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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 12, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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that are right, never seen before, and that's all been assigned to the biggest crow system in the world. we're seeing this back to back here upon year. the reef means many years to recover from these heat waves and it's just not getting it. the more than 50 rockets are launched from southern lebanon into northern israel and the occupies go on heights. the you're watching, i'll just 0 light for my headquarters in delphi and getting you navigate are also coming up. 3 journalists are injured in mental status, refugee camp and gaza, and what's being described as a target. it is really a tough one. palestinian is killed and 20
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injured and subtler attacks and the occupied wes thing on southern russia is dealing with what's being described as the worst flooding in this century. the more than 50 rockets have been launched from southern lebanon towards the upper gallery in northern israel. and the occupied golan heights, some of the rockets were intercepted by the is really iron durham defense system. the lebanese group has by law has claimed responsibility for that attack, for bringing audi hash and he's joining us from north kuda in southern lebanon. so audi a large barrels of rockets fired from the south of lebanon. tell us what happens. yes that and in fact, more than 50 rockets launched from southland on to what's a northern israel and pictures off into section 7 and deceptions has belie,
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should as state been claiming responsibility for launching tens of got your shuttle kits to watch military position in the occupied goldman who said that this is in retaliation to is rose tax all of the many thousands in the south. however, this comes in a situation where everyone is anticipating and uranian retaliation for the killing of a new ring in general as the ring and consulate in damascus. therefore, this is making the situation of putting this situation in the back and kind of a context that's very complicated. now we are watching today to see how things are evolving is run, has been talking several 1000 solve the solve 7 on today with a strikes solved to know the joint tax also has beloved significantly announced just after after the afternoon that it's,
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i've talked to several several is ready ministry positions during the past few hours. so the morning that the noon there was nothing just after the afternoon . then as well as thought, the statement responsibility for on 6 attacks, including this one with tens of rockets hitting our launch into the northern supplements it has been. i had always said that the south of lebanon would be a support from 2 guys, but loving on itself. is paid the price as well with is really a tax and i know you've been going around the south have the rules of engagement changed at all for what since the beginning of this confrontation on the 8th of october, just one day after the 7th of october, and does the things i've changed and i know the dynamics are different that we can say actually the objectives have different i know also the target some difference. but at the beginning everyone was talking about the rules of engagement within
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geography. how much kilometers deep, inter 11, or how much going to meet as deep into as run has will on as well. i'm going to exchange for you and then things started changing. i will be done seeing that kind of more till they come from tay shuttle, the conflict, multi led one that is the daily exchange. another la is the city nations under said blair, which is the may be one of the most important ones, is that the tenants, each side wants to the, to the other side and with the tenants. we go towards the, the, the shifting of dynamics on the ground with physical law, for example, expanding horizontally the, the, the, the config zone towards the goal and the goal and the golden heights, the goal an occupied gordon that was since 1973 and kind of a, a com area with no resistance with no rock at large. this is the 1st time that this idea is witnessing such attacks and also as well widening the, the,
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the scope of alpha authorizations to watch a 100 meters deep into lab. and on to watch the big golf volley. and of course these, these have been changing. the dynamics have been changing the rules of engagement, but it's very important done quickly. the, the each site is changing, as all the site is updating. so the rules are being updated moment by moment and by each side with containing this confrontation in 2 minutes, we thought it okay, i will be checking in with you a little later. thank you so much. have a husband reporting for us from knuckle wood out in the south 11 on as well. we can also use the als, is there a senior political analyst middle? i'm sorry, he's joining us here in the studio. i'm the one i'm just looking at, the reuters news agency who's reporting that biden was asked about this. what's being described as an imminent it raining and retaliation. and he's saying don't. there's a lot of noise coming out of the states on when and how this might take place. meanwhile, the iranians have been completely silent. how do you explain?
