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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 13, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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i'll just say are investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe lounges here. the the israel lopez strikes on the southern level, racing say is a why the conflict has the law fighters in southern lebanon, 5 molding 60 rockets towards mold and israel overnights. the thoughts of robin are watching, obviously, are life and coming up. the us president warden's iran against attacking israel. j barton says he expects retaliation for the attack on the radio embassy and syria.
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sooner rather than later. overnight this way, the buildings in garza city killed 5 palestinians modem, 30 others on images and the stopping attack of the shopping. not in australia, local media, and simply say, several people looking to the suspect attack it shocked by police. the spoken to the bank and we'd be getting southern level what israel has was a series of strikes, local media, all reporting loud explosions across several locations. something like that on the same regular cross folder exchange. the 5 between is by default as of the group has belong since october. these rarely asked writes come off to more than 50 rockets below and from southern 11 on towards that the gallery in northern israel, of the okay, 5 gallon heights. some of the rockets and septic by is really in the ad defense
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systems. the lebanese on group has the law has claimed responsibility full days the times. these way the army says no injuries have yet to be reported. let's call say, if it's a highly osh him, he's in time in southern lebanon, it's a fast moving story and it's changing by the, our ally indeed. and also we change our location to enough water on the borders directly. in fact the uh, the is really what things i've talked to several other targets in the the refund mountains. that's to the southeast on the goes to the border and according to the is read the mid 3, the hit that has the law positions the now this comes to just a few hours of the hezbollah launched things up for kits, according to his beloved statement ends. up rockets were launched watts and his really military position in the occupied golan heights. and of course, this is a significant,
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a talk 1st with the number off like it's you 2nd with the i was i talking the occupied golden heights that doesn't happen. and in general, accept if somewhere in the depth and deliberate needs depth is adult as well as that that this is in retaliation to as rose attacks on live in these southern villages also has will upset that it's launched to exclusively didn't drones to walk through almost enough diety, which is a community, you know, then as restoration is very 1071 is anticipating what could be the next that seems happening here, especially the escalation is mount. that's been mounting over the past 6 months. yet, within a setting rules of engagement that are being updated day after day, it's clear that what that but has below or is what it's trying to do is hating ministry positions, arm and a 3 targets. however, on the other side, there are on several occasions to civilians who are being killed in these attacks. how should the force in the cooler in southern lebanon?
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thank you. now, yes, present, joe biden says that he expects around to attack is around sooner rather than later . does issued a one word warning that it follows a strong commentary runs closing the building in damascus earlier this month around and says was carried up by his room around. so he does have threatened to retaliate and these right, the army is on the pilot from around the expectation sooner than later it wrong in this moment. don't our american personality the americans use that risk as well. we are devoted to the defense of israel. we will support is real, we will defend, help defend israel and iran will not succeed. that's closer to him. run called
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enjoys aside from lucky bodies. 3, so i'm leaving monitoring this obviously for 4 weeks now in run, we just have to bali hash and say that little rock is a being fired into knolls, and israel come, we expect reaction from israel. a thing you're already seeing a reaction already. we've seen the, the is already have full as mine, as strikes into solvent 11. and that's the kind of thing that will continue to go on throughout the day. but the big question that's being offered here and then is ready circles is, is this the opening salvo is attacked by has voted the opening salvo in the around in response, the attack on the consulate in damascus? is it the response? is it something that the is riley's, are going to be able to deal with now, these radius, over the last few days, i've been talking about this 48 hour window. they said that they were expecting an attack within 48 hours. you don't know where they go, that time frame from,
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but certainly something they've been talking about. and this has bullet attack has come within that 48 hour window. remember also we have heard from the supreme data over iran, how many who said that they will avenge this attack, this a man who doesn't really make empty threats when he says something is generally followed up. so the big fan in israel is this was, this has bullet attack, the opening salvo and will that, which is the real cancer being attacked from ronnie entire tree into is right, he's her tree. and of course him run the us saying that they have, as we heard j barton saying they have is rails back what, what does the, how long the is what he said, he think a very interesting gaming keeping the us attached to all the problems that are happening right now, whether it be gaza, all beyond these very bold as well, at least publicly president joe biden has proven his law in once again with these
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writings they are a key ally. you would expect that to happen. but a lot of military analysts, even in within, is really media, suggesting that this is what palm is the benjamin netanyahu as always wanted. he's wanted a big american role within the region. i'm. this is go ahead and let's just take a look at the practical things that are happening to us is now moving more assets of naval assets in particular into the region that backing up will they call the american presence in the region. but they're also gearing up for any kind of response that might take place. they had the come under a st comp. he's effectively the mind intelligible, us forces within the region has extended his visit here in israel for another day where he's taking meetings. the americans are completely lock step with is ro, hey, that's something the prime minister benjamin netanyahu is going to be very proud of . and he's going to be talking about this more and more. he is all called himself, often the american west front, the guy,
