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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 13, 2024 12:00am-1:00am AST

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a business like this is free to you believe i guess is a lifestyle. one of your just makes modern pleads the the, you're watching the news, our life or my headquarters, and del i'm getting you navigate. here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. more than 50 rockets are launched from southern lebanon into northern israel and the occupied go on heights. 3 journalists are injured in the north side of the refugee camp in gaza. and what's being described as a targeted is really a tough one. palestinian is killed in 20 injured in similar attacks and the occupied westbank southern russia is dealing with what's being described. that's the worst flooding in
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a century. and on p system is with you, a sports in the back talk of which is on his way to the month to call the mazda is semi finals and price. and to show movies at the top of the leaderboard at the mazda golf fall, has the latest from augusta later in the program. the we begin this news hour with the growing tensions and israel's border with loving on more than 50 rockets have been lost from southern lebanon towards the upper galley in northern israel, on the occupied golan heights. some of the rockets were intercepted by the is really iron dome. the lebanese group has been the has claimed responsibility for that attack. we'll get an updates from audi, have some, joining us from tire and southern lebanon, surface buttons, claims responsibility. i need tell us what more they have to say on this browser for office that was launched to induce has will lock name
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responsibility for launching tens of rockets towards the northern communities. ready as well, and according to husband last statement, this is in retaliation to as rugs of facts on different towns in the south, including fbi and height. the shop now does not know the statement from has the law that was issued. and the past i was a claiming that they launched also to explosive late in drones, thoughts from what nestali also is run know, given these responsibility claims that there were also another 5 responses. the claims today makes dr. 7 attacks but has the law on his rent. however, the most significant one was the one that you mentioned, the 50 rockets i talked on is, was the significance. the 1st that it was launched was the goal and occupied goldman. and the 2nd one is that the amount of fuck it's the baggage was one of the
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biggest since the beginning of this conflict on the 8th of october on the east side of the border. so this is the significance piano, but also the big context with everyone anticipating the indian retaliation to the beginning of the general in damascus. this could be also a way or another of the psychological warfare that's being played by the, the, the access led by iran. and also it could be a way to distract the island. don't so many not as is right now. many speculations go right with respect to this attack and the timing of that talk and i need a so has the had always said that self loving on would be a support front to gaza. but lebanon's paid the price as well with is really a tax, and i know you've been going around the south of the country in terms of the rules of engagement. have they changed recently or was it was of engagement have been of day to day after day you from the beginning
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when it was just contained within the board. the conflict was contained that then things thought that changing with this red heading into the living, these depths going far towards the call, which is like 100 kilometers from the board. the assistant 18. some commanders off has the law. also, the deputy lead off imagine made with saw the heavy duty and the sub that's available. so what we're seeing is that there is a conflict with certain rules of engagement that's all being updated. but also it's a conflict. it's a multi layer conflict one day, or is the attacks on the board the for with has will last main 5 thought get the objective supporting the how much as they said, and as well as the main target. now on the objective, it's pushing cause will away from the board, the deluxe ability, tonya, anybody which is like 30 kilometers from the border. i know the target thought, i know the layout of this, of this conflict is the assistant ations. dr. is red is doing and testing the
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infrastructure off cuz we lost on time us plus the 3rd layer which is the, the dead ends, the side is fine, trying to prove that they are able to the tab the other side was the continuation of the, the, the the conflict proves that there is no defendants anymore on both sides. okay, thank you so much on the house and reporting from the south of lebanon, rory challenges an occupied east jerusalem, and he has more on those rocket launchers. of these already made a tree size that it can save 40 rotates loans across the border from lebanon into israel. most of them, they say they intercepted, but some fell in open air is no injuries are being reported at the moment. they're also saying that it's uh, has the law sent across a couple of homes, drones into israel. now this is a large number of rockets and drones, one of the biggest power outages of the war so far in gaza. the question the cost
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is, is this just a big example of the same kind of tit for tat rocket 5 exchanges of hostilities across that northern border with a has the 11 on or is this the beginning of something big a, that's a attack from a ronald by iran that his route is expecting at any moment now. now, the is ready, defense minister, your glands, set that we are prepared to defend ourselves on the ground and in the a close cooperation with that pond as he means to us by that. and we will know how to respond. a reminder of what is rose, ministry has been doing so far over the last week or so. it has cancels out full leave for combat units. it has cold up at defense reserve is that it puts coincidence and embassies around the world on highlights. and it is being engaged in gps, jamming across israel to disrupt any that signals that drones can use. now,
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i'm these ready minutes expires by some denny of a gallery sides of the wrong that they wouldn't know updates or changes to its advice for ease rady civilians. i think the military is trying to avoid any kind of panic amongst the white population, but he says that civilian should still be visual. and because as he puts it all the of these rails a defensive of some of the best in the world, they don't have messic. what he means by that is that however, because you're defenses may be, things can still get 3 for each atoms out to 0. you know, it's a funny story. well, the us president joe biden has warren's iran not to attack israel, and this follows astray concept runs concept building in damascus earlier this month that iran blames on israel. excuse me, that attack kill several high ranking uranian commanders. ron's leaders have
