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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 12, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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restricted understanding the reality for these demonstrators, it's presidents must be solved, reckoning the stability of the country. i'll just say it was teens of across the world. when you click sense to the font at the store, the one palestinian killed 20 inches and sets the tax and the occupied westbank. the bottom, sammy's a, them. this is algebra live from dell hall. so coming up, the more is riley attacks across garza and then a 100 palestinians killed in 24 hours. 3 journalists are injured in the side of the refugee camp what's being described as it targets. it is really
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a time time and says it sent messages to me and mazda 3 to reduce violence. hundreds across the board or off the rebels sees the town the fed, $1600.00 g m t 6 p. i mean gall, so as well as bombardments of civilian areas shows no sign of easing. at least 89 palace students have been killed in the past day and the tax right across the street. many of the bodies remain trapped under rubble and free journalists who are working on the outskirts of an asylum, refugee campbell. they've been injured. officials, they're saying they would target is in ms. riley attack. one of the victims has lost his fault. the 3 john les roll clearly identified as members of the price and that of in scuffles in the occupied westbank off. the dozens of his variety sense is attacked. palestinians, ne of the law,
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one palestinian is being killed and 20 people have been injured. may die brought him joins us now live from i will find out in the occupied westbank. so take us through the that wallets your hearing. last time we spoke, we had plumes of black smoke behind us and situation come down somewhat now to yes, i mean, it seems that the situation is calling down a little bit as with the heating from locals inside the village that is behind us over there that the subtler is have moved from the center of the village to the outskirts they haven't left yet, but is really arm is still inside the village. and probably you can see them here at the entrance of the village preventing. 1 as really from entering i didn't what i usually what happens when set of ethics take place that palestinians from subject to surrounding villages try to go to the rescue and to help their fellow palestinians. but these 2 is really cheap. so preventing palestinians from going
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inside. now we know that at least one palestinian has been killed and his body has been transferred to a local hospital in the last one. there are 8 injuries at least to by fire, and we had heating that there are dozens of other injuries that the medical teams could not even go and assess, you know, as you say. so i mean, when we talked in the last hour, the smoke has been really visible from here, but now it seems to have calmed down. but still, palestinians are still counting. the damage that took place from the attacks by the illegal is really subtler is that, according to the head of the village, are more than 40 houses and cars. you know, what are we doing when we're talking about this village is so small, the one and the yet it palestinians are usually used to suck the tax. but this one has been really large and has to spend put hours and hours with palestinians will
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tell you it's not clear who was shooting if it was the is really settlers of or if it was the is really, are me, were talking about an attack that started after the sutler said that it is really subtler from an a league and supplement i'll post need by has been going with his sheep grazing in the yeah, but the cheaper and without the 14 year old leaving palestinians to head to the vintage and palestinians will tell you that sometimes is ready, the settlers, the wreck havoc and not only when they have an excuse or else they say that they are looking for the 14 year old, who the presumably that accusing palestinians of hiding the fact that they've withdrawn to the outskirts of the village called the signal that this secular is not there. it's not clear where he is at the moment or i will leave it that time so much that that abraham while swear in the occupied westbank
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funerals have been held for 2 palestinians killed and the lights of strayed. others were injured in that hot uh, refugee, campus palestinian size is confronted as riley soldiers. the red presence ambulance was shot that and the paramedic was decent and arrested. all the rates early on friday morning, were in pedia and assemble on the head of the us military operations in the middle east. is matthew, as well as defense minister you? i've got a solo to discuss quoted nation for a potential attack from iran as follows. as well, strong contact runs culture building in damascus. sadly this month that attacked killed several high ranking arabian commanders around slade is have threatened to retaliate. these ready armies says it's all highlights. let's go live now that have this on hope. she joins us now from occupied east jerusalem, so the head of sand come is the visiting one sees mission as
