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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 12, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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to this business uptake this voltage by the 6 bank gross dot net on the dash before to use the the hello. this is in use our own alger 0 for the back to go live in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. hospitalization, guys are reduced to rubble. the world health organization says federal medical facilities in con, units have been destroyed. r u n team warrants, palestinians returning to the destroyed homes and 7 guys, i faced severe risk of stepping into unexploded farms. multiple of these really raves in the occupied westbank to palestinians are killed at a refugee camp will have a live report. also this, our thailand says they've sent messages to me on mars military to reduce violence
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as hundreds of cost of order after rebels seized a border time. and rising from water is for so thought easy in the russian city of orange birth to call for the mass evacuation of residence in sports price. and the somebody has a one shot lead off the weather effect. today, thing round to the mazda is tiger woods. it didn't get to finish around one, so we'll have to pay $23.00 holes on friday. i think he's going through it toughest physical tests in many of the areas. 10 g m t mid day in guys are welcome to this news hour on imaginable. that's how the world health organization is describing the widespread destruction of health facilities across southern gaza. w h o, teens in con eunice say many hospitals that have been reduced to rubble supplies of electricity, water, oxygen, and sanitation has been completely cut off. the agencies directed general says guys,
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as once, robust health care system is now broken, the level of destruction is imagining after the withdrawal of israeli forces from the area. are you in damage? assessment team says unexploded bombs and now posing a new threat to palestinians. returning to con eunice for teams are reported widespread destruction every building they visited. and most of all, and most of those they were able to see, had been damaged and paved roads have been reduced to dirt tracks. the team inspected a united nations warehouse for medical centers and 8 schools. they so very significant damage in all. but one of those structures street and public spaces in con eunice or later with unexploded ordnance posing a severe risk to civilians, especially for children. and the team found unexploded found unexploded 1000 pound bomb lying on a maintenance or section. and inside schools. meanwhile,
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is there any strikes on guys that have continued with at least $189.00 pallets to me and scaled in just the past 24 hours? 6 of them were killed at a popular marketing guys, a city on thursday where several others were injured. while as strikes on a school at a residential building in the, on the say, right, refugee come kill at least 5 people. more than 33600 people have been killed in gaza since october. the 7th, which is here is honeymoon has the latest from a rough so far, the reports that we're getting from and the say right, refugee camp, particularly from the northern part, that's an area between why do you have that? and then they'll say right, refuge account, this is a new cam as it is expanding as people numbers and as increased within the past 2 years. but this is the new a lot of and if i write refuge account at ongoing artillery selling air strikes and, and constant shots heard via the quad copper, these are attack drones in the area. and most of the people who are injured in
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these attacks are transferred to allow the hospitals that's the other side of the refugee cabinets. i right review cabinets, a small hills facility. then the reason when we did ask about why people are going to transfer to this is small, has facility is because the road all the way to a lot of the hospitalization, but i city is a flight in years. there's a risk for the through the civil defense. remember the paramedics a drive all the way from this particular area from the side? you can all the way to did in ballasa city, but so far, we're looking at 5 people have been killed inside the residential homes. inside evacuation center, that's not a rule, but schools that's an on or schools manage and operated by the united nations for college spinning and refugees. more of the infrastructure in the public facility was started to see based on on what we're here for. line witnesses, a pattern of what happened in the city of hon. you and is where it is, very military, withdrew within the past week, leaving behind
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a sheer level of destruction to all means of life, including public facilities, infrastructure, residential homes, including the close do 8 facilities manage and operated by on the, in the city of hon. you and it's a particularly the health care sector that has been destroyed beyond anyone can imagine to the head of the us military operations in the middle east is in israel to coordinates preparations for a potential e, rainy and attack. this follows israel strike on tehrani consulate building in damascus. early of this month, the killed several high ranking a rainy and commanders. yvonne's leaders have threatened to retaliate and these are the army says he's on high alert. israel has also escalated his security, a low to the highest level for its embassies worldwide. him on con, his life for us in occupied is chosen so him on the head a send. com visiting is route to coordinate on what israel and the us expect to be an imminent attack from you, ron. this been
