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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 12, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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for, and that's an open assigned to the biggest cost system in the world. we're seeing this back to back here upon year. the reef means many years to recover from these heat waves and it's just not getting it. the palestinians return to the destroyed homes in southern garza, the u. n. t. moles of a new price caused by israel aerial bombardment, streets, and public spaces in ton unit. so later with unexploded ordnance posing severe risk to civilians, especially for children. the thing of is their life when headquarters here in the whole, also coming up, ty, laundry, and full, so security, along with border with me and ma, well hundreds be fighting between rebels and government forces and then set ready
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to head full migraines in new zealand. many workers the left one drink. what's next? as the government tightens fees of rooms, the 10 centuries of traditional celebrated in northern nigeria for the muslim festival of speed of fit this the welcome to the fact that we'd be getting calling you this and southern gone. so what is ready for us is of withdrawal, but there were many dangerous facing palestinians returning to the city, the finding that the homes medical center schools around and really much of the city is unrecognizable with roads. pulling up the united nations damage assessment team says unexploded bombs and the opposing a real threats. the 4 teams are reported widespread destruction every building they visited. and most of all, and most of those they were able to see,
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had been damaged and paid roads have been reduced to dirt tracks. the team inspected a united nations warehouse for medical centers and 8 schools. they so very significant damage in all. but one of those structures street and public spaces in con, unice or later with unexploded ordnance posing a severe risk to civilians, especially for children. and the team found unexploded found unexploded 1000 pound bomb lying on the maintenance or section. and inside schools, those really strong sound goals. i have continued with at least 189 palestinians killed in the past 24 hours. 6 of them died of the popular marketing garza city on thursday. was several of us were injured strikes of the school or the residential building and the out of the sweat. campbell's, i killed at least 5, but this honeymoon is live for us now. we'd rough uh, in southern guns like good morning honey. what more do we know about these on
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getting a recent strike? certainly on the after mass. yes, well, so far, the reports that we're getting it from and the site right? refugee camp, particularly from the northern part, that's an area between why do you have that? and then they'll say right rep you got, this is a new camera as it is expanding as people numbers and as increased the within the past few years. but this is the new lot of and as i write refuge account at ongoing, gar tillery southern air strikes the and, and constant shots hard by the quad copper. these are attack drones in the area. and most of the people who are injured in these attacks are transferred to allow the hospital that's the other side of the refugee cabinets. i right review cabinets, a small hills facilities. and the reason when we did ask about why people are being transferred to this as small has facility is because the road all the way to i
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locks the hospital and do, but i city is a flight in years. there's a risk for the, the, the civil defense. remember the paramedics, the drive, all the way from this particular area from the side i g. com, all the way to did in ballasa city. but so far, we're looking at 5 people have been killed inside the residential homes inside evacuation center. that's not a rule, but schools that's an honor what schools manage and operated by the united nations for college spinning and refugees, more of the infrastructure and the public facility was started to seats based on on what we're here for. line witnesses, a pattern of what happened in the city of hon. you and is where these baby military withdrew within the past week, leaving behind a sheer level of destruction to all means of life, including public facilities, infrastructure residential homes, including at the close to 8 facilities, manage and operated by on why in the city of hon. you and it's a particularly the health care sector that has been destroyed beyond anyone can
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imagine. meanwhile, in the northern parts and gauze, a city that is really military continues to pound across the northern part and gaza city a. the popular market that was targeted, more reports, so many injuries, and also a, the attack on a law enforcement officer who worked with in the past weeks to secure the delivery of a do a to the population of the northern parts and gotten us that he's also the director of jabante, a police department is really mandatory, issued a statement saying these targeted going, how about the operative but what we hear from people on the ground that he's a law enforcement officer who's been working on securing the delivery of a coordinated effort with gossip is declined to continue with delivering 8 totals in terms of delivering aid. once he's coming into the region. any so far it is less than what one would imagine do to help people combat the extreme
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difficult living conditions. it created not only by the ongoing intense bombing campaign, but also by jungling obstruction and restrictions on the ground to deliver 8 to the part and gaza city. so far, we're looking at 2 parts of district that have been divided. we have over crowded throughout the city where there's depletion of resources and basic supplies and a famine that is raging in the northern part and god, the city 30 people have died because of the import, the high bridge and, and his heart vision is really military and now, top $500.00 the trucks will be, would be allowed to enter the golf industry. but so far this is only a dropping the ocean of the greater needs right now that people are experiencing it from the other side of the border air. it's across the particular lead, which they've really military and says that it, it, it's going to be up and it's going to deliver and see more trucks getting together . but these are not a statement issued by unit step at stating that they haven't seen any ada trucks.
