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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 11, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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all settings your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence the the you're watching the news, our life or my headquarters. and so i'll find daddy navigate that. here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. no pause and israel's bombardments of gaza. 6 palestinians are killed and it is really talk that targeted a markets in garza city aid workers in gauze. how come under attack? once again, unicef says one of its vehicles was fired on while trying to enter the north of the store. if you pray and struggles to protect its energy facilities in the car. key region after relentless russian air strikes, and mollie has been struggling through a record breaking seat weighs
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a face. the 100 people have died. and on pieces statements with your sports news, know that you all could richard bonuses to the monte carlo mazda is cool to finals, and the use 1st goals major the most to has to do all of the lakers from augusta for you today to this. so the, it's 1800 hours gmc and we started in northern gauze. all we're in is really strikers, targeted a popular market. at least 6 people were killed and data talking, gaza city in the north. several others were injured. meanwhile in the south and is really strikes, has killed at least 8 palestinians. a drone had a group of people in the neighborhood, east of stuff. local sources say they were on their way to visit relatives for grades and units that says one of fits vehicles was hit by live ammunition. while waiting to enter northern gauze up,
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the agency says it's raise the incident with is really authorities, the unicef spokesperson tests. ingram was in not com. boy. i was in one of the 3 cars that was part of a convoy was unison and row. we were on a coordinated mission to try and deliver fuel to water wells and the noise and loss saving nutrition and medical supplies. to come allowed one hospital, we left a rough uh, after some delays we got to the holding void before the check point. uh, what do you guys uh, this is a designated holding point. where are you in vehicles? i made 2 ways and 2, the check point is, is ready to receive us. we will wasting there. when gunfire broke out in the vicinity, the gunfire came from the direction of the check point toward civilians who then right away from the check point. and the gunfire hit us, we were really lucky. we had some colleagues outside of because checking
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a mechanical problem with the nutrition truck when the fire broke out and they had to run back to our ahmed vehicle. fortunately they was safe, but 3 bullets hit the car, but i was in right on my pass all the window and also the bonnet of the car. so this is just another example of how unsafe it is for humanitarian aid workers and how, you know, missions like these are made impossible. re, re sit with irrelevant. it's is rarely, authorities, we're still waiting a response. but you know, this is the most serious incident. the unicef stuff have experienced during this escalation in gaza. so we're really taking these to the highest levels. and it's important to remember it's almost series into there, but it's not isolated. safety is not guaranteed even when we take all of the required steps, as we saw with the tragic world central kitchen incident. this is just another example of, of an incident like that. let's bring in thought about zoom was joining us not from but i found and southern gaza thought of what could you tell us about the strike on
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the popular markets where people were in gaza, city the the will dairy, and in fact they, there is no any longer surprisingly that the entire goal is this trip has tend to be a graveyard. as the east valley bombing campaign continues targeting palestinians, and this time they had targeted and then all the costs of the gaza strip. one of the most popular and oldest markets, of course, that the area that was completely visited by thousands of palestinians on a daily basis now completely reduced to the rep who was a part of the is very many people bottom and campaign part. the reality is that most people are getting killed as casualties amongst civil guns continues to mount . and that that 2nd, at least 6 palestinians have been killed in a separate attack on an up or a residential house as others have been also killed by the use. but as strikes, i'd be happy hearing loud explosions. and as i witnessed, has happened and forming us into a valley at refuge account on the wrong side with
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a to fast neighborhoods in the south eastern parts of kansas city, where a number of palestinians that have been killed and things that i'm, it's ongoing efforts being might be made by civil defense teams just to help to recover the dead bodies of the injured from the location of the targeting um its full collapse of the medical sector in that very desperate part of the territory. and thought it a, b is really, is, are saying that they're carrying out some sort of military operation on the outskirts of the, on the slate. it's refugee camp. what are you hearing about the situation there and what's happening? well the situation on the ground sounds to be it be completely the most difficult for the majority of such as well as the since the beginning of this military campaign on the territory board is really media report saying that's the is very operations right now in this are rocks refuge account aims to expand the cordial
