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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 13, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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to see and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there. it is all about. it's right here. and right now, the stream on out the has the launches golden 50 rockets into northern israel will have an update from southern level the color there understands the attain. this is out of their life from dell also coming to you as president joe biden says he expects a wrong could attack israel sooner rather than liaison. one's tyrone against. and israel is accused of deliberately targeting and injuring 3 inch on the left and the all new cetera, the refuge account in central gods claimed by gang violence and the humanitarian
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crisis. transitional ruling counselors agreed on and hating that the task of bringing to this focus definitive. the only beginning with the growing tensions that as well as border with lender long move in 50 rocket southern northeast from southern 11 on towards altogether, lee and the northern israel. and they occupied colin heights. some of the rockets were intercepted by views, really under defense system. the lebanese on the group has blah has claimed responsibility for the attack on a house and has more on this rocket launchers from piri in southern lebanon. the principal law claimed responsibility for lunch and tens of rockets towards the northern side of it as well, mainly to the golan heights or the occupied golden. now this is a massive attack and the significance comes 1st of all within the context of the
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retaliation and cit. anticipated retaliation for the kidding of the ring in general in damascus. and 2nd thing is the location hitting the goal and hasn't been something normal in this confrontation the past has. we'll use throughout talk the occupied go on whenever we live in these depth is being attacked today. it's a different situation because the law says that today it's a talk with tens of rockets has been in retaliation to is, was a striking golf several 1000 southern living also has will up claim responsibility for lunching to explosive laden jones towards out almost nestali. so is role has of fact several locations in southern lebanon today, mainly in the south, and over the past minutes, the reports of a sonic booms in the be call at the other side. this gives an indication of how the rules of engagement in this confrontation are changing drastically while both sides
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trying the best to contain the targets within military positions has, will not documented 3 positions on the is really side. and is what i talking physical laws. infrastructure on the east side, despite the attempt to contain the attacks with the military targets. they've been more than 60 living. he's killed over the past 6 the 6 months, including some journalist said on the other side, there's really scheme that there are 6 people or 5 people killed during that tax. now everyone here is anticipating the iranian retaliation. and how this is going to have its impact, also on the front 11 on from fire. so the level of the hushing address you for a while we challenge isn't occupied east jerusalem. he has more or less rocket watches. these already made a tree size that it counts a 40 rotates lower just across the border from 11 and into his route. most of them
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they say they intercepted, but some fell in open. air is no injuries are being reported at the moment. they're also saying that has the last sent across a couple of homes, drones into israel. now this is a large number of rockets and drones, one of the biggest pouches of the war so far in cost. that's the question. the cost is, is this just a big example of the same kind of tit for tat rocket $5.00 exchanges of hostilities across that northern florida with a has the la 11 on or is this the beginning of something big that's attack of from a ronald by iran that is rabbits expecting at any moment now. now the is ready, defense minister, your glance set that we offer pads to, to defend ourselves on the ground. and in the, in close cooperation with our partners who means the us by that. and we will know
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how to respond. a reminder of what is rose, ministry has been doing so far over the last week or so. it has cancels out or leave for combat units. it has cold up at defense reserve is that is puts coincidence and embassies around the world on highlights. and it is being engaged in gps, jamming across the israel to disrupt any signals that dr is going to use. now, these ready minutes expects by some denny of a gallery sides of the wrong that day with no updates will changes to its advice for ease ready civilians. or i think the military is trying to avoid any kind of kind of amongst the white population. but he says that civilian should still be visual and because as he puts it, although his rails at defense is off some of the best in the world, they don't have messic. what he means by that is that however good you're right.