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threatened to retaliate and the as really army says that it's on high alerts. we have heidi so castro, joining us now from washington dc. so what more did president biden have to say? during the white house has been clear and direct on this today saying that it believes a threat from iran to attack. israel is direct, real, credible, and viable. and that such a attack may come as early as this week reportedly. now whether it comes in the form of proxy attacks that we perhaps are already seeing and fold or directly from me wrong, that was not shared. however, a direct attack from iran against israel would be one of the worst case scenarios for the bite and administration that has been working to try to contain this for, from escalating using diplomatic pressure recently also and trying to contact iran to back. * off using turkey, china and saudi arabia and now with president biden,
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speaking directly to iran from iran expectation sooner than later it wrong in this moment. don't our american personality americans use that risk as well. we are devoted to the defense of israel. we will support is real, we will defend, help defend israel and iran will not succeed. so highly, he's saying all of this as a senior military commander is in israel. and what weight does that visit carry? and what's the message being sent out a ride? this is the head of the us central command, general eric, real us who was previously scheduled to be in israel, but reportedly moved up his visit after
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a rod issued it's threat. and he's there giving advice to top is really officials and also coordinating what potentially could be the defense against us. but the pentagon has been, uh, try not to say exactly how much the us would be involved. obviously there's a lot of, uh, there's a lot of effort to try to avoid getting the us directly involved in this. however, we are seeing the us military moving more assets through the region. unclear exactly what those might be, but they said the pentagon said that it's in defense of us forces that are in the region, not directly saying that this would be to protect israel. and by the way, the u. s. has also been voicing frustration over israel's attack. on the embassy of iran in damascus, the us defense secretary lloyd austin saying that the us was not given warning by israel prior to this attack and voicing that frustration directly to israel's
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defense minister, which is yet another sign of more attention in this alliance. okay, thank you so much. hi, it is a cast or reported from washington dc. we have all to 0 senior political unless middle on bush auto joining us here in the so you might want what was notable about spite and speaking a short while ago, as he said, when he was asked whether us troops are at risk. and the reason he said he responded with, we will help defend israel. i mean, what do you make of that response? and also, do you think us troops are at risk if the situation were to escalate spin around in israel? you know, i was thinking of back in fact, by a word to used. we'd have probably to go back to the dictionary. the united states is devoid to the, voted to the defense. it was a devotion is a big word or between countries. this would be on commitment by devotion. anyway, so if you go, if you go back to january,
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there was a, a british, the british did it, that graph reported about for us intelligence report. that said is read wouldn't be able to win a war against his ball as it is involved in the war and guy. so that's interesting . i'm not sure how they got to that estimate. that's the american intelligence. but that was back in january, i think, is there a today has run out of more munition and it's a more dire situation than it was in january. so the fact that the united states thinks is red could not handle his blah let alone iran. and its various allies and proxies that certainly means that the united states will have to get involved if there is a original i zation of the war on god. so now to my mind, and this is where, you know, all the recklessness of figures in the only reason one can think
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of, of why. then at the now government decided to attack the uranium concert it in damascus, not just to kill. but really in general is or i could force or pollution that a guard genitals to attack. a diplomatic mission is to visualize the war is to bring in the united states to draw which in today's no congregation. and i think that's the most dangerous as specific believe or not, as we've heard from biden, nothing you know, is able to manipulate the american president and executive destruct the uh, the t uh that he made out uh for the united states. so what could be going on right now behind the scenes, if anything is going on to try to diffuse or deescalate the situation. it seems uh, from various media reports that the united states is involved in that docs with
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your on, through old mind. and they are trying to figure out what is the best way, is that uh, alternative to an area and response. what would they need a response be, how could it be managed? and there's a lot of, you know, back and forth, probably exchange of, uh, you know, what could one to for, to the other and so on, so forth. one, the report, it was, it was said that he won a offered not 2038. if the united states imposed as he's fire out on guys on is right on guys on. so i don't think that's have happened. i don't think that there is it scanning pause basically anything more than nothing? you know, a couple of, i think what the united states trying to do now is to manage both pick your brain and response. but more importantly to manage the is raise the response to the range in response to the or the carrying of retaliation. because clearly there's nothing now government is so bloody dangerous, so reckless,
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so short sighted. what's its own? immediate short term survival above is there as on survival above regional stability above the safety of its own people. that it's more than willing to draw with the united states and tories no more, right? even even when he can win on what against us by law, or think through the american estimates. so the american involvement and the reason award today after iraq, afghanistan, after the disasters war on cetera, after $78.00 trillion dollars of american losses invasion after committing to ending this it forever war that stretching it wouldn't be a disaster for the united states could really be a disaster for biden in an election yet imagine for a moment now, the united states gets involved again in major regional war where, or it's installation could be subject to arrangement attacks and so on,