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well, has just met with those roles. defense minister jo, i've galandes who says that his role is prepared both offensively and defensively for any sort of scenario. or situation that would involve a retaliatory attack by beat on in the after is really air strikes on be it on in diplomatic mission. in damascus, it is worth noting that these really still have not admitted responsibility for those air strikes as they have a policy of generally not commenting on military activity in syria. now these really are saying, but if they don't, you are to respond and that a task is to be on is really territory, then there will be some sort of larger response by these really is remember, several weeks ago they said that they've bolstered their air defense as we're talking about the iron down the david sling and the arrow as well as calls up reservist to those air bases, saying that they are prepared for
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a wide variety of scenarios and have raised their alert level to the maximum possible capacity and are now discussing with the americans, what they're calling a real and viable threat or i will leave with that. thanks so much from this other fruit as well as bombardment of gauze that has continue with at least 89 palestinians killed across the strip. and they're like this. the tax thought a couple of us who is in rough and southern gaza with more. so there is no in fact any look topping, fighting on the ground here in gauze as these valley forces has been happening completely up skating the military attacks. and also the village of operations in different areas. of course, the territory now starting with one of the latest attacks has been carried out on the southern part of the se to and, and there was neighborhood with the have been targeting the cultural lands um, alongside with the number of residential houses. these areas it to essentially that
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there is right in minutes. we have the rates it in before, and we have been waiting to think on top of them onto the re and strikes on the so ross a refugee come where it has been right now. the csl for the is really military operations . that is where the military has announced the beginning of a military operation. the worst since the early hours of today's morning at least 6 by the city. i have been killed in that succeed alongside with more than 70 others being a wounded. as a result of the unrelenting compartment on that we have been hearing from eye witnesses that they've been bought meant by lambs and see did not talk as the system. i think a policy that these very mandatory now is using is the full destruction of residential houses just to give a clear vision for them. and it will bring the troops along side to guarantee that there is no any threat to call. the majority of areas that had been targeted contains civil facilities and residential buildings. that right now had been
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reduced to the rock over at least 6 people have been killed in this way. the attacks on the side of the refugee camp in central garza, indian palestinians, among them just unless would carry it to the hospital for treatment. endo holder, it has more from the site we're currently in the so you got in allow the hospital all of the injuries and the killings are coming here from the say it off after that is really forces southern the invaded the area the situation in the site is very dangerous, where people are not being even a bug at evacuate or to flee their houses. they're saying that there are quad copters everywhere. they're targeting every single person who is leaving his house or walking in the street. the situation is little bit dangerous because also during this have been targeted during this will have been trying to cover what's going on in the say, right, refuge account where it targeted. and one of the journalists have been severely
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injured, where his leg was amputated when he was injured. now we're a couple of meters away from, i'm gonna say, right, if did you come this situation, it's very hard. people are not being able to evacuate, they're not even able to move, even i'm getting into those are having a lot of difficulties to reach the areas we can hear the drones. we can hear uh the artillery selling and also air strikes. and what's very scary is people are not even able to leave their houses because there are lives in munition and clubs. copters, everywhere of this is the only hospital currently operating at in and this is a refugee camp. and most of the severe injuries are transferred to the hospital for more than 2 days. now, on this i ran a refugee camp has been under intensive bumping under intensive fighting and polishing use cannot leave the house garden for she doesn't know. so we was sitting
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peacefully and all of a sudden explosions were dropped to his head when black. yeah, that's what we were initially displaced from kansas city to news around then to rafa. and then back to news around going. there is no safe inch in the entire enclave. on them, off on these really forces destroyed our homes and we were forced to go on eunice up to one and a half months. we were again forced to hit the ortho. we spent 2 months and tense, under ruthless bombardment last night in the state. it was the worst in 10 shelling missiles and bombardment. when we reached the air. yeah, that we would see people seeing evacuating to didn't bella or any other area, but unfortunately they do not even have the ability or the right to evacuate their houses. this isn't the odyssey. to uninstall you dropped the tightens. fine minister has visited the border with me and model off the days of