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first of all, that uranium silence? i think that any scientists actually makes a lot of sense strategically speaking. first of all, the psychological effect has already been felt is there as reducing its staff in more than 24 emissions. tourists are no longer or reducing their appearances in his red uh, foreign diplomats are restricting their travel to is right or within his right. and so on, so forth. so for the, the effect on business, on diplomacy and software, it's effectiveness, right? so that's kind of a silence is in the, in and by itself. uh, you know, effective. so i think that is, uh the, the strategy or what to do. i'm not exactly sure of the american estimates of what the range of response going to be as necessarily accurate. because it's also
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strategic on the part of the united states to make it into some big time, rainy and response. and so when there any response come differently, they would say all, you know, it's fine. it's nothing important, right? because the leaks to the, to the press that if you're wrong does not can, is right is but the story setting is really assets, then the, is there, any other response would not be as dramatic as one might expect. but what about the us announcing that it's deploying reinforcements to the middle east at this time, and will the us itself get involved in any potential escalation between israel and iran? what buys and has also said a short while ago, we are devoted to the defense of israel and iran will not succeed. to is the thing about, i mean it by then this is what he said from day one day to after october 7, sending to american auto mind the cities media touring in saying we have these drugs back is where it has the right to defend itself. but since then,
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making these statements by doing has basically been totally, terribly manipulated by not to now into taking positions that are in no way in america's interest in the middle east. and today, saying that we have is rose back without necessarily of estimating what the is right. the response is going to be to that you're in your response, but i mean they've sending the heads of send come the central command to is right in order to really work out what they are. reading the responses, but more importantly what the is rate and the response by fee. but since they one since october 7, for to the attack on the ring and confidence in damascus is, or it has been taking the initiative. and the united states has been following. and it's footsteps trying to reduce the damage most to is right and to the united
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states. but nothing you know is about stopping. there is no stopping to nothing, you know, because it's political, his personal, his coalition future on or at stake now. and i'm very of interest is an escalation and gaza escalation, but not been on an escalation throughout the region blinking, bringing in a implicating the united states. and the regional war fact is nothing has interest . that's why i've been saying for a long time now. and today, more than ever knew how has been playing by didn't like i said, he's been many people. i think him, he liked to have on day one about what happened in october 7, making by didn't make such statements that have mazda is like isis, and it has to be obliterated. and there is no future and goes out without the destruction of him as these things in general sizing, gaza. so i'm just now, what seems to be is there as readiness to expand the water into the bottom and the rest of the region and tickets in the united states?
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i know you keep an eye out on what is really media is reporting and you probably have seen this opinion piece inherits. the title is saying, what's can't be said. israel has been defeated a total defeats. i mean, what do you make of this appearing and is really media you don't think is so hot. it's that, you know, it's kind of some sort of sense or less newspaper. it's uh, it's right by sitting elite a minority on my say. and they are been and they have the art and they have been quite critical if nothing, you know, and the opinion, right. there's an audits, you know, tend to be somewhere from the center right to the set the last. so i think it's actually a very clever article out at the bottom, but it's a very clever audit, but basically shows that look, i mean, we destroyed guys out, but what future do we have now in the land of israel and he started by the side or in the middle east. right. and how we destroyed have us now we have not. and what have we done to these are the economy to? is there a standing? is there a security?
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have we really re establish the terrance also so for i think the points been made in the article, which i think the point that by the nation to keep in mind. and it is really is need to keep in mind is what is that nothing. yeah. how and his questions, fascist interest is not that of his right and is not that of the united states. that's what people don't seem to know most is what it is until after they continue to support nothing. yeah. whose policies and that is to let the know his cleverness and his credit. right? that he is able still to manipulate. i'm a jonathan because they just don't, don't trust him, but steadfast his policies. they know he's a lying deceiving, political, criminal, come work or not. but the continued to supplement his policy, the majority of his rates until today. right. but he is doing is early to get us in states. he is 3rd, and is there a security into it both an insecure to deal with is i think that's on the north and
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the south me more than 200000 over its population in the north and the south and displays its economy is facing major difficulties a lot of people are going to stop me thinking bigger thing, living is rather and so on, so forth. it's not, i'm thinking in general, so i am more crimes and the palestinians, and i think many adults will never, ever forgive is dreadful. what's happening, right? so was nothing you know and is coordination partners are trying to get into the short term survival they are risking is are as long term survival in the region. okay, thank you so much more one percent. as far as really strikes on dogs, i'll have killed at least 89 palestinians in the past 24 hours. an injured more than a 120 others. among those injured were a group of journalists who were working on the outskirts of the new site, us refugee county. they were injured or what officials say was a targeted is really attacked up to some good food reports.
