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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 11, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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always come 1st of a sweet 100 on luis heavens, had gone through the rough, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the, [000:00:00;00] the you're welcome is our life or my headquarters in delphi. i'm telling you, navigate that. here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. aid workers in gaza come under attack once again. unicef say's wondering if it's vehicles was fired on while trying to enter the north of the strip the on the check point toward civilians who then right away from the check point. and the gun 5 hit
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us, a no pause in israel's bombardments of gaza. at least 5 palestinians are killed in the center of the strip and 6 others near enough in the south. ukraine struggles to protect its energy facilities in the car. key region officer, relentless rushman air strikes, real estate type 2 and a sentence to death and vietnam's biggest ever financial fraud scans, all part of a nation wide anti corruption drive and on pizza statements with audio sports, the opening round of the mazda as, as tito of despite bad weather and its advantage, barcelona in the 1st legal, the champion, the cost of finals up in a fight back to be power. send you 932 away from home. the, it's 1500 hours gmc and we begin in central god. so where that is really military size, it's launched, what it calls
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a targeted operation. so what's happening on the outskirts of the, on the say that's refugee camp, where at least 5 palestinians have been killed. several others were injured in an air strike the target at a school on the residential building. meanwhile, in the south and is really strikes has killed at least 8 palestinians. a drone had a group of people in the neighborhoods is a for alpha. local sources say they were on their way to visit relatives for our youths. and unicef says one of fits vehicles was hit by live i munition while waiting to answer, northern gauze up, the agency says it's res dot incidents with is really all forty's, the units of spokesperson tests. ingram was in dot com voice, or i was in one of the 3 cars that was part of a convoy was unicef and on row we were on a coordinated mission to try and deliver fuel to water wells and the noise and loss saving nutrition and medical supplies to come a loved one hospital. we left
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a rough uh, after some delays we got to the holding void before the check point. uh, what do you guys uh, this is a designated holding point. where are you in vehicles? i made 2 ways and 2, the check point is, is ready to receive us. we were wasting there. when gunfire broke out in the vicinity, the gunfire came from the direction of the check point toward civilians who then right away from the check point. and the gun 5 hit us, we were really lucky. we had some colleagues outside of the cars, checking a mechanical problem with the nutrition truck when the fire broke out and they had to run back to our ahmed vehicle. fortunately they was safe, but 3 bullets hit the car, but i was in right on my pass all the window and also the bonnet of the car. so this is just another example of how unsafe it is to humanitarian aid workers and how, you know, missions like these are made it possible. re,
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re sit with irrelevant. it's is rarely, authorities, we're still waiting a response. but you know, this is the most serious incident, the units of stuff have experience during this escalation in gaza. so we're really taking these to the highest levels. and it's important to remember it's almost serious incident, but it's not isolated. safety is not guaranteed even when we type all of the required steps, as we saw with the tragic world central kitchen incident. this is just another example of, of an incident like that. okay, we'll get an update now with the advisor who's joining us from what i found in southern gaza. so thought it and not only were there strikes where you are in the south of the gaza strip, but in the central area as well. talk us, talk us through the latest, airstrikes and their aftermath. yes, the reason, in fact the situation on the ground sounds really terrible lent key uptake has that use for the military has been up stating that tax in a very i'm president that met at 3 way off on the ground to you in the territory. we have been hearing
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a loud explosions that completely covering the entire areas of detachment out of the central areas of golf is different on site goals. the cities have been the main focus, bought cars and city have big white people bottom it's at least a palestinians have been killed off to an a truck that has been carried out close to our past. the hospital where the tech has been completely destroyed, uninvolved residential houses, the, the stopping images and scenes i've been circulating on social media platforms regarding this miniature tackling site that value refuge account has been attacked in the fall. no such a touch. we weren't to tom city as have been killed the, as we've been hearing from residents, we have contacted them just an hour ago. they have been confirming that the attacks have been hop scaling. they have been saying that the, the civil defense crews are facing great problem and a dilemma regarding the recovering of the bodies and the injuries from under the russell. all she destroyed buildings as there was no release happened as strikes,
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knowing the fighting on the ground and thought it, what are we to make off this? suppose the military operation is released have launched on the outskirts of the, on the site as refugee camp. what more are you hearing about that? the rep inherent hearing from the is very military and political against saying that's rough, i will be the next target and will be worth carry out soon. i'll clear military ground invasion to that very densely populated period. suddenly this talk to a quick, precise as they say, you my new address on the ground, the in the i'm also a rock refuge account, but those have been raging in the villages and towns that are, that you sent to on this our refugee camp is specifically aloha in a great rest you to come. now these areas have been witnessing a serious specialist with must, by to and the is where the so we just bought today these but the military has announced that they are so i've talked to clean minutes, reparation. the just eliminate as they have been claiming from us or protests on
