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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 13, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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they don't to biomedical research this block market creed, not only indeed just was probably made populations, but boots public health at risk. because unlike captive bred monkeys, there's no guarantee diana move up. pathogen free the who owns with at least 3 god sees they contain the ship link to and it's really building a close to the straits of homeowners. the folks around that are like bad quarters here and also coming up satellites to talk a palestinian village. johnston is bailey teenage goes missing in the occupied. westbank is a little just strikes on southern 11 of those up to his beloved fine dozens of
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rough kids across the border. and 6 people are killed and a stabbing attack of the shopping mile in sydney, australia. the suspect is shot dead by police. the welcome to the packet. we begin with their polls that are all revolutionary god has rated and sees to contain the ship in the gulf. it's believe the vessel was voted in the straits of home is a key transit point for world gas and oil supplies. if any media reported that the m s. c, l res, belongs to a company owned fine is very businessman, and the ship is being transferred to radiate territorial waters. also, jabari is a correspondent in the arabian capital tat wrong with more on this, obviously it's a developing story door. so what mode we know about this incident, which plays really into a much law just story within the region. it certainly um,
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so how this comes at a time when everybody's on edge, not only in iran, but in this entire middle east region, waiting for iran to respond to that attack on its consulate into voskus on april. first, what we do know about this particular incident is that the naval forces of the revolutionary guard and got on board this vessel via helicopter. and in the past few hours, as it was making its way to the strait of homeowners, to pass through. according to reports on their own state tv, the revolutionary guard sees this vessel and it is believed that it was making its way from the way to india. and it's a portuguese flag ship belonging to and is really billionaire. now what we do know is that the ship, the ship was seized in north west of the united arab emirates, a port city of which era. and it's now making its way to iranian ports. and we
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don't have any more details yet. we're expecting the revolutionary guard to release a statement usually in the past seems like this that we've seen from the revolutionary guide. they do fill the instead of themselves and they do release the footage to give us an idea of exactly how they managed to seize vessels like this one. and so we're waiting to get more information from the revolutionary guard and media division itself. also thanks very much, that obviously will come back to you once we get more information coming out of a ron, of course is being very busy day across the middle east because latest proposal is safe and they'll keep pod westbank the sides of the body of a missing 14 year old settler being found confrontations between israelis, atlas and palestinians, and the occupied westbank have happened since the teenager went missing. well, what sounds like gun fine was used near the town of dia did one to dispose,
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palestinians who were confronting sightless the reports. the settlers were trying to storm the town east of ramallah, under the protection of its riley forces to the abraham has mould from sin just in the occupies westbank. after a journey of 3 hours, the funeral procession of the 25 year old who has been killed by is really subtler as fire on friday, has finally made its way from the law to the village of the year. usually it's a, a road trip that does not take more than 10 to 15 minutes. but because of these really closures that have been imposed on different villages all across the occupied to us bank and mainly set on the look such as this one. the convoy had had, it's very difficult to be able to get to play it. we've been also seeing is where the subtler is gathering around it. many villages across the occupied west bank and
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also the villages sit down to and then when i get with hundreds and hundreds of subtler is have a tax palestinians on friday leading to the killing of the 25 year old the needs and also to leaving many palestinians injured processing is a very concerned that the cutting tension that has been created after the news of the missing of the 14 year old is really set there is gonna give policy is really such lives more momentum to be talking more and more palestinians, you know, palestinians already have been saying, and according to you and figures that this up to the attacks have been increasing against them using the fact that there are as really soldiers. they feel these raise up of those, the valves, the protection of those as really soldiers. this is why palestinians are concerned that the attacks already have moved from 3 attacks per day against palestinians in 2023 to 4 attacks in 2024 through means a very tense situation here in the occupied west bank or something that blown away