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the can speak to the americans or this is working out very well for him politically, but then you have other measures of intake. and we're hearing that the embassy, these really going to see in the netherlands has also been shot. several of the embassies are on the highlights. so that is this the ring of a move towards an attack by iran. but what that looks like, no one really knows, right now called force the an occupied east, jerusalem. the 5 people are being killed and over the buildings in gauze. a city rescue is i'll still looking for survive as often as randy attack on the residential building. at least the 2 of us have been injured according to civil defense. let's get the latest from tyler covers name, who's in rafa. just bring us up to speed really, why we should be focusing in terms of this rescue and recovery scenario that's unfolding overnights of the yes was actually so hell. the scenario sounds really critical in the ground here as
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a is really mandatory is, has been pop scaling, smell it cheap apartments and as strikes in multiple areas overnights. and even in the hours of today's morning, as is rarely met at trees, folks pass and has said that the is ready for us to have bounded more than 30 targets in the past few hours. of course, the seats enclave. now one of the leg just have to talk, it says an agree i agree, cold, true lambs, internal parts of bait, handle in town, alongside with a residential building in a gallons. a city where a number of casualties that have been afforded by the key focus right now is the, is ready for ration that isn't so ongoing in, on the so right. a refugee county is what the ministry has said that their operation will last for days, as they are right now, are stationed on the the, you know, the right part of a new start rob. they have been carrying out wide scale, raising operations for agriculture labs. and may lead to our depending on use it in on using excess of funding power. they've been destroying building, i've talking journalist also who appeals being made by people that are on april,
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to flee from the locations and the areas of confrontations we're back to are still raging. which from us find isn't the, is really so just in particular, in all areas for a decent on this iraq refuge account that are so close to the east. very recently established corey deal with that splits. but we know that part of this how that part of the territory as of the bottom and continued the without any kind of late topping fighting. no one else strikes to help. thanks very much. tony covers the, the for us in rafa as well as topic mentioned. these are the bombing of jobs as killed at least 18 on palestinians of the past 24 hours and then just molded a $120.00 of those dozens of us twice of hit. but that's with the refugee camp in central galls, a and all kind of a spoke to some of the displaced palestinians to come we're currently in the so you got in allowed the hospital with all of the injuries and the killings are coming
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here from the slate off after that is really forces southern the in they did the area, the situation in the say about the reference account is very dangerous. now we're a couple of meters away from a i'm the say, right? if did you come? the situation is very hard. people are not being able to evacuate, they're not even able to move. even i'm getting into is are having a lot of difficulties to reach the areas we can hear the drones. we can hear uh the artillery selling and also air strikes. and what's very scary is people are not even able to leave their houses because there are lives in munition and clubs. copters everywhere of this is the only hospital currently operating at in on this a refugee camp. and most of the severe injuries are transferred to the hospital for more than 2 days. now, on this i ran a refugee camp has been under intensive funding. under intensive fighting and
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policy news cannot leave the house garden fisher zone. and we were sitting peacefully and all of a sudden explosions were dropped to his head when black. we were initially displaced from kansas city to news around then to rafa. and then back to news around the game. but there was no safe change in the entire own place, and i know more about them, these really forces destroyed our homes and we were forced to good hon eunice. up to one and a half months. we were again forced to head to offer what we spent 2 months in tens under ruthless bombardment last night in the state. it was the worst in 10 shelling missiles and bombardment. when we reached the area that we would see people seeing evacuating to didn't but or any other area, but unfortunately they do not even have the ability or the right to evacuate their houses. this isn't the odyssey to under so you don't the use to be honest, almost friday that we mean following this last hour. also, a police in sydney are responding to reports of
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a standing attack and during several shop as a shopping, although it happened at the west, steal, sent a nibble, and died junction. the attack is reported to being shot dead by police. now. hundreds of people was at fault. we can shopping and were moved to safety. now, as you can see, people just moving out of the cold and area of the shopping center. i saw a woman lying on the floor. miss chanel? sorry, i didn't see him properly. i was running, but on it's just, it was insane. it was insanity. i wasn't expecting it in by running around saving. seems pretty random. we were just looking. somebody was injured down there. we just looking because everyone is looking to see what was going on. then we saw all the people running towards this and then we had a shot. and my husband drag this into the dash shop. and then we got the lady that china locked the doors. and then she put it up the front door. so we,
