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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 12, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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of the people in power shots, the progress of an idealistic young generation of rebels as a pivotal moment in the last 60 years of the country's trouble history. on the phones the in my, on the, on the roads on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm carrie johnston. this is a nice lot from time how coming up the next 16 minutes. at least 6 people are killed, as is ready as strikes target, a busy market in kansas city, u. n. team that visited con units reports widespread disruption. civilians struggling to savannah street and public spaces in con, unice,
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or later with unexploded ordnance closing of severe risk to civilians, especially for children and un security council of tunnel fails to reach an agreement, type of protest finds renewed bits for full members of the well all the ukraine struggles to protect its energy facilities as russia around suffering. so tax reports on the optima are those a simpson format us full star is famously acquitted over several months dies of cancer. the is 22, g and t. that's midnight in gaza with deadly is where the strikes have continued across the street. at least 6 people were killed in an attack as a part of the market in guns a city. several others were injured is ready for suicide, also carried out at target operation on the outskirts of this route,
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refugee camp. at least 5 protest opinions were killed and strikes that targeted. a school under residential building. power i assume is in rafa and has more on the latest is rarely strikes as this strikes on the no, they're part of the gods. a stripe did not stop since the 80 hours of today's morning. one of the main strikes that they had targeted a fresh market, which is one of the main central markets in kansas city that provides full services for thousands of palestinians on a daily basis. it has been completely attacked and destroyed today. you weren't 6 palestinians, at least being killed in that attack with a number of injuries, who have been transferred to our prospects, which is a jason to that place for medical treatment. but yes, to the usability military, not only did attack markets, but they are been attacking residential houses and need to value the number of palestinians have been acute that including one of the top officials in the
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ministry of interior run by how much government and who has been described to be responsible for securing a deliveries to the another part of cause i'm, it's more initial reports arriving, that indicating that these very minute 3 on all the units are still bouncing by the tunnel in town in the fall north of the territory alongside with a direction neighborhood where a most that has been completely destroyed and new like top in flight thing. and also it strikes under. so rock refuge account and the middle area u. n. has sent a team to the city of calling you this to assess the damage following the withdrawal of israeli troops. the 4 teams are reported widespread destruction every building they visited. and most of all, and most of those they were able to see, had been damaged and paid roads have been reduced to dirt tracks. the team inspected a united nations warehouse for medical centers and 8 schools. they saw a very significant damage in all,
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but one of those structures street and public spaces in con eunice or later with unexploded ordnance posing a severe risk to civilians, especially for children and the team found unexploded found unexplored. the 1000 pound bomb lying on the maintenance or section and inside schools, where they are supposed to i'm sure, a professor, security and ministry studies have to do hot institute for graduate studies. there's a defensive strategy going on, but also there will be more of an offensive. uh so if you looked at the number of the gates, they have declined from almost 20 brigades in december of last year to now about 2 brigades. what they're doing is the, the 900 and 33rd and how big it is in the eh, is manning a and it's sitting quarter door, which is a, a buffet area between the north of does the to govern the rates on to the north of
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guys a does a governor right and north of casa, and this, the center in the south of guys are so data, but, uh, and the 10 units, and then the, because like of, and the dot com and rates. so that corner is about south of the 10th street and it's cutting godly into 2 parts all the way through the me to the union. and they're using this to control the mobility, whether it'll civilians or otherwise. there's also a, the $400.00 them for us today. we learned that the, it, it did the it or what spaces and just attack on the site i can. so apparently they're doing is surgical strikes. this is usually the intelligence that through the intelligence would have some information about possible minutes into activity, and then the 400. and 1st, this is an ahmed eh, b gate that will, will engage them. there's also to all the movements, if you wish, one that has to do with the buffer zone. the 100 the,
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the one could only to deep the buffer zone between these raise the borders and as a this into gaza. and this is a penalty the cutting for the gate from the this is a part of the god subdivision that i thought it'd be good. and in the north, the penalty there are some of formation as well from the, from fear be gauge from the $900.00 to the gate in the bay tunnel and all the way to a it is so that there's, there's more, this is all defensive and you know as the tip of the spear dependency they're taking good us now to the corporate and then probably launch a new offensive in the in real far the most populated area. old file because the strip not the amount of turn and agency units such as stuff came on the it's very far on thursday. it's a 4 to one of it's vehicles was hit by long i munition waiting to enter northern gauze. that unit says says it has raised the incidents with its burial forties or spokesperson tests. ingram was in,
