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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 12, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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global audience, why it's important because impacts their lives at the height of the storm. to hi, bye hey, this is an important part of the world. people pay attention to this very good at bringing the news to the world from here. the, [000:00:00;00] the colors that around me want to be out there and use our license coming up in the next 60 minutes as palestinians pretends that destroyed homes in southern gauze. a u. n. t. molds of a new thrust caused by israel's aerial bombardment, street and public spaces and con unit. so later was unexploded ordnance posing of
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severe risk to civilians, especially for children, ty, laundry, impulsive security, along his folder with me in law, while hundreds play fighting between rebels and government forces. and then systems road ahead, full migrants in new zealand. many workers are left wondering what's next, as the government sites and visa rules the good to have you with this. welcome to the park. and we begin in calling eunice and southern garza, what is riley falls as of withdrawal. but there were many thing just facing palestinians returning to the city. but finding the homes, medical centers and schools in ruins, not much of the city is unrecognizable with roads pulling up a united nations damage assessment team says unexploded bombs and are posing a threat. so our teams are reported widespread destruction every building they visited and most of all and most of those they were able to see,
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had been damaged and paid roads have been reduced to dirt tracks. the team inspected a united nations warehouse for medical centers and 8 schools. they so very significant damage in all, but one of those structures street and public spaces in con, unice or later with unexploded ordnance posing a severe risk to civilians, especially for children. and the team found unexploded found unexploded 1000 pound bomb lying on the maintenance or section. and inside schools is really as strikes have continued with at least 6 palestinians killed at a popular marketing gauze, a city on thursday. the several others were injured in the attack and is by default is kind of what they describe as a targeted operation on the outskirts of august 5th with the g company's follies, palestinians are killed in strikes of school or the residential building that honey . my mood choices on line from rough uh, in southern gaza. how do you just bring us up to speed on what we know about these
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recent strikes and the estimates of the yes, well this is the for the day of a holiday uh, 3 days tall. it supposed to be the days of celebration and facilities here in the across the golfer, but have been largely shrouded. would fear of having more violence, more is price, more defend destruction across the district, particularly in the northern part in the central area of, of the gaza strip. but these really military still operating aggressively at the area, the northern part of and the refugee camp. that's the new block of the refugee. com and also the, the southern area of why do you, how does that particular area designated a safe evacuation zone for people to evacuate to at the initial weeks of the war. but so far we're looking at if people who are being killed in these a toxic $3.00 to $5.00 people with several other injuries then including people inside evacuation. so,
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and that's an honor what school united nations for palestinian school facilities in the area have been severely damaged or destroyed by the ongoing, a artillery sitting in the air strikes in the fact that there are a taco drones in the area just causing great deal of panic and concern for for really traumatized population already on the move it trying to complete the, the area and get to a safety here in southern part of the god district. meanwhile, in gauze city and air strikes with a popular market as of late afternoon hours yesterday tells me not least 5 people are now squarely hours of this morning. a residential home full of, of, of people was targeted and destroyed. we're looking at 25 people. the from one family had been pronounced dead as a reporter to surrounding health facilities, mainly a lot of highly baptist hospital. that's where all the the casualties were transferred to, but the hospital is already exhausted. the had doesn't have enough of space,
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largely turned into an evacuation center for people and in on you. and as we'll look at the shared level of destruction caused by deep by the intense bombing campaign on the ground invasion that lasted a close to 4 months in the city of han, you. and if they did just make it, it's very difficult for people who try to get back to the spec their homes and trying to find a place to stay in. but with the presence of ordinance and onyx flows of materials, just making it very difficult and increasing the risk of death, particularly among vulnerable drove and we're talking about here, largely children in the area. of course the, the ongoing misery continues. as you mentioned. i mean, the news of any rest, spite in terms of age arriving into the region, we are hearing that these are, these are sending trucks, but that's disputed in terms of how well filled those truck saw hall filled full. so maybe really knows of
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the this will, you know, the, the catastrophe and the on a precedent that in human a tree and disaster been it created is very immense. and it doesn't matter how many human attorney products or food supplies of medical supplies are being allowed to enter the gas for. they've got to the point where it is very difficult. and for the vast majority of people right now, it is not about the amount of food that will be allowed and not about the amount of a that will be allowed in the gastric not. and definitely not the 500 the trucks. that is really monetary announced that it would allow their entry to go through, but the elimination of the intense bombing campaign, the genocide lacks on the ground, that will ensure the safety and the smooth, efficient flow of humanitarian aid. and they live at this particular point. they, for example, the box, which the law enforcement officer does the director of the police department in july the it was targeted and killed. he was responsible for securing the delivery of humanitarian aid. and by doing this device, we're here to people in another part believe that this is done in
