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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 11, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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i can also of my lot of if, if somebody probably equal resorted in gun the know pause israel's bombardment of cause us 6 palestinians are killed as a market is targeted in gaza. city the you're watching l to 0 life or my headquarters and sell fine. 30, you navigate also coming off, aid workers and girls. i'll come under attack once again. units that says one, it fits vehicles was fired on while trying to enter the north of the street. the gunfire came from the direction of the check point toward civilians who then ran away from the check points and the gun fired ukraine struggles to protect its
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energy systems using the car. key region after relentless russian air strikes, a real estate type who was sentenced to death in vietnam's biggest ever financial fraud scandal, part of nationwide and to corruption drive the, it's 1600 hours gmc and we start in central, gaza, we're in is really strikes is targeted a popular markets, so at least 6 people have been killed following dot attack on the market and gaza city. several others were injured. meanwhile in the south and is really strike has killed at least 8 palestinians. edge road had a group of people in a neighborhood east of the local source, to say they were on their way to visit relatives for grades. and unicef says one of fits vehicles was hit by live ammunition while waiting to enter the north of the gaza strip. agency says it's raised out in students with is really authorities.
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unicef spokesperson tests. ingram was in, not convoy. as i was in one of the 3 cars that was part of a convoy was unit 7 and row. we were on a coordinated mission to try and deliver fuel to water wells and the noise and loss saving nutrition and medical supplies to come allowed one hospital. we left a rough uh, after some delays, we got to the holding void before the check point. uh, what do you guys uh, this is a designated holding point. where are you in vehicles? i made 2 ways and 2, the check point is, is ready to receive us. we will wasting there. when gunfire broke out in the vicinity, the gunfire came from the direction of the check point toward civilians who then right away from the check point. and the gunfire hit us. uh, we were really lucky. we had some colleagues outside of because checking a mechanical problem with the nutrition truck when the fire broke out and they had
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to run back to our ahmed vehicle. fortunately, they was safe, but 3 bullets hit the car, but i was in right on my pass. all the window and also the bonnet of the car. so this is just another example of how unsafe it is for humanitarian aid workers and how, you know, missions like these are made impossible. re, re sit with irrelevant. it's is rarely authorities, we're still waiting a response, but you know, this is the most serious incident. the units of stuff have experienced during this escalation in gaza. so we're really taking these to the highest levels. and it's important to remember it's almost series into there, but it's not isolated. safety is not guaranteed even when we take all of the required steps as we saw with the tragic world central kitchen incident. this is just another example of, of an incident like that. okay. let's bring in thought about as on thought is running us from what i found from the south of the gaza strip. so thought it tell us about the latest air strikes over the past few hours that are taking place in
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gaza. the yes i that read of the main stripes that has targeted because of 60 in the past few hours, was directed towards a for us market, which is one of the most popular markets in garza city. it's one of the oldest one we're proud of city and used by from august located in an area that is densely populated in adjacent to the hospital in the hop featured area of kansas city of mountain neighborhood. now that's clearly a part of the ongoing systematic venture campaign on the golf was checked out since the hours of today's morning. there was a plea rodney got admitted to attacks and strikes and gotten the city. one of the latest have killed 8 people in a guns with each of them side with the intensification of attacks in the valley at refuge account where to palestinians the have to report of killed ended. similarly, this situation of the sounds completely, the civil defense teams are struggling to recover the injuries from onto the rapids
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. as hospitals can be barely functional to provide medical treatment for the ones that uh, that have been resulting from that these deadly attacks. but generally the surveillance of drones and fights of just our whole thing over old areas of the gaza strip. specifically, he in the south in roughly one of the latest attacks has been carried out on a group of palestinians were 5 people have been rebuilt, of killed in the eastern part, roof district as a part of it is very ongoing operation that yeah. and what exactly is going on on the outskirts of the site as comp, because according to the is really is they have launched a quote unquote targeted operation. what does that mean and what are you hearing? yes, exactly right now the situation is really complex, as our witnesses have been reporting that they are completely charlotte with farms and messiah is that the streamlined targeting, rather than so,