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not calling by when it was shot that i was in one of the 3 cars that was part of a convoy was unicef. and on row we were on a coordinated mission to try and deliver fuel to water wells and the noise and loss saving nutrition and medical supplies to come a loved one hospital. we left a rough uh, after some delays we got to the holding void before the check point. uh, what do you guys uh, this is a designated holding point where you and vehicles are made to wait until the check point is, is ready to receive us. we will wasting the when gun fire broke out in the vicinity, the gunfire came from the direction of the check point toward civilians who then right away from the check point. and the gunfire hit us. we were really lucky. we had some colleagues outside of the cars, checking a mechanical problem with the nutrition truck when the fire broke out and they had to run back to our ahmed vehicle. fortunately they was safe,
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but 3 bullets hit the car, but i was in right on my pass all the window and also the bonnet of the car. so this is just another example of how unsafe it is to humanitarian aid workers and how, you know, missions like these are made it possible. re, re sit with irrelevant. it's is rarely, authorities, we're still waiting a response. but you know, this is the most serious incident, the units of stuff have experience during this escalation in gaza. so we're really taking these to the highest levels. and it's important to remember it's almost series incident, but it's not isolated. safety is not guaranteed even when we type all of the required steps as we saw with the tragic world central kitchen incident. this is just another example of, of an incident like that. as the amount of terran aid slow, the makes its way into gauze or a trickle of properties along with 8 supply. some of them down to enter the northern arizona district. but as a kind of loot has this update from giovanni and there are some,
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a basic supplies and foods has arrived to the low from, draws us such like the eggs flow and eh, or run just a book date to, to me, to stand such eh, things but all of these doesn't cover the, the, the need or the a several years here. and all of this also is not affordable. so all the people who are living in the north of gaza because if we can come there between the prices between it before the invasion and also the invasion. it's a big data is very. busy a huge. busy if i want to buy a therapy before the, the war and guys i would buy it for a 2 on house on $3.00. but if i want to buy it now, it's cost me through cost me a $35.00 or $40.00, and you can uh, uh,
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take it as too many supplies. and if it was dr wife to the north of garza, the united nations security council was committee on the mission of new members. this failed to reach consensus on whether to admit palestine as a full member of the un. 2 thirds of the committee were in favor for the group could not reach a consensus required to make a recommendation to the general assembly. okay, bill and is on the joins us from un headquarters in new york's okay. but what all the details on this a yeah, essentially this was the 2nd security council committee meeting and the last week that they've had on this issue. and they were at least hoping to reach some sort of consensus, and then it would have gone to a full vote of the security council. and then according to the un charter to the general assembly to be essentially ratified and voted upon. however, they were not able to reach consensus in committee after 2 meetings, the committee meets behind closed doors. there's no journalist,
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so out inside so you can only green. what happens after diplomats come out of the meeting? the committee meeting is made up of all the 15 security council members. and essentially what we heard from multiple was despite 2 thirds of the security council members behind closed door saying that they supported palestine to bid for full membership. without consensus, it means that it dies in committee. listen to a little bit more of what multis ambassador to the un had to say just a short time ago. there was no consensus in this meeting on the committee. however, the majority with a membership outside many countries outside the facts that kind of science courses are the criteria that are required on the months of video, convention,
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chaucer and some countries with lots of reasons why i'm explaining that 1st so as the chair of the committee we have sciences, i have decided that i will be circulating our best also very full of doing no objection procedure and we would see the next step from this now most is important in this process because they hold the presidency of the security council for the month of april, now we asked the us representatives over the course of last week or so of why they continue to threaten to veto this. should it go to a full vote and security council. and the us position essentially is, is that there needs to be a 2 state solution that needs to be negotiated between the palestinians and
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israelis before the issue of full un membership comes to the table. also the us is said that there have some doubt, if a palestine actually meets the requirements according to the charter to be a full member. of course, the vast majority of the $193.00 member states of the un disagree with the united states and have voiced support for full membership for palestine in the un. this is the 2nd time that the palestine is paid for. full un membership has failed. and un security council committee, the 1st time was in 2011. and at that time, palestine went directly to the general assembly. and the general assembly voted overwhelmingly to bestow upon palestine the observer status. and that's what palestine has had since 2011. so they are able to do quite a lot of things within the us and they are a member. but with only observer status, they are not able to. i'm of other things vote in the general assembly and attend
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all of the meetings that the other 193 members are able to. so essentially, palestine is been pretty much disenfranchised from the un body that they participate in for many years now or participate in as much as they're allowed to last point is the security council could still vote on this issue, but it would have to be a resolution that is brought forth by another security council member that is possible that could happen next week. it's not completely out of the question. however, even if that happens, the us has hinted, or at least indicated that they would be prepared to be tow it us for those details for us. i gabriel, thank you. on going protests on debates on whether ultra orthodox jews should serve in these many. mitre is threatening to bring down the private us to benjamin netanyahu. has coalition government or chinese has more now from occupied
