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tv   Talk to Al Jazeera Pedro Sanchez  Al Jazeera  April 11, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm AST

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today, for as long as of life and does funds legion, journalism, i'm just asking awesome. every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a deliver or do you want to create a world where women come and feel naturally released that trauma and creates explorer and abundance of world class programming on which is era. the space prime minister petro sanchez ends, he's late to smooth lease tour and cats a but a crucial time for the wider reach. and the goal state has hosted several totes and ending israel's war on concept private as to sanchez calls for c spa and israel to respect. international law resonated world wide while he strongly condemned the october the 7th attack sanchez's also demanded. the protection of civilians,
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co top in israel's will were on gaza. as the death toll now stands at around $33000.00 springs voices growing louder in the international arena. demand me access to humanitarian aid and advocating for recognized policy and state space. foreign policy extends beyond the middle east, that balances relations with major powers, like the united states and russia, well navigating the poor. the implications of the war and ukraine. private essentials is at the crossroads of these complex 2 political dynamics. how will spain manage this era of global challenges and the rapidly changing international landscape? the spanish prime minister petro sanchez, talks throughout the petro sanchez spanish crime is to thank you for talking to out you 0. you were one of the 1st leaders in the will to cool for a ceasefire and ga, so i looked it up. it was the 21st of october last year. at the time you spoke
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4651 palestinians had been killed. now. so many others, according for us, the spa, the us is dropped to subjection of the un security council. we go to un security council resolution yet the death toll now stands around $33000.00. that means that more than 28000 people, many of them women and children have died since you 1st made your cool for sees fall so angry, you have to tell you. well, 1st of all, thank you very much for for the 2nd interview and i have to share with you that sometimes i feel very frustrated because of course we've been very vocal since the beginning of this war. we call them the say horrible and tables. teresa tax a preparatory by hum us and we we condemned those attacks. but of course we asked for a permanent cease fire scene, say 2 or 3 weeks after the said to reset the tax on the,
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on the recent news that the, you cannot to answer the be, say, kind of attacks all the ways that we punch or with the logic of war. there's other ways to deal with these terrible situations. and that is why, you know, i think it's, it's really important to, to, to, to have the engagement of the old international community in order to, to ask for a cease fire to, to allow the, the money tell you a to access it into a gas that of course, the media and origin, a release of elf hostages. of course, there is no cease fire in place. the guns went silent for a little bit at the end of november, just for 7 days. when the security council finally passed its resolution. oldest members, welcome to even the u. s. that abstained said positive things. it was welcomed by the palestinian authority. it was even welcomed by how much the only people who
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didn't welcome that security council resolution fact vehemently condemned it. what israel is israel and obstacle to piece of the state. i think that the method you have one whose government with these strategy is getting more and more isolated internationally in the beginning, i think that we all feel that solidarity with the citizens and the a society that was attacked by by terry's the an organization. but up towards these a on balance and the horrible situation that the appeal to all the international community is sort of put in the prime minister. and they've been yahoo in a very difficult on isolated situation and within the international community. i can see, for instance, also in europe in the beginning of the war, some countries more align with a position to complete the compositional office where i live nowadays have changed our seats, their positions that dramatically. because they're all societies are asking for
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more of a tough and clear and political position still worse with we are unfortunately we've seen in, in gusta, in the spring, i can say that the, uh, the majority of our citizens. and they do believe that they, we need peace, we need to restore peace. we need to have an origin today on permanency, expired on the ground. and of course to, to answer the most urgent the issue nowadays in gus that which is how can we allow the entry of humanitarian 8th, eh, on, on the, we through the different personality to respond to these humanitarian crisis that we are. or if it gets it, these are suffering. you were on the visit to the region, you being to jordan, you've been to saudi arabia and you now in kata. and here in bo harlem, we colorado. this is one of the places they've been trying to get a deal on the see saw in tulips. what's the latest you're hearing about that?
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do you believe it's close? i don't have food. i don't have information. if you scroll through the notes or what i can share with you is my my will and i think the will of and the majority of the international community, which is to have this permanency speier. and i have to also to remember that the, the resolutions of the security counts who are biding for all member states also for israel. so i think it's a mandatory for the government. they'll probably maybe certainly find yahoo, of course to, to have these permanency fire. and i think this will be a very important step in order to, to give a political horizon to the region in order to open a peace process. cool, that's good to and, and to add the international recognition to move towards recognition. and for the easy way these and for the pie this time, people you talk about binding security council resolutions. that's not just the one on the see saw that the end of last year that would to resolutions but more aid
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should go in the international court of justice, which also has binding measures. it's announced twice, says the same thing should have more. i to go in and yet it's not happening. do you think israel is in breach of the security council resolutions? the national court of justice measures. and if so, what, what action should we take? i think that the, there's a actually some that what's in the, in the sense that you are a and same. and i can tell you that within the daniel $0.40 to governments, the, i use government and also the spanish government. we ask at the, you can commission to make an assessment on the humanitarian rules articles that are included in the ad associated relation that the opinion has with the, with the israel custody agreement that the resign between a you 2nd and israel. and i mean you for it and if, if they find that israel is not living up to its respect for human rights, for example, that is in that agreement, what action should be taken?