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so forth. so after disaster, why biden continues to be drawn in, you know, is it age, is it, uh, you know, his old romance with is that since 1973 is it that he's not giving that advice because most of his age are just basically kind of think his own lines and he doesn't get the right advice from anyone any more. it's not clear to me, but the short sightedness and the manipulation and the, and the, and the fuel side american attempt at curbing at really trying to limit the recklessness of these really policies and the region is beyond me. frank. i think the only way forward is for by then to change course. correct that mistakes one sober surface even from 2020 and take on nothing you know, trusting a new kind of course individually. sorry. thank you so much more,
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ron bouchard. thank you. well, it's really strikes on guys. i'll have killed at least 89 palestinians in the past 24 hours and they've enjoyed more than a 120 others among those wounded, where a group of journalists were working on the outskirts of the site at the refugee camp. they were injured and what official site was a target. it is really a talk thought basel reports from the from or the palestinian gentlest singe had was interviewing evacuees. fleeing is very strikes, tail on the attack. say that all the might also be. he is one of the 3 dentists in good bike is what he strikes in this neighborhood of derek by law in central guns on zoo. uh so kinda as though we were covering the displacement and evacuation of residents from an area of the new cam, north of our nurse, a rest camp. we filled in some interviews and rushes, but unfortunately we were standing at cross roads where
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a group of us would talk to the at least the following people killed in what is really forces described as targeted operations and become $140.00 pounds for the indented us have been killed since october, the 7th and dozens, we tried to lost his foot more than 6 months into israel to den and we are in press best just like a work is in front of vehicles. continue to be victims of israel on slow as well. so we'll have to go into any at 22 by 2. in a moment, quite children have nowhere to attend to the rubble from post a text place to play and have the love we built this game because all of our toys have been destroyed and the houses have been destroyed. and there's nothing left for us to play with except for his pipe. these children, another too far away from danger on the ground or from this point. the media office is facing whites of written instruction and gaza journalist in the in clear
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you've have increasingly so to refuge in hospitals media which don't have one that the thoughts on hospitals have the restrictive ability of the press to work safely . they have been calling for an independent growth into as well as targeting of gym and a direct advisor, which is a rough, rough, or southern garza. jonathan dog hood is the head of the middle east, ask a reporters without borders, and he says, more international pressure needs to be put on israel to protect journalists. unfortunately, we're, we've passed this month model of this war and the story these, these, the rewards of journalists being at the turn has me in georgia zip codes become. so the so called phase the point where we have to report them almost a over the past 6 months. this is just the latest that it's 3rd, but we are extreme. ringback the. ready trying to attend the car,
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transporting features and the injuries of the 3 journalists living center. how are they that your team was having a fun and see? i mean, if we can talk about that for recovery, but it was in with an express article. so there was a journalist and there's also been injuries on the home from george. you had it from the audio of all of this. and the one bed dozens and dozens of more injure journalists and more than a 100 years can buys very. ready guys, over the past 6 months, the semester has to stop there calling. i'm getting the nation community, just the pressure. so that is rams books. getting his journalist we are calling for an and from some junior, a phase of mine is the president of the month foundation practiced on and he's been working on getting aid into gaza from egypt. at least 500 truck
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sub needed on a daily basis. since slot there are no only 100 or less than 100 trucks are day i heard that day on one day on tuesday at the a lot more trucks. but this is not enough because the only 20 percent off of food is going in as but the need. so this backlog is increasing on daily basis. so a huge crisis is the, especially in the northern part of that goes uh we had, we can said that around $350.00 pounds and children are met and noticed and all of them $50000.00 are severely met and noticed and 30 has been expired. so far because of the lack of food and clean water. so this is a big guy says, especially in the northern part of because we need to secure that the for, to breach the. and the heart means us serve the because they don't have the house
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has to go to full even. so this is a big, big challenge. and you know that to, during these 5 months, 6 months, 20000 females have given but still the 20000 new balls both have suffering from malnutrition. they are deprived of full medicine, the type of food and clean water. they are the words of death. from palestinian has been killed in 25 more were injured in scuffles and they occupied westbank dozens of his release. settlers rated several villages and open fire palestinian homes as they searched for a teenage saddler who went missing this morning. is really forces also fired flares and a number of villages that abraham has more from i will find out in the occupied westbank . and this is the most recent subtler attacks against palestinians here in a booth for last. this is the village that is closest to the impala city,