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these truce a several thousands ultra orthodox jews take part in a demonstration on says de outsides. a recruitment sex, and military recruitment center in west teresa the now this is the latest and a series of demonstrations of the for all the adults have been involved in some of which have ended in violence against police. so classes with police now, what they're angry about these moves by the governments, which might see them being stripped, a veteran exemption from military service. it's a situation that dates back to the beginning of the age where the states in the 9th and the late 1940 is when the governments of the time told the how to orthodox community as it was that that they didn't have to do ministry service. now only $400.00 males that are applied so it might have because the community was so small,
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but since then it's expanded hugely and it now makes up about 13 percent of the anti is ready population. but it still has this exemption for military service. and at the moment, when many is ready still, that they are fighting and the tech suspension girl against how much they think this is grossly unfair, that this community should not have to share the burden of slicing in the army. and they also say that the at the alter or schools that out so essentially lost be supported by the state so that they can do the religious scholarship. so the supreme court is basically told benjamin that, you know, his governments that he has to remedy the situation is discriminatory. and he has to come up with a lot of sorted out boss. it's a big problem for him because to policies in his governing coalition ultra orthodox policies. and if he i am talking always has been too much. then they might collapse with the governments and that mike's lapses and benjamin asking next me all he
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might lose power. really challenge out 0 of the parties. truth and the lebanese on his but out has 5. several of all kids side is very positions in the occupied territories of it. shut off palms, israel set at target. it has been all positions in southern lebanon. i have some has more from i to shop in the southern are called z, roaming the lines of the separation line between 11. and then as you can see this as the walls just behind me here, the situation is it could be described as a test then scald. so people sees the, fortunately to come to the villages, to inspect the amount of destruction, though it separately is ready. so x on the day bought and also several times will attacks. however, this did in treaty prevents people from coming here. we are also trying to seize the fortune to, to,
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to come to this area which has been away from the lens for the past few months. due to the huge amount of boardman daily bombardment and destruction. this is, this is the border you can see is just on the other side. it's a very dangerous space. maybe one of the most dangerous places in the world. and we've come here for the 0. we are the only international shot of here today to show you what's been happening on the board as between 11 and this read over the past few months. and then when i came to see my funds celebrate in the us over here, we hear the sound of war planes and a strikes we are in the town of ita, one of the most destroyed towns on the board as between 11 and then is really everywhere. has been hit either by plains as we are here and right now we can hear
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clearly the sound of drones and over the past months it's been 6 months since this what i spotted, it's been 6 months that heights has been founded with a strikes opportunity, drones of tags, whatever every day on daily basis the stone has been hit. and as we can see it's, it's really a, a destroyed area. of course, the idea is not the only town on the board and such a situation that's also model hand. there are many, all the thousands and as we showed you in the past days, no foot off. these are all border towns where thousands of people used to live with life used to be normal before 6 months earlier. and now it's, it's deserted and everyone is gone. many uh, internally displaced a residence in, in, in,
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in several areas around the country. waiting till the end of this conflict from i to shop, southern 11 on on the hash, him under the regional attentions, remain as a high us says it's urgent countries that have diplomatic relations with been wrong to dissuade it from any possible attack against isabel serrano has threatened retaliation off to an attack on its embassy in damascus, which he blames on israel. of every country in the world would be heard by wider regional, more, both economically and diplomatically. and so the, the secretary has been making clear to every country that has any semblance of a relationship with a ron, that it is in their interest to use that relationship to send a message to iran that they should not escalate this conflict. but i will let those countries speak for themselves about what action they may or may not take the
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families with children not being evacuated from 40 southern villages in hawkins region of ukraine. that's as it comes on heavy from boffins from russian forces. the matter of the city of hockey says it was struck by a russian. mr. jones, the region has been under a dentist, russian attack of the past 2 days, a wednesday, 3 people with tube and another missile attack. and a ton of bits in northern hockey trials, traffic reports from hawk avon, russia's targeting of ukraine's power. great. so this is the off them off the russian ballistic missile on the tack on the ukrainians thermal electric pond. the power of these missiles, evidence in the sheer scale of destruction. millions of dollars worth of damage to ukraine, energy input structure across the country that will need huge international help to build. russia says, the surgeon is attacks,