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a lot of talk about this about being on a ledge, but more sort of preparations on a actually make as well. they're making very public statements. everybody from the defense minister to the prime minister. the spice of the for the army is talking about is a running and friends. they have a timeline. they keep mentioning this 48 hour window where the attack might take place, where they getting that from. we don't know, but they certainly are talking about it. they like you say, have had the americans have seen the american come on to is visiting right now. they were looking at any kind of response in any kind of coordination that might be needed in the, off them off of, in the time from iranian territory into is right territory. that's what the americans are focusing on. but this might well be an attack in a 3rd country. this might be an attack on an embassy, i like for like attack. remember, this old began the latest round. busy of france and counts of threats began,
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when is ro attack the silver and territory of iran in damascus? i attacked a conflict. and that's why we all where we all thoughts. there's another site to this as well, probably as a benjamin that you know who is being criticized very vocally by the, bring them home and campaign for not doing enough to get the captives out and bring them back. he's also being criticized about the way he's waged as well. and we've seen this time and time again when he's under political pressure, he often talks about until out the threat from iran. so a lot of people ask, they say that this is simply a political move on behalf of the problem is the benjamin netanyahu has done this in the past, where he talks about the threat for a minute on to distract from process domestic pressures at home. think came ron for that sad, sanchez there is a moron. con, live day unoccupied easter rules. and to discuss this further with non joined by marco and jones associate professor of mentally studies at home. i've been felicia
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university here in don't i thank you my for being on use our so a lot of rhetoric from these relays and the americans about an immune and d, rainy and attack. what, what do you think is really motivating this? could this be perhaps, as a mon alluded to that the next thing i will go from and trying to shift the focus of the conflict to a ron? absolutely. i think what we know from netanyahu, he's been trying to create a wide, a war in the region for a while. the reason is, is that if he creates a wider will, this helps his political survival. because what that does is shift the focus from the humanitarian disaster in gaza, to general us strategic concerns, which will always trump tremendous area consensus. and so if it can make it seem like you know, there's a potential will with a ron. if it hear us, then we'll be committed to kind of protecting israel and that will take priority of the humanitarian concerns and is also the domestic issues that and run mentioned. it's always in, especially with the right wing and as well they was tried to create an x x, a central threat, exaggerate an expense report, or manufacturer,
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in this case by bombing the raining consulate. iran will naturally threaten as well that will allow, is relevant to say, hey, we are just defending ourselves against iran. and they've been very clear to try and say we will retaliate, they're going to run. it's not retaliation. is there other provoked iran in this particular case, but for, you know, for the is really immediate will be very easy for not, and you out of the tray that says, hey, we've got to protect ourselves against iran in times. but people feel doesn't essentially right. but we want strong leaders like netanyahu, right? so, so how yvonne might respond could determine the trajectory of conflict in the middle east. right? absolutely. so what's the political calculus intel on right now? i'm after that a tax on the consulate in a, in damascus. how my baby's phone do you think so? i think what iran a, they obviously don't want escalate, but they don't or a 2 week. so one they will have to up their rhetoric to make it seem like that they have had to attack. that's one level, at the same time, we know that the un representation of iran have mentioned that if you and security
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council had condemned the is rarely attacked, that iran wouldn't feel the need to respond to this in some ways as an olive friend sort of like hey, if you can down what this route did, we might not attack. so they're trying to, i think, you know, reduce these tension somewhat. but of course that they, they, they could do something. i think if the, the goal is in the international community is coming out of the say hey, what is relative was wrong, right? and that's what a run a hoping for. at the same time, iran know that if there is originally escalation, this detracts from the pressure that's been mounting on this way there's, you know, causes and rhonda. and that's where you want to see that because they want the pressure we've seen in the past few weeks after coming to the depths, u k. a. what? because because this was a moment where do you as well actually pushing israel. and when you look at the way iran has responded in the past, you know, the beginning of a sort of monitor in iraq comes to mind of course, sure everyone expected a full blown conflict us with that, that one would respond in a very strong way,
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right? they did respond. yeah, but not what everyone expected it to be. no, they did. i mean they bones us facilities, but they want us that that was the case in order that there would be no specific casualties. and even previous examples where we, so those are rating and alignment issues in iraq killed us soldiers that was seen as a huge escalation. so they wouldn't want to do that. so even if they do respond, it's very likely going to be with some level of coordination to make sure that doesn't escalate. potentially. we actually don't know what's going to happen. but i think if you want to over a, that's a wider war than it has to be calculated to not necessarily involve taking the lives of soldiers that is rarely or obviously to you the wrong guys. and meanwhile, is now entering it's 7 months. and the fear is that we could be seeing a new phase of the confidence you know, this, the threat of any. is there any invasion of raffles for this fear of a wide, original conflict? if we are entering a new phase of the war, what do you think it might look like? how would it be different from the previous phases of, of the last 6 months?