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a way to cause the civil unrest and civil k as in the northern parts. and m p a continues to impede the delivery of a too much needed population right. now who the for us, the in southern gaza. thank you. those he meant it's heavy in aid certainly makes its way into gauze and small amounts of food and other supplies have been allowed to enter the mold and strips of gaza. both i'll include has this update from jamalia. there are some, a basic supplies and foods has of life to the little from drugs such like the eggs flow and eh, or run just a book date to, to me, to, and such a things. but all of these doesn't cover the, the, the need or the a civil years here. and all of this also is not affordable. so all the people who
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are living in the north of gaza because if we can come there between the prices between it before the invasion and also then vision. it's a big data is very. busy huge it. busy if i want to buy a therapy before the, the war and guys i would buy 13 eggs if $4.00 to $1.00 house on $3.00. but if i want to buy it now, it's cost me, it will cost me a $35.00 or $40.00. and you can, is a take it as too many supplies and if it was dr wife to the north of gaza. so these really depends ministry of go on says that as well would respond appropriately if it was attacked by iran. his remark, solar last week, strongly called him to her, owns conceal it in damascus. simon, congress is not for walkie pied, east jerusalem. a lot of tool cut them open to him. run lots of lots and statements from is round about what it's doing in terms of defense against any potential external aggression. but in reality,
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what do they doing in terms of preparedness as well, that's talking very publicly about how prepared they offer any attack from iranian so onto is really territory. in fact, one senior send come, come on to from the us affectively. the senior leader in charge of american pulses in the middle east has actually visited israel. he is talking about a potential coordinated response to that department is, has been talking about this around in for it as well as well as your clients, as well as these ready military spikes. and daniel, i got, everybody is publicly talking about the fact the israel is prepared for any kind of attack on the running. and so the 2nd thing that's going on here is the reason that they were talking about this preparedness. they attacked it running targets in damascus. that happened last monday, the 2nd time they've hit those targets at that. right. so,
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but then now talking about that that one's react to was actually something that is well created for itself apartments. the benjamin netanyahu, the last 20 years, has been very, very clear on one thing. the threat from iran who plays well to his face. it allows him to act like a tough guy is very popular amongst the hard right of his political party to tool tough on iran but, but this particular round of threat, this particular around the buttons, like i said, was actually sparked by and is ready. you type on running a conflict in damascus. so that's the reason why they bring this up. so there's a lot of people who are simply wondering how much of this is simply political to keep permanents to benjamin. then you're popular amongst advice. everyone, thanks very much. you have that causal monitor events with you from occupied the stories. then as the day progresses, while we're joined by marketing jobs, associate professor of mentally studies that time. i've been police a university because i've read this again on the program mock. and the tension has
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been ruptured up by over the last week, spring lead rivers of iran saying, you know, israel will be punished, that full of punishment is all told to the basement. and that's all it is compensation we call we go into speculation about what might happen. yeah. with washington saying that israel has it's, i am clad support one wonders whether this tension can be lowered as washington one. so somebody, i think they're all avenues to diffuse this tension, as you said, it's all rhetoric at the moment, rhetoric apart from the fact that israel did actually attack a radiance photo. so you know, around would probably be within their rights to respond. but at the same time is seen bite and offering his eye implied support. yes, but iran also said that the representation of the un said had the un security council condemn the actions of israel. they would not feel the need to respond. so i think that can be seen as maybe an olive branch around don't necessarily want to escalate this more than they have to. and iran also conscious that what it meant and, you know,
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who is doing by shifting the focus of the conflict onto it. ron and us from saying, you know, the us to rhetorically give us the support is to die, diagnose direct kind of attention away from what's going on in concerts a time this about israel, iran. so i think iran don't actually want to national respond because that not only would escalate the situation further, but it would also actually detract from the growing us pressure on gaza, which we saw a leading up to is around the attack on, on, on the the console that and then your husband knows that. so i think he's kind of playing by the way we played by them yet. but this wasn't drug i supposed was that extend what the mood is in the neighborhood. and the neighborhood being the arab neighbors. now to, to a certain extent, i've shifted the position based on what's happened in gauze or the not a supportive of the us in terms of what's going on right now. so the us also have to keep in mind that if there is retaliatory action and then say, you know, we update on what's going to happen, it also has to think about how the saudis are going to react egypt, sions, the jordanians. i mean, as 3 principals really,
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the very close neighbors it has to enter, but i think not buttons administration, a more mindful environment of this was seeming increasing. you know, it's apartments increasingly isolated. i think within his own administration, i'm seeing even samantha power, i think, you know, i'm the head of usa. i. d, i actually was one of the highest ranked officials to recently say those bombing is underway in gaza. right. and this is just another indication that vitamins policy is increasing the isolating cell from what his, uh, his own constituents, one. but i think that's what's reflective of the fact that he, his kind of dedication and commitment as well as also isolating and why the are believed is one. so i think he has to be very careful the reason to said, but i think what vitamins doing is actually not just returning to popular with him . and he's in danger of isolating his other allies in the region, including jordan and the gulf states with this other sort of front, potentially being talked about. it does create a problem for the ongoing ceasefire polls or captive release negotiations that are