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is revenge for ukraine's cross border sabotage and targeting oil installations. someone would say it's more tactical before a potential russian bonds. good. the good one of them because the restoration, we have to directives, restore the building itself, and then restore the equipment sort of together with the ministry of energy. if you try and we're turning specifically performance target sides with the west and pod nicer. and our specialists are now in the baltic states, where the transfer of the preserved equipment is being considered, rather than you can do this mobile phone footage, we showed moments of to the attack on the plant. a defense is what you create in many of its allies, safe needs. patriot missiles and more for the delay in the us congress to approve 60 plus $1000000000.00 of a and a slow response by all the friendly states means the weaponry isn't getting to ukraine fast. and that's what you're going to hear. there is another. and
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a lot of these are happening pretty much every day. and throughout the night. also this was once one of the largest. so problems in all of ukraine supplying both electricity and hot water. so millions of people across the country is being hit repeatedly by kind of calls each other. and since the beginning of the we'll put on march the 22nd, it was hit by a massive russian ballistic missile. all the time we hit to the underground shelter, tired men and women sitting virtual silence as they spend an increasing amounts of a day hung goods on the ground. alexa, as well to 21, use an incredibly, he and full. he's co workers who were here at the time, survived the attack for personal commercial, unbuttoning and blowing up with the 1st, and then you're doing the band and work and equipment out of which and 2nd,
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you to know for sure what the missiles little kids. so we stay by our machines before hiding at the last moment we. it's hard to describe the size of explosions. so the one the lesson created was allowed. that was sold terrace flash enough because we were so very close membership. i shake when i think of a barcode with my list, i'm homeless person, i'm you. so the workers get the oakley back to the dock on developing a diploma. 10 minutes after they begin work again. there's another song and they have to pay it back to the shelter. hundreds of thousands of ukrainians subpoenaed during blackouts in recent weeks. the streets of some areas and called keith, almost pitch black of them like these men and women are risking their lives just trying to begin the massive clean up operation. knowing that another attack could happen any time. charleston orthodontist ear as may have scott called,
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keep regent ukraine. you and it's new to watch the coast called for an end to drone attacks on this operation. nuclear plant in ukraine, international atomic energy agency said drones get to react to building your biggest nuclear power station on sunday. a direct attack against the supervision hooked up out of town to mark and major is cation of the new get, safety and security. the dangers in new grain, significantly increasing the risk of a nuclear accident. we are meeting today, and i really need to the united nations security council next week. because it is a bad amount importance to ensure this reckless attacks do not mark the beginning of a new and gravely dangerous front of the will. not a day passes without a strikes shot during the lives of yet more families across the country. in
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hockey, you've got a song, you've lived eve, live odessa, that parted. see, i don't, yes, i'm the pro wave of the massive wave of attacks continue to kill an injured civilians and cause widespread damage and destruction to civilian critical civilian infrastructure. no region in ukraine has been sped by this war. a russian president vladimir putin has been brief about the flooding and south western russia. he held a video of coal with the governor's of the affected regions on the emergency minister. they told him the situation in august has stabilized. severe floods on affecting towns and cities across the southern russia and catholics done. after you've had the longest with the best it's banks, thousands of people have been forced to flee the homes often with this wing. the euro river in the southern russian city of or a has reached record highs, you know, something about of the reports from or in,
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back to the level of the year old ribbon or. and that has exceeded the critical level by hall for me to end. the votes has continued to rise. we're in our saba, which was one of the 1st to find itself in the flood zone. the water level has reached home is 2 meters here, in some places only the roof visible in many places of curation. if it's continue, it will come pad the situation here in or above, to the one in the 2nd largest city of pause that some residents refuse to evacuate and still remain in the houses. here the buildings have completely empty. you can see people sail boats to pick up their belongings and in the walls he can stumble up on things like fridges, microwaves, pieces of furniture, and so on. the organ by region is the agriculture region on for many farm is saving the lives. so is a priority now, numerous reba is by step on snow totally here in the orbit region,
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but also in the coal gone. and too many regions in southern zeros on the inside be, are it as well as in the neighboring, kazakhstan, and the peak of the flooding of the tip temple and ition, rivers and bushes, cru gotten into many regions, is expected a band of april, you know, ship off all of our ultra 0 over in bag. so someone else has sarah, how the enforcement of a 19th century door finding abortions in arizona to become an electro of threats for the public and in the us. and hundreds of people died. keats waving temperatures reaching nearly 50 degrees celsius. the oldest still more combined has been more or less following the coast to west and
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australia may well make some landfill here and there will bring wind and rain without a particularly big strong store, but it will bring trout and rain to west australia has been dry for the last several weeks, and in contrast to that, despite the fact we've got a revolving storm develope and the car will say this east coast of australia is much nicer now. there's nothing sharper is. so if you like charles in queensland, and maybe that comes back to whole new south wales as well, but they really coastal things. sunshine is the president for otherwise, i'm from new zealand. once that rains gone through, must've called frontier on fridays, asked to see quite windy and wet weather for no father if it might stretch down 2 bits of sire findings as well. and the potential for further flash starting the big sounds is still the 1000. you're getting back to indonesia, and so it may have to a single pull on call alone. and also that there are huge housing this to help talk to me in the thailand, it's going to piece the current drive side. and the same is true for japan and northern half of china and the korean police ship of the still rain to be seen south of the yangtze,
