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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  April 11, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm AST

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the and the moments where childhood still shines through. the child was on a jersey to 3 sons, unforgotten children of homeless, politically, the smells, and the assassinated things. garza, the names added to a long list of people killed volumes. what did he talk? a good operation is worldwide. so why does israel for us use such a policy? and what it's impact, fix is inside story, the color. welcome to the part of going to the whole, rob and the 7 family members of how much politically to as well. honey assassinated bias ro on wednesday in gauze of the latest victims of is really targeted killings
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. israel has been doing this around the world for decades, the reputation of its overseas intelligence all most that has become part of is randy propaganda in cinema and tv cereals. a license to kill, anyone is real considered as anatomy, the niceties of international law written note. as all the politics or criminal repercussions of such acts. so is this to take an official policy of as well as so what impact will, is it just about vengeance? we'll put that to all guess in a moment. the 1st this report from katya lucas. what diane, it was a target. it is really striking kansas city that assassinated 3 sons and 4 grandchildren, of whom us political leader is my connie. yeah. he says the killings will simply strengthen palestinian determination. the but a, we with the they believe that if the killer assessing id, it is all there next. if and said we will abandon all people that we will abandon
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our resistance. they are mistaken. this novel blood that is spilled, including my own children will hard. now results make us more defiant and more adamant to continue to march on this road. the road of struggle and resistance until we will not freedom and the lawful rights of the palestinian peoples are restored. the attack follows israel's bombing over bands called 2 little building in the syrian capital, damascus that killed several top, a rainy and officials earlier this month. another suspected as relates on striking loveliness capital back in january killed sally loading the founder of home offices armed wing palestinian leaders say those killed are quickly replaced the router. you know the we are our resistance movement and the resistance must be victorious. the resistance will be victorious for decades. israel has assassinated people in the occupied territories and abroad palestinian leaders and
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a rainy and scientist among them. according to studies, why is really author of ronan bergman? up until 2018. israel assassinated 2700 people worldwide. and the past leaders who rallied for a 2 state solution have also been targeted, posted in president. yes, it out of died unexpectedly in 2004, and many suspect israel may have been behind his desk. now decades later, the warren garza has read it tonight as pest pensions and field new ones. some believe the is really assassinations of honey. his family were intended to do real negotiations between israel and home off phoebe and i had a long discussion. us president joe biden is pressuring is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu to reach a ceasefire. but many now say israel's continued use of assassinations will further risk. the long term prospects of peace in the region. katia,
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little bits of the m l g a 0 for insights story. let's bring it out. guess the intel of eve and i'm a professor of history at x to university in the u. k. in boston. let me cody distinguished public policy fellow this um products institute at the american university and they wrote a column list and on the list. and in pittsburgh, pennsylvania, calling cloud director of research up these young group, specializing in the future, terrorism, security and trans national crime. very well, welcome to jasmine on this edition of inside story. i even thought they could come to you until the 1st. you know, we've got the facts that israel says those that were killed. yes, today. well, how much to risk and collateral damage as the palestinians say they were the children of the smell? honey, it's all about the narrative. isn't it? the message getting out to the international audience?