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is here, have been seeing ambulances rushing to go to, i didn't buy it with settlers. upsets failure to more than 40 vehicles and homes, according to the local council, after is really subtler is re the village in the afternoon saying that they were looking for a 14 year old is really subtler from. and italy gets, supplements out suppose to has been missing after he was grazing with his sheep. now the sheep have came back according to these ready sources. but the subtler has not. we've seen these really subtler is wrecking havoc and the you and 2 other rid of just but just recently as we were standing here, we saw them coming dozens by the dozens through this area and setting this structure a blaze. people here are concerned that in addition to the one palestinian killed, in addition to the doses of processing is, will have been injured then the ambulances couldn't reach. so now that it's dark, they fear this more is really some of those are going to be attacking palestinians
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in their homes, in the villages here in the occupied west bank. it's worth noting that some sort of tax have been on the rise and 2023 has been the highest on record when it comes to attacks by settlers against palestinians. but the read you to see if we've been seeing that tax increase from 3 for a day to 4 per day, palestinian said that the lack of accountability give set to live in unity to continue attacking. palestinians knew that, but i just need to remind you and i will find out the villages the occupied. westbank, the china and north korea are holding their highest level talks and 5 years aimed at increasing cooperation. the chairman of china is national people's. congress is impelling yang until saturday. north korea has been trying to strengthen size with basing on moscow as tensions grow with the united states. this last week since the
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lee, who is the writer and commentator in north korea and also a fellow of the east west central, joining us from honolulu in hawaii. welcome to alger 0. so how much weight? first of all, does this visit by the 3rd ranking member of the chinese communist party kerry? this is a high ranking official visiting, as you said, for the 1st time since before the pandemic. so it's yet another sign that north korea is strategically and slowly opening up its borders. and i say strategically, because it's been mostly welcoming visits from russia and china. and of course, that certainly has the united states and its allies concerned at a time when tensions are so high. when north korea is testing, it's ballistic missiles and other weapons and raising tensions around the region. so what is the message that's being sent out?
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and what is north korea get out of us with the timing is interesting. this is a very important time of the year for north korea. april 15th is the biggest holiday of the year. this is when they typically do bring in foreigners try to show up north korea at its best. so in a sense, aside from the reassurance that north korea will get, that china has its back, the leader of north creek. and julian can also project that to his people and tell them, look, we've been an extremely installation for 4 years, but our best friends, china, and russia, are still there for us. so the messaging goes both directions back to his people, to reassure them, but also to the wider world to let them know where we may have been an installation . we're forging these ties and have certainly has a lot of partners in the region on edge is okay. and what about rosie? right? yeah. and what about china? i mean, what is, what is china hoping to achieve?
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and i think that china, for china, this is an opportunity for these officials to go in and try to get a sense of what's happening inside north korea. and also to try to exert some east squints at a time when they are trying to exert more influence being the region. so certainly trying to use their own leverage to try to perhaps restrain north korea from testing a nuclear device. perhaps restrain them some for the publications in the region that have them concerns as well. and i think a big thing would be whether north korea has a nuclear device, a 7th declared test. so certainly looking to re gain a little bit of an edge in its influence over north korea. many people say the ties between moscow and john gang are closer to day perhaps than they've ever been before. that kim puts in, refresh me on,
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does it pose an immediate threat to china? that's a good point. this trip does come on the heels of some strengthening of relations between north korea and russia. and we seen what the impact of that is. we've reports that north korea is supplying russia with some of the munition that is using and it's campaign in ukraine. and that certainly is something this, this regional push for influence, an access to north korea is something that north korea is strategically trying to engineer. so they're trying to play these neighbors off one another. so this is of course, an opportunity for china to get in there and say, listen, we wanna, we want to have a relationship with you as well. and try to make sure that they have some say and some influence in the actions that north korea taking. all right, we're live at the thank you for speaking to us from hawaii. thank you. a lot of flooding crisis and parts of southern russia and neighboring because x don shows
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little sign of a beating, melting snow has caused the overall river to hit a new record high 2 meters above it's critical level. authorities are urging the mass evacuation of residents in the russian city of kornberg and the state of emergency has been imposed an 8th of the 17 provinces, provinces, and cossacks, don paul brown and reports. there's no sign of any rest biting on beg a week into this crisis, whole neighborhood to remain on the water. the river level on friday reached a record high of more than 11 meters, and then some areas under the roof of the house is a visible above the brown water. the community center opens up now operates as a temporary shelter. it's cramped and it's basic. but at least it's dry from now. it's just the basic give you provide everything and all of all guess. everyone who
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stays here is being given hot meals 3 times a day. alexander returns to his home beside the river every day to feed his dogs. now, stranded on the roof is 68 years old and he says, this flood is like nothing that's come before i've lived here. all my life. this is the 1st time such a flood has happened here. the last flood was in 1993 and it was much smaller. the water in the yard was only up to the needs. there has never been anything like that . a set of south in the flood stricken areas of catholics done the ice and melt, forced to continue to arrive from up river. petra, pebble, fluttering is beside the issue of a big urgency, reinforced with some facts the transact president. okay, i've posted this video, a dramatic music sound track along side scenes of ministry. helicopters rescuing children. are concerned looking officials to the flood stricken regions to try to reassure residents and encourage national solidarity. but there is more to come.