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with that has been recently established blessing between the noise and this house of the cause of the trip as the operation will last for several days. as we have been told by it is in stuff of abutment and as thrice did not stop in the past hour with the houses have been destroyed as these wait a minute. treat right now is operating easy. now the right part of this i rock switch, which account as best as us to go, we don't, and raging, which must fight isn't the is really so we just in the areas and villages that are adjacent on the close to on the so rock a refugee camp in particular, in a mobile area, which recently considered to be one of because this point to the is very recent. please talk list cordial. that's a black we the different parts of the church read the read. okay, thank you. thought of also reporting for us from what i find gaza. well, bringing roy child is there any is not from occupied east jerusalem to tell us what you're hearing on your end about this operation in central gaza. roy, of the 3 of these, ready to put out a minute,
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3 statements on these are you and i operations in central because that's what the statement says is. the 160 seconds division began to precise intelligence based operation to eliminate terrorist operatives and strike terrorist infrastructure in central concepts. they go on to say that this involves the air force bombing targets on the ground and involve the navy off show, striking targets along the coastline of central gaza and the 162nd division on the grounds in on the risk mr. rates, the refugee time. now, from what we understand, this is the fast ground operation insights, ms cetera, since the beginning of the complex. and it comes off to a few days off the that announcement from the x rays that they were pulling out the
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most the biggest part of the troops on the ground and gauze, and basically leaving behind one brigades of troops the not. however, guys, which is part of the 100 and 62nd and this brigade is kind of say, is located now in the center of gauze. our basic, a splitting the script into what these ready said when they pulled out, was that this brigade would be used to do, ready to go for ations based on intelligence such as they said that they have a for this one. doing rating operations north and south as well. and this is what we're saying, planning outside until the rafa operation begins. if it is going to we've been promised multiple times by benjamin ethanol here that it will take place until that begins. i think this kind of operation is what we're going to see. p st quite a lot. so i'm very up in another development in his real itself. i mean, there have been ongoing protests and also there's debates on whether the ultra orthodox it's served in the is really military. what's happening with that and to
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what extent is this of threats to an engineer who is coalition government? the yeah, the parts us today in west jerusalem that are being multiple process i the recent days and weeks as well. oh, around a proposal that would strip the ultra orthodox of their exemption from ministry service. now, a recap on, on how is what is called this disposition, the ultra orthodox withdrawn to an exemption from ministry surface a long time ago. where are you back at the beginning of the creation of the state of israel in the late 19 forties, where they're only about 400 ultra orthodox men of slicing aged in in the whole country. and this was given to them so that they could carry on their religious studies by states could do that really to studies in you,
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stevens religious goals. but the law, i mean, the exemption has persisted. ever since then, despite the fact that now the, the heretics, we just say the opposite of all sorts community has as swells because they have big families. that now 13 percent of the is ready population and getting bigger all the time. and yet this exemption is still in place and that is a sol points for a lot of israelis, particularly at a time when they see what's happening as an ex, essential war against how mass. i'm the alter orthodox noise because many is ready is ready, is believe playing that pause sharing the button in the sides. the supreme court was basically told nothing yahoos government that it should come up with a little that would solve the situation and basically take that exemption away from the alco orthodox across the alt. what was that all started like that? they being protested, but yeah, so this is a problem for benjamin netanyahu. why? well, because to ultra orthodox policies, a part of his governing coalition,
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he doesn't want one second item. if he's got 1600 pounds. okay. uh, thank you, rory, challenge report from occupied east jerusalem as well as humanitarian aids slowly makes its way into gaza. a trickle of produce, along with 8 supplies, had been allowed to enter the northern areas of the strip was and captured with hospice updates from giovanni a. there are some, a basic supplies and foods has of life to the low from the, the such like at the eggs floor and eh, or run just a book date to, to me, to and such eh, things. but all of these doesn't cover the, the, the need all the a civil years here. and all of this also is not affordable. so all of the people who are living in the north of gaza because if we can come there between the prices
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between it before the invasion and also the invasion, it's big data is very. busy huge it, if i want to buy a 30 eggs before the, the war and guys i would buy it for a 2 on house on $3.00, but if i want to buy it now, it's cost me. it will cost me a $35.00 or $40.00 and you can uh uh, take it as too many supplies in, issued dr. wife to the north of garza. okay, let's bring it up. i'm not sure what he's a professor security and military studies at the institute for graduate studies. welcome back on that. i sure um. so our reporter and gaza was saying that this really is have announced this with their calling and military operation on the outskirts of the most latest refugee come. what is going on here? i mean, are they shifting now from wide scale offensive to sort of a targeted operations? and if so, why it's, it's a, it's a mixture, right?
