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tv   The Listening Post  Al Jazeera  April 12, 2024 5:30am-6:01am AST

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we saw all of this storming of the embassy shortly after that incident took place. mexico broke relations, diplomatic relations with ecuador, and it's embassy staff, les the country. so they actually want access to the embassy in order to retrieve all kinds of important documentation, paperwork, computers, etc. the may have been left there when their stuff abandoned the country. now the best of it is reach a climax and nigeria with colorful events being marked across the country. and there's also a digital support, some northern colorado state by centers. old traditions coming like half a 1000000 little has changed in how the old kind of king separates the at the end of the most important one the it all starts with the religious rights at the end of my time. oh, it is a combination of both culture, religion and it predicted even the sloniker revolution of this month of,
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for you at least by some $300.00 keeps here in kind of from here for us to reduce the culture of displays, take over the traditional live average for these codes edition, make us a site, the click was a society lose its culture and tradition. the society is gone. so that's why it's important to look at the culture as see how we can maintain need to know what uh, what the things come was. the changes in the world all about the amount of kind of supervisors, the traditions of people whose history dates, but over a 1000 years. pawsman dec inch in costumes. display writing skills, in homage to the young princes also take part in the colorful tab to the delight of hundreds of thousands people in town or the rest of
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the country may be going through a tough time. when it comes to celebration many, do you say they don't live trying to just started their way this brenda, look the best i told the traditional institutions, nor it's francis bags to make numerous laws until the next press probably arrived. gun salutes may be in addition, but oil he's 40 and said they've also been around for more than 100 years. the celebration continues all 4 days with both locals and visitors joining the dover for us to reduce the degrees. i'll just kind of well that's it for me. dire in jordan, don't go away and use continuously announces era often. and this thing 1st state you, thanks for watching the heavy pricing in that we don't simply focus on the politics of the conflict. it's
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the consequential for the human suffering that we have a for to us. we brave bullets and bonds and some of the world's most troubled regions, the army floods in the face of idols, advance. it is one of the most serious stops of violence in recent years. in some instances we are the targets because we give voice to those demanding freedom the rule of law. and we always include the views from all sides of hello. sorry, the
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little kennel with me and shaking it means you can count on double checking on with me and see how i can rely on the good. there's a little higher level corolla lynn has i've been with this, i don't i'm i showed a whole month like so. how does that do it? i mean, well it depends on the home on i've been on my usual body shop. well, how much would, how your mom is trying to live has actually been the damn the text theater of a shimmy. i mean, we've got a live audience, william the island on another for show of us now living on the how one of the
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a caroline say the life, for example, they all took a lot of it. i'm really not a certain soul of so we're so happy. like in this little possibly telling how them all of those. uh, a of my head, tim saw well, uh, a lot. awesome. well, montage on how to learn on center because hired as a product of the life center. so name, i'm live in town. we're in the fall with the list of how to with the how does she have a knack and i'm here, i'm just the head of
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the making sure a lot less allowance on how to do my to upon the knowledge ahead hasn't been done a lot of less than uh, unusual, has my name, is it a soft and level of on on i had no interest while on the law and law was that the know they have the the love the one for i got animal and no i can i'm hopefully you don't guy didn't see
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it and luckily a out of all literally and we can really like and one from us or the region, and i am a little with the last among the less what the heck am i going to show it's paula? done hunt. i'm done a lot of senior at the 49 and i collide colin clement i'm gonna talk a little while i am up online because that way it doesn't really because i looking for showing malware unofficially malware, things that had enough. oh for sure. and can you, i think i'm gonna issue perfect done as you know, the software on the, on the new kind of the clean up possibly a little bit dated and huddled. we'll have to have a young i'm but i'll have the it hurt if by not kind of sad it had to in the new me any major as there is. i mean, you all i'm interested in the are to come by and how can i have helped him up in