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fighting between rebels and the countries ministry gentle latan government says it's willing to offer temporary shelter to a $100000.00 refugees escaping the conflict attorney general thoughts from the time in law border. thailand's foreign minister visiting the board to check point through which thousands of refugees, ta, spend a lot of 7 days. is it to make a point, he much right to the center of the friendship bridge, the message, despite the chaos and me and my thailand is in some control. speaking to the media . he said the time that is prepared for a 100000 refugees in the crisis gets worse load. i sent messages to the state administration counsel the memo that we don't wish to see violence. we've recently told us in members about issuing a statement so that violence can be decreased and me and my as i said, i am her children. i'm so confident they fled from the home outside the town. and
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me a, what in me a month, a week ago, the, like many of those pulling into thailand, they have a network of friends, an assembly to rely on the model. we don't need any humanitarian support. we came here to stay briefly because of the fighting. my children are working at a factory in mass. all right, so i have a place to live and i don't have any food problems because the factory provides food and they bring it home. the great humanitarian need is in myanmar itself. foreign ministry officials met with the you ins refugee agency in may. so during the ministers visit, now, the control of the board of crossing has changed hands. they'll be hoping 8 can play more freely. this is the exact point at which thailand crosses into myanmar in the middle of the moines river. and now there is a different middle of truthful as in control of the border of the head. many people would like to see a flying in to me and to the people,
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desperately need people such as these that account. so those displaced by fighting in kind of state no sent me a body view in estimates more than 10000000 people inside me on my own getting enough to eat fuel is also in desperately short supply. will let people have funding ingenious ways to get by. with the rainy season approaching the shortages will learn to get worse. as even the heaviest beast button struggle to get through the month to month. tony chung out 0 on the time you on mobile to fill robinson is deputy asia director of human rights watch. he says there's little hope for an end to the war and me and not any time soon. i as well, it's not clear that the military wants to talk, there are actually engaged in mandatory construction, forcing people into the military and the ethnic view of the military is being on their bad foot. so, you know,
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people may not want to talk. it may not be the time yet for peace talks, because you know, both sides still want to fight. i think both thailand and china are starting to recognize that they need to hedge their bets, that there are assumption that the more military would always win. no matter what is being tested out and they may need to recognize that they have to readjust their eliasis start talking with the opposition. start talking with the ethnic groups and start recognizing that the, the human rights abuses and the lack of accounts ability has continued for far too long. and we are at this point, the thailand is being pulled along with the events inside of the m r. i mean, this is really between them, you have more people in the military there. the military is continuing to wage a war against them. yet more people now were concerned that in my why the there is going to be air strikes against civilian targets. so these are the sort of things that we're worried about. um, you know, thailand is waiting and watching. uh,
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just like your reporters are those, the, the, the soldiers are waiting at the bridge to see what happens. well, i don't think that we're going to see anything near to 1000000 refugees. i mean, i think that we'll see is a some stream of refugee is coming across, but most of these people are coming across. we'll go back once the findings upsides and what we're looking at is much of the eastern border, myanmar, alon and the type of water will be in the whole hands of the ethnic groups. so, you know, is this is actually a progress from the perspective, a lot of people who have face predation and abuses from the military. i think that overall, the situation, you know, is certainly one where the me, i'm, or military is grip on powers. we're getting. but they're going to continue to fight and it's not going to in quickly. i think we're going to see it a new phase come. but the loss of my a why the will be a major major below. 2 of them. yeah. more military and to settle ahead on al
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jazeera, find out why migrant workers new zealand of facing and on certain future the low there's been more storms in central india. let me show you right off the bat. this time in chat is scar. states near this stage capital here. copious amounts of rain and quite blustery winds as well. but i'll tell you, i think this story on saturdays, these winds off, the radian see here. so that's picking up sand in dust from the tar desert through roger starting punjab. and him actual production stage, we will see those sending dust storms over the next 24 hours. but if a divide forestry longer the east, looking mostly fine, at least throughout the day on saturday, but still some rounds of rain to go for the west coast, not too far away from colombo pump in, in that humidity, off the south china sea for china is high and an island in northern vietnam,
