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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 12, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the m, the at least 6 people are killed as rainy as strikes targets that busy market and guns, especially under u. n. t reports widespread destruction in hon. eunice after the days of his ready attacks street and public spaces and ton unit. so later with unexploded ordnance posing severe risk to civilians, especially for children. the other one down. jordan, this is obviously around 9 from dell also coming up un security council panel fails to reach an agreement of a palestine renewed bid for a full membership. you crate and struggles to protect its energy facilitators as
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russia rumps up its attacks. we report on the altima from the hockey region and hundreds of people from the in my are flying into tyler after riddle fighter said they see some important fighting town. the israel is deadly aspects of the guys that have continued with at least 6 palestinians being killed in an attack on a popular market. several of those roles have injured is where the forces say they also carried out a target operation on the outskirts of the sierra refugee camp. at least 5 palestinians were killed in strikes that hit a school and a residential building. out of there was power, god bless, whom has moved from rough to southern gaza. this strikes on the no other parts of the gaza stripe did not stop since the hours of today's morning. well, one of the main strikes that they had targeted a fresh market, which is one of the main central markets in kansas city that provides for services
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for thousands of palestinians on a daily basis. it has been completely attacked and destroyed today. you weren't 6 palestinians, at least being killed in that attack with a number of injuries, who have been transferred to our prospects, which is a jason to that place for medical treatment. but yet to the usability military not only did attack markets, but they are been attacking residential houses that need to value as well as a number of palestinians. have been acute that including one of the top officials in the ministry of interior from by how much government and who has been described to be responsible for securing a deliveries to the in other parts of cause i'm, it's more initial reports arriving, that indicating that these very minute, 3, an altima units are still bouncing by the tunnel in town in the fall, north of the territory alongside with a direction neighborhood where a most the has been completely destroyed and newly top in flight thing. and also it
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strikes on understand, right, refuge account, and the middle area. meanwhile, the u. n. has sent a team to the city of hon. eunice to assess the damage the following. the withdrawal of israeli troops gauze a 2nd said he was the focus of a sustained onslaught by these really ami. since december, as far teams are reported widespread destruction every building they visited. and most of all, and most of those they were able to see, had been damaged and paved roads have been reduced to dirt tracks. the team inspected a united nations warehouse for medical centers and 8 schools. they saw a very significant damage in all, but one of those structures street and public spaces in con, unice or later with unexploded ordnance posing a severe risk to civilians, especially for children and the team found unexploded found unexplored. the 1000 pound bomb, lying on a maintenance or section. and inside schools,
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the humanitarian aid agency eunice, it says that stuff came under is really fire on thursday. it's reported one of his vehicles was hit by live on a mission while waiting to enter northern gauze. you must have says it's raise the incident with his radio far it is, specify some test. ingram was in that kind of boy. when it was shot to it was in one of the 3 cars that was part of a convoy. it was unit assessment and row. we were on a coordinated mission to try and deliver fuel to water wells in the north. and last saving nutrition and medical supplies to come a lab one hospital, we left a rough uh, after some delays we got to the holding void before the check point. uh, what do you guys uh, this is a designated holding point. where are you in vehicles? i made 2 ways and 2, the check point is, is ready to receive us. we will wasting there. when gunfire broke out in the vicinity of the gunfire came from the direction of the check point towards the
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civilians who then right away from the check point. the gun 5 hit us, we were really lucky. we had some colleagues outside of because checking in the kind of cool problem with the nutrition truck when the fire broke out and they had to run back to out around the vehicle. fortunately they was safe, but 3 bullets hit the car, but i was in right on my pass all the window and also the bonnet of the car. so this is just another example of how unsafe it is freaking out a terry and i work isn't how, you know, missions like these are made it impossible. re, re sit with irrelevant. it's is rarely, authorities, we're still waiting a response. but you know, this is the most serious incident, the unit of stuff have experience during this escalation in gaza. so we're really taking these to the highest levels. and it's important to remember it's almost serious into there, but it's not isolated. safety is not guaranteed even when we take all of the required steps as we saw with the tragic world central kitchen incident. this is