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is there any chance of those a new series of strong local media is reported that loud explosions have taken place in several places including mount to that i have the area seeing that regular close border attacks between his very forces and has bloss scientists since the will on guards have gun in october. now these really strikes follow the launching of more than 50 ball kits from southern lebanon towards a galley, an old, and it's right on the occupied go to the heights some way. deceptive body is really on demand defense system and no injuries have been to pull reports. it has block claimed responsibility for those attacks. anyhow, she was a correspondent joyce's not from the quarter in southern lebanon, very tense situation, that still being monitored by both sides very carefully. this indeed, so i just minutes ago has relies should a statement claimed responsibility for launching another drone into northern israel and attacking them and the treat position that this comes up to the day of that
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started with the several is radio strikes on different areas in southern level and how about the no casualties before to do this really ministry announced that these attacks were on has will infrastructure on mount for honda one you mention also and pull that down as to what's the southeastern 1000 just 20 kilometers from what we are standing they leave. this comes joseph to a few i was from has will last lunch in golf sands of rockets to us, the golan heights occupied golden heights. and that's of course, very significant for us, given the number of truck it's launched and also the location hitting the goldman was always spot. i mean, under the rules of engagement was always a rescue like retaliation to hitting the recall. volume is like 100 kilometers deep into the news geography. however, this time it's, it's different now for the why the context. this could be also part of the
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escalation that's being go, you know, and especially with everyone anticipating the range in retaliation to the kids and got the general in the reading and concepts in damascus. the last week, i have seen that for us in the career. thanks very much, and that's close eva. talk you body's true. somewhere in run, con is standing by in problem. we often say there are many moving parts to the middle. the story, the developing part now is happening in the goals unexpected, yet an interesting turn of events. it starts out. so you're right, and although is all, it hasn't directly responded to that maritime incident. it has issued a very strong statement via the is really all me spikes, but it's everything that we've had before bought. so there are a couple of key points that i want to mention. they 1st genuine regarding spikes and says one funds, trains, and homes, tara proxies across the middle east and beyond, and running back to mass starts at this 1 october 7th. ronnie backed his bullet,
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expanded this war and october 8th. and since then, a ronnie and back to militias in iraq and syria and iran, you back to these and you haven't expanded this into a global conflict. but the interesting thing, as you come slightly later, he says, is riley is on the high alert. we have increased alright and just to protect israel from further running aggression. we're also i prepared to respond to these ready defense policies is prepared for all scenarios. and we'll take the necessary steps together with our allies to defend the, to protect the people of as well as well. so what's really happening here is everybody within the military political establishment is now solely focused on the threats from wrong. this is actually something that is helping prime minister benjamin netanyahu, because before the attack took place against the running consulate on april, the 1st he was under tremendous amounts of pressure from the us to cool fa, unilateral sees why and goal is that he was under tremendous amounts of pressure
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from the bring them home campaign. the advocacy group for the captive was site and he hasn't done enough to bring those captives home. and he was also under a tremendous amount of pressure from protests with in the country. those protests were getting larger and larger and larger. now, the only thing anybody is talking about within his reading media within political and security establishment cycles is the threat from iraq. he's managed to turn that criticism into when deflected into something but now is galvanizing support for him. it's a shrewd political move and that's how it has been viewed by many military on this, not just within his role as hell, but abroad as well. anyway, thanks very much for that update. tim and kinda force occupied east jerusalem are not able to involving singles and so they have killed at least 5 people rescue is i'll still looking for survivors often is really a time called a residential building. at least the 2 others were injured. now that would be more tax targeting central and northern parts of the goal is to strip on
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a couple of assume has the latest from rafa. this is what has been run me, got this minute cheap compartment and it strikes in on this, a rock refugee campbell according to initial report that the is where the military had the composite. are you on run school in the know the route possible bundles iraq, a refugee camp. this school, as everyone knows since the beginning of the school, it has been time to be any vacuity since since uh, for thousands of palestinians, there are still people the truck insight coding for the rescue to be made within the coming hours box. civil defense crews are facing please a problem in terms of accessing and reaching to the location of that time. you think because of the is very intensive farming company in the us of the entire areas that have been what the collateral destruction because of the is what i'm going from bottom. it's over residential houses. but yet not only on mr. ross has been attacked to day, but also the northern parts of the territory were to palestinians have been killed in a value of refuge account in the north. and also most in