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or human to do the trucks come in at the jobs to pick from deland to crossing. there's really military put a non it will be particularly use for more a trucks to get into gaus. he must do that for us in southern gaza. thank you. so that is why the defense minister, you go on, says that the military would respond and if it was attacked by a wrong answer month follow as well. strike on turnarounds, conseula building in damascus. elliot, in the month, the israeli army says it's on highlights the attack in syria kills several high ranking, the rainy and commanders and bank, hundreds of stock bulky parties, teresa israel. secondly, the boban has lots of the lots and lots of statements about what it's doing to prepare itself for any potential event, trial, etc. and rob, what else they say? well, they've invited to the us, come on to of st. com. he's effectively the man in charge of all us forces within
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the region. he's had taken me things, he's a. ready hearing is of these right of these on the americans will plan a coordinated response if that is an attack from iranian territory into is it right in charge? we now, we're also hearing that the iranians will attack from his reading sources in the next 48 hours. we don't know where they're getting that timeline from, but that's certainly something that is being talked about. this is also being played up by the prime minister of the defense minister of inspection for the me. it's a very convenient timing for all of this because the problem is to, is under a tremendous amount of pressure from not just the captives of families. was saying that he has failed in his missions, trying get loose, kept it out. but the way the war is going as well. so by playing of the front, this is something that we've seen benjamin netanyahu do. many times, i've lost 20 years whenever there's a tremendous amounts of domestic criticism. he'll always talk about the threat from
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iran. remember, this latest right to binds his eyes, you sparks quite as well when they hit a silver and iranian territory, a comes to let's in damascus. so this tool called a attack, come from it wrong, has a background that comes from the fact the israel actually hit that in the say. and it's very convenient political tools. the problem is it's a now build of that threat and talk about it. public demand color for smoking bodies through some things. the amount of course will monitor events with you through the day i or would you like the student by law so enjoys associate professor helped at least studies that time and been please the university. and if you walk the walk, then you got to talk the tool coming to you. and as a tool is revolving around this relative and basically america has to support as well. and want to say, absolutely, an iran is reacting a will, could maybe react to what his route is doing. well, i mean,
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sometimes in politics you got to talk the talk and then keep talking the talk and try and talk of your opponent, right? it's an escalation of rhetoric and that's exactly what we're seeing now. i'm, i'm not saying you're wrong. what respond the same time? the fact is that this, you know, as, as em run said there's been a lot of statements, a lot of building up this rhetoric from both iran and the us. and this is deliberate, this is you know, vitamins comment that they stand with as well as the signal to iran that we don't want you to escalate some of them to get it wrong, cannot let the is ready to attack on the consummate going charlotte. and so they have to make it sound like a threat is imminent. whether or not it actually happens is actually a really interesting question or the extent to which it might happen is also an interesting question. as i mentioned before, it runs representation of the un said that if the un security council had condemned the is rarely attacked, they might not feel the need to respond. this to me, looks like around saying, hey, for example, un security council, if you make a statement of this is unacceptable. we might background in terms of attacking. so
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at the moment we're seeing a rhetorical, if this keeps going, it might result in that attack. but we have to bear in mind these attacks can be strategic. remember when the us assassinate the general, so they money, what they did. iran did respond by attacking us space. but of course, the belief is that they contacted the us before hand to ensure, for example, that us military personnel, one killed. so for example, maybe iran will do that to israel by the russians. oh, good. ask you about that because obviously there's that there's a lot of public comments public statement this note about the us post for the general public who are watching our shuttle right now. the back to channels of communication is to be the very interesting while in it, ron and the united states don't like each other on the public level, there must be back door channels for them to talk to who would like to look through? well, i mean, it depends on the particular situation. i think in particular case with a ron. i mean it might be not a straight through the russians about getting what's happening. but the diplomat says representation of the rent and who, who they will talk through. so absolutely is this conversation going on,
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but not anything. what's crucial about this, these conversations that neither iran nor the us when an escalation, doing the posting, i think, who might benefit from an escalation here is netanyahu because one she knows about his kind of residencia, his survival is contingent on israel being on a war footing one of the strategies of the right has always been to exaggerate or creates an existential threat of games as well. because when you create an express central effect, what that does to the population is it creates a demand for protection. people often when they demand protection, they protection from people they see as well lead as the types of people like netanyahu did not know who was escalating this restaurant. he's trying to undermine those back channels of discussion. but the problem is with the bank channels. now, given the tense relationships between iran and the us, but haven't really gotten well since trump selection and they abandon the j. c pierre, right. those back channels are coming under a lot of pressure anyway. so i think what people are worried about is that the normal means of trying to resolve these. what look like rhetoric?