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just another example of, of an incident like that. one is humanitarian aid slowly makes its way into a gaza, a trickling punches along with age. supplies has been allowed to enter the northern part of the strip. after there was more of a hollywood has this update from giovanni. there are some, a basic supplies and foods has of life to the low from the, the, such like the eggs flow and eh, or run just a book date to, to me, to and such and things. but all of these doesn't cover the, the, the need or the uh, several years here. and all of this also is not affordable for all of the people who are living in the north of garza. because if we can come there between the prices between it before the invasion and also then vision, it's a big data is very. busy huge it, if i want to buy a therapy before the,
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the war and guys i would buy it for a 2 on house on $3.00, but if i want to buy it now, it's cost me, it will cost me a $35.00 or $40.00 and you can is a take it as too many supplies in issued dr. wife to the north of gaza. is there any forces of killed at least one palestinian during raids in the occupied westbank soldiers storm the alpha outcome where confrontations broke out between palestinian fighters and the army. 2 others were injured in the attack. res also took place and calculate and also move early on friday morning. united nations security council was committee on the admission of new members has failed to reach consensus on whether to admit palestine as a full member of the un. 2 thirds of the committee, wherever in favor, but the group could not reach a consensus required to make a recommendation to the general assembly. i'll just say it was gabriel, as on to has mono from the united states, so become
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a sole member. nations has died in security council committee. this despite the fact having the majority of the security council members, apparently approving a palestine spit that according to multis ambassador of the un holes, the presidency of the security council this month. however, the majority with a membership outside many countries outside the facts that kind of science courses are the criteria that are required on the months of video convention chaka. and some countries been sent in to lots of reasons why i'm explaining that 1st. so as the chair of the committee,
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we have sizes that i have decided that i'm with the circulating are very full objection procedure and we would see the next step from this in 2011 palestine also apply to be full un members. but that also died in committee and the security council. but at that time then the general assembly was able to elevate palestine to the status of un observer. that gets palestine a lot of rights here at the un, but not critically. the right to vote in the general assembly, which is very important. so palestine essentially has been disenfranchised from this organization that they participate in for many, many years. now. now this still could potentially go to the security council and a resolution for a vote. that is still a possibility and that could come as early as next week. but the bottom line is, is the u. s. has been, even if it does go that far,
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the us is prepared to veto it gabriel's on don't, i would just need it at the united nations in new york. i'm going protests and debates on with an ultra orthodox jews and 7. these randy minutes rate is threatening to bring down prime minister benjamin netanyahu is combination of government. i'll just say it was really challenges as well. now from occupied the stories that a several thousands ultra orthodox jews take part in a demonstration on says de outsides. a recruitment sex, and military recruitment center in west teresa the now this is the latest and a series of demonstrations of the officer orthodox have been involved in some of which have ended in violence against police. so classes with police now, what they're angry about these moves by the governments, which might see them being stripped of their exemption from military service. it's a situation that dates back to the beginning of the is where the states in the 9th,
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in the late 1940 is when the governments of the time told the how to orthodox community as it was that, that they didn't have to do ministry service. now only $400.00 males that are applied to it might have because the community was so small, but since then it's expanded hugely and it now makes up about 13 percent of the anti is ready population. but it still has this exemption for military service. and at the moment, when many is ready still that they are fighting and ex essential rule against how much they think this is grossly unfair, that this community should not have to share the burden of slicing in the army. and they also say that the at the alter or schools at all. so essentially last be supported by the state so that they can do the religious scholarship. so the supreme court is basically told benjamin that you know, his government's that he has to remedy the situation, is discriminatory and he has to come up with a lot of sorted out boss. it's