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well, i don't think i think a rough or is it is now a distraction not distraction. i don't think is right. like going to get into rafa . and as i do, i think it will be a minor incursion. the co trips out of con eunice on the basis that they say they came to reformulate them. but actually i think that was a response to the w. c. k. cummings, and i think it was a face saving attempt by netanyahu to say we're in control of this withdrawal is strategic withdrawal. but i think actually what that was saying is that we guarantee to sort of commit last troops on the ground. i think the next phase is going to be interesting. i my concern is that the phase that we're in is this phase assignment. mm hm. and that this is a war of attrition. and that they can to continue is relevant to continue to kind of put this new stop ation as a weapon against cousins and see what that will result in. let's not forget that even though they promise to open the air as crossing the port of ash started, we've actually seen precious little of this. so the process of starvation is still happening. i mean, even seen, you know, one of the us officials from out the power side of famine is underway. so this phase is going to continue as for the strategic phase,
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i don't actually see that happening. but i'm more concerned that this purchase of salvation is going to define the next month or 2 months of, of the war and guys, and i'm very interesting to talk to you as always mark, thank you very much for joining us, marco and jones from how i've been highly for university here until now to the occupied westbank where funeral has been held for to policy me is killed in the latest is really raised. there are those were injured in out for our racial g campus. not assuming fighters confronted. is there any soldiers or red crescent ambulance was shot and a paramedic beach and then arrested other raids early friday morning. we're in calc here and out of summer, let's get the latest from neither a brain who's live from to by senior occupied westbank. talk to us about what happened into bus overnight be the 1st. well, 1st of all, let me tell you where we are. we're standing in front of the house of some other school who has been killed by these really forces fire early today after they've re the football and killed 2 palestinians. one is and how about the rest of the 26
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year old who has been known here amongst locals as parts? and the leads are really of the battalion in to boss that is basically a group of armed men who have been taking up arms and eh, confronting these really forces militarily, he is one of 2 palestinians killed by the is really forces fire. this is the morning house of how about the so we've seen the body just in the past 5 minutes being taken to the family home for a find those for a while before he is taken to be laid to rest. now, the mother of him, of the soul, has been totally alone in this today because not only has she lost her son earlier today, but she has known that her husband has been declared dead by the is really for the service. in october, he's been detained. that early october, but around the 23rd, these really for the service declared that he was that the family says that he went
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into prison in a good health and good conditions. but he has been nature declared, doesn't palestinians in the family here. and do you really believe that he has been tortured to death? this gives you an idea about the fact that this family and just in the span of to 6 months has lost 2 members. also they have one son in jail and also a 3rd, a son who has been trying to make his way from joins into the occupied with things to be able to attend the funeral. but he does not make it the farm. he says he's been helped by these really forces for a while as he was making his way here. it's worth noting that's why the mother was able to bid farewell to her son. she has a cemetery to go and visit the fathers, but he has not been handed over by these read the forces to the family. so he means is by the means with health, with the is really forces. this just gives you an idea of what it means and what it is to be a policy and somebody under israel's minutes, or you have to pay to hot break for those families. and no doubt anita, in addition to storming the for our company or 2 of us is really fortunate. i've
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also carried out another night of rates throughout the occupied westbank talk to us about what's been happening elsewhere. well funded would be easier for me to tell you where they did not raise. maybe bethlehem was the only place that has been spared from the nice lady that took place in the occupies westbank. and really part of city is with tell you that it is, these is really raised, these really publications against about a student that has led many people to choose arms as a way to confront israel, saying that is where i left them with little options. you know, here to was, if we just kind of show you it's a quiet area really processing is often here to work in agriculture. there's not really much going on when we talk about the acts of resistance against palestinians . but lately we've been seeing the young men in the it's a boss and those side. and the surrounding areas unites together and form the of fighting but silly enough to box to boss. very, relatively new if compared to other fighting rules that have been really working
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for years and you need and will also refugee camp and all the other places. so for pell of sydney is those is where the rates show the really the control, the power, the brutality. let's say as many people as soon as we tell you of these really me the 3 occupation which is needing many palestinians to say, you know what? i'm do this, this is the only way to fight the minister of need to thank you very much for the best need or abraham. every 14 they live from 2 of us in the occupied westbank. the ongoing protest and debate on whether ultra orthodox jews should serve in these really military is threatening to bring don time in internet to i was collision. government or a challenge has more natural monkey by these through for several thousands ultra orthodox jews. take part in a demonstration on says de outsides. a recruitment sex and military recruitment center in west teresa the now this is the latest and a series of demonstrations of the officer orthodox have been involved in some of
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which have ended in violence against police. so classes with police now, what they're angry about these moves by the governments, which might see them being stripped of their exemption from military service. it's a situation that dates back to the beginning of the age where the states in the 9th, in the late 1940, is when the governments of the time told the how to orthodox community as it was that, that they didn't have to do ministry service. now only $400.00 males that are applied to it might have because the community was so small, but since then it's expanded hugely and it now makes up about 13 percent of the anti is ready population. but it still has this exemption for military service. and at the moment, when many is ready still that they are fighting and ex essential rule against how much they think this is grossly unfair, that this community should not have to share the burden of slicing in the army. and