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yes, i think you're heading the new program. yes, i think it is. it is about the narrative and it's also about how deep uh, it can be a bottles, he's ready not to. i don't know if this came out in english, but definitely in hebrew what. ready this was a decision taken by very junior officer who took that decision in a blink of a moment because of the intelligence that he received, which i think is a lot, i think is what i knew exactly who they thought that they knew. these were the, the, the sense of is right and yeah, i do think. ready so that they knew that they were grandchildren there but didn't care. and therefore it's, it's not just a mentor of one level, 2 against the other. it's really a fabricated kind of an explanation for something that you know, the picture themselves tell the story in
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a very clear way. but i do agree if i may just add something, a little bit might be an immediate reason for that, says as your result or has been mentioned, do you know that i need a new one to this act in order to be raised the negotiation, which is definitely a feasible and probable explanation. once you remember the design is moving even before the creation of the state of is a target. the other thing and uh for disability culture leads out of this kind of oriented is believe that if you hit the leads or the leaderships, you have an easier way of or easier time, you know, pressing and repressing. and the people you want to call the lies as the glands or, or, or in prison in big good prisons as they did in the west bank and the gaza strip chance . i think there's also any story construction. ready and probably also more immediate reasons, and i'm sure we'll talk about them in midland, if we will,
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then we will pick face as we go along, hopefully quite deeply. i just don't get to run mccurry about this because the impact of such an assassination. however, you want to describe it, assassination, talk to the killing, it, it has an impact, it surprises and it shocks us. what is right, these ones, it's what the reaction might be from the palestinians in the short time of the long term to this. as well as the, as whatever is shown. clearly since the priest sides are in those days, really the last century, they're very good. a chilling powers to enhance their very good, an ethnic cleansing, expanding colonial settlement and controlling western imperial power. so helping them set up their shuttle and calling them apart. i'd say they're not very good understanding the realities of how people in palestine are. countries actually behave as human beings. and they've actually exactly the same as jewish on his
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rarely behave. that if you're subjugated or tortured, or a deported or humiliated, you react with resistance. you fight back, you may not fight back immediately, but you 5 back. they have the whole growth of from us as well now, and sort of a lot of them and others. this phenomenon of the last 40 years, the has profoundly changed the landscape of the air was really conflict on the regional sit. the picture i made is really part of the americans with, i think, don't understand that these people are willing to afford. they know they're gonna make a chill. they don't shy from taking actions or making statements against israel and the is really, it's just keep practicing this policy is trying to kill leaders without any real impact because they have asked the hezbollah and the others are prepared for this.
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and there are lines of successions that are very, very clear. and so this is an original problem fairly, as rarely is how, how to come up with a better policy, is the found one that they continue to use now. and what's, what about the as long as the succession as well in the product i'm calling come to you in pittsburgh, we talked to killings are justifiable from the is really point to view that we go for decades not just in the occupied territories is also reported say, but why has this specific is really policy the spring valley is quite a long time is very evident and of us allowed to continue in the international domain without any will be a sanction from the us from europe in general. yeah, well, i mean, it would be difficult for the united states to say much credibly given the way the united states has, uh, you know, engaged in the global war and terrorism. i think, you know, basically setting a precedent for target assassinations of terrorist without due process without
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trial. yeah. but this goes far beyond the united states. this is something that the as rarely as have talented as an effective counterterrorism tool. there's been many, but of course many studies written on, you know, target assassinations as the counterterrorism policy and, and so what we haven't seen is targeted assassinations bring success. often it's the opposite, the removing leaders and in the process up to the ranks come even more battle hardened more extreme leaders. they're eliminating people that they could probably do business with. i'd suggest looking at the case of northern ireland where, you know, jerry adams and martin mcguinness were labeled terrace by the british. but ultimately, those are the people that delivered peace in dates around the country. let me bring you in again with, with call in here as it is, russia does this. we've seen this quite openly in the last few years, such as the poisoning of live in yankton in 2006. it's good by