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ongoing. and that puts the heat on egypt and cats awesome as negotiates as because they, they won't be a very fine line. trying to not only be neutral, but also trying to bring both parties home us and israel, close to a point of talking to each other. yeah, even if it's in directory, but that's becoming more and more difficult by the day it is becoming more difficult. i most recent and we so that is ro, assassination of honey is children and grandchildren. and you know, this is interesting because it was reported, i think i'm in his ready paper. all right, so that, you know how most my tried to undermine negotiations. it was like, well, no is there with one to assess the night that his children. so this seems to be, reflect, they're going to have nothing yahoo and the government's deliberate attempts to sabotage the ongoing talks. right. and we know we know that netanyahu was doing, if, at any time to try and actually prolonged or because his, you know, his power, his authority and the ability to stay. but selection is contingent on him staying
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in power. so i think this continues sabotage potential negotiations is something that yes, puts the pressure on cats on egypt for the same time. i think the international community knows that's a much a business out of that hands. for example, you can't control the fact that, you know, one of how much does officials just had his children assassinated at a time when we were on the costs of what looked like a potential breakthrough in terms of talks. i mean targeted killings of something that we're also talking about as in yeah, uh, coming defense program, insight story with me a little bit. yeah. through the through the day. but again, we still talk to the killings in the last 24 hours. right. a very specific, targeted killings, you know, within a rough and con, you this and this is an issue that parts of the argument between bites and netanyahu about making sure that the war continues the way the israel was the way the us ones is the collateral damage the cultural damage being the public at large in gauze. yeah. but does i mean, vitamin, you know, we saw what happened after those 8 work is the w. k. a because are killed, we saw
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a recession of westland prussia. i'm actually considered palestinians, but because they were at west side, but it still actually pointed to what he did situations where you saw a change in us tone. right. but i think now he knows that as long as there's not killing westman as he can precipitate about pressure. so targeted killings at one thing. but at the same time, you know, if you have this arrange a situation causing by them to reassign his support as ro, it completely undermines any us leverage because it's not and you're testing what does a, i'll keep doing this. but if the iran spect so many times that i can promote that iran specter of a threat biden is just going to reset his commitment to is real security at the end of the. is there a security? if that is the essential threats that will trump any consideration of the humanitarian situation and gods. and i think that and you know, who knows that, and he's either manipulating biting or biden's indulging this and using as an excuse, which is what happens again as we always do in the coming us. thank you're welcome . just thanks so much for joining. says he still has his all the news of the
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hostess of attempt to record you to the fact that we have the latest on the record breaking, he waving molly only struggling through with at least a 100 people having died. the, the thailand times we and full security along with border with me and more as far as it gets split between levels and the, and most military government forces convoys evolved. vehicles and soldiers have been put on the lot in the time for the town of my salt. many civilians are trying to flee because of a tax in kevin states. now the type of government says is willing to offer temporary shelter to a 100000 refugees from me in the fall, in the latest set, but for the june to rebel groups in the mall said that they've taken the time of my warranty on the boat with thailand molded a $1000000000.00 worth of goods passed through the trading of that for you. tony trying reports a tie on the big codes,
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the pair outside the board of crossing in to me and my early on thursday morning reports from across the river to the town to me of what he told me. you may have seen the reality on the ground that like a beef through a couple of days, the fighting continuity stopped us do now as we, as we speak now, the con, the fighting still continue. and if, even though the meal but he is not broken 100 percent, but i can say now from as my minutes. yeah. more than 90 percent already broken on the other side of the bridge soldiers from yeah, most battalion 275200 has requested safe passage into thailand. military fatigue swamped for civilian clothes, waiting on the banks of the more river. totally so just watched and waited planes in the sound of the strikes in the distance, the tide military are still on high or low. they believe me a while the has already full and,
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but the remaining me and margins of soldiers are right here across the board. and if there is any more fighting, this is where it will happen. on the other bridge in the center of the tide town of may, so hundreds of refugees pulled across the border from me a while the now the ground forces of lift, they fib unbuttoned from the law. and since they were fighting, they will fight digits, bombing the area. they might have dropped into civilian areas accidentally. people might die. that's what worried me and made me sleep. i don't dare to stay. there was swiping i bought 20 into so in 5 and 5, it's just bombs as well. just today. i was scared with this kid and my sister told me to flee to this site. inside me a while the streets deserted and shop shouted pickup trucks with the men patrol the streets. no insignia are on the uniforms, but they say they will vacate the boulder. when the current army and their allies
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arrive, but the me on my military pushed out from this region. it's not clear who is in control. tony checking out 0 on the timing on my boat. filled up as soon as the deputy, as the director of human rights watch, enjoys us out from bang, caught mr. watson, always good to speak to you on the program, ethnic cleansing in the west of the country and bangladesh, taking on the writing of the civil war to the east. and old, i suppose thailand has no option, but to help at this point, the thailand is uh, being pulled along with the events inside the armoire. i mean, this is really between them. yeah. more people in the military there. uh, the military is continuing to wage a war against them. you have more people now concerned that in my why the there is going to be air strikes against civilian targets. so these are the sort of things that we're worried about. um, you know, thailand is waiting and watching out, just like your reporter said, those the, the, the soldiers are waiting at the bridge to see what happens. the potentially the