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which is just popping up the flooding just on the dry. and i'm just particularly warm or how does this lot of writing and facing up to about 29 on saturday. the hey washington in their own words 3, i'll just leave a general this describe working and survived through his rails or so of course a lot of my bad well i was calling and especially his english. i think the sort of journalism under genocide on a jersey or you want to report, but at the same time you want to feature probably you also want to stay alive. examining the headlines is there is a fleet today for forms of life and got unflinching journalism. awesome. every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with
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a deliver or do you want to create a world for women, come and feel natural released that trauma and create explorer and abundance of world class programming on which is era the the, [000:00:00;00] the, the watching i'll just a reminder of our top stores now this time, deadly is rarely as strikes have continued across the gauze. this trip, at least 6 people were killed in an attack. us of talked to the markets and guns,
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the $65.00 protestants. russo killed in the outskirts of his route to refugee count ice, really forces you and has sent a team to the city of con units to assess the damage for them. there was 2 of them . as many troops is team reported widespread destruction, significant damage to warehouses, medical sectors, schools votes throughout the states, and mostly destroyed you and security counselors committee on the mission of new members as failed to reach consensus, edits with the hottest foot member of the united nations. 2 thirds of the committee worked face for the group could not reach a consensus. mexico has filed a complaint against ecuador international court of justice for reading its embassy for the storm. the building in quito last friday to arrest equity was former vice that that is in a glass, mexico bronte glass political
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a sign him off. he was convicted twice of corruption, mexico's preston says, also us to you and to expel ecuador over the rate on the mexican embassy. so there's one thing i think that this will be effected. countries should be able to go before the international court of justice and the court in accordance with the united nations charter, should approve the expulsion and there should be no fee to do that because it on you is in mexico city and joins us now. so do the, what does next to k want the i c j to do exactly well, as you just mentioned, as we just heard the mexican president say, ultimately the mexican government was the expulsion of ecuador from the u. n. but 1st, they're saying that they should be suspended temporarily, while an investigation is carried out into the incidence at the embassy last friday . they also want ecuador to make a public apology about the incident. something that the ecuadorian government has already said, it's not going to happen because according to them,
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they didn't break the law. they say it was actually mexico who broke the law 1st by granting asylum to someone who they say did not qualify for it. the former vice president of ecuador had already been convicted on 2 counts of corruption, and therefore, according to the ecuadorian authorities, they should, he shouldn't have been granted asylum to begin with. they say that it was a provocation of political provocation by mexico to grant it to him and an undermining of the ecuadorian judicial system. now, the 2nd thing that the mexican government is asking, the court is for it to guarantee the integrity of its premises, its diplomatic premises in kito, the ecuadorian capital, and the video that we were that we saw of this storming of the embassy shortly after. that incident took place mexico broke relations, diplomatic relations with ecuador, and it's embassy staff left the country. so excuse me. so they actually want access to the embassy in order to retrieve all kinds of important documentation,
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paperwork, computers, etc. the may have been left there when their stuff abandoned the country, so they gotta be honest, thanks so much indeed for that. we're going to stay with this. i'm gonna speak to audrey on that perez now is the lawyer and physical analyst. and the code on this out this so include those not just nice, he's always this long, have not from black. you in ecuador, welcome to the program. so 1st of all, let me ask you, what do you make of this different attic show down. thank you very much for having me, i think is a very complex situation. you know the question to whether a but or the bleach international law then the, the ask the receptionist very clear. yes, yes, there are no exceptions to general physical. the embassies are thought you right? however, it is also true that the a big literally not throw the 1st stone and is in this, in this mess. it's, it's, it's pretty,
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pretty clear. the mexican was all on the bridge of international law and quickly a on come region of article 3 of the connect as convention. so a new, this is true of the, in these cases, to also make a right. but it is all to the paper was for the very, very awkward situation by the government of lopez or whatever. how much of an international precedent day does this set storming over a foreign embassy to my knowledge that there's really no no precedence alicia, in the like the complex i believe the summer incident happens in july and the in the eighty's. so it's not a particularly good good precedent at all. right? so it's a, once again, there's really no good excuse on the part of it, but, or we're having that rate at an embassy. that being said, what is also true is that mr. glass is you, she is academic,