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a direct neighborhood has been reduced through the rubble. but clearly that is very minute to support to us and said that within the past few hours the is very forces . i found that we would then set the targets, of course, detached, 3 in gym. the police have shut down a palestinian congress being held in belin. the officer said, one of the main speakers was subject to a band on political activity, but gave no details. the conference was aimed at examining job and support the israel's will. on garza, germany denies accusations of complicity in genocide at the international court of justice. a still a head hey all the options that are fits the thoughts why shop isn't argentine are not convinced by government claims. the record high inflation is slowing the
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critical debate. pony farmers are angry, people have starving, and we actually have to exports a whole lot because we've money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments for addition to the highest level they've been using games for the policy to let me cut out of the student's name and date. and course the arrival inside story on al jazeera, growing up in greece, means taking action. welcome to generation change, a playful series. it seems to understand this highlands, the idea of moving item use around the world. we need to a political party that will talk about our problems. know how come from a generation? because 0, this is being seen the greek society, the system has no for most painters of working class people. there is a difference between being able to participate in the system and actually being
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represented in the 5th generation change on al jazeera. the government challenges here as well as the book about here, what you'll just bear with me. so romney does a reminder of all to stories of rainy and media says that around revolution regard, frustrated and seems to contain a ship and the goals. today the state's police that they need media says that the m . s. c. l res, belonging to a company owned by this rating. businessman in kansas is by any chance of now
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launched a new series of strikes, of southern level political media of oppose at loud explosions. in several places including mounts my hon and is rarely secularism. palestinians have confronted each other in the occupied west by cats with teenage settler, with missing gun font is being heard that the town of de one, it's reported that the sect lives were trying to stone the town under the protection of his right. the forces. let's get more and this by joining our correspondent need to abraham, who joins us from, in the same year in occupied. westbank is an incredibly 10 situation revolving child right now. is that the, the yes in today's we've been seeing his brand new set there is attacking another time houses in element out yet, you know, it took the couldn't void of the funeral of the 25 year old was been killed yesterday, 3 hours to get from the law to the advantage of that you have to let him rest, but not with seeing some of those burdening at least one home. there is also
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another attack going on in do my village, which is close to i didn't know that yet where we've been trying to reach local that they would barely able to pick up their phones because the attack is in 7th and is still going on. and we've been seeing pictures of smoke coming out of sorts in homes. we know that at least some of them are being birth burtons, biceps, or attacks. i have to say that, according to certain sources from is really media. they say that they found the bodies that they believe belongs to the 14 year old son that who went missing on friday after raising his chief. but it's unclear is that a body was, you know, xyz or that he died or that he was killed is complete at the moment. but what is the, is that the effects of going to be on the villages? this is a car that we just came across as we were making our way from grandma because we could not get to. i didn't like it, it's still set down to. * is really soldiers what preventing palestinians from getting inside those villages and also preventing dirt as well. and he and i have
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with me, i've been a wedge, who is the victim of the attack? the just to please need and see the where do we are, what is she and him to the salon flash? thank god you are safe. my phone number should be shutter when we were done the streets and driving my car. lot of cause all over the place, the close of the road in front of us and they attacked us. the circular have attacked us. they have their own things, and they attacked us, throw stones and they have their own guns with them. even look at the eyes. so the guns i was scared to death. a low monthly has saved us up. look what have they shocked too much? what i'm sort of holding on, and what i need to be clearly is i've got
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a shot in the gas was thrown to us the these are the reserves or floating the stones. what's up in the st. the say what i said, i have left the place i was trying to escape and the following these calls. so it might be the technical. have you ever been a tech before? no. this is the 1st time ever. yeah, no, no, no. i haven't expected that to that's why i was not saying astray. the under is riley occupation. so what are the facade? oh, i was him. that was from the baron sweets of the west bank, but somebody the know i'm supposed to get with them said to the west, the bank. i was the people, those 3 that is way it is go. i'm not it that me and move to the side or do you have come to him so much? i mean, i have talked to the insurance on the box and they told us that they don't know the settlers,