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from us ministry infrastructure and on the say, a roster a town. but clearly we can see that the, the is very mandatory is i don't think similar approaches to what they have been doing in every area that they have been evaluating. they have been using different military methods were presented in using if you find a pile on the ground by these were the altima units alongside with furious and unprecedented flight cup up from the fight to just add the as many surveillance to drones that have been destroying and demolishing complete residential neighborhoods, one after the other into another part of the account as residents will have been stopped. the officer hearing me read the reports about potential literature includes into russell. they have been saying that the situation is getting hotter as they are facing the difficulty to move on the ground as these. but if you look up, this has been opening for you. again, it's houses in the nose of the i'm so rough until now. as a situation is getting hot clothing type stuff. okay, so i think your thought about as boone, thank you for that update from the function. awesome. well,
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let's bring in more challenges running us from occupied east jerusalem to find out what you're hearing from your end jewelry. but those are, these are saying about this operation. in central garza, of these already ministries released the statement of asset calling. it's had a precision intelligence based authoration to eliminate terrorist opportunities and strike terrorist infrastructure in central gauze. and now it was undertaken by the not how brigade of the a 160 seconds division. b is ready. air force deeds was some military tacticians because softening off before hands, which means bombing targets on the grounds in advance of the ground troops go in. and we understand that the is where the navy also hit targets on the coast line of central casa, from ships just off the black coast. now, this we understand is the 1st uh,
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ground operation in our state right. come since the beginning of the war and it comes just a few days off to these ready minute treat announced that the large bulk of it's ground forces certainly in central cause. that's what pulling outs off to what they did was the successful finishing of the operation in con us, what they said was the how brigade was going to be left behind to basically police . that's a junction between northern casa, i'm southern, gaza. and they said when they pulled out that this kind of operation is what we would like to see going ahead. what i mean by that is that not how brigade basically doing targeted raids into positions for the north where they are or by the south from where they are. and i think until the rafa operation, the side of it comes,
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we have promised it will come by. now here's government until comes this kind of thing. this kind of a is ready ministry operation in such a cost that we're going to be seeing a lot more of it. okay, really thank you for a challenge reporting from occupied east jerusalem. the ukranian region of car keys has been under relentless russian bombardments over the past 2 days. the air raid sirens and explosions were heard from car keys city early on thursday morning, the mayor says it was struck by russian marseilles. on wednesday, the 3 people were killed and another missed all the talk in the town of. let's see, that's in northern car keys. charles stratford, how's this report from ukraine's car? keith region, or another massive attack by russians, policies targets in various locations across the ukraine. this morning,
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those areas include levine in the fall. west cave is operation. odessa, i'm here to talk if you find the 2nd largest city and the wide region, i suppose it wouldn't be in around 4 35 o'clock in the morning where city was woken up by the sound of sirens. and it would have been about a minute later, i suppose, when the 1st explosions, we managed to capture a couple of the impacts on camera. we understand what you're looking at. that could well be some form of energy infrastructure that was being solved. and of course, russia has been targeting energy infrastructure right, the way across you, great in recent weeks, in an escalation of those targeted attacks, certainly the local authorities here and called cape of saying so far that no casualties have been reported. but they also saying that at least 200000 people, all without electricity this morning. and the metro system has also been put out of action. now,
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we were given red access to one of ukraine's largest electricity plants. now the authorities were very reluctance to give us full access in order to be able to show you the full extent of the damage to this bond. because of the security concerns. this is our report. this is the off them off of the russian ballistic missile on the tack on the ukrainians thermal electric pond. the power of these missiles, evidence, into sheer scale of destruction. millions of dollars worth of damage to ukrainian energy infrastructure across the country that will need huge international help to build. russia says the surgeon is a taxi's revenge for ukraine's cross border sabotage and targeting oil installations. some of them say it's more tactical before a potential russian bonds. the loading them up with one of them cause the restoration. we have 2 directives, restore the building itself and then restore the equipment sort of together with
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the ministry of energy. if you try and we're turning specifically performance target sides with the west and pod nicer. and our specialists are now in the baltic states where the transfer of their preserved equipment is being considered. rather than you could look this mobile phone footage with shout moments off to the attack on the plant. a defense is what you crate in many of its islands, se needs patriot missiles and more for the delay in the us congress to approve 60 plus $1000000000.00 of a and a slow response by other friendly states means the weaponry isn't getting to your crane fast. and that's what you're going to hear. there is another. and a lot of these are happening pretty much every day. and throughout the night. also this was once one of the largest. so plants in all of ukraine supplying both electricity and hot water. so millions of people across the country is being hit
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repeatedly by kind of colors, the trojan since the beginning of the war. on march, the 22nd, it was hit by a massive russian ballistic missile all the time. we hit to the underground shelter, tired men and women sits in virtual silence. they spend an increasing amounts of the day hung good on the ground. alexa is worth to 21 years and incredibly, he and all his co workers who were here at the time survived the attack, a full parcel commercial unbuttoning, i'm blowing up with the 1st and then you're doing the band and working equipment out of which and 2nd you to know for sure where the missiles will have a future now. so we stayed by your machines before hiding at the last moment we. it's hard to describe the size of explosions so that when he was incredibly loud, it was still there was flash enough for because we were so very close. i'm a sure i shake when i think of