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influx into thailand could be much larger than what we're seeing at the moment. it's just a trickle maybe up to as many as 2000000. that is a huge problem, potentially for thailand to the problem. it doesn't really want a medium box. is it in the, in the, in the throes of it would like to resolve this with the ethnic groups. but it does have a very hung heavy handed approach to what's been going on. well, i don't think that we're going to see anything near 2000000 refugees. i mean, i think that's, we'll see is a some stream of refugee is coming across, but most of these people are coming across. we'll go back once the findings upsides and what we're looking at is much of the eastern border myanmar. a lot of the type of water will be in the whole hands of the ethnic groups. so, you know, is this is actually a progress from the perspective. a lot of people who have face predation and abuses from the yeah. more military. i think that overall, the situation, you know is certainly one where them. yeah,
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more military's grip on power is we're getting, but they're going to continue to fight and it's not going to in quickly. i think we're going to see it a new phase come. but the loss of my a why the will be a major major of low to them. yeah. more military. wonder how much does this, what re, regional neighbors. you've got thailand on one side, but china is the other. you might say, elephant in the room that you will not want to get dragged into this either. is it time to talk somewhere along the line as well? it's not clear that the military wants to talk. there are actually engaged in mandatory construction, forcing people into the military and the ethnic view of the middle. yeah, more military is being on their bad foot. so, you know, people may not want to talk. it may not be the time yet for peace talks because you know, both sides still want to find. i think both thailand in china are starting to recognize that they need to hedge their bets,
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that their assumption that the more military would always win, no matter what is being tested out. and they may need to recognize that they have to readjust their alliances, start talking with the opposition, start talking with the ethnic groups and start recognizing that the, the human rights abuses and the lack of accounts ability has continued for far too long. and we have more so while this goes on a agency, certainly all on thailand side of the board will be looking to see what's going on in your understanding of what happens. i mean, how will they now be preparing for a potential influx? well, i think that certainly a humanitarian aid is being prepared and actually humanitarian aid continues to go across the border and informal channels. i think the important thing is that the tie government needs to have a very clear policy that they are not going to force people back into the armoire who have to flatten the toilet. that's why we're hopeful that what the foreign minister was saying that they were prepared to take up to a 100000 allowed them temporary protection,
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might be possible. we actually want people to be considered a refugee's or their fleeing into thailand and facing political persecution of their force backup pilot has refused to have that kind of arrangement. previously. it's time for time to do a little bit of a recent can recognize that the way they are perceived by the people who are coming to tyler from the m. r may play a very big role in the way the child's proceed. the future by the people in the i'm are, we know some tie. politicians are heading to the bold up. be interesting to see what they say and perhaps we can get you and i left this on that in the hours ahead for the moment. so robinson, thanks so much for joining us from bangkok to washington now on what to the present j pardon has described as i implied commitments, to defend japan and the philippines because it fit on buckles junior and japanese prime minister to me. it's a she to discuss ways to count to what they see is china is going for it. joint case got the trolls are expected to be announced. have to repeat the confrontations,
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the chinese vessels in the south china sea trying to condemn the summit, insisting that patrols in the region. and also i want to be clear, the united states, united states defense competitors to japan. and to the philippines, our iron clad or our class, as i said before, any attack on filipino aircraft specials are armed forces and south china sea would invoke our mutual defense treaty. you know, the was so thing in southern russia for a century has full small people to be evacuated from the homes, the governor of cook and regions as water levels in the tubal river rose one and a half meters. the nights and melting snow cools the euro riveted the 3rd longest in europe to bust its banks. the problems of also being affected by the heavy floods. many business owners who depend on the livestock say they haven't been able to do that jobs properly. usually a ship of all of our reports from russia's hall to hit
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a bug region to the shows that owing bugs most i coney comes across that made of the finest to yon. from the owenberg zone, he goes, which native to the highest point in the over in the region called coupon. take those cut them. that's with this down which was very strong winds blow that. so the down protects the goats from co, each 5 but inside is empty. this explains the lightness of this cough and its forms . albina and her husband fry. you own a good phone with 3000 animals in the remote proven dig district. they also run a non factory and to show anything business the award for the animals since the phone has become accessible due to the flooding. cling you most of the time, it's kind of where we come to deliver the amount to feed. each gold requires for the daily ration we feed on the young ones, so they have milk while the rest are still on hey,
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what's the problem is that the water has risen and then the road the flooded the engine as a good once a yeah, we call them the goats and they see it due to the slots. this didn't happen. we're missing the moment as the goats will begin to shed. so it takes 60 days to create one's cough from the to room materials to the finished product. one good needs to be raised and fed for a whole. yeah. to get to 300 grams of down slowly but and will to go eat directly affects the downs quality the spring months when mos baby goes of kids of bone pollution a month ago needs vision and supplements. and the fees, dislodging across the coupon to region means these mother goes, have only got enough feed for another $2.00 days before owners have already procured feet from the neighbors. but it's not enough. they know how the water will receive soon. you lash above all of a 0 to 0 or in, but russia on the floods of also hitting they've been cause it's done. why also it
