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tv   101 East Slapped - Speaking Up in Thailand  Al Jazeera  April 12, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm AST

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so you're over this the longest in europe to best its banks. the floods of also hit neighboring cars like stone where all forward he's of declared the state of emergency and effective regions, swelling, rivers of full, small, the 98000 people from the homes, mold and 8000 animals have also died. well, like muslims, worldwide, millions and overnight jerry all celebrating the festival of either the fit, the admin address or pull stuff in condo state. what century the old traditions follow? ramadan, half a 1000000. yeah. a little has changed in how the old kind of things that separates the at the end of the most important it all starts with the religious rights at the end of my time. oh, it is a combination of both culture, religion and it predicted even the sloniker revolution of this month of, for you at least by some $300.00 kids here in kind of from
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here for us to reduce the culture of displays, take over the traditional live average for these codes edition, make us a site to click was a society lose its culture technician, the society is gone. so that's why it's important to look at the culture and see how we can maintain need to know what uh, what the things come was. the changes in the world all about the amount of kind of supervisors, the traditions of people whose history dates back over a 1000 years. pawsman dec inch in costumes. display writing skills in homage to the young princes also take part in the cult toppa to the delight of hundreds of thousands people in town or the rest of the country may be going through a tough time. when it comes to celebration many,
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do you say they don't? electronic just started their way this brenda look very impressed. i told the traditional institutions, nor it's francis bag to make members last until the next person arrives and salutes maybe in addition, but oil he's 40 and said they've also been around for more than 100 years. the celebration continues all 4 days with both locals and visitors joining that over for us to reduce the degrees. and i'll just kind of how wonderful that sits full of of it with me. so rather have more news and hoss and i'll be get all of those stories on the website that kyle just ever dot. com is 101 east. next door down to them. so just stay with the link. a journalist is that premises i get to the heart of the story,
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amplified the voices of those who have been drowned out by the noises of war. is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks. we're just going to try to pick up as a safety position reading the trying to find the words the truly, it's a challenge and a huge responsibility. we keep one of the issues and decision makers in check. so the devastating humans cost of their decisions. the reason is the soldiers base themselves in this house. it's because it's actually edges of the janine refugee cab. and from here they have, it's their view of working at the 0 enables me to make that positive voice as relevant to so that this mode that unites us, that divides us in thailand. tens of thousands of criminal defamation cases has been filed in the last
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decade. critics, a powerful people are using the quotes to silence those speaking i a came here in tell you this is up and upset to 150 often bank froze by the tax past these cool cases, a taking that home on those standing up to fraud abuse and environmental disruption guarantee by sac. but title, tell them how they can teach at home high till by noon upon much for the intention is not to be in the case, but is actually to wearing people dial 11 east investigate allegations that across thailand, low suits, are being used to intimidate whistleblowers and conceal corruption. the
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to tennessee destruction is one of thailand's most famous investigative journalists and human rights defenders. this morning she's heading to a police station in the northeast in presence of correct, defend himself and i feel upset. a few extra steps. too, too much space is a slew of criminal defamation charges related to social media posts she made about to look for mass linking him to a serious financial scandal in thailand, it's a crime to publish comments that damage a person, organizations, reputation. i face thing in jail. 18 years. that's because awesome. i said the one you speak up and then you get some people upset. you can go to the policeman
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and then report it immediately. you have to stay in jail. who is no matter who right? you're wrong, you do not have money to bear with us, so you have to stay in the jail. this is the 3rd time that you to must have to surrender to police over the same dispute. she's facing 9 separate charges or from complaints filed by the same man. the man of the sub district has been long to to me says the charges relate to silence. here, under a clear example of strategic law suits against public participation or slapped cases, i don't know why i can say how many time that have to put the name on my finger add the criminal record. i don't know that. so my mama, my family is going to handle was this thing more than
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25000 criminal defamation cases have been filed since 2015. and they take a lot of time and money to defend, even if what has been said is true. i'm not a criminal. i have my own right to speak up. i have my own right to create the side of property interest project. to to me i was visiting the home incorrect in 2021. when she heard about a story that didn't add a huge sums of government loan money, known as village funds designs to lift the rural poor. i have to poverty had gone missing. so 12000000 is accounted for with these names. yeah. and then the still so me see, 32000000 is missing. to, to analyze checks, bank slips and other evidence and began piecing the puzzle together. tracing some