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the palestinian journalist, sammy sure. honda was interviewing evacuees, fleeing is really strikes when he came under attack. say that are the most of the he's one of 3 journalists injured by his really strikes in this neighborhood of that of bella in central garza zoo. uh so kinda as well. we have a covering the displacement and evacuation of residents from an area of the new camp on the north of our nurse, a rest camp. we filled in some interviews and rushes, but unfortunately we were standing at cross roads where a group of us would talk to the at least 5 people were killed. and what is really force is described as targeted operations on the camp. $140.00 palestinian journalist had been killed since october 7th, and dozens of wounded. she had lost his foot more than 6 months into israel's war journalist wearing press best just like aid workers in branded vehicles.
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continue to be victims of israel is on slow. is rails war has turned garza into a near total battlefield. the moment of quiet children have nowhere to turn but to the rubble from past attacks. for a place to play, the love us. we built this game because all of our toys have been destroyed and our houses have been destroyed and there's nothing left for us to play with except for his pipe. these children never too far away from danger, on the ground or from the sky. if this i'm getting food, i'll g 0. jonathan's also does the head of them, at least as got reporters without borders. he says more international pressure needs to be put on israel to protect journalists. and unfortunately, we are, we fast this month mark of this war and the story, these,
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these terrible rewards of journalists being at the turn as being in georgia zip codes become so the, so is the point where we have to report them almost the over the past 6 months, this is just the latest attack, it's 3rd of, of the we are exchange office unacceptable. of the strikes at 10, the car transport things v journalist and the injuries. the former on the phone is 3 journalists, including savage. how did your people tokens or what, what does that have to do is we, we will send a form that's due. i mean, if we can talk about that for recovery, but it was in with an express article. so there was a journalist and this probably says also been injuries of other drugs as i got home from george, you must have done that already. of all of this in the context of dozens and dozens of more injure journalists and more than a 100 years can buy is really. ready goes over the past 6 months. this massacre has to stop the international communities,
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just the pressure. so that is rams books. getting these journalists, we are calling for an end for this in june. one palestinian has been killed and 25 more were injured in scuffles and they occupied westbank dozens of as really settlers rated several villages and opened fire as palestinian homes as they searched for a teenage saddler who went missing this morning is really for us is also fired flares and a number of villages. me that but i am has more from the occupied westbank. and this is the most recent subtler attacks against palestinians here in a booth for that. this is the village that is closest to the impala city, is here, has been seeing ambulances rushing to go to, i didn't buy it with settlers, upsets failure to more than 40 vehicles and homes, according to the local council, after, as really subtler is re, the village in the afternoon saying that they were looking for
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a 14 year old is really subtler from and italy gets, supplements out suppose to has been missing after he was grazing with his sheep. now the sheep have came back. according to these really sources bought the subtler has not, we've seen these really subtler is wrecking havoc and the you and 2 other rid of just. but just recently, as we were standing here, we saw them coming dozens by the dozens through this area and setting this structure a blaze. people here are concerned that in addition to the one palestinian killed, in addition to the palestinians who have been injured than the ambulances couldn't reach. so now that it's dark, they fear this more is really such. those are going to be attacking palestinians in their homes, in the villages here in the occupied west bank. it's worth noting the subset of attacks have been on the rise and 2023 has been the highest on record when it comes to attacks by settlers against palestinians. but the read you the see if we've been
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seeing that tax increase from 3 per day to 4 per day, palestinian said that the lack of accountability give set to the community to continue attacking. palestinians knew that, but i just need to, i didn't buy it and i will find out the villages. yup. you're probably just bank still ahead on out 0 tile on says it's sending messages to me and mars military to reduce violence. hundreds across the border of to rebels sees a border town the or the not much of your, if it's still caught in most effectively is a nice room bubble of a around the edge of which is frontier cloud. and when doing right now, it's been very new, exactly where it falls. i'm currently in it. it just has to be still gonna be across the normal house,