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is upside. the state of emergency and effected regions, swelling, rivers have forced low. the 98000 people from the homes. more than 8000 animals have died. se phone so head, hey, all the new use of the license from the occupied westbank. is there any forces? right? a refugee 10. the the, there's probably no surprise to hear that most of europe is seeing temperatures well above the average. regarding to spring has the temperature should be rising, that they are, of course, maintaining the difference between average and where they are. despite the fact you can draw funds all over the place, which implies cloud and right now, most of that is admittedly confined to the northwest corner,
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leaving head london's at 90 degrees above and on through island. good part of northern britain and scandinavia is warmed up, submit to use, but wind and rain off fairly frequent visitors. but for the next couple of days, it looks particularly boring for almost or if you're you can probably focus on faces like portugal on off shore, breezing lisben means or up to about 29. on saturday, the average here is about 20 zagreb represents the like the middle of europe here with terms of 29 by sunday, which is not that far away from the record for april. but if you go to the east that bonus, poland down to ukraine, and increasing cloud and rain here in a bit of a breeze beans tempted to have been catch dan, or even pushed back done. for example, in the baltic states very, very well recently was escape some metal training, gives very brett weather to west and libya and algeria and the winds in west africa, particularly strong and full of test the.
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the latest news as it breaks around on a given a cause that people come out in large numbers, galvanized population a board with detailed coverage. but the reason prices and the reality, things are like going to get much worse before they get better describing some residents to the brain from around the world. people have told us the circumstances, even more important than usual, to come together to share what they feel they have. every family carries it's within those and 65, or in this case you can take a nice time to hear a young rocky debt scrawl the ink cartridge these families to finally discussed their cost in the hope of sparing youth young son by breaking the cycle into generational trauma, my father knew and died a witness documentary on which is era. the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the fuel watching, undeservedly, single, rob, nevermind, of all told stories. united nations damage assessments even con units in garza has reported widespread destruction to homes, medical center, schools, and rogues. unexploded bombs are a danger following the withdrawal of his body forces from the city is ready as strikes have continued with at least 6 palestinians killed that of popular marketing garza city. and another attack, i'll be honest because of the threats of, if you can at least 5, tell us that nobody's thailand has to be in full security along his folder with me
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in law as far as against like, between rebels and me. a most military government forces many civilians are trying to lead to be involved because of the tax incorrect in the states. and the seizure of a forward to town by rebels is way the rates they will keep hard westbank who killed at least 2 palestinians, an injured 3 of those soldiers told me in the alpha refugee camp were confronted by palestinian fighters. they read, present time dealings with shaw science and they power medic beaten and arrested other raids early on friday morning were at cookie a and a so new the abraham has moved from the law is where the forces every the several in different areas across the occupied west bank, it would be easier to say which areas they did not raid overnight the early this morning, but the deadly rate took place into boss to the north of the occupied westbank. where is there any forces of killed to palestinians?
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one of them has been ambushed in his car, hidden, he has been a deed as her mother russell. now according to these really sources, they say that he was not the target of the raid, but he has conducted shootings against these really forces reading the area leading through the ambush of his car at his killing. they took the car, these really forces, but then they left us to go leading the medical teams to be able to go and take the body with them. now, according to locals in mother, as to what is known as the leader of the boss. but silly in a fighting group of young men who has been confronting these really forces militarily. but he's also the son of a lot of that argument, a palestinian, who was the 1st to declared dead by these really present services. the war begun in october. his father has been known as a leader of mass here in the occupied west bank. and this tells you about the fact
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that the family will be late to arrest the son who has been killed today. but they still have the body of the father who has been ill, who has been declared dead 6 months ago. that is still the body is, has not been handed over to the palestinians for burials all in all the as really forces have conducted arrests in several areas in the occupied west bank knew that, but he just data that i'm on the ongoing process and debates all with an old adults to should serve in the is really ministry is threatening to bring done prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his coalition government. what we challenge was most bulky parties, jerusalem, a several thousands ultra orthodox jews. take part in a demonstration on thursday, outsides a recruitment exit military recruitment center in west teresa the now this is the latest and a series of demonstrations of the officer. also dogs have been involved in some of
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which have ended in violence against police. so classes with police now, what they're angry about these moves by the governments, which might see them being stripped, a veteran exemption from military service. it's a situation that dates back to the beginning of the age where the states in the 9th and the late 1940 is when the governments of the time told the out to orthodox community as it was that that they didn't have to do ministry service. now only $400.00 males that are applied so it might have because the community was so small, but since then it's expanded hugely and it now makes up about 13 percent of the anti is ready population. but it still has this exemption for military service. and at the moment when money is ready still, that they are fighting an ex, essential goal against how much they think this is grossly unfair, that this community should not have to share the burden of slicing in the army. and