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a said guy scripling, 2010. george mock of the, the very famous poisoned umbrella incident in 1978 on waterloo bridge. there's a lot more as well. that was functions google on russia called in israel, does it in the day of self defense. so post holocaust revenge alt arisen that one button islet. so yeah, so this is something that the united states as, as failed consistently to bring pressure on use. rarely as uh you know, with regard to the way they conduct counterterrorism, the binding administration is probably brought in more pressure then, then some previous administrations. but even there and especially in election year, you're reaching kind of the maximum amount of pressure you're likely to see. i think the by the ministration is mishandled. this conflict in many ways. but there's a big growing invest between buy that yahoo and it's one that's likely to get worse before it gets better. right. because i bring it in on that. yeah, sure. but then there's a kind of standard, the double standard or hypocrisy or imperial behavior, the big powers,
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the use of british american russians all over the world. they're allowed to break the law. they're allowed to kill with a band them, but other people cannot do that. and must be held accountable in front of some kind of court or possibly sanction. this is how imperialism works. and this is what designed to successfully apply it on the starting and you know, 1910 or so they got the british, the power of the day to support them and creating a jewish homeland on this. and then it's really state and allow that was 93 percent power staying in error and then the americans, after world war 2 became the big imperial western power. and that's where israel, his focus is lobbying and pressure. they still haven't met. israel still has immense pressure upon the white house, much of congress and some state legislatures in the us and every other dimension of american politics. the ability of israel to expect complete support has, has afraid badly n. as in frank quickly. and campuses, and labor unions and media,
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all kinds of the churches, other institutions. but you still have the white house, pretty much giving israel everything is lost even though as college said, there is no verbal. a scold is about the variables folding from the white house is paired with a mass of new weapons transfers and financial aid and no real diplomatic pressure at all. so we have the people that what they do, what the americans do is basically say keep telling, we're going to be with you a lot puppet intel of you can just get your opinion on. certainly what balances that we've just had. but about this policy of talk did killing, i mean through the years and the decades since the establishment of israel, the narrative of how you describe it is royal palestinians, or arabs must have changed. especially when we have incidents such as the oslo
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accords. peace with egypt. you know, not everybody was the enemy. now how is it perceived? and yeah, it says a little uh, just to agree with the, the other 2 guest i've just finished a book called loving force and he's in a on both sides of the atlantic. and he's very clear that both in griffin and in the united states the low b as of the. ready and 100 years old and therefore works by initiate. there's no need to tell by didn't what to say when it comes to. and not scolding is of the 4 rates a policy of kelly. and therefore that it will take quite a while before this kind of impact on the american political decision making will change. although as, as i think around me, mention the civil society is already changed and therefore i think we should be more optimistic about future changes in the american policy, but not in the immediate future. now uh for your question, i do see that the exception is the deal. money zation of the palestinians. i'm
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sorry the room, the room is the the when these ation of the palestinians. ready the exceptions of the moments where you get the impression that may be a police thing is treated in a different way, but i think all in all in the 100. ready and to use of the presence of that isn't historical satisfied. the other thing is, what do you in the eyes and do you want to zation is a very important part of a set of colonial projects such as that isn't because set of colonial projects are projects of displacement and replacement. then you can know massively ethnically cleansed people or genocide them as you do. now, if you don't do human eyes then and then so that means it's not only man targeted but also babies. and then women and, and this was a, the kind of these really major perception of palestinians. now in moments such as the one that unfolded after the service of october, this kind of deal when he's facing of the, takes
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a given the more extreme form in the way the people allow themselves to say things on the side. the nature of it may be added during. ready or relaxed or come periods that they are hiding. but i seen on an old in order to implement the idea that started by this time should be a jury stage. you have to be human eyes, the native indigenous people of palestine. otherwise, a more of the basis of the whole project would have been exposed and i think. ready and these really educational system, the culture system, the socialization process. ready is in these, in the army, all kind of create one called the, regulates of to the other. and i'm afraid would continue to see the but as being is as sub humans essential tear. ready is getting better as well. everything that comes in the direction. yeah, we want to balance. so we want to pass the conversation around because, you know,
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again, as you say, it comes rounds. that whole issue of silencing your critics calling clock in pittsburgh just some examples here about the way is rails policy, to silence it's critic. so get rid of them. works just for all of us in 1979 ali. have some solid names appear low lead up behind the attacks on is really athlete. so the 19 substitute collision pix was killed in a remote control bomb and a region 2004 shake. you see the file drop out of mass killed again by a us apache hellfire missiles in garza city in 1981. however, in sao paulo in brazil, we have jose. oh, that's what a bonnet i'm at. and a, a brazilian apples lieutenant, who was killed according to the facts that we have at the moment. radioactive poisoning because he, most of the agents and these rel didn't what brazil becoming a nuclear power. you have the very loud brash attack. some of the people in your