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the phone and the 3 of the kind of just, the vision is, is very clear that such and such people that are not to be drafted asylum. and the 1st time that something like this happens, a mexico has really had a, has it happens um give an asylum to, uh, to, to, to people who have been completed on the, on the system or on the guy on the next 2, a run and have some sort of political assignment sort of the 1st time this happens . and it seems that the government of been, you know, was busters not to decide that this was never happened one more time. and what annual fee you that is likely to happen going forward? what is the international court of justice? lucky to say about this in the end it's, it's very hard to say the mexico has the managed ssl, pretty, pretty radical measures against the equity early on because i'm an expulsion to it
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again. maybe i go to monitor for this is the what the organization of american states, the just the, the, the, the, the organization had a meeting a, i believe it was yesterday, and the sure to a condemnation against the board. but it was a very, very low roof or common nation. edu. say they, they also included a home that evening there in the state. and they also, they also the questions or credit sites. uh, mexico was a behavior, you know, the, so i think there is a recognition on the international level that yes, they were, was on the wrong a, my, a reagan embassy, but the mexico is not, it does not have a queen has in this matter neither. okay. my name it the afternoon parents. thanks very much indeed for your insights. thank you. now go to mazda is president, has issued a natural disaster declaration of dozens of fires,
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but in force, and that's a major landfill site. and there's almost a declaration that frees up funding for firefighting efforts, present and other are about those said 80 percent of the fives was started by people. authorities have launched criminal law suits that same investigate. the source of the advisors are his own. a supreme court has ruled that's a 160 year old, no binding, abortions is enforceable. the decision is likely to set up a political storm and a us that could that implications for that. then this presidential election, i want to test, corresponded to, kimberly, how could, has more because of donald trump, you as president joe biden is making a woman's right to an abortion. a big part of his pitch for a 2nd term. and the focus of his latest ad, your body and your decisions belong to you. he blames conservative republicans for
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putting women at risk of death. it's a tactic biden's campaign team ignited this week. following arizona is court ruling reviving of 18. 64 boston band, making it criminal to terminate a pregnancy, even in cases of rape or incest, anyone performing in a boston jailed up to 5 years. democrats are protesting the town across the country, and bivens reminding voters why he should be re elected, elect me, i'm in a 20. so 20 a century 21st century. back then even is likely contender, former us president donald trump, is backing away from supporting the arizona band. in spite of the fact he agreed with the overturning of roe vs wade. the landmark 1973 ruling by the us supreme
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court. that of firms a woman's right to an abortion. according to a recent poll, 59 percent of americans believe abortion should be legal. and this year's election, arizona is a crucial swing state. i think some of these really strict state bands are going to push a lot more people towards the democratic party, especially people who are independents and people who are republicans, but who do not support these kinds of bands. vice president carmella harris will be in arizona on friday with the white house is once again hoping to capitalize on this issue. kimberly how hit al jazeera, the white house on economy is professor of low at the university of virginia. she says that anti abortion invites policies have negatively affected women's, physical, and psychological health. the real world consequences have been that in many states
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where thousands of abortions were performed prior to the overturning of roe, the actual number of abortions is trending down towards 0. so although nationally the number of abortions has remained about the same for perhaps increased in the states with abortion bands. real world impacts has been an incredible decrease in the number of abortions. a lot of interstate travel and cases brought by women, denied abortions who describe the incredible trauma of having to carry pregnancies with the data says that were due. so there's been incredible real world world consequences and not just in terms of access to abortion. in those states, but also for women in those states who have been denied access to abortion, even when they themselves have had their health and danger to
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a continuation of the pregnancies. there's also been political implications when abortion has been on the ballot in virtually all states. of abortion access has one and so it has been a abortion access has been a winning political issue as well. small these minutes turn. so it has banned all political activities. so i think it's needed to maintain public order of this month, more than 80 parties and civic groups called on a minute to leadership whole presidential elections as soon as possible. molly has been on the mid true since a 93 years ago. was staying in my land more than a 100 people died during the records breaking sheet, with temperatures in one town, at least 48.5 degrees. but it's smith reports there's not much access to electricity and model. so using funds or i condition is to get released from extreme heat is nearly impossible. that means heat stroke can kill a skillet based on view of a qc. you have a card on, if someone comes with
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a fever at 42 degrees sent to break it, you have to put ice on them or put them under air conditioning, or security as well. you've got to do this within 40 minutes. otherwise, people get lesions on the vital organs. when that happens, even if the fever is beaten, organ damage can result in where we have been receiving patients and these conditions. and it's too late to do anything for them. at least a 100 people have died in the capital bama code. the figure could be much higher elsewhere in molig meteorologist measure the temperature of $48.00 degree celsius in one town on april, the full. that's the highest ever recorded on the african continent. the our parent died a week ago because of the heat. when we came in to pray, the cemetery god told us they were 15 to 20 barrels a day. of people who died from the heat. the heat wave is being claimed only al nino, where the problem made climate change. according to the will meet or logical organization
