nd straight. yeah, it was not a she gets a nice fitness then that was one of the highest holy ones, fedex cup champion. victor husband also managed to achieve the feats. this is at the 6 hold for one thing, a little way from the pin and actually look like it. it stopped at one point, but then it was on the knees and it rode full the way into the hole. while right show that it looks like a 5. so i made you in a brook's cap cuz getting his baby son started in the gay valley. i did. and 2 time lost his champion of baba watson has clearly been giving his daughter dakota a few tips. grades up for him on a social. so hold on a couple of moments as well. so i could for mrs. ha, now is now the exits for the new method of out the month to call the mazda is the full seed, was beaten by a car in action off in the last 16. after leaving the fuss at meditative, let his frustration show in the 2nd. and you make sure he let the officials know he
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was unhappy with a quote from a line judge. do not open your right there. do something putting your rice right now. well, i'll have to know that kept his cool to close out in the much a 75 to reach the quarter finals for the 1st time. so face stefano fits the past next and about so between the and the eyes best and the west. the denver nuggets have taken the outright lead in that conference off today. beach stomach high flies, the ministration symbols and v p favorites initially. ok. last with full see one points on the night. as they took control of the western conference with $1161.00, a 7 victory, the writing and the champions come secure. the number one sees for the 2nd straight season. if they were in the next 2 games, temples and now in a size, the 2nd was oklahoma city. some of the nbc cancelled it and you could onto its combined full 50 full points of the car. we have been as the dallas mavericks beach . so ma'am, if you need to fill the 16th, when it's 18 games last with costly for the heats, you will have to set to for
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a place in the play in tournaments, in order to qualify for the place to get more stuff back 3. so in anybody else, this is the path, the direction he likes to go. and it was national was siblings day on wednesday. so what is time for brothers and 5 and just in a that's a face decides to hit time runs not only to decrease and guardians past due within the same eating, but it priest is vital to victory. i think they think the chicago wants something 76, the guardians extending their records to 9 and 3 that stopped for 22 years. the guardians, as long as bolts now piece that one has more later. jim, i thank you very much for that. now us of always are limiting the amount of the dangerous p fast chemical allowed in drinking water. it's used in the production of non sick bands and other products, but it's also linked to diseases including cancer. john henry points for the 1st time the us who said limits on the so called forever chemicals pouring from drinking water tasks. these chemicals,
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entering our environment in an uncontrolled manner, are harmful to our families, harmful to our communities and harmful to our economy. the us environmental protection agency says the new standards for p fast or poly floral elk. a little substances are expected to protect a 100000000 people from exposure and prevent tens of thousands in serious illnesses . and yes, i raise my children on this water, a 130000 parts per trillion. a total key fact is the current estimates that we likely drank every day during the peak of our contamination crisis. i know we can't change the past, but we can fight for a more just a future, and that is exactly what we are doing today. the new limits for to 10 parts per trillion are dramatically lower than the levels found in north carolina and elsewhere. p 1st found in such products as non stick pins, firefighting foam and water proof clothing had been linked to cancer and other
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serious illness. water utilities will now have to filter out handful of common forever chemicals. but there are $12000.00 individual types, and they're found in half of americans drinking water supply. and according to the us centers for disease control and prevention in the blood of 97 percent of americans divide and administration has focused on clean water following the discovery of water heavily polluted with lead over the past decade, especially in poor communities in flint, michigan, jackson mississippi and elsewhere, environmental watch dogs and prosecutors say manufacturers knew the compounds were dangerous, and here's a go for years. companies have dumped p fos, and other chemicals that last forever into our lakes and rivers, even when they knew that these chemicals damaged people's health and our natural resources wellbeing. the epa is providing $9000000000.00 for p, 1st contamination from an existing $20000000000.00 fund to rebuild drinking water
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infrastructure. john henry and l g 0 washington. and that's set for this news hour, but to stay with us on how to 0 hop on today's top stories coming up. these are some of the 1st images from the aerial assessment of coal. bleaching in the great value range. bleaching occurs by movement ocean temperatures and pollution forced cold to expel the algae to get the color range of color at extreme or intake wise over an extended period of time means some structures to bring severely damaged. scientists have declared 2020 full a mass bleaching event. what's happening here on the great fire roof is also happening on rapes around the world. or the last 12 months warming sea surface temperatures have caused bleaching events in the northern hemisphere. and the only near conditions in the pacific have amplified the situation. marine biologist, jodi rama says ocean temperatures are increasing at a rate never seen before. and that's all been assigned to the biggest crow system
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in the world. we're seeing this back to back here upon year. the reef needs many years to recover from these heat waves and it's just not getting it as pain and just closer to recognizing it. palestinian state prime minister petro sanchez, is that the forefront calling for israel 2 respects international humanitarian law . what i can tell you is that the situation on the ground the slot acceptable as an immediate cease firing, garza, there's an urgency to stop this terrible war and to open a new phase of stability. peace for space in the region. the spanish prime minister talks to l g 0, growing up in greece means taking action. welcome to generation change a playful series. it seems to understand the challenge is mobilizing, use around the world. we need to a political party that we'll talk about our problems, know how come from
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a generation because 0 is being seen the groups, the size of the system says no for most painters of working class people, there is a difference between being able to participate in the system and actually being representative, assistant generation change on al jazeera. the know, pausing is rouse bombardment of guys despite the eat holiday. at least 5 thomas needs are killed in the center of the strait. been 6 others, me a rock by in the south. the play you're watching how g 0 life from to how with me for the back. people also ahead aid work is there still not safe units that says one of his vehicles was fired on while trying to engine northern past. the gunfire came from the direction .


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