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of the money to personal bank accounts. one of those accounts belonged to the man who says that check cashier check 1000000 and 1000000 and then not a religious 1000000 souls to 1000000 dollar to these account number. pay to on the, on the bank account that must have a name. did not mention it is new name and why is that entity? so how did you look at whose account it was that so based on the, on my bill, my banking, i tried to time for for 10 bucks for these bank account associated come up also may your name. wow. so that's his name. that's his name. yeah. sarah, demand she's talking about is may a tunnel tune coolie kit. dustin, uh, i was sho, i couldn't sleep fully. i'll show you the guy who says up this community
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financial institution, the evidence appears to show that a financial institute, the may have funded, intended to manage and distribute loans for villages to transferred some of the money to him. instead, he's not facing criminal charges, but does not admit to any room doing to, to the shed what she's fine with the community, posted online and gave the information to authorities. but to may of time and tone went to the police and accused of defamation. now she and her legal team are preparing to defending those charges. kate her, on my outside happening, i can coordinate a been done port. well, i tried to unplug what by happened, done. thank god. why we have to fighting basic right about the freedom of speech is a huge cost for, for, for type people. it should be chance to,
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to minute is speaking of the people like to know who took a pharma from colorado, whose life was turned upside down. when the money from the institute went missing in 2021, she received a letter from thailand, government savings, bank, saying she owed them an enormous debt to my bank, the signed line. yeah. me one the yeah. what 90 day left of my cool me why i'm key a good the can top as well. maybe beneath my niece of mine at the low, you cannot meet the doing pull. never forward any money from the bank. but her father was considered liable for some of the money that disappeared from the financial institute because he'd been a committee member of one of the village funds. it took cove when he died on the ty load, doing pun, inherited that liability. and along with all the committee members,
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she was some co allow me, one for the same love made him compete. light that out don't be concerned based. i had mean allow me these high supplied doing homes. village committee is not the only one being sued. the bank is pursuing all 16 of the committees that, that the institute handle the funds. a total of $44000000.00 bought at $1200000.00. a village fund money was funneled through the institute. most of it then disappeared. the villages mostly firm is day laborers say they have no idea of what happened to the money, but they are now being held accountable low. maybe you will need to a t. so it's all based on live. carlo from ports out though, cuz we need to be late that don't people who are telling me it also may be cool for
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me. yeah. let me quote my name. go ahead. go. what time allow me. high, skinny that out here. it gets really hot. it's dry. it can be tough to make a living. these loans were supposed to be a lifeline for this community. but the villages say they became and a thing, but have you all being affected by this scandal? the top and then on the cabinet up by the side of the the clear mask. well i'm, you have to log on to one. give them anything. yeah. give them a call. that that is the most, okay. maybe they could. i mean, i won't keep you have it by any means. right. so have you here all have to attend colts because of this message, claiming them. yeah. yes. eventually often multiple complaints. the government began investigating the missing money and the banking scandal gains much smaller
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attention. but i've been kind of close to what i got that i need to talk to. and the cops me tell buying a coffee from one bottle. i'm not putting on height on what no contract, se michael told for non yeah. my time all, but i'm on call. good. my cock up. i get, i know the address on because none of them see this on a same is prosecute to from sancho was appointed to lead a special investigation commission to have mean high by who me contact the late lou make on come late and so on. hi. how are you? constant been denied, confident in community. you don't get them. only men cleaned up my pick up. long of investigators have traced some of the missing money, but 10000000 bond is still on the counted phone connect. i'm a got took me a little more them kind of thoughts on. wow, look, good job. a lie. let me tell you. i think we, we couldn't come up now. and i, me came out and they got called into the, to me. but we have, you know, and like i told them to walk with the little gifts, how often months of waiting. the 1st of to, to me is 5 trials. is
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a bite to be can say, failing novice. i mean, there was, of course, because i feel like i, i not have power to control my fusion. now, my few sure. in some auto people have raised my freedom. good morning. i'm allie file from, i'll do 0 tv. i was wondering if i can ask you a couple of questions. can you, can you explain why you're bringing so many charges against the truth and that today despite repeated requests, may a ton and tune refused to speak to us for this program. that in a series of settlements and a negotiation with the bank has now admitted liability for some of the debt to to miss trial is expected to last 3 days. but she faces 6 small charges off to this. and her deal may continue for years. is amazing,