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so temperatures are up and it's also fueling monkey and sticky that free is also fueling these storms, or they're in gwen g, one dung and food you and provinces. these will be nice, the packing hale and the potential to see those winds for past a 100 kilometers prior. it's hot for now in beijing, but check out what happens on sundays showers roll through cooler air out of mongolia. so just 21 degrees for you. when this weather report in indonesia that think the biggest burst of rain will be across the main island of jobs, the west job of providence, outside of the cartridge cartridge should be mostly fine sir. now let me tell you about suffice equal results. the 1st of its kind in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the now be used only and look very close here. like common here sits on to play with
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a large 3rd space. people look in my private for me now. thanks. royal. i can also somebody probably equal, resulted in gun the the the welcome back. you're watching. i'll just say we're a time to recap. i'll headlines now. one pad a student has been killed and 20 people have been injured in scuffles in the occupied westbank. but it's off the dozens of his right except for his attacks promised in the face of the last 3 journalists to a working on the outskirts of messiah a refugee camping gauze, or is being wounded in water. officials say was the target is ready to attack. one
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of the victims last is for the 3 well, clearly identified as members of the price. the white house as a reportedly eminence attacked by a ronald as well poses a real and viable rights. concerns that wrong is likely to retaliate, also as well have it's considered it's in damascus. any of this month ahead of us for that tre operations in the middle east is in israel to coordinate preparations in the event when the time is ready. both plans and military helicopters have hit positions along the border with 11 and the strikes targeting the lebanese group has the law has been an increase in cross board attention since the war and guns that began in october. we'll have a high, some joins us now from the quota in southern lebanon. so what does the off them off look like of these attacks of the sunny actually uh, i'd say every day since the 8th of october, uh,
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several is really strikes on different towns and villages and saw 7 on the latest was a few, often not a fire here, close to us entire on dogma shop. and also as strikes on the town or fight to shop the $1.00 to $3.00. uh we bought it from yesterday and also i never strike on a probably being one of the biggest towns in south still have been on fi um was hit with an air strike and honey was hit with altered or the fire. and this is going to continue, i mean, every night i did, there is a r strikes opting out of 1095. however, today was significant with his will on the claiming responsibility for when i talked on miss scott from miss scott 5 is a military position that overlooks the main road in lebanon, and the board is with lebanon. i'm out of here today, this the same ministry position in miss scott for i'll forget to call him for
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a free cause, one for the electricity company and another one for i mean the channel. so as we understood no one was injured. however, the colors were hit with bullets from this is really mystery position. all right, we'll need for that. thanks so much. i how show us president joe biden says washington's commitments to defend japan in the philippines remain iron clad. it followed a meeting with president fed and macos junior and japanese prime minister free meal because she to in washington. they've been discussing ways to count to what they say as china is growing straight. china condemned the summit, insisting it's claims in the south china sea, a little full joint co sconce of charles are expected to be announced. also repeated confrontations with chinese vessels in the region. and i want to be clear, the united states, united states defense competitors to japan and to the philippines,
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our iron clad or our class. as i said before, any attack on filipino aircraft specials are armed forces. and so i was trying to see what invoke our mutual defense treaty badging has some japanese and so the pain diplomat since that amazing and wound vague governments against forming a stronger alliance with the us term phone vision. sonya when josh is highly relevant, countries are colluding with external forces for their selfish interest. reacting accounts for them in a containment strategy against china. and do you want to warn them? 5 tons will only end up being a band. and china, north korea are holding the highest level folks in 5 years and increasing cooperation. the champion of china is national people's congress is in film yang until saturday. north korea has been trying to strength and ties with badging and moscow. tensions grow with the united states to expose from china have full and
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sharp se highlighting the problems facing the world's 2nd largest economy. the 7.5 percent slumped in march was the largest since last oldest chinese export as a struggling is high interest rates, services reduced demand for their products side effect. sure. to of the flooding crisis and pots of southern russia. a neighboring catholic stand shows little signs of a basing. melting. snow is cool, so you are. all right. so here's a new record. high to meet is above this critical level authorities urging the mass evacuation of residents, the russian city of oakland book and the state of emergencies being imposed an 8th of 17 provinces of catholic stat, pull breton and reports. there's no sign of any rest bites in oregon. bag a week into this crisis, whole neighborhood to remain on the water. the river level on friday reached a record high of more than 11 meters,