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what tech to us is the cause. as you can see is broken as well. so that means that the insurance company should go with this other stuff. but if they don't want to know, i love you. oh, they come to know the settlers. that was why nobody remembers chaplain. and i'm just, i'm just much i the, i was not in the face on the deluxe issue and i've changed the find the item. i think to hear the people here do not feel that they can seek safety from their knee. there is from anyone, there is a lots of contempt, not only when it comes to the fact that there's really some of those have been growing in numbers and also attacking palestinians. but they feel that they've been left alone by the leadership bottling those suckers who already before the war and garza with arms. but after that would we've been seeing them getting more and more access to arms intimidating and skating palestinians here in the occupied with the
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abraham. the thanks very much close will continue to monitor the events there in senior with new to as the day progresses. thank you. 6 people have been stopped to death of a shopping mount and australia. several others were injured and taking the hospital including a 9 month old baby. hundreds of assess today's office, well evacuated from the westfield, sunset, and from the junction in sidney. please. sure, that'd be a target. they say it wasn't totally related, but it's still investigating the motive. i saw a woman lying on the floor. miss chanel? sorry. um. i didn't see him properly. i was running foot on. it's just, it was insane. it was insanity. i wasn't expecting it in by running around saving seems pretty random. we were just looking, somebody was injured down there. we just looking cuz everyone is looking to see what was going on. then we saw all the people running towards this and then we had a shot. and my husband drag this into the dash shop. and then we got the lady that
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china locked the doors. and then she put it up the front door. so we, we went into the office which was, which is a lot, and then we were in there and the police came to get us about to be leased and joined in bern, calling again in occupied these truths. what was that very, very busy day cost them at least and what was so much happening, we just heard from need to be occupied. westbank talking about an incident of, of a teenage it is a, a satellite teenager who went missing. i believe you've got some more of a statement on that from these riley's that's, that's the right. the is ready. prime minister himself, benjamin netanyahu is issued a statement. he's been very blunt, but he knows mother of the use of benjamin uh, humor may. he rest in peace is a great crime. i send heartfelt condolences for his family, audio content that forces are engaged and extensive pursuit of the dismiss,
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despicable, murderous, and anyone who collaborated with them. he then goes on to say, i called on all is ready citizens to allow the security forces to do that work without interference so that we can bring the bar and the address to justice swiftly. he's referring that to this potential cycle of violence. there is already taken places. my colleague knew that abraham was just reporting that from the occupied westbank already on a settler notes as well as the onset look, well type groups that cooling for a, an effect or rampage. it but not using that word, but they cooling for direct action against palestinians. and this is a concern that if this happens, then it could spark something more in the west bank that we've seen in a very long time. so that's why he's been clear about saying that these reading police is ready, security, these are the only need to be able to do that jobs. but already the settlers have gone on the front page. and the problem is, the benjamin is that and you know, whose was cooling this heinous motor on gonna on gonna come tensions that in fact,
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they may well inflate intentions. indeed, i mean a monet, the certainly the past 6 months and post october, the 7th. we've been talking about the occupied westbank being a tinderbox for clashes. we seem overnight raids into various areas of the west bank, some of the refugee can some of the major cities. it has been pushed by the israelis or the pushback by those in the palestinian territories that kind of push back. but it's, it's cause a great deal and continues to cause a great deal of friction. yeah, you only have to take a look at all of our reposing as how the occupied west, like these res take place on in the night. the base is now before type of 7. it used to be the that was $5.00 to $1.00. maybe to raise those raise. oh and now multiple locations and they are also happening during the day. now this is a start to, these is raney's. have deliberately put in place any occupied westbank. they say
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they kind of to have mass targets. they going off to anybody, the is an armed fights of what we're seeing more or more is ready to palestinian civilians being arrested. and we say a lot more violence taking place within those areas. and men. com thanks very much and we'll keep pied westbank. that's what the news now and people in dollars in tina has struggled with reco high inflation to decades. the present, how the miller took office in december brought in widespread spending cuts aimed at rescuing the long, struggling economy. now the government claims his measures to reduce one of the wells highest rates is working. but many people struggling with the cost of living crisis remain unconvinced. image and came the house. the story some shall pose in point is that he's hoping to catch you bulk. and as, according to the government, the soaring rate of inflation everyone has suffered for decades, has become dislike. nobody can see why it made actual, the price is