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defenses may be, things can still get through where we challenge out to 0. you know somebody's tourism. meanwhile, us president biden says he expects a ron to attack israel sooner rather than later as issued one wed wanting don't. had fathers a strike on to her on this country like building in damascus earlier this month that iran says was carried out by israel. around the leaders have threatened to retaliate is really only says it's on highlight. how does your customer has more now from washington dc? strong words to you wrong. i'm coming from both the american president and the white house, with the spokesperson saying that the us believes iran threat to attack israel is real, credible, and viable. is a direct attack from you run against israel does take place. that would be one of the worst case scenarios for the by that administration that has been working to try to contain this regional war from escalating the latest sending the us
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secretary of state to try to put pressure diplomatically on a run through other countries. and now with president and joe biden, himself speaking to reporters, issuing a direct warning to iran from iran expectation sooner than later it wrong in this moment. don't our american personality the americans use that risk as well. and we are devoted to the defense of israel. we will support is real, we will defend, help defend israel, and iran will not succeed. thank you very much. and the u. s. has sent one of its top generals to israel, that is general eric carrillo, head of us central command. who is there coordinating with top is really officials
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about defensive strategy against iran. what that would look like and coordination with us forces that is an open question that the pentagon has refused to shed any light on. however, a u. s. defense official has told out a 0 that the us has moved military assets in the region to better protect. they said us troops that are there and also to bolster regional deterrence. hydro castro, elders 0 washington. all these really bonding of cause a has kills at least a few 9 palestinians in the past 24 hours. and then just more than a $120.00 all those thousands of as strikes of hit to be honest, here with refugee accounts and central gaza. and dealt with already spoke to some of the displays to palestinians out the count were currently in the so you got in and out of the hospital all of the injuries and the killings are coming here from the say it off after that is really forces southern the invaded the area, the situation in the say about their feet, you can, it's very dangerous. now we're
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a couple of meters away from, i'm gonna say right? if did you come this situation? it's very hard. people are not being able to evacuate, they're not even able to move. even i'm getting into is are having a lot of difficulties to reach the areas we can hear the drones we can here and uh, the artillery selling and also air strikes. and what's very scary is people are not even able to leave their houses because there are lives in munition and clubs. copters, everywhere of this is the only hospital currently operating at in and this is a refugee camp. and most, most of the severe injuries are transferred to the hospital for more than 2 days. now, on this i ran a refugee camp has been under intensive funding. under intensive fighting and polishing use cannot leave the house garden for she doesn't know. so we was sitting
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peacefully and all of a sudden, explosions were dropped on it when black. we were initially displaced from kansas city to news around then to rafa. and then back to news around going. there is no safe inch in the entire own place. on a more than a month, these really forces destroyed our homes and we were forced to go on eunice, up to one and a half months. we were again forced to hit the offer. we spent 2 months and tense, under ruthless bombardment last night in the state. it was the worst in 10 shelling, missiles and bombardment. when we reached the area that we would see people seeing evacuating to didn't but or any other area, but unfortunately they do not even have the ability or the right to evacuate their houses. this isn't the odyssey. to uninstall you're not as among those were ended in that attack on the other. so it refuge account was a group of journalists, they were hit and what officials say was a targeted is rarely attack. sorry, a couple of them reports now from rough on the palestinian
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dentist singe had was interviewing evacuees. flint is very strikes came on the attack. say that are the most of the, he is one of the 3 dentists in good like is really strikes in this neighborhood of derek by law in central guns on zoo. uh, so gun was alone. we were covering the displacement and evacuation of residents from an area of the new camp, north of our nurse, a rest camp. we filled in some interviews and rushes, but unfortunately we were standing at cross roads where a group of us would target to the at least falling people killed in what is really forces described as targeted operations on the account. $140.00 pounds for the indented us have been killed since october. the 7th and dozens, we have tried to lost his foot more than 6 months into israel's will. then to this we are in press best just like a work is in front of vehicles. continue to be victims of israel on slow