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they also say that the at the alter or schools that out, so essentially last be supported by the state so that they can do the religious scholarship. so the supreme court is basically told benjamin that you know, his government's that he has to remedy the situation, is discriminatory and he has to come up with a lot of sorted out boss. it's a big problem for him because to policies in his governing coalition ultra orthodox policies. and i see i'm talking noises then too much. then they might pull out of the governments and that mike's lapses. and benjamin asked and next me all who might lose power? rubbish, islands out 0 occupied history, some to palestine will have to wait longer to become a full member of the united nations. the security council's committee on the admission of new members fails to reach consensus. 2 thirds of committee members way in favor, but not enough to make a recommendation to the general assembly. gabrielle nissan,
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who has more from you in headquarters in new york, as it appears at once again, palestine bid to become a full member. united nations has died in security council committee. this despite the fact having the majority of the security council members, apparently approving a palestine spit that according to multis, ambassador of the un holds the presidency of the security council this month. however, the majority of a membership outside many countries outside the facts that kind of science courses or the criteria that are required on the months of video convention, chaucer and some countries been sent into lots of reasons why i'm explaining that 1st
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so as the chair of the committee, we have sciences, i have decided that i will be circulating our request, dropped a very full objection procedure and we would see the next step from this in 2011 palestine also apply to be full un members. but that also died in committee. and the security council, but at that time then the general assembly was able to elevate palestine to the status of u. n. observer. that is posting a lot of rights here at the un, but not critically. the right to vote in the general assembly, which is very important. so palestine essentially has been disenfranchised from this organization that they participate in for many, many years. now. now this still could potentially go to the security council and a resolution for a vote. that is still a possibility and that could come as early as next week. but the bottom line is,
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as the us has been, even if it does go that far, the us is prepared to veto it gabriel's on don't. i would just need at united nations in new york, the not a well he is not in the forty's in southern russia have ordered the mass evacuation of the city of oregon break because of rapidly rising side waters. it's been worst hedge by spring slides in the region where a rapidly melting snow has caused major rivers to burst at banks. residents were told to evacuate dr. the euro river that runs through our in bird rows by 40 centimeters within a matter of hours. farms have also been affected by the heavy floods. many business owners who depend on their lifelong say, they haven't been able to do their jobs properly. i was just there as you the chapel of all of a has more from are in bergen, southern russia to the shows that owing bugs most i,
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connie comes across that made of the finest to yon from the owenberg. downy goes, which are native to the highest point in the over in the region, code coupon. take those cut them. that's with this down matures. very strong winds blow that. so the down protects the goats from coal, which 5, but inside is empty. this explains the likeness of this cough and its forms. albina and her husband fry. you own a good phone with 3000 animals in the remote groove and dig district. they also run a non factory and the show knitting business that worried for the animals since the fun has become and accessible due to the flooding. cling you most of the time. it's kind of where we come to deliver the amount of feet each. go treat wise for the a d ration we feed on the young ones. so they have milk while the rest are still on, hey, what's the problem is that the water has risen and the roads are flooded. the engine as a good one. see?
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yeah, we call them the goats and they see it due to the slots. this didn't happen. we're missing the moment as the goats will begin to shed, so it takes 60 days to create one's cop from death who will materials to the finished product. one good needs to be raised and fed for a whole. yeah. to get to 300 grams of down slowly but and will to go eat directly affects the downs quality, the spray moms when mos baby goes of pills of bone pollution a month ago needs vision and supplements. and the fees, dislodging across the coupon to region means these mother goes, have only got enough feed for another $2.00 days before owners have already procured feet from the neighbors. but it's not enough. they now hope the water will receive soon. you leadership of all of a ultra 0 orient, but russia strides and also the hips. neighboring context on where authorities have
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declared a state of emergency and affected regions. soul and rivers have forced more than 90000 people from their homes. more than 80000 animals has also died. timeline has reinforced secuity along its border with young laura's fighting escalates between rebels and young laws governing military di soldiers on alert. and the bought a ton of may sot thailand for an minister has just visited. his government says it's willing to offer temporary shelter to a 100000 refugees from myanmar many a trying to free attacks and can stage where rebels have games. territory. the tie, foreign minister says, is government has sent messages to me on march june to reduce violence. tony chang has moved from a bridge that separates the 2 countries. finance a foreign minister has just go right up to the middle of the bridge. across this folder. on the other side, ma'am, uh me a lot a. the side is tight on may, so there's a clear message here. i think he's trying to make the point the time end is very
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much in control of its folder here. he said in the last couple of days to the per pad for a $100000.00 refugees to come across the board. and then the last week we have seen thousands coming across from anybody. but most of the people coming across in this direction down towards the time, then a fluent trade is from the town of may. or what do they call friends and relatives over here. this thing they think for, for a couple of days, maybe a week or 2. but the real problem, say the n g is, is the people inside me and there are 2400000 people displaced by the car in facing more than 10000000 faced food and security. i'm all those international engineers wanted to see happen to me from china. now that this board has possibly opened up a little more is getting the opportunity to get a inside to the people who really needed tony chang al jazeera on the time. yeah,