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a barcode with melissa columbus. the 1st time you saw the work is get the oakley back to the dock on developing a diploma. 10 minutes after they begin work again, is another song. and they have to head back to the shelter. hundreds of thousands of ukrainians have painted during blackouts in recent weeks. street. so some areas and called keith, almost pitch black to me like these men and women are risking their lives just trying to begin the massive clean up operation. knowing with another attack, good happen. any time chelsea drop it down to 0 is me a call to keep regent ukrainian or russian president watermark coming soon has been breezed about the flooding and south western russia. he held a video call with the governors of the affected regions on the emergency minister, and they assured him the situation in orest cuz been stabilized. severe floods are
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effecting towns and cities across southern russia and cause ex dawn after europe's 3rd longest river burst its banks. thousands of people have been forced to flee their homes, often with little warning or all river in the south southern russian city of or, and berg has reached record highs. julia supp of all about joining us not from the hardest hit russian city of 4 in birds. so uli of flood waters are starting to rise up again. tell us what you're seeing, where you are. the one that's correct at the level of the a ribbon in or above. well, we all have succeeded switched to call the level of 9.5 meters by hoffer mesa and a forward to say the will says, continue to rise within the, in the, in the, in the number of sabbaths today. which one of the 1st ones to find themselves in the flood zone, the water level has reached on which to me is,
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is that in some places only the roofs visible in many places if actuation assets continue here. and this is your for revive the where we are people less the so much houses are the buildings are completely empty. many people say on the bus to pick up the belongings and in the will. so we can see some, you know, some things like features and microwaves and pieces of furniture. so if you are as rivers have bus dropbox, not totally here in the over in the region, but also in the core gone and 2 men, regions in the southern zeros and inside the area as well as in the neighboring cause of star. and the peak of the flooding of the purple and ition rivers in rushes, forgot, and and 2 men, regions is expected to, to reach its peak. so what effective is it having on
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agriculture and farming the region is of course the agriculture area and as well really psalm is saving that life still is a priority is cool. so the damage is still to be assessed because uh, the voices are still quite high. and even if the good, sunny weather is going to stay here in the region, it will help us who's the most level adults. but we understand that said defers, have been destroyed and that will i had the supply of the thought was 5 consist. some saw this. yeah, they say in some places uh, the animals have enough speed just for a couple of days. for the also not just this uh, this is in the or in by region they continue rescuing pets. the ones that owners did not take with them during the recreation,
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but probably it's added to say how much damage has been closed and how many annual lives has been have been taken. all right, thank you so much for that update. thank you. rebel groups and me and morris, so they've taken the autonomy a y d that's on the border with thailand and it's important trading hub, more than a $1000000000.00 worth of goods passed through it every year. this is the latest set back for the military gentle, which has lost control of dozens of town since october. tony trying reports from the ty me and mar border. ty, on the big codes, the peer outside the boat of crossing into me and my early on thursday morning, reports from across the river to the town of near what he told me. you may have seen the reality on the ground that like a beef through a couple of days, the fighting continuity stopped us do now as we, as we speak now, can defy things to continue. and if, even though the melody is not broken, 100 percent, but i can say now from as my minutes. yeah. more than 90 percent already broken. or
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on the other side of the bridge soldiers from the mazda battalion, 275200 has requested safe passage into thailand. military fatigue swapped for civilian clothes, waiting on the banks of the more river. totally soldiers watched and waited. planes in the sound of the strikes in the distance the time military are still on jaila. they believe me what he has already full and but the remaining man margins of soldiers are right here across the border. and if there is any more fighting, this is where it will happen. on the other bridge in the center of the tide town as may salt, hundreds of refugees pulled across the border from milwaukee. now the ground forces have left, they fib abutment from the law and since they were fighting they were fight digits, bombing the area they might have dropped into civilian areas accidentally. people
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might die. that's what worried me and made me sleep. i don't dare to stay there was fighting at but to me into 75, and fight the test bones as well. just today. i was sky with this kid and my sister told me to flee to this site. inside me awhile, the streets deserted and sharp shouted pickup trucks. with the men patrol the streets. no insignia are on the uniforms, but they say they will vacate the boulder when the current army and their allies arrive. but the me on my military pushed out from this region. it's not clear who's in control. tony checking out 0 on the time me on my boat. we're going to take your back, the guys out now and get more on the strikes and guys, a city with law, the fluid to joins us on skype from japan. yeah, that's from the north of the strip. so a lot of tell us about the strikes on garza city and what's happened
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and the as why the forces target to that group with somebody else in the neighborhood and destroyed resulted about 8 people have been killed in this rate and results and thousands of people who got the injured and this is not the 1st and 2nd tier and the 8 because this morning to people have been shot a by that is why they may be in a shot. they can a and also this is not, and this is not the 1st one also because a, the day before, which is, which was, was your sunday, the, the sort of the forces estimated a the, uh, uh, how massachusetts uh, son was miami yachts. uh, in the same time so the atmosphere here is uh is very dangerous.
