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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 12, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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the eligibility or with the palestinians, return to the destroyed homes in southern gaza, or u. n. team wants of a new threat caused by as well as aerial bombardment, street and public spaces in ton unit. so later with unexploded ordnance posing severe risk to civilians, especially for children, the federal i'm elizabeth put on them and this is ellen to 0 live from the hot. and so coming up are you in security council panel fails to reach agreement on palestine
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for news bid for the full membership todd and reinforce the security along with the order with me online finding between rebels and government troops, hundreds to flee. and o j. simpson perform american football style, who was controversially cleared of doubling the size of cancer. the we began and con eunice in gaza is rarely false as have withdrawn. but there are many dangers facing palestinians returning to the city. they finding the homes medical centers in the schools and ruins much of the cities unrecognizable the roads turn off. the united nations of damage assessment team says unexploded bombs over threat. as far teams are reported widespread destruction every building they visited and most of all and most of those they were able to see, had been damaged and paved roads have been reduced to dirt tracks. the team
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inspected the united nations warehouse for medical centers and 8 schools. they saw a very significant damage in all, but one of those structures street and public spaces in con eunice or later with unexploded ordnance posing a severe risk to civilians, especially for children. and the team found unexploded found unexploded 1000 pound bomb lying on the maintenance or section and inside schools. as many as far as have continued with at least 6 palestinians calendar the popular markets of gaza city, several others were injured in the attack. and his very forces carried out what they describe as a targeted operation on the outskirts of, on the side of the refugee camp. at least 5 palestinians were killed in strikes on the school at a residential building. that a couple of them has moved from the alpha and southern gaza. this, this strikes on the no, they're part of the gaza stripe did not stop since the arrows of today's morning.
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well, one of the main strikes that they had targeted a fresh market, which is one of the main central markets in kansas city that provides full services for thousands of palestinians on a daily basis. it has been completely attacked and destroyed today. you weren't 6 palestinians, at least being killed in that attack with a number of injuries, who have been transferred to our prospects, which is a jason to that place for medical treatment. but yes, to the usability military, not only did attack markets, but they are been attacking residential houses and need to value the number of palestinians have been acute that including one of the top officials in the ministry of the interior run by how much government and who has been described to be responsible for securing a deliveries to the in other parts of cause i'm, it's more initial reports arriving, that indicating that these very minute 3, an opposite of the units are still bouncing by the tunnel in town. in the fall,
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north of the territory alongside with a direction neighborhood where a most the has been completely destroyed and new like top in flight thing. and also it strikes, understand, right, refuge account, and the middle area. is there any raids in the occupied westbank of toad, at least 2 palestinians and ended 3 of those soldiers storming the outside. our refugee capital confronted by palestinian sciences, appeals to me in red present ambulance with shaw sat and a paramedic beaten and arrested of raids early on friday morning were in kalki. yeah. and also the palestine would have to wait longer to become a full member of the united nations. the security council's committee on the admission of new members failed to reach a consensus to says this committee members were in favor, but that's not enough to make a recommendation to the general assembly. gabriel and his order has moved from the un headquarters in new york. as it appears at once again, palestine bid to become
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a full member. united nations has died in security council committee. this, despite the fact having the majority of the security council members, apparently approving a palestine spit that according to multis, ambassador of the un holds the presidency of the security council this month. however, the majority with a membership outside many countries outside the fax that signed the signed courses or the criteria that are required on the months of video convention chaka and some countries and lots of reasons why i'm explaining that 1st so as the chair of the committee we have sciences,
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i have decided that i will be circulating our request, dropped a very full objection procedure and we would see the next step from this in 2011 palestine also apply to be full un members. but that also died in committee and the security council. but at that time then, the general assembly was able to elevate palestine to the status of un observer. that gives palestine a lot of rights here at the un, but not critically. the right to vote in the general assembly, which is very important. so palestine essentially has been disenfranchised from this organization that they participate in for many, many years. now. now this still could potentially go to the security council and a resolution for a vote. that is still a possibility and that could come as early as next week. but the bottom line is, is the u. s. has been, even if it does go that far, the us is prepared to veto it gabriel's on don't. i would just need it at united
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nations in new york. ongoing protests and debate on whether alter orthodox jews should. 7, that is really military is threatening to bring down prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his college and government or challenge has moved from occupied east jerusalem. a several, thousands ultra orthodox jews take part in a demonstration on thursday, outsides a recruitment exit military recruitment center in west teresa. now, this is the latest and a series of demonstrations of the, of the orthodox i have been involved in some of which have ended in violence against police. so classes with police now. what they're angry about these moves by the governments, which might see them being stripped, a veteran exemption from military service. it's a situation that dates back to the beginning of the age where the states in the 9th