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so part of it the, initially you had a large concentration of force and uh, an occupation of major parts of valve gauze which reached the last december to about to 20 brigades in the gaza strip. 375 square kilometer. all of it. now at the end of the, there are only 2 brigades, and if you battalions, maybe companies sized formations that so the 900 and 33rd the how the gate, which is manning basically the road that they call that setting quarter door. it's a gravel road. the cut, the cuts goes into 2 hops, the separating the north of guys that govern the aid because the govern right from the central data, but the governor, right, and uh, the south find you in this in roughly. so that's one, a big data, but also that it's formation is a bit change. it's not the tradition of the how the gauge because not all they have the added to it some new battalions. but also you have the $400.00 and 1st, which is doing the operation and the site all that. so it's an ahmed gate which we
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entered garza so now that we have a 2 plus the few battalions and maybe one big from because a division that are on the manning that the buffer zone. it's a one can only the depths buffer zone between the borders of his way and goes up, right? so to make sure that no one would would come closer to the israel. a today is where the board is with gather at a distance of one kilometers. and so this is all like more or less the attempting to control. so it's an a is of gaza, but based on the intelligence, and this is what it comes, the, the, the specific a strike, what the surgical activity strikes and so on. this is all intelligence lead to a, it's a 14 is and basically they would see a chance to take out a unit or have some information with an accurate or not about the mobility of someone. because some units or other method formations, the better seeing as stance. and then they would attempt to take it off and look on
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that cord or that you just mentioned where they're holding that east west corridor . that essentially splits garza into to what are they trying to achieve with that the 2 quarter to is basically the, there's an east west and the south north. so the one that i mentioned was south north is also east west. and when the whole design is to try to, to show we say controlled the mobility of the population anywhere in gaza. so the movement from central and south goes towards the north, would be controlled by the 900 and 33rd. and the movement also towards the borders of is israel. the eastwards would also be controlled by some of the formations that by creating that the other gravel road. so it, it is more of it taking out what a areas of guys that do provide more security for is how would you evaluate the resistance that is being put up 7 months into this, where it would fall into the 7 once by the a cassandra gates i mean, israel at the start of the war said that one of his main goals was to dismantle the
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tunnels. have they been able to achieve any of that and, and how would you evaluate some, it's uh, so it's a surprise for everybody for any minute video list by thing. they were completely on somebody complete, failed guns on old domains of c, a, a land electromagnetic of the stuff that we don't see as well. the 24th it and then cyber with it everything. but somehow this strategy all the while i pull that once a flexible defense in depth because they, they created the environment to be able to fight. and so they double the, the size of gaza strip by going on the ground multi level and they've gone. so maybe double, triple even the size of guys and the, the tunnel networks read the gives you 3 out of the 2 out of the 3 triads, all the combat effectiveness. so that gives you protection from the or to that he strikes on the strikes. it gives you mobility because the ground lines of communication is still connected solely. they use the units in one area. they can always provide the logistics, provide infantry, provide a munition,
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provide weapons to the all the unit that is being edited in, in one area. and until i think of them, but probably a month and a half ago, they found a 5 kilometers long tunnel between central and both gaza. and it had 16 pointed exits in the entry points. so which tells you that the, you know, that there's a lot of things to be discovered as well. so i don't think it's over there by the one is way the accounts, i mean 12 solved into the, the initial estimates of because somebody gets alone and the minute the formations within the range of 30 to 40 solvent. this was before uh before the invasion of israel claims that he killed about 12 seldom. and if you had an even, you know, a 1000 of wounded and captured then missing and so on. now you would reach about 20000 maybe, and then they have a long way to go as well because we've got ads as well. the, the other admitted reformations, the top 3 commanders, they got one out of 2. so all of the fees are a little more on
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a set as opposed to momma. they've been and war. yeah. so the fight is not over yet, in my opinion. and i think it will probably take a lot longer than the expected if they want to achieve that aims of destroying him as if it were, that would be a cheap cheap yeah. okay, thank you so much. all my password. well, his bottom up fired several rock is that is really positions in the occupied lebanese territory of the shut off farms. israel said it's targeted because of all the positions in southern lebanon and response on a hash. him has more from southern loving on of the roaming the lines of the separation line between 11 and then as you can see this as the walls just behind me here, the situation is it could be described as a test then scald. so people sees the, fortunately to come to the villages to inspect the amount of destruction,
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the separately is ready. so x on the day bought and also several sensible attacks. however, this, the didn't treaty prevent people from coming here. we're also trying to seize the fortune to, to, to come to this area of which has been away from the lens for the past few months, due to the huge amount of boardman daily bombardment and destruction. this is, this is the board that you can see is just on the other side. it's a very dangerous place, maybe one of the most dangerous places in the world. and we've come here for the 0 . we are the only international shot out here today to show you what's been happening on the board as between 11 and is read over the past few months, the interest and then when i came to see my funds celebrate in the us over here,