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as well. so we'll have to go into a new tool to back to see in a moment, quite children have nowhere to attend to the rubble from post the text a place to play and have the love we built this game because all of our toys have been destroyed, and the houses have been destroyed and there's nothing left for us to play with except for his pipe. these children another too far away from danger on the ground or from this point. the media office is facing whites, the bretton instruction and gaza journalist in the in clear you've have increasing the so to refuge in hospitals media which don't have one that the thoughts on hospitals half of the restrictive, the ability of a press to work safely. they have been calling for an independence broke into as well as targeting of gymnast direct deposit, which is a rough, rough or southern gauze. well,
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many agencies have stopped operating and dogs have because of attacks by is there any forces that some age groups are resuming their walk in? like colleagues? probably about 2, but a spoke to sean carol, he's the head of american new east refugee. a he says is around has a show them that circumstances on the ground will change to allow for safe operations. the most likely the science resume operations because the needs are just so great on our staff who are the ones are staffing guys over the ones on april 2nd, who in response to the world essential kitchen killings and the loss of our own staff a month prior to that said, stop, we have to stop when we can do this under these conditions. and so we work cart over the past week 10 days to give some assurances which we feel we have gotten for really protection of a workers and humanitarian work that shouldn't be there all the time in a conflict. and as we've seen with over 280 workers killed, it hasn't been,
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but now we have plants and the staff was very eager to get back to work because the needs are so great. and that's where we are. so what sort of guarantees and assurances have you received from these realities that they'll stick to the deacon fiction system? what? what guarantees have they given you the del, abide by the system? the truth is, it's not really safe to go back to work, but our staff wants to. we do believe that there are new measures in place. we've been told that there will be no attacks on humanitarian emissions or workers or in the area of ac, monetary and operation. unless there is a suspicion of an armed miller 10 in the area, in which case, any decision to act on that would have to go up to a senior commander. whereas in the past, it seems, it would often be decided at a lower level at a technical officer, and also that there would be no collateral damage on humanitarian workers or missions. and we've been told that and we will be watching and seeing how,
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how operations are not just for us, but for all of the un agencies. international engineers and, and palestinian engineers and community based organizations that are doing humanitarian work. a well one and had a stand in has been killed and 25 more injured off to is really such as rated several villages in the occupied westbank vehicles. as you can see, it was set on fire in your room alone friday night. dozens of israeli, such as opened fire on palestinian homes as they searched for a teenage cetera. who went missing on friday morning need. abraham has more from i will follow out in the occupied westbank. this is the most recent subtler attacks against palestinians here in a booth for that. this is the village that is closest to the impala city is here, has been seeing ambulance is rushing to go to. i didn't buy it with settlers. upsets failure to more than 40 vehicles and homes, according to the local council, after as really subtler is re the village in the afternoon saying that they were
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looking for a 14 year old is really subtler from. and then he gets, supplements out suppose to, has been missing after he was grazing with his sheep. now the sheep have came back according to these ready sources. but the subtler has not. we've seen these really subtler is wrecking havoc and the you and 2 other rid of just but just recently as we were standing here, we saw them coming dozens by the dozens through this area and setting this structure a blaze. people here are concerned that in addition to the one palestinian killed, in addition to the dozens of processing is, will have been injured then the ambulance has couldn't reach. so now that it's dark, they fear this more is really some of those are going to be attacking palestinians in their homes, in the villages here in the occupied west bank. it's worth noting that some sort of tax has been on the rise and 2023 has been the highest on record when it comes to attacks by settlers against palestinians. but the read you to see if we've been
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seeing that tax increase from 3 per day to 4 per day, palestinian said that the lack of accountability give set to the community to continue attacking. palestinians knew that, but i just need to, i didn't buy it and i will find out the villages. yup. you're probably just bank a, stella head here on al jazeera, the u. n. release has a plan aimed at the whole thing. sit on slide towards the founding caused by the ongoing conference. the now there's a re being spring pro because it has been raw, the mall spring light, and his normal mazda more range has been around and the still streaming side. and there's more rain developing, your notes is just the something you're a particularly or mine or your watch the next day or so that will bring significant