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well, in the case of the okay and you know, they're, they're, they're, the situation would be that the, there's an open door to, to, to have the bait within the pm tells you, in order to me, to see if we continue with the system, the relation or not, but this is something that 1st we need to have the assessment of, of the information. but anyhow, as, as i said before, the important thing is that nowadays, it seems of the beginning of the war more and more countries, especially in the western world, are more reluctant to support them back. what the prime minister nathan defend jeff when he's government is doing in gaza. and there's an urgency to stop this terrible war and to open a new phase of somebody the piece for space in the region. and i think that for you, or for instance of these little, the eh, and moral conviction, which is the case. so, so in our jo, political interest using our political interests to have them stable and prosperous
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and peaceful. i mean, at least, so this is something that i, i've, i've, i've been advocating and that is why we've been very vocal also. we seem to appear on union in order to, to have this approach and the, and, and also to have it on the strategic position of what to do from the european union with our cellphone neighborhood. which, by the way, i can tell you, i think that there's plenty of opportunities for the union and also for ad the, these countries in, in the, maybe in the, maybe least on the new china humanitarians have repeatedly come under attack and casa, the latest tragic incident. 7 workers from the world, central kitchen, that's the n g o set up of the spanish shift. jose andries were killed. they don't send in working together with the spanish n g o. would you pull that food supplies in by ship that come by ship because the israel is not allowing enough that stuff in by land. how is any of this acceptable?
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it is not acceptable. i think that is important to condemn this terrible situation . then the very thing to was extremely dangerous at circumstances and that the aid workers are working or a yes, having all the ground in augusta. and that is why i think it's important. first of all, as i did to condemn this, a horrible bumping. the closest to the piano for 7 workers, which by the way were working in guessing because people in guys, an art started being who they need food. and these n t o i live by this is spanish geoff course. and this, what they do is just to provide at food for the people on the, on of course what we ask a base where the government is at to clarify at the, the, the situation on the, on why this happened in guess of course, this isn't
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a one off, more humanitarian up to the world because of died in gauze than anywhere else in the world. a 150 your more you and staff members more medical staff here than anywhere else in the world respects the question is these randy homie just very, very bad at targeting, or is it about the rules of engagement? is that some sort of indiscriminate shoot co policy going on here? i don't know. this is something that these where the government has to answer. what i can tell you is that the situation on the ground is lot acceptable. and, and this brings me again to the same answer that i gave you since the beginning of the interview. we need a permanent cease fire. we need to uh, to convene a peace conference, which by the way, something proposal that not only european union, but also the leak on this. let me conference we agreed on. so i think it's important that from europe and also from the countries we work together in this peace conference in order to, to, to move forward. and to leave behind these 3 world war and to establish the
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conditions for a peaceful, a quick systems in, in, in the short term you're saying is rel, needs to answer these questions. is this real potentially need to answer these questions to the international criminal court? does that need to be accountability for the sort of actions that has to be always come community? i think that the histories full of examples where it's urgent and needed this kind of accountability. but this is something that the, the international court of justice has to respond. and we need to do is to ask at these, where the government to fulfill, which is now based binding, which is of course, that un resolutions calling for a permanency fire. we talked about humanitarian workers, medical stuff, jim, and this is what most jealous of died in garza than anywhere else in the world. now, problem this and this and you know whose government is finding out as
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a result for patients. and miss ralph, is this quite literally a case of israel shooting the messenger a suitable office? the free press is on the hallmark of any uh, i would say self respecting uh, a democratic government and the from my side on, from the spanish type. what we do is to uh, to support uh, the uh, the, the work uh, uh, made by the door and all this across the world. and especially in guest, not in these very difficult circumstances. or you've talked about the famine in gaza, which now the integrated fruit security phase classification report, which came out a couple of weeks ago, says, is coming at the full on the set between now and may. it is a man made famine? is it not? would you not agree? it's quite specifically, and he's really made 7. what i do believe is the, and i was, i was, seems rough. uh at that time you mentioned the, the beginning of the, of the interview. it is, it is critical that the,
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the israel opens up the possibility to, to have these 2, many tyree an 8 going into gas as soon as possible. and perhaps we're talking about, of course, land crossings. and of course, in the amount of $1000.00 or a 2000 tracts per day. this is the, the table situation that the people in gus are suffering. and this is something that the international community kind of accept. and uh, and that is why i think that the not only from the un security council also from the young union council. and we had a, a council and some weeks ago we commend these when the government to open these lines crosses in order to have an available vc many 3. and a for the eh, it gets a piece with regard to the you, joseph morales. the hi, representative of for an offense. he used to be your foreign minister. you know him