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we hear the sound of war planes and a strikes we are in the town of ita, one of the most destroyed towns on the board as between 11 and then as well. every word has been hit either by plains as we are here and right now we can hear clearly the sound of drones and over the past months it's been 6 months since this what i spotted, it's been 6 months that heights has been bonded with the air strikes opportunity, drones of tags, whatever every day on daily basis the stone has been hit. and as we can see it's, it's really a of a destroyed area of course site that is not the only town on the board. the in such a situation that sold somebody to a hand that off many, all the thousands and as we showed you in the past days, no food on these are all the board of towns where thousands of people used to live
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with life used to be normal before 6 months earlier and now it's, it's deserted and everyone is gone. many internally displaced a residence in, in, in, in several areas around the country. waiting till the end of this conflict from the shop, southern 11 on, on the hash. and i just, you know, the, the ones nuclear watchdog has called for an end to drone attacks on his upper reach a nuclear plants and russian occupied ukraine. the international atomic energy agency said drones had a reactor building in europe's biggest nuclear power station on sunday. you make the dutch against the so please look up out of town to mike and major is cation of the new get safety and security, the dangers,
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the new grain significantly increasing the risk of a nuclear accident. we are meeting today, and i really need to the united nations security council next week because it is a part of mount importance to ensure these reckless attacks do not mark the beginning of a new and gravely dangerous front of the will. so let's bring in gabriel is on does, is joining us not from the un headquarters in new york. so gabriel, the i a, a is to meet the un security council having given another warning about supper retail. what are we likely to get from that meeting? well 1st and foremost, a refill glasgow. she will be here in new york debris to security council. and most likely, he will be giving more detail about what the i a e, a knows about these a most recent drone attacks that are really caught the attention of a lot of council members. we're looking at this very closely with concern,
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quite frankly, but also to give a picture of the scenarios that could play out in the future and how to protect the safety in and around the nuclear power plant. of course of the i a a saying that as of now nuclear safety has not been compromised. that's important to point out because of these most recent drone attacks, but that could certainly change it any time is it's been good, an ongoing situation for many, many months. now this worry about that to nuclear power plant and its safety. bottom line though is uh gross. he will be here in new york addressing the security council in open session, giving him a briefing on what he and the i a general knows policy. also i should be pointing out on monday. we'll be speaking to a journalist here in new york as well, so it will be part meeting for the security council to get updated on this very critical situation or surrounding europe's largest nuclear power plant. now that
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day passes without a strikes shot to bring the lives of yet whole families across the country. in hockey's song, you've lived eve, live odessa, zip or it's you don't. yes, i'm the pro wave of the massive wave of attacks continue to kill an injured civilians and cause widespread damage and destruction to civilian critical civilian infrastructure. no region in ukraine has been sped by this war. as gabriel, we were just hearing a remarks on the humanitarian situation in ukraine. what more can we expect from that meeting or, or what's happens? yeah, is what you just heard. there was from today here in the, in new york and the security council that was from it where so you know, that director of operations for the office of the coordination of humanitarian
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affairs. she was briefing the security council on the humanitarian situation in ukraine. that was a meeting that was called by france in ecuador, and she really painted a difficult situation that's on the ground there for. and they've had it here in situation in ukraine. she said just in march, there were a 126 civilians that were killed. 476 civilians injured. that's an increase of 20 percent from the month before and surely pointed out how children are now bearing a lot of the brunt of the injuries and deaths. unfortunately, $57.00 kids were killed or injured last month alone and ukraine because of the ongoing conflict. and that is double from the month before. overall, these managerial situation is getting very difficult and continues to be difficult . and ukraine, about 14000000 people or 40 percent of the entire population is in need of some
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sort of humanitarian aid. and she ended her briefing by saying, telling the security council or asking them, do not let this war grind on in perpetuity. of course that is sort of what is happening at this stage. and it's a continual continuous difficulty for the security council if you will. because of course, russia is on the security council on has the, can veto any actions by the security council that it deems against its interest. so that's been a long time frustration from some other security council members. but essentially, the humanitarian situation on the ground in ukraine is not getting any better. in fact, from the latest briefing here to the council, it's very much getting worse. okay, thank you. okay, brother is on the thank so that update from the u. n. well, speaking of ukraine and what's happening on the ground, the region of car keys has been under relentless russian bombardments over the past 2 days. the
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aries sirens on explosions were heard from far keep city early on thursday morning . the mayor says it was struck by russian missiles on wednesday, 3 people were killed in another missile attack in the time to lift the seat in northern car, keeps charles stratford reports from car keys on russia's targeting of ukraine's power grids. the. this is the off the mouth of a russian ballistic missile. i'll attack on the ukrainians them, electric pond. the power of these missiles, evidence in the sheer scale of destruction. millions of dollars worth of damage to ukraine, energy input structure across the country. that will need huge international helps build processes. facilitates attacks is revenge for ukraine's cross border sabotage and targeting oil installations. some of them would say it's more tactical before a potential russian bonds. good. the good one of them because the restoration,