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houses towers that are they have been in the past couple of hours intensifying that bombardments. all the residential areas as the is very military right now is operating in areas that are adjacent to under. so rock for to, to come. it's also alongside with the stationing of the is very military troops on the know the right part of that to come as they are trying to destroy the buildings that just got a flexible operation of mobility on the ground to push them to advance further deeper into the main areas of the comes up on clearly what was happening is that clear reminds about the old situation in full areas that use wait a minute, treat had it they did before. they are trying to destroy old. the milestones of living represented in residential houses, civil infrastructure as completely trying to isolate until so, right? so if you do come from other parts of the gaza strip as they are expanding their many attacks, i'm glad to encourage and of course detach. read that to you. okay, thank you so much thought of us,
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and thanks for that update from. definitely so let's bring in returns is running as long capacities drew. so from your end, rory, what's being said about this military operation in central garza of the rain. we've had a statement from these ready minute traits cosigning this operation. what they say is the 100 and 62nd division's began a precise intelligence based operation to eliminate terrorist officers and strike terrorist infrastructure in central gaza. now they say that said this was undertaken by that in the how brigades. uh, it was supported by these ready air force from the yeah. and also from the is ready navy gun bites off the coast, hitting targets on the case line at the central guys right. now, so i was going to stand, this is the fast ground operation that these ready army has taken in pound is
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a risk comp since the beginning off the ground offensive of 6 months ago and becomes just days off to, to pull out the large pullout from the from the con eunice area leaving just in the how a brigade in that central concept of gaza. now what we were told when he's ready ministry pulled out, was this, this brigade would basically be less that to police, that kind of north south divide of cause there will be able to do these targeted raids, north and south. and that was the kind of operation that these ready ministry was moving to. so while we're waiting for the green lights to be given to the restful operation, which benjamin netanyahu as time and time again said is, is coming. he said, there's a date for it. this type of thing that we've seen are you for the last few hours
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now this saturday, i think is the kind of operation that we're going to see more of from these ready ministry. and laurie, look, there are these sort of ongoing protests that have been going on and also a debates on whether the ultra orthodox in israel should be serving the is really military. how big are these protests become? and to what extent is this threatening to bring down? nothing. yeah. has coalition government as they know a huge because uh the heretics, me to see that is not huge. it's not a massive part of his writing and saucy, about 13 percent. hold it box. this is still a significant phone line in is ready culture in his writing society. what state sponsored is an exemption that was drawn says to ultra orthodox males, exempting them from mid
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a tree service and this was done in the 1940s. at that time, the re, the community was miniscule. it applied, so it'd be about $400.00 males. but since then, that already have grown at to about 13 percent of the population. adams, they are growing still friends. they are still exempted from military service. they are also communities that live largely on state support. and as you can imagine, this is quite a sole points for many people in israel, particularly at a time when the country is 5 single, many is right. this thing is an ex, essential against how much for the rates to be exempt from menissi service and living on site benefits is that true doesn't go down with well with many people . so the supreme court has basically told an estimate on his government to come up with a little that result was the spades basically scripts, the ultra orthodox all of their exemptions from ministry service. they don't like
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that on surprisingly. and that have been lots of protests from them against any moves that would do that. but it also is a headache for benjamin netanyahu because to ultra orthodox policies are part of his coalition. and he doesn't want to do anything to one second ice. the embassy is going to cling onto a pallet. okay, thank you so much for rich hollins. as well as humanitarian aid slowly makes its way into a gauze, a trickle of proud juice along with age supplies have been allowed to enter the northern areas of the district. mazda in cahoots has more from japan, you in the north have gone. so a small amount of good food as supplies just arrived to the north of the gaza fluids like a tomato and to tell you to a known you and also eggs. all of this has just arrived to the north of gauze and it came back to the market, bought a these food and these supplies are not affordable for everyone to buy because it's still very expensive and allow me to give you an example about the eggs. it before
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the invasion, if you want to buy a t a g 's you would buy it for. busy to it's $3.00, but now the, the, the, the, the, if you want to buy the authority eggs, you would like for a $35.00. the same thing to the uh, uh, to the book tell you to add too many to it's very expensive and people's cannot supply it. so these, it's trucks are coming with supplies and food coming through. and they can wait around about, it's coming to from the injection. the zip should, uh, uh, the, the junction the crossing from egypt has nothing a, just a and to the, from a it is crossing the spice. all of the promising nothing you have said about the reopening of as