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a little the same. took advantage of coming to the market. thank you. they were going to be cheaper, but there's no drop in inflation. it's just what's economy say argentina's monthly inflation, right? picked in december a 25 percent and started to 11 percent last month. the origin tenens. so shopkeepers haven't reacted and the cost of living prices continues. low, low prices rose successively with the rise to the dollar. now the dollar dropped and stabilized, but no one would lower the prices. if there is no pressure from the 40s, the price is won't lower. when the right wing presidents have you, i mean they took office in december the fact and what he called decades of decadence and decline and introduced austerity measures, including costing states subsidies in energy and transport in a bid to cut the deficit and the pay. so was de valued by 50 percent, right? guess what? the i p i then go to thought it was when this government took office, they stopped issuing money altogether, even at the cost of making bisco adjustment,
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in order to cutoff hyper inflation. you have to stop issuing money, so the government decided, well, let's go for it. but the annual rates and inflation is almost 290 percent. that's a 30. yeah. hi. i'm one of the world's worst. the presidential spokesman to just that the government would kill inflation, but it's hard to say how quickly or more and no money bad your sense on the money tree side, we are doing everything we need to do the end of inflation a will be a reality. one, when of course we don't know because we don't have a crystal balls to tell the future. but the end of inflation can't come quickly enough. with an estimated 40 percent of the 46000000 origin kenyans stuck in poverty image and came out to 0. the severe drought is false in columbia as comfortable guitar to russian molten for the 1st time in 40 years, neighborhoods will be cut from the grid for 24 hours every 10 days. the rest of all
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the supplies, most of the cities, 9000000 resident says at 16 percent of capacity, the lowest level on rankled. the cost of all is present. the president has declared the state of disaster 3 types of dozens of forest fines. smoke for like bedding landfill is injured more than 200 people. 80 percent of the funds also spoke to to been started deliberately. the declaration by president the not the follow allows for funding to assist with the fire fighting, telling archeologists and the romans to have pompei oven covers an ancient banquet hole. well present bureau paintings will also have found a famous figure such as i live troy, apollo and cassandra pompei was destroyed by the wrapped in volcano india, 79, a d. it appears to be that it was with painted black to prevent the smoke from the oil lamps being seen on the walls. people would meet to dine off to sunset. the flickering lights of the lamps had the effect of making the images appear to move
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a upset for me. so if you could find out more information on the websites of elders, the dot com, the web is next to the inside story looks at the warning by the winds, climate chief of the mountains, he only has 2 years left to save the world. the the now is a bubble of hotels maybe and sitting over the korean peninsula and probably reaching some parts of japan just being eaten into by. this is an active line of thunderstorms. it's come through by using or will do doing something knocking, attempted back to about 10 degrees. so so goes from 30, which is possibly a new record for april on sunday. the enter button 19 is that same band comes in on monday that goes through to give you breezy weather was average temperatures. now how long it's been significant rain, so there's a potential flash flooding,
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but i think that potential lesson, so today goes on from the tail end of it. and it's still raining on and off in a good positive southern china gradings temperatures come down, but it's still on the high side and vision is up to 5, but it doesn't 24. now moving west in here, terms are up now we have had so if you remember, heat boarding, so last week say rather squeezed to some degree, all the units as about goes up to so it's not even for the next day. and so their readings come on to see, so let me try and get some foster care of that and share with adults and run elsewhere, significant thunderstorms, possibly. and roger's time or even beyond that, because an active systems coming through from around through i've done this down significant rain on this, which will hit the file size of the practice time in the file. knowles significant started in the high grand as the system a little boat is a mechanical or even that self driving train. the vehicle for them towards today
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can be human. only robots like me, will be everywhere, which is 0 documentary, which to lead on the weird and wonderful world of global land. think for you and even trust. i feel like i'm alive. but i know i am a machine origin of this, which is to mount a t has only 2 years left to save the well, that's the message from the humans climate chief. as more people worldwide deal with radical breaking temperatures and natural disasters, what more could be done to con emissions and cool all he thinks on it. this is inside story, the
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hello there and welcome to the program. i'm laura kyle. we've gotten just 2 years left to make the domestic changes needed to prevent a reputable damage to.


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