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we have to directives, restore the building itself, and then restore the equipment sort of together with the ministry of energy. if you try and we're turning specifically performance target sides with weston pots. and our specialists are now in the baltic states where the transfer of the presented equipment is being considered, rather than you can do this mobile phone footage, we showed moments of to the attack on the plant. a defense is what you crate in many of its allies say needs patriot missiles and more for the delay in the us congress to approve 60 plus $1000000000.00 of a and a slow response by all the friendly states means the weaponry is getting to ukraine fast and that's what you're going to hear that is in nava and a lot of these are happening pretty much every day and throughout the night. also this was once one of the largest so it will pounce in all of ukraine supplying both
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electricity and hot water. so millions of people across the country is being hit repeatedly by kind of colors each other. and since the beginning of the we'll put on march the 22nd, it was hit by a massive russian ballistic missile attack. we hit to the underground shelter, tired men and women sits in virtue silence. as they spend an increasing amounts of a day hung good on the ground. alexa is worth to 21 years and incredibly he, i'm all, he's co workers who were here at the time, survive the attack for parts of the show, unbuttoning and blowing up with the 1st. and then you don't depend on what can equipment out of which and 2nd will need to know for sure what the me so we'll keep teaching him. so we stay by our machines before hiding at the last moment we. it's hard to describe the size of explosions, so that when he was created was allowed. it was so there was a flash enough for because we were so very close publisher i shake when i think
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lang, barclay, melissa columbus. the 1st time you saw the work is get the oakley back to the dock on the plant. 10 minutes off to they begin work again. is another song, and they have to pay it back to the shelter. hundreds of thousands of ukrainians have painted during blackouts in recent weeks street. so some areas and called keith almost pitch black of the night. these men and women are risking their lives just trying to begin the massive clean up operation. knowing with another attack could happen any time. charleston orthodontist ear as may have scott called, keep reaching ukraine. the russian president, vladimir putin has been braced about the flooding and south western russia, held a video call with the governors of the affected regions on the emergency minister. and they assured him the situation in orest cuz stabilized severe floods or
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affecting towns and cities across southern russia on trucks. dawn after europe's 3rd longest river burst, it's banks. thousands of people had been forced to flee their homes, often with little warning. the or all river in the southern russian city of or, and berg has reached record highs. julia shop of oliver reports from oregon, birds to the level of the year old ribbon or above, has exceeded the critical level by hall from me to end. the horses continued to rise, we enter saba, which was one of the 1st to find itself in the flood zone. the water level has reached home is 2 meters here. in some places only the roofs visible in many places of curation, f, as continue. it would come pad the situation here in or above, to the one in the 2nd largest city of pause that some residents refuse to evacuate and still remain in the houses. here the buildings are completely empty. you can
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see people sail boats to pick up the belongings and in the wall, so you can stumble up on things like fridges, microwaves, pieces of furniture, and so on. the orange region is the agriculture region on for many farm is saving the lives. so is a priority now, numerous rivers by step on snow totally here in the orbit region, but also in the coal gone. and too many regions in southern euros on the inside be, are it as well as in the neighboring, kazakhstan, and the peak of the flooding. of the tip temple and ition, rivers and rushes cru gotten on to many regions is expected. a band of april. you left ship off all of us out to 0 over in bag. molly's military gentle has banned all political activities saying it's needed to maintain public order. earlier this month, more than 80 parties and civic groups called on the military leadership to whole presidential elections as soon as possible. molly has been under military rules
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since a cool, nearly 3 years ago. so also in molly more than a 100 people have died during your record breaking heat wave temperatures in one town reached 48.5 degrees. maybe urologist say that's the hardest ever recorded. on the continents, bernard smith reports, there's not much access to electricity in models. so using funds or i condition is to get released from extreme heat is nearly impossible. that means heat stroke can kill a skillet based on view of a qc. you have a god on. if someone comes with a fever at 42 degrees fit to break it, you have to put ice on them or put them under air conditioning, or security as well. you've got to do this within 40 minutes. otherwise people get lesions on the advice or organs. when that happens, even if he was beaten, organ damage can result in where we have been receiving patients some of these conditions and it's too late to do anything for them. at least a 100 people have died in the capital bama code. the figure could be much higher
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elsewhere in molly meteorologist measure the temperature of 48.5 degrees celsius in one town on april, the full that's the highest ever recorded on the african continent. our parent died a week ago because of the heat. when we came in to pray, the cemetery, god told us the what 15 to 20 barrels a day of people who died from the heat. the heat wave is being claimed on the l nino where the problem made climate change. according to the world meter, a logical organization, temperatures in most land areas worldwide, will be above normal until at least may, when i mean you start to weaken. but it's may, i'll just here, still ahead on the old. is there a news our how the enforcement of the 19th century law banning abortions in arizona has become an alex world threat for republicans in the us. and siblings, success and major league baseball of a neighbor brothers hated the dates and remember for their family. peter was the