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and the late 1940 is when the governments of the time told the out to orthodox community as it was that that they didn't have to do ministry service. now only $400.00 males that are applied to it might have because the community was so small, but since then it's expanded hugely and it now makes up about 13 percent of the anti is ready population. but it still has this exemption for military service. and at the moment, when many is ready still avail fighting and ex essential rule against how much they think this is grossly unfair, that this community should not have to share the burden of slicing in the army. and they also say that the at the alter or sports at all, so essentially lost be supported by the state so that they can do the religious scholarship. so the supreme court is basically told benjamin that, you know, his government's that he has to remedy the situation, is discriminated 3. and he has to come up with a lot of sorted out because it's
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a big problem for him. because to policies in his governing coalition ultra orthodox policies, and i see i'm talking noises then too much, then they might collapse with the governments and that mike's lapses. and benjamin has some next me all who might lose power? really challenge out 0 of the parties. prison, the tide and his reinforce security along his board with me on my as 5 and continues between rebels and the military. junta, convoys of vehicles and soldiers of being put on to let us in the boat. a town of may sold civilians have been trying to flee me on laws you to the finding of nearby come in state. and the federal seizure of the board of child tie them says it's willing to offer 10 per very shelter 280-0000 refugees from across the board to. well, let's bring in my correspondent tiny chang. he's joining us life on the bridge and may. so i was in thailand with civilians,
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a crossing the border. so what's happening where you are joining us about 15 minutes ago a ton on foreign minister arrived here. he's to, to inspect the border area itself to my left. and we think a little later on, he'll go off on top, which is the main perception point for civilians play mass sold to come into china . and this is now the only way into thailand. yesterday we were a friendship bridge to what we still so a cargo containers and fuel trucks going across the board in some, in uh, that was stopped by thailand yesterday afternoon because of the security situation . while we were that we had a couple of strikes and the remaining 200 man uh, gotten them and soldiers on the other side of the bridge. they've off thailand for century. we haven't heard what the ties of refund yet for they haven't moved. so we
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think the foreign minister will, will go up and see what the situation is with reputation. i had little while ago from a colleague, this actually been the number of the bible says 10. today someone was saying that one of the arrivals who came across that bridge says of the getting more concerned inside me a while the because it's so quiet off which you said was across the board, the film. and yesterday the streets were almost empty. most of the shots were shots of a recent arrivals, particularly nervous because it's so quiet. there is a security force in the city the for the golf course. they are not the light of the moments to the manager or the current army being fighting against the middle of the street. we don't know exactly what the situation is, but i think that civilians remain inside the concern is the future of on could follow. and tony, just how difficult was the position is the tie government in here. it's got both,
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you know, those $200.00 soldiers who you've mentioned, who are wanting to come to thailand. that means possessing the army in myanmar and in regards to the civilians that a trying to flee is also under pressure from aid organizations. asking them asking thailand to take the refugees and not force them to go back of the it's in a very difficult situation and it has been for some time. i think the primary concern is security over the last 3 years since the military coup in china. we've seen on occasion the military forces from ma, but also the ethnic group, 0 station along this folder. sometimes coming across is kind of, we've seen tens of thousands of refugees coming across the seeking century themselves to try governments as it to so far has been pushed back to the refugees . they have a complicated relationship with the ethnic groups that have been fighting. now, most uh, military jones that they are sort of tacitly allowed to remain here as long as they
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don't interfere in any way on the domestic issues that are on tie. so for bringing across uniforms or weapons. but we've also heard in the last couple of days, a new act put through the tiny government that allows the tie air force to immediately respond it any man much. it infringes its aspects. and we have seen that in the last couple of years that has happened on occasion. so the sending a very clear message at the same time bank, coke has been relatively friendly with the generals in the door. i think the current administration, which is a news civilian administration, is trying to mock a point in the sun and say, this is a new doing. we are not going to be as friendly with the generals. none the less i think that will say very teen knots when tegan nice them and create a more hostile situation. it could create more difficulty along the board. ok, a very fine line. tony. thank you so much for your reporting. tony chang. joining
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us live from that tight board especially of may thoughts to a written by our zone as to frame course. enforcing a 160 year old old binding of oceans as close a political storm months away from the presidential election. republicans so on the defensive and the presidential candidate. donald trump says the law goes too far. democrats have condemned the ruling and host a vote of backlash against it will help them in swing states. a white house correspondent, committee health kit has more because don't show us president joe biden is making a woman's right to an abortion. a big part of his pitch for a 2nd term, and the focus of his latest ad, your body and your decisions belong to you. he blames conservative republicans for putting women at risk of death. it's a tactic biden's campaign team ignited this week following arizona as court ruling
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reviving of 18. 64 boston band, making it criminal to terminate a pregnancy, even in cases of rape or incest, anyone performing an abortion? jailed up to 5 years democrats, or protesting the town across the country. and bivens reminding voters why he should be re elected, elect me, i'm in a 20. so 20 a century. 21st century. not back then even is likely contender, former us president donald trump, is backing away from supporting the arizona band. in spite of the fact he agreed with the overturning of roe vs wade. the landmark 1973 ruling by the us supreme court. that of firms a woman's right to an abortion. according