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a people also have been deprived ive been deprived from. busy that their families, food and eh, eh, they homes, they also have them deprived those from a beautiful separation from old, on and a. so this is the situation so far here. mas, how are people finding the most basic goods that they need, particularly in the north, i mean, we hear that there are reports of some a trucks that have entered the north. i wonder if you can confirm that and tell us what's available in the markets when people go to buy whatever necessities they may need. as you start, there are some, a basic supplies as food has arrived to the know from the process is such like the eggs flow and at a run just a bookcase. so to me, to stand such eh, things. but all of these doesn't cover the, the,
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the need or the several years here and all of this. busy also is not affordable, so all the people who are living in the north of gaza because if we can come there between the prices between it before the invasion and also the invasion, it's big data is very. busy use it if i want to buy 13 eggs before the, the one guys i would buy it for a 2 on house on $3.00, but if i want to buy it now, it's cost me through cost me a $35.00 or $40.00 and you can. busy take it as too many supplies and it's true that there was to the north of garza. okay, thank you so much. my awesome, thank you for that update from the north of guys are from is a value to vietnam, where a billionaire real estate tycoon has been sentenced to death for her role in masterminding . the country's biggest case of financial fraud, truong my line was found guilty of bribery,
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violating banking regulations and investments for siphoning off more than $12000000000.00 from one of vietnam's commercial banks. as jessica washington reports, thousands of people fell victim to that scam. the streets of hygiene and city this week, protest, dozens of people gathered outside of branch of his thinking commercials and give us back a money they choose. they just hold off in vietnam's biggest financial skin at the people's with a team in city building a real estate tycoon. tro milan was found guilty as embezzlement, bribery and violations bank regulations and sentenced to death to one day. early a state media had announced the court intended to give land the harshest possible sentence, and to make an example of the quote said she paid bribes to government officials
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and controlled the site on commercial bank illegally through hundreds of show company beat down. and then the court heard that land pay, deprived of more than $5000000.00 to senior central bank inspectors. millions for land can launch and appeal. vietnam has the most, as a global business hub, and quoted for an investment positioning itself as an alternative to china. the phone companies wanting to manufacture in asia, but experts say cases like this can affect the willingness of corporations to do business here. so right now with the situation you are having both the economic risk market risk and government rates at the same time. right? because of the regulating bodies didn't regulate the banks, which allow them to me like to do what you did. as long as you say more than 40000 people, victims of the scan. you in terms of stuff at the bank, convince to to buy corporate phones. she didn't know these phones willing to show companies owned by line. so right now, after working in a cigarette factory and as
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a street vendor for decades, she says she has lost her life savings nearly $30000.00. i'm giving thankful dollars. how does that work? now okay, yeah, yeah, a couple of my top why you'll come, you know, when come, when i found out i sat in the park and cried by myself. i'll die if i can't get my money back. i put each and every penny i had, and then i just want my money back. i don't care about the vatike. i go home liking for me. they can't even now know. she says she now lives on just $2.00 a day and who lives on free food from temples for her meals. still be a separate trial for the food case involving corporate phones. meaning for now people like hun, don't know how they will get their money back. or if they ever will. jessica washington of the still ahead on the i'll just there and it was our how the enforcement of the 19th century law banning
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a portions and arizona has become an electoral threat for republicans in the us. novak joke of which is through to the quarter finals and monte carlo das story is coming up in the sports bulletin with peter a little later. the the while the months worth of rain in the span of 6 hours. so flood waters, swamp the streets anymore, lanes here. copious amounts of rain. so yet that much rain that fast, this is the results and we do have the risk of seeing some further flooding across the us. so let me show you where this is. the risk is pretty much northern florida right up to the mid atlantic. this rain is now expanding outward, so also seen the rain feeling across the midwest, the great lakes and the us northeast. in this zone to we have the potential to see some flooding much calmer picture though. out west. it does turn cool for
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a time in vancouver, just 9 degrees and california in troy, while you can sign and feeling pretty warm. your weekend will be off to a cool what and wendy start. let's go to central america right now where it's got the disturbance dropping out of the us. it's kicking back rain into mexico's, it's attempting into life where we could use this. rain is southwest mexico, where a number of wildfires are burning and speaking of wildfires. we've seen them abrupt in venezuela is capital caracas, venezuela dealing with record wildfire is right now. it's been parched. also windy, so there's winds in caracas. we'll go through about 40 to 50 kilometers today on thursday, and a line of storms from us on sale and to porto lake. right, which could drop some hail. so be on the look out for that. the unique perspective. everything is political. you cannot stay out of politics and everything is