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the british house and southern scandinavia. so most of the places it's just warm sunshine with not much wind hammond could be shared and quite adequately by just inserting color for temperatures of a reason behind nature, having pushed cause a good case in point. i'll show breeze in lisbon. this gave me 20, not on the top of the 32 directly with but 20 c offers. so we went above average. and this reflects that most countries in europe and payment the measurements are grab, gets the same sort of treatment on sunday up to about. so if you very close to the right tool for april, but either side, it's a little bit cooler. and the reason for that is use being charged with the title when and during sunday's class or when doesn't come across part of the bedrooms and beyond. and that's what cool spring temperatures down a little bit with it. otherwise it's continued sunshine, which is the case for a good part of north africa, but nickel wasn't about to pain out you area. a storm post still now bring of cool sandstone for the front of the storms. and some very interesting weather of
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the, your wills, the caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems. costs on red, chris, the
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hello again. the top stories on al jazeera, more than 50 rockets have been lost from southern 11 on towards northern israel, saw the rockets were intercepted by israel's iron don't system. the lebanese group has by law, has claimed responsibility for that attack. 3 journalists who are working on the outskirts of the site at refuge account in gauze i have been injured and what official say was a target. it is really attacked. one of the victims lost his 1st. the 3 were all clearly identified as members of the press. one palestinian has been killed and 20 people have been injured and scuffles in the occupied westbank and not softer. dozens of his release settlers attacks, palestinians, northeast of foot on the la of the flooding crisis. and parts of southern russia, a neighboring kazakhstan, shows, little sign of a bathing melting snow has caused the we're all river to hit a new record. high 2 meters above its critical level. authorities are urging the mass evacuation of residents in the russian city of orange berg,
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and the state of emergency has been imposed an 8th of the 17 provinces in kazakhstan, paul brennan reports. there's no sign of any rest bites in oregon bag a week into this crisis, whole neighborhood to remain on the water. the river level on friday reached a record high of more than 11 meters, and in some areas under the roots of the houses are visible above the brown water. the community center opens up now operates as a temporary shelter. it's cramped and it's basic, but at least it's dry. for now. it's just the, the basic to be provide everything and all of all guess. everyone who stays here is being given hot meals 3 times a day. alexander returns to his home beside the river every day to feed his dogs. now stranded on the roof is 68 years old and he says, this flood is like nothing that's come before i've lived here all my life. this is
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the 1st time such a flood has happened here. the last flood was in 1993 and it was much smaller than the water in the yard was only up to the needs. there was never been anything like that school. a set of south in the flood stricken areas of catholics done the ice and melt, forced to continue to arrive from up river. petra, pebble, fluttering is beside the issue of a big urgency, reinforced with some facts the contact president. okay, i posted this video, a dramatic music sound track along side scenes of ministry helicopters rescuing children while concerned looking officials to the flood stricken regions to try to reassure residents and encourage national solidarity. but there is more to come. the issue and river is already a dangerous levels, and officials predict it won't reach its peak for another 10 days. pull brendan, ultra 0 thailand for
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a minister who has visited the border with me and mar after days of fighting between rebels and the countries of military gentle. the tide government says it's willing to offer temporary shelter to a $100000.00 refugees escaping the conflict. tony chang reports and the tie me and mar, border turnarounds, foreign minister visiting the board to check point through which thousands of refugees passed. and the last 7 days is it to make a point, he much right to the center of the friendship bridge, the message, despite the chaos and me and my thailand is in some control. speaking to the media, he said the thailand is prepared for a $100000.00 refugees. the crisis gets worse. the day we sent messages to the state administration account, so that means that we don't wish to see violence. we've recently told us in members about issuing a statement so that violence can be decreased and me and my a so the