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they also say that the at the alter or schools that out so essentially lost be supported by the state so that they can do the religious scholarship. so the supreme court is basically told benjamin that you know, his government's that he has to remedy the situation, is discriminatory and he has to come up with a lot of sorted out boss. it's a big problem for him because to policies in his governing coalition ultra orthodox policies and i see i am talking always has been too much. then they might collapse with the governments and that mike's lapses. and benjamin ask next me all who might lose power? really challenge out 0 of the parties, prison or the palestine will have to wait longer to become a sole member of the united nations. the security council's committee on the mission of new members failed to reach consensus. 2 thirds of the committee members were in favor, but nothing not to make
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a recommendation to the general assembly. gabriel was on the hospital from you and h q in new york. it appears at once again. palestine bid to become a full member. united nations has died in security council committee. this despite the fact having the majority of the security council members, apparently approving a palestine spit that according to multis, ambassador of the un holds the presidency of the security council this month. however, the majority with a membership outside many countries outside the facts that kind of science courses or the criteria that are required on the months of video convention chaka
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and some countries and lots of reasons why i'm explaining that 1st so as the chair of the committee we have sizes, i have decided that i with the circulating are also very full objection procedure and we would see the next step from this in 2011 palestine also apply to be full un members. but that also died in committee and the security council. but at that time then, the general assembly was able to elevate palestine to the status of un observer. that is posting a lot of rights here at the un, but not critically. the right to vote in the general assembly, which is very important. so palestine essentially has been disenfranchised from this organization that they participate in for many, many years. now. now this still could potentially go to the security council and a resolution for a vote. that is still
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a possibility and that could come as early as next week. but the bottom line is, is the u. s. has been, even if it does go that far, the us is prepared to veto it, gabriel's on don't, i would just need it at united nations in new york. the new sealants government is reducing the number of migrant workers. it accepts the new visa restrictions are a way to get low locals into employment and eas inflation. but the change in policy will lead some work as on the employee is worried about the future. as wayne. hey reports not from oakland for many years, businesses of all sizes have relied on good cuz from outside the zill and to survive. now the government sees there are too many foreign workers here and it wants new zealand is to feel low skilled jobs. i'm not sure with the local does um to be honest. a lot of curious um doesn't prefer to work on a hospitality and therapy for office for like 9 to 5 labor
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shortages pool was by the code. the 19 pandemic. oh, but disappeared last year, when 173000 people migrated to new zealand to fill job vacancies. now with the economy and recession, the government has reduced low skilled would visas from 5 to 3 years, meaning many, my friends face an uncertain future. we invited many americans to come over here during corporate di, biggest and help our society here to be able to kind of be and then suddenly because we are no longer needing them. we are just suited simply kicking them out of the country. they were also high, an english language requirements, which the government believes was help prevent the work is being exposed to abuse by employee is the immigration minister didn't respond to l. just areas request for an interview. but new zealand isn't alone and seeing and need to reduce migrant numbers in australia. if full costs remain on ta, guess almost
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a 1000000 people will have arrived in the past 2 years. after changes to australia is visa rules, student, these is a now more difficult to get somewhere you want. the long term implications might be if the new rules stay in place too long, because the damage mates on to the regular pride should bring certain uncertain. uh, but graduated in australia or not, but we got about 50 percent of all your, your 10 minute score migrants from students. so started here. let's try a skilled all those skills. migraines had been vital to the economy once the leading times a row the students and work is that likely to be in demand again. but next time they may be more wary. wayne hey, al jazeera oakland jack both is edward to emeritus professor they together institute for population research at the university of what thought to join us from hamilton, kentucky with us on the program. the new zealand governments a o a may be to feel low skilled jobs with new zealand nationals,
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but do those nationals. well, those jobs author enough new zealand us to fill those positions and does it pay enough for everyone to be happy or? yeah, it's uh, of course, new zealand has benefits from migration over a long time and you'll see the strategy very similar. we have 30 percent of our population is close to 30 percent and for on board people. so migration is the integral part of the season society. but of course, there are fluctuations in economy that leads also to fluctuations and migration rules or regulations. and the problem of course, is that quite often this is tends to be reactive and because these policies take a long time to implement. so we have had unprecedented growth in immigration like like in australia and leading to unprecedented growth in the population growth
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. right? so we've had close to 3 percent population growth in the 2023. that's sort of, i'm good. all for the most part. a developed country so uh that's clearly something needs to be done. yeah. well one does, why do forward to use of doing it now? because they're trying to equate inflation with a rise in accommodation and renting increases is out of service estimates as well. yes. the there is a migration has both supply and demand effects. and in the more around these effects tend to be quite events. so it can, somebody call them is would say, well, immigration just increases the scale of your society and whether you have 25000000 people in australia, fi or 5000000 people in new z like dfcs, kind of with a similarly on, on a per capita basis. and they just scale increase the scale of the economy. but. busy busy in the short runs, there's no doubt that infrastructure and to the housing market consechi box. so