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the issue and river is already a dangerous levels, and officials predict it won't reach its peak for another 10 days. pull, brendan, ultra 0. the still ahead on the all to 0 news, our thailand says it's sent messages to me in mars military to reduce violence. hundreds of cross the border after rebels seized a border town. parts of south america are to face or facing their worst outbreak of the thank the fees or why climate change being planes for this latest wave of infections. nobody brokovich moves into the monte carlo master a semi finals. peter will have the action the
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not much if you're, if it's still caught in what defective leaves a nice room bubble of a, arrive on the edge of which is plenty of cloud. and when doing right now, it's been very new, exactly where it falls. i'm currently in it, it just has to be still going to be across the normal house, the british owls and southern scan behavior. so most of the places, it's just warm sunshine was not much wind. herman could be shaken quite adequately by just inserting color for temperatures of a reasoning behind nature. having pushed closer. good case important. i'll show breeze in lisbon. just give me 29 on saturday. 32 directly with the 20 c offers, so we went above average, and this reflects that most countries in europe and paying at the moment is our grab, gets the same sort of treatment on sunday after that. so if you're very close to the record for april, but i decide it's a little bit cooler. and the reason for that is use being charged for the title when and during sunday's class or when doesn't come across part of the barrels and beyond. and that's where cool spring temperatures down
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a little bit with it. otherwise it's continued sunshine, which is the case for a good part of north africa. but look at watson about the pain out you area a storm post stool. now bring of cool sandstone for the thunder storms and some very interesting weather the the. so how is your vacation in this, the shelves? the chest. wow. the part is, i mean to be the oil see suffered casualties. we have not something to say. tyler
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sees, thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house, thought provoking on to who they to say no double standards to all of us any, any one in particular i said to facing realities. government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful. you the story on told to how does era the hello again, the top stories on the alger 0 news hour, more than 50 rockets have been launched from southern 11 on towards northern israel . some of the rockets were intercepted by israel's iron joan system. the lebanese
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group has by law, has claimed responsibility for that. a top 3 journalists who are working on the outskirts of the new site of the refugee camp in gaza have been injured. and what officials say was a target, it is really aside, one of the victims last his 1st or the 3 were all clearly identified as members of the press. one palestinian has been killed and 20 people have been injured in scuffles in the occupied wes thing that's after dozens of is really sudden attack palestinians. ne of some of the many agencies have stopped operating and gaza because of attacks by is really forces. but some a groups are resuming their work. an earlier my colleague fully bought 2 bo spoke, spoke to shawn carol, he's the head of the american near east refugee aid. he says, israel has assured them that circumstances on the ground will change to allow for
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safe operations. mostly we've decides resume operations because the needs are just so great on our staff who are the ones are staffing guys over the ones on april. second, who in response to the world essential cation, the killings, and the loss of our own staff. a month prior to that said, stock, we have to stop when we can do this under these conditions. and so we weren't card over the past week 10 days to get some insurance, which we feel we have gotten for really protection of a workers and humanitarian work that shouldn't be there all the time in a conflict. and as we see with over 208 workers killed, it hasn't been, but now we have pledged the staff was very eager to get back to work because the needs are so great. and that's where we are. so what sort of guarantees and assurances have you received from these rallies that fail? stick to the deacon fiction system? what? what guarantees have they given you the del, abide by the system?