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a big problem for him because to policies in his governing coalition ultra orthodox policies. and i see i'm talking to his van too much, then they might pull out of the governments and that mike's lapses. and benjamin has some next me all who might lose power? rubbish, islands out 0. occupied history. some. somebody is with children not being evacuated from 47 villages in the hockey region of ukraine. that's as it comes on the heavy bombing from the russian forces. the man of the city says it was struck by russian missiles regency multiple attacks over the past 2 days. on wednesday, 3 people were killed and another missed all attack and the town of lipsy in the north. i'll just say it was child stratford reports now from hockey on russia's targeting of ukraine's power. great. this is the off the mouth of the russian ballistic missile. i'll attack on a ukrainian stumble,
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electric pond. the power of these miss solves evidence in the sheer scale of destruction. millions of dollars worth of damage to ukrainian energy infrastructure across the country that will need huge international, helps build. russia says, the surgeon is attacks, is revenge for ukraine's cross border sabotage and targeting oil installations. some of them say it's more tactical before a potential russian bonds. good. the good one of them because the restoration, we have to directives, restore the building itself, and then restore the equipment sort of together with the ministry of energy. if you try and we're turning specifically performance target sides with weston, pots and specialist. now, in the baltic states where the transfer of the preserved equipment is being considered, rather than your book, this mobile phone, which we show to moments of, to the attack on the plant. a defense is what you crate in many of its allies say
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needs patriot missiles and more such a delay in the us congress to approve 60 plus $1000000000.00 of a and a slow response by other friendly states means the weaponry isn't getting to ukraine fast enough what you're going to hear there is another, and a lot of these are happening pretty much every day and throughout the night. also this was once one of the largest. so plants in all of ukraine supplying both electricity and hot water. so millions of people across the country is being hit repeatedly by kind of colors, the trojan since the beginning of the war. on march, the 22nd, it was hit by a massive russian ballistic missile attack. we hit to the underground shelter, tired men and women sits in virtual silence. they spend an increasing amounts of
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the day hung good on the ground. alexa is worth to 21 years and incredibly, he and all he's co workers who were here at the time, survive the attack, a whole parcel commercial button and then blowing up with the 1st and then you're done to band and work and equipment out of which and 2nd, you to know for sure where the missiles will keep the future now. so we stay by our machines before hiding at the last moment we. it's hard to describe the size of explosions. so the one that was created was allowed. that was sold terrace slash enough because we were so very close publisher i shake when i think of a barcode with my, with some of the spare time you so the workers get the oakley back to the dock on developing a diploma 10 minutes after they begin work again, there's another song and they have to pay it back to the shelter. hundreds of thousands of ukrainians subpoenaed during blackouts in recent weeks. the streets of some areas and called keith almost pitch black of the night. these men and women
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are risking their lives just trying to begin the massive clean up operation, knowing that another attack could happen any time. charleston orthodontist ear as may have scott called, keep reaching ukraine. stop us up right here. and i'll just say right, when we come back, ok some, some of the former us football stuff was comfortable actually clear and doubled the size of cancer, more than that states the now, but the peak plot, some times over in japan, i probably where there's generally fine there is clive moving through here, but i think during friday it will be more or less that moving through. there's been a reading off the coast might catch the edge of a 100 shoes or like
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a shower and take your otherwise just look at this. that's what i'm sunshine for the most part, south of the yangtze. and this is a continuing story. there is rain, it's early to be seasonal, right? that's the problem, right? but it's never the less that there is produced flooding, it might do the same again, cutting back half on his way to beijing. it will bring some strong winds with it at a more go to, but it had to be quite well invasions. 29 is a long way above where it should be, the average is 21 and we get to 29. then the shaft comes through. we go back to normal, one small, big sounds, all still a risk of flash drives in indonesia and possibly bit further to the east as well. looks pretty good in the philippines with joshua southeast asians, mainland. it's still hot. she made a producing light to shout at the moment, but we have seen a big increase in the shower activity and positive india and particularly in sri lanka. so temperature has as result, have come down a bit. this will still feel hot and humid and stuff. you of course, come across, i've kind of stepped into knolls,