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fish and the thought as the the the because the again i was always it either jonathan or almonds is it is yeah. 6 0, well i'm on the official ship. yeah, i've had to share it. i've gotten the how to do it on it. i shouldn't come on the phone and it's like being a little i'm on with a man beside 4 and a little uh, mckenzie. and besides, when i'm unclear on with them, probably go where i live with them. it's honestly because of it them 9. yeah. but you know me and one for the shuttle. i help me. i mean, can we become
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a shuttle you for that info. mm. especially on, along with the appointment for and you can see, oh me, i'm not a persona. and just next to the saw, you know me, i'm using it, the front of modeled lot of the young stuff in the near most the looks of but of the model of this highly home. now you will see them in loveland. how about us to 0? hopefully, enron, us a shot if or took a closely shuttle. let's go with one gen a general way. i know you said to me, i noticed the, the fox had
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colors in height. the height which had come. this was the drone a given year that goes $24.00 on 7 buzzing in our ears as if it's like the national anthem or something. you sleep on a drone, you wake up on a drone, you live your life on a drone. can you imagine living 6 months with this bus? it's insane. for 151 days i have been daily reported. if i wasn't like producing packages or doing live reports, i have been treating and posting on my instagram. we were driving in the car, finishing up the rec for today. and suddenly a huge explosion happened. if target allowed
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i saw her brain. maybe she's a 5 year old. the were not used to it. there's lots of stories. people who are still trapped under the rubble, people who till now don't have their bodies fund, the people who can't feed their families, people who are arrested on their way from evacuating from the north to the south. every time i see a mother calling, i remember my aunt to me and every time i see a wife cry, i remember my friends who lost her husband. and sometimes i would sit to reports and i would sit to cry like literally sob. because i
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wouldn't have any words to describe what i see. my voice has been trembling all the time. i don't know if i don't have the rightful copy larry. i wish i had more words to describe what was going on. the waiting list was jamie diamond. say look in the jail as i'm done. i am an 8 issues. oh yeah. i remember couldn't have divided full yet. remember, could had them, but, so it'd be a and, and the should be in that message as a, i mean, i thought it had been much that i do when she was with you when i met some people. so i think you can get ahold of simply the height and with this plan is that even
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investment in how you knew nothing? or had the man said they've been used to have the gen, uh pretty much the individual as an exhibitor them and what, how much heather, bye? of the nothings like tons you don't have to. you can't have those because you don't guarantee that you're going to stay alive or you won't be bombed. at least for palestinians have been killed and is really air strikes. they are, they all are the hospital. so this is the 10 where we need to need work in my colleagues were sleeping here, where this is their own phase they're living in. we're still looking for the people we know and we're still looking for our beloved when
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the the search bar must see how you doing it. it's $11.00 and $3.00. even one. no, no, no can. in the long run there's these no us close to the machine and ask them to answer the phone please. what was the last one and then the on the, on the loss of the one who is this and i see. and so now go to the federal funding and assets almost all the way around. what was what somebody wrote a lot of times in the past and, and it's all about that. and this, this is one mentality. somebody gets in, in,
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in the summer having uh, phone left in movies here and, and rainy already noticed. okay. wallace. that's not a 100 percent. this was 9. 0 wow. what's the oh so it wasn't us when we looked at it as an awesome awesome. it was like that was i had this right. uh, and that's what it was and i haven't assessed any of the young atlanta. so what i was at the moment i can sample like any of how and, and the high level harvey, i'm really getting an elias on what's on the that's how the progress of the 319, and the vision um i a part of the out before the fall ahead is rosanna. i know as i was saying now what's on what i understand when they are why that's sort of so long . i'd ask what i understand the thing i say i'm an open on the, on the the,
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i'm fine. i accidentally out of thoughts someone at the warehouse accidentally until like, i don't know so so yeah. so so yeah, for us in a play that's also a center or not so good. the rest of the show. oh, that's a lot of fun. right. so we yeah, it's on the corner and then yeah, i just hold on. so i have the last name, sir, i'm gonna say i don't, i don't want that russian. i'm wondering if it's on the planet. okay. also on the, when i was supposed to be there, when i went to that and also when i'm a little past, almost the end of the loan. and that's where the young man, how you do that on an upcoming run, into the front of that wasn't enough lesson with our that hello. can i send in people phoenix?