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the truth is, it's not really safe to go back to work, but our staff wants to. we do believe that there are new measures in place. we've been told that there will be no attacks on humanitarian emissions or workers or in the area of wasting monetary in operation. unless there is a suspicion of an armed middle of 10 in the area, in which case, any decision to act on that would have to go up to a senior commander. whereas in the past it seems, it would often be decided at a lower level level. technical officer and also that there would be no collateral damage on humanitarian workers or missions. and we've been told that and we will be watching and seeing how, how operations are not just for us, but for all of the un agencies international n g o's and, and how many and g as in community based organizations that are doing humanitarian work timelines for a minister has visited the border with me in mar,
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after days of fighting, but in rebels and not countries, military gentle on the tide, government says it's willing to offer a temporary shelter to a $100000.00 refugees escaping the conflict. tony trying reports from the time being mar, border. thailand's foreign minister visiting the board to check point through which thousands of refugees passed and the last 7 days. is it to make a point, he much right to the center of the friendship bridge, the message, despite the chaos and me and my thailand is in some control, speaking to the media, he said the time that is prepared for a 100000 refugees in the crisis gets worse load, i sent messages to the state administration council. the amendment that we don't wish to see violence. we've recently told the us in members about issuing a statement so that violence can be decreased and me and my and so the a and her children on so confident that they foot from the home outside the town to
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me or what do you and me a month a week ago. but like many of those pulling into thailand, they have a network of friends and family to rely on model. we don't need any humanitarian support. we came here to stay briefly because of the fighting. my children are working at a factory in mass. all right, so i have a place to live and i don't have any food problems because the factory provides food and they bring it home. the great humanitarian need is in myanmar itself. foreign ministry officials met with the you ins refugee agency in may. so during the ministers visit, now, the controller of the board of crossing has changed hands. they'll be hoping aid can play more freely. this is the exact point at which thailand crosses into myanmar in the middle of the moines river. and now there is a different miller truthful as in control of the border of the head. many people would like to see a flying in to me and to the people desperately need people such as these that
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attempt to those displaced by fighting in kind of state, north of milwaukee view in estimates more than 10000000 people inside me on my own getting enough to eat fuel is also in desperately short supply. will let people have funding ingenious ways to get by. with the rainy season approaching the shortages will learn to get worse. as even the heaviest beast button struggle to get through the month to month. tony chung out 0 on the time me on my boat and feel robertson is deputy asia director at human rights watch. she says there is little hope for an end to the war in me and mar any time soon. well, it's not clear that the military wants to talk, there are actually engaged in mandatory construction, forcing people into the military. and the ethnics view of the military is being on
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their bad foot. so, you know, people may not want to talk, it may not be the time yet for peace talks, because you know, both sides still want to fight. i think both thailand and china are starting to recognize that they need to hedge their bets, that their assumption that the more military would always win, no matter what is being tested now. and they may need to recognize that they have to readjust their eliasis start talking with the opposition. start talking with the ethnic groups and start recognizing that the, the human rights abuses and the lack of accountability has continued for far too long. and we have, at this point, the thailand is being pulled along with the events inside of the m r. i mean, this is really between them. you have more people in the military there. the military is continuing to wage a war against them. yeah, more people now were concerned that in maya why the there is going to be air strikes against civilian targets. so these are the sort of things that we're worried about. um, you know, thailand is waiting and watching. uh,
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just like your reporters are those the, the, the soldiers are waiting at the bridge to see what happens. well, i don't think that we're going to see anything near to 1000000 refugees. i mean, i think that we'll see is a, some stream of refugee is coming across, but most of these people are coming across. we'll go back once to the fighting subsides. and what we're looking at is much of the eastern border, myanmar alarm. and the type of water will be in the whole hands of the ethnic groups. so, you know, is this is actually a progress from the perspective. a lot of people who have face predation and abuses from the military. i think that overall, the situation, you know is certainly one where the me, i'm, or military is grip on power is we're getting, but they're going to continue to fight and it's not going to in quickly i think we're going to see it. a new phase come, but the loss of my or why the will be a major major below. 2 of them. yeah. more military and in peruse
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a number of deaths caused by doing the fever have more than tripled this ear to a 117 low income areas. our hardest hit by the mosquito borne disease, the government who has passed an emergency decrease to try to curb the outbreak. experts say it's being made worse by climate change, ties. those santos is an adviser on the surveillance and control of diseases at the pan american health organization. and she says that climate change is indeed making that outbreak worse. last year had been previously a record setting year since we've been keeping records in 1980. and then the 3 months of this year, we've already surpassed the case counts that we had for all of last year, reaching almost 4600000 cases up there. we do believe that there's a, a link and an arbor viral diseases life thing a or a sentinel for climate change. and they're an indicator for how these affect human health. the mosquitoes tries in warmer environments and countries are reporting