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i'm about. feel robinson, his deputy as a director of human rights watch, he says there is little hope for an end to the one young mar anytime soon. a as well. it's not clear that the military wants to talk. there are actually engaged in mandatory construction, forcing people into the military, and the ethnic view of the military is being on their bad foot. so, you know, people may not want to talk. it may not be the time yet for peace talks, because you know, both sides still want to fight. i think both thailand and china are starting to recognize that they need to hedge their bets, that their assumption that the more military would always win, no matter what is being tested now. and they may need to recognize that they have to readjust their eliasis start talking with the opposition. start talking with the ethnic groups and start recognizing that the, the human rights abuses and the lack of accountability has continued for far too
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long. and we have, at this point, the thailand is being pulled along with the events inside the m r. i mean, this is really between them. you have more people in the military there. the military is continuing to wage a war against them. yeah, more people now were concerned that in my why the there is going to be air strikes against civilian targets. so these are the sort of things that we're worried about . um, you know, thailand is waiting and watching. uh, just like your reporter said, those the, the, the soldiers are waiting at the bridge to see what happens. well, i don't think that we're going to see anything near to 1000000 refugees. i mean, i think that we'll see is a, some stream of refugee is coming across, but most of these people are coming across will go back once the findings upsides. and what we're looking at is much of the eastern border myanmar along the type of water will be in the whole hands of the ethnic groups. so, you know, is this is actually a progress from the perspective. a lot of people who have face predation and abuses
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from the military. i think that overall, the situation, you know is certainly one where them. yeah, more military's grip on power is we're getting. but they're going to continue to fight and it's not going to in quickly i think we're going to see it a new phase come. but the loss of my or why the will be a major major blow. uh, 2 of them. yeah. more military and of seeing i had on al jazeera and on certain road ahead to migraines in new zealand. as visa rules, i tightened. many workers are left wondering way next for them. the centuries of tradition are being celebrated in northern nigeria for the most and festival of speed officer and the organ comp coughing the little full funds. but could that be his last year if he and matched at on feels details coming up with generally trying to stay with the
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the hey, everyone supercharged warrants for a huge chunk of europe. let's get into those details right now. this the forecast today on friday, but watch what happens on saturday. colors are on dark, the red, the higher the temperature. and we're really dialing up those temperatures through the balkans. gracious capitals that grab, you could have record to keep for april number to beat 30.5. we got in for 30. there has been some active weather around. this is engaging and tough turkey. a big burst of rain here, producing flooding streets. just swans with all that water go to tell you there's more in the forecast here on friday with the showers and storms. daughter to long southern turkey could also maybe be some flooding on the border with algeria and can easily have with this disturbance here. if i take you to the other side of the mediterranean, also hot through portugal and spain, parts of coming in at 28 degrees,
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dragging in born across the northwest. we got some wet weather for scandinavia, but nothing major. have seen quite a bit of wind blow through this a hara we've got a sea breeze, a new ox set, but we're going to lose that over the next 24 hours so your temperatures will shoot up. temperatures have gone way down ends in bob way and zambia. still a few leftover showers for his and bob ways capital are all ready. so adult day with a few drops from the sky today on friday. so yeah, the every family carries it twins. put those in 6 if i or in this case you can take a nice time to hear a young the rocky dutch crowd encourages these families to finally discuss their costs in the hope of sparing youth youngstown by breaking the cycle into generational trauma. my father new and
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died. a witness documentary on elegy sierra. the latest news as it breaks around, han has given a cause that people come out and logged up. but the good guys are nice. populates the board with detailed coverage, but the reason prices and the realization that things are likely to get much worse before they get better. it's driving some residents to the brakes from around the world. people have told us the seconds don't. is it even more important than usual to come together to share what are the tools they have? the the welcome back and we can provide top stories on this vouchers here and use our teams
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from the world health organization in southern gaza. have described destruction to hospitals that as unimaginable the extent of it damages emerging out today is really chose, withdrew from con units and the occupied westbank funerals have been house for to kind of simians killed in the latest is really res. others where injury now for our refugee camp as soldiers were confronted by palestinian sizes. and ty, 9 has reinforced secuity along this border with young more finance where administer visited the main board of crossing as fighting escalates between me on mars ami and a rebels. to the us now and what present joe biden has described as i implied commitments to defend japan in the philippines present for non marcos, julia and japanese 5 minutes to a fully okay. should i discuss ways to count to what they see as china is growing threats in washington while they were meeting with the us, theda, china condemned for some aid insisting it plays its claims in the region. are
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lawful joined coast con patrols. i expect it to be announced after repeated confrontations with chinese vessels in the south china sea. so i want to be clear, the united states, united states defense commitments to japan. and to the philippines, our iron clad, or our class. as i said before, any attack on filipino aircraft specials are armed forces and south china sea would invoke our mutual defense treaty. using ins, government is reducing the number of migrant workers. it accepts the new visa restrictions our way to get more locals into employment and e as in fashion. but the change in policy will leave some work as an employee is worried about the future. when he reports from oakland. for many years, businesses of all sizes have relied on good cuz from outside the zealand to survive . now the government sees there are too many foreign workers here and it wants new
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zealand is to feel low skilled jobs. i'm not sure with the local does to be honest. a lot of curious um doesn't prefer to work on a hospitality and therapy for office work like 9 to 5 labor shortages pool was by the code. the 19 pandemic o, but disappeared last year, when 173000 people migrated to new zealand to fill job vacancies. now with the economy and recession, the government has reduced low skilled wood visas from 5 to 3 years. many, many, my friends facing uncertain future. we invited many americans to come over here during corporate di. they assess that and help our society here to be able to kind of be and then suddenly because we are no longer needing them. we are just simply kicking them out of the country. there were also high an english language requirements,