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. temperatures in most land areas worldwide, will be above normal until at least may, when i mean you start to read and it's made out just so you can. yeah, says it has made that proposal to if you, if you're in small to diffuse tensions between the 2 neighbors. it involves negotiating amount of time with sources treaty that will govern how countries in the region access ports on commercial times. tensions between the 2 countries have been bouncing off the if you, if you signed a port d over the break rate somalia region of smarty then in january so 8 for services have reached a climax in my jet. the colorful events across the country with interest reports from northern colorado states with century solar traditions have come a life. so, have, i mean, yeah, there is little change to the way people in cano celebrate very depressed. even the
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arrival of these non hundreds of years ago has done little to change the way i might not be. event is being mont, internal across many parts of nigeria, but yeah, internal fits. you will need hundreds of thousands of people gather nigerians. a torres, a life, gather to what this, what is happening here. and the only thing that people consider the religious my patients are traditionally on very close to the hearts they spend the last to look good and even be a matter of kind of the 0 that know express is spread in order to me members last long until the next celebration. so what we see. yeah. every year is the gathering at the point of also still because writers who protect themselves and up to police and forces in front of the image. and it goes private dignitaries, music and does is paulo bar and this is a brand loss quote that you see are internal every single year due to drugs.
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hundreds, if not thousands of tories who come to this place and decide, but stopped picking up the conditions in order to today. people in the thousands, hundreds of thousands. we come here to kind of to see there's timelines, practical, how many degrees i just got kind of, i guess what sort of head here now, is there a hundreds of people from me and mar, leading to thailand. would explain why the,
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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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to vietnam now where bit in a real estate tycoon has been sentenced to death for her relative mazda mining. the country's biggest financial fluid strongly line was found guilty of bribery, violating banking regulations on the best limits for softening off more than $12000000000.00 from one of vietnam's commercial banks. and those jessica washington now reports thousands of people victim to discount in the streets of her team in the city this week. protest dozens of people gathered outside of branch of this thing on commercials and give us back a money they choose. they just pulled off in vietnam's biggest financial skin at the people's go to vote, team in city building a real estate tycoon. true milan was found guilty as embezzlement, bribery and violating thank regulations and sentenced to death. earlier stage media
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had announced the court intended to give land the harshest possible sentence, and to make an example of the quote said she paid bribes to government officials and controlled the cycle and commercial bank illegally through hundreds of shell companies. because the court heard that land pay, deprived of more than $5000000.00 to senior central bank inspectors. millions for land can launch and appeal. vietnam has the most, as a global business hub, and quoted for an investment positioning itself as an alternative to china. so phone companies wanting to manufacture in asia, but experts say taste is like this can affects the willingness of corporations to do business here. so right now with the situation you are having both the economic risk market risk and government rates at the same time. right? because of the regulating bodies didn't regulate the banks, which allow for much to me like to do what you did. as long as you say more than 40000 people, victims of the scan. you in terms of stuff at the bank convince to to buy corporate
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phones. she didn't know these phones willing to show companies owned by line. and so right now, after working in a cigarettes factory and is a street vendor for decades, she says she has lost her life savings nearly $30000.00 and i'm getting thankful. dollars channels. i don't know. okay. yeah, yeah, a couple of my couple i will come, you know, when come, when i found out such an talk on cried by myself. i'll die if i can't get my money back. i put each and every penny i had, and then i just want my money back. i don't care about the vatike. i go home liking for me. they can't even now know. she says she now lives on just $2.00 a day and who lives on free food from temples for her meals. there will be a separate trial for the food case involving corporate phones. meaning for now, people like hun, don't know how they will get their money back. or if they ever will. jessica
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washington of thailand is ready to temporarily accept 100000 refugees from me and mount. so billions of thing. the country amid fighting between rebels, magenta and con, state near the border with ty that 5 security forces have intensified patrols in the area. human rights watch has urge tie that not to forcibly return refugees to me in my alliance of anti genta rebels has made advances against them that a treat in recent months, rebel groups. and ma'am, uh say they've taken the town this, me a why the on the border with the time that it's on the important trading hub. well, $1000000000.00 with goods passed through it each. yeah. well this is the latest set back for them and it to georgetown. pretty chang reports not from the time. i mean my board tie on the big codes the pair outside the boat of crossing into me and my early on thursday morning. reports from across the river to the town of me,