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and in some areas under the roots of the houses are visible above the brown water. the community center opens up now operates as a temporary shelter. it's cramped and it's basic, but at least it's dry for now. it's just the, the basic give you provide everything and all of all guess. everyone who stays here is being given hot meals 3 times a day. alexander returns to his home beside the river every day to feed his dogs. now stranded on the roof is 68 years old and he says, this flood is like nothing that's come before. i've lived here all my life. this is the 1st time such a flood has happened here. the last flood was in 1993 and it was much smaller than the water in the yard was only up to the needs. there has never been anything like that. said the south in the flood stricken areas of catholics done the ice and melt for us to continue to arrive from up river. petro pavel,
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fluttering is beside the issue of a big urgency, reinforced with some facts. transact president. okay, i posted this video, a dramatic music sound track, alongside scenes of ministry helicopters rescuing children, la concerned looking officials to the flood stricken regions to try to reassure residents and encourage national solidarity. but there is more to come. the issue and river is already at dangerous levels, and officials predict it won't reach its peak for another 10 days, pull brennan ultra 0. the floods are also affecting russian farmers and the animals that provide a livelihood. usually a ship of oliver as more from or in the to be shows that owing bugs most i, connie comes across the made of the finest a yon from the owenberg. downy goes, which are native to the highest point in the over in the region. cold coupon,
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take those cut them. that's with his down matures. very strong winds blow that. so the down protects the goats from co, each 5 but inside is empty. this explains the likeness of this cough and its forms . albina and her husband fry. you own a good phone with 3000 animals in the remote proven dig district. they also run a non factory and to show anything business that worried for the animals since the farm has become and accessible due to the flooding. cling you most of the time, it's kind of where we come to deliver the amount of feet each boat requires for the daily rush and we feed on the young ones. so they have milk while the rest of still on hey look. the problem is that the water has risen and the roads are flooded. the engine has a good one. see, yeah, we call them the goats and they see it due to the slots. this business happens. we're missing the moment as the goats will begin to shed. so it takes 60 days to
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create once comp, from the to roll materials to the finished product. one good needs to be raised and fed for a whole. yeah. to get to 300 grams of down slowly but and will to go eat directly affects the downs quality, the spray lungs. when mos baby goes. oh kids, a bone for which the month ago needs vision and supplements, and the fees, dislodging across the coupon to region means these mother goes, have only got enough feed for another $2.00 days. develop owners have already procured feet from the neighbors, but it's not enough. they now hope the water will receive soon. you leadership of all of a ultra 0 or in, but russia, in through the number of deaths calls by den gay fever, have molten triple. this is 117. low income areas are hardest hit by the mosquito borne disease. the government has passed and emergency decree to try and cub the outbreak. experts say this being made was like climate change. it
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was from one of 2 days. largest unions have gone on a nationwide strike. essential workers' union is demanding wage increases better health care and tax and pension reforms in march towards the presidential palace and the capital santiago, where hundreds of police officers were deployed were join was thankful with his union strikes because it is a coal to retain the rights of workers to pull the attention to oral matrices, to all those who have something to do with what has not been fulfilled in order to fate, a pensions for our future wage, a cation for help. if we don't take to the streets, our demands will never be met. it's not something related only to the current government, but to the government that has never taken care of. the civil service. new zealand government is reducing the number of migrant workers except the new visa restrictions are a way to get more locals into employment. and eas inflation or the change in policy
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will leave some workers and employers wired about the future. why am hire fulls now from oakland? for many years, businesses of all sizes have relied on good cuz from outside the zealand to survive . now the government sees there are too many foreign workers here and it wants new zealand in to feel low skilled jobs. i'm not sure with the local does um to be honest. a lot of curious um doesn't prefer to work on a hospitality and therapy for office for like 9 to 5 labor shortages pool was by the code. the 19 pandemic o, but disappeared last year, when 173000 people migrated to new zealand to fill job vacancies. now with the economy and recession, the government has reduced low skilled wood visas from 5 to 3 years. meaning.


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