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longer summer's, and warmer summer's. we can't forget that there are also some system economic drivers of these diseases such as access to pipe born water and adequate sanitation . but certainly climate change does not health conditions. and um, this year it coincides with the all new year where, you know, there is a warm or warmer temperatures, droughts, and floods concurrently. and there's good evidence that you know, mean your years. we see more a heavier case burden from doing a fever, guatemala as president, has declared a state of disaster to tackle dozens of forest fires. smoke from a burning landfill has injured more than 200 people. 80 percent of the fires are suspected had been started deliberately. the president's declaration allows for funding to assist with fire fighting. as a new transitional governing council has been appointed and hate see, after weeks of intense negotiations,
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a wave of increasing gang violence forced the interim president, a intern prime minister oriental henri to resign. last month. a 9 member council will share power with a newly appointed prime minister. they'll govern for the next 2 years with the aim of creating a path towards elections. or here's what's coming up on the al jazeera news, our, the deli capitals have very seconds when of this phase where you can do inform your lead theater will show you how they did it coming up in support the these business uptake these voltage by the city bank growth partner of bung the dash before to use the
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these business uptake these me roy thought of bundle dash before to use the the
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5 for the sports is yours peter 13. thank you so much, ivan. i need a price addition, but shay's top spoke with scott, the schifflit at the most is on day 2 of the use 1st major december is on 7 and the fall through 17 holds. here is on the on the 13 a 2 year old. that is, he would very, that holds a back to back thirty's. unfortunately, the name of the sandwich is between some of those as a chef live between the 22 champions, 310 holes. well, the one is looking for his 2nd green jacket as well as the 2nd major and some history for tiger woods. the 15 time major went and not only made the cost percent separately, wrinkled, $24.00 bits of sun despite having to 1st complete these 1st round at the start of the day. stop. well, i've always loved playing here. i've been able to play here since i was 19 years old. so it's one of the, the honors i've, you know, i don't take it lightly. i've been able to compete in the years. i have missed it.
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i wish i was able to play because there's such a and or, and speak about playing this golf course. i don't think that unless you have planning and competed here, you probably don't really appreciate. well, number one, back talk a bit. you through to the monte carlo mazda semi finals. the said took care of business in straight sense. again, it's constrained, is alex devil on friday, $75.00 and $6.00 to the final school. incredibly, this is a 7 to 7. see me for the atp boss is 1000 events. to commit to saving, to win the monotone play eventful the 3rd time. and 1st, since 2015 you will face casper, the very happy tibits will be back in the same is as you say, you know, it's been a, it's been a while. and i love this tournament. you know, i love, i know, i know this kind of very well i've been training for so many years here. and the
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last 78 years has been quite tough. i must say to, for me to it's a win 2 or 3 matches consecutively. but here we are, you know, another sammy's and i look forward to. so as we mentioned, rudy is duncan, which is so the final opponent that's also the norwegian or became we'll go back in 3 sets of to read one the 1st $63.00 you the french it back taking the 2nd 6 full but being rude. stone to victory by winning the 3rd said 61 is a 2 time friendship and run rough as well as the unix and it needed 3 states against hold the room, the scene here just bring up the crowd to keep quiet and controversial moment. the dane was given a warning for both a ton violation and i'm supposed to be like conduct. also an argument with the on 5 unit insisted on the supervisor coming out to easy to get. there was actually a tennis match taking place, a little number to taking the on a 66763. fitness center will face the final 60 passing the same as the great player
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remains on coast with food. want to call them off the side of the bead cutting, cutting off in the quotas. the victory comes just a day off. 3 beat will number 5, alexander, vetted as he gets to work his way back as a full 60 policies looking to win an a t p 1000 cycles for the 1st time. this one here, the 2 years ago, a just to the latest chapter in the premium, the title rates with just a single point separating also livable and mentions to city at the top with 7 matches left to l just they were supposed to to time premium e gwinnett because john obee, who gave me thoughts on how it's all going to play out a been and types of ways is that, that i've been, you know, that i'm going to, you know, you know, to the lives the on the of the season. but not which such good teams. you know, you look at all 3 teams, you can call it, you can call it, you can say, this is what i'm going for. this is why thing is going to win the least. of course we know seats, you have been cut, they've done it for so you know, they want it, you know, see, you know, for years in
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a role now and they've been very successful with pap and, and when you look at the national team, young to the end from last year where, you know, they kind of bought all that and now the season they look like they look stronger with the likes of the cameras come into the team. and they look very selected by sally by and gabrielle played really well. didn't concede a lot of goals, this go a lot of goals and you look at the, again, live a, pull the yoga and you know, a guy who's been able to create a game. when you look back a, when live a poor one to premier league, they have sim entirely to now when you watch them to have that you like us to do they, they think when they're break, the break with a lot of pays a lot of, you know, like with cvt, do you want us to call goals or what i mean games? and when you look at that, then all 3 teams. if you're a batch and matt to show you're going to put your money, we succeed because they've been that everybody, everybody keeps saying. and when it comes down to the 10 to the last time again, some of the season vitric in to get of the day, the capitals of easy to