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which the government believes with help prevent work is being exposed to abuse by employee is of the immigration minister didn't respond to l. just areas request for an interview, but new zealand isn't alone and seeing and need to reduce migrant numbers in australia. if full costs remain on target. almost a 1000000 people will have arrived in the past 2 years. after changes to australia is visa rules, student baez's, and now more difficult to get somewhere we want the long term implications might be if the new rules stay in place too long, because the damage and the rates on to the regular approach or bring students in uh, but i graduated in australia or not, and we got about 50 percent of all of your new permanent skills migrants from students. so started here. let's try a skilled all those skills. migraines have been vital to the economy once the leading times a row of those students and work is that likely to be in demand again. but next
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time they may be more wary. wayne hey, al jazeera oakland argentina is highest criminal court has blamed yvonne and the lebanese group has voted out for 2 attacks there. in the 19 ninety's 29 people were killed. and these really embassy attack in buenos cyrus in 1992, 2 years later, a truck loaded with exclusive souls into a joy center, killing 85 people and injuring 300. b rainy in government denies any involvement. mexico one sec, one door expelled from the united nations. this government has complained to the international court of justice after police in ecuador rated the mexican embassy and key to last week. they arrested ecuador, his former vice president. jorge eyeglass had been granted political asylum by mexico after 2 convictions full corruption. there's one thing i think those people in the affected countries should be able to go before the international court of justice. and the court, in accordance with united nations charter,
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should have prove the expulsion, and there should be no veto. to julia gadgianno has more from mexico city to ultimately the mexican government was the expulsion of ecuador from the un. but 1st are saying that they should be suspended temporarily, while an investigation is carried out into the incidents at the embassy last friday . they also want ecuador to make a public apology about the incident. something that the ecuadorian government has already said. it's not going to happen because, according to them, they didn't break the law. they say it was actually mexican who broke the law 1st by granting asylum to someone who they say did not qualify for it. the former vice president of ecuador had already been convicted on 2 counts of corruption, and therefore, according to the ecuadorian authorities, they should, he shouldn't have been granted asylum to begin with. they say that it was a provocation of political provocation by mexico to grant it to him and an undermining of the ecuadorian judicial system. now,
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the 2nd thing that the mexican government is asking, the court is for it to guarantee the integrity of its premises, its diplomatic premises in kito, the ecuadorian capital, and the video that we were that we saw of this storming of the embassy shortly after. that incident to place mexico broke relations, diplomatic relations with ecuador, and it's embassy staff, les the country. so they actually want access to the embassy in order to retrieve all kinds of important documentation, paperwork, computers, etc. that may have been left there when their stuff abandoned the country. in ecuador, meanwhile, supporters and opponents of jorge glass of rallied outside of ports where a judge is considering whether to release him from prison. last, not 8, a hunger strike this week in protest against his arrest. the guns it all former vice president needs to leave. do. you must return to the mexican embassy so he can receive the political asylum offered by mexico or do you think?
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okay, so i'll throw in criminal, we're here to support our president. we are tired of all the continues that have ruled ecuador and government. this should serve as a precedent, so embassies won't be shelters for thieves and criminal. of molly's military leadership has banned media coverage of old political parties. the order came 24 hours after the indefinite suspension of all political activities. following to cool since 2020, the june test says the crank down is necessary to maintain public order human rights groups calling for an immediate reversal of the order you as vice president comma harris is traveling to arizona 3 days after the states. the don't top court upheld a 106 year old abortion band. how is zone is a swing state that the binding the job? i'm rather naturally wanting 2020, and democrats are hoping of photo backlash against a bullying will help. and they probably can contend to donald trump says the
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longest to far whitehouse correspondence. kimberly hunk it reports because it don't show us president joe biden is making a woman's right to an abortion. a big part of his pitch for a 2nd term. and the focus of his latest ad, your body and your decisions belong to you. he blames conservative republicans for putting women at risk of death. it's a tactic biden's campaign team ignited this week following arizona as court ruling reviving of 18. 64 boston ban. making a criminal to terminate a pregnancy, even in cases of rape or incest, anyone performing an abortion jailed up to 5 years democrats, or protesting the town across the country, and by the ins, reminding voters why he should be re elected, elect me, i'm in
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a 20 so 20 a century 21st century. back then even his likely contender, former us president donald trump, is backing away from supporting the arizona band. in spite of the fact he agreed with the overturning of roe vs wade. the landmark 1973 ruling by the us supreme court, that of firms a woman's right to an abortion the, according to a recent poll, 59 percent of americans believe abortion should be legal. and this year's election, arizona is a crucial swing state. i think some of these really strict state bands are going to push a lot more people towards the democratic party, especially people who are independents and people who are republicans, but who do not support these kinds of bands. vice president carmella harris will be
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in arizona on friday with the white house is once again hoping to capitalize on this issue. kimberly how hit al jazeera whitehouse and joe biden has announced these alternative plan to cancel $7000000000.00 worth of student loan debt. as the president tries to appeal to young voters in november's election, it's around $200000.00 borrowers are expected to benefits, but it's likely to face more opposition from republicans. so say, biden doesn't have the authority to cancel that. the supreme court has already struck down a wider prime for loan forgiveness. o. j. simpson, the former american football stone who was acquitted of double murder, has died of cancer. he was 76 in 1995 simpson was cleared of the murder of his former wife and his friend in a try that crept america. but he was later found liable in a separate civil case. john henry looks back on his life of the world, watched with rapt attention is o. j. simpson heard the verdict and the so called murder trial of the century. oh