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ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, showing live show on the should have shown your initial and see how you enjoy and i know a song scholarship and here's the log in. she'll have the most of the and i should . yeah. okay. not a father does not a function of love has to do and none of right is very, very nice, very think very, very nice. and then with that i can or something not at this number as opposed to i think another thing if i used to work things out, if this is not my fish, i can link doesn't i'm on the truck to work for a lot of my vision. the resolution plus along the have a little i nothing, i know it's a little with our feeling in the national home,
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but i'm not home all have to do to us on the lot of kind of on it. and it has a little longer. so right now on both the, you know, mean little seeing low and your so the hot how of glass on that to call you have to had the, i knew pretty high the fire items as a fence, a lot of fun. they are for the, on the roof in the list. i'm wrong, i can see a lot in the market for me to kind of t, uh, solve budget than jani ali, eh, and they are helpful. they are safe and play on your godaddy account. what the nice to know is the optimal. that'll be yeah. and then we'll call you on the, on the call. i'll just come get them in as hands the single color that, let's say i wanna. yeah, i mean whatever for both the invest. yeah. the even the shade,
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the massage uh, move and living the with the cost off of it and find it to inject you meet the wash out and then press on well it a mac, mac 10, most of the month to put this when my dad is in the home uh, enjoy on this. okay, the well, the thing the font is still different eventually as well. do you mind zillow? if that helps you? yes, i nothing. just either an us a chevy fusion about the and the less because heavy weather when we got on the lot. awesome. and the phone, how do i just dial o'connor? i'm not going to 0 and i'll call it and how this would have us top 10 in the but then when the folk then wednesday la t. but the additional problem that we will supply in the until looks easy to do, does nimble bolton is that i begin the works. he thought he hadn't been is what i
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need to get a little clip law when wallace. ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha. allowed them to move out on the insurance part of the cars. i f. e. love to hear the image of a neo meanwhile looking at sea and clay, i'm japan. yeah. but i'm the one of a clique most. i'm gonna feel past the well as a half as any on any level there, there was a come at the head, the amana, i let the a cannot see. i don't know if they hear nothing. why not? i've not shopped me for sure. i'm out of the pond as i remember the last time i was at home, it was the 2nd day of the war. that was the last time i slept. and then i was the 3 did for my family and my husband. and then i didn't even have time to take any of
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my belongings. so reporting on this genocide was you're living, it means you're also being displaced. you're also starving. you lose your friends, you lose your family members. you lose your cousins. i lost 3 cousins so far as more than 10 friends and all of these stuff are not are some things that won't come back again. so living these stuff, everything is drugs to be objective of the cover is very hard. you want to report, but at the same time you want to feed your family. you want to search for walter, search for food, and also staying the lice. you also want to stay alive
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the, you feel like you're somewhere like in a game. and every day we're like, oh my god, verse still lives who, who is like more of a of an accomplishment every day you're a live like now we're lot alive for 151 days of genocide. that's a great accomplishment. yeah. for the 1st time, foreigners were not allowed to enter the cost was trip. so that's why the world didn't have any other option. then the policy news and people are amazed of what we are producing us policy. they're amazed that their policy is beginning, which jeremy's to tell us the needs are good editors what's? yeah, we are here. we exist. we're dreamers. we're hardworking people. we are human beings
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. under genocide, we're resisting this genocide. and we did not choose this. we were forced to live this and to report about this. yes, we're brave, but we're brave because we really loved palestine and we loved garza the let's see the emotion them in the in so right on the process of moving the supplemented a ziploc bishop, you know what happens is that we, i mean is or less and that's