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this, the, there's been a lot of research on looking at the effect on prices of houses and rents, and the samantha analysis defects. so some people exaggerate them, they would be of these are the general who list that you had another percent of population growth due to migration that might add about a percent to real house prices. how does this uh, now that within 15 minutes i can just jump in the how does this announcement then fits in with the new national policy governments policy? they just came into power at the end of 2023. is this a? is this a way that makes pressing the mandates and is this what the electric wanted them to do? yeah, i think this is a said, it's a, it's a global trans. i know originally from the netherlands and i follow the news. they are in the same kind of a political forces or they are arguing for a lower immigration rates. and the same is true in north america as well. so,
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and to some extent this is due to, even though they say the defend demik because they know of affordable and for quite some time. uh, there is still a kind of a and the fact that there was a trend before uh, 2020 in the. busy going a migration, all particularly low skilled people is involved in the amount of the employees administratively and using the course we, we should be thinking of the primary sector and the off tourism in australia also a mining. and so i don't look a southern that the best source of labeled us cutoff. then we have a period of a very relaxed and an expansion read mission, fiscal and monetary policy. so there is a lot of investment going on and so that keeps the economy going back now. and then the employees have both the loved ones that approval with this. so i think it's not, it's about what this would be the one who is this something like an optimal rates,
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and that is a very hard question. we have done like a long as a model. it is logical puter models. and if you don't say them, usually like the case may be something like, just one percent might be a reasonable rates of population growth, or which may be something like $30.00 to $50000.00 migrants because we have to there's something special about using that as the we we are running out of time, so i think we just need to get to the end of this seems to be, i mean basically if it's easy to now to expect types of rules for australia very briefly. yes, we do. yes, definitely. okay, well we'll see what does happen in today's ad for the day, but thank so much for joining us from the university of y kata. thank you. so you still ahead, hey, all. now just there was a sense of the fall, but american football style he was acquitted a double but
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a has passed away the
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the the of the to molly and what mutual legit say has be the hottest temperature ever recorded in africa. more than a 100 people have died during your record breaking seat wave temperatures and one time sold above 48 degrees celsius bennett smith. how's the story? there's not much access to electricity the model. so using funds or at condition is to get released from extreme heat is nearly impossible. that means heat stroke can kill a skillet based on the view of a qc. you have a card on, if someone comes with a fever at 42 degrees vent to break it, you have to put ice on them or put them under air conditioning,
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or security as well. you've got to do this within 40 minutes. otherwise, people get lesions on the advice of organs. when that happens, even if he was beaten to organ damage can result in where we have been receiving patients some of these conditions and it's too late to do anything for them. at least a 100 people have died in the capital bama code, if it could be much higher elsewhere in molig meteorologist measure the temperature of 48.5 degree celsius in one town on april, the full, that's the highest ever recorded on the african continent. the our parent died a week ago because of the heat. when we came in to pray, the cemetery god told us they were 15 to 20 barrels a day. of people who died from the heat. the heat wave is being claimed on the l nino where the problem i'm a climate change, according to the will me to are logical organization. temperatures in most land areas worldwide will be above normal until at least may, when i mean you start to read good. it's may,
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i'll just say in malia the military leadership has done media coverage of old political policies that they will to came 24 hours after the indefinite suspension of old political activities calling to goose since 2020. the hunter says the crackdown is necessary to maintain public older human rights groups are calling for an immediate reversal of the older as well. millions of muslims in nigeria, a box, and the festival of either fitted with colorful events across the country. and that address reports not from northern colorado state, but centuries old traditions are coming alive. the half a 1000000 little has changed in how the old kind of things have separate space. at the end of the most important part, it all starts with the religious rights. at the end of the time, oh, it is a combination of both culture,
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religion and it predicted even the stomach revolution of this month of, for you, at least by some $300.00 to us here in kind of the push to reduce the costs of displays. take over the traditional live average for these codes. an addition make us a site, the click was us the site, the lose its culture technician, the society is gone. so that's why it's important to look at the culture as see how we can maintain need to know what uh, what the things come was the changes in the world all about the amount of kind of supervisors, the traditions of a people whose history dates. but over a 1000 years, pawsman dec inch in costumes. display writing skills in homage to the young princes also take part in the cult toppa to the delight of hundreds of
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thousands people in town or the rest of the country may be going through a tough time when it comes to celebrations. many, do you say the best friend to look the best i told the turkish some institutions nor it's francis bag to make members last until the next person arrives. gun salutes maybe in addition, but oil he's 40 and said they've also been around for more than 100 years. the celebration continues all 4 days with both locals and visitors joining the job or for us to reduce the degrees. i'll just need a couple things. okay, well is that good or expo? so i'm thinking like a nation states government has complained to the international court of justice after police and equitable rated the mexican embassy unity. so the rest of that goes full, but vice president hold hey gloss. he'd been grunted political asylum by mexico after 2 convictions for corruption,