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a does it crossing the ukranian region of car keys has been under relentless, russian bombardment. in the past 2 days, the area and sirens on the explosions were heard from car keeps city early on. thursday morning, the mayor says it was struck by russian missiles on wednesday, the 3 people were killed in another missile attack in the town of litzy in northern car keys. charles dropped for reports from the car key for reason on russia's targeting a few cranes power grids. this is the off the mouth of a russian ballistic missile attack on the ukrainians thermal electric pond. the power of these missiles, evidence in the sheer scale of destruction. millions of dollars worth of damage to ukraine energy infrastructure across the country that will need huge international
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helps build. russia says the surgeon is a taxi's revenge for ukraine's cross border sabotage and targeting oil installations. some of them say it's more tactical before a potential russian bonds. good. the good one of them because the restoration, we have to directives, restore the building itself, and then restore the equipment sort of together with the ministry of energy. if you try and we're turning specifically performance target sides with weston pod, nicer and specialist now in the baltic states where the transfer of the preserved equipment is being considered. rather than you could look this mobile phone footage, we showed moments of to the attack on the plant. a defense is what you crate in many of its allies say needs patriot missiles and more. what's a delay in the us congress to approve 60 plus $1000000000.00 of a and a slow response by all the friendly states means the weaponry isn't getting to
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ukraine fast and that's what you're going to hear that is in nava and a lot of these are happening pretty much every day and throughout the night. also this was once one of the largest. so plants in all of ukraine supplying both electricity and hot water. so millions of people across the country is being hit repeatedly by kind of colors each other. and since the beginning of the we'll put on march the 22nd, it was hit by a massive russian ballistic missile attack. we hit to the underground shelter. tired men and women sits in virtual silence as they spend an increasing amounts of a day hung good on the ground. alexa is worth to 21 years and incredibly, he and all he's co workers who were here at the time, survive the attack. for parcel commercial,
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unbuttoning and blowing up with the 1st when you're done to band and working equipment out of which and 2nd you to know for sure with the missiles, little kids to train them. so we stay by our machines before hiding at the last moment. we, it's hard to describe the size of explosions because when he was incredibly loud, it was so if there was a flash enough for because we were so very close, i'm sure i shake when i think like a bucket with my list. i'm on this bridge. i'm you so the workers get the oakley back to the dock on the plan. 10 minutes off to they begin work again. is another song, and they have to pay it back to the shelter. hundreds of thousands of ukrainians subpoenaed during blackouts in recent weeks. the street some areas and called keith, almost pitch black of them like these men and women are risking their lives just trying to begin the massive clean up operation. knowing that another attack could happen any time. chelsea drop it down to 0 is me. it's got caught keep reaching
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ukraine. the head on out to 0, parts of south western russia are under water and what's being described as the regions worse flooding in nearly 100 years. the the clouds heavy along, let's get going with your weather uptake beginning in india, things are turned in calmer through central india where we did have the highest level alerts issue for center thrones and not the dash. but i think most of the action that will be around for a long time with that do and careless states, but specifically for sherlock or the potential, just want you to be on the know that we could see some flooding here, especially around colombo, dr. the blue, the more intense that rain is falling,
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or pumping in some humidity. here off the south china sea in china is having an island in northern vietnam. so although it says 30 to 31, it will certainly feel hotter than that when you factor in that humidity. we are dealing with some storms for china is a bungee province here, once again, great lin, getting hammered by these, but april to july. it's your what a sponsor of the year. so this is to be expected. so dr. pitcher in japan, but this disturbance here, i think it's gonna throw a bit of cloud cover, maybe catch a few drops in tokyo and it's getting quite warm. and beijing $27.00 degrees 3 on friday and those temperatures will continue to climb, ended off in indonesia. what is parts of the country will be central southern sumatra and west job of providence, a potential to see some big down pores in and around jakarta. on friday. okay, i'm out of time. see, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the problem again, the top stories on alpha 0 this hour. there's been no pause and israel's bombardments of gauze, odds of spice fairies, occasion. at least 6 palestinians were killed. and also cities following is really strength on a popular market. the united nations agency for children says that one of its vehicles was hit with live munitions units that says the car was fired upon while it was waiting to enter northern gaza. it's raise the incidents with is really all forty's, ukraine's energy infrastructure is under russian. at the time. hundreds of thousands of people are, is during rolling blackouts. russia says the attacks are revenge for ukrainian