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and follow jane simpson not guilty of the crime of murder divided global public saw the eye clinic televised case unfold in real time. if it doesn't fit, you must equip spearing simpson jail time, but ultimately forever tarnishing his previously pristine reputation. organs all james simpson burst out of the sports scene as an explosive running back at the university of southern california. then the buffalo bills as a professional. he is still regard. it is one of the greatest of all time. for a while he seemed to be everywhere, all at once on the field o. j. simpson, of there was they had to be run out of the deck in the broadcasting booth. and advertisements from indian hollywood blockbusters give this man some drugs. can you see it? and paint that may be driving a white or light colored for the front costs. then on june 17th,
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1994 came this slow speed bronco chase that ended in a charge of murder for the death of his wife, nicole and her friend and alleged peril more. ronald goldman occurring 2 years after the acquittal of the police and the beating of motor is rodney king, left the yawning, racial divined in the us, the simpson murder case, widen that chasm would much of black america, believing in his innocence and much of white america, doubting the united states is a deeply divided. busy the rising nation, i think o j simpson is the perfect encapsulation of that division of that pull the reservation. and i think given the fact that what took place and 1995, i think that still resonates very much with people today. after his shocking acquittal in 1995 simpson was found liable for wrongful death in a civil trial in order to pay $33500000.00 to the brown. in goldman, families is 2006 manuscript. if i did, it offered what he called
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a hypothetical account of the murderers in 2008 simpson was again charge. this time was armed robbery for recovering his own memorabilia. he said, and he spent 9 years in prison making his parents status complete. his recent months, simpson posted about his health on social media or mild is good. i mean obviously i'm dealing with some issues, but i think i'm just the bottle wrist and i'll be back on the golf course. hopefully in a couple of weeks o j. simpson's family. said he died wednesday of cancer. he was 76. still ahead on knowledge is there a no one can stop out. he allows a quest for and history quadruple continues. that's on the way in sports with gymnast davis. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global. your real estate destination in due by
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the business lasers to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the
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time numbers forces gemma. thankfully we saw that to augusta y price and the shop a lead. soft weather affected. first round of the mazda is 2 times with pushed back by 2 and a half hours due to stones. and once they got grabbing it was the somebody who set the pace. the american shot a 7 on the past, 65, that's as low as to have a stop in the major. each 1. 1 short clay of 2022 lost his champions. scotty shuffling 27 plans that need to complete that 1st rounds on friday morning, including the tournament davis on any clause we got. he stood on 5 on the it still has 3 holes left to play. 2020 a us open champion this somebody the month to catch them. live golf opened with 3 straight bodies have made 5 more than 6 holes on the back. 9 to set half time
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is gonna be the best rounds of golf i played in a long time. and there's 3 more days to go and i'm not losing side of that fact that it's right there in front of me. just gotta go execute chef, right, is right on his tail. the well, number one, hold out from the bunk or the 12th. what of 6 buddies hazy? free? 2016 mazda is champion, donnie. will it is 3 shots back. pretty remarkable, considering he hasn't played since having showed a surgery in september. i was expected to be out for 12 months. oh, the amount to the next 6 months actually no. um, no, it's completely unexpected. you know, sometimes that helps whatever you make. a couple of it is in your mind still starts thinking over, you know, i can do it so it was nicely just kind of keep it keeps filled out and over again, i think because it was plaintiff, you know, probably really made his gums and try that little bit more. this is the only major
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really. my court is missing from his collection. he's 6 shots of the lead off the one on the $71.00. that's the best opening round that the mazda is since 2018. that's sort of embarrassing if it is, but that's a good thing. um uh yeah, i guess, you know, i, i kept it together. i stuck to my game plan. um, you know, then, you know, didn't party to the par 5 and back, which was a little disappointing. but yeah, i mean, getting in and read numbers was, was these a tiger woods as well? so it's one end of his face has a mattress and friday i was no need to pay the final 5 holes of his 1st round before his and tie a 2nd round. that's 23 holes inside. so now is what tough night for young club and his little poolside is. they was done the renewal by ass alonzo in the 1st slide to say you ready for the cool to final they what one know down office i see it minutes. john, new kind of stomach out with the soviets, hands clubs,
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may 3 changes at half time. asthma. how much sat it was gross on thoughts that didn't increase things as kind like a score again. after an hour. i had to go this aloud before maria passel, its completed a night to remember fred alonzo. you will feel confident of resuming 70 findings ahead of the 2nd next next week to stay below that included the funds at the end of the match could be his last year of being gay. my son failed for the 1st time to speak, move in to get that alarm for young. we can make this as low as president of the old times. tell us what was really bad game. oh my god. we played a bad game is up to lose. and the boys have this night to feel bad about it. and then we have to to build up again for the fun of course the palace payment. so that's how it is going to side, west time are in trouble to they like to like go slip a chevy on, says a by level q next under the on beach and run the season to 42 games goes from the
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substitutes asian as huffman and victor, both of us giving the gentleman legal aid is a 2 middle victory. i can win that fast, but does he gets hard to lift results, go that way on the staff and, and it was highly amazing. it was right. and while he came out on top against ac, milan and download, come on, seen a with the only goals the game for the visitors reach the final with this competition last season. our minimum cost for on historic quadruple. after they've been out it's, you have full one twin, the saudis, safer comp. malcolm scored twice in the victory, including the site's not in the face minutes. as in did countryman name all watched on celebration from him? that's what was the goals, but some of those 3, those 3 to extend the well record winning run to the, to full games on hello a 12 points clear and the saudi fairly father also in the semi finals is the asian champions, lead times the king and i fell wide, receive the rush, he rises ton himself in total source, he's off for