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rhetorical tension style, kind of compromise, to a certain extent. i think this is why people worry about a regional because the process of diplomacy, the child's diplomacy, a so eroded and with every escalation that we see the assess the nation, for example of smell of honey. his sons and grandchildren the killing of the w. k workers. every time there's an escalation here, it just sick knows the fact that the diplomatic channels are increasingly failing to do what they should be doing, which is the de escalate, which will continue to analyze throughout the day. so the lock engines, thank you. thank you. a funerals to be held in the occupied westbank for 2 palestinians killed in the latest is really rates. others were injured and the other found out if you come as a palestinian fighters confronted, is reading. so just not everybody present time balance with shots and they power medic beaten and arrested otherwise early on friday morning. what they calculate and let's move areas. this is abraham, possible from the law, is where the forces over the several and different areas across the occupied west bank. it would be easier to say which areas they did not raid overnight that early
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this morning, but the deadly rate took place into boss to the north of the occupied west bank. where is there any forces of killed to palestinians? one of them has been ambushed in his car, hidden, he has been a deed as him. how much russell? now according to these really sources, they say that he was not the target of the raid, but he has conducted a shootings against these really forces reading the area, leading through the ambush of his car and his killing. they took the car, these really forces, but then they left us go leading the medical teams to be able to go and take the body with them. now, according to locals and some of the sort is known as the leader of the boss. but silly in a fighting group of young men who has been confronting these really forces militarily . but he's also the son of a lot of that argument, a palestinian, who was the 1st to declared dead by these really present services. the war begun in
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october. his father has been known as a leader of math here in the occupied west bank. and this tells you about the fact that the family would be needing to arrest the son who has been killed today. but they still have the body of the father who has been it o, o has been declared dead 6 months ago. that is still the body is, has not been handed over to the palestinians for the battery of old and all the as really forces have conducted arrests in several areas in the occupied wes thing is that, but he just data that i'm on the still ahead. hey, hold out. is there the whole chest of a temperature recorded in africa? we have the latest on the record breaking seats. ways in molly the
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ivr one. let's get going with your weather update. we'll take this one off in australia. i've got to tell you not much to report somewhat weather in w a something further towards the south and with this breeze here, we could pick up a few showers for it has many estates, but nothing major, no weather alerts to speak of in terms of that rainfall the rain starting to back off across new zealand. still raining for the north island here, but nothing like we saw over the last 24 hours in indonesia. the biggest 1st of rain, once again southern sumatra, island west strive of providence. but i think most of the activity will stay just outside of jakarta, north of this, we are tapping into a humid breeze here of this, trying to see, look what it does have the temperature for china is kind of island, a crew up to $35.00 degrees and with this breeze off the south china sea, it is adding fuel to the fire for the storms in northern gwen g. a one tongue providence is. this will be quite bad. this area has just been hammered by storms
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over the last week or so. it is also quite warm hot even for china is capital beijing at 28 degrees breezy but cool air will eventually side out of mongolia and wet weather in the mix. so beijing, your temperatures will drop over the next 24 to 48 hours. and now you're in the now see, and the, at the one, the average person to know what the truth was assigned to dismissed as profits of do. we knew where the temperature was going to go by lead is seeking the profits of industry. they were publishing reports saying this is not an urgent problem. could we have changed the course of the climate to emergency air? if options here is new series died. last futures
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the the book about kill watching of is there with me. so rahman and the reminder of on top news stories, united nations damage assessment team and telling you this thing, gone so has reported widespread destruction to homes, medical center schools and roads unexpected problems are a danger following the tools of his resources from the city is very strikes of continued with 8 to 9 palestinians killed in the past 24 hours. 6 palestinians were killed at unpopular marketing $1.65 others died in the tackle, the outskirts of the sweats with chica. and they'll provide westbank funerals have been helpful to palestinians killed in the latest is by the bytes of this will