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operators inside russia. the russian president vladimir putin has been breached about the flooding in south western russia. he held the video call the governors of the affected regions and the emergency minister. they assured him the situation in orest stabilized severe flights or affecting towns on cities across southern russia on projects done after europe's 3rd longest river burst, it's banks. thousands of people had been forced to flee their homes, often with little warning. the or all river and the southern russian city of orange berg has reached record highs. julia, top of all of our reports from the russian city of orange bird, to the level of the year old ribbon or above, has exceeded the critical level by hall for me to end. the votes has continued to rise when or saba, which was one of the 1st to find itself in the flood zone. the water level has reached home is 2 meters here. in some places, only the roof visible in many places of curation. if it's continue,
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it will come pad the situation here in or above, to the one in the 2nd largest city schools that some residents refuse to evacuate and still remain in the houses. here the buildings have completely empty. you can see people sail boats to pick up the belongings and in the walls, he can stumble up on things like fridges, microwaves, pieces of furniture, and so on. the organ by region is the agriculture region on for many farm is saving the lives. so is a priority now, numerous rebate is by step on snow totally here in the orbit region, but also in the coal gun. and 2 men, regions in southern euros on the inside be, are it as well as in the neighboring cause of stones and the peak of the flooding of the tip couple and ition, rivers and bushes, cru gotten into many regions, is expected a band of april. you know, ship off all of our, all to 0 over in bag to vietnam were a billionaire, real estate tycoon has been sentenced to death for her role in masterminding. the
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country's biggest case of financial fraud trauma, my line was on guilty of bribery, violating banking regulations and embezzlement for siphoning off were the $12000000000.00 from one of yet nonce commercial banks. jessica washington reports thousands of people fell victim to that scam in the streets of her team in the city this week, a protest, dozens of people gathered outside of branch going commercials and give us back a money they choose. they just hold off in vietnam's biggest financial scandal at the people's clothes, its host team and city building, a real estate tycoon. tro milan was found guilty as embezzlement, bribery and violations bank regulations and sentenced to death. earlier stage media had announced the court intended to give land the harshest possible sentence,
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and to make an example of the quote said she paid bribes to government officials and controlled the side on commercial bank illegally through hundreds of shell company seems to be counting the court heard that land pay, deprived of more than $5000000.00 to senior central bank inspect, is millions for land can launch and appeal. vietnam has the most, as a global business hub, and quoted for an investment positioning itself as an alternative to china, to phone companies wanting to manufacture in asia. but experts say cases like this can affect the willingness of corporations to do business here. so right now with this situation, you are having both the economic risk market risk and government risk at the same time, right? because of the regulating bodies didn't regulate the banks which allow firms to me like to do what you did. as long as you say more than 40000 people, victims of the sky, you in terms of stop at the bank, convince to to buy corporate bones. she didn't know these phones willing to show
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companies owned by line until i know of to working in a cigarette factory and is a street vendor for decades. she says she has lost her life savings nearly $30000.00. oh no, it sounds i don't know. they yeah, yeah, that's helpful laptop. why you'll come, you know, when come, when i found out i sat in the park and cried by myself. i'll die if i can't get my money back. i put each and every penny i had and then i just want my money back. i don't care about the vatike go home. i think he'll be there now. no, she says she normally is on just $2.00 a day and who lives on free food from temples for her meals. that will be a separate trial for the food case involving corporate phones. meaning for now, people like hun, don't know how they will get their money back if they ever will. jessica washington of arizona supreme court has ruled
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a 116 year old law banning abortions is enforceable with the state court dominated by republicans. the decision is likely to set off a political storm in the us, but could have implications for november as presidential election. reynolds has more republicans in arizona and elsewhere were backpedaling, energetically following the state supreme court abortion ruling. as the republican candidate for senate in arizona, carrie lake, a favorite of donald trump, was old for the 160 year old abortion lot. 2 years ago, we have a great law on the books right now that happens. now that it has happened, lake says she opposes it. as soon as trump saying the situation in arizona would be, quote, straightened out. but boasting about his role in over turning a constitutional right to abortion.