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a feminist issue to on heard voices. we see our literacy destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories that middlefield us having a normal life, elizabeth connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's home us. it's right here. and right now, the stream announces era sears from, i'll just say around on the go and meet tonight. i'll just there is only mobile app . is that the, this is where we, the sex analyze from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from alpha 0 new that you'll see that
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the remainder of the top stories on the alta 0 news hour, there has been no pause and israel's bombardments of gaza to spice. there are huge holidays. at least 5 palestinians have been killed and is released right on the, on the site as refugee accounts in central gas off that attack target at a school on the residential building is really military released a statement saying it's launched overnight operations in the central area office for the united nations aide agency for children says that one offense vehicles was hit with live ammunition eunice. i've said that the car was viewed as i said, the car was fired upon while it was waiting to enter a northern gauze um and its raised the incidents with is really uh, forty's, arizona supreme court has ruled
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a 160 year old law banning abortions is enforceable with the state court dominated by republicans. the decision is likely to set off a political storm in the us that could have implications for november as presidential election for reynolds has more. the republicans in arizona and elsewhere were backpedaling, energetically. following the state supreme court abortion ruling. the republican candidate for senate in arizona carry lake, a favorite of donald trump, was old for the 160 year old abortion lot. 2 years ago, we have a great law on the books right now that happens. now that it has happened late, says she opposes it. as sort as trump saying the situation in arizona would be quote, straightened out. but boasting about his role in over turning
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a constitutional right to abortion. people actually 59 percent of americans believe abortion should be legal. according to the most recent poll democrats pounced on the ruling. republicans here in arizona are consistent, they are complicit in this band. and in a nation wide attempt to ban access to the range of reproductive health care from contraception to a portion to i v up. they don't plan to stop until our rights are gone to lie, arizona's democratic governor called it a dark day. i am calling on the legislature to do the right thing right now and repeal this 18. 64 ban and protect access to reproductive health care. president jo button also denounced the ruling which does not make any exceptions for cases of race and incest on the issue of a horse and service back. why do you say that the people of arizona right now are where the thing a lot going place?
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the dates back to the civil war here. elect me. i'm in a 20. so 20 a century 21st century. back then, arizona is one of the most crucial swing states in this year's election in abortion rights referendum will likely be on the states ballot in november, energizing democrats in a boon for bide. meanwhile, women's health providers are dismayed and disconcerted. the 19th century law calls for jail terms of up to 5 years for anyone performing in abortion, today's band criminalizes me from providing a central health care to these patients until their life is at risk. the court says the law will be stayed for 14 days before it goes into effect. rob reynolds, l, g 0. okay, let's make sales. is there a white house correspondent? can we have kids running us now? so kimberly the bite and campaign has now put out an ad about abortion. what can
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you tell us about that? as yeah, the binding campaign is especially trying to seize on the controversy. and this bombshell ruling in arizona trying to sort of a distance itself from the president's main contender, namely the for president donald trump and really polarize over this issue. and to essentially kind of, as you heard of the president, say there characterize those that support this law as being in the dark ages. so what they've done is use one case of a woman in texas who came close to death as a result of a similar law. and the fact that because she needed an abortion for medical purposes, in fact, she nearly died. and so the argument is, is that there could be other cases just like this,
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where women could potentially come close to death or even die as a result of their doctors. not being able to make the choice. that is, in some cases, medically necessary and terminate a pregnancy. and so what they're saying is that a science is going to be pushed aside, and common sense is going to be pushed aside for politics. so that's what this ad is about. and what this is essentially saying is that republicans are too radical and, but for me, i am more progressive and i'm going to appeal to common sense. so what impact then is this issue of abortion rights going to have on the race for the white house as well right now, this is really, i guess, for the president president sided given the fact that his poll numbers are not good in battle. ground states at least 6 of the 7 he is trailing donald trump mostly on economic issues. the fact of the matter is,
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is that despite what the white house is saying, the economy has improved, but not enough for ordinary americans who still see their grocery bill about double what it was 4 years ago. and so when it comes to decision making in most household, it's women that make the decisions. and so the buying administration, or rather, the biding campaign, is pounding on women, making the decision on the election day. and this is an issue that women really care about in the united states. in fact, 59 percent of voters in the united states are believing that this is uh, typically something but uh should be allowed overall that women should have the right to choose or is it a divorce and should be allowed in the united states. so given the fact that donald trump is taking credit for over turning roe v wade or the right to an abortion in the united states for the last 50 years,