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neighborhood, but so it sort of feels a waste, miss rel, on the different confidence you want to, to a little but little quietly. it's all about keeping face or keeping good relations with your allies. yeah, and this is a global campaign, right, this is trans national and it has been for decades. but even with all the examples that you point to and i could point to several others actually uh, what is it done to counter from us? nothing. this is an organization that has actually grown more powerful over the years. so you know, targeted assassinations are at tactic. but if they're divorced from a strategy, and i would argue a political strategy, you're going to end up in a situation like these realize are in now where they've had a military campaign. totally divorced from any viable political strategy. and it's likely to do to basically kick the can down the road. we're going to be back in the same situation in a year, 18 months, 2 years. but actually you're gonna have
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a younger generation of palestinians that are even more enraged than the previous generation. because of what they've just lived through it briefly, i would say when a bond street is compensation, the policy is changed, causing it from the 1950s where the is ratings would use these sorts of targeted killings as a last resort. the last clinical method yes, i think so they, they because they're really supreme court formerly approved targeted assassinations . so this is a policy that has the support of the highest levels of the law and in israel. and therefore they just do it the trend as much as they want they killed, as they're doing engagement now, and they don't get any real accountability or pressure to stop us. but as colin said, the business, they're not really succeeding. and if you look up the trend in the last 40 generously, people fighting back against israel, some government, some on the non state actors are much more sophisticated technologically.
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militarily, they're doing things that were never possible 2030 years ago. israel is much more vulnerable and there there's really no huge need to reassess the entire is really approach to engaging with or addressing the power of the palestinian challenge of the, you know, it was time for the 748 happened. there was a one and a half 1000000 posts and is there's not 13000000 of them. most of them are still within a 100 miles radius of palestine. and israel, they're not going anywhere. they are, they want a peaceful resolution. but these remedies don't want a peaceful resolution. they want the jewish superstate in palestine and israel that the backs of the uh, if it show or of the western imperial power, some voice, there are no force during the period of hours who wants to do this? and therefore we have is continuing the situation, which is a catastrophe for everybody in a pop and tell of
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a collection has called the palestinian uprising of the intifada. actually impacted on the way that is right. the policy changed when it comes to dealing with the palestinians. and you might say pre intifada to post into father, but i think these ladies, the government, all these way to government, immediately off to the occupation of the west bank and the guy is asleep, too good. so the, the decision is all the one hand age will continue to portray. ready of the westbank and the guys will never really fully withdraw. ready from it, but like really either directly or indirectly, that was one decision. and the 2nd decision is that if the public opinion would resist, this is randy set, the g is a would react with all its might the, if you want, they offered 2 levels of a prison, an open prison. if the police thing is behaved well, namely would not result in an uprising and a maximum security prison. if they did react with collective punishment that we all
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are familiar with and demolition of houses mess, arrested without a trial. it's an expansions and indeed the summary executions in killings so, so i think this has not changed, although is way the governments have changed. and maybe the tactics have changed the best that is really, a strategy is to continue if i may just, and the children's at it to police. these really army is a police force a polices. and not only the army, hundreds of thousands of is very young. ready in daily maintenance and policing, the 2 prisons that they've created, one in the west bank and the prison that has resulted in gaza. and this the g. i am going to trip in next. i think we just going slightly off topic here because again, you know, we're focused on this on this, of this issue of targeted killings and, and you talked about the general perception of,
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of setting you how the palestinians are treated. but how does this, because the way the public did is really to spoil rough listening on radio, watching television news programs react to the narrative. that is a targeted killing right now. yes. but i think use, you know, you cannot separate eh, the killings from the septic g and the ideology and this i, i disagree little because why me and the other guess. because i do think this is the strategy. it's a holistic strategy but it is a sub did you with the hope that one day that can. ready can really make the whole of palestine induce they now as fuzzies, right? the public is concerned. it has the fullest of both of these when you choose your left to it and that's what i think you have to connect it to the way the jews public is educated, indoctrinate, the demonize, the palestinians. this is seen is actually a work of the elite. ready of these with the army, this is the height and look at the situation. now. there is no fixture of trying in