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details coming off the unique perspective. everything is political. you can not stay out of politics and everything is a feminist issue to on heard voices. we see our literacy destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life in these with connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's right here. and right now the stream announces era. it was the time to be directed to the creation of the humanitarian crisis is a tactic we do look to it was a policy that we have. it was from us, particularly the city upfront on out to the are the
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top stories on the all to 0 and it was our there has been no pause and israel's bombardment of gauze. despite the youth holiday, at least 6 palestinians were killed in gaza. city following is really strike on the popular market. the united nations agency for children says that wonder if it's vehicles was hit with a live munition. unicef says the car was fired upon while it was waiting to enter it and order and gaza. it's raise the incidents with these really authorities. ukraine's energy facilities are under russian atop. hundreds of thousands of people are in during rolling blackouts. russia says the attacks for revenge for ukrainian
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operations inside russia. ongoing protests on debates in israel, on whether the ultra orthodox jews should serve. and that is really military or threatening benjamin? nothing. yeah. whose government, let's speak to a key. the elder who's a political analyst and a contributor to the is really a daily paper. harris, joining us from tel aviv welcome to alger 0. so how does nothing yahoo then appease his ultra orthodox coalition partners while balancing the demands of other members of his cabinet will say that all members of society should contribute to the military. it's actually a, it's getting more and more difficult for an attorney out, any prime minister. he's not the 1st one that has to try and uh square it is so cool and satisfy everyone at the same time to satisfy those voices in the as well. who uh, calling for a quality and um,
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he is sitting on a time on that. uh, probably it queen size is uh, october 7th that exploded uh weighs the uh time of the simply close to uh woo. whether it is a meeting, the principles of democracy, that the one person, my son has to sacrifice his life in a war. and right now, every is very feel that we are in the central war. uh there is being nothing similar to this says that young people was 50 years ago and uh the uh, that's fair at the same time as also to find is those students of your shiva that it's not only that they don't serve in the army, they are exempt from constriction,
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the government is paying the do say, the subsidize them, they are not working. if you are not able to serve in the army, the messages you are not also able to work so you don't pay taxes. you're subsidized by the government. and at the same time, you are blame me the secular majority for not allowing you to uh, lives, uh, the way you want to live uh to keep the tradition, the offer that kept the joyce people together for many years. and this is what they say that they sell us by pray, abide studies or so i mean, what are the? so what are the next steps here? how do you think this is going to play out? um the super you go to will uh roll in the next few weeks
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probably that uh they have to be prescribe that uh what happens now. uh and this has to be taken happening for generations now. um, it's not uh, has nothing to do with justice and the, the quotes over the road that uh, an 18 years young boy or young go actually uh, when it comes to the old adults, we have talking only about male, a female exempted. and there is no demand even uh to uh, reclose them. so i believe that uh, in the next few weeks we are looking at the political crisis. because let me, oh, coalition is completely depending on the support of the older, older adults,
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right in the old or older. those can not live. where is basically the status for and uh uh, in the holy then in uh, the duties. so all the leaders withdraw their political supports, then the government will fail. absolutely. uh and actually we are heading towards early elections. not only because of the this coincides ways uh the issue of, uh, the hostages. where is the um, the slow we see not only with the, the power steering, but it's on the out is going to find the, the president of the united states, and he's losing support of, uh, his own fathers, easily quote, who uh, i'm not able to get any clear answer for him from him, how he want to end this war. so the deadline of the appeals through
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this a free quote client sides, where is other political challenges ahead of us? and i believe that, you know, we'll have to choose between accepting the ruling of disappeared both. oh, going for elections. okay. okay. the elder, i thank you for joining us from tel aviv. thank you. well, mexico has filed a complaint against ecuador at the international court of justice for reading its embassy, police storm that building and key to last friday to arrest equity doors. former vice president, a former vice president for head gloss, mexico grant of gloss, political asylum after he was convicted twice of corruption. let's speak to julia. go yano, who's joining us now from mexico city. so what does mexico want the i c j to do next? well, 1st and foremost,
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mixed mexico has made it very clear. they want ecuador to be suspended from the united nations until a public apology is issued for the incident that you just described. on april 5th, mexico has also been very clear about the fact that they considered this to be a big violation of their rights under international law and quote, there was a violent attack or violent assault rather against or diplomatic staff. so they also are obviously requesting to do for that. so that's 1st secondly, that a court that they are premises or diplomatic premises each where essentially abandon, shortly after the incidents after the 2 countries uh, blow broke diplomatic relations. they've asked that they be protected, that the archives inside their, all the paperwork. so i can essentially be, be taken care of until their staff can go in and retrieve everything that was left there. now ecuador is expected to weigh in on this complaint in the coming days,
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however, level ready basically said where they stand on the issue. they say that a glass, mr. glass supported by vice president was essentially a convicted criminal. that should have never got an asylum to begin with. they say by brands and human silence, mexico was essentially undermining the ecuadorian justice system. all right, thank you so much for that update from mexico city. still ahead on the i was, is there a news our a formula? one legend is being remembered. 30 years after his death, peter full explained in sports, the business latest is brought to you while the pegasus i live slowly on. one of your lives makes modern pleads. the