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this could be the deciding factor and it could be one that could help job. i didn't win a 2nd term. okay, thank you so much. kimberly. how's that reporting from the white house? mexico has filed a complaint against ecuador, the international court of justice for reading its embassy police storm the building and quito last friday to arrest equity doors, former vice president, jorge gloss, mexico granted gloss, political asylum after he was convicted twice of corruption. gloss is on hunger strike, and protest against his arrest. his lawyer says he attempted suicide while in prison earlier this week. mexico also wants to ecuador suspended from the un until it apologizes. all guatemala, as president, has issued a natural disaster, a declaration to mobilize more crews to tackle large forest fires. more than 40 fires are burning. one of them close to the capital president bernard or valo. it
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says they're investigating the source of the fires. molly's military gentle has banned all political activities saying that it's needed to maintain public order. earlier this month, more than 80 parties and civic groups called on the military leadership to hold presidential elections as soon as possible. molly has been under military rules since a crew nearly 3 years ago, but we can now speak to a town like a is a political commentator and a former communications director. and echo aust, running us from the car. welcome back to l, just 0. so we know why the gen to saying that they've taken this action, but the question is, why have they done it now to the dentist? no, because they need to reset the age to the citizen organization for them to come up to use the mattress, to ocean. the ordering on the delta to this is government
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to do to see the jump dition on march 26th, 2024. so this seems as steve, being a print test from the june of 2, uh, in stretch do not allow them to organize themselves at all, or do have a chance for them to the wrong dc pro. this is something really bad for democracy. it is really the last thing that you didn't happen to money in democracy and both for democracy and the media to the a very, very but any of the less when, when, when people expect the money to distribute them to look into. i mean, there's no indication so far as to when molly will be holding the presidential elections after the delay that was announced by the gentle. what do you think the end game is here? a oh, there is a life. me going to be
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a bunch of the between the media city and the city, the a very serious button because of the media, jenny, they feel they are free from all the of the vision of the coolest since monday, lifted on january 11. did you know, but he's the regional organization that is didn't jump to democracy and we'll go over that. now that we have free and literally people, uh, another product which is the best uh decide, you know, these things to be complete with a 1000000000, but assuming enough money. um no, have to have support for democracy. don't forget the in 1991 march 26th 1991. they manage to the demonstration industry. a former military power houses a week, 2 weeks earning money in the person, the most uploaded in the past 10 years. the cdns,
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11 by email depot, and other key players, mother to be sure. okay. submitted to us this moment with the economy progress. not the only point that they might do delivering on there for me to follow up as it does do, do, do the shift to the city, then there wouldn't be most likely to buy them at a joint decision when you're say a bottle though. what do you mean by that? what do you mean by a bottle? i mean how, how do you see that playing out and what are the civilians next steps? or if they go out the industry rules as the most tricky glory on the minister to reach. but to grow their relationship with some toxic parties like the russians they, most of most likely the don't have the support from not
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only i think in the country for the with this excess of activities of the where the money book you look for so or dish it, they may have the also for the engine, the energy induced by the end of the be the ministry with the read. what cards do they have to play? i'm speaking off the regional countries. i mean, how closely are they going to be looking at this development and what's the reaction going to be oh, of course they seem to be happy with what is happening in money because they want to bring them in to do the excess view that they believe they should in terms of themselves empower because they said that the student is living in politics and preventing the progress of business. and of course, there is a problem because in many of the countries in west africa, from money including my own countries in a got us hundreds of put into good. but these created by people have not been doing any benefit from the,
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the receipts of the face to leave flash and the not allowing doing good progress. because the, but in this situation, the need to and broken up was to happy with what is going on in money. the reality is that where the money or need it and even beyond the other african countries in west africa, they have not been able to fight the scorch of territories. you are distorted under the roman this course of military orders, problems of their 20, nor much of what people say of this page. the ministry as well, to be a fill up your books to distribute them. we expect the british prints and stuff anything, but now the good thing the account is most of the company, they're really, we got pretty a brother in law and the,
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this is, but you still got it. so it is a sort of message that the minnesota appear to the citizens of the right. thank you so much for speaking to us from the car in my head on the houses. there it is our i'm john henry in washington where the vitamin administration has set limits on so called forever chemicals and drinking water and siblings success in major league baseball, how the mailer brothers made it to a day to remember for their family. peter will have the details coming up and support the business, latest a sponsored by intellect, global your real estate destination in due by
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the business, latest expenses by him to like global your real estate destination in due by