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engender me as for the count of soldiers, but confronted by palestinian fights to washington, i would walk present. joe biden is described as i implied commitments to defend japan and the philippines present the bulk of junior and japanese prime minister. phoebe a proceed to discuss ways to account of what they see as china is going front. try to condemn the summit to insisting that the claims in the region all law for joint coast guard patrols are expected to be announced after repeated confrontations with chinese vessels in the south china sea. so i want to be clear, the united states, united states defense competitors to japan and to the philippines, our iron clad or our class. as i said before, any attack on filipino aircraft specials are armed forces. and so i was trying to see what invoke our mutual defense treaty thailand does. reinforce security alone
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gets pulled up with me in the us finding escalates between rebels and me and mas military government forces. 5 soldiers that are on the left and the vote. a ton of myself, kind of 4 minutes to find the 3, but then i gotta, i was just visited, his government says it's willing to offer temporary shelter to a 100000 refugees from the amount of money or trying to flee a tax in kevin state. now the tiny foreign ministers visits as seen as an estimation of tylenol control over the border area. teddy trying how small from the bridge which separates the 2 countries finance a foreign minister has just gone right up to the middle of the bridge. across this folder, on the other side, ma'am, uh me, a lot to the side is tight on my so there's a clear message here i think is trying to make the point the time end is very much in control of its folder here. he said in the last couple of days to the per pad
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for a $100000.00 refugees to come across the board. and then the last week we have seen thousands coming across from me while the but most of the people coming across in this direction down towards the time around 2 and trade is from the town of mean. what do they call friends and relatives over here? this thing they think for, for a couple of days, maybe a week or 2. but the real problem, say the n g is, is the people inside me and there are 2400000 people displaced by the current facing more than 10000000 face food and security. all those international engineers wanted to see happen. so it could be from china now that this both of those possibly opened up a little more, is getting the opportunity to to get a inside to the people who really needed tony chang al jazeera on the time. yeah, i'm about the new sealants government is reducing the number of margaret. well because it except the new visa restrictions are waiting to get mo locals into
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employment and ease inflation. but the change in policy will lead some work as an employee is worried about the future as waiting. hey reports. now from oakland for many years, businesses of all sizes have relied on quick is from outside new zealand to survive . now the government sees there are too many foreign workers here and it wants new zealand and to feel low skilled jobs. i'm not sure with the locals. does um, to be honest. a lot of curious um doesn't prefer to work on a hospitality and therapy for office work like 9 to 5 labor shortages pool was by the code of 19 pandemic o. but disappeared last year. when 173000 people migrated to new zealand to fill the job, vacancies, now with the economy and recession, the government has reduced low skilled with visas from 5 to 3 years. meaning many
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my friends facing uncertain future. we and wife had many markets to come over here during corporate time. they assessed that and help our society here to be able to kind of be and then suddenly because we are no longer needing them. we are just simply kicking them out of the country. they were also high, an english language requirements, which the government believes both help prevent work is being exposed to abuse by employee is the immigration minister didn't respond to l. just areas request for an interview. but new zealand isn't alone and seeing a need to reduce migrant numbers in australia is full cost remain on ta guess. almost a 1000000 people will have arrived in the past 2 years. after changes to australia is visa rules, student baez's, and now more difficult to get somewhere you want. the long term implications might be if the new rules stay in place too long, because the damage and the rates on to the regular pride should bring certain
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uncertain. uh, but i graduated in australia or not and we got about 50 percent of all of your new 10 minutes, sco bergman's from students. so started. let's try a skilled all those skills. migraines had been vital to the economy once the leading times a row, the students and workers are likely to be in demand again. but next time they may be more wary. wayne hey, al jazeera oakland thoughts and team as high as criminal code has blamed roland for 2 attacks that were in the 19 ninety's 29 people were killed. and these really i'm the same times and one is always in 1992 and take his license, a truck loaded with explosives, draven's, a jewish sense. it could've gained some calling people. and in doing 300, the names of the denies any and go next. okay. well, it's like with all expelled from the united nations. it's government has complained to the international court of justice after police and equitable rated the mexican i missing key to last week. the rest of the equity was a former vice president,