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a pretty my name that's off. i'm having a saw a 1st session with her soon, and i was only, i don't even know how to love that. so that's why i'm so that's what i recommend all done by hand. love another hand and i'll talk to him and, and i'll call him with that and the him and then the other one and also to be also model also have, i don't mind when i know when you're comfortable and i'm in a few minutes thing. bounce off looking for it in on the last here on the bus, off. yeah. and the some group of a lot going on and me, you're not gonna have a song i last alignment. how when it comes saying sort of this all content and then along and that's a lot you really didn't understand listening. i wrapped. yeah. and then i also didn't bring the whole class, not the size of the supposed to be as long as that's when i was in a while. i went out the line on the phone and that applause
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me honey. and well, i'll tell you what i'm saying. i don't know if i get a one and if i thought i was wrong underneath the yeah, i live at them and they say, oh, i'm follow up and then i'm going to say put it on to something that's the name of the service and nothing. there's nothing in the name, it doesn't have that and that's not what has has. so that's a list, a lot of books and the photos all. it's all post on typing that was there so i can do it. i just don't remember having a problem ready for sharon? oh don't they have even a lie out of especially the name and the sunday the i'm just on the phone, the phone number then no plans put on a lot. hopefully it's a really long to look through it for helping you out. the one thing is that it's
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the most. oh, also in the field, 100 under the lot of the time that i'll tell you one of the things that happens, especially the flat 9. it has a lot of the form to pump in front of the same level rush and we'll see in the next another. how will i know? and you saw the sort of the as a whole lot when they come in. and it said um that is the what else to have the as well as the law is the one that was the youngest, i'm going in for fun with a lot of people. so if somebody has definitely given this afternoon and say and did it, but i saw what the hello hello, while the nic. oh,
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i wish was. well, i didn't, i don't want and got on a national living. i don't, while i'm at the shy one, it isn't going to shy when a man in line i live in a shy of so i'm in your mail also from an image as the i see national a highly in the on out to show and the action and the national realtor, one of those, you know, when you go up on wednesday and i welcome it. should've been a shot, a lot of the nation. the, the oh cool enough and the i shall be cam done and heavy with the feed. hang the size, he is okay. pass. i kind of the engine the left, so that's a lot of the risk when i can get enough model i'm it's upcoming
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with so in, in order to get in the fall as soon as our daughters pay them and am, if somebody ought to be in the tower that them up and push it off. we're not going to show that the rain or not with the should in the oh man, well, me in memphis kind of myself. and that is all the the latest news as it breaks around, han has given a cause. that's great, but it does come out in large numbers. the guys are not as popular to the board with detailed coverage, but the reason prices and the realization that things are likely to get much worse
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before they get better describing some residence to the brain. from around the world, people have told us the circumstances is even more important than usual to come together to share what they feel they have a unique perspective, desktop quality place in southern dallas. told the palestinians to go to on heard voices, to humor. i tried to highlight the absurdities inconsistency upon proceed. landscape, connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day since it is going to unspeakable horror as to really alone about what's happening. because of the tasks and media attention. the stream on algebra one, the average person to know what the truth was about. scientists dismissed as profits of do. we knew where the temperature was going to go by lead is seeking the profits of industry. they were publishing reports saying this is not an urgent problem.
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could we have changed the course of the climate to emergency? air is which is here as new series died. last futures, the 6 people are counted as many as strong on a busy market and gaza. c and the u. n. team reports wants but destruction and con eunice officer that is really withdrawal from the southern associates street and public spaces in con eunice or later with an unexploded ordnance posing from severe as civilians. especially for children. the alarm elizabeth donovan. this is allen to the on line from door ha, also coming up and you and security council panel failed to reach an agreement
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until the palace times renewed bid for full membership. you're kind struggles to protect us and.


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