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is amazing. people who speed it up have to be in a chuckle in the jail in the sale is the fuel system, the residence of some of thailand's most venerable and in published communities have faced the charges of criminal defamation. today i'm traveling to new provence and timelines northeast to meet so about to nominate home. oh, i see my mom saw yes. and so as a lawyer from bangkok to helps communities affected by development projects, you need to wear much. oh ok, thank you. so 1st came here in 2014, to work with villages, opposing a gold mine,
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they say was polluting the environment and making me sick off today began protesting the mining company launched criminal proceedings against them. this is a factory, but this was actually where the extracting the goals they'll go, i'm on. why that is the phone companies left so bad for me that been keeping less than that hope that phone kicked back to what the the and what's the last the smile on the factory site is a little overwhelming. it's come from saying i as in it and also off of can you call during that prostate and then that's why we get this mount osmond concerning the chemicals used in price with some really strong plays in his chemicals. that's true. powerful chemicals used to extract gold from rock were mixed and stored here . right next to the village. and it wasn't long before the people living here. say
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they started to feel on well, if into thing, the kind of. yeah, it's been read i nation. i am, is she the technical team and some had that the name of the him so by and see you 5 them on this, i'm the minutes for me. i thought it was fun and the to the move in 6 months late to public health officials tested declined router and found it was contaminated. so you used to be able to drink water, but no longer, you know, partnering, and i've been putting off my post app to invoke loading chemicals had seats into the water supply and polluted that crux. so you had blood tests that was showing that you had a cynical chemicals in your blood and the name for you and i, manganese kept me and kept me m and also as in it,
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in the black. so this area is whether we're mixing some 40 toxic chemicals which within sleeping into the ground water and the still a very powerful smell in there. so we probably shouldn't stick around too long ago, the, the villages stepped up that protest hosting on social media right in complaint letters and putting up signs objects into the project. that sol says the company doubled time bounty by sec. good. title, sometimes they can teach at home high siobhan, good time, much cool. and that goes with it. and then uh, phone cutting in and a ha, my wife's have been heavy at, i got net t's on my phone badge. i'm on my phone. the minor parade to tune come, company limited, didn't just seems to criminal defamation. it also filed civil defamation cases and made criminal complaints for trespassing against the community. and some charges
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was filed from weather. then it just moves up. got uh, fried a keeps in. we'll get that the, this allison up thailand finally the miles away from here? yes. 01000 people meant already had to travel. it refers you columbus has to face to charge it. i have to look, let me know how so would buy me or not. i'm not going to be mentally with the time i look poor and the only time that i saw one soul food and they say the claims for damages with disproportionate and terrifying in one instance, the company demanded 50000000 bonds. that's $1400000.00. so you got to chat with the, the families, i'm guess because i'm putting this side, asking for the 1000000 bucks. 5xw50w. $50000000.00 because you put up a sinus thing. we don't want mine crazy. the companies to the villages,
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journalists and even a teenage go, was featured in a news report about the mines, environmental impact that employee related to clack e. it's a little mos on 6 days a timeout, so please don't call me literally let me, let me find out who i the villages say the number of cases was overwhelming. those when i made any on me, substituted to jacoby. it's also being intense. bon, die, proactive on break down and i can phone and see what line again, based on i life and 5 a lot then cool, young panful, big fat. me those who been by the height cloning at noon. that's who sort of say a lie. so is this up yet on that he sometimes big when i'm to death, how may cloning at that palm? so sol successfully defended all settled overcharges vote against the community. she'll support a civil case against the company,
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claiming that filed charges in bad faith, costing the villages time and money, and damaging their reputation, matthew, so it's fine. let me come to pass on my thing. i'll be pass on a book you in may typed in the last time phone can be home. what is that been done? tie, what's my, my somebody who sees the brand to mind pushing them their bodies that go to a phone to type past the high hiccups. so bad people fall but the villages never received the compensation. the company declared bankruptcy before the verdict was and i'm finally off to move in a decade of complaints. the factory is being dismantled to the same full gas. how long you could be, you know, low timing had been knocked matt lawsuit for next month. no, no, but we will need one people to load all for ya. see, we can 5 to one of the problems that were most lucas couldn't get the i
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think one of them for all those, most of the english and what's on the list for the same time. sole says times, criminal defamation knows must be changed as well. might have called if apple phones quoting, people couldn't match. so then also then pumped the pin like all the path we've done with the owner. yeah. a little bit wrong. okay, so it's confident time. it's a mess. i'm home now. god, samsung home beeping home. i'm going to make it couldn't but no wrong and says thailand's defamation lou is that to protect people, ignite the allowed. think with me one month. wow. that i was a clumsy, a high. the which i think they more thing up. a to totty one, a city is a human rights advocate who has been fighting such a little suit to nearly 6 years. she knows the pitfalls of the titans leasing 1st and well. now the kids at the supreme court levels. and so i,