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to a recent poll, 59 percent of americans believe abortion should be legal. and this year's election, arizona is a crucial swing state. i think some of these really strict state bands are going to push a lot more people towards the democratic party, especially people who are independents and people who are republicans, but who do not support these kinds of bands. vice president carmella harris will be in arizona on friday with the white house is, was again hoping to capitalize on this issue. kimberly how hit al jazeera, the white house still ahead on that one to 0. the hardest, ever temperature recorded in africa. we have the latest on the record breaking each waving money. the now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict
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zionism and judy as a. but it was not a jew, israel's a state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what this is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even happen. this is most important, which if you're going to negotiate, poll, unapologetic, i'm just asking last upfront on out. the lines of ethnic i'm groups is posing the biggest challenge to me in most countries, since the 2021 with exclusive access to remote camps and front bind baffles shots. the progress of an idealistic young generation of rebels is a pivotal moment in the last 60 years of the country's trouble history. on the phones, the in my, on the, on the ropes on al jazeera, the
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colleges, and the the you watching. i'll just say i have a may of this for put on and don't have a mind to of on top stories the saw united nations damage assessment team and conyers. and gosh, that has reported widespread destruction to phones medical center in schools and runs unexploded phones or a day and just following the withdrawal. one of the best way to finish this from this is randy s trots, have continued with at least 6 palestinians killers of popular marcus and gaza city
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. and another attack on the outskirts of on the site as refugee can at least 5 palestinians for county and thailand. has meaningful security along as part of the meal minus 5 in the us connects between metals and military governments. as many civilians are trying to see me on not because of a tax and come in states a seizure of a board, a town by rebels to russia. now, where people have been evacuated from the quoted on richard, also, wolf levels rose on the total of, of a severe funds of affecting towns and cities across the southern russia to europe said longest with the best as bags the which level of the routes of a has reached record highs, floods of also head neighbor and closet stone, with all the use of declared a state of emergency and affected regions. fun and rivers and forceful. the 98000 people from their homes. more than 8000 animals have died. it was in a 100 people have died during a very cold, right. and
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a heat wave in monte temperatures in one town reached 48.5 degrees. major ology to say, that's the hardest ever recorded in africa. that is smith's reports. there's not much access to electricity and model. so using funds or i condition is to get released from extreme heat is nearly impossible. that means heat stroke can kill. let's get it based on view. and i think you have a caught on if someone comes with a fever at 42 degrees sent to break, if you have to put ice on them or put them under air conditioning or situated. you've got to do this within 40 minutes. otherwise, people get lesions on the vital organs. when that happens, even if he was beaten, organ damage can result in where we have been receiving patients and these conditions. and it's too late to do anything for them. at least a 100 people have died in the capital bama code. the figure it could be much higher elsewhere in molly meteorologist measure the temperature of $48.00 degrees celsius
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in one town. on april, the full that's the highest ever recorded on the african continent. the, our parent died a week ago because of the heat. when we came in to freight, the symmetry god told us the what 15 to 20 barrels a day. of people who died from the heat, the heat wave is being claimed on the l nino weather problems. i'm a climate change. according to the world, me to are logical organization. temperatures in most land areas worldwide will be above normal until at least may when i mean you start to week. but it's me, i'll just do the cause and origin. tina has blamed iran for attacks and when a side is more than 3 decades ago. prosecute to say fit on a little bit, an attack on the israeli embassy that killed 29 people in 1992. 2 years later, a truck loaded with explosives drove into the jewish center, cutting 85 people in injuring 300. argentina has the largest jewish community, less of america with around 300000 people. fed on denies any involvement of
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the desk close by then go see the interval. have more than tripled this, yet the governments as low income areas have been hottest hedge fund. in this case has a one disease. the house ministry has recorded a 117 death, so father c a compared to 33. and the same period last year. and i called to a judge is considering with a full vice president for headlines that should be released from prison. supporters and opponents of loss rallied outside a top crash on thursday. he's been convicted twice for corruption and faces additional charges. the 54 year old was arrested last week, june grade on the mexican embassy, where he had recited since december. o j simpson, the former us football style, who was controversially cleared of a double murder, has died of cancer. he was $0.76 and was acquitted of the murder of his full wife and her friend and a trial to corrupt america. but he was later found liable in
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a separate civil case. john henry looks back on his life. of the world, watched with rapt attention, is o. j. simpson heard the verdict and the so called murder trial of the century. oh, unsolved. james simpson, not guilty of the crime of murder. a divided global public saw the eye clinic tell of ice case unfold in real time. if it doesn't fit, you must equip spearing simpson jail time but ultimately forever tarnishing his previously pristine reputation or ins. all james simms and burst out of the sports scene as an explosive running back at the university of southern california. then the buffalo bills as a professional, he is still regard. it is one of the greatest of all time for a while he seemed to be everywhere all at once on the field. o. j. simpson abdul was saying he had to be run out of the deck in the broadcasting booth. he'd advertisements from indian hollywood blockbusters give this man some drugs.