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well he said recently, if you believe too many people have been killed, maybe you should provide less homes in order to prevent so many people being killed . to see you need to stop selling weapons to israel and know you show your country is no longer sending any we're no longer sending a weapons. and i, i do agree with this, a statement made by uh, it just simple in and uh, what i can tell you is that, um, i don't think that this strategy is going to give more security to the is riley society after the smart ends. because i think that the end, the only way to, to have a peaceful coexistence on the security that the piece way that people needs is for politics and diplomacy, not with war. and this is basically table war that we're witnessing and guessing. so many leaders, including yourself, and the only thing was in the west bank. well, we're meeting the on the and that's what i wanted to ask you about. because so many
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leaders, including yourself, a wound about the danger opposite of this bull spreading. in that context. israel's recent attack on the rain in diplomatic building in the syrian capital, damascus. do you think killed top officials of the codes force? do you think that was acceptable or reckless active publications with acceptable? it's not acceptable. it needs to be clarified by israeli government, and of course, these ad goes into a direction that you mentioned before, which is we need to avoid an escalation of the conflict in the region and from spain we have deployed many years ago, one of our largest, the you emissions on the ground, which is in leaving on the, on of course we are trying to, to guarantee the peaceful, quick systems between the leaving these people on the east where the people in that's a very difficult border between the, these 2 countries and,
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and we are very concerned about the situation and that is why we ask, and we commend the each way we call them into a to try to avoid this. the said this region of this kind of issue that we are witnessing, for instance, with these an attack and in syria when the war is eventually over. who should run garza and who should pay to rebuild it should as well be required, for example, to pay reparations for some of the damage they cost you my opinion on the part assign. affility is our partner for the international community. and i think that they have the capacity and if they don't have the capacity, we need to give them the capacity to get the full responsibility of over a guess up is there was an also the west back and from the spanish perspective, i think that we are leaving now we move into, we're at the international community as a whole. we must recognize the full members people out as time in the un system,
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of course, by naturally and from the case of his pain, we are ready to, to, to support and recognize the state of palestine. because this moment to has to be different to the others that we, we, we witness a over the past 7 pickens which is okay if we can be in this international peace conference at this time, must come to the table. it was a rick of nations at taken by the international community of their own states and the, the, the debates with the international community. and the reason with these randy government in my view should be at what would be the voters would, would be at, let's say the, the, the, the, the government and so on and so forth. you talk about the policy, nustar, c. yep. private and nothing. you know, who says policy,
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no thought he taught run goals are often with how is the international community going to strong on these writing these on issues like this. you have probably many stories royal, such as you know, nathan, yahoo, who has been trying to weaken the palestine of 42 over the past 2 years. this is a, this is the consequence that we are now witnessing augusta and we need to reinvigorate the palestine of warranty. i think it's important and we are ready to work at a low with our friends at present in that box on of course a new prime minister of the find a sign up for the but i think that the, you know, they have to take that full responsibility of guys up at west bank on these bruises you were selling on. and of course, again, the international community must take it very important step in order to to recognize the state of hottest time. and by the way, also, i think there's some momentum for a move towards the completion. also, some are countries have to recognize if i have to, in order to, to have these
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a peaceful coexistence. the problem is progress, and netanyahu, you talked about 2 state station and whatever he doesn't believe in. that's all i thought, well, actually want to stay solution because the other one is already recognized. i mean, is well by most of the countries and especially in the western world. so this is why i think this is one of state solution. and that one is the solution and will bring to to the recognition of understanding of state. and i can tell you, we seem to appear in union, of course, spain with being very vocal since the beginning. but there are more or more countries that are more, more sympathetic with, with this idea. and in terms of recognition, there's another thing going on, which is, if protestant is going to be a state, it needs to be a u. n. member as well. and on top of the policy number of the to the u. n. a sent him back to us with un secretary general. that's the 1st step. and then they go to the security council. i'm told around the security council table mine with 15 members. they have the 1000000 votes they need. the question is the americans
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because they have vito power, they could veto this. what is your message to the us on palestine becoming a you a member and on recognition stood the us recognized protestant as the states as well. i think that the, the bite of them is racing these, you know, trying to do their best in order to find the political solution to these terrible war. and so i recognize that the lady come with uh, 2nd uh would we so 1st ins, ukrainian war and up to worse in, in, in, in gas up. is that the more a more politically the bait, eh, and the influence are not in security because who but all the general assembly. i do believe that in the general assembly, there's a huge majority of countries that agree with these petition may by, by the, by the sign up for the to,