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a 6 we could wind up with like now super giants in the indian premium. the best thing for us locked out. we're in big trouble. oh yeah, the taking the 20 is the single. james stumbled to $97.00 for 7. but didn't came all you spell donate and he was not out of such. and so i was like now finishing on 106 and 77. the capital's. whenever really in any trouble, it'd be subject shake phrase him a good leave the way with 55 from 35 of these only it's only dennis wheeler the campaign as they move this part of the type of fitness weight is olympic and will triple jump champion usually my real fast is out of the paras games real fast posted on social media that she suffered an achilles tendon, injury and training. she says that hoss has broken real fast, is also the hold of the world triple jump records. and that's what was full of things for tonight doing. thank you so much,
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peter. on the sealants government is reducing the number of migrant workers, but it accept. so the new visa restrictions or a way to hire more locals and eas inflation. but the change has some workers and employers worried about their future. wayne, hey reports from auckland, for so many years businesses of all sizes have relied on quick is from outside new zealand to survive. now the government sees there are too many foreign workers here and it wants new zealand and to feel low skilled jobs. i'm not sure with the locals . does um, to be honest. a lot of curious um doesn't prefer to work on a hospitality and therapy for office work like 9 to 5 labor shortages pool was by the code of 19 pandemic o. but disappeared last year, when 173000 people migrated to new zealand to fill job vacancies. now with the economy and recession,
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the government has reduced low skilled wood pieces from 5 to 3 years. meaning many my friends facing uncertain future. we invited many americans to come over here during carpet, di vegas as that and help our society here to be able to kind of be and then suddenly the costs we are no longer needing them. we are just simply kicking them out of the country. they were also high, an english language requirements, which the government believes with help prevent work is being exposed to abuse by employee is the immigration minister didn't respond to l. just areas request for an interview. but new zealand isn't alone and seeing and need to reduce migrant numbers in australia. if full costs remain on ta, guess almost a 1000000 people will have arrived in the past 2 years. after changes to australia is visa rules, student baez's, and now more difficult to get some worry what the long term implications might be. if the new rules stay in place too long,
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because the damage mates on to the regular pride should bring certain uncertain. uh, but i graduated in australia or not, and we got about 50 percent of all of your new permanent skills migrants from students. so started here. let's try a skilled all those skills. migraines had been vital to the economy once the leading times a row of those students and work is that likely to be in demand again. but next time they may be more wary. wayne hey, al jazeera oakland millions of muslims in northern nigeria are celebrating the festival, a phrase and filter of methods, various reports from cano state where a centuries old traditions followed amazon of the haven't millenium, little has changed in how the old kind of king of rates be at the end of the
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you know, starts with the religious rights at the end of it. oh my god. oh, it is a combination of both culture and religion. and it predicted even the islamic revolution of this month for you, at least by some $300.00 to us. yeah. in kind of the facilities and cultural displays take over the traditional matters for these codes . an edition make us a site, the click, ones of society lose its cultural tradition. the societies go. so that's why it's important to look at the culture as see how we can maintain need to know, but uh, what the things come was. the changes in the world all about the amount of kind of supervisors, the traditions of a people whose history dates, but over a 1000 years, horsemen dec inch in costumes. display writing skills in homage to the
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young princes also take part in the colorful to the delight of hundreds of thousands of people in town or the country may be going through the top ties. but when it comes to get some abrasions, many a say they don't, electronic just started their way. this brenda looked at pest control the traditional institutions. not expensive to make numerous laws until the next press probably arrived. gun salutes may be in addition, but oil he's 40 and said they've also been around for more than 100 years. the celebration continues all 4 days with both locals and visitors joining the job are for us to reduce my degrees. i'll just kind of we'll take a short break and alda 0, and we'll be back in just a moment with much more of today's new sounds of the latest headlines the
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every family carries. it's within those in 6. if i can take a nice time to hear a young the rocky dutch crowd encourages families to finally discussed a pause in the hope of sparing youth youngstown by breaking the cycle. intergenerational trauma my father knew and died a witness documentary on elegy sierra. this is the 1st one they saw that we see in the real time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to get out and raise. the
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listening post covers how the news is covered. reporting from the action. how do you mean a great when i'm hearing the fact palestinian or arabic content has been removed or restricted understanding the reality for these demonstrators. if president lucky, self reckoning the stability of the country, i'll just say it was teens across the world. when you click sense to the fonts at the store, you will see caught a duty and a grow viewing for the p. use a caught, to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches it's deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a copy, revise wells, and increases systems cost on request
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the you are watching the news, our life or my headquarters in delphi. i'm getting you navigate. i here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes has been the launch is more than 50 rockets into northern israel. will have an update from the south of 11 on us. president joe biden says he expects iran to attack israel sooner than later,


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