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can you see them paint that may be driving a white or light colored for the front costs. then on june 17th, 1994 came this slow speed bronco chase that ended in a charge of murder for the death of his wife. nicole entered friend and alleged parent more. ronald goldman occurring 2 years after the acquittal of the police and the beating of motor is rodney king, left the yawning, racial divined in the us, the simpson murder case, widen that chasm would much of black america, believing in his innocence and much of white america, doubting the united states is a deeply divided polarizing nation. i think o j simpson is the perfect encapsulation of that division of that pull the reservation. and i think given the fact that what took place in 1995, i think that still resonates very much with people today. after his shocking acquittal in 1995 simpson was found liable for wrongful death in
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a civil trial in order to pay $33500000.00 to the brown. in goldman, families is 2006 manuscript. if i did, it offered what he called a hypothetical account of the murderers in 2008 simpson was again charge. this time was armed robbery for recovering his own memorabilia. he said, and he spent 9 years in prison making his parias status complete. his recent months, simpson posted about his health on social media or mild is good. i mean obviously i'm dealing with some issues, but i think i'm just the bottle wrist and i'll be back on the golf course. hopefully in a couple of weeks o j. simpson's family. said he died wednesday of cancer. he was $76.00 to $9.00 here in our millions of muslims, a mocking the festival is not affiliated with kind of full events across the country. of interest reports from northern cano states, a centuries old traditions are coming alive. to half
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a 1000000 yet little has changed in how the old kind of separate speak at the end of the most. and importantly your starts with the religious rights at the time. oh, it is a combination of both culture and religion. and it predated even the islamic revolution of this month of, for you, at least by some 300 to us here in kind of the facilities and cultural displays take over the traditional live average for these codes edition. make us a site. the click was of society, lose its culture technician, the society is gone. so that's why it's important to look at the culture and see how we can maintain the to know what uh, what the things come was. the changes in the world all about
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the amount of kind of supervisors, the traditions of a people whose history dates, but over a 1000 years. pawsman dec inch in costumes. display writing skills, in homage to the young princes also take part in the colorful to the delight of hundreds of thousands people in town or the rest of the country may be going through a tough time when it comes to get celebrations. many, do you say they don't live trying to just started their way this brenda, look their best. i told the traditional institutions, nor it's francis bags to make numerous laws until the next press probably arrived. gun salutes may be in addition, but oil he's 40 and said they've also been around for more than 100 years. the celebration continues all 4 days with both locals and visitors joining the dover for us to reduce the degrees. i'll just couple that sits
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in the elizabeth put on them. so head rahman would have them and he was out in 30 minutes whether was next to me inside story examines as well as the as long policy of assassinations. and if the strategy is effective, the you have to get and they were spots of the, you know, the cats are from this cloud. so it's just an example. it is to raining in places in the re being put into that. but i think the prevalent false will be the strength of the window of the next day or so picking up the dust and the sand. most people don't live in this protest savvy, but if you do, you might notice it. i'm not on shore breeze along the coast of a mountain lot bring a shower to even this file is messed up, but they don't be as changes maybe in lebanon and well says,
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which shows is breezes into strong. and then across the eastern side of iran, when you have to a, to administer significant rain and snow for afghanistan, which goes into north. in fact, this time as well. all this time changes slowly rising 33 in the office. 2 in baghdad. the breeze not particularly strong, but still pretty dusty or hazy in the atmosphere. the seasonal rains in africa, stretching the air from terms of the up towards south sea, down the c o p. o heavy in places, particularly if you take a line across towards no 9 gathering just a bit to the north of that. but this is taking some of the images from what was pretty wet weather and stormy weather. so the side of the eastern cape's fairly windy on friday, admittedly. but the sheriff in the right and it's stretched right up through is in bob way down your way. possibly just a point to me. the reporting from the action. how do you mean a great when i'm hearing this
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thoughts, palestinian or arabic content has been removed or restricted understanding the reality for these demonstrators. if president lucky saw reckoning the stability of the country, i'll just say it was teens across the world. when you click sensitive the fonts at the store, 3 sons and full grinding children of how much politically, the smells, and the assassinated in garza, the names added to a long list of people killed volumes, waiting tall, good operations worldwide. so why does as well for us use such a policy and what it's impact fix is inside story. the .


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