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to get the full membership helping you in around the general assembly diving countries on the general assembly and i've had it on this program, which was the present to brazil, for example, as a claim is double standards going on here. when you look ukraine and garza, if attacking hospitals and bombings civilians is wrong in ukraine. then why was it not wrong in goss? do you think the goss statements, the cause of policies, if somebody, one of the west and allies are going to make it harder to get international support for the other wall that still going on past? we're not focusing on it so much and you cry from my perspective, what i see is that the, we have it according position. i mean, in spain and we are, we've a crane because we defend it. we're older based on votes. and one of these main peters, as you know quite well, is the respect, all 5 of the international of national somebody entity under 33. i'm thinking we
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think of a country which is nowadays and not respected by, by the weight. if one member of the un security council at, at the put in regina russia or i'm, i'm because we're a co and we also are current and very vocal on the, the warning guessing because what we are witnessing a table, a lot of questions, one of them if it's eh, is way respecting or not i'm fulfilling or not the un security council resolutions or, or for instance, the international humanitarian law. so and again, i think that the, because we are a current in new cream, i'm in augusta. we are a defending, you know, the international law. how, what read all you about the situation in ukraine because a year ago that was all this talk about counter offensive since that by the ukrainian since then. and then recent months, very slowly,
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it seems the russian side of the ones that they're making gains goals that has all the attention. it means the potentially the funding, the weapons going away from ukraine. and then you have another spec to on the horizon in november. you might get president trump back in the white house who might pull the plug from president semanski completely, or you bar it. ukraine is going to lose this war. i don't think that the credit is going to lose this war. because today, everybody in the world knows that there's a nation called grain that wants to be respected and defend their, their own freedom in order to be closer to the european union and to our values. and by the way, to be member of european union in the, in becoming a future. so i don't think that they're going to lose the war. and i don't think that the poor thing is going to win the war. what at all? because in, in the beginning of the war, but he wanted to do is to invade a 100 percent of the $330.00. okay?
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and this is not the case anymore. so i think that the big risk use that we are witnessing that kind of a frozen crop coughed. so i'm going to see you skilfully dodge the last part of my question. president putin. you say he's not going to win the war. and ukraine are going to win the rest of them. trump might well, when the election in november, he says he can sort this out in the day, he could on the cot presidency. lensky, us, you know, they're all sorts of fee is, i mean, he's, he's doubting optical funding. if the basic rule of, and they took charge of the old for one rule, if one is attacked, you will support, you will support them. are you worried about the possible return, the president trump? well, i'm a progressive fan, prime minister, my government is a progressive one. so what i would like to have is say, well, 1st of all, i have grades relations with president by vin, and he's administration. and i'm, you know, i would like to be seen reelected as a, especially of the us. but this is something that has to be responded by us citizens when we were,
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we are looking for is to have the best relations with the us administration. my time for by then or who was in charge of leaving the country. i think one of the major bones between the us and europe is it made is our trust atlantic bone which us and then think relation. and i think these are both the prime minister or the pressing, the of one or other countries. noise is something that is as strategic for the security, not only for europe, but also for the us and the, and the, so i don't, i don't think that we're going to, we miss eh, we can a position of need to, in, in the coming years seem to case that the trump wins the elections and what we are going to do to witness is what we are seeing over the past 2 years, which is a stronger nato, and piece is close by at forty's war, this is the of the products,
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the products is that they would put in points that it was not only 2 man team, they do ukraine, but also to weaken the nature. and what he has accomplished is the country. now you have sweden, you have been done to you have a stronger. uh natal, i'm been eh, we send you opinion, we have a stronger concerns that we need to do more on our, at defense and to turns capacity. and this is something that we are or wait eh, doing eh, within the community. and so i, i always say that we don't have a problem with the russian society and we have a problem with every gene which is a putting into question the borders. and therefore the security not only off a crane, but also off of you. and therefore, of the whole world, and this is something that we need, again, at to solve eh,
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through the flow might be k ways. unfortunately, that to be, it's not possible. let's see. let's hope that in the future we can find that way. spanish prime minister petro sanchez, thank you for talking to out to 0. thank you very much. the, i didn't want the average person to know what the truth was assigned to dismissed as profits of do. we knew where the temperature was going to go by leaders seeking the profits of industry. they were publishing reports saying this is not an urgent problem. could we have changed the course of the climate to emergency? air is which is here as new series died. last futures. now, scientists say prime needs remain crucial for biomedical research,
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1st of a 300 developed luis heavens, have gone through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the a the you're welcome and is our life or my headquarters until 530. you navigate that. here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. aid workers in garza come under attack. once again, unicef saves wondering if it's vehicles was fired on while trying to enter the north of the strip. the on the check point toward civilians who then ran away from the check point and the gun 5 hit us.


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