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we went into the office which was, which is a lot, and then we were in there until the police came to get some of the witnesses that talking about their experiences. these a lot of pictures now at ground level just outside the shopping mall itself. i noticed west field, it's a phone died junctions like close to bond type beach, but not quite. the lights was full and we are expecting police assistant commission to enter the cook to make a statement to the press, the airy, it's still cold and off at the moment then it will be i think it was a busy saturday afternoon when this all happened. the round about 2 and a half hours ago of those reports as you had was eye witnesses saying that it was a man that was stopping randomly. and then he was dealt with by security officers. it seems that security services were on the scene very quickly, but both died junction is a very busy area, is the end of the train line. what is a busy coming to help people actually not any lives that,
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but lots of tories come to shop fast. and then from that, they move in buses and sometimes go to those beaches roles of sydney hall. but we are expecting a new south wales please. as i say, to make a statement, we're waiting for the assistant commissioner to come through those tools. it was a 2 minute warning, but i don't think he's coming out quite yes of course, we will continue to follow the police statement as of the way it happens. are still a head to hold. i'll just say, i'm just drafted reporting from the called keep region of ukraine. we're up to a ukrainian, a different system. as russia continues one of his heaviest, baldwin, crane, and energy infrastructure. civil began the interview. now more the us army use the highly toxic herbicide with catastrophic
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consequences. agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare. a decade later, the same happened, the us state of oregon, these helicopters flying over the ridge spring something and they didn't even see the case. for 2 women fought for justice. i get some of the most powerful forces in the world. the people versus agents orange analogies 0 the, [000:00:00;00] the book about you watching on just bear with me. so ron, reminder of all the top stories is really full, is this of most a series of strong salt in southern lebanon. now, the of the lebanese on the group has blown 5 dozens of rockets into northern israel
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. some way it's set by, is there any defenses us present j pardon, has warranted wrong? not to attack is right. the wrong stages of threaten to retaliate times to israel, bump and wrong, comes to the building in damascus. biden says the us is devoted to the defense of israel. 5 people have been killed and mold and says he and did an overnight is rarely a time come dogs of cities, the strike kid, a residential building, the dozens of strong souls that had been misled best, which he comes in central tasser. the thailand is preparing to accept small migrant sling fighting and neighboring me in law after the fall of the board to town in the in law to rebels. we got a break house of the actual story guys frank, frustrated with police. the assistant commissioner, entity cook, is about to talk about 10 past right this afternoon. i might have walked into westfield, a bundle or junction. he's less besides
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a very shortly after and returned about 20 past 3 as he moved through the sand. a hand guys with about knowing people it is see that during that engagement a close to those people, they believe by stabbing them with i went and he was carrying very clearly a range of reports. we might have the incident police attended promptly. i single unit officer inspector of police was the boy attended, went into the center directed by a range of people she confronted defend who had moved by this tides to level 5 as she continued to roll quickly behind him to catch up with him. he turned size to rise to know if she decides to far um, and that person is now deceased as always,
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that there are saw as victims who are now deceased as a result of the actions of this defendant. there are more than several of the people who had been combined to hospital a number of eyes are in serious annual critical conditions that besides, you know, i do not have the information in relation to the descriptions of those people. i know one of them is i smoke home as ease location in those instance. i critical incident has been displayed on investigations in relation to the meta has 2 mates, and i'll continually buy that the same and number of the hospitals in the neighborhood area from fairly mentoring, for example,
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the pm that this person has acted online and contains that there is no continuing street police, as i've said, have some insight investigations into the matter which will continue through the evening as i've said or do not hesitate files of victims to hesitate to all this individual know those who have died to hospital for treatment. so i cannot provide you the information in relation to then finally decided that very clearly have hot sco, suitable eyesight, do anyone touched the light? is terribly interested in this afternoon. i do not have information in relation to the say. now i do not know at this stage to ease you would be you would understand this is what role
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a car is very new and we are continuing to like attempts to identify the offender in this matter is that is it for the moment in terms of the information that i have for you right from yourself. i'm saying a good evening, everyone, shortly after 3 o'clock, tonight and yourself, all samuels for safe, multiple triple 0 goals for post and stuff with the must football. now junction, we have responded a total of 40 resources to the same to remain on the same steel that included a total of $4000000.00 times new cell phones, ambulance system, transported heights, patients to various facilities, hospital facilities across shoot me an assist a total of 6 patients who have main thing to so something pushes, i'm sorry,
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i think there's something that we're aware of at the same that would indicate any body for any audiologist without ruling anything. yeah. same time we went back. yes, i do not know, but i do know is that he did end up send out at 3 o'clock he left for a short period returned at 320. what is that? i know i saw some description or done have those particular what is the period of time when this all happened to very, very quickly, the officer was in the navy. cindy attended on hey ryan, was guided to the location of the offend, bought people who were in the center, and she took the actions that she did, saving a range of people's lives. so i need to inspect and inspect it. that's why i same place on she was on her right.