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the former american football store, o. j. simpson has died at the age of 76. in a statement on social media, his family said he died of cancer. simpson was accused of killing his ex wife and her friends in 1994. he was found not guilty off their desks of the us and japan, evan allen's plans for a new joint air defense network and partnership with australia. president joe biden hosted the dropping east prime minister for meal casita for a state visit at the white house on wednesday. casita has just been addressing congress bite and said wednesdays announcement represented the closest collaboration between the 2 nations in decades on the philippine president for it. and on martha's junior has now arrived in washington and had a meeting with biden on cuz she to the us on japan are supporting the philippines
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and its territorial disputes with basing in the south china sea or below has more on that from minute philippine and chinese coast guard vessels had been regularly out maneuvering each other in the south china sea over the past year. or recently, the chinese had been by reward or cannon causing damage to supply both of the philippine, maybe an injury to prove members. the analysts say the confrontation has pushed the philippine leaders to strengthen partnerships by laterally and now multilaterally with the united states and japan. japan and the philippines are at the center of all the emerging geopolitical conversations in the western pacific. the of the east china see the west philippine sea and at the same time, cross street relations. leaders of the 3 countries are set to meet in washington on april 11th for summit, the builds on the recent engagements. last june, their coast guards held drills into south china sea. and in the speech to the philippine congress,
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japan's prime minister announced that the philippines would be the 1st beneficiary of the japanese security assistance program is already requested. i told you all the identity part of our quarterly president, my gosh, this tech farmer legacy shows for other people can access agreements between philippines and defend forces. because since then, japan has moved further away from its longstanding pacifist policy. the japanese cabinets recently approved the export of next generation fighter jets. china has denounced what it calls us interference in the region. sometimes make war with us has traveled halfway around the world to china, still states to form exclusive circles, flicks muscles in my publications. these are awesome that had demonic activities. chinese for administer wong e and barked on his own charm offensive last month with a visit to new zealand and australia. s. u, a secretary of state anthony, blinking, attended the summit for democracy in south korea,
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mostly. and we have for us to best commitment in vanilla, china's warrant the philippines against manipulation by the us. but president, for the end of august junior and says the philippines isn't making itself upon dfcs is building a lions this with like minded countries to advance a shared interest for a free and open in the pacific bond. even though alger 0, the time for the sports is for us, peter very, thank you so much. the 1st gulf major of the year, the mazda is tito, fall off the 2 and a wholesale weather delay at to augusta address is former champions. gary player, tom watson and jack nicklaus at the ceremonial t shots to start the cmc things. so electric is clear, one, the most is 3 times a day, while the american watson is a 2 time winner of the famous spring jackets, please. nicholas one, the 2 of them, and 6 times as part of 18 major titles of the well, number one that i talk of,
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which is due to the close of funds of the monte carlo mazda is off the b lorenzo, most safety and straight states. it wasn't this exact stage last year. let me say think spun junk evictions. 3 sites. i mean it's heavy and strict between tom champion here to the truck if it's prevailing 75 in the 1st place. the 36 year old will be told the thing that's 20 grand slam title of the friendship and next month . so far so good for these preparations. as he looks for a 1st title here in 9 years, he won this 17563, to meet and extend the know in the law states. but it's an early exit food daniel made with it, but the monte carlo mazda is the full seed, was beaten by cutting the cutoff. in the last 16 of the amazing, the 1st said mid with dave, this is frustrations show. in the 2nd, i made sure that the officials know was i'm happy with the quote from a line judge. when you're right there to stop saying,
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open your eyes right now. well how to get these cool to close out the match? 75 to reach the close of lineups the 1st time you'll face the final 60 bucks. next it's advantage barcelona getting into the 2nd leg of the champions to the quote, the final after they came from behind to be power. sandra, mens 32. chevy starting lineup. had a wrinkled breaker in it. 16 year old. let me um. oh, becoming the younger sleigh, it's a feature. the champion includes the final that it was the more experienced, the few who did most of the damage. you opened the school in the 1st off the street to take over there. as for my boss, a man is money, then billy equalized with an excellent finish. and you'll see one i know for 50 minutes for fall, so low that i put the pressure in the fridge. capitals. seniors is sick and as i said, your actual one today argument again, it's 5 or if possible to address christmas and then headed in the thirty's minutes from time to the foster memory lead going into the return leg, shooting and buffy. hoping cdp. assume that the lease of champions leave middle,
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that's not a single shots on target. full differential, right. from the origin seen a foot board, a headman bootable, says being fired from his role as a tv pundit on movie style plus of the controversial comments aim towards the media . mo, barcelona n p. a. see, boy, you cause it interviews with the spanish tv platform of to come and school goes made. while the mall was booming up before we became saying, if things don't go well for him, you'll end up at a traffic lights. it's being interpreted as a reference to begging for money by performing tricks because you served as i'm a system manager, i'd like to come to do it since apologized for the remarks. what are they going to do? it has the opposite hand going into a 2nd later this 1st year the opens. it took just 4 minutes to diego severely sides . take the lead, woke up whenever you get the cold, making the most of an effort error from the gym. and so it have to go from mistakes . it's another estimated goal, samuel lino, competing with so please make it to news with a to think to have