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a war. it was issued. his arrest in connection with a high speed crash last month. according to dallas police. that was a to a speeding cause, which cause a chain reaction collision that damaged formal vehicles. both speeding cause a flight. the scene of the crush, the kansas city chiefs, players facing 8 felony charges for the incident, which included collision involving serious bodily injury and aggravated assault. which is punishable by up to 20 years in prison. earlier this month, rice accepted full responsibility for his part in the incidents. so high attorneys form in cyprus that has been charged with bank fraud. if payton is u. haul or is accused of stealing more than $60000000.00 from an account and attorney's name? he's accused of using that money to cover gambling debts. investigators have not found any evidence that shows missing hara bet on baseball games. atanya himself has insisted he has never batch on the sport or knowing a paid book make a to the significant victory of the new orleans. pelicans is that when over the
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sacramento kings leads them into the 6. i'm final files falls office in the western conference. it completed a size gain sweep against the king's. you will now have to settle for a place in the play in tournaments with the games are required in order to reach the file. so i on william sit and see jamie call them each quotes $31.00 points. they now leave. the phoenix suns by one gave us about 6 feet faced with 2 games remaining on the golden state warriors a guaranteed to be in that's play and tournament, but they're in a 3 way side to get a preschool 8 seat spots which will make that pulse to the plastic slightly easier, and they all that seem to be for the moment they secured the 9th when in 10 games with a 192 victory of a coolant trail places, steph curry, who else that looked 22 points, 8, assist, and 7 lead balances from lasers or in thing, just finishing boston as a conference after the defeats in the right. that is what you'll support for now, i'll have more later, including the conclusion of the 1st round to the mazda about she's off,
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and we're looking forward to that gem. i thank you very much for that. 9 india, an unusual campaign is hoping to boast voter turnout and next week's election divers, united the voting process. 20 meet is underwater in the southern state of time, and i do fake voting machines and banners. we're used to encourage horses to head to the pulse in a more conventional way on the surface starting a week from now. not like muslims worldwide. millions in northern nigeria are celebrating the festival of adolf fisher, which is here as i'm a data research for some kind of state. where centuries old traditions follow ramadan of the haven't millenium, little has changed in how the old kind of king set up rates the at the end of the most important you know, starts with the religious rights at the end of it. oh my god. oh, it is a combination of both culture and religion and it predicted even the stomach
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revolution of this month for you, at least by some $300.00 to us. yeah. in kind of the facilities and cultural displays take over the traditional matters for these codes . an edition make us a site. the click was also site, the lose its culture technician, the society is gone. so that's why it's important to look at the culture and see how we can maintain the to know what uh, what things come with the changes in the world all about the amount of kind of supervisors, the traditions of a people whose history dates. but over a 1000 years, horseman, dec inch in costumes. display writing skills in homage to the young princes also take part in the colorful to the delight of hundreds of
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thousands people in the tunnel. and i, the rest of the country may be going through the top ties when it comes to celebration media. so they don't let charlie just started their way best friend to look that best on to the traditional institutions. not expensive spread to make numerous laws until the next person arrives. gun salutes may be in addition, but oil historians say they've also been around for more than 100 years. the celebration continues all 4 days with both locals and visitors joining the dog. but for us to reduce the degrees, i'll just see a couple more on this. and other stories we're covering on al jazeera, on our website ounces era dot com. that's it for this new zone. and that's it for me, for the back people for now. so rom, and we'll have another lined up about these coming up very shortly. thanks so much the
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unique perspective. everything is political. you cannot stay out of politics and everything is a feminist issue. to on heard voices, we see our leadership destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life is with connects with all community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's all not, it's right here. and right now the stream on out to the era. this is the biggest, the over the next. and you out in history, the world biggest democracy, pull up its own epic show down in this final episode of speaking the port. finally off the prime minister and the movie elevated india global baez's file. the 4th will be take a long room under the microscope. we examine how much is fact and how much is
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fiction to be in the port fox sports? one of these are some of the 1st images in the aerial assessment of co bleaching in the great value range. bleaching occurs when will my ocean temperatures and pollution force call to expel the algae to get the color range of color and extreme or intake wise over an extended period of time. maybe some structures have been severely damaged. scientists have declared 2020 full, a mass bleaching events. what's happening here on the great fire roof is also happening on rapes around the world, or the last 12 months, warming se, surface temperatures have caused bleaching events in the northern hemisphere. and the linear conditions in the pacific have amplified the situation. marine biologist, jody rama, says ocean temperatures are increasing at a rate never seen before. and that's an organ assigned to the biggest crow system in the world. we're seeing this back to back here upon year. the reef needs many
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years to recover from these heat waves, and it's just not getting it the calls for things and goes overdues to level the world health organization says several medical facilities in con, units have been destroyed. a warning of unexploded bombs in southern gauze as palestinians a ton to the ruined homes. the, the liver license also coming up well is raise the rates and the occupied west. bang to palestinians are killed and fighting. and the refugee camp thailand says it sends messages to me, a mazda 3 to reduce violence. hundreds of across the board after rebels seize the pool to town.


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