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unpackaged on significant snow the boss or a 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from . i'm into the how to relate the language world wide shaped come out of old for translation and international understanding of nonsense. the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m the the
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welcome back to watching. i'll just say right quick reminder about top stories here . this, our deadlines really strikes of continued across the gulf stream of the 6 people were killed in. i'm not gonna pump in a moccasin guns. assistant, 500 us demands rolls up hill on the outskirts of the understand 150 come buys, waiting for service for you and has sent a team to the city of san eunice to assess the damage the following. the withdrawal of israeli troops team report in wide spread destruction and significant damage to warehouses medical centers. and the un security council of the committee on the admission of new members has failed to reach consensus on whether to admit palestine as a full member of the united nations. 2 thirds of the committee were in favor with the group could not reach a consensus. now turn on says it's ready to a temporarily accept a 100000 refugees from me and my civilians are fleeing the country and fighting within rebels. the magenta and cut in state. neither boat with thailand,
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ty security forces have intensified patrols in the area. human rights watches edge thailand, not to force to be returned, refugees to me and not an alliance of anti genta. rebels has made advances against the ministry in recent months. loretta groups and being ma say they've taken the town of my what a that's on the board of a thailand. it's unimportant trading hub, moving a $1000000000.00 worth of goods passed through it every year. this is the latest set back for the agenda. i'll just say it was tony chang reports. now from the time the a my boss told me on the big codes the pair outside the boat of crossing into me and my la on thursday morning reports from across the river to the town of me. what he told me, you may have seen the reality on the ground that like a div through a couple of days, the fighting continuity stopped us do now as we, as we speak now, of the con, the findings to continue. and if, even though the meal of it is not broken, 100 percent, but i can say now from as my minutes. yeah. more than 90 percent already broken.
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that on the other side of the bridge, soldiers from the mazda battalion, 275200 has requested safe passage into thailand. military fatigue swapped for civilian clothes, waiting on the banks of the moine river. totally so just watched and waited. planes in the sound of the strikes in the distance the tiny miller tree are still on high or low. they believe me of what he has already full and but the remaining man, margins and soldiers are right here across the border. and if there is any more fighting, this is where it will happen. on the other bridge in the center of the tide town as may salt, hundreds of refugees pulled across the border from milwaukee. now the ground forces have left, they fib abutment from the law and since they were fighting they will fight digits, bombing the area. they might have dropped into civilian areas accidentally. people
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might die. that's what worried me and made me sleep. i don't dare to stay a me on the was white thing. i bought to me into 75 and fight the test bones at the gift today. i was scared with this kid and my sister told me to flee to this site. inside me a while the streets deserted and shopped, shut to pickup trucks, with the men patrol the streets. no and sick near on the uniforms. but they say they'll vacate the boulder when the current army and their allies arrive. but the me and my military pushed out from this region. it's not clear who's in control. tony checking out 0 on the time me and my bowden o. j simpson, the former us football star, turned back to who was controversially cleared of a double. murder has died of cancer. he was 76 in 1995 simpson was acquitted of the motive as for my wife and her friend. and i try let him group to america. but he
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was later found liable in a separate civil case. i'll just say it was due on the engine looks back on his less of the world watched with rapt attention is o. j. simpson heard the verdict and the so called murder trial of the century. oh, unsolved. james simpson, not guilty of the crime of murder are divided global public saw the iconic televised case unfold in real time. if it doesn't fit, you must equip spearing simpson jail time, but ultimately forever tarnishing his previously pristine reputation or install james simms and burst out of the sports scene as an explosive running back at the university of southern california. then the buffalo bills as a professional, he is still regard. it is one of the greatest of all time for a while he seemed to be everywhere all at once on the field. o. j simpson abdul was saying he had to be run out of the deck in the broadcasting booth. he'd advertisements from indian hollywood blockbusters in advance of drugs.