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business like just is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes modern pleads. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the arizona supreme court has ruled that a $160.00 rule law banning abortions is enforceable. and with the state court dominated by republicans, the decision is likely to set off a political storm in the us that could have implications for november as presidential election or white house correspondent kimberly hawk. it was more because the donald trump, us president joe biden is making a woman's right to an abortion. a big part of his pitch for a 2nd term. and the focus of his latest ad, your body and your decisions belong to you. he blames conservative republicans for putting women at risk of death. it's a tactic biden's campaign team ignited this week following arizona as court ruling
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reviving of 18. 64 boston ban making a criminal to terminate a pregnancy, even in cases of rape or incest. anyone performing an abortion? jailed up to 5 years democrats, or protesting the town across the country. and by van's reminding voters why he should be re elected, elect me, i'm in a 20. so 20 a century 21st century pack them even is likely contender, former us president donald trump, is backing away from supporting the arizona band in spite of the fact he agreed with the overturning of roe vs wade. the landmark 1973 ruling by the us supreme court, that of firms a woman's right to an abortion the, according to a recent poll,
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59 percent of americans believe abortion should be legal. and this year's election, arizona is a crucial swing state. i think some of these really strict state bands are going to push a lot more people towards the democratic party, especially people who are independents and people who are republicans, but who do not support these kinds of bands. vice president carmella harris will be in arizona on friday with the white house is once again hoping to capitalize on this issue. kimberly how hit al jazeera, the white house. i only count as a professor of law at the university of virginia. she says that mt abortion rights policies have negatively affected women's, physical and psychological health. the real world consequences had been that in many states where thousands of abortions were performed prior to the overturning of roe,
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the actual number of abortions is trending down towards 0. so although nationally the number of abortions has remained about the same or perhaps increased in the states with abortion bands, real world impacts has been an incredible decrease in the number of abortions. a lot of the interstate travel and cases brought by women, denied abortions who describe the incredible trauma of having to carry pregnancies with the data says that were due. so there's been incredible real work world consequences not just in terms of access to abortion in those states, but also for women in those states who have been denied access to abortion. even when they themselves have had their health and danger to a continuation of the pregnancies, there's also been political implications when abortion has been on the ballot in virtually all states of abortion,
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access has one. and so it has been a abortion access has been a winning political issue as well. the former american football star o j simpson has died at the age of $76.00 and a statements on social media. his family said he died of cancer. simpson was accused of killing his ex wife, nicole brown, and her friend in 1994. he was acquitted, but later found liable in a separate civil trial. something also served 9 years for armed robbery, and he tried to retrieve sports memorabilia, which he said was stolen as well. it's time for the sports those now with peter 13 . thank you so much use evenings. ryan fox is the early leader at the most of the settle gusta, these 5 and the paul of to 10 holes. early in the us 1st major was delayed by bad weather. 2017 champions, sergio garcia's for the 1st 30 of the day. a spaniard. these even contain his price
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in december of getting himself out of trouble. on the 4th, the american is currently tied for 2nd, 2 shots behind fox and some african amateur trust. the impressed god himself a booty on the 6th. he's currently tied for 7th at one. i'm well member one know that document just due to the close of finals of the months ago. the mazda is off the beat lorenzo. i'm gonna say to you in straight sets. it was a, this exact stage last year that we said he spend brockovich in spring fits. i mean, tell you and stretch the tucson champion here to chuck and it's providing 75 in the 1st set. the 36 year old will be targeting the 20 foot grand slam title it the friendship and next month. so far so good for these preparations as it looks for a 1st title here in 9 years. one, this 17563. you'll meet alex stem and o in the last 8, c, but it's an early exit food. then you met with dave that the monte carlo mazda is the full seed was beaten by cut in hot. you know,
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if in the last 16 of the leasing the 1st fit, mid vetted lady's frustrations show in the 2nd, let me make sure the officials know he was unhappy with the cold from a line jack open. you're right there to stop to open your eyes right now. well, how do you know if i kept these cool to close up the match? 75 to reach the quote, the files for the 1st time. you'll face the final 60 thoughts next. it's advantage both the loader going into the 2nd leg of the champions, 3 cool to final over they came from behind to be power. sandra, man, 32, chevy's starting lineup, had a wrinkled breaker in 16 year old. i mean, your mo, becoming the youngest play. it's a feature in a champion, so the cool to find that it was the more experienced the feeling. yeah. we did most of the damage. you opened the story in the 1st off the se, sealants. okay. so as for my boss, a man who's not that bad, i equalized with the next and then finish that with to one up of them, 50 minutes, a boss to learn to cut through the pressure in the french capital. the senior