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actually 59 percent of americans believe abortion should be legal. according to the most recent poll democrats pounced on the ruling. republicans here in arizona are consistent. they are complicit in this band and in a nation wide attempt to ban access to the range of reproductive health care from contraception to a portion to i v f. they don't plan to stop until our rights are gone to lie. arizona's democratic governor called it a dark day. i am calling on the legislature to do the right thing right now and repeal this 1864 ban and protect access to reproductive health care. president jo button also denounced the ruling which does not make any exceptions for cases of rates been densest on the issue of a horse and service back. why do you say that the people of arizona right now we're witnessing
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a law going place. the dates back to the civil war. you elect me. i'm in a 20. so 20 a century 21st century. back then arizona is one of the most crucial swing states. and this year's election and abortion rights referendum will likely be on the states ballot in november, energizing democrats in a boon for bide. meanwhile, women's health providers are dismayed and disconcerted. the 19th century law calls for jail terms of up to 5 years for anyone performing in abortion, today's ban criminalizes me from providing a central health care to these patients until their life is at risk. the court says the law will be stayed for 14 days before it goes into effect. rob reynolds, l, g 0, all zeros. white house correspondent, kimberly how could, has more from washington dc. a binding campaign is essentially trying to seize on
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the controversy. and this bombshell ruling in arizona trying to and sort of a distance itself from the president's main contender, namely the for president donald trump and really polarize over this issue. and to re, essentially kind of as you heard of the president, say there, characterize those that support this law as being in the dark ages. so what they've done is use one case of a woman in texas who came close to death as a result of a similar law. and the fact that because she needed an abortion for medical purposes, in fact, she nearly died. and so the argument is, is that there could be other cases just like this, where women could potentially come close to death or even die as a result of their doctors. not being able to make the choice. that is, in some cases, medically necessary and terminate
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a pregnancy. and so what they're saying is that a science is going to be pushed aside, and common sense is going to be pushed aside for politics. so that's what this ad is about. and what this is essentially saying is that republicans are too radical and but for me, i am more progressive and i'm going to appeal to common sense japan's prime minister for me. ok, she has urged the united states to continue to play a leading role in international affairs. casita address the u. s. congress for the 1st time since taking office in 2021. on wednesday, the us on japan announced plans for a new joint air defense network. the collaboration comes and made growing tensions with beijing in the south china sea, philippines. presidents will joined vive non casita for a summit, focused on defense. molly's mother turns into his band. all political activities st,
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it's needed to maintain public order. earlier this month for the 80 parties and civic groups called on the military leadership to hold presidential elections as soon as possible. molly has been under military rules since a qu nearly 3 years ago. more than a 100 people have died during a record breaking sheet wave in molly, in west africa, temperatures and one town reached 48.5 degrees celsius media, all or just say, that's the hardest ever recorded on the continent for an expense reports, there's not much access to electricity, and molly, so using funds or i condition is to get released from extreme heat is nearly impossible. that means heat stroke can kill a skillet. best one of you. i think you have a car on if someone comes with a fever at 42 degrees vent to break, if you have to put ice on them or put them under air conditioning or sitting here,


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