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gaza. there is a hope that these very public would see the killing of the 3 children of honey. it because the police exhibited to us the picture of victory because they have totally failed in that operation that they have started on the 8th of october. and i'm going to stop me that if you don't mind, i just spoke of pop ups calling in in pittsburgh because i just wonder what the strategy will be now because we've seen talked it killings 11 on in, in the past few months as well. we're seeing a ratcheting up of violets from israel. does they have? they admitted it, but we, we know we generally come and take this believe they all behind. obviously the bombing of the rainy and cold sea. the top is in damascus. it is running up in a way that the global politics do not want and it's worrying america or, well, the cynic in me would say that this is a deliberate ploy by you know,
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netanyahu and his cronies, to deflect attention away from gaza. and which is a, a conflict that's not going well for the audio and to broaden the conflict to drag me wrong in a way to drag in the united states as a way of kind of saying, look, this isn't just and is really thing. this is a regional issue and are you, we're in a low boil regional civil regional war. now, when you consider what's going on, i love it on in yemen, in iraq, that ebbs and flows. and so i think that's the goal of that. and yeah, it was to paint this is something broader and to take the focus away from god. because again, when you're killing, you know, the kids and grandkids of political, how much political members and that means that you're aren't able to achieve your goals. and so you're, you're kind of reaching, they're looking for tactical victories, right. more one is the highest ranking home aust, number that, that's been killed so far. these really have very few tactical victories to point to. and they have 33000 civilian deaths that the world is asking why? right? right?
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me very quickly, then let me, let me just come and head this way. these running out to buy days when it comes to talk to killing in that full these over the board, the incidents are a way of deflecting, perhaps the lack of i don't wanna say imagination, but the lack of direction that a, that the is riley military or politic have right now. yeah, this to them is this one is that the is rarely is, are still trying to defeat some ass, which they're not going to be able to do no more than they could defeats as well or others they're. so trying to was massive trimmings and destruction. the other part of this is relation to what the inside of of the body onto design is. for the last 120 years, i've just finished a little study of it's really propaganda points, which i'm going to publish next week. analyzing what they've been saying for the last 100 years on the last 55 years and which i have engaged on the debates with is rarely some pro, it's rarely people in the west. and this shows,
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the issue has consistently said that it wants to stay for the jewish people, but it's power level, whether it's a so the image as a bastion of western democracy, human us and light month and the good life. and they want to bring this to the of, i'm civilized, the arabs. and so they see this confrontational is not just the father son, but was later on and was serial and with other people in the region. and they desperately want the united states to fight the battle for them, but they neither spacious, pretty irresponsible, but not quite. the eviction of that they're going to get into a war with hezbollah and the around. so this is realism, the political scientists call the real people. they don't quite know what to do, and all they can do is keep chilling and keep telling lies on exaggerations. this is what we're going to keep saying. indeed, sadly, we have to leave it that there was so much more that i wanted to ask, but i'm sure we'll be coming back to the subject with you jen summit again here on inside story. i'd like to thank you so much for joining me. a lot impact they allow
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me to read and calling clock. thanks so much for your time gentlemen. and thank you as well for watching as well. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website at all, just have a dot com. as a further discussion, guys will facebook page at facebook dot com forward slash a inside story. you can also join the conversation on at sa handle. that is task page right inside the store for me. so robin and all of the team here on inside story. thanks very much for your time and your company. the the latest news as it breaks around, han has given a cause. that's great, but it does come out in large numbers. the guys are not as popular to the board with detailed coverage, but the reason prices and the relative things are likely to get much worse before they get better. it's driving some residents to the freight from around the world. people have told us the circumstances, it even more important than usual to come together to share what little they have.
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turning jo, donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence the the you're watching the news, our life or my headquarters, and so i'll find out you navigate that. here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. no pause and israel's bombardments of gaza. 6 palestinians are killed and it is really tack that targeted a markets in garza city aid workers in gauze. how come under attack? once again, unicef says one of its vehicles was fired on while trying to enter the north of the strip.


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