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what he told me. you may have seen the reality on the ground that like a beef through a couple of days. the fighting continuity as do now as to be, as we speak now, can defy things to continue. and if, even though the melody is not broken, 100 percent. but i can say now from as my minutes. yeah. more than 90 percent already broken. the on the other side of the bridge, soldiers from yeah, mazda battalion 275200 has requested safe passage into thailand, military fatigues swamped for civilian clothes, waiting on the banks of the molly river. totally so just watched and waited. planes in the sound of the strikes in the distance, the tiny miller tree still on high or low. they believe me of what he has already full and but the remaining man logins, the soldiers are right here across the border. and if there is any more fighting, this is where it will happen. on the other bridge in the center of the tide town as
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may salt, hundreds of refugees pulled across the board from milwaukee. now the ground forces have left they stip on bob from the law and since they were fighting they were fight digits, bombing the area they might have dropped into civilian areas accidentally. people might die. that's what worried me and made me sleep. i don't dare to stay there was fighting at but to me into 75, and fight the test bones as well. just today. i was scared with this kid and my sister told me to flee to this site. inside me a while the streets deserted and sharp shouted pickup trucks with men patrol the streets. no insignia are on the uniforms, but they say they'll vacate the boulder when the current army and their allies arrive. but the me and my military pushed out from this region. it's not clear who's in control. tony checking out the 0 on the time me and my bowden
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o. j simpson, the former us full star turned back to it was cleared up a double, murder has died of cancer, the age of 76. samson was acquitted of the matter of his former wiping to friend to the trial that gripped america. but it was later found liable in a separate civil case from hendrick. looks back on his life. of the world, watched with rapt attention is o. j. simpson heard the verdict and the so called murder trial of the century. oh, unsolved. james simpson, not guilty of the crime of murder. a divided global public saw the eye clinic tell him, ice case unfold in real time. if it doesn't fit, you must equip spearing simpson jail time, but ultimately forever tarnishing his previously pristine reputation or install james simms and burst out of the sports scene as an explosive running back at the university of southern california. then the buffalo bills as a professional,
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he is still regard. it is one of the greatest of all time for a while he seemed to be everywhere all at once and on the field. o. j simpson abdul was saying he had to be run out of the deck in the broadcasting booth. he'd advertisements from indian hollywood blockbusters give this man some drugs. can you see the pain that may be driving a white or light colored for the front costs? then on june 17th, 1994 came this slow speed bronco chase that ended in a charge of murder for the death of his wife. nicole entered friend and alleged parent more. ronald goldman occurring 2 years after the acquittal of the police and the beating of motor is rodney king, left the yawning, racial divined in the us, the simpson murder case, widen that chasm would much of black america, believing in his innocence and much of white america, doubting the united states is a deeply divided polarizing nation. i think
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o j simpson is the perfect encapsulation of that division of that pull the reservation. and i think given the fact that what took place in 1995, i think that still resonates very much with people today. after his shocking acquittal in 1995 simpson was found liable for wrongful death in a civil trial in order to pay $33500000.00 to the brown. in goldman, families is 2006 manuscript. if i did, it offered what he called a hypothetical account of the murderers in 2008 simpson was again charge. this time was armed robbery for recovering his own memorabilia. he said, and he spent 9 years in prison making his parias status complete. his recent months, simpson posted about his health on social media on mild is good. i mean obviously i'm dealing with some issues, but i think i'm just the bottle wrist and i'll be back on the golf course. hopefully in a couple of weeks
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o j. simpson's family. said he died wednesday of cancer. he was 76. that's it for me, a carrie johnston for this news out. you can find more on our website, delta 0 dot com. my colleague, tom jones will be here in just a moment with most of the days about it, and steve, thanks. the a pod came in to be used as the oil, c software, the casualties we have not suffered, states pilots use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who that you say know double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling. for you, it's very, very painful to hear the story on talk to how does era
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these are the mythologies on the drum is they used to march 3 d o t before dawn box with an increase. it's really been a cheap presence. it's too dangerous. as daylight arrived at costing begins instead of traditional decorations, the st cods images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces. it's not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies and tourists will for is the city often defies the seasonal. we used to be long on the street box right now that it's easy to move around. the mall could be different. and warren go to change the situation and not listen. we have 70 percent more business people here say the higher the month is even more significant this year. a foster emphasize with those hungry and suffering in casa foster, a 10 year journey,
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in which it has become the most important translation award from. i'm into the how to rubik language world wide shaped come out of ward for translation. and international understanding. announce is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024, starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m, or the at least 6 people are killed as rainy strikes, talk is a busy market in kansas city. under un team reports widespread destruction in hong yu minutes of the days of his way. the attacks street and public spaces in con, unice or later with unexploded ordnance, posing severe risk to civilians,


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