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a and her children on so confident they fled from the home outside the town. and me a, what in me a month, a week ago, the, like many of those pulling into thailand, they have a network of friends and family to rely on model. we don't need any humanitarian support. we came here to stay briefly because of the fighting. my children are working at a factory in mass. all right, so i have a place to live and i don't have any food problems because the factory provides food and they bring it home. the greater humanitarian need isn't myanmar itself. foreign ministry officials met with the u ins refugee agency in may. so during the ministers visit, now the control of the board of crossing has changed hands. they'll be hoping 8 can fly more freely. this is the exact point at which thailand crosses into myanmar in the middle of the moines river. and now there is a different military force and control of the border of the head. many people would
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like to see a flying in to me and to the people, desperately need people such as these that attempt to those displaced by fighting and kind of state north of me, a body view, an estimate small than 10000000 people inside me on my own getting enough to eat. fuel is also in desperately short supply. will let people have funding ingenious ways to get by. with the rainy season, approaching the shortages, we'll learn to get worse. as even the heaviest beast button. struggle to get through the month to month. tony chung out 0 on the timing on mobile to china and north korea are holding their highest level talks and 5 years aimed at increasing cooperation. the chairman of china is national people's congress is impure on gang until saturday. north korea has been trying to strengthen size with basing on moscow as tensions grow with the united states. the exports from china have
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fallen sharply highlighting the problems facing the world's 2nd largest economy. the 7 and a half percent slump last month was the largest since last august. chinese export or is, are struggling as high interest rates overseas, reduced demand for their products. the worst president joe biden says washington's commitments to defend japan and the philippines remain iron clod. it followed a meeting with president for it and, and mark was junior and the japanese prime minister from your casita in washington . they discussed ways to counselor with they see as trained as growing threats. beijing condemn the summit, insisting its claims in the south china sea. our law for joint coast guard patrols are expected to be announced after repeated confrontations with chinese vessels in the region. i want to be clear, the united states, united states defense commitments to japan and to the philippines, our iron clad,
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or our class. as i said before, any attack on filipino aircraft specials are armed forces and south china sea would invoke our mutual defense treaty. provisioning has some in the japanese and philippines diplomats and stopped meeting and warned their governments against forming a stronger alliance with us to phone vision. sonya williams and joshua county relevant countries are cooling with external forces for their selfish interest, reacting accounts for them in a containment strategy against china. and do you want to warn them? tons will only end up being abandoned. earlier my colleague following back to you both spoke to aaron judge robina, he's the senior lecturer at the university of the philippines asian center. he says that strengthening ties between the us, japan and the philippines could help ease the growing tension in the south china sea. things like these, you know, give the philippines a sense of confidence because it is not just talking to one country,
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it's talking to, it's sold to the data. i think it should have the same time for it. starting also to one of its closest security partners, which is japan. so the strategy of developing choose basically to maximize the external balancing efforts so that you can send a message to the region and the world that is not alone. we have to try to adjust the faces, especially with respect to the south, tennessee, but they think bolstering this us japan philippines alliance will provide a solution in the short term and the long term to these go intentions in a soft trying to see this will indeed be very helpful for the philippines when it comes to positive busy efforts exercises. that's what it has inter operability. but what many of the public also the, the philippines would want to see is that how this would completely, it's specifically translate into operation of gains from the philippines. because
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the challenge to the philippines is facing in the south jersey is not a work by me to buy a problem. but it's the soap or, you know, a result operation. it's all with that is where they sprayed out the mechanism or destroy that's what arrangements will be put to the test going forward. and some chinese officials have accused the philippines of ignoring what they say was a gentlemen's agreement made with the previous philippines president rodrigo, to try to and saving us is actually directing this new philippines government. is that the case? i mean, macos is seen as closer to washington, and then rodrigo to charge a was. but the philippines still defends economically on china. how delicate of a balancing act is, is for when you administration. yeah. so i think what you can choose at a foreign policy and the philippines is actually directly related to domestic politics. and so every.


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