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a fight in john's going back to the ground next week. because ivory coast striking so best and had a minister to a go back with 9 minutes to come to gaps premier to have competition now and leave no message into miami, happy knocked out of the competition with the 5 to aggregate. the fee to monterey miami were all ready to one down from the 1st vague and things did not get any easier when del, keep a drake having the gift to the brandon investigative, open it off the 151 minutes, and then cut off the 1st strike that had them on the bedside, on a finding the toner that made it to the sort of game 6 minutes later into miami's difficulties and compounded with a raid called to the open. not happy here. you'll be a secret yellow mexican so i receive the city final. so fish moves yourself with machines in columbus cree in the last 10. it was national siblings day on wednesday
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. so what us on the brothers and josh data to both sides and hit home runs that i needed the keys and guardian said, do it in the same meaning. and it proves volumes. victory is the chicago 176, hesitate, the guardians extending directly to 9 and 3. so they faced and saw this year and the extra and that's what was supposedly so now i'll be here again in a few hours with another rough day 3. all right, peter, thank you so much for that. well, us, i'll forward. these are limits in the amount of the dangerous p, f, a s kind of co loud and drinking water. it's used in the production of non 6 pounds as well as other products, but it's also linked to diseases including cancer, to 100 reports of the for the 1st time the u. s. has said limits on the so called forever chemicals pouring from drinking water tasks. these chemicals, entering our environment in an uncontrolled manner, are harmful to our families, harmful to our communities and harmful to our economy. the us environmental
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protection agency says the new standards for p fast or poly floral elk. a little substances are expected to protect a 100000000 people from exposure and prevent tens of thousands of serious illnesses in depths. i raised my children on this water, a $130000.00 parts per trillion of total p fast is the current estimate that we likely drank every day during the peak of our contamination crisis. i know we can't change the past, but we can fight for a more just a future. and that is exactly what we are doing today. the new limits for to 10 parts per trillion or dramatically lower than the levels found in north carolina and elsewhere. p for us found in such products as non stake, pins, firefighting foam and waterproof clothing had been linked to cancer and other serious illness. water utilities will now have to filter out handful of common forever chemicals. but there are $12000.00 individual types,
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and they're found in half of americans drinking water supply. and according to the us centers for disease control and prevention in the blood of 97 percent of americans divide and administration has focused on clean water following the discovery of water heavily polluted with lead over the past decade, especially in poor communities in flint, michigan, jackson mississippi and elsewhere, environmental watchdogs and prosecutors, a manufacturer is new, the compounds were dangerous and here's a go for years, companies have dumped p. fos and other chemicals that last forever into our lakes and rivers, even when they knew that these chemicals damaged people's health and our natural resources wellbeing. the epa is providing $9000000000.00 for p, 1st contamination from an existing $20000000000.00 fund to rebuild drinking water infrastructure. john henry and l g 0. washington. thanks for watching the news. our
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on alpha 0 as always had online for more news on for all the latest headlines. our website is l g 0 dot com. we're about to take a short break and we'll be back in just a moment with much more of the days. news call. see you in a minute, the must be the emotion in their own words, 3 o g 0 general as described, working and survived through his rails or so of course, a lot of my bad well i was calling and especially as much as i know over time journalism under genocide on a just so you know, you want to report, but at the same time you want to feature probably. you also want to stay alive. the latest news as it breaks. iran has given a cause that people have just come out in large numbers because galvanized
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populates the board with detailed coverage. but the reason prices and the relative things are likely to get much worse before they get better describing some residents to the brain from around the world. people have told us the circumstances, it even more important than usual to come together to share what they feel they have now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's a state, and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are asked. can you see negotiations being even have? this is the most important point and bushy poll, unapologetic, i'm just asking upfront on out of there. now let me tell you almost suffice. equal results. the 1st of its kind in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life from the moment we entered based upon outside,
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right. able to practice much what the now be used. only electric very close here. like coming here, sits on with a large 3rd space. people look in my private for me now. thanks. royal. i can also visit somebody valley equal, resorted in gun the know pause israel's bombardment of cause us 6 palestinians are killed as a market is targeted in garza city. the you're watching ultra 0 light from headquarters and sell fine. 30 and navigate is also coming up. aid workers and goals will come under attack once again. units that says one offense vehicles was fired on while trying to enter the north of the


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