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the task will be effected. countries should be able to go before the international court of justice, and the court in accordance with united nations charter, should approve the expulsion and there should be no v to, to, to the hospital from mexico city. ultimately, the mexican government was the expulsion of ecuador from the un, but 1st are saying that they should be suspended temporarily, while an investigation is carried out into the incidents at the embassy last friday . they also want ecuador to make a public apology about the incident. something that the ecuadorian government has already said is not going to happen because according to them, they didn't break the law. they say it was actually mexico who broke the law 1st by granting asylum to someone who they say did not qualify for it. the former vice president of ecuador had already been convicted on 2 counts of corruption, and therefore, according to the ecuadorian authorities, they should, he shouldn't have been granted asylum to begin with. they say that it was
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a provocation of political provocation by mexico to grant it to him and an undermining of the ecuadorian judicial system. now, the 2nd thing that the mexican government is asking, the court is for it to guarantee the integrity of its premises, its diplomatic premises in quito, the ecuadorian capital, and the video that we were with that we saw of this storming of the embassy shortly after that incident to place mexico broke relations, diplomatic relations with ecuador, and it's embassy staff, les the country. so they actually want access to the embassy in order to retrieve all kinds of important documentation, paperwork, computers, etc. the may have been left there when their stuff abandoned the country. desco's by doing these, even peru have tripled this year. how the government says low income areas have been affected. by the most case, hypo and disease its health industry has recoded 117. the sofa compared to $33.00
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in the same period last year. and the bridge, the degree is not in place to cover the outbreak of jason. so before the american football style he was acquitted of a double mother has died of cancer. he was aged 76, and 1990. 5 simpson was cleared of the measure of his former wife and her friend did a trial and grips the united states. but he would say to found liable in a separate civil case. john henry looked back at his life as the world watched with rapt attention is o. j. simpson heard the verdict and the so called murder trial of the century. oh, unsolved. james simpson, not guilty of the crime of murder. a divided global public saw the eye clinic tell of ice case unfold in real time. if it doesn't fit, you must equip spearing simpson jail time but ultimately forever tarnishing his previously pristine reputation or ins. all james simms and burst out of the sports scene as an explosive running back at the university of southern california. then the buffalo bills as a professional,
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he is still regard. it is one of the greatest of all time for a while he seemed to be everywhere all at once on the field. o. j. simpson abdul was saying he had to be run out of the deck in the broadcasting booth. he'd advertisements from indian hollywood blockbusters give this man some drugs. can you see? the pain suspect may be driving a white or light colored for the front costs. then on june 17th, 1994 came this slow speed bronco chase that ended in a charge of murder for the death of his wife. nicole entered friend and alleged parent more. ronald goldman occurring 2 years after the acquittal of the police and the beating of motor is rodney king, left the yawning, racial divined in the us, the simpson murder case, widen that chasm would much of black america, believing in his innocence and much of white america,
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doubting the united states is a deeply divided polarizing nation. i think o j simpson is the perfect encapsulation of that division of that pull the reservation. and i think given the fact that what took place in 1995, i think that still resonates very much with people today. after his shocking acquittal in 1995 simpson was found liable for wrongful death in a civil trial in order to pay $33500000.00 to the brown. in goldman, families is 2006 manuscript. if i did, it offered what he called a hypothetical account of the murderers in 2008 simpson was again charge this time with armed robbery for recovering his own memorabilia. he said, and he spent 9 years in prison making his parias status complete. in recent months, simpson posted about his health on social media on mild is good. i mean obviously i'm dealing with some issues, but i think i'm just the bottle risks. i'll be back on the golf course. hopefully
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in a couple of weeks o j. simpson's family said he died wednesday of cancer. he was 76. that's. that's from me. so i'll talk about the more news on the other side. all right, thanks for your time to come to the unique perspective. everything is political. you cannot stay out of politics and everything is a feminist issue to on hud voices. we see our leadership destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life. elizabeth connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's, it's right here. and right now the stream announces era a pod huge, i mean to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not suffered to
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scientology is thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who they to say, no delta standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful. you hear the story on talk to how does era i'm kind of foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sex on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis, haven't had going through the run for crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence, reporting from the action. have you have a great winning hearing this
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thoughts, palestinian or airbag content has been removed or restricted understanding the reality for these demonstrators, it's presidents must be solved, reckoning the stability of the country. i'll just say it was teens of across the world. when you click send to the fonts at the store, the says, palestinians return to that destroyed hands in southern garza. but you end tables of a nice french coals by israel's ariel bump, bump street and public spaces and ton unit. so later with unexploded ordnance posing severe risk to civilians,
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especially for children. the civilized headquarters here in the also coming up thailand reinforced the security elements photo and meanwhile,


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