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although like we have actually one the 1st to call like the 1st caught and appeal cool. i still hanging there at the bottom of my mind. she was charged of to sharing a video on social media about the electric mistreatment of migrant workers. to major coach he exposed to it was very difficult at that time. i was frustrated with the criminal system like how did test allow to be proceed even though we already present uh, several uh evidence of the why them labor, right. the violations will verify by different states. atari be, but why the case is still moving forward to the full trial suit. the reese has the information, she said was demonstrably true. the company had been ordered to pay the work is
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$50000.00 and compensation to tie defamation. the truth alone is not to defense. so in time and you can face jail time for re tweeting something that is true. yes, exactly. if the issue is not, uh, your own legitimate interest on a public interest has no defense. yes. the company involved to my cassette has been on a litigation spree, sitting more than 20 people, including the workers who alleged miss treatment. one human rights activist faced up to 42 years in prison, to post supporting migrant workers to say they were exploited by the company of cases along with mold and sturdy, others were eventually dismissed. c 3 says thailand's criminal defamation laws are open to abuse. and she's nice studying low to help herself and others
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fight back. first of all can be no lice. people for the speech all for simply social media posts is wrong. and so many different level that is disproportionate. putting a person in jail is completely deprived them of natalie, bertie, and i think that's a very severe like punishment. it should be reserved for, for example, violent crimes like uh for the crime that really had a serious effect on the society. the criminal defamation complaints can be made to the police or even taken directly to the quotes as a result, ty test is affecting the bill for tens of thousands of charges, while those defending them have to foot to build themselves the amount that i have to pay for the case is already martin, save
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a $100000.00 tie box. the intention is not to win the case, but this actually to wiring people down by the prostate, off the criminal justice system. so i can correct the final session of the special commission of investigation is a bank to convince they are inviting villages like doing the phone to have their say funny cadillac cadillac in the last, who had high quality out by a lot of places. most of them before, i'm somebody say the anticipation is high as people arrive to me or, and his associates from the bottom line financially. this is a huge dispute that wrong will be leading the proceedings, but they will be behind closed tools. the media must wait tact site later, no wrong tells us some of those folks have now taken responsibility,
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but he wouldn't reveal their identities. all the investigation is ongoing. they called us and the language is so high quality, high level. and why not funny that i'm going to, i'm not going to move. i looked and i kind of knew a new wrong says that some of the problem stems from a mishandling the money rather than corruption. me take the money 100 flats. i want to take, i need something or not some wanting comb, downloading it by time with i don't have to bring them to i by and let me look colorado's and i look on your lu involving the inc. however, the special commission is continuing to investigate most serious potentially criminal actions. the to celebrate the findings at the commission and the end of truth on the success of
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trials, the villages are throwing a policy to the community of online things. finally, seem to be looking at in march. the judging to to most fastcase with the top posts, not just on the trees, but she still faces formal cases and potentially minimal use of legal fees, time and energy to defend them. i don't know what going to happen in the future, but a whole set of fuel show he's going to be bet townhome writer. i live at home. i live at home, the in in the polls. what is known as a breaking stereotypes full while practicing the ancient mush allowed to come,
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it has made me physically very fit and mentally very strong. the mission is to serve the community, helping offers, cleaning up the streets and educate to young goals $1.00 oh, $1.00 east beach to come food. nuns i've got men do on al jazeera. these are some of the 1st images from the aerial assessment of co bleaching in the great barrier reef. bleaching occurs when moment ocean temperatures and pollution 1st call to expel the algae to get the color range of color at extreme or in his wife over an extended period of time. maybe some structures to bring severely damaged. scientists have declared 2020 full a mass bleaching event. what's happening here on the great fire roof is also happening on rapes around the world. or the last 12 months warming sea surface temperatures have cause bleaching events in the northern hemisphere. and the linear conditions in the pacific have amplified the situation. marine biologist, jody rama, says ocean temperatures are increasing at a rate never seen before. and that's in
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a moment assigned to the biggest crow system in the world. we're seeing this back to back here upon year. the reef means many years to recover from these heat waves and it's just not getting it. the palestinians return to the destroyed homes in southern gone. so the u. n. t moves of a new threats caused by israel's aerial bombardment, street and public spaces and ton unit. so later with unexploded ordnance posing severe risk to civilians, especially for children. the thing of their life.


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