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from the stones. otherwise, it's the story of when it comes and goes away, it's up, it being some fatty dusty. weather is is the case. and the moment looking for the north charles are likely to come into the western side awful event and the most significant to talk to you really recently given to me to flash flooding. let me take you from saturday to sunday. that's the developing storm system. now mind that he's got to bring some funding with it, joins that was what's happening in iraq, afghanistan and no impact is done significant, right? or even snow. and these channels become a bit more extensive in syria and probably in the some possibly rock as well, with the wind changing direction, but still bringing a dusty atmosphere to much of society. maybe not surprising. seasonal rains in africa afresh has final decides to drive across to come route indent was halfway through and go to this is normal, but they haven't been enjoyed by everyone to the site as it has been quite for a couple of days. and it's still not particularly weapons in bobbie where you might like it, but for south africa, it's going to get stormy. once again. the
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in thailand, defamation is a criminal offense. critics. a powerful people, a using the quotes to silence with the lowest 101 east investigate. so allegations that defamation case is being used for invitation and concealing corruption. speaching up in time 9 to 0. we don't simply focus on the politics of the conflict, is the human suffering? that's the report to us. we brave bullets and bombs, and we always include the views from all sides. the
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book i'm actually watching out a 0. let's remind you about top stories. the sound pulls and 50 rockets of the middle ones from the southern 11 on towards the northern israel. some of the rockets were intercepted by israel's line during system 11. he's on the group has, but has claimed responsibility for the entire thing. while the us president obama has one iran not to attack israel around. so he does have threatened to retaliate, often as well thumbed to tear on the content of the building and damascus. 5 and says the us as diverse said to the defendants, this route 3, john, us, 2 are working on the outskirts of the owners. here with refugee camp and gaza, injured unofficial say, was a targeted is really attacked one of the victims across the chest for 3 or clearly identified as members of the price to all the news now. and a new transitional governing council has been appointed in hazy of to weeks of intense negotiations. a wave of increasing gang violence has forced entering prime
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minister already a long way to and now was his resignation. last month, at the time that on reset, he had stepped down. once the council was in place. now the 9 member panel will show up how with a newly appointed prime minister, though governed for the next 2 years with the aim of creating a pos towards the elections can lives is a john list of the hate to leave, attain newspaper. he says, and political crisis in haiti is a long way from being resolved. the 1st thing is, the only thing they've done so far is they've published it in the journal of record called the money to monitor. it doesn't actually install them. in fact, it doesn't even state who exactly the 7 voting members are. this is because they keep swapping in and out. and you know, there's all kinds of infighting and even division among the various groups that are pointing the representative on the council. so this council, if it ever even gets in place and you know, frankly the already on re,
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is still the prime minister facto, because he said he would turn over power once this council was in place and it's not in place yet. so it's been coming coming coming, but it's not very yeah. and the whole thing is so completely a dysfunctional because all the different corners of the very fractured political class are represented. and so they're, they're just going to be a squabbling mess. many, many, most patients, all even venture are opposed to it because this was concocted, and washington sold to the world by car. com and all the people who are taking part in it are seen as traitors. basically, it's not a haitian lead solution is not edition solution. in any way, it's in washington so or she to do nice nations has warms that they should monitor
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in crisis ensued on could western dramatically in the coming months to bring some regions into famine. fighting into john broke out last jazz between the army and the power military rapids support forces. out of there is gabriel. as under reports now from un headquarters and you monday will work one years since the start of the war in sudan. a war that doctors without borders is calling a colossal man, made catastrophe. and these womic relief worldwide organization is saying that sudan is at the risk of imminent collapse. listen to these latest numbers from the un. you re 25000000000 people should be in are in need of humanitarian assistance. 5000000 people are just to step away from famine. and almost 2000000 sudanese have fled to neighboring countries. on friday, michael dunford, a top world food program official in east africa,
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told reporters here at the you when the 18000000 sudanese are now being classified as acutely hungry given the livelihoods of pain impact. they've given that so many of the population is placed over a 1000000 inside the country, given that there is no student ease in the entire country that is touched by the conflict. people simply will not have the means to be able to put the food on the table. and this is why we are desperately concerned that the 5000000 in 5000000 population in emergency levels of food and security a likely or to move into catastrophic levels in the coming months. this is really a very real risk of becoming the largest thunder crisis anywhere in the world, if not already. also on friday, the un released a sudan spam and prevention plan. this 46 page document looks at many