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can you see them paint that may be driving a white or light colored for the front costs? then on june 17th, 1994 came this slow speed bronco chase that ended in a charge of murder for the death of his wife. nicole entered friend and alleged parent more, ronald goldman occurring 2 years after the acquittal of the police and the beating of motor is rodney king, left the yawning, racial divined in the us. the simpson murder case widened that chasm. we'd much of black america believing in his innocence and much of white america. doubting the united states is a deeply divided polarizing nation. i think o j simpson is the perfect encapsulation of that division of that pulled over is ation. and i think given the fact that what took place in 1995, i think that still resonates very much with people today. after his shocking acquittal in 1995 simpson was found liable for wrongful death in
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a civil trial in order to pay 33500000 dollar dollars to the brown. in goldman, families is 2006 manuscript. if i did, it offered what he called a hypothetical account of the murderers in 2008 simpson was again charge this time with armed robbery for recovering his own memorabilia. he said, and he spent 9 years in prison making his pariah status complete. his recent months, simpson posted about his health on social media on miles is good. i mean obviously i'm dealing with some issues, but i think i'm just the bottle wrist and i'll be back on the golf course. hopefully in a couple of weeks o j. simpson's family. said he died wednesday of cancer. he was 76, was from what i'm should, i is largest unions. i've gone on a nationwide strike. a central workers union issued a series of demands including wage increases on improved health care system attacks
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and pension reforms in the capital santiago work as much towards the presidential palace. but hundreds of police officers have been deployed were joined with central with this union strikes because it is a coal to retain the rights of workers. to pull the attention to oral matrices, to all those who have something to do with what has not been fulfilled in order to fate of pensions for our future wage occasion for help. if we don't take to the streets, our demands will never be met. it's not something related only to the current government but to the government that has never taken care of the civil service. stop. more than a 100 people have died during a wrinkled, breaking heat wave in monte temperatures in one town reached 48.5 degrees. weather ex websites, one of the highest temperatures ever recorded in africa. bennett smith ripples there's not much access to electricity and bobby,
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so using funds or at condition is to get released from extreme heat is nearly impossible. that means heat stroke can kill a skillet based on of you. i think you have a car on if someone comes with a fever at 42 degrees sent to break, if you have to put ice on them or put them under air conditioning or situated here, you've got to do this within 40 minutes. otherwise, people get lesions on the advice or organs. when that happens, even if he has beaten organ damage can result in where we have been receiving patients some of these conditions and it's too late to do anything for them. at least a 100 people have died in the capital bama code, the pick it could be much higher elsewhere in molly meteorologist measure the temperature of 48.5 degree celsius in one town. on april, the full, that's the highest ever recorded on the african continent. our parent died a week ago because of the heat. when we came in to pray, the cemetery, god told us the what 15 to 20 barrels a day. of people who died from the heat,
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the heat wave is being claimed on the l nino, where the problem made climate change. according to the will meet our logical organization. temperatures in most land areas worldwide, will be above normal until at least may, when i mean you start to reach. but it's may, i'll just, you know, mexico. that's one of the complaints against equity over at the international court of justice for writing. it's embassy. police still in the building and quito last friday to arrest equity was former vice president or had gloss. mexico grunted last political asylum off. he was convicted twice of corruption, surely going on. it has more now from mexico cities of. ultimately, the mexican government was the expulsion of ecuador from the u. n. but 1st they're saying that they should be suspended temporarily, while an investigation is carried out into the incidence at the embassy last friday . they also want ecuador to make a public apology about the incident. something that the ecuadorian government has
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already said is not going to happen because, according to them, they didn't break the law. they say it was actually mexico who broke the law 1st by granting asylum to someone who they say did not qualify for it. the former vice president of ecuador had already been convicted on 2 counts of corruption. and therefore, according to the ecuadorian authorities, they should, he shouldn't have been granted asylum to begin with. they say that it was a provocation of political provocation by mexico to grant it to him and an undermining of the ecuadorian judicial system. now, the 2nd thing that the mexican government is asking, the court is for it to guarantee the integrity of its premises, its diplomatic premises in kito, the ecuadorian capital, and the video that we were that we saw of the storming of the embassy shortly after . that incident took place mexico broke relations, diplomatic relations with ecuador, and it's embassy staff left the country. so they actually want access to the
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embassy in order to retrieve all kinds of important documentation, paperwork, computers, etc. the may have been left there when their stuff abandoned the country. smell eats estimates is reach a climax in nigeria with colorful events being marked across the country under zeros off my digits, reports from northern con of state rest centers, old traditions coming like half a 1000000 little has changed in how the old kind of separates the at the end of the you know, starts with the religious rights at the time. oh, it is a combination of both culture and religion. and it predated even the islamic revolution of this month of, for you, at least by some $300.00 kids here in kind of.


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