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jane guides immediately on. busy will not have any indication of any motivation coming from the say that or you can, must appreciate things of very, very wor, at this time. and we are in the very early stages of the investigation is one of the major i don't have that data. so this is a really difficult circumstance, not very big crime scene here. what's the police investigation? got to be, why haven't expedited, lengthy exam, precise reports of people we have, we're working through the crossing to retire and control. and you would understand
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that the 1st and foremost it's about dealing with this terrible situation, making sure that all people are safe and then working through. ready and returning to normal. so how do you know from says, marching say, say to the ladies and james, all, i'm sorry, it's really difficult at this very early starts to get more information. i'll be briefing air executives shortly. and i understand that they will take up to the breaking slide and i had another window police system commission to enter the cook speaking give me a very detailed information to a set me. these basically has to the moment of the incident that happened at the westfield bone dice station shopping, about half of the 10 past 3. that's around about 3 and a half hours ago. 9 people injured by the one individual with a nice 5 confirm that at least 6 of those have been taken to hospital
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a female inspect uh was the 1st person on the scene. she was guided by people in the shopping mile to war. so yes, and he turned around, tried to confront her, she shot him and he is now dead. we do not know, according to the assistant commissioner who the individual as, as the investigation continues and those that have been injured. all those that have died have not been named yet because it's an ongoing police investigation. these are the initial findings as a uh, the assistant commissioner and of course more details will be given in the house. i had to close as i live pictures from outside the shopping while it is inactive, a crime scene and it will be cold and golf. so certainly the rest of saturday may be into sunday walk investigations continue. that won't tell us to me. it has been killed and 25 others injured in an attack by dozens of is riley settlers and the occupied westbank. the group slipped into a village near by law, after
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a teenage settler with missing on friday. not dozens of homes and vehicles was set to on fine into april. he is for us with us from the village of alamo, high and occupied west bank of every 10 situation. i need to open items into the day. i yes, so here we could not get to the yet, and i'll show you what, why we have here in central because these really forces, as you can see, have soft top. this check points preventing old cars from going to the village and the surrounding villages that have been under attacks by is wally such as this is the main road. and we would expecting the funeral of the 25 year olds has been killed by shuck. there's fire as they read the ear yesterday in the afternoon of the priest of looking for the 14 year old, subtler who has went missing. basically what we're seeing now is not only that this is a road this cruise, although the roads have been close,
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some of them at the start of the war, basically as part of what is read. it has been imposing, in terms of closures on roads, but also with the seeing settlers in different areas all across the villages set out and the drama law, making it nearly impossible for palestinians to get to the you, you know, when these attacks happen them yesterday was a very large attack when it comes to a, how many settlers, where did the majority of that more arm? but usually what happens is the palestinians try to go through those villages as part of like collective defense of the people there. but we, as we're seeing now, those villages are 2 to be shut out and did you know the funeral has had to stop the people there took the body and it still gets back to the hospital. so there is no funeral at the moment that there are a lot of fears and concerns of what could happen. he had a suck, there's a set on the, the areas that abraham,
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thanks very much for that update. say payment the occupied westbank on this call. so it will take you back to australia. these are live pictures coming from uh, west field shopping center. so cold and off. 6 dead, a 5 dead, 6 uh injured, um and police of called it off as an active crime scene. we're bringing both in that. you know, next bulletin to stay with us here on the spring bolts is all pervasive in your basically all pervasive kelly is great. okay . which implies is not absolutely everywhere and that's true. it's windy and wet for some lashley, it's the northwest running up to wisconsin even. it does tumble down through eastern europe, freeing wind and rain with it. so for the next 24 hours or so, it's going to be scuffling north, linkedin, and probably norway didn't knock and north and sweden and cease the most crowded
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wind and rain. but even here, temperatures are in the teams, as you can see. and then because the old gap is of the baltic states and move south, it will be a spell it right, but again tempted. i'm not dropping care. i'm from most of europe. they haven't changed the tools affect anything. they have risen even more. and a good example might be saving the hans good. deepest read appears to be around hungry and a few of the bulk and states zagreb is an example here. second degrees could be touching a new record for april, went above the average. does come down again because things do eventually change this come tuesday. and this heat has also come across the northwest of africa. been very help in the canary out because of the off show breeze, but look at this. a spinning potentially flooded very low energy, but within the winds is coming down to bring the heat down to newark shots as well . the
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and how will that affect the global fight against in place and promising to end


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