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session was a special one is roughly and makes down today and then and reyes christensen will hit in the winter affair 2 minutes in time to give boston a narrow lead going into the roof to make 10 in and bump it hoping to least be a single that he lose a champion, sneak middle, but not a single shots on target for the french mountains as well. right? you're that man shall, you must have a new stomach or on the bus alone to find as well. and proud and satisfied with this hasn't finished yet, so i believe we are just in the middle of that movie is a great away when in europe, i don't remember how long ago that happened. i think, you know, it's a moment to be proud of. this is an over we have a very difficult match to find boss loan and next tuesday and must have a full mirage. and seeing the foot board, i had my google says being fired from his role as a tv pendant on movie. still a plus of the controversial comments aim towards the media mon pulse alone a m p s t boycotted into these with the spanish tv platform of the comment school goes made while your mom was warming up before the game saying if things done so
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well for him, you'll end up at a traffic light. it's being interpreted as a reference to begging for money by performing tricks for those who served as an assistant manager at authentic $100.00. since apologized for the remarks, a lady going to do it have the upper hand going into a 2nd legged conspiracy endorsements. it took just 4 minutes 40. it goes to me on the side. so you take the lead, woke up when it will trigger the poll, making the most of an error from the june. and that's what i think another different mistake. another place to go is saying, well, you know, some people just move to make it to those to frontier have a fighting chance going back to they haven't gone next week. i because like a semester and how they're pulling a go back to 9 minutes to come pick ups premium club competition now. and you know, it may seem to miami to be knocked out of the competition with the 5 to aggregate. the fee to monterey miami were all ready to one down from the 1st leg and things didn't get any easier when told people drakes haven't
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a gifted ran pretty fast scales. be open to success to run minutes. and then how about this sort of strike headman that benefit on a finding the top corner that made it to on the nice thing before they school to gain 6 minutes later into miami's difficulty. been compounded with a red call. judy alba, not happy here of the getting a 2nd yellow mexican side between the semi finals. they'll face more us so position in columbus. crew in the last 4 in the indian premium lead the moon by indians of thrush. the royal challenge has been diluted by 7 wickets. big lunar basset 1st depths and 50 percent touch screen with 61. as the royal challenges posted 1968. just before the pick of the boat is with 5 to 21. move by the end. power to victory . isham kish on 69 from 13 to bowls. sent them on the way. and by the time the winning runs, wait,
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they will for point 3. 0 this to stay with 3 weeks away from the city of santa booth. 3 or 4 me to one legend to it's insane is days seen. it died off to a crash during the san marino drawing. pre 1990 for the present, and embassy in rome. have put onto late one of the centers retiring, cause center one for speed of 16 races in this. going 1988 on his way to work was the 1st of 3 will titles. meanwhile, 2 time world champion for the end of a loan. so has signed a new contract with s and mostly the 42 year old will continue with the team for another 2 seasons at least. alonzo is one of just 6 drivers to have appeared on the podium 100 times or more to get a battle between the n b a is based in the west. the denver nuggets have taken the outright lead in a conference of today. the federal high flies, the minnesota timber woods, m v b favor making a guess it's made before one point from the lights as they took control of the western conference with the one who succeed, 107 victory, the reigning in b,
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a champions can secure the number one seed for the 2nd straight season. if they remain next to games. another m v p candidate, they look don't judge combined for 50 full points with car using as the dallas mavericks beat somebody. i hate to seal the 16th winning 18 games. the last was cost me for the heat, like a sale for a place in the plane tournaments in order to qualify for the playoffs, getting more step back threes than anybody else. this is the path, the direction he likes to go. it was national siblings day on wednesday. so what time for brothers 5 and josh night, it's a boats decide to hit our rooms, needed the keys and guardians pay do it in the same meeting and approve. vital to victory is that the fisher called the white. so $76.00, the guardians expanding their regular to $9.00 and $3.00. it's they faced sophie $22.00 georgie's walk it off for the 1st. yeah, that's all the sports needs. finance 30. thank you so much, peter. thanks for watching the news on your experience on spends with you in just a moment. more news by
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the must be the emotion in their own words. 3 o g, a 0, a journalist described working had survived through his rails or so of course a lot of my dad was i was calling and especially as much the sort of journalism on the genocide on the jersey. you want to report, but the same time you want to feed your company. you also want to stay a life reporting for the action. how do you mean a case of the time for emergency that plus thousands of people that sleep when i'm hearing the fact palestinian or arabic content has been removed or restricted understanding the reality for these demonstrators? if president lucky, self reckoning the stability of the country,
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i'll just say it was teens across the world. when you click sense to the fonts at the store. that the one, the average person to know what the truth was. scientists dismissed as profits of do. we knew where the temperature was going to go by lead is seeking the profits of industry. they were publishing reports saying this is not an urgent problem. could we have changed the course of the climate to emergency? air is outages here as new series died. last futures you will see caught a duty and a growth using for the p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands in our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches it's deserving recipients. visit the cost
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on the web presence. and remember the copy revised wells and increases systems cost on request the, the low pools in israel, as bombardments of gaza, $6.00 palestinians, or kills. and it is rarely a truck that targeted a market in kansas city, the territory. and this is all just here, a lot from the coming of age work is in gauze that come under attack. once again, unicef says one of its vehicles was filed on trying to enter the north of the street. ukraine struggles to protect its energy facilities in the hockey regions of the dentist, russian s trucks of thoughts of south western russia around the world. what's being


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