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jorge gloss. he'd been granted political assigned to buy mexico after 2 convictions for corruption g legally on their hospital from mexico city. as ultimately the mexican government was the expulsion of ecuador from the un. but 1st they're saying that they should be suspended temporarily. while an investigation is carried out into the incidents at the embassy last friday, they also want ecuador to make a public apology about the incident. something that the ecuadorian government has already said. it's not going to happen because, according to them, they didn't break the law. they say it was actually mexican who broke the law 1st by granting asylum to someone who they say did not qualify for it. the former vice president of ecuador had already been convicted on 2 counts of corruption. and therefore, according to the ecuadorian authorities, they should, he shouldn't have been granted asylum to begin with. they say that it was a provocation of political provocation by mexico to grant it to him and an
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undermining of the ecuadorian judicial system. now, the 2nd thing that the mexican government is asking, the court is for it to guarantee the integrity of its premises. it's diplomatic premises in quito, the ecuadorian capital and the video that we were that we saw of this storming of the embassy shortly after. that incident took place mexico broke relations, diplomatic relations with ecuador, and it's embassy staff, les the country. so they actually want access to the embassy in order to retrieve all kinds of important documentation, paperwork, computers, etc. the may have been left there when their stuff abandoned the country, the equitable supporters and dependents of what a glass of value outside the cold. what a judge is considering whether to release him from prison. last thought to the hunger strike this we can protest against his arrest. the gods it all former vice president needs to leave do. he must return to the mexican embassy so he can
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receive the political asylum offered by mexico. and criminal were here to support our president. we are tired of all the continues that have ruled ecuador, and this should serve as a precedent. so embassies won't be shelters for thieves and criminal workers from $1.00 to $2.00 days law just unions of gone on the nationwide strike. the central workers' union is demanding wage increases better healthcare and tax and pension reforms. they miles tools the presidential palace looked up to sunday august, but hundreds of police officers with deployed were joined with central with this union strikes because it is a coal to retain the rights of workers. to pull the attention to oral matrices, to all those who have something to do with what has not been fulfilled in order to favor pensions for our future wage a cation for help. if we don't take to the streets or demands will never be met, it's not something related only to the current government,
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but to the government that has never taken care of the civil service. the was flooding and southern russia for a century has full small people to be evacuated from their homes. the government have gotten regions as volta levels in the table with the rose, one and a half meters, like the 9th. a melting snow goes the euro river the fed, longest in europe to bust its bangs. floods of also hit neighboring causing stop. why also warranties have declared a state of emergency and effected regions, swollen rivers of false bull, the 98000 people from the homes. more than 8000 animals have also died. a dozen molly side walk me through a legit say as being the hottest temperature ever recorded in africa. moles and a 100 people have died. joining a record breaking heat wave temperatures in one town. so above $48.00 degrees celsius pundits vegetables, there's not much access to electricity and models. so using funds or i condition is
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to get released from extreme heat is nearly impossible. that means heat stroke can kill. let's click on view of it. do you have a caught on? if someone comes with a fever at 42 degrees sent to break? if you have to put ice on them or put them under air conditioning or secular here, you've got to do this within 40 minutes. otherwise, people get lesions on the vital organs. when that happens, even if he was beaten to organ demons can result in where we have been receiving patients and these conditions. and it's too late to do anything for them. at least a 100 people have died in the capital bama code. the pick a could be much higher elsewhere in molly meteorologist measure the temperature of $48.00 degree celsius in one town on april, the full. that's the highest ever recorded on the african continent. the, our parent died a week ago because of the heat. when we came in to pray, the cemetery, god told us the what 15 to 20 barrels a day. of people who died from the heat. the heat wave is being claimed on the l
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nino weather problems. i'm a climate change according to the will me to are logical organization. temperatures in most land areas worldwide will be above normal until at least may when i mean you start to week. but it's me, i'll just do as like muslims, worldwide. millions in northern virginia is celebrating the festival. the the 5th amended was supposed to have him call the state west centuries old traditions follow ramadan, half a 1000000. yeah. a little has changed in how the old kind of king that separates the at the end of the most important it all starts with the religious rights at the end of my time. oh, it is a combination of both culture religion and it predicted even the islamic revolution of this month of, for you at least by some $300.00 kids here in kind of from
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here for us to reduce the culture of this.


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