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different aspects of this, but also focuses on expanding treatment programs for malnourished children. also increasing preventative measures, like breast feeding support and coordinating efforts across multiple a groups all aimed at addressing this humanitarian disaster and preventing further famine catastrophe. gabriel's on the out just here at united nations, new york, i placed that teen people have died in kenya during weeks of heavy rain and flooding. the united nations estimates more than 15000 people have been displaced across the country since the status of the wet season. last month. several villages had been complete state in on days or by federal. she was leaving many homes destroyed and forcing thousands to seek shelter, and schools. authorities have full cost even more heavy rain until june. thailand's foreign minister has visited the border with me. i law of the days of
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fighting between rebels and that countries military john to the top government says it's willing to offer temporary shelter to some 100000 refugees escaping the conflict. tony chang reports from the timing on my board. thailand. foreign minister visiting the board to check point through which thousands of refugees passed. and the last 7 days is it to make a point. he much right to the center of the friendship bridge, the message, despite the chaos and me and my thailand is in some control. speaking to the media, he said the tenant is prepared for a $100000.00 refugees. the crisis gets worse. the day we sent messages to the state administration council, the amendment that we don't wish to see violence. we've recently talked to us in members about issuing a statement, so that violence can be decreased in mima. so the a and her children, i'm so confident they foot from the home outside the town of me
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a what do you and me a month, a week ago. but like many of those pulling into thailand, they have a network of friends and a family to rely on model. we don't need any humanitarian support. we came here to stay briefly because of the fighting. my children are working at a factory in mass. all right, so i have a place to live and i don't have any food problems because the factory provides food and they bring it home. the greater humanitarian need is in myanmar itself. foreign ministry officials met with you in refugee agency in may. so during the ministers visit, now, the controller of the board of crossing has changed hands. they'll be hoping aid can play more freely. this is the exact point of which thailand crosses into myanmar in the middle of the moines river. and now there is a different military force in control of the border of the head. many people would like to see a flying in to me and to the people,
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desperately need people such as these that attempt to those displaced by fighting in kind of states. north of may already you an estimate small than 10000000 people inside me and my own getting enough to eat. fuel is also in desperately short supply. will let people have funding ingenious ways to get by. with the rainy season approaching, the shortages will learn to get worse, as even the heaviest beast button. struggle to get through the month to month. tony chung out 0 on the time. yeah. and mobile to, to the court has ruled that equity was full of vice president. jorge glass must remain in jail despite judges confirming that his arrest golf street was legal and 3 judge tribunal rule. that class must complete his prison sentences to previous corruption. convictions causes, oh, it says he will appeal to harangue. he was arrested a week ago during rate and 5 police on next cruise embassy and key to where he had
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source, assign them since december a comp on has injured at least 4 people in columbia. and the explosion happened just a few minutes has run a police station and kalika stays. it comes a week off to are some of the bombing fine officers of the fog rebel grateful b and c. calcutta is one of 3 regions where the government suspended a ceasefire. with in c, often the matter of and indigenous women and launch piece talks with the group again. last year. new zealand government is reducing the number of migrant workers that it accept. the new visa restrictions are ways to get more locals into employment and to use inflation. but the change in policy will leave some work as an employee is worried about the future as when hey reports now from oakland. so many years businesses of all sizes have relied on good cuz from outside the zealand to survive. now the government says there are too many foreign workers here and it wants new zealand is to feel low skilled jobs. i'm not sure with the local does
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um to be honest. a lot of curious um doesn't refer to work on a hospitality and they prefer uh, office work like 9 to 5 labor shortages pool was by the code. the 19 pandemic all but disappeared last year. when 173000 people migrated to new zealand to fill job vacancies. now with the economy and recession, the government has reduced low skilled with visas from 5 to 3 years. many, many my friends facing uncertain future. we invited many americans to come over here during carpet, di vegas as that and help our society here to be able to kind of be and then suddenly because we are no longer needing them. we are just simply kicking them out of the country. there were also high an english language requirements which the government believes with help prevent work is being exposed to abuse.


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